Electromagnetic Breaking
Electromagnetic Breaking
Electromagnetic Breaking
The working principle of the electric retarder is based on the creation of eddy
currents with in a metal discs rotating rotating between electro magnets, which set
up a force opposing the rotation of the discs. If the electromagnet is not energized,
the rotation of the disc free and accelerates uniformly under the action of the weight
to which its shaft is connected. When the electromagnet is energized, the rotation of
the disc is retarded and the energy absorbed appears as heating of the discs. If the
current exciting the electromagnet is varied by a rheostat, the raking force varies
indirect proportion of the value of the current. The development of this invention
began when the French company Telma, associated with Raoul Sarazin, developed
and marketed several generations of electric brake based on the functioning
principle described above. A typical retarder consists of stator and rotor. The stator
hold induction coils, energized separately . The coils are made up of varnished
aluminium wire mounted in epoxy resin. The stator assembly is supported resiliently
through anti-vibration mountings on the chasis frame of the vehicle. The rotor is
made up of two discs, which provide the braking force when subjected to the
electromagnetic influence when the coil are excited. Care fully design of the fins,
which are integral to the disc, permit independent cooling of the arrangement.
1. Electromagnetic brakes can develop a negative power which represents nearly
twice the maximum power output of a typical engine.
2. Electromagnetic brakes work in a relatively cool condition and satisfy all
the energy requirements of braking at high speeds, completely without the use of
3. Electromagnetic brakes have been used as supplementary retardation equipment
in addition to the regular friction brakes on heavy vehicles.
4. Electromagnetic brakes has great braking efficiency and has the potential to
regain energy lost in braking.