Uss Milius Command Newslet Ter: F CO' D

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Friends and Family, she could. Congratulations Lastly, there has been a sig-
on a job well done, Kristy. nificant amount of work ac-
I was glad to see so many of complished over the past
you at the Holiday Party on This month also finds us say- year by your Sailors, success-
the Inspiration Horn- ing goodbye to our XO, fully finishing the deploy-
blower. It looked like every- CDR Collier and his wife ment while also being fully
one had a great time, good Martina and Hello to our prepared to begin this main-
food and fun. I look forward new XO, CDR Steve Shedd tenance period, successfully
to seeing everyone again on and his wife Lauren on assessing the status of their
March 17th for our Command March 25th. CDR Collier equipment. Your Sailors’
Picnic at Admiral Baker Rec- will be heading off to com- proven ability to maintain
reation Area. mand Navy Operational Sup- their equipment, assess its
port Center (NOSC) Whid- need for repair and properly
bey Island in Washington track and supervise work to
The ship and sailors have ad-
justed to their time in the State. We wish them all the correct deficiencies will pay I NSIDE THIS

shipyard and have made it best as they move on to this back later this year, when we ISSUE :

through the first two next exciting chapter in their are certifying in the various
lives. areas we need to first time
weeks. It is only a 9 week up, with a steady strain. The
CSO’s Corner 2

total work period so time will more we focus now, the bet-
feel like it is flying by and be- Shannon Rivera takes over as ter prepared we will be. It is
fore you know it, we will be our Ombudsman this month, critical to get as much ac-
lighting off the engineering after doing a fantastic job as complished now as possible.
plant and combat systems and Assistant Ombudsman for
Ombudsman 3
heading out on sea trials, get- the past year. This means memo
ting back to the Naval Station that the Assistant Ombuds- I look forward to seeing eve-
and on to executing our man job is available for any ryone at the Command Pic-
schedule. volunteers who would like to nic on March 17 and appreci- Calendar of 3

take on this responsibility to ate all your support.


Fair winds and following seas represent and support OMB 411 4
to our Ombudsman, Mrs. MILIUS. Please let Sincerely,
Kristy Kenyatta. Kristy and CMDCM Thomas CDR R. Trevor King
Muhammad are heading off to at Commanding Officer Command 5
their next duty station in know if you are interested in Support
Lakehurst, New Jer- volunteering for the position
sey. Kristy has been a great to be filled at the end of
MILIUS frontline 6, 7
help to MILIUS, ensuring top April. There is a significant news
notch advice and support, time and schooling commit-
professionally representing the ment involved.
command while we were on
deployment, and always being
ready to help in any capacity

CSo’s Corner
CSO’s Corner

Happy Spring MILIUS! I stole the “XO’s Notes” section this month while he is on leave in order to take an opportunity to
extend my official invite to the Command Picnic! It’s planned to provide an opportunity off the ship where crew and fami-
lies can get together and enjoy a couple hours away from the everyday routine. Now, I can remember times in my career
where I was “volun-told” to attend events like these, but I can say with all certainty I never once had a bad time. It’s always a
great thing to see the crew away from the haze gray background and simply enjoying the company of family and friends. It’s an open invite to
you and your family. It’s also free!

So, yes, I’m looking forward to seeing you on the 17th. I encourage you all to clear the calendar for this fun-filled family event. Why start a
picnic at 10am, you ask? Once word gets out on what a succulent feast is being served, we anticipate the chow line to take about an hour to get
through. – Seriously, the event runs from 10am to 2pm. The 10am start gives the CPO Mess a chance to get their old blood flowing in prepara-
tion for the tremendous beat-down they’ll receive during the days sporting events. Family members are also encouraged to partake in the fes-
tivities. (The Chiefs need all the help they can get.) I fully expect the cheering section to be loudest from the Wardroom spouses! Please do
not let the boo birds fly while your sad spouse misses a dig from the CO’s power spike. Failure builds character, my friends! Be forewarned,
the Wardroom plans on dishing out a lot of “character” on the field of play – just not in front of the children of course. Based on expected at-
tendance, we are planning to populate the parade field with a solid smorgasbord of kid friendly events. It should go without saying, I expect all
of you to wait until the four year olds are out of the inflatable bouncy pit before you take a turn and break it. And please, no off field betting on
which kid is likely to get a concussion first. So be it great eats, great fun, great laughs – we got you covered at this years Command Picnic!
March 17th - See you there. (Reminder: Sailors who attend the picnic get the next day off! – You can’t beat that. (Duty dependant being the
only caveat.)).

