General Instructions To Candidates For Online Examination

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A. Prerequisites:

 System Requirements:-
 Laptop/ Desktop / Android mobile phone with webcam and microphone
 Reliable internet connection with minimum 1Mbps speed and with a minimum of 2GB data for each
 Install latest version of chrome
 Allow popup and notifications from

 Candidate examination environment:-

o Candidate shall possess ID card / Hall Ticket (Print copy if available or soft copy) for capturing the
identity for approval
o Facemask not to be worn during the examination
o Candidate shall be properly attired to maintain the decorum of the examination
o Candidate to be seated properly facing the camera to ensure proper video and audio recording while
writing the examination
o Invisible or unclear video may lead to termination from the examination
o Candidate shall ensure proper lighting in the room
o No other person shall be present in the room when candidate is writing the examination

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B. General Instructions:-

 Candidate who is appearing for the examination will receive an email with login URL, Username and
 Candidate shall Login to the examination using the URL, half an hour before the commencement of the
examination with his/her Username and Password
 Candidate will be not be allowed to login after the commencement of examination
 For approval of the candidature to write the examination he/she shall
 display the ID card/Hall ticket using web cam and
 show his/her face to the webcam and click on ‘capture’
 Wait for invigilator to verify the details. The candidate will be approved after verification before the
commencement of examination. (This may take few minutes. Hence candidate shall wait till verification is
 After verification, the candidate to read the instructions displayed on the screen carefully
 Click on start button to commence writing the examination
 MCQ questions (if any) to be answered by clicking on any one of the options provided with each question
 Subjective questions may be answered by any one of the following options:-
a) Type the answer in the system itself below each question (OR)
b) Write the answer on A4 white sheet. Then take the image or scan the answer script. Then upload the
image / scanned copy by clicking on upload button provided after each question.
c) Table/diagram may also be written on A4 white sheet. Then take the image or scan the answer script.
Then upload the image / scanned copy by clicking on upload button provided after each question.

 Any candidate indulged in malpractice, the invigilator will pause/terminate the examination of such
 Movement of face away from the screen will be recorded as malpractice.
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 Use of mobile phone for speaking with other person is not allowed.
 Switching on to another window will be treated as malpractice (the candidate may switch to other window
for uploading the answers written on white sheet)
 There will be continuous remote proctoring, observing video and capturing audio of each candidate during
the examination. If the invigilator finds that the Candidate is indulging in some unfair practices, he/she has
the right to terminate the examination. Such malpractice case will be referred to the “Malpractice Review
 No break will be given to any candidate during the examination
 After completion of the examination, submit button shall be clicked to complete the examination
 Any queries during examination shall be posted to the invigilator through chat option available in the
examination platform
 Follow the instructions sent by invigilator through chat option/broadcast messages.
 Reply to the communication sent by the invigilator by return message.

Stepwise instructions with pictures

1. Candidate who is appearing for the examination will receive an email with login URL, Username and
password (Fig. 1).

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User name


Fig.1 : Email to Students with Login Credentials

2. Candidate shall Login to the examination using the URL by clicking on Click here link to go to the login
page (Fig 2). , half an hour before the commencement of the examination
3. Once clicked on the link it will direct to the following page:
(If the link does not work, directly log on to

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Fig.2: Login Page

2. Candidate shall Login to the examination using the URL, half an hour before the commencement of the
examination with his/her Username, Password and Captcha Code. Click on “I accept Terms of User and
Privacy Policy of the website” and click on Login.
3. For approval of the candidature to write the examination he/she shall
 display the ID card/Hall ticket using web cam and
 show his/her face to the webcam and click on ‘capture’
4. After approval from invigilator the candidate will get into the login page.

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5. Once logged in, the candidate will view the Page as in Fig.3 (Exam Start Page).

Fig.3: Exam Start Page

6. The candidate should click on proceed button.

7. Once the candidate clicks on proceed button Candidate Confirmation Page (Fig.4) will appear.

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Fig.4: Candidate Confirmation Page

8. The candidate should click on I Agree and confirm

9. Once the candidate confirms, Use your camera popup will be appear (Fig 5).
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Fig.5 : Use Your Camera Pop Up

10. The candidate should click on Allow (Fig. 5)

11. The candidate to read the instructions displayed on the screen carefully.
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12. The candidate should check the check box “I have understood the instruction” (Fig 6).
13. The time remaining for the start of exam will be displayed.

Instructions - Fig 6

14. Once Count Down ends, click on I’m ready to begin (Fig. 7).
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After clicking I am ready to begin it will take you to your exam page.

Fig.7 : Exam Start Page

15. The Questions appear one by one. For Multiple Choice question, choose the answer by clicking the radio
button. After answering every question, click “Save & Next”. (Fig 8)

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Multiple Choice Question Page- Fig 8

16. Subjective questions may be answered by any one of the following options:-
a) Type the answer in the system itself below each question (OR)
b) Write the answer on A4 white sheet. Then take the image or scan the answer script. Then
upload the image / scanned copy by clicking on upload button provided after each question.

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c) Table/diagram may also be written on A4 white sheet. Then take the image or scan the answer
script. Then upload the image / scanned copy by clicking on upload button provided after each
d) If the one answer is written in multiple pages, make it as one pdf document and then upload.
e) If you are uploading the answer as image, do not leave the passage below the question blank.
f) Don’t write your register number or name in the A4 sheets. It will be considered as malpractice.
Only question numbers shall be mentioned.
g) Upload the answers immediately after completing the writing of each answer. Last minute
uploading of all documents may cause delay.
h) Total duration of the examination includes the time for uploading also. No extra time will given
for uploading.

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Subjective question page- Fig 9

a) If you don’t submit within the prescribed examination duration, the system will forcefully submit.

b) Switching on to another window will be treated as malpractice (the candidate may switch to other
window for uploading the answers written on white sheet) (Fig.9).

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Fig. 9 : Warning Pop Up for Navigating to another application, Accessing Local Hard Disk Content

c) After answering all the questions use the submit button to submit your paper (Fig. 10).

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Fig. 10: Final Answer Paper Submission

d) After answering the entire questions you can see the number of questions attempted and not
e) Press yes to submit your paper.
f) Logout of the application.
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i. There is no time limit for each Question. Only after answering a question (with save and next
clicked), students will be able to view the subsequent question.

ii. While every attempt is being made to achieve high satisfaction levels among students, there are
possibilities that students might land up in problems in the last minute due to unexpected network
failure, insufficient bandwidth, system crash etc. As such, students are required to prepare
themselves well to avoid these problems. Under very extreme situations where students face
problems with the above and are unable to complete the exams, they have to quickly write a mail to
the Registrar(Evaluation)

iii. Candidate should follow examination ethics. All necessary steps are taken to avoid malpractice.

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