167 Manuscript 193 1 10 20210107
167 Manuscript 193 1 10 20210107
167 Manuscript 193 1 10 20210107
1, 2018, 13-19
Neonatal Jaundice is a medical condition in which high number of unconjugated bilirubin exists in infant’s
blood resulting in yellowish colour of baby’s skin and whites of the eye. Unconjugated bilirubin is
potentially toxic to neural tissue both brain and spinal cord. Entry of unconjugated bilirubin into the brain
can cause both short-term and long-term neurological dysfunction, bilirubin encephalopathy, which needs
serious attention. Even though hospitals use phototherapy machine to treat jaundice, there are a number of
gaps on the machine related to its effectiveness. Among the gaps long hospitalization time, biological
hazards from strong optical radiation and limitation to higher hospitals are the major ones. The main
objective of this research was to optimize phototherapy machine for advanced treatment of neonatal
jaundice. Before optimization activities, necessary clinical study was performed and the results from the
clinical study were used as an input for optimization work. The optimization work included integration of
non-invasive bilirubin measurement, light intensity measurement, back treatment and different power supply
options to overcome the gaps. The actual device using 465 nm light emitting diode was developed and tested
against specifications. Non-invasive measurement system avoids invasive bilirubin measurement,
comfortable and makes tracking treatment progress easier. Addressing all skin surface of a baby by the
device improves treatment efficiency and plays vital role in baby to mother bond as it reduces treatment
Abyssinia Journal of Engineering and Computing Vol. 1, No. 1, 2021, 13-19
Abyssinia Journal of Engineering and Computing Vol. 1, No. 1, 2021, 13-19
Finally, the researchers would like to thank Tikur
Anbesa specialized hospital, JUMC, Agaro
General hospital, Shenen Gibe hospital and Seka
Hospitals with their pediatrics department staffs for
giving me valuable information during clinical
study. The researchers are also thankful to
Dr.Timothy Kwa, Sr. Yemisrach Getachew, Mr.
Lealem Yitayew, Mr. Muluken Gerbi, Mr. Lema
Kumbi, Mr. Zelalem Adbar, Mr. Dame Bulcha, my
family, my lovely fiancée and other people who
were with me during this work.
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