Almita Screw Pile Design Handbook 2008

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Screw Pile Design

Engineering Handbook

Richard Schmidt, P.Eng.

Mohammed Sakr, PhD, P.Eng.

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 1  Fifth Edition 


Table of Contents

Introduction to Screw Piles

................. 3 
History of Screw Piles .......
............... .... 7 
Screw Pile Applicatio
ns .......
................ 8 
Part 1.  Soil Mechanics ........
............... ..... 15 
Part 2.  Bearing and Uplift Capacity ..............
............... .. 20 
Multi-helix Screw PilePile.......
............... ... 20 
Single Helix Screw Pile ........
............... .......... 27 
Torque Installation
Installation M Method
ethod for Predicti
Predicting ng CCapacity.....
................ .. 30 
Part 3. Calculatin
Calculatingg the Ultimate Resistance to Lateral Loads.........Loads.................
............... ... 31 
Lateral Ultimate Resistance of Piles.......
....... 35 
Deflection of Vertical Piles Carrying Lateral Loads Loads.......
......................... 37 
Part 4.  Moments and Deflections (CFEM 2007) ....... ...............
......................... 39 
Part 5.  Buckling of Piles.....................
.................... 41 
Part 6. Use of Screw Piles as Tieback Anchors ....... ..............
................. 44 
Part 7.  Selection
Selectio n of Screw PilePile........
......................... 47 
Part 8.  Corrosion Resistance
Resistance of Galvanized Screw Piles.............
..................... 50 
Part A.  Standards and Specificati
Specificationsons .......
..................... 52 
Part B.  References ...............
................. 58 

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 2  Fifth Edition 


Introduction to Screw Piles

A screw pile is a circular hollow steel pipe section (shaft) with one or more tapered
steel plates (helixes) welded to the shaft. Each steel plate is shaped into a helix
with a carefully
the ground with controlled pitch.
minimal soil This precision
disruption. allowsshaft
The central the pile to be
is used to inserted
torque during installation and to transfer axial loads to the helical plates upon
foundation loading. The central shaft also provides a major component of the
resistance to lateral loading. The pile is directed toward the soil and mechanically
rotated with constant downward pressure, advancing the pile into the soil. Once
installed, the anchor has bearing capacity in both tension and compression in the
subsurface by transferring the structures load to the bearing stratum. The pile
installation angle can range from vertical to nearly horizontal.

Figure A. Multi-Helix Screw Pile

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 3  Fifth Edition 


Screw pile foundations are also referred to as helical anchors, screw anchors,
torque piles or helical piles or piers. In this manual screw anchors will assume to be
in tension and screw piles in compression. Figure A shows a typical pile
configuration for pilings with shaft sizes in excess of 3-1/2” diameter. Figure B 
shows a typical pier configuration.
Screw piles can be manufactured using almost any pipe size. Typical pipe sizes
range from 2-7/8” to 16” O.D., although pipe in excess of 30” has been used. Helix
sizes range from 6” to more than 42” in diameter. The helix size is dependent on
the size of pipe, the soil conditions and the applied loads. In most cases, the length
of a section of the screw pile is generally limited to the maximum drive head height
on the installation equipment, which is typically 20’ or less. In Almita’s case, 33’ is
possible. Installation depth is limited by or controlled by the available torque and
depth of targeted bearing soil. To increase the depth of a pile, additional shaft
length can be either welded or bolted on.

Figure B.  Multi-Helix Screw Pie

Pierr / Anchor

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 4  Fifth Edition 


Almita screw piles and screw anchors typically consist of

a round steel shaft and one or more helical plates.
Spacing between any two helixes is usually three times
the diameter of the smaller, lower helix and set in
depend upon ofthe
helix pitch. Helix of
capacity size and
the pilequantity
and thewill
soil properties and conditions.

Design Criteria

The American Society of Civil Engineers defines “bearing

capacity” as that load which can be sustained by a pile
foundation without producing objectionable settlement
or material movement – initial or progressive – resulting
in damage to the structure or interfering with its use.
Figure C.  Twin Helix Screw Pile 
Screw Pile

Bearing capacity depends on the following

following variables:
  Type and properties of the soil;

  Surface and/or groundwater conditions;

  Geometry of the pile (pipe size, helix size, number of helixes, material

  Pile material (new steel only);
  Size of pile (cross-section, length);
  Embedment depth of pile;
  Position of pile (vertical, horizontal or battered);
 Spacing between piles (interaction of piles, group effect);

on torque; and
  Type of loading (static, cyclic, step-loading, dynamic loading such as

harmonic loading, impact, transient and others).


For piles subjected to uplift and/or frost jacking the embedment depth of the
uppermost helix shall be at least five (5) helix diameters or deeper than the
maximum frost penetration depth that is in the area.
The leading edge on the helical plates are rounded back and sharpened to facilitate
installation and to minimize disturbance of the soil during installation.

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 5  Fifth Edition 


The lead ends of the piles are cut to a 45º angle to aid in targeting of the pile
during installation.
Helixes are cut from plate steel and formed using matching metal dies. The dies are

set to provide
shape the
is a “true helix with
flight”. the required
The helical pitch,
plate shall betypically
normal 3.00”
to the or 6.00”.shaft
central The (within
three degrees) over its entire length. The helix is shaped so that it threads into the
soil much like a wood screw going into a piece of wood.
Piles are installed into the ground via drive head motors using rotary hydraulics
attached to a variety of equipment. Boom mounted power utility trucks, skid steers,
mini and large excavators, nodwells and many other types of equipment, even
handheld units are used.
Torque is continuously monitored and recorded throughout the installation of each screw
piling. Continuous recording chart recorders are used to measure the hydraulic pressure
that is used to drive in the piling. For small shaft piles there is a direct relationship
between installation
during installation torque the
provides and installer
screw pile capacity.
with a profileContinuous monitoring
of the underlying soil of torque

Figure D.  Foundation Installation, Benalto, AB 

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 6  Fifth Edition 


History of Screw Piles

Screw piles were first used as foundations for buildings and bridges built over weak
or wet soil. They had limited use for much of the 19 th and early 20th century as
torque motorswasbecame
and assistance. During
the installation the 1960s,
process becamehydraulic

Figure E.  Piles in 1838 

First Documented Use of Screw Piles

Screw piles were originally used primarily for their resistance to tensile forces.
Utility companies frequently used screw piles as tie-down anchors for transmission
towers and utility poles. Recent years have seen screw piles being used in many
different applications. The piles’ strong resistance to both uplift and bearing
pressure allow them to be used in situations where resistance to combinations of
these forces are required.
Screw piles offer many advantages over traditional pilings, such as speed of
installation and immediate loading capability. These advantages have made screw
piles an ideal foundation for many mainstream construction projects.
Today, large truck mounted torque heads capable of delivering more than 60,000
ft. lbs or torque and excavator hoes capable of achieving torque greater than
140,000 ft. lbs. are available. These new advances in equipment have made it
possible to install piles of large diameter (both helix and pipe) and high capacity.

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 7  Fifth Edition 


Screw Pile Applications

Screw piles and helical piers have been used on a wide variety of projects in
Canada, the United States and throughout the world. Uses for screw piles include
foundations for commercial towers,
towers, telecommunication and residential buildings,
temporary power
structures, transmission
light standards,line
substations, oil and gas industry structures such as pipe rack support, tanks, bank
retention, and retaining wall tiebacks. A screw pile can be used in virtually any
situation where driven or cast in place piles are currently used.
Almita currently supplies screw piles for many industries, including:

Oil and Gas Industry

Screw piles are ideal for many applications within the oil and gas industry.
The piles are rugged, low maintenance, and mobile, which makes them ideal
for use in the field. With a strong resistance to vibration and/or cyclical
loading, screw piles can be placed under pump-jacks and compressor
stations. Other applications include: pipe-racking, skid buildings, flare stacks,
tanks, dehydrators, separators, etc. Our installation trucks are fully capable
of installing piles in all climates and conditions, and our field crew is properly
trained to perform in-situ modifications, if they have access to the design

Figure F.  Pump Jack Foundation, near Eckville, AB 


Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 8  Fifth Edition 


Power Transmission Lines &

Telecommunication Towers
Almita provides customized turnkey solutions for
the power transmission and telecommunications
industry. Transmission and communication
towers require a somewhat unique foundation. A
typical project involves large uplift and lateral
loads and often covers long distances with
diverse geotechnical conditions. In many
situations, power transmission lines traverse
unfavourable soil conditions such as muskeg or
very soft, wet soils. In such situations, screw
piles are the preferred construction option as
they can be custom designed for each site and
the equipment required for installation is
relatively small. While many screw pile suppliers
that a single
works in all “worst case this
conditions, scenario” design
approach is
typically costly. Almita assesses and interprets Figure G.  Transmission Line Tower
geotechnical conditions along the route line and Foundation, Near Fort McMurray, AB 
produces an appropriate pile for each site on the
route. This results in significant costs savings for
our customers. 

