Review On Effect of Glass Fiber On Blended Cement Concrete: January 2016
Review On Effect of Glass Fiber On Blended Cement Concrete: January 2016
Review On Effect of Glass Fiber On Blended Cement Concrete: January 2016
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3 authors, including:
Maharaj Vijayaram Gajapati Raj College of Engineering
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Depending on source, coal may include one or more toxic E. Lime Fly Ash Cellular Concrete
chemical in trace amount: This type of cellular concrete can be manufactured by a
Arsenic , beryllium , boron , cadmium , chromium , process involving mixing of fly ash, quick lime and gypsum
cobalt , lead , manganese , mercury , molybdenum , in high speed mixer to form thin slurry. By using lime fly
selenium , strontium , thallium , and vanadium. ash cellular concrete is considered excellent products for
walling blocks and fabricated floor slabs. The bulk density
V. DIFFERENT TYPES OF FLY ASH CONCRETES of the product ranges from 500kg /cm3 to 1300kg/cm3.
A. Ready –Mixed Fly Ash Concrete So such blocks are used for load bearing walls up
to three storied and partition walls in multi-storied buildings.
The ready-mix concrete can be prepared by two processes
they are proportioning of fly ash concrete mix and batching F. Cement
and mixing of different ingredients. It has the advantage of Fly ash is an artificial pozzolanic material can be used for
quality control, reduction in wastage, labor and supervision, manufacturing of Portland pozzalona cements as partly
and which are normally associated with concrete prepared at replacement of cement in mortar and concrete. The cement ,
site. mortar and concrete prepared by fly ash gives long term
FLY ASH % strength and low heat of hydration ,low permeability and
BY MASS hence more durability.
CaO 0.372-27.68 Indian coal has high ash content i.e. 35-38% and
SiO2 27.88-59.46 imported coal ash content 10-15%. Regarding this washing
Al2O3 5.23-33.99 will help to reduce the ash content 7-8%. There are total 90
Fe2O3 1.21-29.63 coal/lignite based thermal power plants. And it is provided
MgO 0.42-8.79 by central electricity authority 2011-12 for providing
SO3 0.04-4.71 electric power rapidly growing industrial as well as
NaO2 0.2-6.9 agricultural sectors. In which 70% of the electricity was
K2O 0.64-6.68 generated from the coal based thermal power plants (source:
TiO2 0.24-1.73 India Energy book, 2012). In order to achieve the India
LOI 0.21-28.37 economic growth of 8-9%, the country’s total coal demand,
Table 1: Chemical Constituents Of Fly Ash has been forecasted increase in nearly 730 million tons in
1) Material Procured from 2010-11 to 2000 million tons in 2031-32 approximately.
Class-F Fly Ash from NTPC, Visakhapatnam. These And 75% of the coal would be from thermal power plant.
chemical properties also collected from the NTPC. Here are the some statistics from the India Energy Book,
G. Uses
Portland cement and grout
Brick and concrete masonry units (CMU)
Embankment / structural fill and mine reclamation
Road sub base
Soil stabilization
Flowable fills (controlled low strength material)
Waste stabilized and solidification
Raw feed for cement clinkers
Fig. 1: Fly Ash Asphalt concrete mineral filler
B. Precast Fly Ash Concrete Units Numerous agricultural applications In the above table
demand of coal in the coming decades so the generation of
Fly ash can be used in production of various types of precast
fly-ash increase tremendously and the consumption rate is
building units such as solid and hollow core slabs, doors and
54.33% per annum (Central Electricity authority 2011-12).
window frames etc. it can also used in preparing flooring,
The rate of the consumption should be increased gradually
roofing units, cored units, channel units and cellular units by
to maintain a production-consumption balance. And another
partial replacement of cement.
table shows the generation and utilization of fly-ash for the
C. Clay Fly Ash Bricks year 2010 and 2011 in India which aware us the
Fly ash is also used in the production of bricks also because contemporary consumption rate. In the financial year 2016-
the fact that clay and fly ash is not much different in respect 17 fly ash is expected to increase the production around
of their chemical composition. When fly ash is used in 300-400 million tons per year. The large amount of fly-ash
bricks 0.25 to 0.80 times of clay can be replaced by fly ash. produced if not utilized in right quantity will be hazardous
The bricks are in lighter in weight as the density of fly ash is to environment. In the cement sector the utilization is
about one half of the clay. approximately same in 2010 and 2011. In roads and
embankments percentage of utilization of fly-ash was
D. Lime Fly Ash Bricks increased from 11.65% to 13.02%. Otherwise other sector
Lime is using as a binder are having high strength has decrease in percentage of utilization of fly-ash which
possessing good quality.
decreases the overall percentage utilization in financial year OPC and reduced content of free lime, which does not
2011-12. improve or affect the strength of concrete.
