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Authors A-Z Page 3–45

Ancients Page 46-48

Dark Age/Early Medieval Page 48-49

Medieval, 1066-1499 Page 49-51

Renaissance, 1500-1599 Page 51-52

Seventeenth Century Page 52-54

Eighteenth Century;

Europe Page 55-56

America/Canada Page 56-57

Miscellaneous Page 57

Nineteenth Century

Napoleonic Page 58-60

Europe, 1816-1899 Page 60-62

America – ACW Page 62-63

North .America (Other) Page 64-65

South America Page 65

Colonial Page 66-68

Twentieth Century

Pre. WWII Page 69-71

WWII Page 71-75

Post WWII Page 75-76

Air Warfare Page 77

Naval Warfare Page 77-80

Modeling Page 80-82

Wargames Page 82-88

Miscellaneous Page 88-91

Sci-Fi and Fantasy Page 92

I suppose the first question one would ask with regards this publication is why? The answer is simple, I
got fed up of remembering I’d read an article but then always seemed to be about two or three years out
when I found the issue. I was going to stop at the first 12 years and then do another supplement but I got
carried away, in addition Duncan MacFarlane the editor of WI suggested I push to issue 200 to coincide
with the start of the all colour magazine and his release of the magazines on cd, hence we are here over
90 pages of index for the best magazine around.
The booklet is different from most other indexes I have seen, not only have I listed the articles by period
or type but I have also created an authors index. In doing so I have realised the value of such an index, so
if you wish to find all the articles of David Bickley (Surely the champion of long article titles) or find all
those bits and pieces Mark Allen has written it is a very simple process. Thanks have to go to Duncan, the
Editor of W.I. for this suggestion and he gets a regular update of the index as a reward.
Despite the time taken to put this together, it has been most enjoyable, both from the nostalgic point of
view and the re-discovery of some excellent articles.
I have not included letters pages or small reviews, I know you will find the publication of some use. I
will continue the work, my intention is to release a new supplement covering the next two years of the
new mag. See you then.
All the best.
Graham Cummings

ABRAM David A Renaissance in Renaissance No.37 P42
ADAMS Bramwell Large scale sea battles in the Peloponnesian War No.33 P22
Ditto Terror weapons in the Ancient World No.37 P33
ADAMS Michael Scenario for Ancient Galley War games. No.32 P22
AFFINATI Ricardo Red Shirts No.59 P38

AIRD J.H. John Hawkwood - The English Condottiere No.58 P20

ALBRIDGE Nicola Jomsvikings No.157 P14
Fyrisvold No.159 P46
Berserkers No.168 P20
ALCOCK Andrew M. A Small Games Competition No.45 P14
ALLEN Jack Ambush at Flowery Hollow No.111 P14
ALLEN Mark The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.1 No.27 P16
The War of the Grand Alliance 1688-1697 Pt.2 No.32 P14
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.3 No.36 P40
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.4 No.41 P16
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.5 No.49 P14
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.6 No.51 P15
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.7 No.52 P14
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.8 (The Irish) No.54 P38
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.9 No.59 P14
The War of the Grand Alliance Pt.10 No, 61 P14
Infantry of the War of the Spanish Succession Pt.1 No.62 P14
French Infantry Regiments of the War of the Spanish No.64 P37
Succession Pt.2
French Infantry Regiments of the War of the Spanish No.65 P38
Succession Pt.3
The Army of Louis XIV during the Wars of the No.66 P36
Grand Alliance Pt.1
The Army of Louis XIV during the Wars of the No.68 P14
Grand Alliance Pt.2
Building a War games Army Pt.1 No.74 P16
The Army of Louis XIV during the Wars of the No.77 P14
Grand Alliance Pt.3
Building a War games Army Pt.2 No.79 P42
Building a War games Army Pt.3 No.82 P42
Building a War games Army Pt.4 No.83 P42
Building a War games Army Pt.5 No.101 P38
The British Army 1660-1702 No.123 P16
The British Army 1660-1702 Pt.2 No.125 P44
The British Army 1660-1702 No.126 P12
The Armies of James II & William III No.127 P42
The Armies of James II & William III – Flags No.128 P44
The Dutch Infantry in the Reign of William III No.170 P34
. William III’s Dutch Guards No.139 P44
The Dutch Cavalry in the Reign of William III No.173 P14
The Dutch Dragoons and Artillery in the Reign of No.174 P34
William III
ALLEN Mark The Dutch Cavalry in the Reign of William III No.174 P38
The Dutch Army of William III – Allies and No.175 P16

