Arise & Build 2021 March
Arise & Build 2021 March
Arise & Build 2021 March
ChalcedonFoundation | September
Foundation® 2018
| March 2021
focuses on build- In his most recent post, Dr. Gribben
ing, the trowel isn’t challenges Gab founder Andrew Torba,
sufficient of itself: the asking “What exactly does Gab stand for?
sword comes into play1 And is its commitment to free speech un-
to defend the workers equivocal?”7 He grants that spiritual war
(Neh. 4:17). While “they that are far off “has a history in Christian theology that
shall come and build” (Zech. 6:15a), stretches back to the New Testament”8
many would rather see the work derailed, but is discomfited by Torba’s juxtaposi-
some with prominent credentials.2 tion of a picture of Michael J. McVicar’s
Dr. Crawford Gribben, writing for book Christian Reconstruction with a
The Critic, has penned a criticism of quote from a 1950 essay by non-Chris-
Christian Reconstruction that deserves a tian fascist philosopher Julius Evola. The
response. “Why conservatives shouldn’t specter of fascism is self-explanatory, but
migrate to Gab” bears the subheading, not as incendiary as the article’s two pull
“If Gab’s ideal of freedom is defined by quotes:
Christian Reconstructionists and fascist In the Christian state Rushdoony
philosophers, then free speech will be idealised, blasphemy would be punished
the means, rather than the end, of the by death
reconstruction of social media.”3 Perhaps
If Christian Reconstruction were to
the subhead has a typo in it, for Dr. succeed, Evola’s freedom of speech would
Gribben warns that free speech extended be violently denied
to Christian Reconstructionists spells the
Dr. Gribben stirs in a David Chilton
destruction of social media and freedom
quote to bemoan the projected applica-
of speech.
tion of “Old Testament laws about blas-
Dr. Gribben has written for The
phemy, which by definition9 exclude any
Critic 4 before, and has a book appearing
defence of freedom of expression.” His
in print on March 23, 2021 entitled
earlier post for The Critic doesn’t mention
Survival and Resistance in Evangelical
blasphemy, nor does his new book. He
America: Christian Reconstruction in the
has struck out on his own here, relying
Pacific Northwest.5 The Kindle version
on a prefab definition of blasphemy and
was released on February 23, 2021,
laying his projected dystopia at Rushdoo-
allowing me to read it entirely before
ny’s feet.
responding. Given that one of his books
on John Owen6 was endorsed by no less RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP
a scholar than Dr. Joel R. Beeke, this We’re fairly thin on scholars do-
academic courtesy was appropriate. ing creditable spadework in studying