Produccion de Papa
Produccion de Papa
Produccion de Papa
Irish Potatoes
University of Arkansas, United States Department of Agriculture, and County Governments Cooperating
Seed/ Disease Sources
Days to 100 Ft Resistance (see “Sources”
Crop Variety Maturity of Row or Tolerance paragraph below) Remarks
Irish Kennebec 110 13 lb 12, 27 Smooth, oblong, white tuber; heavy
Potatoes yields; good quality.
Dark Red 13 lb PVA, PVY, *See note Early, stores well. Oval-oblong,
Norland PLRV smooth, red potato with white flesh.
Great for early digging. Medium-large
purple flowering plants.
Abbreviations: LR: Leaf Roll; PLRV: Potato Leaf Roll Virus; PVA: Potato Virus A; PVY: Potato Virus Y
(R): Resistant; (T): Tolerant
*NOTE: Check your local garden centers or farm stores for seed potatoes in the spring.
is often beneficial because plants will shade the soil Irrigate to ensure uniform moisture while the
and prevent high soil temperatures that inhibit tubers are developing. A uniform moisture supply
tuber development. also helps cool the ground and helps eliminate knobs
caused by secondary growth.
The soil should be fertile and well-drained. Clay
soils should be improved with organic matter and For a list of sources referred to by number,
plowed in the fall. Use raised beds to improve request FSA6106, Seed Sources: Vegetable and Herb,
soil drainage. for current address, telephone and web site.
DR. CRAIG R. ANDERSEN is Extension horticulturist - Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of
vegetables, Cooperative Extension Service, University of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S.
Arkansas, Fayetteville. Department of Agriculture, Director, Cooperative Extension
Service, University of Arkansas. The Arkansas Cooperative
Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons
regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age,
disability, marital or veteran status, or any other legally protected
FSA6016-PD-2-03RV status, and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.