Building a Wargames Army for the Thirty Years No.182 P30
War. Military Dress, 1618-1648
ALLEN Peter Half timbered stone worked Brownies No.52 P38
A stomach full of war gaming No.54 P46
A small castle in 25mm scale No.55 P40
ALLEN Stephen The Crimean War No.6 P24
Crimean small actions Pt.1 No.7 P22
Crimean small actions ‘Eupatoria’ Pt.2 No.9 P12
Crimean small actions Pt.3 No.10 P11
ALLEN Stephen Crimean small actions ‘Kurudere’ Pt.4 No.13 P12
Self Indulgence No.16 P26
AMEY Bob The New Sheffield Triples No.155 P60
ANDERSON George Allatoona Pass No.33 P33
ANDREWS Dave Barbed Wire No.31 P13
Photo feature: Normans And Saxons No.171 P20
ANGELL George St.Valentine’s Day 1929 No.125 P28
ANSARI John The Treasure of Buvomarte No.69 P41
Chevauchee No.111 P20
ANSELL Bryan The Rules With No Name Pt.1 No.105 P21
The Rules With No Name Pt.2 No.106 P34
Horse and Musket Skirmish Rules Pt.1 No.111 P32
Horse and Musket Skirmish Rules Pt.2 No.112 P40
Horse and Musket Skirmish Rules Pt.3 No.113 P18
Mystic Warrior No.114 P28
Streetfight – A ruleset for futuristic urban violence No.171 P40
Streetfight – A ruleset for futuristic urban violence No.172 P20
APPLEBY Paul The Last Saxon Hero No.113 P24
ARMATYS John 1066 – A matrix game No.177 P50
ARNOLD James The Drums of Champion Hill No.120 P20
ARTLEY Gary L. Snoopy vs. The Red Baron No.52 P28
ASHTON Colin The Mexican - American War 1846-48 Pt.1 No.25 P23
The Mexican - American War 1846-48 Pt.2 No.26 P23
A useful piece of rascality No.55 P20
The 48 hour war (Gwalior Campaign 1848) No.66 P24
God created hell, added flies and called it No.92 P20
Mesopotamia. (Battle of Ctesiphon and the road to
Kut 1914-15)
ASHWORTH A. Naked War games (Was Homer on the level?) No.117 P53
ATKINS Guy The Battle of Pea Ridge or Elkhorn Tavern 1862 No.37 P34
ATTENBOROUGH D.B.A. hint cards No.95 P47
AVERY Robert The Risorgimento. The unification of Italy 1815- N0.152 P16
The Second Afghan War 1878-1880 No.168 P14
“Assemble the Army, beat the drum!” Wargaming No.172 P28
19th Century Abyssinia.
Vis Bellica. Writing a set of Wargames Rules No.185 P20
The Battle of Cynoscephalae (197BC). As a Vis No.187 P60
Bellica scenario
The Roman Custer. Valens and the Battle of No.190 P15
Asrianople,378 AD
AVERY Robert Another Fine Mess. Battle of Bosworth for Vis No.193 P20
Blitzkrieg in Reverse. 1940 WWII scenario No.199 P26