Figure H.  Cell Tower Foundation, Green Lake, SK 

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 9  Fifth Edition 


Industrial & Commercial

For industrial and commercial
construction projects, Almita
manufactur es piles that can be used in
a variety of situations with a variety of
loads. The main advantage of screw
piles for industrial and commercial
buildings is the speed of installation
with minimal vibration and noise. Also,
screw piles have become a very
attractive foundation option for owners
and contractors due to the rising price
of concrete piles and difficulty of
obtaining concrete within a reasonable Figure I.  Feed Mill Foundation, Ponoka, AB 
time frame. Screw piles are a cost
effective option
application.   for this type of

Retrofit Applications
Screw piles are used successfully for
underpinning existing foundations due to
the high flexibility of screwing piles
adjacent to existing foundations. Almita
has done retrofit projects for bridges,
power lines, and schools.
A commonly used method for restoring
failing foundations is underpinning.
 jacks projects
to support
support use
the stru hydraulic
cture until the
foundation is lifted and the screw piles
are installed. While Almita does not offer
an underpinning service at this time, we
do design and manufacture custom
screw piles for underpinning projects.
We also offer a wide range of equipment
for underpinning anchors that includes
mini-hoes, skid steer loaders and hand-
held drives. 
Figure J.  Deer, AB 
Residential Foundation, Red Deer,

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 10  Fifth Edition 


Temporary Buildings
Screw piles are well suited
for use under mobile or
temporary buildings. They
can be installed
weather in any
and in any terrain
that is accessible by truck.
Screw piles are reusable,
making them as mobile as
the building. With no
curing time, the building
can be placed and welded
immediately after
installation. Varying shaft
Wapasu Creek, AB 
Figure K.  Industrial Housing Foundation, Wapasu
lengths allow the building
to be installed on uneven or sloping ground. Winter heaving and surface
erosion have little effect on the pilings strength because screw piles are
placed well below the frost line. Optional leveling pile caps ensure the
building remains level, regardless of the soil situation. 

Street Light Bases

Our street light bases are custom-constructed
custom-constructed to
meet individual needs. Cap thickness and size, slot
or hole size, cable-way position and size, shaft size
and length, and helix diameter are all variables in
the street light base design. The street light bases
are designed for resistance to bending moments,
shearing forces, uplift loads and bearing loads.
They have many advantages over concrete pilings,
including quick installation reduced traffic disruption,
ground on in any type
disturbance, of clean
easy weather, littleno
up and tospoils
no to
remove. Installation is a simple one-step process
and the light pole can be set up immediately after
the screw pile install. The pile can be easily removed
and reused, allowing quick and easy relocation of
standards. To increase product life expectancy the Figure L.  Street Light Base,
base is often hot-dipped galvanized for extra Red Deer, AB 
protection. The environmentally-friendly installation
is vibration free and quiet, allowing placement in
sensitive areas.
Typical applications for the street light base include: light poles for:
residential lighting, parking lots, and street and highway lighting, one or two
mast arms,
column street signage, flag poles, building signage, bumper posts and

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 11  Fifth Edition 


Retaining Walls 
Screw piles are also designed and used for retaining walls. Vertical piles
combined with structural channels and wood lagging make an effective
retaining structure.
more lateral Vertical
resistance and piles and rows
wall height to aofretaining
tieback piles
wall. can be used to add

Figure M.  Retaining Wall, Calgary, AB 


Slope Stabilization
Almita manufactures anchors that can be used in a variety of situations,
including slope restoration or stabilization. Once the fault line has been

Once anchors an
be screwedretaining
in almostwall
horizontally intotomore
is attached stable
maintain thesoil.

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 12  Fifth Edition 


Cathodic Protection
Almita has developed and patented a new, cost effective way to install
cathodic protection for underground structures. This procedure (see Figure
N ) is a method of placing cathodic anodes to depth without trenching or
drilling. This system also allows anodes to be battered under tanks and
structures. The screw pile is used as a casing, the anode is installed into the
desired location, and then the screw pile backed out, leaving minimal
disturbance to the site. A cable is plowed in to connect individual anodes to
the rectifier.

1. The entire 2. The outer shaft is 3. The inner shaft is 4. The wire lead to
assembly is screwed disconnected and hooked onto at the the electrode is left
into the ground to backed out, leaving surface, disconnected sticking out of the
desired depth. the inner shaft and at the base and ground ready to
(Charcoal added; anode in place. backed out, leaving connect to the
enough so as to the anode and wire. rectifier load.
surround the anode
in a bed of charcoal).

Figure N.  Almita Cat

hodic Anode Installation Method

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 13  Fifth Edition 


General Foundation
Screw pile can deal with various loadings so they can be used in a wide
variety of load bearing situations. Included are the aforementioned and the
  Static loads (e.g. under buildings);
  Alternati
ng loads (e.g. under pumps jacks);

  Dynamic loads such as vibratory loads (e.g. under compressors);

  Loads with high moment of overturn (e.g. communication towers);
  Grade beams (e.g. in conventional buildings); and
  Structural floor slabs.

Almita is capable of completing project

projectss of virtually any size. We have
produced piles for projects requiring less than a dozen piles but we also cater
to major industrial projects requiring more than 500 piles. All piles are
individually designed to meet customers’ needs.

Figure O.  Difficult Conditions 

Installations in Difficult

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 14  Fifth Edition 


Part 1. Soil Mechanics

During loading, the force applied to the pile is transferred to the surrounding soil.
Thus, the ultimate capacity of the pile is dependent upon the strength of the soil. In
general, there
defined as soilsare two types
whose of friction
internal soils; cohesive
angle is and cohesionless.
approximately zeroCohesive soils are
( φ=0) while
cohesionless soils are those whose internal friction angle is greater than zero ( φ>0).
Soils can be identified in the field visually by its physical appearance, size of grains,
colour, and odour. Laboratory testing is required to confirm the type of soils and to
obtain design parameters. Typical laboratory testing for cohesionless soils include
gradation tests, natural moisture contents, direct shear, or triaxial tests. For
cohesive soils typical testing include natural moisture content, Atterberg limits,
unconfined compression or triaxial testing. Field testing such as Standard
Penetration Testing (SPT), Vane Shear tests or Cone Penetration Testing (CPT), or
Seismic Cone Penetration Testing (SCPT) are also required to estimate soil
parameters. Table 1.1 provides soil classification for cohesionless soils based on
grain size diameter. Compactness condition of sand soil can be classified based on
the results of SPT as shown in Table 1.2 below.
Table 1.1.  Cohesionless Soil Classifica
Silt Fine 0.002 – 0.006
Medium 0.006 – 0.02
Course 0.02 – 0.06
Sand Fine 0.06 – 0.2
Medium 0.2 – 0.6
Course 0.6 – 2.0
Gravel Fine 2.0 – 6
Medium 6 – 20
Course 20 – 60
Cobbles Cobbles 60 – 200
Boulders Boulders >200

Table 1.2.  Compactness of Sand

Very Loose 0–4
Loose 4 – 10
Compact 10 – 30
Dense 30 – 50

Very Dense >50

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 15  Fifth Edition 


Cohesive soils can be classified in relation to undrained shear strength going from
very soft clay to hard clay as shown on Table 1.3 below.

Table 1.3.  Consistency of Cohesive

Cohesive Soils


kPa (psf) (blow per 0.3 m) E, MPa (ksf )
Very Soft <12 ( < 250) <2 < 3 (< 65 )
Soft 12 – 25 (250 – 520 ) 2–4 3 – 10 (65 – 210)
Firm 25 – 50 (520 – 1045 ) 4–8 10 – 25 (210 – 520)
Stiff 50 – 100 (1045 – 2090 ) 8 – 15 25 – 60 (520 – 1255 )
Very Stiff 100 – 200 (2090 – 4180 ) 15 – 30 60 – 120 (1255 – 2505 )
Hard 200 – 300 ( 4180 – 6265 ) 30 – 50 120 – 360 (2505 – 3760)
Very Hard >300 (>6265) > 50 > 360 (> 3760)

In nature soil is rarely homogeneous. Instead, it tends to develop in layers or

stratum, each with individual strengths and weaknesses. Figure 1.1. illustrates this
stratification. As the pile is driven into the ground, it will pass through different
stratum. Each layer has different characteristics so different torque values will be
observed as the pile passes through each layer. During an ideal installation, the
torque values will be increasing steadily, indicating that the pile is being inserted
into more dense soil. If a drop in torque is recorded, it is most likely that a soft
layer (such as soft clay) was found. The pile must continue to be inserted past the
soft layer until a more dense soil (i.e. higher torque) is found.

Soft Clay  
Stiff Clay
Dense Sand 



Figure 1.1.   
Soil Stratum

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 16  Fifth Edition 


During tensile loading conditions, the upward force pulls on the entire pile. In wet
to moderately wet soils, a suction force develops and this suction helps to
counteract the tension. The water in the soil exerts a small force, known as pore
pressure, on the surrounding soil. When an upward force is applied, a low pressure
area is created
pressure, directly
or suction, andbeneath the helix.
pulls down This This
the helix. low pressure area is
phenomenon causes
pronounced in clays, where the soil is unable to move to fill the void. Figure 1.2 
illustrates this further.



Figure 1.2.  Suction FForces  

orces under Tension

Soils derive their strength and ultimately their load capacity from several
characteristics. The internal friction angle,φ, the adhesion factor, α, the unit weight
of the soil, γ’, the undrained shear strength of soil, Cu, and the lateral earth
pressure coefficient, K are all factors that affect the holding capacity of soils.
Although many of these variables are related, they are dependent on the type,
moisture content, and location of soils.

Figure 1.3.  Soil Displacements


Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 17  Fifth Edition 


During installation, the surrounding soil is displaced by the rotary action of the pile.
This creates a zone of compacted soil immediately adjacent to the pile, as shown in
Figure 1.3. This compacted soil places pressure on the pile surface, effectively
increasing the holding capacity of the pile

The pressure placed on the pile also helps create a friction force between the shaft
and the soil. The shaft adhesion factor is a measure of this friction force and
generally varies with soil type, density, and the soils internal friction angle. This
friction helps to resist the applied force, and is used in determining the ultimate
capacity of the pile. The displaced soil pressure also helps to reconsolidate any soil
disrupted during the installation. Soil adhesion along the anchor’s shaft significantly
contributes to the anchor’s overall vertical capacity. Adams and Klym (1972) found
that adhesion provides a substantial resistance to anchors installed in soft clays
with shaft diameter greater than 76.2 mm. The adhesion between the pile shaft and
the soil is taken as a function of the soil undrained shear strength.
Each soil, based on its composition and water content, has a unique density and
weight. A common way to classify soils it to determine the weight of a unit volume,
known as the unit weight of the soil.

