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Cyber Ar k Un
r sit
eged Acc
ount Sec
ritty Ad
isttr ati

Cyber Ark Universi
Universitty Exercise Gu
Guide page 1

© Cy
r- Ark
 Ark®® Softw
Soft war e Ltd - No par 
par t of this
th is mate
al may be discl
osed to any
any pe
on or 
or  f 
 f irm o
irm or 
r r 
r epr 
epr oduc
oduced by
b y an
 anyy mean
s, el
electr onic
and mechan
al, wi
thout the ex
e xpr ess
ss p
or  wri
tten permissi
on of Cy
r- Ark
 Ark®® Softw
Soft war e Ltd.
Cont ent

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Universitty Exercise Gu
Guide page 2

© Cy
r- Ark
 Ark®® Softw
Soft war e Ltd - No par 
par t of this
th is mate
al may be discl
osed to any
any pe
on or 
or  f 
 f irm o
irm or 
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r epr 
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b y an
 anyy mean
s, el
electr onic
and mechan
al, wi
thout the ex
e xpr ess
ss p
or  wri
tten permissi
on of Cy
r- Ark
 Ark®® Softw
Soft war e Ltd.
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Universitty Exercise Gu
Guide page 3

© Cy
r- Ark
 Ark®® Softw
Soft war e Ltd - No par 
par t of this
th is mate
al may be discl
osed to any
any pe
on or 
or  f 
 f irm o
irm or 
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 anyy mean
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electr onic
and mechan
al, wi
thout the ex
e xpr ess
ss p
or  wri
tten permissi
on of Cy
r- Ark
 Ark®® Softw
Soft war e Ltd.
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Universitty Exercise Gu
Guide page 4

© Cy
r- Ark
 Ark®® Softw
Soft war e Ltd - No par 
par t of this
th is mate
al may be discl
osed to any
any pe
on or 
or  f 
 f irm o
irm or 
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electr onic
and mechan
al, wi
thout the ex
e xpr ess
ss p
or  wri
tten permissi
on of Cy
r- Ark
 Ark®® Softw
Soft war e Ltd.
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© Cy
r- Ark
 Ark®® Softw
Soft war e Ltd - No par 
par t of this
th is mate
al may be discl
osed to any
any pe
on or 
or  f 
 f irm o
irm or 
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thout the ex
e xpr ess
ss p
or  wri
tten permissi
on of Cy
r- Ark
 Ark®® Softw
Soft war e Ltd.
CyberArk Privileged Account Security Administration
Administratio n


Using Skytap

Before beginning exercises, here are a few tips to help you navigate the labs more

There are two ways to access the virtual machines: directly via the browser or through

Click directly on the screen icon to access the virtual machine directly in your
Click on the RDP button in the upper right-hand corner of the VM box.

If you are using any keyboard other than a standard US, then it is strongly recommended
that you use an RDP connection rather than the HTML 5 client directly in the browser.
When using RDP, all you need to do is set the keyboard language in Windows and
everything should work fine.

Go to the section for International Users for instructions on changing the keyboard.

1. Click the large monitor icon to connect with the HTML 5 client.

2. If HTML does not work try direct RDP. Inform your

your instructor if you do this, because
some actions will not work as shown in the book.

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CyberArk Privileged Account Security Administration

3. Use the Ctrl-Alt-Del button on the tool bar to send a Ctrl-Alt-Del to the machine.

4. The clipboard icon will allow you to copy and paste text between your computer and
your lab machine.

5. The fu
settings to avoid scrolling.

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CyberArk Privileged Account Security Administration

8. Select your language. Click Open.

9. Select your specif ic locality or  dialect. Click  Add.

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10. With the option Eng lish (U ni ted States) selected, click the Move down button. This

instructor may need it if he/she connects to your machine.

Note: If you use an alternate keyboard layout (e.g. AZERTY, Dvorak) you can click options
next to your language to install that. Otherwise, close the Language window.

11. In the system tray, click ENG, then choose your keyboard layout. You may switch
back and forth between keyboard layouts. Your instructor may need to switch back
to ENG to help you with exercises, occasionally.

