Embedding Islamic Dietary Requirements Into HACCP Approach: Food Control December 2013
Embedding Islamic Dietary Requirements Into HACCP Approach: Food Control December 2013
Embedding Islamic Dietary Requirements Into HACCP Approach: Food Control December 2013
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Food Control
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Article history: Many researches into food safety systems have focused on the private standards created by private firms
Received 2 July 2012 including companies and NGOs. They mirror the increasing importance of food safety, regulation and also
Received in revised form apply HACCP in regulating matters related to food hygiene. This paper discusses on the applicability and
28 May 2013
embedment of Islamic dietary requirements along with HACCP approach. Coalition of Islamic dietary law
Accepted 4 June 2013
and HACCP principles in relating to matters such hygienic, wholesome and halal food have become
increasingly important in global food value chain. It gives the advantages for many organizations to
adopt and create a dynamic interchange environment to implement, conform and enforce standard-
setting for haram substance free products.
Halal critical control point (HCCP) Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hazard control point, (HCP)
Islamic dietary law
1. Introduction that the product or ingredient must be free from any parts of
products of animal which are non-halal and parts of animals which
The HACCP concept is a systematic approach towards identifica- are not slaughtered accordance to shariah law. Second condition is
tion of hazards, assessment of risks and control of hazards. In general that the product or ingredients should not contain najs. Third
the system is applied widely as a preventive, company customized, requirement is that it is safe for consumption, non-poisonous, non-
quality monitoring system starts from selection and procurements of intoxicating or not hazardous to health. The product is needed to be
raw materials, ingredients and packaging material, production pro- prepared, processed or manufactured using equipment which is
cess line to final product ready for consumption. HACCP is a tool which free from najs is the fourth condition. Fifth condition is must be free
does not rely on end-product testing (Codex, 1991b). The HACCP from any human parts or its derivatives and lastly is the physical
system considers all potential risks and factors which course harm to separation from any other food that do not meet the requirements
the health of the consumer (Kirby, 1994) and also applied to deter- stated in first five conditions through the process or any description
mine the critical control points required to control the identified that have been decreed as najs by shariah law.
hazards. Embedding the Islamic dietary law in accordance to the HACCP
Furthermore HACCP system consist of establishment of pro- approach would enable an integrated approach towards achieving
cedures to monitor the identified critical control points in the spe- a harmonized Halal e HACCP implementation system. It gives a
cific activity like growing, harvesting, processing/manufacturing, strong foundation to halal certification and sustains the credibility.
marketing, preparation and/or use of a given raw material or food Globalization of halal food trade and evolving consumer demands
product (Codex, 1991a). In addition HACCP system too can assist which address health, food safety, resource sustainability and
inspection by regulatory authorities and also promote international religious disciplinary practice may result in trade disputes if sound
trade by increasing confidence level in food safety. and standard of halal application is not achieved. Embedding the
Islamic dietary law or Halal food defined as food and drink and/ ISO 9000 series, good manufacturing practices (GMP) and good
or their ingredients are permitted under the Shariah law and fulfill agricultural practice (GAP) in voluntary public standards at the
six (6) main conditions (MS 1500:2009, 2009). First condition is national and international level has been discussed by Henson and
Reardon (2005).
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ60 194563688. Integrated approach provides a general guidance on halal
E-mail address: taris@usm.my (T.A. Yang). implementation with the use of HACCP as a tool. However the
0956-7135/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
details of the application may vary depending on the specialized the team are required to have adequate knowledge in their
processes or activities of the relevant industry. respective field and in halal requirements. Besides process and
product control experts, a member who has vast knowledge in Is-
2. Materials and methods lamic dietary law (Muslim halal executive officer) need to be
appointed to ensure the effectiveness in implementation of internal
Codex Alimentarius clearly defined the general guidelines for the halal control system. The respective officer shall assist the team
use of the term ‘Halal’. Besides that, the principles of Syariah based on during the haram substance analysis in identifying the haram and
Quran and Hadith are referred for verification. In Malaysia, the also istihlal. Since there are eight legal Islamic schools of thoughts
Malaysian standard for Halal Food- Production, preparation, handling around the world, it is essential to consider specific requirements
and storage, MS 1500:2009 (2009) is used additionally as a guide for during conducting haram substance analysis.