γ = W/V Eqn. 1.1 

W = Weight of sample
V = Volume of sample

This variable is often used to describe the force or load the soil places on the pile.
During tension, the soil around the pile, especially the helix, acts like ballast and
helps to resist motion. This is particularly important in the case of tensile loading. A
soil with increasing
thereby a higher unit
theweight will place more downward pressure on the pile,
uplift capacity.
During the installation process, soil disruption should be kept to a minimum to
preserve the soils integrity. By forming the helix to a true helical shape, the pile
tends to cut through the soil, causing relatively little soil disruption and preserving
the soils strength. Sufficient downward pressure (crowd) is maintained to ensure
that for every revolution, the pile travels one pitch distance downward. The use of
an installation torque recorder allows for the verification that the above is
happening. The recorded torque values are also valuable as a quality control
process and to determine the capacity of the pile.

The above information is meant to introduce an individual to the field of soil

and figuresand explainare
presented thefor
terms and ideas used
representational to explain
purposes andsoil
not meantAlltofacts

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 18  Fifth Edition 


substitute for actual soil studies. A more in-depth discussion of soil mechanics is
beyond the scope of this manual and a qualified geotechnical engineer should be
consulted. The variables, tables and figures contained in this manual are similar to
those typically found in soil reports provided by a qualified engineer and/or

Table 1.4.  Typical Soil

Soil Parame
ters – Cohesionless Soil  
Standard Angle of
Penetration Internal Young’s Modulus
Soil Relative Resistance, N Friction, φ  E
Description Density (blows/foot) (degrees) (MPa) (ksf 
(ksf )

Very Loose < 0.2 <4 < 30 < 10 (< 210)

Loose 0.2 – 0.4 4 – 10 30 – 35 10 – 20 (210 – 420)
Compact 0.4 – 0.6 10 – 30 35 – 40 20 – 50 (420 – 1045 )

Dense 0.6 – 0.8 30 – 50 40 – 45 50 – 80 (1045 – 1670)

Very Dense > 0.8 > 50 > 45 > 80 (> 1670)
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 19  Fifth Edition 

Part 2. Bearing and Uplift Capacity

Multi-helix Screw Pile

When an axial compression or tension force is applied to a vertical pile, the load is
partly supported by the shaft friction, the shear resistance along a cylindrical
surface connecting the top and bottom helices and either bearing resistance below
the bottom helix (compression loading), as shown in Figure 2.1 or bearing capacity
above the top helix (uplift loading), as shown in Figure 2.2.

Qu Ultimate
Qc Ultimate

Depth to Top  
Helix, H
Shaft Dia.
Shearing Helix
Resistance Spacing, S

Compressive Resistance


Helix Dia.
Figure 2.1. 
2.1.  Compression Loading F Forces
orces Figure 2.2. 
2.2.  Tension Loading Forces
Acting on a Multi-helix Screw Pile Acting on a Multi-helix Screw Pile
Copyright © 2008 Almita
2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 20  
20 Fifth Edition 



Thus, in theascase
summarized of compressive loading, the total failure resistance can be
Qc  = Qhelix + Qbearing + Qshaft Eqn. 2.1 
Qc   = ultimate pile compression capacity, (kN)
Qhelix  = shearing resistance mobilized along the cylindrical failure surface, (kN)
Qbearing = bearing capacity of pile in compression, (kN)
Qshaft  = resistance developed along steel shaft, (kN)

For a cohesive soil the ultimate compression capacity of the helical screw pile using
a cylindrical shearing method as proposed by Mooney (1985) is:
Qc= Sf (π D Lc ) Cu  + AH Cu Nc  + π d Heff α Cu Eqn. 2.2 

D = diameter of helix, (m)
Lc  = is the distance between top and bottom helical plates, (m)
Cu  = undrained shear strength of soil, (kPa)
AH  = area of the helix, (m2)
Nc   = dimensionless bearing capacity factors (Tables 2.1 and 2.2)
d = diameter of the shaft, (m)
Heff   = effective length of pile, Heff  =
 = H – D, (m)
α  = Adhesion factor (see Figure 2.3)
Sf = Spacing Ratio Factor

Table 2.1.  Bearing Capacity Factor N cc  Related

   Related to the Pile Diameter (after CFEM, 1992)
Pile Toe Diameter (m) N c 

0.5 tothan
1.0 0.5 9
Larger than 1.0 6

Table 2.2.  Bearing Capacity Factors, Nc for Cohesive Soils, and Modified for Helix Selection (after ALMITA )
Helix Diameter Nc 
< 0.50 m (< 20 in) 9.0
0.51 m (20 in) 8.33
0.56 m (22 in) 7.67
0.61 (24 in) 7.33
0.76 (30 in) 7.0
0.91 (36 in) 6.67
0.97 (38 in) 6.33
> 1.0 m (40 in) 6.0
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 21  Fifth Edition 

Following FHWA-IF-99-025 Use Maximum Nc = 6.50 for soft clays

c lays with undrained
shear strength = 25kPa and Nc = 8.0 for firm clays (50kPa) and 9.0 for stiff to very
stiff clays.

Explanation of some of the terms:

The prediction of the bearing resistance developed from the bottom helix is
independent of the embedment depth. The bearing capacity factor Nc, proposed by
Meyerhof (1976), provides reasonable predictions for screw piles loaded in
compression. Values of Nc are summarized in Table 2.1 and Table 2.2.
For estimation of the shaft adhesion, an effective shaft length H eff  is
 is used in the
calculation, which the effective shaft length is defined as the embedment length (H)
minus the top helix diameter (D). The adhesion developed along the steel shaft is
considered in cases where sufficient installation depth (deep pile) is provided. For
shallow condition (i.e. embedment ratio H/D < 3), the shaft adhesion is considered
as insignificant, and thus, Qshaft is not included in the equation. Figure 2.3 describes
the determination of the, α, adhesion factor.

  o 0.5

0   20   40   60   80   100   120   140   160   180  
Cu - Undrained Shear Strength, kPa  
Figure 2.3. Reduction of Undrained Shea
Shearr Strength for Anchorage Design (after CFEM, 1992)
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 22  Fifth Edition 

In the case where shaft resistance is considered negligible the compression capacity
equation simplifies to:
Qc= Sf (π D Lc ) Cu  + AH Cu Nc Eqn. 2.3 


For predicting the total uplift capacity, a cylindrical shear model is also adopted and
the ultimate tension capacity can be determined using the following equation
(Mooney 1985):
Qt= Sf (π D Lc ) Cu  + AHN (Cu Nu  + γ’ H ) + π d Heff α Cu  Eqn. 2.4

Qt  = ultimate screw pile uplift capacity, (kN)
γ’   = Effective unit weight of soil above water table or buoyant weight if
below water table, (kN/m3)
H  == dimensionless uplift(m)
embedment depth, bearing capacity factor for cohesive soils
Sf = Spacing Ratio Factor
AHN = net area of the helix (area of helix – shaft area), (m2)

For multi-helix screw piles loaded in tension, the ultimate capacity is dependent
upon the embedment depth. Generally there are two contributing factors to an
increase in the total uplift capacity with increasing depth. First, the shaft resistance
increases with embedment depth and secondly, the bearing resistance developed
above the top helix is dependent on the depth that the screw pile was installed to.
The uplift bearing capacity factor, Nu increases with the embedment ratio (H/D) to a
limiting value of approximately equal to 9.
Nu  = 1.2 ( H / D ) ≤ 9 (Meyerhof 1973) Eqn. 2.5 

It is also recommended that Nu  does not exceed the values recommended by

Similar to the compression test, for short piles installed at a shallower depth, the
term for predicting the shaft adhesion can be neglected since the result is
insignificant to the total uplift capacity. The equation can be summarized to:
Qt = (π D Lc ) Cu  + AHN (Cu Nu  + γ’ H )  Eqn. 2.6 
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 23  Fifth Edition 



For a cohesionless soil the ultimate compression capacity of the helical screw pile
using a cylindrical
Clemence (1985) is:shearing method (Where H/D >=5) as proposed by Mitsch and

Qc   = Q helices  +Q bearing  +Q shaft 

Q helices =1/2 π Da γ’ ( H32 - H12 ) Ks tanφ ( Or FHWA-IF-99-025 using β*δ’- see below) Eqn. 2.7 

Q bearing = γ’ H AH Nq (Or FHWA-IF-99-025 Report using Nf- see below, If N60 is used) Eqn. 2.8 

Q shaft =1/2 Ps Heff 2 γ’ Ks tan δ (Or Use 0.75 β recommended below) Eqn. 2.9 

Qc  = γ’ H AH Nq  + 1/2 π Da γ’ ( H32 - H12 ) Ks tanφ+ 1/2 Ps Heff 2 γ’ Ks tanφ 
( Or Use FHWA –IF-99-025 Values for fo r each component) Eqn. 2.10 

γQ’    = ultimate compression
unit weight ofcapacity, (kN)3
= Effective soil, (kN/m )
Ks   = coefficient of lateral earth pressure in compression loading
φ  = Soil angle of internal friction, degree
δ = ( 2/3 φ ) Soil angle of internal friction, (shaft component), degree
AH  = area of the bottom helix, (m2)
Nq  = dimensionless bearing capacity factor, Table 2.3.
Da  = average helix diameter, (m)
H = the embedment depth of pile, (m)
D1  = diameter of top helix, (m)
Heff   = effective shaft length, (m)
H1  = depth to top helix, (m)
H3  = depth to bottom helix, (m)
Ps = the perimeter of the screw pile shaft, (m)
β = 1.5 * (1.5- 0.245[z]^0.5), where z = (H1+H3)/2
Nf = 0.59 * [(N60 * 101 / δ’)]^0.8 * δ’ – where N60 is corrected

Explanation of some of the terms:

Meyerhof (1963) suggested that the bearing capacity factor N q, can be calculated using:

Nq = eπtanφ  tan2(45º + φ /2) Eqn. 2.11 

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 24  Fifth Edition 

Values of Nq are summarized in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3.  Bearing Capacity Factor, Nq, for Cohesionless soils

Angle, 0˚ 5˚ 10˚ 15˚ 20˚ 22˚ 24˚ 26˚ 28˚ 30˚ 32˚ 34˚ 36˚ 38˚ 40˚ 42˚ 44˚
Nq  1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 18 23 29 38 49 64 85 115

Ks, coefficient of lateral earth pressure in compression loading, which can be

estimated by using the following two tables (Table 2.4 and 2.5 ).).