BABER Richard American Armoured Combat Commands No.137 P50

BAILEY D. The Gun at Tu Loong Pass. Colonial rules and No.192 P22
BARBER Steve The Dillinger Super Gang No.144 P16
BARKER Phil Progeny of D.B.A. No.64 P34
BARLEY Keith Alternative die roll methods for war games. No.102 P27
BARRATT John Rowton Heath 1645 No.29 P24
Ditto Campaigns of the Cornish Royalist Army Pt.1 No.30 P38
Ditto Campaigns of the Cornish Royalist Army Pt.2 No.32 P24
BARROW Andrew Franco - Prussian Naval War Lists No.80 P30
Skirmish Scenarios for the Mexican War, 1861-1867 No.180 P20
BARSTOW Ian Range War No.122 P36
Skirmishing Wild West Movies. No.129 P30
Skirmishing Wild West Movies Pt.2 No.131 P15
Skirmishing Wild West Movies Pt.3 No.134 P40
Skirmishing Wild West Movies Pt.4 No.137 P36
Skirmishing Wild West Movies Pt.5 No.148 P45
BARTLETT John Loose files and American scramble - revisited No.48 P17
Rules for the Wars of the Roses, No.60 P28
Valhalla No.69 P38
BARTLETT John S.W.A.B. 2 No.81 P18
BASE Mark Fighter Files. 1: Jasta V No.143 P12
Fighter Files 2. Jasta II ‘ Boelcke’s own’ No.145 P12
BEAN T.J. Lundy’s Lane, 1814 No.51 P10
BEASTS OF “The Steep Atlantick Stream”. Amphibious action at No.182 P53
BOLSOVER Cadiz, 1702
Gladiator. No.184 P64
BEERS Ray Thekhalsa (Sikh Army 1840’s) No.18 P13
BELL Mike The Missouri Outlaws Pt.1 No.6 P30
The Missouri Outlaws Pt.2 No.7 P18
The Missouri Outlaws Pt.3 No.8 P27
Scotty Smith No, 13 P32
O Cangaceiro Pt.1 No.37 P46
O Cangaceiro Pt.2 No.38 P14
O Cangaceiro Pt.3 No.39 P14
O Cangaceiro Pt.4 No.40 P38
Buffalo Running No.98 P16
BENNETT Stephen Operation Comet. A 1944 Rapid Fire scenario. No.185 P28
BENSON Keith The Convention scene No.6 P28
The Convention Scene No.9 P48
The Convention Scene No.10 P44
The Convention Scene No.11 P40
Global Conflict Pt.1 No.15 P38
Global Conflict Pt.2 No.16 P19
BENSON Keith Global Conflict Pt.3 No17 P22
Global Conflict Pt.4 No.25 P33
Global Conflict Pt.4 continued No.26 P23
van den BERGH Frank The Dutch Brigade in English Service 1799 - 1802 No.117 P20
Brandenburg Fortresses on the West African Coast No.129 P20
Van den BERGH Frank 1672:The Year of Disasters. No.130 P20
Hallow Victories. 1.:Tarakan No.134 P24

Bold measures are the safest No.142 P48
Hollow Victories. 2: Balikpapan No.142 P50
The Great Pacific War(-Game) No.156 P41

The Great Pacific War(-Game) Pt.II No.162 P46

BERRY Pete The Swedish Army 1700 - 1721 No.11 P36
The Battle of Fraustadt 1706 No.13 P36
The Battle of Poltava 1709 No.23 P40
The ‘Kalibalik’ at Bender No.46 P33
Narva No.47 P34
‘I Can’t Possibly Paint Anything So Small……’ No.155 P47
BESWICK Geoff Death from the skies. (German Invasion of Malta) No.90 P13
BETTS Dave The Battle of the Northern Marshall Is. No.128 P50
BEVIS Mark The Army of Oman 1988-1993 No.123 P36
The Army of Oman 1995 to date No.133 P38
Merlin’s Magic No.156 P26
The Japanese Army of the early 1990s No.156 P47
BICKLEY David The Earl of Peterborough’s Campaign in Spain 1705 No.59 P22
- 1706
Guns of August No.61 P38
Plugging the gap to Calais. No.67 P27
Not one under six feet tall (Battle of Nonne Boss No.68 P24
Chen 1914)
None of that knee to knee stuff No.70 P12
The chief thing is to keep the guns going. No.71 P30
It was terrible confusion No.73 P33
There were only handfuls of them. No.74 P32
My right hand got tired. No.75 P32
If it’s Monday it must be Manassas No.77 P36
Sherman’s North Carolina Campaign No.78 P37
‘It was our first real fight’ Yorktown and No.79 P14
Williamsburg 1862
‘The enemy made a great mistake in not taking No.80 P21
possession of the sounds’
‘A living, flashing sheet of flame’ No.81 P37
Attack and defense of Little Round top No.82 P37
I.T.M.A No.83 P21
The attack and defense of Fort Stedman No.84 P21
Bursting to shell No.86 P34
‘Providence blessed our arms with victory’ (Battle of No.88 P21
McDowell 1862)
The Battle of Newmarket 1864 No.90 P38
‘It is settled - the Negro will fight’ No.94 P21
‘The fight will necessarily be desperate. - Oxhill No.97 P20
If it’s Monday - The Return No.100 P50
‘The ram is burned, her wreck is in sight’ (Life and No.101 P30
death of C.S.S. Neuse)
BICKLEY David Fort Gibraltar of the South Pt.1 No.104 P24
Forth Gibraltar of the South Pt.2 No.106 P32
Surprising ‘Harry Heath@. (McPherson’s Ridge) No.112 P21
The fighting for the Benjamin Chew House during No.113 P21
the Battle of Germantown 1777
Another stripe or a coffin. No.115 P16
The fighting over Chadds Ford at the Battle of No.115 P38

