Fahling Case Study: Presented by Group 6
Fahling Case Study: Presented by Group 6
Fahling Case Study: Presented by Group 6
1. Meditec offers- trainings for physicians when they buy new instruments, to help them with
the application of complex instruments.
2. It also provides wide range of manuals for registered customers
3. Physicians can introduce new ideas and requirements into the innovation process of
Challenges on selling the product:
1. Expensive offers when compared to competitors - Threat from buyers
2. Discount campaign from competitors- Threat from Competition
3. More complicated to differentiate our products from competitors
The main idea is to convert a product-oriented firm that specialises on product
improvements to move towards providing services along with the products-
Product Service System.
1. Create and offer new and appropriate services around product lines.
2. New processes that support the customers in focusing on core processes and
build on core competencies.
3. Continuous quality inspections
Novel business models: key points
1. Results from transformation of business process.
2. Challenges: Need to develop an IT model for adequate information management
to track usage, maintenance requirements etc.
3. IT is the enabler for almost all the mentioned business models. (e.g., the
documentation, logistical and inventory process)
4. These models increase customer retention and increase turnoverors
How to generate more ideas? – ask the people who use the product:
1.Workshops with most important clients
2.Representatives with every stakeholder who is in contact with the entire lifecycle of
the product.
3.Invite representatives in all the departments of Meditec.
To understand the needs of clients Sally and Marc organized multiple workshops
with their important client to discuss on how can they improve their services and
cope-up with international competitors. From the following workshops they
Detaching from the pure product centric perspective can help.
Focus should not on product improvements, but for improvements along the
lifecycle of their products
Sterilization process was identified as one of the biggest potential to ease the life
of clients as they have mentioned complaints about the complex process of
Surgical instruments have to pass a complex sterilization process underlying
governmental regulations, and German hospitals are restricted to a single usage
of surgery instruments by law.
Once surgery has used the commodity like
bandages or single-use components, have to be
STERILIZATION disposed of properly.
Instruments are preprocessed in a special cleaning
process to be prepared for the sterilization
process. In parallel, used trolleys and cases are