Table 2.4.  Values of the Coefficient of Horizontal Soil Stress,

Stress, Ks (after Kulhawy, 1984)
Installation Method Ks/Ko 
Piles, Large Displacement (≥ Ø8-5/8” shaft) 1 to 2
Piles, Small Displacement (< Ø8-5/8” shaft) 0.75 to 1.25

Table 2.5. Typical
Values of Ko for
Normally Consolidated Sand (after Kulhawy, 1984)
Relative Density Ko 

Loose 0.5
Medium-Dense 0.45
Dense 0.35

CFEM (1990) suggested that Ks is usually assumed to be equal to the coefficient of

original earth pressure, Ko, for bored piles, and twice the value of Ko for driven piles.
For the shallow condition (i.e. H/D < 5), the ultimate compression capacity of a
multi-helix screw pile in sand can be predicted by summing the bearing capacity of
the bottom helix and the frictional resistance along the cylinder of soil between the
helices without the shaft resistance. Therefore, Equation 2.10 can be expressed as

Qc  = γ’ H AH Nq + 1/2 π Da γ’ ( H32 - H12 ) Ks tanφ  Eqn. 2.12 


For predicting the total uplift capacity, a cylindrical shear model proposed by Mitsch
and Clemence (1985) is suggested and the ultimate tension capacity can be
determined. Zhang (1999) suggests that there are two distinct failure mechanisms
for screw piles loaded in tension in the cohesionless soil, namely the shallow or the
deep condition. The shallow condition describes the mechanism where a truncated
pyramidal shaped failure surface propagates
propagates for the top helix to tthe
he ground surface.
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 25  Fifth Edition 

The central angle of the truncated cone is approximately equal to the soil friction
angle, φ. A cylindrical failure surface is formed below the top helix. For helical piles
installed in a much deeper depth, a failure zone develops directly above the top
helix. The overburden pressure confines this failure surface, and therefore the
failure zone does not propagate to the ground surface. Meyerhof and Adam
(1968)’s theory stated that there is a maximum embedment ratio (H/D) cr, where
the failure mode changes from shallow to deep and this maximum value increases
with an increase in the relative density (D r), and the internal soil friction angle, φ of
the sand. Das (1990) expressed the ultimate bearing capacity proposed in Mitsch
and Clemence’s theory in terms of breakout factor F q for shallow anchor conditions
and Fq* as follows: 
For Multi-helix Screw Pile installed in Shallow Condition H/D < (H/D)cr 

Qt  = γ’ H AHN Fq  + 1/2 π Da γ’ ( H32 - H12 ) Ku tanφ  Eqn. 2.13 

For Multi-helix Screw Pile installed in Deep Condition H/D > (H/D)cr 

Qt  = γ’ H AHN Fq*  + 1/2 π Da γ’ ( H32 - H12 ) Ku tanφ+ 1/2 Ps Heff 2 γ’ Ku tan δ
(Or Use FHWA-IF-99-025 Values stated before) Eqn. 2.14 
Qt  = ultimate screw pile uplift capacity, (kN)
γ’   = Effective unit weight of soil, (kN/m3)
φ  = the soil angle of internal friction, degree
δ = ( 2/3 φ ) Soil angle of internal friction, (shaft component), degree
Ku  = dimensionless coefficient of lateral earth pressure in uplift for sands
H = embedment depth, (m)
AHN  = area of the bottom helix, (Area of Helix – Area of Shaft), (m2)
Da  = average helix diameter, (m)
D1  = diameter of top helix, (m)
Heff   = effective shaft length, Heff  =
 = H1 – D1, (m)
H1  = depth to top helix, (m)
H3  = depth to bottom helix, (m)
Ps = the perimeter of the screw pile shaft, (m)
Fq  = breakout factor for shallow condition, see Figure 2.4 
Fq*  = breakout factor for deep condition, see Figure 2.5  

Explanation of some of the terms:

Embedment ratio (H/D) is defined as the depth to the top helix, H divided by the
top helix diameter, D.
Table 2.6.  Critical Em
bedment Ratio, (H/D)
(H/D)cr for Circular Anchor (after Meyerhof and Adam, 1968)
Friction Angle, φ  20º 25º 30º 35º 40º 45º 48º
Depth (H/D)cr  2.5 3 4 5 7 9 11
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 26  Fifth Edition 

This coefficient, Ku is used to empirically quantify the lateral stress acting on the
failure surface as the screw pile is pulled out from the soil. The lateral stress
outside the cylindrical failure surface increases to a passive state due to the screw
action during the installation process. The magnitude of the increase is dependent
upon the amount of disturbance and the changes in stress level during the
Table 2.7.  Recommended U Uplift
plift Coefficients, Ku 
for Helical Anchors (after Mitsch and Clemence, 1985)
Meyerhof’s Coefficient Recommended Coefficients
Soil Friction Angle, φ 
for Foundation Uplift for Helical Anchors
25º 1.20 0.70
30º 1.50 0.90
35º 2.50 1.50
40º 3.90 2.35
45º 5.30 3.20

Figure 2.4.  Variation of Breakout

Breakout Factor with Figure 2.5.  Variation of Breakout
Breakout Factor with
Embedment Depth
Condition based on for Shallow
Mitsch Anchor
and Clemence’s Embedment Depth
Condition based on for Deep
Mitsch Anchor
and Clemence’s
Theory (after Das, 1990) Theory (after Das, 1990)
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 27  Fifth Edition 

Single Helix Screw Pile

For a single helix screw pile, the cylindrical shearing resistance connecting the top
and bottom helix for multi-helix piles does not develop. Therefore, the total
resistance is derived
Equations used fromaxial
to obtain shaftcapacity
and bearing resistance
for the (see
multi-helix Figures
screw piles2.6 and 2.7 
should be ).
adjusted to not include the cylindrical component.



Qc  = A Cu Nc  + πd Heff α Cu  Eqn. 2.15 

Following FHWA-IF-99-025 Use Maximum Nc = 6.50 for soft clays with undrained
shear strength = 25 kPa and N c = 8.0 for Firm Clays (50 kPa) and 9.0 for Stiff to V.
Stiff Clays.


Qt = AHN (Cu Nu  + γ’ H ) + π d Heff α Cu  Eqn. 2.16 

Following FHWA-IF-99-025 Use Maximum Nc = 6.50 for soft clays with undrained
shear strength = 25 kPa and N c = 8.0 for Firm Clays (50 kPa) and 9.0 for Stiff to V.
Stiff Clays.

Figure 2.6.  Various Load Tests 

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 28  Fifth Edition 



Qc = ’ H A Nq + 1/2 Ps Heff   ’ Ks tan  Eqn. 2.17

For Single Helix Screw Piles Installed in Shallow Condition H/D < (H/D)cr  

Qt  = ’ H AHN Fq  Eqn. 2.18

(Or FHWA-IF-99-025 Report using Nf , If N60 is used)

For Single Helix Screw Piles Installed in Deep Condition H/D > (H/D) cr  

Qt  = ’ H AHN Fq*  + 1/2 Ps Heff 2 ’ Ku tan  Eqn. 2.19 

(Or FHWA-IF-99-025 using N f , If N 60 is used and 0.75  recommended before)

Qc Ultimate Qu Ultimate
Compression Uplift Capacity

Shaft Shaft
Friction Friction

Bearing Uplift
Resistance Bearing

Figure 2.7. Compression Loading Forces Figure 2.8. Tension Loading Forces
Acting on Single Helix Screw Pile 
Pile   Acting on Single Helix Screw Pile 

The theory behind soil mechanics is complicated and is beyond the scope of this
manual. The determination of the exact load capacity of each pile is impossible
without actual load tests. A load test should be performed at each site to verify the
above information. The above formulas provide guidelines that, when used with
accurate soil data and appropriate safety factors, can be confidently used to design
a suitable screw pile.
Copyright © 2008 Almita
2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 29  
29 Fifth Edition 

Torque Installation Method for Predicting Capacity 

An empirical method has been derived and used in the screw anchor industry for
many years. Installation torque is used to calculate the ultimate capacity of the
screw anchor.
installation The average
is directly torque to
proportional achieved duringaxial
the ultimate the last threeoftothe
capacity fivepier.
feet of

A pull out test to failure is preformed with the capacity achieved recorded as the
ultimate capacity. Using the ultimate capacity at the given installation
installation torque an
empirical torque factor can be calculated. (NOTE : A tension test is often performed
instead of a compression test because they are quicker to set up and perform. The
capacities are also generally less than the compression tests – inherent factor of
From the pullout test, an empirical torque factor, K t can be calculated using the

Kt = Qt / T Eqn. 2.20

Where: T = Average Installation Torque (Ft.Lbs)
Qt = Ultimate Pier Capacity (Lbs.) from load test
Kt = Empirical Torque Factor (1/ft)

Typical values for Kt range from 20 /ft to 2 /ft, with the majority of soils giving a Kt 
value of 7 /ft to 10 /ft. Unless load tests are preformed to provide a Kt value, a
conservati ve Kt value should be selected when designing piles. It is important to
note that the value for Kt is a combination of soil and anchor properties, primarily
relating to frictional resistance along the shaft, the frictional resistance along the
cylinder formed by the helixes, the soil, the top and bottom surfaces of the helixes

Kt forthe passive
dense dry resistance
sand wouldalong the leading
normally be less edge(s)
than forofhard
the wet
clay.As an example,
Kt factor of 3 /ft is recommended in the CFEM (2007) for pipe shaft greater than 8”
in diameter. The factor for 3-1/2” pipe anchors is recommended to be around 7 /ft
for most soils and the factor for 2-7/8” pipe anchors is usually in the 7 to 10 range
for most soils.
Appropriate safety factors should then be applied (minimum S.F. = 2.0).