Gentleman Johnny’s War (AWI Rules) No.116 P20
The Battle of the Guildford Courthouse No.116 P23
The Fighting at Brawner’s Farm (ACW Scenario) No.121 P14
King George and the Broadsword (Battle at Moore’s No.122 P12
Creek Bridge 1776)
Shout like hell and fight like devils. (The Battle of No.123 P12
Kings Mountain 1780)
It’s all in the cards. No.123 P30
Jeish-el-Arabi No.124 P20
‘Into the Blue’ No.129 P14
‘Eating People is Wrong’ No.133 P20
‘Ins Blaue,Zu!’ No.137 P34
Fifteen Men on a Dead Man’s chest. No.137 P48
Battle of Cowpens 1781 No.140 P18
Breakout! No.141 P30
The Battle of New Garden Meetinghouse No.149 P48
“We will hold this ground or go to Heaven from it!’ No.152 P13
– The defence of Horshoe Ridge, Chickamauga 1863
Report on the Cold Wars Show No.153 P50
The Pah’Doc Patrols No.174 P24
The Failure of Phatt Ghutt (another Vietnam No.176 P22
The Pah’Doc Massacre. A scenario for a Vietnam No.178 P32
War Skirmish Game.
Dodging the ‘Whistling Dicks’. A Crimean War No.181 P28
..Ham and Jam… Pegasus Bridge Scenarios No.182 P25
“firing from the hip and throwing grenades, we went No.183 P34
forward to the guns.” The assault on the Merville
Battery: a Rapid Fire scenario.
“Stand up and fight like men.” The Battle of Logan’s No.185 P40
Crossroads, 1862.
“Push on, the York Volunteers!” The Battle of No.187 P26
Queenston Heights, 13 October 1812
Lost, but not forgotten! Vietnam skirmish scenario No.191 P26
“In a much bearded army, he was the hairiest No.192 P57
General I ever saw.” Brigadier General John
Cleveland Robinson and the action on Oak Ridge,
Gettysburg, 1 July 1863
The Battle of Stoney Creek,1813 No.194 P22
The Battle of Thames River, 1813. No.195 P20
‘They Came on in a Very Gallant Style’ The Battle No.196 P18
of Crysler’s Farm 1813.
By Air to Battle. Vietnam No.197 P39
Behind the Lines at Britannia Miniatures No.197 P46
A War of 1812 Mini-Campaign No.198 P40
BICKLEY David The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions. A No.199 P14
Vietnam Scenario
Red Rag’s Raid. Western gunfight scenario No.200 P25
BIGG Roger Last of the Great White Rhino. No.36 P36
BIRKLEY Graham 1st Airborne Division at Arnhem No.73 P42
‘D’ Day a small skirmish No.83 P36
The Battle of Villers Bocage 13 June 1944 No.163 P30
Wittman II – the sequel No.164 P50
The Battle of Claremont No.165 P40

Operation Martlet: The Fight for Fontenay. A No.184 P28
Panzer Marsch scenario.
BISHOP M. Modern Musketeers No.60 P13