Lastly, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish fair winds and following seas to our XO, CDR Brian Collier who will be departing to take com-
mand of his own in the Pacific Northwest. The role of the XO is not an easy one to master. Over his tour, CDR Collier has worked diligently
to keep all the moving pieces that make up MILIUS, moving forward in the right direction. Thank you for all the support and care you provided
the crew. It certainly made a difference!

Very Respectfully,
Michael S. Dwan
Combat Systems Officer (CSO)


Your Sailors are doing a great job. It is not easy to shift gears from being operational to
the maintenance intensive life in the shipyard, but they are adapting well.

I would also like to remind you to take advantage of the new duty rotation and plan for
those weekends off so you can enjoy the family time together. Also don’t forget we
have a Command picnic scheduled for 17 March at Admiral Baker’s Field. Details are in
the newsletter.

CMDCM(SW/AW) Richard Thomas

Calendar of Events
12 March- 31st Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade and
M ARCH 2011
Festival- Balboa Park at 10am, the Parade at 10:30am and after the
parade, an Irish festival with traditional dancers, music, a beer garden
and a trip back in time to the year 1582 while visiting the Celtic vil-
lage. See pg. 5 for more details.
Sun Mo Tue We Th Fri Sat
13 March– Daylight Saving Time– Set your clocks ahead one 1 2 3 4 5
17 March– Command Picnic– Admiral Baker Park- 10am-
afternoon. Chili Cook-off with prizes awarded, Pie in the Face fund-
raiser, food and activities for families including volleyball, softball,
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
bounce house, and more. For more information about this event,
please contact the PAO at
23 March– CRG Monthly Meeting– Location TBD 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
(tentatively at Murphy Canyon Chapel), 6:30-8:30pm. We will have
a Military Saves speaker to go over making a budget, creating a sav-
ings plan, investments, and more. We will also be discussing future
fundraisers and ways to give back to the crew and families. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 March- Antique Street Fair- from 9am to 4pm.Once a
year, La Mesa Boulevard is closed and Antique dealers from far and
wide set out their wares. Reminiscent of an old fashioned Midwest 27 28 29 30 31
flea market, there's live music and entertainment. See pg. 5 for more

March Greetings MILIUS crew and families!

Starting this March the Command Newsletter will only be available in one format, electronic. As with every
other government agency and office, there are budget cuts happening across the board. The funding for printing the
newsletter is no longer available and, while we apologize for any inconvenience, we do encourage Sailors to forward the
newsletter to family members or have them added to the Ombudsman distribution list. Family members and sailors can also
access the newsletter online via the Command Families page on Facebook. If you would like to add a family member who was previously
receiving the command newsletter by mail simply email the Ombudsman with your family members contact information.

March is Military Saves month. There are Military Saves seminars happening right now on various bases throughout
San Diego. If you are unable to attend any of these seminars the CRG will have a representative at their monthly meeting at the
end of the month. We encourage everyone to attend the Military Saves seminars and the CRG meeting, as both will offer a
wealth of information to help single sailors, married sailors, and/or family members. You can email the Ombudsman for more Ombudsman Info:
As spring is approaching we would also like to encourage families that can to donate to the Ombudsman Food Locker.
Times are tough and the Surface Ombudsman created a food locker in order to help those in need. Conversely, we would also
like to encourage those who are in need to reach out for help if you need it. There are numerous programs and resources avail- OMB Phone– 619.417.9980
able for you if you need it. If you have a need please email or call your Ombudsman, as we are here to help you. Careline– 619.338.1754

Lastly, the Ombudsman Team is looking to put together a group to walk/run the Bay Bridge 5k and the Rock and
Roll marathon. If you are interested email the Ombudsman for details. Have a great March!

-Your USS MILIUS Ombudsman Team


FFSC's Job Fair Couples Communication

WHEN: Wed., March 30, 2011 from 10am - 2pm How can it be so hard to communicate with the
WHERE: Scottish Rite Center San Diego person you love the most? Navy couples face particu-
1895 Camino del Rio South, San Diego, CA lar challenges and the FFSC understands. They have
92108 workshops that address the special challenges military
couples face. This month the Couples Communica-
tion Course is available on:
Come early and learn "How to Effectively Work a
Job Fair"! This workshop will be offered from  Wednesday Mar 9, from 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM,
9:00am - 9:30am and again from 9:30am - 10:00am. at the FFSC at The Village at Serra Mesa
Resume Critiques will also be offered from 10:30am 619-556-127
- 1pm.  Thursday, Mar 24, from 5 PM - 7 PM, at the
Come dressed for success and bring copies of your FFSC on Naval Base San Diego.
resume! The Job Fair is open to all service members 619-556-740
on active duty, reservists, retirees, spouses, and
OMB 411
For questions or to sign up call the numbers listed
family members. above.