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7. In the N ew Dir ec tory M ap Wi ndow , select the Authorizations tab

8. Check the following boxes: Audit Users ,  sswords, Activate Users,

and Manage Server File Categories.

9. Select the Authentication tab.

10. Click on the pull-down and examine the  Authent ic at i on method s options available.

11. Select LDAP Authentication and press OK.

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Administratio n

4. Press > LDAP Group .

5. Press Add from LDAP  (You may not see all of the groups shown below).

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Administratio n

6. In the Filter  field
 field of the Fi nd  x te
nd E  ter na
nal Us
l User 
 /Gr oup
oup screen, enter cy be
ber ark  p
 p”. This will
find the Power Users. Press Search.

7. Select the Cy be

ber ark  Po
 Pow er Us
r Users in
rs in the Search Results .

8. Press OK until you return to the Users and Gr oup

oups on Serv er  P 
 P r 
  d  window.
o  window.

Nesting the Power Users group under the PVWAMonitor  group


Next you will nest the LDAP group Cy be ber 

 Ark  Po
 Pow er Us
r Users under
rs under the internal
W A  M on
oni to
tor group.
r group. This will allow members of the Power Users group to view the
REPORTS tab in the PVWA.

1. Within the Users and Groups on Server Prod  window, highlight PV W 
  M on
oni to
tor and
r and
press Update

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Administratio n

2. Press Add and select LDAP Group.

3. Select Cy be
 Ark  Po
 Pow er Us
r Users.

4. Press the Arrow  button to move it to the field on the right.

5. Press OK, to confirm the addition of Cy be

 Ark  Po
 Pow er Us
r Users to
rs to the PV W 
  M on
oni to

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6. Press OK again to close the U 

 pdate Gr oups: PV W A
  M oni tor  window.

7. Press Close  Prod
the nesting process.

8. Log off from the PrivateArk Client.

Viewing the differences between Vault Admins and Power Users groups

Next, you will login to the PVWA to view the differences between Vaul t Ad mi ns and
Cy ber 
 Ark  Pow er Users directory mappings within the PVWA.

Up to this point we have been logging in with users who were created on the CyberArk
system and authenticated by CyberArk .

Since the LDAP integration has already been configured, we will log in to the PVWA with
 Active Directory credentials and be authenticated with LDAP. From this point forward, you
will use LDAP Authentication for all users except  Ad mi nist ra
  tor . The Ad mi nist ra
  tor  user will
use CyberArk Authentication.

Note: , for all users and accounts

1. Open Firefox, go to the PVWA and choose LDAP as the authent ic at io

  n method .

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2. Enter v aul tad mi n01 and Cy ber ark 1 as the password. Press Sign in.

Note: You may receive a message from Firefox saying that blocking Flash player is
blocked. Enable the plug-in and choose the option to remember this choice.

3. Confirm that your LDAP authentication was successful and you are able to view the
Policies, Reports, and Administration screens. This verifies that the LDAP user
(vaultadmin01) has the correct Vaul t Ad mi ns and PV W A
  M oni tor   privileges.

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4. Go to POLICIES > Access Control (Safes) and verify that you can see the Add
Safe button in the upper right hand corner of the window. This confirms that the
v aul tad mi n01 user has been provided the  Add Safe s vault authorization.

5. Log out of the PVWA and log back in as  pow er user 01 using LDAP as the
authentication method.

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4. Press OK to confirm that you would like to verify the password.


5. Press the Refresh button.

6. After a few minutes the message should disappear and the Last v eri fi e
  d  field will be

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Note: You can speed up the process by restarting the CyberArk Password Manager
service in the Windows Services console. This is not something you would
normally do in a production environment.

Changing the password

Press the Change  button.

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7. Select C hange the passw or d immed ia

  tely ( by  the C P M) and click OK.


Hint: You can restart the CyberArk Password Manager service to move things along.

8. After a few minutes press Refresh.

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4. On the Safe Details page, click the Add Member  button to grant other users access
to this safe.