Islamic dietary requirement. The fundamental requirements such as In addition Halal executive office is responsible for updating and
infrastructure design, hygiene practice and many more are achieved informing the organization on the Islamic dietary standard and
through good manufacturing practice and other relevant guidelines regulatory requirement. If required external expert can be included
according the nature of the specific industry need. in the team to support the team in relevant halal food re-
quirements. Besides that top management required to provide
3. Result and discussion sufficient resources in order to implement the halal control system.
3.1. Application of halal with HACCP as a tool 3.3. Halal product description
The combination of HACCP and Halal ensures that the food The product or ingredient produced in the relevant organization
product and food contact products are safe and halal. It is a great need to define and describe the product in the Product Description
combination and also a marketing tool for industries to aid their data sheet. General characteristic and specification such as in-
business strategy. The integrated approach can be achieved by gredients, packing size, labeling, storage condition, shelf life and
applying five (5) preliminary steps and seven (7) principles of other relevant information need to clearly state in the product
HACCP as defined in Fig. 1. The twelve (12) tasks shall be established description. The product must be free from haram substance and
according to the relevant industry specification and need. protected from cross contamination. The product description
In Fig. 1, 12 task sequence steps for Integrated Halal System generally used as an initial introduction to the product or service
application provides a flow of act that required to be carried in provided by the relevant organization.
sequence steps to establish an integrated system. First 5 steps were
preliminary steps need to be established prior conducting seven (7) 3.4. Identify the intended use
steps of Hazard and Haram Analysis Critical Control Point
(HHACCP) Principles. Those first five (5) steps are Assembling Furthermore the intended use of the product must be clearly
HHACCP team, Establish Product description and intended use of stated for the consumers. This is very important to ensure that the
the product, Construct flow diagram of the process and on site product is utilized or used as intended without compromising the
verification to confirm the constructed flow diagram. Once quality, safety and halalness.
completed the initial stage, seven steps of HHACCP shall be carried
to establish integrated safe halal food system. 3.5. Construction of flow chart
3.2. Assembling the halal team The team will be required to construct a flow diagram of the
production process for each product. The flow chart need to have a
It is the top management’s responsibility and commitment to clear indication of the ingredients, auxiliary substance, by-product
assemble a team with multidisciplinary background. Members of and waste management of the relevant process. All operations on
Fig. 1. 12 Task sequence steps for Integrated Halal System application (Kohilavani, Noor, Wan Nadiah, & Tajul, 2011).
Author's personal copy
Table 1
Filling form for determination of the CCP based on CCP decision tree.
site need to be stated clearly with the assistance or the relevant The analysis is completes by listing the identified hazards and
department experts. haram substances associated with all raw materials and process
steps. All control measures need to significantly eliminate hazard
and haram substance. Even though, food safety related hazards are
3.6. On-site verification and confirmation of flow diagram
controlled to an acceptable level, for Islamic dietary requirements
zero tolerance must be applied to meet halal specification.
Accuracy and completeness of the flow diagram need to be
verified on site. Modifications shall be made if the flow diagrams do
3.8. Determine the critical control points (CCPs) and halal critical
not reflect as the real time process steps. While walking through
control points (HCCP)
the process, team members able to obtain hands-on experience and
better understanding on their organizations product process, fa-
According to Rushing and Ward (1999), CCPs are the control
cility condition and activities carried out within the facility.
points at which food safety hazards can be eliminated, prevented
and reduced to safety level. Similarly HCCPs are the steps where
3.7. Conduct a hazard & haram substance analysis haram substances are identified and eliminated from the process
steps. The team plays an essential role determining the CCPs and
Corlett (1998) has discussed the role of the team in conducting HCCPs by using Table 1 and Table 2 as a guidance.
