Risk Assesment of Tank Construction

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Health, Safety & Environment,

Procter & Gamble, Ibadan Plant.

Safety Plan
Risk Assessment Summary for construction and installation of chemical tanks


1 Barricading of the site with Exposure to construction Construction site not Protective gloves must be worn when handling sharp
caution tape hazards by other personnel adequately restricted roofing sheets, hard hat, safety boot are mandatory when
on site doing the work. Construction site should be fenced round
to guild against pedestrians.
2 Site clearing Trip hazard, fall, bruise & Obstruction on access, Personnel must use their complete PPEs safety boot,
cuts Nail, sharp & protruding Coverall, Helmet while the site should be adequate cleared
object on ground off & well planned. Practice good housekeeping
3 Excavation of foundation Edge Cave in, Fall, Trip, Loosed ground, Utility Ensure that debris does not accumulate at work area,
damages to underground hazards, Underground Personnel must use their complete PPEs safety boot,
utilities & installations, cave installations, Access and Coverall, Helmet, Put in place a cave in support ( wooden
in Egress, Exposure to structures),
construction vehicle Water Ladder should rightly positioned for Access and Egress,
accumulation Excavation permit must be obtained prior the excavation
works, indentify all underground utilities and installation
as indicated in drawing before exaction works commences
and Practice good housekeeping. Conduct regular site
safety inspections.

4 Casting of foundation Exposure to dust, Slip or Mixing of sand and Personnel must use nose cover & complete PPEs safety
structures Trip due to poor cement, poor Loosed boot, Coverall, Helmet, housekeeping should be ongoing.
housekeeping ground, housekeeping Ladder should rightly positioned for Access and Egress
5 Cutting , laying, grinding Cuts bruise, exposure to Personnel handle metal Leather hand glove should be worn by all personnel
and welding of the tank welding arc, burns, particle sheet with bare hand, not engaged in metal cutting, face shield should be worn to
base plate inhalation, slip, trip & fall, wearing complete coverall, guild against arc hazard, nose cover must be worn, full
Fire electric shock not engaging in adequate body coverall must also be worn by both the fitters and
house keeping welders, adequate housekeeping should be in place as the
work progresses. Functional fire extinguisher with
nonworking fire watch should be in place.
6 Cutting, Fixing, grinding Cuts bruise, exposure to Personnel handle the angle Leather hand glove should be worn by all personnel
and welding of the tank welding arc, burns, particle bars/ h beams with bare engaged in metal cutting, eyes goggle, face shield should
structure inhalation, slip, trip & fall hand, not wearing be worn to guild against arc hazard, nose cover must be
fire, electric shock complete coverall, worn, full body coverall must also be worn by both the
Health, Safety & Environment,
Procter & Gamble, Ibadan Plant.
Safety Plan
Risk Assessment Summary for construction and installation of chemical tanks

personnel working @ fitters and welders, and adequate housekeeping should be

height should wear full in place as the work progresses. Standard scaffold should
body harness not engaging be set and approved by competent person. Functional fire
in adequate house keeping extinguisher with nonworking fire watch should be in
Non availability of fire place. All electrical connections & cables should be
extinguisher. submerged in water.
7 Cutting , Fixing and Cuts bruise, exposure to Personnel handle metal Leather hand glove should be worn by all personnel
welding of the metal sheets welding arc, burns, particle sheet with bare hand, not engaged in metal cutting, eyes goggle, face shield should
on the fabricated supports inhalation, slip, trip & fall wearing complete coverall, be worn to guild against arc hazard, nose cover must be
& structures of the tank fire, electric shock trailing cables, not worn, full body coverall must also be worn by both the
engaging in adequate fitters and welders, and adequate housekeeping should be
house keeping in place as the work progresses. Suitable working
platform should be put in place as the work progresses to
height. Standard scaffold should be set and approved by
competent person. Functional fire extinguisher with
nonworking fire watch should be in place. All electrical
connections & cables should be submerged in water.
8 Cutting metal sheets, Cuts bruise, exposure to Personnel handle metal Leather hand glove should be worn by all personnel
Fixing and welding of the welding arc, burns, particle sheet with bare hand, not engaged in metal cutting, eyes goggle, face shield should
roof structures / metal inhalation, slip, trip & fall wearing complete coverall, be worn to guild against arc hazard, nose cover must be
sheets fire, electric shock trailing cables, not worn, full body coverall must also be worn by both the
engaging in adequate fitters and welders, and adequate housekeeping should be
house keeping in place as the work progresses. Suitable working
platform should be put in place as the work progresses to
height. Standard scaffold should be set and approved by
competent person. Functional fire extinguisher with
nonworking fire watch should be in place. All electrical
connections & cables should be submerged in water.
9 Welding cutting ,Fixing of Burns, cuts bruise, welding Personnel handle pies Leather hand glove should be worn by all personnel
pipes and control valves arc rays exposure, trip &fall with bare hand, non engaged in metal cutting, face shield should be worn to
Electric shock, wearing complete coverall, guild against arc hazard, nose cover must be worn, full
exposed live cables, body coverall must also be worn by both the fitters and
trailing cables, not welders, and adequate housekeeping should be in place as
engaging in adequate the work progresses. Functional fire extinguisher with
Health, Safety & Environment,
Procter & Gamble, Ibadan Plant.
Safety Plan
Risk Assessment Summary for construction and installation of chemical tanks

house keeping nonworking fire watch should be in place.

10 Sand blasting and painting Airborne dust, Metal dust, Failure to use appropriate
Silica sand, Air supply: skin dust protective equipment Air supply: Air-supplied respirators must be used (1) when
itching when doing the work working inside of blast tanks , (2) when using portable units in
areas without enclosure, and (3) under any circumstances where
the operator is not physically separated from the abrasive
material by an exhausted enclosure. If airline respirators and
compressors are used, make sure the intake hose is placed in an
area that provides clean air. An attendant should be in the area
at all times, monitoring breathing air and assuring the blaster's
11 Insulation and cladding Slip trip & Fall, Poor housekeeping clear all Maintained adequate housekeeping, check site before use on
works Fibre migration , Dust obstructions on Failure to use Level Ground. Do not over reach.
Inhalation, Cuts to Skin, Fume appropriate dust protective Steps only to be used were no other access is possible.
Inhalation equipments & coverall when Do not work on top rail or mid rail of scaffold/ ladder
doing the work site. Use body harness & anchored. Insulator to wear safety goggles,
coverall. Cotton glove, insulator to wear safety
Masks & Insulator to wear mask and
use in well ventilated area
12 Housekeeping and exit Trip hazard, fall, bruise & Obstruction on access, Construction site must be adequately cleared of all waste
from site cuts Nail, sharp & protruding generated during construction period, also all un- used
object on ground materials should be cleared out of site immediately after
the competition of the project, Personnel must use their
complete PPEs safety boot, Coverall, Helmet while the
site should be adequate cleared off & well planned.
Practice good housekeeping


Name: Name: Name:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

HSE P&G Supervisor Contractor

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