5. Enter wi n in the Search field, select cy ber-ark-demo.l oc al  in the Search In field, and
click Search.

6. Select Wi ndows Ad mi ns.

7. Press Add, then Close.

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Adding a Windows Account

1. Go to the ACCOUNTS tab and press the Add Account button.

2. Enter the following and then press Save:

Store in Safe: Wi n-Dom- Ad mi ns

Device Type: Oper at in
  g System
Platform Name: Wi ndows Domai n Ad mi ns 15 
Address: cy ber-ark-demo.l oc al 
User Name: ad mi n01
Logon To: cy ber-ark-demo
 p: Click  the Resolve li nk  after c hecki ng
the “Logon To:” box)
Password: Cy ber ark 1
Confirm Password: Cy ber ark 1

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Note: Because AutoVerifyOnAdd  was set to Yes, the account will be scheduled for

immediate verification.

3. Press Refresh every few minutes until the account is verified.

4. Copy the Safe name and the N ame values to N values


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3. Click Active. Review the options available. When ready, press Finish.

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Require users to specify reason

1. Back in the Master Policy page, again under Privileged Access Workflows , select
the option R equir e Users to s peci f y r eason for  acc ess and press Add Exception.

2. Again select Li nu x  SSH  30  and press Next.

3. Set R equir e users to s peci f y r eason for  acc ess to Active.

4. Press the Finish button when you are done.

Password Management

Based on what you have already learned, you should now be able to add Password
Management exceptions for the two platforms we created in the section Password
Management Part 1. Add the following exceptions

Linux SSH 30  Require password change every 30 days

Windows Domain Admins 15  Require password change every 15 days

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Password Management Part 2

In this section, we are going to continue to explore password management options.
Specifically, we will look at:

Log-on accounts
Windows server local admin accounts with reconciliation
Dual control workflow
Exclusive and one-time passwords
Unix via SSH keys account (optional)

Configuring a Log-on Account

In this exercise you will add to our CyberArk PAS implementation a Linux privileged
account that is prevented from accessing the server

manage the password despite the SSH restriction. The logon account establishes the
connection to the target machine and executes a switch user operation to the privileged
account in order to change the password.

In the Unix/Linux world, the account that is typically prevented from connecting to a
server remotely is the root   account. Here in CyberArk training, we are going to use
an account named user01 and we will use the account we created earlier, logon01,
as the log-on account.

1. Log into the PVWA as v aul tad mi n01.

2. Go to the Accounts page and press the Add Account button.

3. On the Add Account screen and enter:

Store in Safe: Li nu x Fi nanc e

Device T pe: Oper at in
  g System
Platform Name: Li nu x  SSH  30 
User Name: user 01
Password: Cy ber ark 1
Confir Password: Cy ber ark 1

4. Press Save.

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7. Highlight the l ogon01 account (created earlier - you may need to search to see this
user) and click Associate.

8. Press the Verify button and click OK to confirm. If you receive the following
message, press OK.

Note: After a few minutes, the account should be verified. In the background the CPM
connected to the server as logon01 and switched to the user01 account to verify the

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Managing a Windows Local Server Account with Reconciliation

In this exercise you will create a Windows local server account for which the correct
password is unknown. In order to bring this account under management, you will
associate it with a domain administrator account ( ad mi n01) that can perform a password

Duplicating a Platform

1. Go to ADMINISTRATION > Platform Management .

2. Highlight Wi ndows Se rv er  Loc al  Acc ount s and click Duplicate.

3. Enter Wi ndows Serv er  Loc al  Ad mi ns 45  as the platform name, you may optionally

and press Save & Close .

4. Highlight the newly created platform and press Edit.

5. Go to UI & Workflows .

6. Change  AutoC hangeOnAdd  from No to Yes. This causes the CPM to initiate a

password change whenever a new account that uses this policy is created. Select
Apply to save your change.

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7. Go to Automatic Password Management > General  and set both the Interv al  and
I mmed i ateInterv al  to 1.

Note: Once again, we are modifying these values for training purposes only, enabling us
to move a little faster. A one-minute immediate interval is suitable for testing but
should be set to five in a production environment. The Interval   parameter should
never be set to 1 in a production environment.

