Proposed Topic of Research:: BITS ID: 201218TS525
Proposed Topic of Research:: BITS ID: 201218TS525
Proposed Topic of Research:: BITS ID: 201218TS525
Cycle time reduction across the manufacturing of Coal burner Body castings for
supercritical Boilers.
The coal burner consists of a fixed coal burner body that receives the fine pulverized coal
through the coal pipes. The coal burner body is supported at the partition plate by two
supports. A core assembly located between the above two supports and two splitter plates
located at the rear end of the coal burner body streamline the coal flow into the furnace.
The splitter plates in the coal nozzle are also provided with hard facing to reduce nozzle
CBB’s diversified design will attain the equal flow at the CBB throat. Addition to that Coal
nozzles are equipped with two splitter plate, this will further diverted and delivered inside
the furnace.
CBB is able to deliver the coal flow dust at the range of 15m/sec to 28 m/sec.
The combustion air for the coal burner is controlled (as per the quantity of coal fired) by
adjusting the damper at the inlet of the windbox. The air control damper in the windbox
provides a continuous flow of air to cool the coal nozzle when the coal burner is not in
This paper emphases on Study of Cycle time reduction in Manufacturing of Coal Burner
Body for the Supercritical Power plant Boilers. This manufacturing involves Casting and
various Machining Process to attain the finished product. Detailed study on Machining
Process of Coal Burner Body is to understand the Cycle time of each and every process.
Machining process includes 1. Facing 2. Turning 3. Side Face Milling 4. Profile Milling 5.
Drilling and Tapping.
CBB support
tapping (4Nos)
Coal Nozzle
Partition plates
The proposed research work shall actually be executed as R&D initiative in our ongoing
660MW MPPGCL project supply, with the initiation of L&T MHPS at our vendor premises M/s
Sanpreet Castings Coimbatore under my supply execution.
4. Scope of Research:
The choice of the method of execution of an activity depends upon the past
experience, the market availability of appropriate resources, the resources available
and the cost-benefit analysis of the various methods of execution. In this project,
time estimations were arrived based on Activity database and my past experience in
executing this typical type of jobs. Hence, in depth of study on various execution
methods were not warranted.
• Planning data
Network Diagram shows a group of activities or tasks and their logical relationships
ie, the “Precedence relationships” or “dependencies” among the tasks. These
network techniques generate time-oriented diagram having activities organized in to
a logical order. Their common features are that they make of the network model for
depicting the time plan of the project; apply the critical path concept for
determining project duration and identifying critical activities, and; employ network
analysis techniques for controlling the project-time objectives.
This study is to compare the above machining process cycle through conventional
machines as manual Side milling machine, Horizontal milling machine, Drilling and
tapping by Bench Drilling machine replaced with CNC vertical machine and Drilling
process with Radial drilling machine.
Due to the accuracy level and by mean of too many manual processes tend to have
many rejections. This, in turn causes the delay in delivery. Hence, the process shall
be supplemented with CNC process to improve accuracy and to reduce rejection
level to improve the total cycle time.
Also to identify the parallel activities which can be plotted through network diagram
so as to find the effective cycle time for the process.
Added is to find the optimal plant layout for reduced time using sequencing model.
Chapter I Introduction
I.1. Value of Cycle Time Reduction
I.2. Industry Background
I.3. Thesis Overview
Chapter VI
Chapter V
Chapter IV
Chapter III
Chapter II
Chapter I
10th Sep
30th Sep
31st Aug
10th Oct
5TH Aug
31st Oct
Fig 3 Ganntt Chart for the proposed research.
7. Literature references:
1. Thermal Engineering 9th Edition by Er. R. K. Rajput
2. Rusell, R.S. & Taylor, B.W., “Operations Management Along the Supply Chain, Wiley
Student Edition, 6th Ed., 2009.
9. Article on Fuel Firing System: Coal piping, Wind box & Burners by Mr. Prashanjit
Chattopadhyaya – 2013