a hazard analysis and identified suitable control measures. Similar The CCPs are generally identified by using codex CCP decision
activities are also required to be carried out to identify haram tree (Fig. 2). CCPs need to be quantifiable to achieve measurable
substances. In hazard analysis, the three main hazards are bio- limits and monitoring. It is a challenging task to identify CCPs for
logical, chemical and physical hazards are considered. On the products especially those products which fall into minimal pro-
other hand additional considerations required when the Islamic cessed category such as freshly slaughtered and cut meat.
dietary requirement included and analyze for the presence of HCCPs are able to identify by using the HCCP decision tree
haram substances in the product as well as potential cross (Fig. 3) for the ingredients and process control. HCCP decision tree
contamination in the process steps. Scientific and Islamic religious is developed based on the guide spell on Malaysia Halal Standard
references also need to be considered during the haram substance (MS1500:2009). Structured assessment gives clear and straight-
analysis. forward guide to identify potential haram substance and also
Table 2
Filling form for determination of the HCCP/HCP based on HCCP/HCP decision tree.
Note: a. Decision tree (Fig. 2) used to identify the HCCP for ingredient and process control.
Author's personal copy
possible cross contamination that could take place. In regards to value but to meet halal requirements HCL aims to eliminate the
food safety aspect the relevant identified hazard shall be reduced or haram substances from the whole system.
controlled to an acceptable level. However for haram substance
identification zero tolerance practice is adopted to ensure that the 3.10. Establish CCP and HCCP monitoring procedures
religious requirements are stringently followed.
Monitoring procedure for CCP and HCCP are established
3.9. Establish critical limits (CL) and halal critical limits (HCL) together in every step and procedure. Establishing monitoring ac-
tivity in the combined form gives an upper hand for the system to
Critical limits are expressed as a specific parameter on visual be effectively in place. All the procedures in the relevant steps to the
observation such as time, temperature, water activity, pH, salt or respective production or industry are used to monitor, control and
sugar concentration, sieving and specific detectors to detect the to identify deviation. The monitoring procedure, frequency of
presence of hazards. Critical limits for food safety have tolerance monitoring and personnel responsible to do the monitoring are the
Author's personal copy
Fig. 3. Decision tree to identify Halal Critical Control Points (HCCP) Ingredients and process controls.
three basic requirements to HACCP plan. Similar requirements are review on overall procedure, assessing suitability and conforming
applied to meet halal dietary conditions. to customer requirements as well as legislative and regulatory
guides provide total assurance on safety and halalness of the sys-
3.11. Establish corrective action tem and product.
Acknowledgement Corlett, D. A. (1998). Environmental and quality system integration. New York: Lewis
Henson, S., & Reardon, T. (2005). Private agri-food standards: implications for food
The authors would like to acknowledge Universiti Sains policy and the agri-food system. Food Policy, 30(3), 241e253.
Malaysia’s APEX Delivering Excellence grant (Grant No. 1002/PTE- Horchner, P. M., Brett, D., Gormley, B., Jenson, I., & Pointon, A. M. (2006). HACCP-
KIND/910336). based approach to derivation of an on-farm food safety program for the
Australian red meat industry. Food Control, 17, 497e510.
Kirby, R. (1994). HACCP in practice. Food Control, 5(4), 230e236.
References Kohilavani, Noor, A. F., Wan Nadiah, W. A., & Tajul, A. Y. (2011). Establishment of
hazard analysis critical control points (HACCP) system for the soft drink
Codex. (1991a). General HACCP definitions and procedures for use by codex: An adhoc beverage powder manufacturing. Internet Journal of Food Safety, 13, 98e106.
Working Group report. CX/FH 911 16. Rome: Codex Alimentarius Commission. MS 1500:2009 (E). (2009). Halal food e Production, preparation, handling and storage
Codex. (1991b). Draft principles and application of the hazard analysis critical control e General guidelines (2nd Revision).. Department of Standards Malaysia
point (HACCP) system ALINORM 93113. Rome: Codex Alimentarius Commission. Publishers.