8. Enter Win-Srv in the  All ow edSafes field to limit the accounts against which this
platform will be applied. Click Apply to save your change.

9. Go to Password Reconcilation  and enter following:

RCAutomaticReconcileWhenUns nced: Yes

ReconcileAccountSafe: Wi n-Dom- Ad mi ns

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4. Press the Active button to enable Enforc e c he

heck-i n/ 
n/ c 
  eck-out e xcl usiv e acc ess and
h ss and
click Finish.

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Adding a Master Policy exception for One-Time Passwords

To allow for an automatic release of a checked-out password, you will need to enable
Enforc e one-t im
ime passw or d acc ess for
ss for the platform Wi ndo
ndows Serv er  Lo
 Loc al  Ad 
 Ad mi 
mi ns 45 .

1. Highlight Enforc e one-t im

ime passw or d acc ess and
ss and press Add Exception .

2. Select Wi ndo
ndows Serv er  Lo
 Loc al  Ad 
 Ad mi 
mi ns 45  and
 and press Next.

3. Press Active to enable one-time password access for this platform and then click

Reducing the Minimum Validity Period

Note: This next step is for testing/training

testing/tr aining purposes only and should not be used in a
production environment.

We will set the Mi nimum Vali d  di 

i  t 
Peri od 
od  to
 to 5 minutes, so that we can see our results more
quickly. The Mi nVa
nVali d 
i  t 
Peri od 
od  parameter
 parameter is configured in the Platform.

1. Go to ADMINISTRATION > Platform Management , select Wi ndo

ndows Serv er  Lo
 Loc al 
 Ad mi 
mi ns 45 , and click Edit.

2. Go to Automatic Password Managment > Privileged Account Management .

3. Set Mi nVa
nVali d 
i  t 
Peri od 
od  to
 to 5.

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4. Press Apply and OK to close the Platform and then sign out of the PVWA.

Testing Exclusive Passwords

1. Double-click the restart-services.bat  on the desktop of your components server.

This will cause the CPM server to reload all policies and force your configuration
changes to to take affect immediately.

2. Login to the PVWA as the LDAP user will ’ with the password Cy be
ber ark 1.

3. Go to ACCOUNTS and press the magnifying glass to search.

4. Click on the l oc al ad 

ad mi 
mi n01
n01 account and click the Show button. Will
Wil l has now checked
out the password.

5. Click on the account to go to the Account Details  page.

 page. You should notice a
Release  button on the toolbar
automaticall y at the end of
of the Minimum Validity Period).
Period) . Will
Wil l or an Admin could
could use
this button to manually check in the password. Click Refresh if you do not see a
Status: with a padlock icon just above the Copy button.

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6. Log out and log back in as v aul tad mi n01. You should notice a lock icon next to the
l oc al ad mi n01 account.

7. Hover over the lock icon, it should

8. If you press Show, you will receive an error message.

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 After several minutes (remember the minimum validity period was set to 5 min), the
v aul tad mi n01  user will be able to access the password and the CPM will have changed the

If the account is not released after several minutes, run the restart.bat file and check

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Managing an Oracle Account

In this section, we will configure CyberArk to manage an Oracle DBA account. As in

previous exercises, we will create a Safe, duplicate a Platform, and then add the account.

Adding a Safe

1. Log in as v aul tad mi n01 and go to POLICIES > Access Control (Safes) .

2. Press the Add Safe button.

3. Enter Or acl e Fi nanc e as the Safe name and press Save.

Duplicating a Platform

In this section, we are going to create a Platform dedicated to managing accounts used to
access Oracle databases, such as a DBA account.

1. Go to ADMINISTRATION > Platform Management .

2. Choose Or acl e Database and press Duplicate.

3. Enter Or acl e DBA 30 and press Save & Close.

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4. Select Or acl e DBA 30  and press Edit.

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Note: Take a good look at the image above. You may notice that the only active platforms
are those that we have created. This image illustrates why it is a good idea to
deactivate unused platforms. Furthermore, the inactive platforms are not shown
when adding
you want (and possibly make a mistake).

