Sample Series SD 32 Bit Modbus Packet
Sample Series SD 32 Bit Modbus Packet
Sample Series SD 32 Bit Modbus Packet
Note: Some values will be rounded off to fit in the four-character display of the Series SD. Full values can be read via
Modbus. All temperature parameters are in °F through Modbus by default. To change communications temperature
units via Modbus, write a 0 for °F or 1 for °C to 16-bit register 18. Notice that the display may be in different
temperature units than communication via Modbus. To change the display units, write a 0 for °F or 1 for °C to 16-bit
register 40.
For 32-bit values - Low register numbers contain the two higher bytes (most significant word); high register numbers
contain the two lower bytes (least significant word) of the four-byte integer. All values are integers and decimal
precision is implied at three decimal places unless otherwise noted.
Note: The process value of the Series SD is contained in two 16-bit registers. Register 20 contains the two higher bytes (most
significant word, MSW) while register 21 contains the two lower bytes (least significant word, LSW). The 16-bit value
returned from register 20 is multiplied by 65,535 and added to register 21 when working with decimal numbers. To place the
decimal point, divide the results by 1,000. Each register, a 16-bit value, contains a most significant byte, MSB and a least
significant byte, LSB. Negative numbers are sent in two’s complement format.
In this example, Register 20 MSB = 0 and Register 20 LSB = 19. Register 21 MSB = 19 and Register 21 LSB = 68. To
convert to a 32-bit value perform the following calculation.
The set point value of the Series SD is contained in two 16-bit registers. Register 27 contains the two higher bytes while
register 28 contains the two lower bytes. The reverse of a read is performed. To write a set point of 1,250 degrees (which is
really 1,250.000) multiple the set point value (SP) by 1,000. Add 65,536 to negative numbers. This produces the set point
(SP) we want to send. To determine the most significant word (MSW), divide the SP by 2^16 or 65,536. To determine the
least significant word (LSW), subtract from the SP the result of multiplying the MSW by 2^16.
Note: Some values will be rounded off to fit in the four-character display of the Series SD. Full values can be read via
Modbus. All temperature parameters are in °F through Modbus by default. To change communications temperature
units via Modbus, write a 0 for °F or 1 for °C to 16-bit register 18. Notice that the display may be in different
temperature units than communication via Modbus. To change the display units, write a 0 for °F or 1 for °C to 16-bit
register 40.
Low register numbers contain the two higher bytes (most significant word); high register numbers contain the two
lower bytes (least significant word) of the four-byte integer. All values are integers and decimal precision is implied at
three decimal places unless otherwise noted.