In all cases, Almita Manufacturing Ltd. recommends field testing to verify

the theoretically predicted anchor capacity and to determine allowable
design loads and minimum acceptable safety factors for the specific

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 30  Fifth Edition 

Part 3. Calculating the Ultimate Resistance

to Lateral Loads


Pile foundations are frequently used in situations where large lateral forces and
movements must be resisted. Some examples include: tall free-standing structures
such as high-rise buildings or signage subjected to wind loads; pipeline thrust
blocks; bridge abutments; structures located in earthquake-prone areas;
telecommunication towers and power transmission line towers. The successful
design of a pile foundation subjected to lateral loads must satisfy several criteria
including: acceptable lateral movements at working loads; the maximum bending
moment along the pile shaft should not exceed its bending capacity; piles must
resist collapse during extreme loading events; and finally, for piles installed in
harsh environments such as aggressive soils, the pile material should be durable.
All criteria of failure should be considered in the design. The soil resistance in soft
soils may be improved by injecting grout (an Almita Patented product). Bending
moment in the pipe shaft can be improved by either increasing the section of the
pile shaft or filling the shaft with concrete but lateral deflection criterion is always
the governing factor.
Several approaches can be used for predicting pile performance subjected to lateral
loads including the subgrade reaction method and the elastic continuum approach.
The subgrade reaction method is usually used to calculate the lateral response of
piles (e.g. Matlock and Ripperger 1956; Reese et al. 1974; and Reese and Welch
1975). In this method the pile is considered as a beam on an elastic foundation and
the soil is replaced by a series of elastic and closely-spaced but independent
springs. Reese (1984) considered the soil nonlinearity using the p-y curve
approach. Prakash and Kumar (1996) modified the subgrade reaction method to
predict the nonlinear load displacement relationship for piles embedded in sand. L-
Pile Software, a software program developed based on the p-y curve approach, is
often used to predict the lateral deflection of piles subjected to lateral loads. The
lateral pile deflection is dependent on the soil types and properties in the upper 1.5
meters to 3 meters.
The response of laterally loaded piles can also be evaluated using the theory of
elasticity (e.g. Polous 1971; Pise 1984; Randolph 1981; Budhu and Davies 1988).
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 31  Fifth Edition 

Almita recommends the use of L-Pile to predict the lateral deflection of screw piles.
In L-Pile program the pile can be modeled either as free head where the lateral
force and moment are specified or as fixed head where lateral force and rotation
can be specified. The pile head fixity conditions depend on the connection between
the pile cap and head of the pile.
A simple approach suitable for hand calculations using Brom’s method is explained
in detail in the next section, for approximate estimate of the lateral deflection of
single pile under design lateral loads.

Brom’s Method

Brom’s method (1964) will be used to estimate pile capacity for each case. Brom
classified pile behavior into two categories:
1.  Short pile failure where the lateral capacity of the soil adjacent to the pile is
fully mobilized (CFEM, 2007)

2.  Long pile failure where the bending resistance of the pile is fully mobilized
(CFEM, 2007).
Results are given for:
  Pile diameter, d;
  Embedded length, L;
  Lateral load capacity, HU;
  Yield moment of pile, MYIELD;

  Clay cohesion, CU;
  Coefficient of passive sand resistance, K P;

  Height of lateral load above ground, e; and

  Soil unit weight, γ.
The first step is to determine whether the pile will behave as a short rigid pile or as
an infinitely long flexible member. Calculating the stiffness factors R and T for the
particular combination of pile and soil does this. The stiffness factors are governed
by the stiffness (EI  value)
 value) of the pile and the compressibility of the soil. The latter
is expressed in terms of a ‘soil modulus’, which is not constant for any soil type but
depends on the width of the pile and the depth of the particular loaded area of the
soil being considered. The soil modulus K  has
 has been related to Terzaghi’s concept of
a modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction. In the case of stiff over-consolidated
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 32  Fifth Edition 

clay, the soil modulus is generally assumed to be constant with depth. Tomlinson
(1987) identifies those factors as:
4 EI 
Stiffness factor R = √ (  / K 
K )   (in units of length) Eqn. 3.1

Where: K ≈ k hB ≈ 0.305k 1 /1.5

 /1.5B ≈ k 1 /5
 /5B  Eqn. 3.2 

Where: k 1 is Terzaghi’s subgrade modulus as determined from load-deflection

measurements on a 305mm square plate, and B is the width of the pile.
Elson has shown that k 1 is related to the undrained shearing strength of the clay, as
shown in Table 3.1. Values of nh (After Terzaghi 1995) are shown in Table 3.2. 
Table 3.1.  Relationsh
ip of Modulus of Subgrade
Subgrade Reaction (k 1) to Undrained Shearing Strength of Stiff
Overconsolidated Clay (After Elson)
Consistency Stiff V. Stiff Hard
Undrained shear strength (C u) kN/m2  50-100  100-200  >200 
Range of k 1 MN/m3  15-30 30-60 >60
Soil modulus (K ) MN/m2  3-6 6-12 >12

For most normally consolidated clays and for granular soils the soil modulus is
assumed to increase linearly with depth, for which
5  EI 
Stiffness factor T = √ (  /nh  )) (in units of length) Eqn. 3.3 
Where: K = nh x x/B Eqn. 3.4 

Table 3.2.  Values of nh for cohesionless soils (Terzaghi, 1955)

Soil Compactness Condition nh (Above nh (Below
Groundwater) Groundwater)
kN/m3  kN/m3 

Loose 2200 1300

Compact 6600 4400
Dense 18000 11000

Having calculated the stiffness factors R or T , the criteria for behavior as a short
rigid pile or as a long elastic pile are related to the embedded length L as follows in
Table 3.3.

Table 3.3.  Criteria for Short Pile vs. Long Elastic P

Soil Modulus
Pile Type Linearly Increasing Constant
Rigid (free head)  L ≤ 2T  L ≤ 2R 

Elastic (free head) L ≥ 4T  L ≥ 3.5R

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 33  Fifth Edition 

Almita utilizes and recommends Broms’ method to determine the ultimate lateral
resistance for an Almita screw type piling. These piles are most often classified as
 “unrestrained or fre
e-head short rigid pil
es”. (See Bro
ms (1964a) and Broms
(1964b) in the References).

ALMITA models the Pile in lateral loading using different analysis types as:
Type 1 - Computations of Pile Response with User-Specified, Constant EI 
This analysis type performs the analysis of a laterally-loaded pile using flexural
stiffness computed from the values of moment of inertia (I) and modulus of
elasticity (E) .
Type 2 - Computations of Ultimate Bending Moment of Cross Section
(Section Design)
This analysis type performs only an analysis of the pile’s cross-section. This type of
analysis is used to compute the ultimate bending moment and the nonlinear
variation of flexural stiffness with applied moment. Selection of this option activates
the commands at the bottom of the Data pull-down menu.
Type 3 - Computations of Ultimate Bending Moment and Pile Response
using Nonlinear EI
Selection of this analysis type performs an analysis of the cross section to obtain
the ultimate bending moment and the variation of flexural stiffness with applied
bending moment. In the second part of the computations performs an analysis of a
laterally loaded pile using the nonlinear flexural stiffness computed in the cross-
section analysis (using the internally-generated values obtained in the first part of
One special type of analysis performed with the Type 3 analysis is a “pushover”
analysis. The purpose of performing a pushover analysis is to determine the level of
loading and/or deflection that results in the development of a plastic hinge in the
pile. In a pushover analysis, the displacement and moment pile-head boundary
condition is specified and a number of increasing pile-head displacements are
specified until a plastic hinge is developed in the pile.
Type 4 - Computations of Ultimate Bending Moment and Pile Response with
User-Specified EI
With selection of this analysis type, we perform an analysis of the cross section to
obtain the ultimate bending moment and the variation of flexural stiffness with
applied bending moment. In the second part of the computations, we perform an
analysis of a laterally-loaded pile using flexural stiffness computed from the values
of moment of inertia (I) and modulus of elasticity (E).
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 34  Fifth Edition 

Type 5 – Computation of Pile Response Using User-Specified, Nonlinear EI

This analysis type allows inputting nonlinear EI vs. moment data for up to five
sections along the foundation. A typical application of this option is the analysis of
rock-socketed piers, in which the section above the rock is different in size and
configuration from the rock socket.

