Trường Đại Học Bách Khoa Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

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Đại Học Quốc Gia TP.

HCM Vietnam National University – HCMC

Trường Đại Học Bách Khoa Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Khoa Kỹ thuật hóa học Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Subject syllabus

Food Plant Design

Credit number 3 (2.2.5): Conventional program Code CH3053

4 (2.4.7): Advanced program
Hour number Total: 60 Theory: 30 Practice: 30 Labwork: 0 Essay: x
(Conventional (Conventional
program) program)
Total: 90 Practice: 60
(Advanced (Advanced
program) program)
Grading schedule Homework: 25% Essay: 25% Practice: 0 Mid-exam: 20% Final exam: 30%

Grade evaluation - Homework: submission by student group (2-4 students/group)

- Essay 1 - Report and presentation: submission by student group (2-4
students/group), oral presentation by student group, discussion by every
- Essay 2 - Review paper and presentation in English (for advanced
program): Submission by student group (2 students/group), oral
presentation by student group, discussion by every student.
- Midterm exam: writing test, 60 min
- Final exam: writing test, 90 min

Prerequisite -

Preliminary subject -

Parallel subject -

Major Food technology

Formation Undergraduate (Junior year)

Level 3

Note -

1. Aims:
This course provides the main principles of food plant design. The emphasis is systematical
approaches for food plant design. After completing the course, students could study the feaseability,
implement and manage the design activities, and conduct technological and economic assessment of
a food plant.

2. Course outline:
Threotical section comprises 7 chapters.

Chapter 1: Introduction of analysis of feasibility of the food plant: socio-economic context,

technological feasibility, capacity estimation, product design, location and site of plant.

Chapter 2: Process design, mass balance, energy balance, equipments for production.

Chapter 3: Facilities of food plant

Chapter 4: Waste in food plant

Chapter 5: Industrial building, general lay out, vetilation, lighting, drainage.

Chapter 6: Organization, operation and safety.

Chapter 7: Economic analysis.

Practical section: Students pratice the activities of analysis, design and assessment by design a
plant of typical products in food industry.

3. References

[1] Zacharias B. Maroulis and George D. Saravacos, Food Plant Economics, CRC Press, 2008,
352 pages

[2] Antonio López-Gómez and Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas, Food Plant Design, CRC Press,
2005, 372 pages

[3] Zacharias B. Maroulis and George D. Saravacos, Food Process Design, CRC Press, 2003

[4] Joseph Irudayaraj, Food Processing Operations Modeling: Design and Analysis, Marcel
Dekker Inc., 2002

[5] Jasim Ahmed and Mohammad Shafi ur Rahman, Handbook of Food Process Design, Wiley –
Blackwell, 2012, 1470 pages

[6] Journal of Food Process Engineering, ISSN: 1745-4530, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

[7] Trends in Food Science and Technology, ISSN: 0924-2244, Elsevier

4. Course learning outcomes

Number Course learning outcomes Notes

LO.1.2. Compare advantages and inconveniences of technological and engineering Final exam,
solutions in food preservation and production


LO.1.2.1. Identify the technical and socio – economic basis for design of
elements in a food plant

LO.1.2.2. Evaluate the advantages and drawbacks of the design elements

in a food plant.

LO.1.3. Suggest appropriate solution for solving defined technological and Midterm
engineering problems in food preservation and production exam,



LO.1.3.1. Estimate mass ad energy balance in a process of food processing

LO.1.3.2. Supply the solutions for equiments of a process in food


LO.2.2. Design a component of food production system appropriate to the Final exam,
discipline: Design the elements in a food plant.

LO.2.2.1. Design the basis elements in a food plant

LO.2.2.2. Describe of the basis elements in a food plant by technical

drawings and diagrams.

LO.2.2.3. Analyze the technical and economic efficiency of solutions of


LO.2.3. Design the completed system in food production Homework,


LO.2.3.1. Design a completed plant for food production

LO.2.3.2. Assess the technological and economic efficiency of the food


LO.3.3. Discuss topics on food science, engineering and technology: Discuss on

the trends technological and industrial manufacture of food in English
(For advanced program)

LO.3.3.1. Analyze advantages and inconveniences of advanced techniques Essay

in food processing

5. Learning method and grading schedule

Lectures are updated on BKEL web at the beginning of the semester. Students download, print and
take references to class.

