Lab Guidelines: & Standards
Lab Guidelines: & Standards
Lab Guidelines: & Standards
& Standards
Guideline Aims to Improve Autoverification
Techniques value, laboratory information system [LIS] vendors began to
offer simpler versions, calling the process ‘autoverification.’
“Realizing the great potential and improvements that can
With increasing pressure to maintain adequate turn- be made with autoverification, several of us proposed the cre-
tests targeted for autoverification,” Osella said. “It has helped “I intend to use AUTO10-A as a primary source of verifica-
us work more closely with laboratories to capture both pre- tion as the LIS system is implemented,” she said. “We employ
analytic and analytic parameters to assist in rule settings.” CLSI documents to assist us in meeting College of American
Osella recommends AUTO10-A to other laboratories, Pathologists (CAP) recommendations, and they provide a
particularly if some of their medical device or middleware quality source of good laboratory practice that is unavailable
vendors lack awareness of the regulatory and process chal- elsewhere.”
lenges laboratories face with building and testing autoverifica-
tion algorithms and rules.
Of particular interest are Section 5 (regulatory/statutory
obligations) and Section 6 (validation of algorithms), Osella
noted. “By understanding these requirements in more detail, Karen Appold is an editorial consultant based in
we can build some of these critical elements into our product Royersford, PA.
designs and software verification and validation activities prior CLSI is a global nonprofit organization that promotes
to release.” the development and use of voluntary consensus standards
Rhonda Yarbrough, BS, MT(ASCP), laboratory services and guidelines within the health care community.