5. Go to UI & Workflow  and set  AutoC hangeOnAdd  to Yes.

6. Go to Automatic Password Management > General .

7. Set I mmed i ateInterv al  to 1.

8. Set AllowedSafes to Or acl e.

9. Press Apply.

10. In the Generate Password section, add the

quotes) to the Passw or d Fo
  r bi ddenC hars field. Make sure you add the new character
without deleting any of the existing characters.

11. Click OK to save the changes and close the Platform.

Adding an Account

1. Go the ACCOUNTS tab, click Add Account and enter the following:

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Store in Safe: Or acl e Fi nanc e

Device Type: Database

Platform Name: Or acl e DBA 30 

User Name: dba01


Port: 1521

Database:  x e

Password: Cy ber ark 1

Confirm Password: Cy ber ark 1

2. Press Save.

Note: Because the policy was set to  AutoChangeOnAdd=Yes, the account will be set for
immediate change.

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Password Upload Utility

In this exercise, we are going to run the CyberArk Password Upload Utility , a command-
line tool for performing bulk uploads of accounts into the system. For convenience, we will
run the Password Upload Utility using the CyberArk ad mi nist r ator  account.

We will be adding the new accounts to a new Safe that we create with the PUU

The ad mi nist r ator  does not have any custom safe authorizations and so cannot even see
the safes that we have created so far. We want to use our existing Linux Finance safe as
a tem pl ate safe (basically a standard safe that provides parameters not given during the
execution of the PUU), so we just need to add the ad mi nist ra  tor  to the Linux Finance  safe
as a member before starting the Password Upload Utility process.

Add the Administrator as a member of target safe

1. Login to the PVWA via LDAP as v aul tad mi n01.

2. Go to POLICIES > Access Control (Safes) .

3. Select Li nu x Fi nanc e and click the Members button.

4. Click Add Member .

5. Enter ad mi n in the search field, press the Search button.

6. Select  Ad mi nist r ator  and then click Add then Close.

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Configure and run PUU

1. Go to the C :\Passw or d U 
 pl oad U ti li ty

2. PUU. Double-click the

passwords.csv file.

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3. On the T e x t I m por t screen make sure that the file is only Separated by…Comma .

4. Press OK.

5. Review the contents of this file to see the options available for uploading accounts.

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6. Close the file when you are done (Note, we will use a preformatted file to perform the
actual import).

7. In the same folder, double-click the pu_passwords  file.

8. Make sure that the file is Separated by…Comma and press OK.

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Note: This is a pre-formatted file with all the necessary information to upload into

9. If you would like to experiment, you can add a line or two to the file. Adding the
information below would add a single new account in a separate Safe named

Password_na e: li nu x ad mi n01
TemplateSafe: Li nu x Fi nanc e
Folder: R oot 
CPMUser: Passw or d Ma
Safe: Li nu x P U2
Password: Cy ber ark 1
DeviceType: Oper at in
  g System
PolicyID: Li nu x  SSH  30 
UserName: li nu x ad mi n01

10. Save and close the file when done. Be sure to maintain the same CSV format .

11. Double-click the Vaul t.i ni  file

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12. In the address field, enter the IP address your vault server (make sure you use the
IP address of your  Vault Server).

VAULT = "My Vault".

# Additional parameters (optional)

13. Save and close the file.

14. Double-click the c onf.i ni  file.

15. Scroll down to the M andatory  par ameters section, enter the following:

PasswordFile:  pu_passw or ds
DefaultTemplateSafe: Li nu x Fi nanc e

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1. Login to the PVWA as v aul tad mi n01 and go to the Reports tab and then click on

Generate Report.

2. Click

3. Review the options to filter the report but keep the default values, then click .

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4. Click Finish generate the report .