Lateral Ultimate Resistance of Piles

For uniform cohesionless soils, Broms (1964b) has established the graphical
relationships for H/KpB3γ and MU / B4γ Kp shown in Figure 3.1 (For short piles) and
Figure 3.2 (For long piles), from which the ultimate lateral resistance H u can be

Figure 3.1.  Ultimate Late

ral Resistance of Short Pile in cohesionless
cohesionless soil
related to embedded length
length (after Broms)
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 35  Fifth Edition 

Figure 3.2soil
in cohesionless . Ultimate
related Lat
to eral Resistance
embedded of (after
length Long Pile

For uniform cohesive soils, Broms (1964) has established the graphical
 / CuB3 Figure 3.3 (For short piles) and Figure 3.4 (For
relationships for H/C uB2 and M u / 
long piles), from which the ultimate lateral resistance H u can be determined.

Figure 3.3. Ultimate Late

ral Resistance of Short Pile in cohesive
cohesive soil
related to embedded length
length (after Broms)
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 36  Fifth Edition 

Figure 3.4. Ultimate Late

ral Resistance of Long Pile in cohesive
cohesive soil related
to embedded
embedded length (after BrBroms)

Deflection of Vertical Piles Carrying Lateral Loads

In cohesive soils the deflection behavior depends on the dimensionless length βL

β = √ (KB / 4 EI ) Eqn. 3.5 

Where Y0 is the pile head deflection for lateral load (H) in the dimensionless lateral
deflection in Figure 3.5 .
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 37  Fifth Edition 

Figure 3.5.  Lateral Deflect

ion of Pile Head in cohesive soil (aft
er Broms)

In cohesionless soils the deflection behavior depends on the dimensionless length

ηL where:

η = √ (ηh / EI ) Eqn. 3.6 

Where Y0 is the pile head deflection for lateral load (H) in the dimensionless lateral
deflection in Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.6. Lateral Deflectio

n of Pile Head in cohesionless soil (after Broms)
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 38  Fifth Edition 

Part 4. Moments and Deflections (CFEM 2007)

Lateral Pile Deflections

For the subgrade reaction models, it is assumed that the soil around a pile can be
simulated by a series of horizontal springs, with each spring representing the
behaviour of a layer of soil of unit height. When the pile is forced against the soil
under the action of the horizontal loads, the soil deforms and generates an elastic
reaction assumed to be identical to the force that would be generated by simulating
a spring subjected to the same deformatio
n. With the further assumption that the
soil is homogenous, and that all of the springs are therefore identical, the soil’s
behaviour can be estimated if the equivalent spring constant is known. This spring
constant is called the coefficient of subgrade reactions ks (Dimension:

Coefficient of Subgrade Reaction

The coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction may be estimated by the following

a)  In cohesionless soil  
k s = nh ( z / d   )) Eqn 4.1 
Where ks  = coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction (force per volume)
z = depth
d = pile diameter
nh  = coefficient related to soil density as given in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1.  Values of nh for Cohesionless Soils

CONDITION Above Groundwater Below Groundwater

Loose 2200 1300

Compact 6600 4400
Dense 18000 11000

b)  In cohesive soil  

k s = 67 C u / d   Eqn 4.2 

Where ks  = coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction (force per volume)

Cu  = undrained shear strength of the soil
d = pile diameter
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 39  Fifth Edition 

Determination of Moments and Deflections

This section considers only the most common case of piles with a rigid cap at
ground surface. (CFEM 1992)
The distribution and magnitude of moments and deflections in a pile subjected to
horizontal forces are essentially a function of the relative stiffnesses, T, of the pile-
soil system. For sand, T  is
 is given by the following relation:
4 E  I 
T  =
 = (  / nh )1/5 Eqn. 4.3 

and for overconsolidated clay

E  I 
T  =
 = (  / k s d )1/4  Eqn. 4.4 

Where E   = elastic modulus of pile material

I   = moment of interia of pile cross section
nh  = a constant of
as horizontal
given in Table 4.1, above
k s  = coefficient subgrade reaction

From the value of T , the moments, M 

 p, in the pile and the deflections, δ  
 p , of the pile cap
may be computed at any depth using the following formulae:

M  m ( P T 
 p = F    )) Eqn. 4.5 

 p  = F  ( P T 3 / E I   ))
δ   Eqn. 4.6 

Where Mp   = moment at depth z

δp  = deflection at depth z
Fm  = moment coefficient at depth z, as given in Figure 4.2.
Fδ  = deflection coefficient at depth z, as given in Figure 4.1.

T = applied horizontal
relative stiffness load
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 40  Fifth Edition 


5 & 10

   T 2
T = 2
   / P δp 
   T z
  3 Lp 

δp = Fδ  ( PT3 )
4 EI
4 10
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 4.1. Deflection Coefficients for Laterally Loaded Piles. (CFEM 1992)


   T P LTp = 2
   / 2
   R MP z
   C LP 
   F 3

MP=Fm(PT) 4
5 & 10

-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2


Figure 4.2. Moment Coefficients
Coefficients for Laterally Loaded Piles. (CFEM 1992) 
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 41  Fifth Edition 

Part 5. Buckling of Piles

Screw piles are long and slender by design. On rare occasions this design makes
screw piles susceptible to buckling when placed under extreme compressive loading
conditions. The buckling of piles can be caused by one of two situations. Extreme
compressive forces may cause the shaft to fold and buckle. This would occur in the
upper portion of the pile where the soil is weak. The more common buckling
situation is when a pile is exposed to lateral loading. A pile exposed to lateral
loading behaves similarly to any supporting member under lateral loading. The
lower part of the pile remains stationary while the upper part starts to bend. Unless
it is designed to supply resistance, a screw pile will behave similarly to that of
slender deep pile with the helix supplying little lateral or bending moment
resistance. (i.e. shallow condition or shallow helix embedment).
This section describes various methods for determining the structural capacity of
the pipe shaft portion of the screw pile. There are different ways to determine the
ultimate piling shaft capacity subjected to axial loading. We have selected the
Poulos and Davis (1980) method to estimate the ultimate vertical capacity (Pr) the
pile can take before starts buckling.
Poulos and Davis (1980) suggested the following:

During loading, a partly embedded vertical pile subjected to a vertical load. The
stiffness factors R and T  as
 as calculate
d from equations 3.1 and 3.3 and have been
used to obtain the equivalent length of a freestanding pile with a fixed base, from
which the factor of safety against failure due to buckling can be calculated using
conventional structural design methods.
For a partly embedded pile carrying a vertical load P , the equivalent height Le, of
the fixed-base pile is shown in Figure 5.1b.

For soil with a constant modulus:

Depth to a point of fixity zf  =

 = 1.4 R  Eqn. 5.1 

For soils having a linearly-increasing modulus:

zf  =
 = 1.8 T   Eqn. 5.2
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 42  Fifth Edition 

The relationships of equations 5.1 and 5.2 are only approximate, but they are valid
for structural design purposes provided that l max 
max , which is equal to L/R, is greater

than four for soils having a constant modulus and provided that  z max , which is equal
to L/T , is greater than 4 for soils having a linearly-increasing modulus. From
equations 5.1 and 5.2 the equivalent length Le of the fixed-base pile (or column) is
equal to e + z f f  and
 and the critical load for buckling is:
π  E I  
Pcr  = For free-headed conditions Eqn. 5.3
4R2 (SR + Z R)2

π  E I  
Pcr  = For fixed- (and translating-) headed conditions Eqn. 5.4 
R2 (SR + Z R)2

SR = LS / R Eqn. 5.5 

 J R = LU  / R Eqn. 5.6 

LS = Equivalent free length of embedded portion of pile (Figure 5.1)

LU  = Unsupported pile length

P  P  

L   L  



(a) Actual Pile  (b) Equivalent Cantilever  

Figure 5.1. Partially Embedded Piles (after Poulos and Davis 1980)
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 43  Fifth Edition 

Part 6. Use of Screw Piles as Tieback Anchors

Almita has been manufacturing multi-helix screw anchors for more than 16 years.
The piles have established a consistent record of performance through extensive
use in tieback applications for the electric utility and oil and gas industry.
Construction application for screw anchors in retaining wall tie backs continue to
A screw anchor’s advantage is rooted in the way that it removes the performance
uncertainties and costs associated with a grouted anchor when used in loose sandy
soils or in low shear strength clay soils. When placed in the soil, the screw anchor
acts as a bearing device. This is a fundamental difference compared to a grouted
anchor formed in the soil and reliant on friction between soil and grout. Collapse of
a prepared hole can change a grouted anchor’s dimensions. There is little
opportunity to assess the problem’s magnitude and exact location because it is in
the hole, out of sight. Protecting grout from such an occurrence adds the extra
costs of installing casing. A screw anchor averts these drawbacks by requiring
neither an open hole nor a casing. Screw anchors can be designed to hold large
Advantages of using Almita screw anchors as tiebacks include:

  Competitive installing costs;

  Immediate proof testing and loading - no waiting time for grout to cure;
  Installs in any weather;
  Speeds excavation and constructi

  Removable and reusable; and

  No spoil to remove.

Estimating the lateral loads (Figure 6.1.) acting against retaining walls as exerted
by the soil requires knowledge of:
  Soil type and condition

  Structural dimensions of the retaining structure; and

  Ground water table.