.The F*O*C*U*S Program, Open House – Rib-

bon Cutting Celebration Understanding ADHD Training Series
Tuesday, March 8, 2011 from 2pm – 4pm Want to learn more about ADHD? How to help your child succeed? Would you
All San Diego Military families and service providers are like to understand the facts about medication or other helpful behavioral options?
welcome! Join us for some fun while learning about FOCUS, This free three part series will help you completely understand all the aspects the
enjoying afternoon coffee and refreshments, and getting ADHD diagnosis, medication knowledge and concerns, and helpful behavioral
acquainted with your community! approaches.
FOCUS (Families OverComing Under Stress) provides resil- Presented By: Verna Glassing, MS, LCPC , San Marcos Treatment Center
iency training to military families. It teaches practical skills to
meet the challenges of deployment and reintegration, to Part One: ADHD Overview (Diagnosis and helpful treatment ideas)
communicate and solve problems effectively, and to success- Wednesday, March 9, 2011
fully set goals together and create a shared family story. 9:30-11:30 AM – MCRD San Diego
F*O*C*U*S is located at Naval Base San Diego, Dolphin 6:00-8:00 PM – MCAS Miramar
Alley, Bldg 265, San Diego, 92136. Part Two: Understanding the Medication World of ADHD
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
To RSVP or for more information, please
9:30-11:30 AM – MCRD San Diego
email or call 619-
6:00-8:00 PM – MCAS Miramar
Part Three: Helpful Behavioral Approaches for Home and School
Red Cross 20th Annual CPR Saturday Wednesday, May 11, 2011
9:30-11:30 AM – MCRD San Diego
Learn to save the life of someone you love. The 6:00-8:00 PM – MCAS Miramar
San Diego/Imperial Counties Chapter of the
**RSVP’s must be received by noon one week prior to the event. **
American Red Cross offers FREE CPR training
to the San Diego community one Saturday each Contact Elizabeth Wright or Anna Nguyen , 619-524-8031/8086,
year. This event will take place on Saturday, March 19 from
7am to 1pm at Golden Hall at the San Diego Concourse lo-
cated at 202 C Street (at B Street and 3rd Avenue). Or, June Baxter or Carletta Vicain , 858-577-4668 , smbmiramarmcas- , Please call regarding childcare.
All participants successfully completing the course will re-
ceive certification at no cost. Classes are available both in
English and in Spanish. Classes start every hour on the hour
from 7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Disaster education for children Donations Needed
ages 5-11 will also be offered. Preparedness information, The Ombudsman Food Locker is always looking for donations. As you spring
disaster supplies for sale, and the opportunity to donate blood clean this month, please think about donating any extra food items including- baby
will also be a part of the day’s events. food, infant/toddler formula, canned goods, boxed goods, and other non-
There is no advance registration required for this perishable food items.
event! Simply come to the class you intend to take and regis- Additionally, if you find yourself in need, please contact your Om-
tration will take place then (arriving half an hour early is budsman. We have many resources to help you through the
strongly recommended). month.
For more information, please visit or To donate or for more information email the Ombudsman
call 858.309.1369. at