200 200 201 201 202 202 203
Sector 5- 6- 1- 6- 1- 6- 1-
06 07 12 17 22 27 32
104 134 165
ity 310 341 539 836
0 0 9
Iron &
43 43 69 104 112 120 150
Cement 20 25 32 50 95 125 140
Others 53 51 91 135 143 158 272
116 119 192 289 350 403 562
(B) Fig. 2: Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
Total Density Glass content Specific Surface Area
of 112 139 174 222 (g/cm3) (%) (cm2/g)
426 460 731
(A)+(B 5 0 3 1 2.91 98 10070
) Table 3: Physical Properties Of Ggbs
Table 2: Projected Coal Demand (Million Tons) (Source: SO Si Al2 Fe2 Ca Mg Na2 K2 T-
India Energy Book, 2012) 3 O2 O3 O3 O O O O S
Since 1996-97 to 2010-11 increase in fly-ash 0.1 33. 43. 0.4 0.9
production is observed so the consumption (9.63% in 1996- 14.5 0.49 5.5 0.22
2 5 1 0 5
97 to 54.53% in 2011-12, reported by Central Electricity Table 4: Chemical Composition Of Ggbs
Authority 2011-12). India achieved the fly-ash utilization in
2009-10 and 54.53% in 2011-12. A lot of effort should A. Durability of GGBS
require achieving 95-100% utilization. And continuous GGBS is the routinely specified in concrete to provide
effort has been made by Department of Science and protection against both sulfate attack and chloride attack. To
Technology, Government of India to increase the scale of protect against chloride attack, GGBS is used at a
utilization of fly-ash. replacement level of 50% in concrete. Chloride attack
occurs in reinforced concrete in marine environments and
VI. GGBS (GROUND GRANULATED BLAST FURNACE SLAG) road bridges where the concrete is exposed to splashing
Ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS or GGBFS) is from road de-icing salts. It was used in the construction of
obtained by heating molten iron slag from a blast furnace in bridge piers and abutments for protection against chloride
water or steam, to produce a glassy, granular product that is attack. In such instances the use of GGBS increases the life
then dried and ground into a fine powder. of the structure by up to 50% had only Portland cement have
GGBS is used to make the concrete durable with been used. GGBS generates less heat of hydration than
the combination of ordinary Portland cement and/ or other Portland cement. This reduces the thermal gradients in
pozzolanic material. The major use of GGBS are in the concrete, which prevents the occurrence of micro-cracking
production of quality-improved slag cement, namely they which weakens the concrete and reduces its durability.
are called Portland blast furnace cement (PFBC) and high-
slag blast-furnace cement (HSBFC), with GGBS content VII. GLASS FIBER
ranging from typically from 30 to 70% and in the production Today GLASS FIBERS are the most versatile industrial
of ready-mixed or site-batched durable concrete. materials. Glass fibers are readily produced from raw
Concrete made with GGBS cement sets more materials, which are available in unlimited supply. All the
slowly than ordinary cement concrete but it gains more glass fibers discussed here are derived from the composition
strength than ordinary cement concrete over a long period in containing silica. They show hardness, transparency,
production conditions. This results in lower heat of resistance to chemical attack, stability and inertness. The
hydration and lower temperature rises, and makes avoiding desirable properties such as strength, flexibility, stiffness.
cold joints easier, but may also affect construction schedules These glass fibers are used in the manufacture of structural
where quick setting is required. composites, printed circuits boards and a wide range of
Use of GGBS reduces the risk of damage caused by special purpose products.
alkali-silica reaction provides higher resistance to chloride
and also reducing the risk of reinforcement corrosion and
provides higher resistance to attacks by sulfate and other
chemicals. The replacement levels for GGBS vary from 30
to 85%. In most of cases it is typically used from 40 to 50%.
Concrete made with GGBS cement has a higher ultimate
strength than concrete made with ordinary Portland cement.