5. Select the refresh icon at the bottom of the page until the report status shows
Excel icon.

6. Click OK to open with the default LibreOffice Calc .

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7. After going over the report, save the new report in the folder you created earlier in the
shared drive. If you are asked if you want to save the document in its current format,
click Keep Current Format

1. On the Components  server, open PrivateArk Client and login as  Ad mi nist ra


2. Under Tools > Reports , click on Safes List to generate a safes list report

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3. Click Report Output and save the new report to the folder you created. (If you
cannot save it directly to the network drive, save it locally)

4. Right click on the report and open with LibreOffice Calc .

5. Seperated by: Comma

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6. Click OK

7. After reviewing the report, save a copy of the report to the folder you created in the
shared drive.

8. Select Keep C urr ent F ormat .

9. Repeat these steps creating a User s List report and copy the report to the folder you
created in the shared drive.

10. By the end of this exercise you should have 3 reports in your named folder in the
Privileged Accounts Inventory Safes List
Users List

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Common Administrative Tasks

Backup and Restore

 Again for the sake of convenience, we will be using our  Ad mi nist r ator account to perform a
number of tasks during backup and restore.

We will begin by enabling two additional CyberArk accounts: Back up, which we will use to
execute the back up; and DR , the disaster recovery account that has authority to restore
objects, create Safes, etc.

Enabling the Backup and DR users

For  this section of the exercise, you will log in to the PrivateArk Client on the
Components server in order to enable the users required to run a backup.

1. Use the PrivateArk Client to log into the Vault as ad mi nist r ator .

2. Go to Tools > Administrative Tools > Users and Groups .

3. Highlight the Backup user (located under System) and press Update.

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6. Press Next to accept the default destination location.

7. Press Next to accept the default safes location.

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8. Click the Finish  button.

9. In Windows File Explorer  go to C :\P ro

  g ra
  m Fil es (x 86 
 )\P riv ateArk \R eplic ate.

10. Double-click the Vaul t.i ni  file.

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11. In the Vaul t.i ni  VAULT parameter.

12. Enter the IP address of your vault server in the address parameter.

VAULT = “ Vaul t ”

13. Save and close the file.

14. Open a Command Prompt.

15. Enter cd c :\P r og r am Fil es (x 86 

 )\P riv ateArk \R eplic ate.

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16. Run the following:

CreateCredFile.exe user.ini
Vault Username [mandatory] ==> backup
Vaul t Passwor d…==> Cyberark1

17. Press enter to accept the defaults for the remaining questions.

Create a Safe and an Account to test Backup

Log in to the PVWA as Ad mi nist ra

  tor  Cy ber 
 Ark  authent ic at io
First we will create a Safe and an account that we will later delete in order to test the
restore process.

1. Go to the POLICIES > Access Control (Safes) .

2. Pr ess Add Safe. Enter Li nu x 02  as the Safe Name and pr ess Save.

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3. Go to the Accounts page and click Add Account.

4. Enter the following:

Store in Safe: Li nu x 02

Device Type: Oper at i ng System
Platform Name: Li nu x vi a SSH  30 
User Name: r oot 
Password: Cy ber ark 2
Confirm Password: Cy ber ark 2 
Na e (Custom): r oot.back up.test

Note: The target machine does not exist. This is just a dummy account to test
Back-up and Restore.

5. Press Save and logout of the PVWA.

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Running a Backup

To run the backup enter:

PAReplicate.exe vault.ini /logonfromfile user.ini /FullBackup

If the backup is successful, you should see a number of messages indicating that that files
are being replicated with a final message stating that the replication process has ended.

Delete the Linux02  Safe

1. Making sure you are logged into the PVWA as the ad mi nist r ator  user, go to
POLICIES > Access Control (Safes) .

2. Highlight Li nu x 02 and click the Delete button.

3. Press Yes to confirm that you would like to delete the safe and contents.

4. You will receive a message that the R oot  folder cannot be deleted for 7 days.
However, the contents of the safe should have been removed.

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Administratio n

schtasks /run /s /tn SchedTask01

5. Because the l oc al ad 

ad mi 
mi n01
n01 account password was changed in an earlier exercise
without accounting for the associated scheduled task, the scheduled task will not
You can
confirm that the schedule task did not complete properly by checking your email
client as vaultadmin01@cyber-ark-demo.local 
vaultadmin01@cyber-ark-demo.local  and  and seeing that you do not have any

6. Now, go to the l oc al ad 

ad mi 
mi n01
n01 Account Details  and locate the Sc hedu
hedul ed
ed T ask  tab.
Press Add.