BISHOP M. U Boat No.69 P26

BLACK Bob Mini Marlburian rules 1700 -1720 5mm No.17 P32
Eugene’s Eastern Victories No.18 P19
BLAKE Mike Buffalo Running No.98 P16
On the wilder fringes No.111 P26
Mirleton & Warpaint. No.139 P22
Mirleton & Warpaint No.140 P14
Hour of the Gun. A Western Gunfight Mini- No.178 P42
The Forlorn Hope. The 1st Maine Heavy Artillery at No.186 P34
The American Plains Indian in Wargames. A DBR No.187 P14
Big Scale. Colonial scenario in 54mm based on The No.189 P20
Lion & The Wind.
Playing with the Big Boys. Part one of a paen to the No.197 P12
Death on Pirate Island. A Texas-Mexican Border No.197 P35
1839 scenario.
Run of the Arrow. A game based on the Native No.198 P20
Americans’ endurance test for prisoners.
Playing With the Big Boys. Part 2. No.198 P50
BLEASE Steve Dahomy, 1892 No.148 P49
Stalingrad No.152 P40
Projekt X: Zombie Krieg Ost No.192 P52
Dodgy BLOKE The Battle of Abu Agheila 1967 No.98 P46
BOADLE John Battle of Sanderhausen No.35 P46
BOLD P.E. A new approach to war gaming. No.19 P26
BOSTROMM Prof, Ole Problems in Phonology and Etymology in ancient No.42 P46
BOTHWELL Robert War games shows and the hobby’s lost opportunities No.89 P40
BOWEN Grayde A quick and dirty guide to magazine games No.105 P42
The Internationalist War. Afghanistan 1979 - 94 No.116 P34
BOWEN-LONG Re-fighting the Battle for the Nijmegan Bridges No.167 P20
Michael 1944
‘Brontesaurus’ Emily Three Dinosaur Hunting Scenarios No.154 P52
On the trail of the Living Fossils. Two more No.190 P54
scenarios for ‘Saurian Safari’
BROOKS Richard Russo - Turkish War of 1877 No.5 P16
Schlachtlenbummler. - Rules for the Franco- No.5 P20
Prussian and Russ-Turkish wars.
Besieged by the Mahdi No.7 P12
Scenarios No.12 P12
BROOKS Richard Getting it right No.17 P13
BROOM Garry Battle of Sanderhausen No.35 P46
BROWN Dave Barrosa 1811 No.127 P14
The Battle of Elchingen 1805 No.134 P37
Storming the Grand Redoubt at Borodino No.142 P30
Rearguard at Quatre-Bras 19th June 1815 No.161 P50
The Battle for Dolitz & Probstheyda 1813 No.162 P16
Ney’s Cavalry Charge at Waterloo No.169 P34

Napoleonic Cavalry in Wargames No.180 P12
Skirmishers in Napoleonic Wargames No.182 P50
Waterloo. Last years refight at the National Army No.185 P46

Hunt’s Gap; Tunisia 1943 No.191 P40

Napoleonic Wargaming Myths No.192 P44
The Assault on Arinez Hill. A Battle of Vittoria No.193 P40
scenario for GdeB
Stavelot, 1944 No.200 P14
Salamanca 2003 No.200 P34
BROWN Geoff Palm Sunday 1461 No.19 P34
BROWN Pete Dracula No.89 P26
Imjin Ridge 1951 No.95 P29
The Battle of Xochimilco No.170 P42
BROWN Peter Napoleonic Rules No.141 P36
BROWN Ted Two Battles for Lucknow No.5 P12
The Devils Wind No.10 P18
BROWN Ted Butcher and Bolt (Rules for the N.West Frontier) No.27 P14
The Irresistible Force and the Immoveable Object No.28 P32
We are the Boys from Isandlwana No.35 P34
We had a night of it. (Rules for Rorkes Drift) No.41 P48
Now you see them, now you don’t. No.42 P48
Leopards and Eagles No.44 P38
John Company’s clash with the Khalsa No.47 P30
A war gamers guide to Indian Mutiny uniforms No.48 P32
Evicting the Pandies No.50 P38
The Gentlemen in khaki No.53 P12
Knights of the air No.71 P13
Sand, flies and desert sores. No.76 P42
S.A.S. Daring to win No.77 P18
BROWNE Dillon Of cavemen, seagulls and Napoleon Bonaparte No.129 P54
BRUCE Steve The battle of Ticonderoga 1758 Pt.1 No.93 P20
The Battle of Ticonderoga Pt.2 No.94 P29
BRUCE Steve Spaghetti Westerns No.100 P46
BUCK Martin Airport 1999:Africa AK47 game No.146 P52
BUCKLAND Alan A multi-playered, manigabled, umpire Kriegspieled No.35 P49
‘Nasty Normans bash Byzantines game’
BULGER Brendan The Battle of Latakia 1973 No.76 P33
BULLERS Phil Early Libyan Armies 2800-200BC No.174 P30
BURGESS Michael J Paints for war gamers. No.26 P44
BURK F Patrick Lurching towards Mont St,Jean No.18 P46
Designing and painting Napoleonic Armies. No.24 P44
BURKE Jason D The Battle of Nijmegan 1944 No.31 P40
BUTCHER Ian The Battle of Abu Agheila 1967 No.98 P46
The invasion of Tarawa 1943 No.110 P20
BUTTERY Alan Battle of the Hydaspes No.39 P34
BYRNE L.K. Counter-Attack! No.133 P36

CADDY R.F. Rescue the Cardinals Lady! No.130 P26

CADDY Rev’d S. Stalingrad, 1808-09 No.162 P44
CAIRNS Conrad A Savage and Romantic War Pt.1 No.85 P26
A Savage and Romantic War Pt.2 No.86 P36

