Bost, M.C., Rodriguez, A.B., Ridge, J.T., Miller, C.B., Fegley, S.R. (2020) Natural Intertidal Oyster Reef
Bost, M.C., Rodriguez, A.B., Ridge, J.T., Miller, C.B., Fegley, S.R. (2020) Natural Intertidal Oyster Reef
Bost, M.C., Rodriguez, A.B., Ridge, J.T., Miller, C.B., Fegley, S.R. (2020) Natural Intertidal Oyster Reef
Bost (she/her)
UNC Institute of Marine Sciences
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC
3431 Arendell St., Morehead City, NC 28557
910-619-5222 ● ● @MollyBost
In Progress PhD., The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Degree: Marine Sciences
Focus: Coastal geology
Advisor: Dr. Antonio Rodriguez
Committee members: Drs. Ridge, McKee, Piehler, and Eidam
Peer-reviewed Publications
Bost, M.C., Rodriguez, A.B., Ridge, J.T., Miller, C.B., Fegley, S.R. (2020) Natural intertidal oyster reef
growth across two landscape settings and tidal ranges. Estuaries and Coasts,
Miller, C.B., Rodriguez, A.B., Bost, M.C. (2020) Increased storminess and sea-level rise promote rapid
Saltmarsh transgression across low-gradient uplands. Quaternary Science Reviews (in review)
Rodriguez, A.B., McKee, B.A., Miller, C.B., Bost, M.C., Atencio, A.N. (2020) Coastal sedimentation
across North America doubled in the 20th century despite river dams. Nat Communications 11,
Oreska, MPJ, Wilkinson, GN, McGlathery, KJ, Bost, M, McKee, BA (2018) Non-seagrass carbon
contributions to seagrass sediment blue carbon. Limnology and Oceanography, 63 (S3-S18).
Crosswell, J. R., Anderson, I. C., Stanhope, J. W., Van Dam, B., Brush, M. J., Ensign, S., Piehler, M. F.,
McKee, B., Bost, M. and Paerl, H. W. (2017), Carbon budget of a shallow, lagoonal estuary:
Transformations and source-sink dynamics along the river-estuary-ocean continuum. Limnology
and Oceanography. doi: 10.1002/lno.10631
Oreska MPJ, McGlathery KJ, Porter JH, Bost, MC, McKee, BA. (2017) Seagrass blue carbon
accumulation at the meadow-scale. PLOS ONE 12(4)
2016–2020 SciREN Coast: Educator coordinator; Logistics Coordinator; Researcher Participant
2019 Brad Sneeden Marine Science Academy at UNC IMS- Activity leader
2019 GEST at IMS Co-coordinator
2019 GEST at Duke University Marine Lab Activity support
Society Memberships:
Coastal Estuarine Research Federation, American Geophysical Union, Atlantic Estuarine Research