Ÿ Homework: each group (2-4 students/group) gets one topic in week 1 and submits the
answer in week 13. Students are requested to analyze, design and assess the elements in a
food plant.

Ÿ Project (1 report on working plan and minutes of group meetings, 1 report on the topic
and1 oral presentation): each group (2-4 students/group) gets one topic in week 1, report
the implemtation as plan of teaching, submit the final report in week 14, and make the oral
presentation in week 14,15. Students are requested to design a completed plant for food

Ÿ Essay 2 (review and oral presentation for advanced program): each group (2
students/group) gets one topic in week 1; submits review paper in week 12; presents orally
review paper and answer questions in the class in week 15 (The presentation and
communication must be in English). Students are requested to analyze the trands of
technology and food production in food industry by reviewing the scientific reports and
writing the report with 2,000 – 6,000 words (in English)..

Final score is calculated as follows:

 Homework: 25%
 Project: 25%
 Midterm exam: 30%
 Final exam: 30%

Inquiry for taking part in the final exam: Student must submit the homework exercise and report,
present and discuss his/her topic and take part in the midterm exam.

6. Lecturers

Dr. Lai Quoc Dat

Dr. Nguyen Thi Hien

7. Course contents

Week Content Detailed learning Teaching and learning activities Evaluation CDIO

1 Introduction Lecturer: Introduce

-Contents and learning outcomes of the



-Grading schedule


-Discuss with lecturer

Lecturer: Home work and

Project: Students
-Guide students to set up group (2-4 submit report to
students/group) lecturer.

-Introduce homework and project For each task,

leader submit
-Request students to divide homework and working plan and
project into 2-3 tasks; each student in the assignment of
group is a leader for each task. each member,
minutes of group
meeting for every
-Discuss with lecturer (if any) week

0. Introduction of
Food Plant design

0.1. Characteristic of LECTURER:

Food Plant
- Introduce characteristics of food plant


- Recognize the characteristics of food plant

0.2. Food Plant LECTURER:

Design Assignment
- Introduce food plant design

- Give homework


- Discuss

0.3. Roles of Food LECTURER:

- Introuce roles of food engineer in food
plant design


- Recognize the roles of food engineer and

capacity (knowledge, skills, attitude) for fodd
plant design.

- Discuss.

2 1. Context of socio LO.1.2.1. Identify the LECTURER: Final exam, LO.1.2

economy and technical and socio – Homework and
technology economic basis for design - Introduce the analysis of socio-economic project
of elements in a food plant context
context - Give homework



- Report the homework of week 1

3 1.2. Technological LO.1.2.1. Identify the LECTURER: Homework and LO.1.2

feasibility technical and socio – project
economic basis for design - Analys the feasibility of technology for
1.3. Capacity of elements in a food plant food plant.
LO.1.2.2. Evaluate the - Guide methods for design of products and
1.4. Product design advantages and drawbacks estimation of capacity.
of the design elements in a
food plant. - Give homework



- Report the homework of week 2

4 1.5. Site and location LO.1.2.1. Identify the LECTURER: Final exam,
technical and socio – Homework and
economic basis for design - State the factors influencing on choice of project
of elements in a food plant site and location, guide methods for choice.

LO.1.2.2. Evaluate the - Give homework

advantages and drawbacks
of the design elements in a STUDENT:
food plant.
- Discuss,

- Report the homework of week 3

5 2. Process Design LO.2.1.1. Estimate mass ad LECTURER: Midterm exam, LO.1.3

energy balance in a process Homework and
2.1. Principles of of food processing - State priciples of food process design project
Food Process Design
LO.2.1.2. Supply the - State principles of mass balance
2.2. Mass balance solutions for equiments of a
process in food processing. - Give quastions for students


- Answer the questions from lecturer

- Báo cáo bài tập về nhà tuần 4

6 2.3. Energy balance LO.1.2.1. Identify the LECTURER: Final exam, LO.2.1
technical and socio – Homework and
2.4. Equipments for economic basis for design - State principles of energy balance and project
food process of elements in a food plant choose the eqipments for food process