Every wall tieback

placement situation
of the anchor is unique but
is influenced some
by the aspects
height merit
of the soil attention. The the
backfill against
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 44  Fifth Edition 

wall. Figure 6.2 shows this condition and a guideline for setting the location of the
tieback anchor. Experience indicated that the tieback should be located close to the
point of maximum wall bulge and/or close to the most severe transverse crack. In
many cases the tieback placement location must be selected on a case-by-case
Another factor to consider is the height of soil cover over the helical anchor. Figure
6.2 also indicates that the minimum height of the cover is six times the diameter of
the largest helical plate. Finally, the helical anchor must be installed a sufficient
distance from the wall that the helical plate(s) can develop an anchoring capacity
by passive pressure. This requires the length of installation to be related to the
height of soil backfill.
Based on the information above we determine the active pressure of the soil and
the water pressure against the wall. Upon preliminary design of anchor rows depth,
the load on each row/meter width of the wall is calculated. Almita’s extensive
experience with screw anchors ensures that we can select the horizontal spacing
between anchors and accordingly establish the load on each screw anchor.

Figure 6.1. Earth and wate

waterr pressure distribution behind
behind retaining wall
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 45  Fifth Edition 

Figure 6.2. Typical installat

ion depth and length
length for Helical tiebacks

Depending on the spacing between helices (S) / Helix diameter (D) ratio, the design
method of the Screw anchors will be either:
e ither:

1.  Individual Plate Method

Adam and Klym (1971) stated that at S/D ≥ 2, each helix plate can be
assumed to behave independently of the other. ALMITA extensive tests
(1999) showedbearing
The individual that this method
method can be used
assumes if S/D ≥failure
that bearing  3 occurs above
each individual helix. The total uplift resistance is the sum of the individual
Qt = Qshaft + ∑ Q I (bearing) Eqn 6.1 
Qt = Ultimate uplift capacity
Qshaft = Adhesion developed along the steel shaft (Chapter 3)
∑ Q I (bearing) = Sum of the bearing capacity of each individual helix
(Chapter 3)

2.  Cylindrical Shear Method

Please refer back to Chapter 3 for the design.
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 46  Fifth Edition 

Part 7. Selection of Screw Pile

Almita screw pile shaft sizes range from 2-7/8” to 36” in diameter with varying wall
thicknesses. Table 7.1 lists the most common and readily available pipe shaft sizes.
The small diameter shafts are mainly used for compression and tension loads where
lateral loads are minimal. Larger diameter shafts are used when the screw pile is
subjected to large compressive loads and/or lateral loads and/or moments of
overturn. Large diameter shafts are not always required to go to full depth
embedment, the piling shaft can be reduced in size with a neck-down or smaller
shaft located on the bottom end portion of the piling (see Figure 7.1).

Many factors determine the selection of the pipe shaft used in a screw piling. The
criteria that directly lead to the selection of the appropriate shaft size are: axial
load, tension load, lateral load, moment of overturn, torque considerations,
installation equipment, helix size, soil conditions and possibly others. (See Parts 3,
4 and 5 for shaft designing).

Figure 7.1.  Neck-Down Pile

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 47  Fifth Edition 

Table 7.1.  Common Pipe Sizes

Common Wall
Pipe Shaft Maximum Torque
Outside Diameter Thickness
(Almita common) 
common)  (Ft.Lbs.)
2-7/8” 0.217 8,000
3-1/2” 0.254 11,000
4-1/2” 0.250,  0.237 21,500  20,400
5-1/2” 0.304 45,800
6-5/8” 0.280, 0.250 53,900
7” 0.317 64,000
8-5/8” 0.264,  0.322 67,000  81,200
10-3/4” 0.365, 0.250  +90,000 
12-3/4” 0.375, 0.250  +90,000 

The critical factors that dictate the helix size are axial load, tension load, torque
consideration, installation equipment, soil conditions and pipe shaft size (see Table

Table 7.2 shows the helix configurati

ons that fit various pipe shaft sizes. The
minimum sizes represent the minimum physical sizes that will fit on the pipe and
the maximum sizes are the maximum sizes available. (See Part 2 for more on
designing helices). 

Table 7.2.  Helix Diamet

er vs. Pipe Shaft
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
2-7/8 X X X X X X
3-1/2 X X X X X X X
   ) 4-1/2 X X X X X X X X
  e 5-1/2 X X X X X X X X X X
  c 6-5/8 X X X X X X X X X X X X
7 X X X X X X X X X X X X
 . 8-5/8
   D X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
   O10-3/4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
   F 12-3/4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
   H 14 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
16 X X X X X X X X X X X X X
   P 20 X X X X X X X X X X X
24 X X X X X X X X X X
30 X X X X X X X
36 X X X X
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 48  Fifth Edition 

Almita offers helix sizes in

in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. If necessary helices
can be custom designed and manufactured to specifications.
Helix diameters currently range from 6” to 48”, pitches are set at 3, 4, 6, 12 and
24, thickness of plate range from ¼”, 3/8”, ½”, ¾”, and 1”.

1.  Determine applied loads on pile.  What is dead load, what is the live lload?oad?
What are the safety factors?
2.  Determine site specific soils information.  What is soil type, soil
description, soil classification? What is the depth of frost penetration? Where
is the water table level?
3.  Compare soils information with pile load and location information.  
Consider pile spacing. Is there a group effect among piles?
4.  Design pile and pile geometry. Determine pile shaft, helix diameter and
thickness, number of helixes and spacing, embedment depth. Is an
extension required? Should it be bolted on or welded? (See parts 1 through 5
of manual)
5.  Estimate installation torque.
6.  Evaluate the design. Is it practical? Can designed pile be installed? Do soil
conditions allow for installing? What are the equipment or power
Repeat Step 4 if necessary.
7.  Calculate ultimate pile capacity and apply safety factors.   (Minimum
S.F. = 2.0).

The steps
factors areastoseismic
such be usedconsiderations
as a general guide
or soilinchemistry
the pile design process
may come intobut
designing a screw pile. In some situations load tests may be carried out at the early
stages of design to optimize the design or may be required as part of quality
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 49  Fifth Edition 

Part 8. Corrosion Resistance of Galvanized Screw Piles

More than 200 different types of soils have been identified and are categorized
according to texture, color and natural drainage. Coarse textured soils such as
gravel and sand permit free circulation of air and the corrosion process may closely
resemble atmospheric corrosion. Clay and silt soils have a fine texture and hold
water resulting in poor aeration and drainage. The corrosion process in these soils
may resemble the corrosion process in water.
The corrosion of galvanized (zinc) coatings in clay and silts is a very complex issue
with many factors affecting the expected life. The most important factors include:
chloride content of water/soil, hardness, pH of soil/water and soil resistivity. These
factors are briefly discussed below:
As indicated by Porter in “Corrosion Resistance of Zinc and Zinc Alloys” p275;
 “Of all the anions
anions,, chlorid
e is most corrosive to zinc iin
n water (and soil),
especially if it is present in amounts exceeding 50 mg/L. The softer the
water, and the lower it is in carbonate the more pronounced is the effect of
chloride. Thus, a chloride content of 80mg/L in soft water causes quite
severe corrosion, while in hard water no corrosion occurs even with 700
mg/L.” The reason for this is hard water forms a scale of insoluble salts on
the galvanized coating. This scale combines with the zinc to from a protective
barrier of calcium carbonate and zinc carbonate. This protective layer
significantly increases the corrosion free life of the galvanized pile.
The soil resistivity is determined by the nature and concentration of the ions
dissolved in the soil moisture and ground water. In most cases, the impact
that resistivity will have on the corrosion of the galvanized coating is
therefore limited to the chloride content, and hardness.

Figure 8.1. 

The pH range of the soil/water is another important factor. Galvanized

coatings displayed excellent corrosion resistance when the pH was above 4.0
and below 12.5. (See Figure 8.1).
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 50  Fifth Edition 

The National Bureau of Standards has conducted an extensive research program on

the corrosion of metals in soils. Some of its research on galvanized steel pipe dates
back to 1924. The results shown in Figure 8.2 are based on studies started in 1937
using 1 1/2” (38mm) steel pipe with a 5.3mil (135µm) zinc coating. The expected
life is based on a zinc coating thickness of 200µm.

The results of these tests also showed that the galvanized coating will prevent
pitting of steel in soil, just as it does under atmospheric exposure, and that even in
instances where the zinc coating was completely consumed, the corrosion of the
underlying steel was much less than that of bare steel specimens exposed under
identical conditions.
Figure 8.2.

* The expected life for a galvanized screw pile is calculated using a conservative
coating thickness of 200 µm. The actual measured coating thickness of Al Almita
mita screw
 piles is usually in the 300 – 400 µm range. If this value is used then the life
expectancy would be double the values shown above.

As the above chart illustrates, the galvanized coating will provide 50 -100 years of
corrosion free service in all but the most corrosive soils. The study also showed that
even after all of the galvanized coating is consumed the residual zinc in the soil
would reduce the corrosion on the remaining steel pile.
Prepared by Darcy Pretula, P.Eng., Daam Galvanizing Inc. 21-November-2001
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 51  Fifth Edition 

Part A. Standards and Specifications

  National Building Code of Canada

  Alberta Building Code
  ASTM A252: Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe Piles
  CSA G40.21-M: Structural Quality Steel
  CSA W47.1: Certificat
ion of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel
  CSA W59: Welded Steel Construction Steel construction (Metal Arc Welding)
  CSGB 1-GP-184:
1-GP-184: Coal Tar Epoxy (black) Coating
SSPC-SP 6: Commercial Blast Cleaning
  ASTM A 153: Specification for Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel
  CSA G164: Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles

Helical Plate:
ASTM A36 or CSA G40.21 44W Hot Rolled Structural Steel Plate

Screw Pile Pipe:

3-1/2” Diameters piers and under (includes 2-7/8” piers):
Pipe meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of API 5CT Grade J55
(minimum yield strength of 55 ksi and minimum tensile strength of 75 ksi).
4-1/2” Diameter piles and larger:
Minimum ASTM A252, Grade 2 or 3 Steel pipe piles, seamless or straight
welded, Pipe wall thickness vary from Schedule 20 – Schedule 40 – Schedule
80, (minimum yield strength of 35 ksi and min. tensile strength of 60 ksi).