It has high calcium silicate content than concrete made with
Fig. 3: Glass fiber
A. Glass Fiber Types manufacturing process. Finally they said that there is a
Generally glass fibers are classified into two categories, scope for this work and it can be used or recommended to
low-cost general-purpose fibers and premium special- the impact of alkali silica reaction and long-term durability
purpose fibers. Overall 90% all glass fibers are general of glass fiber reinforced plastic waste powder admixed
purpose products. These glass fibers are called by E-glass concrete to confirm the environmental significance for
and these are subjected to ASTM specifications ( ref). commercial exploitation of glass fiber reinforced plastic
Remaining glass fibers are premium special purpose waste used in concrete.
products. Some glass fibers are designated by the letter Rabadiya and Vaniya (2015) investigated the
which indicates that special property of that fiber. concrete made from glass fiber and RCA as partial
replacement of coarse aggregate and they studied on the
B. General Purpose Glass Fibers mechanical properties of concrete and also the flow ability
The general purpose glass fibers are E- glass fibers and S- test i.e nothing but the workability tests were also
glass fibers. Now a days glass fibers and the fabric materials conducted.they also studied on the replacement of RCA with
are used in ever increasing varieties for a wide range coarse aggregate by different percentages to make different
applications. grades of concrete. They observed that the addition of glass
The data book (ref) available and that book covers fiber reduces the workability. When RCA mixed with glass
all commercially available E-glass fibers, whether employed fiber gives higher flexural and split tensile than the
foe reinforced, filtration, insulation, and also in other conventional concrete. The replacement of used RCA and
applications. glass fiber in concrete, the mechanical properties like split
and flexure was increasing compared with the normal
C. Special Purpose Glass Fibers
The special purpose glass fibers are S-glass fibers, D-glass Yimin Yao et al., (2016), studied on the thermal
fibers, A-glass fibers. A companion data book is available conductivity of functionalized Al2O3 filled glass fiber
and that book covers all commercially available high reinforced polymer composites. They stated that the packing
strength glass fibers including S-glass fibers and all silica or density of electronic devices was rapidly increasing the
quartz glass fibers. thermal conductivity of glass fiber reinforced polymer
Composition Wt % composites. They studied the effect of interfacial state on
SiO2 52-56 the thermal conductivity of functionalized Al2O3 was to be
B2O3 4-6 effective filler to fabricate thermally conductive GFPR
Al2O3 12-15 composite. The highest thermal conductivity is up to 1.07
CaO 21-23 w/mk by adding 70 wt% amino groups- Al2O3.
MgO 0.4-4 Chung-Hyeon Ryu et al., (2016) investigated on
TiO2 0.2-0.5 the non-destructive evaluation of hidden multi-delamination
Na2O3 0-1 in a glass-fiber-reinforced plastic composites using terahertz
F2O3 0.2-0.4 spectroscopy. They stated that the THz-TDS imaging
F2 0.2-0.7 system will be an alternative method for detecting inner
Table 5: Chemical Composition Of E-Glass Fiber multi-delamination in composite structures. And by using
this they determined the delamination thickness of top,
VIII. LITERATURE REVIEW middle, bottom as 96.52, 109.03, 107.40 micrometers
respectively. In z-direction the delamination was less than
In this chapter the literature related to the present study is 5% error when compared to the actual values.
delineated. Mehran khan and Majid Ali (2016) studied the
A. Glass Fiber glass and nylon fibers in concrete and they finally concluded
that when compared to GFRC and NFRC, glass fiber
Deitz et. al (2003) investigated to determine the
reinforced concrete gets higher values of mechanical
compression strength, their ultimate strength and young’s
properties of concrete i.e. the GFRC is the better to use in
modulus they casted forty – five glass fiber reinforced
polymer rebars. The rebars having the outside diameter
Ali Ates (2016) investigated that the mechanical
15mm and the lengths varying from 50 to 380 mm. while
behavior of the soil was determined by unconfined
doing the crushing test of glass fiber reinforced rebar the
compressive strength tests. By using glass fiber the cement
ultimate compressive strength was failed and it is
increases the mechanical strength of sandy soil and reduces
approximately half of the ultimate strength of the tensile
the displacement at failure and brittle behavior was noticed.
strength. And they found that there was no change in
And they finally got maximum strength at 3% glass fiber
young’s modulus in compression and also in tension.
content and decreases the mechanical properties of cement
Asokan et al. (2010) studied on scope for recycling
and sandy soils.