CAIRNS Conrad A Savage and Romantic War Pt.3 No.89 P20

A Savage and Romantic War Pt.3B No.90 P32
A Savage and Romantic War Pt.4 No.96 P42
A Savage and Romantic War Pt.5 No.99 P24
CALDER Kevin Making wheat fields No.176 P32
Vehicles to Die-cast for. Wheels for the Back of No.191 P16
CALLAN Andy Loose Files and American Scramble No.1 P26
The Byng Touch No.2 P23
This Savage Way of Fighting. No.3 P22
Russian Civil War Pt.1 No.20 P26
Russian Civil War Pt.2 No.21 P30
Russian Civil War Pt.3 No.22 P36
CALLAN Andy Russian Civil War Pt.4 No.23 P12
Memphis Belle No.81 P50
Winter War. ACW snowball fights No.87 P33
CALLOW John Saint Olaf & the Battle of London No.176 P46
The ‘Martyrdom’ of St.Gospodel. No.177 P42
The Way Through the Woods. A Medieval Scenario. No.180 P48
CAMERON Brian 1499 - a Renaissance mini-campaign No.4 P22
CAMPBELL Keith “I’ve bought the figures, now what?” No.39 P46
CANNON Andrew Medieval skirmish games. No, 78 P17
CAPPELLI Riccardo The Battle of Volturno, 1860. One of Garibaldi’s No.178 P50
CARPENTER Paul No Pasaran (Spanish Civil War) No.40 P12
CARRE Neville The Battle of Granicus 334 BC No.161 P21
The Black Brunswickers No.174 P13
CARSON Michael It’ll be alright on the day No.45 P26
Third time lucky No.72 P29
CARSON Paul 55 minutes at Peking No.27 P20
Fire on the lake. No.40 P31
CARTWRIGHT Lake Trasimene - The Place of Blood. No.54 P34
CARRUTHERS An untoward event. No.3 P38
The Battle of Pinipat 1761. No.32 P32
CASALI Luigi The Piedmontese Army 1701 - 1712 No.10 P22
CASTLE Ian ‘A Monmouth’ No.2 P19
The Battle of the Boyne No.22 P22
CASTLE Ian Blauwberg revisited No.31 P16
CATER Robert Painting Competitions No.188 P50
CAWKWELL Lance Introducing the Mountain Men No.169 P24
Introducing the Mountain Men Pt.2 No.170 P16
Introducing the Mountain Men Pt.3 No.171 P24
CHALK Gary ‘It’s cutlasses now men!.’ No.138 P47
Up the Creek without a paddle? No.141 P47
Adobe Architecture No.146 P28
Pirate Personalities No.147 P23
A Spanish Church No.148 P61
Man at Arms – Medieval rules No.150 P12
Men-at-Arms Pt.2 No.151 P20
Man-at-Arms Pt.3 No.152 P54

Any Port in a storm. No.154 P16
A fist full of balsa No.160 P12
A Viridian Pyramid – modeling a ruined step No.177 P32
pyramid & encroaching jungle with a sci-fi twist.