Almita Manufacturing Ltd. is certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) in
Division 2.1. The welding design and welding fabrication of structural steel will be in
accordance with the CSA Standard W47.1.

All welding performed in accordance with the requirements of CSA Standard W59.1,
Latest Edition.

All bolts are supplied as per customers’ requirements.
Minimum requirements are ASTM A 325 bolts.
Bolts are bare metal (black), plated
p lated or hot-dipped galvanized.
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 52  Fifth Edition 

Testing Standards:

Pile Load Tests are preformed in accordance with ASTM D1143, Standard Method of
Testing Piles Under Axial Compressive Loads; ASTM D3689, Standard Method of
Testing Individual Piles Under Static Axial Tensile Loads; and ASTM D3966,
Standard Method of Testing Piles Under Lateral Loads.

Pipe Manufacturer’s Specifications

A252 Piling Pipe 
Scope  Covers nominal (average) wall steel pipe piles of cylindrical shape and applies to pipe
piles in which the steel cylinder acts as a permanent load-carrying member or as a
shell to form cast-in-place concrete piles.
Kinds of Steel Open-hearth
Permitted For Pipe Basic-oxygen
Material  Electric-furnace
Permissible Not more than 12.5 percent under the nominal wall thickness specified.
Variations in
Wall Thickness 
Chemical Seamless and Welded Pipe: Phosphorus Max. %
Requirements  Open-hearth, Electric-furnace or Basic-oxygen 0.050
Hydrostatic None specified.
Permissible The weight of any length of pile shall not vary more than 15 percent over or 5 percent
Variations in under the weight specified. Each length shall be weighed separately.
Weights per Foot 
Permissible Shall not vary more than plus or minus one percent from the diameter specified.
Variations in
Outside Diameter 
Mechanical Tests Tensile Test - Either longitudinal or transverse at option of manufacturer.
Specified  Minimum yield determined by the drop of the beam, by the t he halt in the gage of the
t he
testing machine, or by the use of dividers.
Number of Tests One tensile property test per 200 lengths.
Lengths  May be ordered in single or double random lengths or in uniform lengths:
Single Random -16'-25' md.
Double Random - Over 25' (minimum average of 35').
Uniform - Plus or minus 1 on length specified.
Required Markings Rolled, Die Stamped or Paint Stenciled (Mfgrs. option) 
on Each Length Manufacturer's name, brand or trademark, heat number, method of pipe manufacture,
(On tags attached to size, weight, length, wall thickness and ASTM A252 and the Grade.
each bundle in case
of bundled pipe)
General Surface imperfections exceeding 25 percent of the nominal wall in depth are
Information  considered defects. Defects not exceeding 33.5 percent of the nominal wall in depth
may be repaired by welding. Before welding, the defect shall be completely removed.
NOTE: This is summarized information from ASTM ASTM SStandards
tandards and API Specification
Specification 5L. Please refer to the
specific Standard or Specification for more details.
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 53  Fifth Edition 


Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

Psi 50,000 60,000 66,000
Tensile Strength, min Mpa 345 414 455
kg/mm2  35.2 42.2 46.4
Psi 30,000 35,000 45,000
Yield Strength, min Mpa 205 240 310
kg/mm2  21.1 24.6 31.6
Elongation, min % 30 25 24
Gauge Length in 2 / (48t + 15) 2 / (40t + 12.50) 2 / (32t + 1.00)

Grade J55 pipe

(1) Pier Shaft: API 5CT Grade J55 pipe (API- American Petroleum Institute)
Seamless Tubing

Chemical Specifications (%):

Grade C Mn Cu max P max S max
J55 0.35 – 0.90 –
0.25 0.20 0.020 0.015
0.45 1.30
Si Cr Mo Al V
0.15 – max min
- - 0.03
0.35 0.25 0.015

Mechanical Specifications:
Yield Strength Tensile Strength
min Psi (MPa) max Psi (MPa) Psi (MPa)
55000 (379) 80000 (552) 75000 (517)

Outside Diameter Wall Thickness
API 5CT +/- 1% +20 / -0%

(2) Wall Thickness: 2-7/8” diameter (0.217”w.t.) or 3-1/2” diameter (0.254”w.t.)

(3) Torques:  The maximum torques are 8,000 FT.LBS. for 2-7/8” Pipe and 11,000
FT.LBS. for 3-1/2” Pipe.
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 54  Fifth Edition 

Grade A36 Carbon Structural Steel

(1) Pier Helicals:  ASTM G

rade A36 / A36M

Product Plates Over ¾ Shapes

To 3/4 to 1-1/2
Thickness, in.(mm) All
(20), incl. (20 to 40),
Carbon, max, % 0.25 0.25 0.26
Manganese, % ... 080 – 1.20 ...
Phosphorus, max, % 0.04 0.04 0.04
Sulfur, max, % 0.05 0.05 0.05
Silicon, % 0.40 max 0.40 max 0.40 max
Copper, min, % when
0.20 0.20 0.20
copper steel is specified

(2) Mechanical Specifications:  ASTM Grade A36 / A36M

Plates, Shapes, and Bars:
Tensile strength, ksi (MPa) 58 – 80 (400 – 550)
Yield point, min, ksi (MPa) 36 (250)
Plates and Bars:
Elongation in 8 in. (200 mm), min, % 20
Elongation in 2 in. (50 mm), min, % 23

CSA W47.1 deals with the certification of companies for fusion welding of steel
structures. Certification requires that the company has the organization, personnel,
to whichprocedures, welding
it is Certified standards,
, to produce and equipment
satisfactory as weldments.
y welds and required of the Division 

To be certified in Division 2.1, the company must retain a part-time registered

professional engineer(s) responsible to the company for:
(a) welding design; and
(b) welding procedures and practice.
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 55  Fifth Edition 

Figure A-1. CWB Certification

Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 56  Fifth Edition 

ISO 9000 is a set of generic standards adopted in over 90 countries worldwide.

ISO’s goal is to develop international standards for manufacturing, trade and
communications. These standards provide quality assurance requirements and
quality management guidance relating specifically to the quality of a product.

ISO 9000 is not a product or technical standard, it is a quality system standard.

ISO Certification confirms that an organization is in control of its manufacturing or
service processes. The standard assures customers that an organization has
identified and defined the critical elements that need to be considered in producing
a quality product.

Figure A-2.  ISO 9001 Certificate

Certificate of Registration
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 57  Fifth Edition 

Part B. References

ASTM D 1143-81 (1981). “Standard Test Method for Piles Under Static Axial
Compressive Load”; (Reapproved 1984). Annual Book of ASTM Standards,
1997, Vol. 04.08, pp. 95-105.

ASTM D 3689-90 (1990). “Standard Test Method for Individual Piles Under Static
Axial Tensile Load”; (Reapproved 1995). Annual Book of ASTM Standard,
1997, Vol. 04.08, pp.366-375.

ASTM D 3966-90 (1990). “Standard Test Method for Individual Piles Under Lateral
Loads”; (Reapproved 1995). Annual Book of ASTM Standard, 1997, Vol.
04.08, pp.389-399.

Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (1992). Handbook of Steel Construction,

5th Edition. Universal Offset Limited, Markham, ON. pp.1-40 and 4-68 to 4-

CFEM (1992). Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual. 3rd Edition. Canadian

Geotechnical Society, Technical Committee on Foundations, BiTech
Publishers Ltd., Richmond, B.C.

Broms, B.B. (1964a). “Lateral Resistance of Piles in Cohesive Soils”; Journal for Soil
Mech. and Found. Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 90, SM2, pp. 27-64.

Broms, B.B. (1964b). “Lateral Resistance of Piles in Cohesionless Soils”; Journal for
Soil Mech. and Found. Engrg., ASCE, Vol. 90, SM3, pp. 123-156.

Das, B.M. (1990) Earth Anchors. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 241p.

Meyerhof, G.G. (1976). “Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Pile Foundations”;

Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, Proceedings of the
American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 102, No. GT3, March 1976, pp.

Meyerhof, G.G., and Adams, J.I. (1968). “Ultimate Uplift Capacity of Foundations
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. V, no.4, pp.225-244.

Mitsch, M.P., and Clemence, S.P. (1985). “The Uplift Capacity of Helix Anchors in
Sand. Uplift Behavior of Anchor Foundations in Soil”; Proceedings of ASCE,
New York, N.Y. pp. 26-47.

Poulos, H.G. and Davis, E.H. (1980) Pile Foundation Analysis and Design. University
of Sydney, John Wiley and Sons, New York, N.Y. pp 324-327.
Copyright © 2008 Almita Manufacturing Ltd. 58  Fifth Edition 

Tomlinson, M.J. (1987) Pile design and Construction Practice, 3rd Edition. E & FN
Spon, London, pp 205-215.

Trofimenkov, J.G., and Mariupolskii, L.G. (1965). “Screw Piles Used for Mast and
Tower Foundations”; Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Soil
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, Vol. 11, pp.328-

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, (1985) “Pile Construction”, Field Manual No. 5-134, , Headquarters, Department of the Army,
Washington, DC,

Zhang,Diane J.Y. (1999). “Predicting Capacity of Helical Screw Piles in Alberta

Soils”; MSc Thesis, Geotechnical Engineering, Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta.

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