glass fiber reinforced plastic waste. The suitability of
Siamak Motahari and Amin Abolghasemi(2015)
recycling glass fiber for improving the concrete performance
studied that the fire resistance of silica aero gel/ glass fiber
for structural and non-structural components. By adding the
is measured and it also influences the solution pH4 shows
reinforced plastic waste and 2% super plasticizer it improves
higher fire resistance compared to those solutions having pH
the mechanical properties such as compreeion, tension,
8. At the surface of the gel it causes more shrinkage due to
flexure and water absorption. They also reported that the
the presence of Si-OH. The resistence to fire of the
quality of concrete composite products depends on the the
composites were get at the long period of time. And they
quality of glass fiber reinforced plastic waste and the
finally concluded that the aging can affects the composites hydroxide consumption which have an uncertain influence
about fire. When time increases then it becomes very strong on the concrete’s anti-carbonation ability. when they were
aero gel. Since the thicker bridges can cause less shrinkage using high content fly ash and low W/B ratio or low fly ash
that means it have less porosity. And also it was against to content and high W/B ratio and it occupies the dominant
the fire resistance. position and effects the interfacial transition zone of
concrete’s coarse aggregate, and improves carbonation
B. Fly Ash
resistence. 53.5% of average carbonation depth of fly ash
Pipat Termkhajornkit et al. (2009) investigated on the concrete compared to the specimens cured under A
compressive strength, porosity, chloride diffusion condition. The W/B and fly ash were either low or high, it
coefficient, hydration reaction and hydrated products were had the positive effect in dense interfacial zone and negative
considered by the self-healing ability of fly ash-cement. In effect of calcium hydroxide consumption had little effect on
this study it was concentrate on the behavior of self-healing the anti carbonation ability.11.5% of the average
ability of fly ash cement after shrinkage cracking occurs. carbonation depth of fly ash concrete decreases under the A
The amount of shrinkage cracks was measured by the condition
amount of total porosity. The samples which containing fly Wei Wang et al., (2016) studied the effect of pore
ash have high compressive strength than the ordinary water saturation on the mechanical properties of fly ash
cement at the age of 28 days. The reduction of total capillary concrete. They noticed that the rebound value, ultrasonic
pores is higher in fly ash cement pastes than those in normal velocity and elastic modulus are had the same as
cement pastes at 28 days. If there is an increase in fly ash compressive strength on replacement of fly ash. 0 to 0.45%
ratio in concrete then there is also increase in capillary replacement of fly ash has the average rebound value ,the
pores. The samples which have 25% fly ash content have ultrasonic velocity, the elastic modulus and the compressive
significantly lower chloride diffusion than in normal strength were all maximum corresponding to fly ash
cement. They also reported that the hydration of replacement level of 15%.and they are also discussed the
cementitious material was increases when the amount of fly pore water saturation concept i.e. if the pore water saturation
ash increases. And they finally concluded that the mix increases the rebound value and ultrasonic velocity
which contains fly ash has the self-healing ability and the decreases and the pore water saturation in less than 20%
cracks were also taking place form shrinkage. then the pore water saturation and rebound value and
Berndt (2009) studied and he reports that the partial ultrasonic velocity are increases ,if the pore water saturation
replacement of cement and recycled aggregate improves the is in between 20% to 60% the rebound value decreases. The
sustainability of the concrete. 50% of GGBS was replaced pore water saturation is above 80% then the pore water
with cement gives the best result i.e. mechanical properties saturation remains stable irrespective of increase in pore
and durability either use natural or recycled aggregates. water saturation. If pore water saturation is 20% to 60% the
They stated that RCA and concrete containing slag was not ultrasonic velocity slowly increases, and if above 60% the
considerably detrimental to strength. And it can produce a ultrasonic velocity increases rapidly. The fly ash
compressive strength of 40MPa and that mixture suitable for replacement and pore water content greatly influences the
many structural applications including with turbine mechanical properties of concrete. So precautions should be
foundations. By adding small amount of fly ash or RCA taken in the design of fly ash concrete in high humidity
there is an increase in permeability coefficient and chloride environments.
diffusion coefficient and also the values are satisfactory for Hamdy K. Shehab et al., (2016) studied that at 50%
durable concrete, but in case of elastic modulus it was replacement ratio they observed that the values of
reverse. And they finally concluded that all sources of fly compressive strength, bond strength, splitting tensile
ash were not mandatory to increase the properties of strength and flexural strength at 28 days compared to
concrete at high replacement levels and it have mixtures produced from 0%, 25%, 75% and 100%
recommended mix proportion before use in construction replacement ratios. They were also noticed that the flexural
projects. strength, compressive strength, bond strength equals
Sujitra Onutai et al., (2015) studied that they were 10.98%,13.3%,16.18% respectively from compressive
described that the flyash and alluminium wastes are suitable strength. They were observed that the flexural, splitting
for the geopolymer materials. And they studied the flyash tensile, bond strength were 40.8 kg/cm2 , 49.58
and alluminium with five different ratios i.e. 100/0 , 90/10, kg/cm2,61.04 kg/cm2 at a cement replacement ratio of 50%,
80/20, 60/40 , 40/60. NaOH solutions concentrations were 5, with binder of 350kg, activator solution ratio of 0.55%.
