What Does The First Paragraph Tell About?
What Does The First Paragraph Tell About?
What Does The First Paragraph Tell About?
No. : 14
In fact, the local people are rearing their cattle in the area within the tigers
hunting corridor and this has driven the tigers down to the residential area in
Bahorok, Turnip explained.
In the meantime, a local ranger John Purba said that he and his unit were
armed to guard round-the clock at the station. Purba stated that the CCTV footage of
the Mount Leuser National Park Agency revealed the tigers activity in the habitat.
Tourists and tourist guides have been advised to abstain from visiting the location
as the situation is not conducive.
Answer: Tourists and tourist guides have been advised to abstain from visiting the
location as the situation is not conducive.
Answer: John Purba suggest that tourists and tourist guides have been advised to
abstain from visiting the location as the situation is not conducive.