Ash Handeling System (Detailed) Gyanendra Sharma NPTI Delhi

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Ash Handling System

Gyanendra Sharma
NPTI Delhi

 Ash is the residue remaining after the coal

has been incinerated to constant weight
under standard conditions.
 Ash is oxidized form of the mineral matters
present in coal.
 Typical ash composition : SiO2, Al2O3,
Fe2O3, CaO, MgO etc.

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 Ash content of Indian coal used in power station is
about 30 to 40%
 A typical 2000 MW station produce around 9000T to
12000T of ash per day.
 This huge amount of ash needs to be disposed off
 Necessary care to be taken for preventing pollution
 Ash Handling system takes care the above

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Percentage of ASH in Coal
Grade Useful Heat Value (UHV) (Kcal/Kg) Corresponding Ash%
+ Moisture %at
A Exceeding 6200 Not exceeding 19.5

B Exceeding 5600 but not exceeding 19.6 to 23.8

C Exceeding 4940 but not exceeding 5600 23.9 to 28.6
D Exceeding 4200 but not exceeding 4940 28.7 to 34.0
E Exceeding 3360 but not exceeding 4200 34.1 to 40.0
F Exceeding 2400 but not exceeding 3360 40.1 to 47.0
G Exceeding 1300 but not exceeding 2400 47.1 to 55.0

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 20 % Of the ash falls at the bottom of the furnace

known as Bottom Ash (BA).
 80 % of the ash carried away with flue gas known as
 BA can form slag and clinker depending on the temp.
of the combustion zone and environment inside
reducing environment (Less O2).
 BA is disposed off through BA disposal system.
 FA is collected through ESP and disposed through
FA disposal system.

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Coal Yard Pulverizer

Electrostatic Precipitator Boiler

Flue Gas Flue Gas

Fly Ash
Fly Ash Bottom Ash

Fly Ash Ash
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Ash volumes and properties
Furnace ESP
(1300 - 1500°C) Electrostatic
Economizer Stack

Pulverized Preheater

Stage B: 17 %
Stage A: 80 %

Stage C: 3 %
Coal Bottom Ash Eco Ash APH Ash Fly ash
100 % 10-20 % 1% 1% 80-90 % Ash
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BA Handling System
 BA can be collected at furnace bottom as Wet or Dry form.
 Wet bottom ash system consists of i) Seal trough, ii) BA gate,
iii) Hopper, iv) Scrapper Conveyer, v) Clinker grinder, vi) BA
trench, vii) BA tank, viii) BA pump, ix) BA pond.
 Dry BA consists of i) Seal trough, ii) BA gate, iii) Hopper, iv)
Scrapper Conveyer, v) Clinker grinder, vi) Silo
 Seal trough: A channel around the furnace bottom filled with
water where the furnace bottom end is immersed in water. This
is to prevent air ingression in the boiler during operation.

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BA Handling System
 BA Gate: Each hopper has separate gate to isolate Scrapper
conveyor from running furnace for any repairing at scrapper
 Scrapper Conveyer : Consists of number of scrapper bars
fasten at both the ends with two chain which can run on chain
pulley and driven by scrapper conveyor motor. The whole
conveyor is submerged in water for wet BA system. Bottom ash
after falling on scrapper is scrapped away by the running
conveyor to one end of the conveyor to clinker grinder.
 Any big size ash clinker is crushed to enable to be carried away
by water jet through BA trench
 BA trench : Through water jet ash slurry is carried away to BA

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BA Handling System

 BA pump : Ash slurry handling pump. It carries ash to the BA

pond. Depending on the distance of BA pond two or more BA
pumps connected in series.
 BA pond : Finally ash is discharged to ash pond. It is a large
area surrounded by embankment. Ash mixed with water is
allowed to settle for considerable time. Water from top surface
is allowed to go out from the pond through a designed escape
route. Quality of water discharge is always monitor for turbidity
and heavy metal.
BA Supporting water pumps
 LP BA pump : Supply water to trough seal, scrapper conveyor
sump, BA sump and LP jets.
 HP BA pump : HP jets in BA trench and line cleaning.

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Dry BA Handling System

 Dry BA collection system after clinker grinder

collect ash to silo through a transport
mechanism for further transport through road

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FA Handling System
 FA is collected from Air heater hopper, Eco hopper
and ESP hopper.
 Either through flushing apparatus or hydrobactur
 In Flushing apparatus system ash is allowed to fall in
flushing apparatus under gravitation.
 Water jet in flushing apparatus carries away the ash
to FA trench
 High pressure jets further carries it to FA sump.
 Series pumping carries the ash slurry to FA pond.

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Dry FA Handling System
 Hydrobackter is a vacuum device to collect
ash from the hopper.
 Water jet ejectors used for creating vacuum.
 Dry ash thus collected to silo through belt
 Dry ash is disposed through road transport to
a dry ash disposal system. Part of it sold for
commercial purpose.

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Major usage of Ash

 Fly ash bricks / blocks

 Cellular concrete products
 Concrete and mortar
 In manufacture of cement
 In manufacture of asbestos products
 Road construction
 Embankment/back fills/land development
 Controlled low strength material (CLSM)
 In agriculture
 Mine filling
 Manufacture of fertilizer

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Other usage
 Manufacture of distemper
 Floor and wall tiles
 Refractory bricks
 Manufacture of ceramics
 Use with Ferro cement
 Recovery of metals
 Use in grouting
 Manufacture of alum
 Domestic cleaning powder

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