Bost, M.C., Rodriguez, A.B., Ridge, J.T., Miller, C.B., Fegley, S.R. (2020) Natural Intertidal Oyster Reef

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Molly C.

Bost (she/her)
UNC Institute of Marine Sciences
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC
3431 Arendell St., Morehead City, NC 28557
910-619-5222 ● ● @MollyBost

In Progress PhD., The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Degree: Marine Sciences
Focus: Coastal geology
Advisor: Dr. Antonio Rodriguez
Committee members: Drs. Ridge, McKee, Piehler, and Eidam

2016 M.S., The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

Degree: Marine Sciences
Focus: Sedimentology and geochemistry
Advisor: Dr. Brent McKee
Committee members: Drs. Cable and Rodriguez

2013 B.S., The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

Major: Environmental Sciences
Minor: Marine Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Jaye Cable

Peer-reviewed Publications
Bost, M.C., Rodriguez, A.B., Ridge, J.T., Miller, C.B., Fegley, S.R. (2020) Natural intertidal oyster reef
growth across two landscape settings and tidal ranges. Estuaries and Coasts,
Miller, C.B., Rodriguez, A.B., Bost, M.C. (2020) Increased storminess and sea-level rise promote rapid
Saltmarsh transgression across low-gradient uplands. Quaternary Science Reviews (in review)
Rodriguez, A.B., McKee, B.A., Miller, C.B., Bost, M.C., Atencio, A.N. (2020) Coastal sedimentation
across North America doubled in the 20th century despite river dams. Nat Communications 11,
Oreska, MPJ, Wilkinson, GN, McGlathery, KJ, Bost, M, McKee, BA (2018) Non-seagrass carbon
contributions to seagrass sediment blue carbon. Limnology and Oceanography, 63 (S3-S18).
Crosswell, J. R., Anderson, I. C., Stanhope, J. W., Van Dam, B., Brush, M. J., Ensign, S., Piehler, M. F.,
McKee, B., Bost, M. and Paerl, H. W. (2017), Carbon budget of a shallow, lagoonal estuary:
Transformations and source-sink dynamics along the river-estuary-ocean continuum. Limnology
and Oceanography. doi: 10.1002/lno.10631
Oreska MPJ, McGlathery KJ, Porter JH, Bost, MC, McKee, BA. (2017) Seagrass blue carbon
accumulation at the meadow-scale. PLOS ONE 12(4)

Teaching and Mentoring Experience

2020 Teaching Assistant, UNC Institute for the Environment Field Site
ENEC 448: Coastal and Estuarine Ecology,
Instructor: Dr. Niels Lindquist (UNC-CH)
ENEC 471: Human Impacts on Estuarine Ecosystems
Instructor: Dr. Rachel Noble (UNC-CH)
2020 Graduate Research Consultant
ENEC 698: Capstone- Analysis and solution of Environmental Problems
Instructors: Dr. Antonio Rodriguez, Dr. Nathan Hall (UNC-CH)
2019 Haley Russo, UNC IE undergraduate field site student, Comparing unoccupied aerial systems
and traditional methods for monitoring beaches
2018 Carly Richardson, UNC IE undergraduate field site student, Fringing oyster reef composition
across tidal ranges
2016 Rachel Quindlein, UNC IE undergraduate field site student, Variations in intertidal oyster reef
composition across landscapes and tidal gradients
2015 Teaching Assistant, UNC Chapel Hill
MASC 314: Earth Systems in a Changing World
Instructor: Dr. Brent McKee
2014 Teaching Assistant, UNC Chapel Hill
MASC 432: Major World Rivers and Global Change: From Mountains to the Sea
Instructor: Dr. Brent McKee

Grants, Fellowships, and Awards

2020 Graduate Research Consultant via Dr. Nathan Hall
2017 UNC Collaboratory, PI: Dr. Antonio Rodriguez

Seminars and Presentations

2019 Bost, M.C., Rodriguez, A.B., Fodrie, F.J., McKee, B.A., Deaton, C.D. Reconstructing
environmental changes from the sedimentary records of tidal creeks and adjacent saltmarshes.
Coastal Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting. Nov. 2019.
2018 Bost., M.C., Rodriguez, A.B., McKee, B.A., Deaton, C.D. The role of tidal creeks as buffers
between estuaries and their changing watersheds. American Geophysical Union annual meeting.
Dec. 2018.
2018 Bost., M.C., McKee, B.A., Rodriguez, A.B. How estuarine sediment accumulation and carbon
burial are affected by tropical storm events. Ocean Sciences Meeting. Feb. 2018.
2017 Deaton, C.D., Bost, M.C., Mahoney, R., Rodriguez, A.B., McKee, B.A. Impacts of land-use
change and sedimentation in coastal watersheds across an urban-rural gradient. Coastal Estuarine
Research Federation Biennial Meeting. Nov. 2017.
2015 Bost, M.C., McKee, B.A. Response of sediment accumulation rates in the New River Estuary to
storm events. Coastal Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Meeting. Nov. 2015.

2016–2020 SciREN Coast: Educator coordinator; Logistics Coordinator; Researcher Participant
2019 Brad Sneeden Marine Science Academy at UNC IMS- Activity leader
2019 GEST at IMS Co-coordinator
2019 GEST at Duke University Marine Lab Activity support

Peer reviewer: Limnology and Oceanography, Estuaries and Coasts

Society Memberships:
Coastal Estuarine Research Federation, American Geophysical Union, Atlantic Estuarine Research

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