10 and 15M and the curing temperatures were used at room
temperatures, 60-C and 80-C. They observed that at curing C. GGBS
temperature of 80-C and at 10M concentration was suitable Ganesh Babu and Sreerama Kumar (2000) studied on the
for geopolymerization when the alluminium waste content supplementary cementitous materials usage in concrete this
was 40 wt%. and they finally concluded that 40MPa of the study was done because there so many improvements have
bulk matrix strength was achieved for geopolymer. done on concrete in economical point of view. They were
Qingxin Zhao et al., (2016) studied on long age wet also proposed a method to evaluate the efficiency of fly ash
curing effect on performance of carbonation resistance of and the silica fume and also for the GGBS determination.
flyash concrete. They concluded that the in 90 days wet By studying all these they finally reported that the strength
curing condition the concrete had the positive interfacial efficiency was varying when they replacing the cement with
zone and it improves the anti-carbonation ability of concrete the GGBS. So they finally want to get the equal strength of
due to this there exists a negative effect of calcium concrete at 28 days they considered the present study.
A.Oner , S.Akyuz (2007) studied that the compressive permeability and improves the resistance of the specimens
strength of the GGBS mixed concrete strength was to the cycles of freezing and thawing.
increasing simultaneously by the amount of GGBS addition Syed Asif Ali and Prof Shaik Abdullah (2014) performed
and this strength was increased up to 55% of GGBS usage. the experimental study on partial replacement of cement by
More than this % the concrete does not affect the strength of fly ash and GGBS.
concrete. Optimum % of fly ash and GGBS found to be 40% and
Martin O’Connell, Ciaran McNally, Mark G. 9% respectively.
Richardson had investigated on the performance of concrete Optimum value of compressive strength for M25 grade
incorporating GGBS in aggressive wastewater environment at 40% fly ash and 9% GGBS as partial replacement of
(2012). The mineral admixtures such as GGBS is used in cement was found to be 31.59N/mm2 at 7 days of
increasing the amounts in concrete and shown to provide curing and 45.47N/mm2 for 28 days of curing.
concrete with durability in the particular environment. The The optimum value of split tensile strength and flexural
usage of GGBS in cement replacement will also reduce CO 2 strength for M25 grade at 9% GGBS and 40% Fly Ash
emission and has economical benefits. as partial replacement foe cement was found to be
Krishna Rao et al., (2015) have done with GGBS. 12.78N/mm2, 8.81N/mm2 respectively at 28 days of
They noticed that the cement was replaced with GGBS in curing.
different proportions and observed that when they reducing
the GGBS content the mechanical properties of concrete D. Concluding Remarks
were also reducing at the curing age of 3 days after that From all the investigations the cementitious materials GGBS
when the long periods of curing age they found that there and Fly ash are the good replacement materials and it emits
was an increase in strength of concrete with water/cement less CO2 emissions in to environment than the cement based
ratio 0.45. after this the strength of the concrete was concrete. And also the production of these materials such as
decreasing .So they finally concluded that the strength of the GGBS and Fly ash was increasing every year. GGBS based
concrete was increasing with the increase in the curing age concrete has good durability than normal concrete and it
of the concrete. have low heat of hydration and the pores produced are also
Souvik Das et al., (2015) focused their study on less. From the thermal power plants fly ash production was
marine structures and they find a problem that the whole very high. If the disposal techniques are not appropriate then
world looking to restrain the marine structure from damages there is a hazardous to the environment. If these materials
caused by the environment. And they tried to manage that were mixed with air produces so many health problems. So
problem by using glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) these materials should be properly disposed. Hence by using
sheets which are quite economical. So they are not done these materials in construction industry will reduce the
such an effective study on the usage of GFRP sheets in impacts on environment as well as the production of the
marine structures. So, they concluded some points that materials were also controlled.
GGBS decreases the permeability of concrete as a result Glass fibers are also having good qualities and it
there is a decrease in chloride penetration. And when they increasing the mechanical properties of concrete. The
retrofit the marine structures with the GFRP sheets the compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural
strength was significantly increases to on an average of strength of glass fiber replaced concrete has better results
94%. And they also find a problem that the bond strength than normal concrete.
between the GFRP sheets and epoxy resins decreases with The effect of glass fiber on the normal concrete,
an increase in chloride levels. The tensile strength was GGBS concrete, Fly ash concrete with glass fiber was not
induced by the temperature effects in the circumferential studied till now. Hence the effect of glass fiber on
region of the composite. compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength
Azadeh Attari et al., (2016) reported that the with glass fiber on normal concrete, GGBS concrete, Fly ash
utilization of supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) concrete was investigated in this study.
in the concrete mix reduces the CO2 foot print during
generally to improve the durability. The characteristics like REFERENCES
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