Module 1 Activity 5 Detective You-Nan

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John Arvin V.

Escote Readings in Philippine History

BSCE-2A Ms. Irish A. Oxtero

Activity 5: Detective YOUnan: Explain each picture if it is primary or secondary sources based
on the discussion. Write your answers in the space provided. A rubric is also provided for your
guidance in giving the points.

From From

From From

From From

5pts Answer is incorrect but there is some correct support.
10pts Answer is correct but no support is provided.
15pts Answer is correct and there is some support.
20pts Answer is correct and the support is developed.
25pts Answer is correct and the support is fully developed.

- Primary and secondary sources are evaluated by its validity, reliability, origin, and
accuracy. First of all, the picture from is the original copy
of the novel “Noli Me Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo” made by Philippine national
hero Dr. Jose Rizal. The website is a nonprofit organization called Philippine Folklife
Museum Foundation based in San Francisco, California. Thus, the first image is
preferably a primary source, since the website ends in “.org” web address. In the second
picture from the website, this is an example of secondary
source. The image contains an instructional manual which uses different sources and has
an author. The website is a blog platform that is usually utilized by a writer or an
authorized person for creating diaries or blogs. In the third image, it came from The image is considered as primary source since it came from
internet blog website that helps Filipinos to seek historical information and job hiring. In
the fourth image, it came from the website It
came from an international website, maybe promoting their country. The image contains
travel brochures which is useful for seeking travel destinations with few, detailed
historical information. Thus, the image is a primary source. In the fifth image, it came
from the website The image contains art crafts
made by indigenous people which are promoting their culture. Since the image came
from a website for historical identity of indigenous people, it is considered as a primary
source. Lastly, the sixth image came from the website The
image contains textbooks about different subjects such as English, Mathematics, Physics,
History, and other subjects. As we can recall, the textbook is a secondary source since it
interprets and describes the primary sources to create detailed information for students.
Thus, the image is a secondary source. We also have to put in mind to evaluate some of
the sources and verify information about history to prevent taking biases and flaws.

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