Nielsen 1979
Nielsen 1979
Nielsen 1979
The filler particles in most filled polymers are not perfectly dispersed but are more or less ag-
glomerated. The degree of agglomeration and the strength of the agglomerates, which can be
modified by surface treatments, have a very great effect on the dynamic mechanical properties. Filler
agglomerates which are wetted by the polymer matrix produce higher elastic moduli than similar
agglomerates which are not wetted. The relative damping in most filled polymers is very temper-
ature-dependent. A qualitative explanation is given for this temperature dependence. The degree
of’ agglomeration and the strength of the agglomerates are important factors in determining the
Nearly all theories of the elastic modulus and other mechanical properties of
filled polymers assume perfect dispersion of the filler particles. However, in
actual practice, the filler particles are more or less agglomerated. Agglomeration
can have a very great effect on mechanical properties, so it is not surprising that
there often are large differences between theoretical predictions and experimental
data. In this paper, some of the effects of agglomeration on the dynamic me-
chanical properties will be discussed.
Three characteristics of the filler phase in the polymer matrix are important
in determining the dynamic mechanical properties of the composite: (i) a gen-
eralized Einstein coefficient, which is determined by the shape and the state of
agglomeration of the filler; (ii) the maximum packing fraction of the filler, which
also is determined by the particle shape and the state of agglomeration as well
as by the filler-polymer interactions; and (iii) the mechanical strength of the
In this paper, an agglomerate will be defined as a particle made up of a number
of primary particles in contact with one another. The agglomerate particles will
be assumed to behave as a rigid unit under the action of small stresses, but above
some critical stress, relative motion of the particles within the agglomerate can
The beneficial effects of surface treatments of filler particles, including silane
treatments, are generally attributed to improved adhesion of the polymer to the
filler surface. However, it should be realized that in many cases, the changes
in the degree of agglomeration brought about by the surface treatments are
equally, or more, important.
# 1 + [ ( I - 4m)/4m2142 (4)
where M is the elastic modulus of the composite (shear, Young’s, or bulk); MI
is the modulus of the polymer matrix; M2 is the modulus of the filler particles;
A is a constant determined by the generalized Einstein coefficient k E (values
are tabulated in refs. 1 and 3); II/ is a reduced concentration term dependent upon
the maximum packing fraction 4 m of the filler in the polymer (values of 4m are
tabulated in refs. 1and 3); 42 is the volume fraction filler; and B is a constant near
1.0 in many cases. The generalized Einstein coefficient, which is analogous to
the intrinsic viscosity of polymer solutions, is defined by
where Vi is the volume inside the agglomerate which is not occupied by the filler
material: V; = V2(1/& - 1); V1 is the volume of polymer; and V2 is the volume
of filler.
Nonwetted case:
= 0.61 for the nonwetted case. The apparent concentration is higher for the
wetted case since part of the matrix material is entrapped inside the filler
agglomerates, and thus, it is not available for taking part in deformation pro-
cesses. On the other hand, all the matrix can take part in any deformation
process if the agglomerates are not wetted by the matrix polymer. For rigid
Thus, for the above example, kE is 3.9 for the wetted case and 3.1 for the non-
wetted case. In eq. (9), $2 is defined as Vz/( V1 V2).
1. L. E. Nielsen, Mechanical Properties of Polymers and Composites, Vol. 2, Marcel Dekker,
New York, 1974.
2 . L. E. Nielsen, J . Appl. Phys., 41,4626 (1970).
3 . L. E. Nielsen, Predicting The Properties of Mixtures, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1978.
4. T. B. Lewis and L. E. Nielsen, Trans. SOC.Rheol., 12,421 (1968).
5. B-L. Lee and L. E. Nielsen, J . Polym. Sci. Polym. Phys. Ed., 15,683 (1977).
6. G. Kraus, Angew. Makromol. Chem., 60/61,215 (1977).