D Density of The Solution, The Same As That of Solvent When The Solution Is Dilute

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D = dielectric constant = 78.54

T = absolute temperature
d = density of the solution, the same as that of solvent when the solution is dilute.
Constant A2 accounts for variation of dielectric constant or a constant for a given electro-
The activity coefficients of equilibrium solution in soil chemistry studies are often deter-
mined using Davies equation (Amacher, 1984) namely,
(− 0.502 z 2 I )
log r = = 0.2I ...(1.1.4)
(1 + I )
where z is the valency of an ion and I is ionic strength of the soil solution. The ionic strength is
calculated from the electrical conductivity (ECe) according to the relation proposed by Griffin
and Jurinak (1973) namely,
I = 0.0127 ECe ...(1.1.5)
Note : In 1.0 mole kg–1 HCl (aq), mH+ = 1.0 mole kg–1 (the acid is fully ionised) and mean activity coeffi-
cient is = 0.811 (Table value (At kms 1986) ; therefore, aH+ = 0.811 × (1.0 mol kg–1/m–) = 0.81, implying pH
= 0.092 in place of the value pH = 0 which would have been obtained from the use of molality alone. There
is also nothing mysterious about the concept of negative pH, for it, merely corresponds to an activity
greater than unity. For example, in 2.00 mole kg–1 HCl (aq) where the mean activity coefficient is 1.011
(Table value, Appendix VII), the hydrogen ion activity is 2.02, implying pH = – 0.31.
In the pure state, water is dissociated to a very small extent and behaves as a weak
electrolyte. The equilibrium constant of the dissociation, H2O H+ + OH–, is given by,
a + . aOH−
K= H ...(1.1.6)
In the pure state, or in dilute solution, the activity of water aH 2O is constant and is taken
to be unity.
Hence, Kw = aH + . aOH − ...(1.1.7)
The Kw is called the ionic activity product of water. Replacing activities with concentra-
tions and activity coefficients
Kw = C H + . f H + . CH − f H − = (C H + C H − ) f H + . f H + ...(1.1.8)
or Kw = Kw′ f H + . fO H − ...(1.1.9)
where Kw′ = C H . CO H − (1.1.9a) is called the ion product of water. In pure water or in dilute

solutions the activity coefficients f H + and fO H − are almost unity and so Kw ≈ Kw′. That is no
appreciable error is involved in accepting ion product of water as its ionic activity product.
At 25°C, the concentration of H+ ions in pure water has been found to be 1 × 10–7. Since
CH+ = CO H − in pure water
∴ Kw′ = C H + . CO H − = (1 × 10–7)2 = 1 × 10–14 ...(1.1.10)
The ionic activity product of water is very accurately derived, from e.m.f. measurement
of suitable galvanic cells, such as
Pt(H2) | KOH (aq.) KCl (aq.) | AgCl(s) | Ag ; (m1 and m2 are the molalities)
(m1) (m2)
in which the cell reaction is, AgCl (s) + ½H2 → Ag (s) + H+ + Cl–. The experimentally obtained
value from e.m.f. determination of Kw was found to be 1.008 × 10–14 at 25°C. The ionic activity
product of water at different temperatures are :

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