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7. Enter SchedTask01 in the T ask N 

sk N ame field and enter vfserver  in
 in the  Add r 
  ss field.
ss field.
Press Save.

8. After pressing Save, click on the newly created scheduled task.

Note: The localadmin01 account

localadmin01  account is unable to update the scheduled task remotely, so you
will associate the usage with a domain account that contains the required privileges
to perform the update.

9. We are now looking at the Account Details for the Scheduled Task. Press the
Associate button.

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Administratio n

10. Select ad mi 

mi n01
n01 and press Associate to associate the scheduled task with the
ad mi 
mi n01
n01 domain account

11. Next, go back to the l oc al ad 

ad mi 
mi n01
n01 Account Details  window and change the
l oc al ad 
ad mi 
mi n01
n01 password.

12. Select C hange

hange the passw or d immed i 
  tely ( 
a ly ( by  the
 the C P 
P M) and
M) and press OK.

13. Wait for the l oc al ad 

ad mi 
mi n01
n01 password to change.

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Note: The scheduled task is associated with a different platform than the localadmin01
account. After the localadmin01 account has been changed, the flag will be set for
the scheduled task to be changed. The entire process could take in excess of 10
minutes to complete.

14. After the Windows password has been changed, select the scheduled task and open
the Account Details. You will see that the usage password is now scheduled for
immediate change.

15. Wait for the usage password to change and then re-run the scheduled task from the
command prompt.

16. e scheduled

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7. After selecting  Add Usage s U I &

W ork f 
l  ows section. Right click Usages and select Add Usage.

8. Enter T 
Enter T e x t 
onf i 
ig   il e as the Value . Pr ess Apply and OK.
g F

9. In the interest of good practice, create a dedicated Safe for this purpose called Linux

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10. Go to ACCOUNTS and press Add Account and enter the following:

Store in Safe: Li nu

nu x  App
evice T pe:
pe: Operating System
Platform Name: Li nu
nu x  App
 Apps vi a SSH  90 
User Name: app-acc ount01
Password: Cy be
ber ark 1
Confirm Password: Cy be
ber ark 1

11. Press Save.

12. Go to the Text Config File  tab and press Add.

13. Enter the following:

File Path:  / v 
 /opt/app/app01.i ni 
Password Regex Passw or d=
d=( .* 
Connection Type: SSH 

14. Press Save.

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Administratio n

15. Go to the Account Details  for the primary account ( app-acc ount01

ount01), click the
Change button page, and select C hange
hange the passw or d immed i 
 ately ( 
ly ( by  the
 the C P 

Note This process can take several minutes to complete. The usage has interval settings,
 just like the account. When the account
account changes,
changes, it scans the vault for usages,
marks those usages for change, and then according to those intervals the changes
take effect.
So it will be a few minutes between when the password changes and the file

16. After the password change is complete, connect to with the app-acc ount01

17. Enter the following:

cat /var/opt/app/appXX.ini | grep Password
You should see that the password matches the new password in the Vault.

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Custom File Categories

Fil e c ategory  is the CyberArk term for the attributes or fields available on accounts
(Address, User Name, etc.). This section will detail the steps required to create and use
custom file categories, all

1. Using the Components  server, from the PrivateArk Client, log onto the Vault and go
to File > Server File Categories.

2. Press the button.

3. In the  Add Fil e C ategory window, enter the following:

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Name: Busi nessU ni t

Type: List

Valid values: Inter nat io

  nal , R etail , and C or 
 por ate

4. After each value is added, select the R equir ed C ategory  checkbox and click OK.

5. Log out of the PrivateArk Client.

Bui nessU ni t File Category a required field for accounts assigned

to the Or acl e DBA 30  platform.

6. Log into the PVWA as v aul tad mi n01.

7. Go to the ADMINISTRATION tab and click Platform Management.

8. Highlight Or acl e DBA 30  and press Edit.

9. Go to UI & Workflows > Properties > Required. Right-click and select Add
Property from the context menu.

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