LO.1.2.2. Evaluate the - Give homework

advantages and drawbacks
of the design elements in a STUDENT:
food plant.
- Discuss,

7. 8 3. Elctricity, water, LO.2.2.1. Design the basis LECTURER: Homework and LO.2.2
steam and cooling elements in a food plant project
power - Guide the estimation of consumption of
LO.2.2.2. Describe of the elctricity, water, steam and cooling in food
3.1. Electricity basis elements in a food plant.
plant by technical drawings
3.2. Water and diagrams. - Give homework

3.3. Steam LO.2.2.3. Analyze the STUDENT:

technical and economic
3.4. Cooling efficiency of solutions of - Discuss,
- Report the homework of week 6

9 4. Waste in Food Same as 7,8 LECTURER: Homework and LO.2.2

plant project
- State the sources of waste and solutions for
4.1. Waste water treatment and management.

4.2. solid waste - Give homework

4.3. Gas STUDENT:

4.4. Others - Discuss

- Report the homework of week 7,8

10, 11 5. Industrial building Same as 7,8 LECTURER: Final exam, LO.2.2

and facilties Homework and
- State the priciples for design the industrial project
5.1. Layout of building and cafilities in a food plant
equipment in building
- Give homework
5.2. Warehouse
5.3. Ventilation
- Discuss,
5.4. Lighting
- Report the homework of week 9
5.5. Drainage

5.6. Doar and


5.7. Floor

5.8. Wall

5.9. General lay out

12 6. Organization and LO.2.3.1. Design a LECTURER: Homework and LO.2.3

Operation in Food completed plant for food project
Plant production - Guide the building up the organization and
operation a food plant

- Give homework


- Discuss,

- Report the homework of week 10, 11

13 7. Assessment of LO.2.3.2. Assess the LECTURER: Homework and LO.2.3

efficiency of food technological and economic project
plant efficiency of the food plant. - guide the tethod for assessment of
efficiency of food plant

- Give homework


- Discuss,

- Report the homework of week 12

14, 15 Oral presentation of LO.2.3.1. Design a LECTURER: Oral presentation LO.2.3

project completed plant for food and discussion .
production - Commend and assess the results in reports

LO.2.3.2. Assess the STUDENT:

technological and economic
efficiency of the food plant. - Oral presentation

- Discus and defense the design results.

For advanced program

1 Introduction of Extra- Lecturer:

Food Plant Design
-Introduce contents and learning outcomes

-Guide students to find out recent references

(in English)

-Introduce grading schedule

-Guide students to set up group (2


-Give topic for each group


-Suggest groups

-Discuss with lecturer (if any)

2-3 Reference collecting Students:

-Use key words to collect recent references

which are appropriate to the topic

-Discuss with lecturer and give questions (if



-Make a comment on the ability to collect

references of each group and reference

4-7 Reference reading and Students:

-Read and understand the collected

-Notes main results of the collected


-Give questions and discuss with lecturer (if



-Answer the questions (if any)

8-12 Review paper writing Students: Submit review

paper (Essay 2)
-Suggest review paper outline

-Write review paper

-Give questions and discuss with lecturer (if



-Answer the questions (if any)

13-14 Presentation in group LO.3.3.1. Analyze Students: LO.3.3

advantages and
inconveniences of advanced -Present review paper in group
techniques in food
processing -Give and answer questions

-Give questions and discuss with lecturer (if



-Answer the questions (if any).

15 Presentation in class LO.3.3.1. Analyze Students: Present and

advantages and answer questions
inconveniences of advanced -Present review paper in class in class (Essay 2)
techniques in food
processing -Answer the questions of lecturer and other


-Give questions

-Make a comment on quality of review paper

and its presentation

8. Contact information:

Department/Faculty Food technology/ Chemical engineering

Department office P.303B2

Telephone 38 64 62 51

Lecturers Dr. Lai Quoc Dat


Ho Chi Minh city, ….2019

Dean of Chemical Head of Food Technology Lecturer
engineering faculty department

Prof. Phan Thanh Son Prof. Le Van Viet Man Dr. Lai Quoc Dat


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