Proof Portfolio: Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions
Does Adobe offer certification? What ACA certifications are
Yes, Adobe offers the Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) available?”
certification for validating entry-level skills. Learn more at There are seven ACA certifications currently available:
• Web Authoring Using Adobe Dreamweaver
Why was the ACA certificate • Multiplatform Animation using Adobe Animate CC
created? • Video Communication Using Adobe Premiere Pro
The workplace demand for digital media skills—creating, • Visual Communication Using Adobe Photoshop
managing, integrating, and communicating information • Graphic Design & Illustration Using Adobe Illustrator
by using Adobe’s video, graphic, web, illustration, or
design software—is on the rise. The ACA certification • Print & Digital Media Publication Using Adobe
program will help educators effectively teach and validate InDesign
digital communication skills while providing students • Visual Effects and Motion Graphics Using Adobe After
with credentials that demonstrate real-world prowess to Effects
prospective employers and academic institutions.

What are the benefits of How is an ACA certification

becoming ACA certified? earned?
To earn an Adobe certification, an individual must pass a
When someone becomes ACA certified, it validates rigorous examination administered through a Certiport
their technical abilities and demonstrates proficiency. Authorized Testing Center (CATC). All Adobe exams are
ACA certifications are based on research about digital created with input from Adobe subject-matter exerts
communication skills required by industry, government, and are psychometrically validated. The scenario-based
and education. The scenario-based exams validate the questions provide real-world context for students. Each
expertise required for success in today’s digital world. Adobe certification exam corresponds to a particular
Industry-recognized certification programs ensure Adobe application used for digital media communication
students and teachers are acquiring the knowledge and and represents a single certification. You can also earn an
Learn more about ACA Certification. Adobe Certified Associate Specialist certificate which is
abilities valued in today’s workplace. For institutions
Visit awarded when an individual earns three qualifying Adobe
seeking to keep curriculum vitalized and relevant,
or call today at: 888-999-9830. Certified Associate certifications in Adobe Creative Cloud
certification plays a critical role in bridging classroom
learning to real world application. or Adobe Creative Suite 6.
ACA exams validate a test How do I claim my digital Can Creative Cloud and CS6
candidate’s knowledge and Adobe Certified Associate certifications be combined
skill using the following certification badge and use it? to achieve an ACA Specialist
question types. Once you have been issued an Adobe badge credential?
from Certiport, you will receive an email
• ACA CC 15 exams or older us scenario-based notification from Acclaim (admin@youracclaim).
No. Select Adobe Certified Associate Creative
contexts via two question types: Cloud exams qualify for the Creative Cloud ACA
That email will include instructions for claiming
• Performance-based questions simulate the Specialist certificates, and select Adobe Certified
your badge. Your badge will be tied to the same Associate CS6 exams qualify for the CS6 ACA
Adobe application, requiring the student to
email address used for your Certiport portal Specialist certificate.
complete a task or perform a function.
account. To learn more visit,
• Linear-based questions use traditional true/
false, multiple-choice or matching formats. What is the value of the ACA
You can announce and promote your Adobe Specialist credential?
ACA CC 18 exams use the certification to your network and potential
Digital-media projects often require cross-platform
employers by displaying your badge over LinkedIn,
following question types: expertise in more than one Adobe application. For
Facebook, Twitter and other online destinations.
• Working live in the Adobe application to example, a project that requires Adobe Photoshop
complete tasks and answer questions. may also require Adobe Illustrator and Adobe
• Rich-selected item types including multiple Do ACA certifications expire? InDesign to bring it to completion. Someone that
choice, drag and drop, hot spots, and drop Creative Cloud-based ACA certifications become possesses multiple-areas of expertise has an
downs. non-current three years after date of issue. advantage over their peers that do not.

How can I find out what is on What is an ACA Site License?

Who should consider
the ACA exams? Institutions can purchase an ACA Site License that
getting the ACA Specialist
includes access to ACA certification exams with
Learning objectives for the current ACA exams
an upfront, one-time annual cost. The ACA Site certificate?
are listed on Adobe’s website:
License includes access to the ACA certifications The ACA Specialist is for anyone with an interest in
using Adobe Animate, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Adobe digital-media applications. Often, these are
Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, students or employees working to advance their
How do I register to take an Adobe Affer Effects and Adobe Premier Pro in Adobe skills and may be looking for an effective
ACA exam? all available versions. The ACA Site License also way to validate those skills. ACA Specialist is
includes practice test software to prepare your a powerful credential to include on a resume,
Contact a CATC and register to take your exam. To
students college or job application or a design portfolio.
locate a CATC contact Certiport at and staff. It is also an excellent professional development
opportunity for teachers, instructors and academic

What is the process for What is the ACA Specialist administrators.

a school or institution to certificate?

What happens when
become a CATC? The ACA Specialist is a certificate awarded to
individuals who have earned three qualifying
someone earns their third-
Schools or institutions can easily become CATC
Adobe certifications in Adobe Creative Cloud or qualifying ACA Specialist
and administer ACA exams onsite. To learn more,
contact Certiport at
Adobe Creative Suite 6 (CS6). certificate?
or 1-888-999-9830 or email When someone earns their third-qualifying ACA Is the ACA Specialist an Specialist certificate, they will be notified by
Adobe Certified Associate Certiport of their accomplishment. Their ACA
What happens when I pass certification? Specialist certificate will be available in their
Certiport portal, along with all of their other
an ACA exam? No. The ACA Specialist is not a certification. It is a Adobe certification information. The certificate will
As soon as you pass an Adobe exam, your name valuable credential that validates one’s skills and show the date of the first exam passed.
and exam results are given to Adobe by Certiport. knowledge in select categories of Adobe digital-
media software applications. It does not require an
Your exam data is then entered into a database.
additional exam. When an individual earns three
If someone already has
You have access to view and print your official
certificate or to download the certification logo qualifying Adobe certifications, that individual will three qualifying Adobe
highlighting your accomplishment by logging onto be awarded an Adobe Certified Associate Specialist certifications will they certificate for a select digital-media category. automatically qualify to
receive an ACA Specialist
You can also claim your digital certification badge certificate?
Yes. Anyone that has earned three qualifying
Adobe certifications prior to the announcement
of the ACA Specialist will be eligible to receive an
ACA Specialist certificate.

Learn more about ACA Certification.


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