Command Readiness Group Stuff to do in San Diego: 31st Annual St. Patrick’s Day
Parade & Festival
We would like to thank everybody who showed up to the CRG meetings that we
held this month. We have a few things planned in the upcoming month. Saturday, March 12
Join the Irish Congress of Southern California in celebrating St. Patrick’s
 The CRG is teaming up with the MWR to host a Command Picnic at Admi- Day! Events include a Flag Raising ceremony in Balboa Park at 10am,
ral Bakers Park from 10am– after lunch. We will be holding a chili cook-off, the Parade at 10:30am and after the parade, an Irish festival with tradi-
If you or your sailor are interested please have your sailor contact the MWR tional dancers, music, a beer garden and a trip back in time to the year
to sign up. There will be prizes for the top 3 winners. 1582 while visiting the Celtic village.
 We will also have a Pie in the Face contest at the Command Picnic. Sailors The Parade steps off at Fifth Avenue and Juniper Street, and will feature
are to contact CS1 De Lair for information or to sign up to help. over 150 entries including marching bands, floats, dancing groups, the
reigning Miss Colleen and Smiling Irishman, and much more!
 We will be holding our monthly meeting on Wednesday March 23rd. It Festival entertainment starts off with a great
is from 6-8pm and tentatively scheduled to be at the Murphy Canyon Chapel presentation with the bagpipes and drums of the
off Santo Rd. in the Murphy Canyon Housing area. Child care will be pro- San Diego Firefighters Emerald Society and
vided. (For updates check your email or the Command Families page on continues with live entertainment on two stages
Facebook under events.) We are planning to have a speaker from Military with a line-up of outstanding entertainers. The
Saves. If you are unable to attend the seminars the first week of March this festival area is open from 9am to 6pm. For more
will be a great opportunity to come out and hear about saving for the future, information, please
reducing debt, and creating wealth. We hope to see you there! visit or call (858) 268-
The CRG is still looking for more family members to attend the meetings and join
the fun! Now that the ship is home we can focus more on “family time.” We are
hoping to include not only the families, but the single sailors as well as the married
sailors. We are interested to find out what we can do for you, and how we can
help your sailor as well. If you are interested in being a part of this wonderful Fundraising Opportunity! Calling all Cooks, Chefs, and
group please email the CRG Foodies
The USS MILIUS CRG is planning a Command Cookbook and we need your
recipes! To use this system you need to do the following:
1– go to
Volunteers Needed
2– enter your name as the Contributor
The following positions are in need of being filled as soon as possible. If interested
contact the CRG, the Ombudsman, or the CMC. 3– enter miliuscookbook as the Group Login

-CRG Board Members– Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer 4– enter eded8 as the login password

-Assistant Ombudsman position 5– Once logged in, add up to 20 recipes per person

-United Through Reading Homefront Coordinator 6– Check your recipe for errors and save and pass the word on to family
This will be a great opportunity to contribute to a memorable keepsake.
Stuff to do in San Diego: Antique Street Fair The cookbook will be a professionally printed three-ring binder cook-
book with Command Photos, history, and, of course, your recipes.
Sunday, March 27, 2011 from 9am to 4pm. Once all the recipes are collected we will send it out for printing and
Once a year, La Mesa Boulevard is closed and Antique dealers from far and wide they should be back 30-45 days from then. We will be taking pre-orders
set out their wares. Reminiscent of an old fashioned Midwest flea market, there's once we have a decent amount of recipes to move forward! The deadline
live music and entertainment. All of our restaurants, coffee houses and pubs in
The Village prepare special fare!
For more information, please call the La
Command Readiness Group Contact
Mesa Village Merchant’s Association
at (619) 644-3003 between 11am-5pm.
Or on Facebook on the USS MILIUS Command Families Page


By ENS Rhianna Cole

A Night Out on the Inspiration Hornblower

MILIUS Sailors took a break from the busy maintenance period of “It was exciting to see the crew mingle outside of work,” said Elec-
the yards to enjoy an elegant night on San Diego’s harbor for the tronics Technician, First Class (SW) Steven Cianci.” “I enjoyed
ship’s command party. meeting the family members of shipmates that I had just spent
several months with, face to face. You talk about your family so
much but rarely do you actually get to meet them.”
The party was on the Inspiration Hornblower and was a huge suc-
The command picnic is on March 17 at 10 am and Sailors are en-
couraged once again to bring their spouses and family members for
a picnic in San Diego’s beautiful weather at the Admiral Baker
Recreation Area.

“Each Sailor is working hard each day to get the ship ready to get
out of the shipyard and ready for the training cycle,” said Com-
manding Officer, Commander R. Trevor King. “It was great to see
the crew relax and have a good time. They all deserved it. I am
looking forward to seeing the crew and meeting their families at
the picnic.”

** For photos of the night’s festivities, see the Command Families

Page on Facebook.
“I had a really good time,” said Ensign Lisa Snoh. “It was great to
see everyone out, having fun and enjoying their time off.”

Sailors came with their smiles, significant others and positive atti-
tude and enjoyed a delicious three-course meal, free drinks, danc-
ing and an awesome raffle.

More than one-third of the Sailors received prizes varying from

$50 Visa gift cards, to a grand prize of a $1000 Navy Exchange gift

“Morale, Welfare and Recreation received a lot of support from

the command for this event,” said LTJG Arthur Sciortino, the
MWR Representative for the ship. “We had a large turnout and
received nothing but positive feedback.”
MILIUS and the Command Readiness Group are hosting another
command event in March and hope to have an even greater turn-


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