The Dun of Fergus the Red. Modelling a Dark Age No.179 P32
CHAMBERLAIN Paul From table to reality Pt.1 No.33 P44
From table to reality Pt.2 No.34 P40
From table to reality Pt.3 No.35 P40
Some thoughts on promoting the hobby No.50 P13
CHARLES Charles S.N.A.S. (Special Naval Air Service). A fun game of No.181 P12
armoured car raiding in WWI
CHARLESWORTH Re-Ordering Orders. No.26 P38
CHESHIRE Ian Caesars reconnaissance of Britain No.19 P12
CHESHIRE Ian The Battle of Jaxartes River No.30 P28
CHEESMAN Tim ‘Butcher’ The Light Brigade Mare No.42 P36
CLAPSON Clive Te Riri Pakeha (Maori War Rules) No.63 P20
Oh what a lovely Boar No.63 P41
CLARK Kenneth A Dark Age Campaign No.36 P24
CLARK Melody No Yellow Carrier Bag, No Comment. No.48 P38
CLARKE Martyn T Blauwberg. No.8 P25
CLARKE Martyn Americas first No.14 P42
CLARKE Richard Back to basics Pt.1 No.57 P48
Back to basics Pt.2 No.58 P26
Back to basics Pt.3 No.60 P17
Back to basics Pt.4 No.61 P42
Back to basics Pt.5 No.63 P14
Back to basics Pt.6 No.64 P42
They Died for Glory No.65 P32
Back to basics Pt.7 No.69 P30
Back to basics Pt.8 No.70 P33
1866 and all that Pt.1 No.83 P26
1866 and all that Pt.2 ‘Dermbach’ No.87 P38
1866 and all that Pt.3. ‘Bad Kisingen’ No.89 P18
1866 and all that Pt.4. ‘Frohnhofen’ No.91 P34
1866 and all that Pt.5 ‘Aschaffenburg’ No.92 P17
Von Boltenstern and the principles of war No.106 P23
Soor 1866 No.123 P40
Bruce Forsyth & the Republican Militias No.124 P44
Viva the Bull! Kill the Bull! No.136 P25
Christmas Time No.136 P54
Viva the Bull! Kill the Bull! Pt.2 No.137 P24
CLARKE Richard Viva the Bull! Kill the Bull! Pt.3 No.138 P22
Viva the Bull! Kill the Bull! Pt.4 No.139 P37
Battle for the Rio Grande – US Mexican War mini- No.150 P20
The Red Verdun No.167 P26
The Ice March ( Russian Civil War) No.170 P25
I Love the smell of Kriegspiel in the Morning No.172 P44
Bag the Hun. – A 1940 WWII Scenario No.177 P25
Calais, 1940.Part 1. “This little action” No.187 P49
Calais, 1940 Part 2: The Defense of Bastion 9 No.189 P49
Calais,1940 Part3:Allied Solidarity No.190 P47

A Gloucestershire Blitzkrieg No.191 P50
Calais, 1940. Part 4. No.192 P40
‘Bashing the Bishop’ – Medieval Skirmish No.193 P16
Hondeghem, 1940. No.196 P21
CLARKE Simon Napoleonic War gaming in 54mm No.27 P40
CLAUS Conrad Cowpens - Genius, or at least progress. No.68 P33
CLAY James The Second English Civil War No.43 P42
CLEMMET D.R. The War games Show. No.89 P38
Wargames Shows: it’s time to modernize No.152 P50
CLIFT Steve Re-fight Rolica No.144 P54
CLIPSOM Anthony ‘Ordain them jackets of my livery ‘ Pt.1 No.50 P34
‘Ordain them jackets of my livery’Pt.2 No.51 P26
Hastings in the dining room No.94 P14
Sigurds last stand. No.105 P26
Long Live Richard IV! No.121 P30
A Ride in the Country No.126 P56
The Autumn of’69 (or rescuing Ragnar) No.155 P34
Henry the Fourth, Part One No.175 P41
Strongbow’s Eldorado. Gaming the Normans in No.184 P14
CLOWES Peter The wall that stopped an army. No.12 P22
COCKRELL Tim Greek Hoplite shield devices No.95 P48
Greek shield devices of the 4th century B.C. No.104 P20
Greek shield devices of the Archaic period. No.116 P40
Moto Morinari – The founding of a samurai dynasty No.147 P53
Moto Motonari Pt.2 No.148 P34
The Shield Devices of the Celts. No.186 P18
COGGINS Bob The Development and current state of No.151 P50
COLQUHOUN R.A.H. Something About Pirates. No.199 P52
COLEMAN Derek War gaming the Crimean War. Pt.1 The Alma No.101 P24
War gaming the Crimean War. Pt.2 Balaclava No.102 P24
War gaming the Crimean War. Pt.3 Inkerman No.103 P21
COLLETT Chris The Battle of Wauhatchie 1863 No.154 P41
COMPTON Paul Crossing the Ebro No.42 P30
CONNOR Pat A Review of Piquet No.127 P28
COOK Alan Min.Marlburian Rules. (5mm). No.17 P32
COOK Dominic Revenge, gold and other things. No.79 P49
COOK Paul Roaring Twenties No.143 P16
COOPER Steve Fast play made faster. No.81 P33
COPESTAKE Andy All American convention No.50 P45
COPPLESTONE Mark Painting the plains red No.113 P38
COPPLESTONE Mark Painting the plains again No.116 P14
U.S. Cavalry 1870s No.121 P28
In Darkest Africa Pt.1 No.131 P50
In Darkest Africa Pt.2 No.132 P28
Masai No.139 P53
Painting the Ancient Germans No.159 P40
CORDERY Bob Spanish Civil War game rules No.13 P22
Matrix games No.64 P32
The Balkan League No.66 P30
‘Save Gordon’ No.77 P46
The Balkan Wars No.78 P25
Viva La Muerta No.98 P26
The March to the Sea No.127 P54

