B11.5 Interpreting The Menstrual Cycle
B11.5 Interpreting The Menstrual Cycle
B11.5 Interpreting The Menstrual Cycle
Name ...................................................................... Class .................. Date .....................
A large number of hormones are involved in controlling reproduction. This
is particularly the case during a female’s menstrual cycle. The four main
hormones involved are:
follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) – this causes the eggs in the ovary to mature (the eggs grow
surrounded by cells called the follicle)
luteinising hormone (LH) – this stimulates the release of the egg from the ovary, which is known as
oestrogen – stimulates the build-up of the uterus lining
progesterone – maintains the lining of the uterus
In this activity you will learn how to interpret menstrual cycle diagrams to
describe what happens during the menstrual cycle.
Learning outcomes
After completing this activity, you should be able to:
interpret menstrual cycle diagrams
interpret graphs with more than one trend line
describe how factors interact based on graphical information.
The changes that take place in the menstrual cycle are often displayed on a
number of graphs and diagrams arranged as one image:
The levels of hormones in the female body during the cycle are normally displayed as line graphs.
These can be shown on individual graphs arranged vertically (see worked example) or as one graph
(see Question 3).
The thickness of the uterus lining is normally presented in picture form on the graph.
The stages of an egg maturing can be drawn as a diagram (see exam style question) or as a time
line (see worked example).
Time is always displayed on the x-axis starting with day zero. This is the day a female’s period
(menstruation) begins.
Although these diagrams at first can appear very complicated you will find them
much easier to understand if you look at one factor in turn then comment on how
they interact.
Worked example
The diagram below shows the changes that take place during the menstrual cycle.
a State the time period during which an egg is released.
b Describe what happens to the thickness of the uterus lining during the
menstrual cycle.
c Describe what happens to the levels of FSH and LH during the menstrual cycle.
a Identify the factor on the diagram: The egg is released between days 12 and
16 – this information can be read directly off the time line.
b Identify the factor on the diagram: The thickness of the uterus is shown in
image three in the diagram.
Describe the trend shown by this data set: At days 0–2 the thickness of the
uterus lining decreases. It then begins to increase and reaches maximum
thickness at day 18. At day 27 the thickness of the uterus lining rapidly
Tip – Use numerical values taken from the graph to support your answers.
Tip – Remember to use measurement lines to take accurate data readings off
the graph. For this example you should use vertical measurement lines to read
values off the x-axis.
c Identify the first factor on the diagram: The levels of FSH are shown as a solid
line the top image in the diagram.
Describe the trend shown by this data set: The level of FSH rises slowly until it
reaches a maximum level at day 16. The level of FSH then decreases slowly
to a level slightly lower than the starting level.
Identify the second factor on the diagram: The levels of LH are shown as a
dashed line on the top image in the diagram
Describe the trend shown by this data set: The level of LH rises rapidly until it
reaches a maximum level at day 16. The level of LH then decreases rapidly to
its starting level.
Compare the two sets of data: At the start of the cycle there is more FSH
present in the body than LH. Both hormone levels then rise but LH rises much
more dramatically. After reaching maximum levels in the middle of the cycle,
both hormone levels fall again. LH decreases most dramatically. At the end of
the cycle both hormones are at the same level.
Tip – When comparing two sets of data comment on any similarities as well as
differences. If relevant, also comment on how the data sets interact. (This is not
appropriate in this example but you may be asked this in higher tier questions.)
1 Look at the diagram below.
(1 mark)
b FSH has a higher maximum level.
(1 mark)
c LH increases at a faster rate.
(1 mark)
2 Match each of the hormones to their function within the menstrual cycle:
C (3 marks)
(1 mark)
b State when progesterone reaches its highest level
(1 mark)
c State the time interval during which the woman has her monthly period.
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
ii Describe what happens during a period.
(1 mark)
b Describe the trend in blood oestrogen level.
(3 marks)
c State and explain how the diagrams above would differ if the woman
became pregnant.
(3 marks)
(4 marks)