The March to the Sea Part 2 No.128 P14
The March to the Sea Part 3 No.129 P38
The March to the Sea Part 4 No.130 P48
The March to the Sea Part 5 No.131 P22
Bayonet & Bundok No.141 P40
CORNISH. N.H. The Great War on the Eastern Front Pt.1 No.49 P40
The Great War on the Eastern Front Pt.2 No.53 P16
The Great War on the Eastern Front Pt.3 No.54 P14
The Great War on the Eastern Front Pt.4 No.55 P38
A visit to Bucharest Military Museum No.94 P27
Moscow - the great advance No.114 P42
Jaroslawice (The last cavalry battle) No.115 P34
Orders of Battle and Organisation of the Volunteer No.126 P14
Army 1917-1920
Uniforms and Equipment of the Russian Civil War No.127 P20
Three go to the Ukraine No.142 P41
‘The Savage Division’, 1914-1917 No.151 P26
The Drozdovsky under fire. No.154 P24
COVENEY Thomas Medieval naval warfare rules No.120 P26
COX Steve Tanks from the Skies. Operation Mallard 1944. No.184 P18
CRAWFORD Neil R. The missed chance of Brienne 1814 No.3 P14
CRAWLEY Richard Battle of Broxton Cross No.46 P15
Stratagems and circumstances No.56 P21
Books + Rules = Action No.76 P26
All quiet on the Chechen Front. No.101 P34
Victoria Regina Imperatrix or After Mrs. Brown No.144 P47
Designers Notes No.162 P44
The Battle of Epping Forest No.193 P26
CRUTTENDEN Eric Battle of Platae 479 B.C. No.91 P14
The First Battle of St.Albans No.136 P12
Battle of Towton No.137 P12
Battle of Wakefield, 1460 No.138 P12
The Battle of Barnet, 1471. No.142 P12
CUMMINGS Graham E.C.W. Siege No.76 P12
CURRAN Geoff Scenarios for war gamers No.57 P21
CURTOTTI. M. Eureka Stockade No.17 P28

DALLIMORE Kevin Painting techniques for beginners No.8 P14
Hoist the Black Flag No.137 P46
Hoist more Black Flags No.138 P46
The SELWG Painting competition No.144 P55
Renaissance Flags No.146 P36
Medieval Livery Flags No.147 P60
Renaissance Flags II No.148 P20
Russian Napoleonic Flags No.158 P38
Viking Flags No.160 P34
Painting with the Foundry Paint System – A Spartan No.174 P69
Painting with the Foundry Paint System- A Viking No.181 P69

Painting with the Foundry Paint System – A Roman No.182 P12
Catch Them When You Can. Designs for Victorian No.183 P24
Ladies and Gentlemen.

Concerning Hobbits – Painting Masterclass No.193 P44

Hobbits II No.194 P16
Concerning Hobbits II – Part 2 No.195 P48
Meddle Not in the Affair of Wizards. Painting in the No.196 P30
LotR Universe
Meddle Not Again in the Affairs of Wizards No.197 P32
DANDO Neil Breitenfeld Revisited No.159 P12
DANIELS Alan & Debugging Marlborough No.96 P4
DARDEN Don Napoleon didn’t have machine guns (WWII Anti- No.119 P18
tank fire)
The Armchair Strategist No.129 P16
DAVEY John Water warfare in Vietnam Pt.1 No.28 P18
DAVIDSON T. The War games Show. No.89 P38
Wargames Shows: it’s time to modernize. No.152 P50
DAVIES Mark Befreiungskrieg (War games guide to the Spring No.110 P24
Campaign 1813) Pt.1
The Battle of Eggmuhl, 1809 No.153 P36
DAVIES Mark Befreiungskrieg Pt.2 No.111 P38
Befreiungskrieg Pt.3 No.112 P36
The Battle of Auerstadt, 1806 No. 158 P22
DAVIS .J. 1643 An E.C.W. Campaign No.90 P26
DEASEY Richard Vietnam! A painting guide. No.174 P54
DECOTEAU Mark The encirclement of Nancy - 1944 No.114 P15
DENNING R.J. Green Jackets No.140 P40
Beware of the Hun in the Sun. No.141 P14
DENNIS Peter ‘Sams night out’ An A.C.W. game No.3 P42
Recollections on firepower in the Franco - Prussian No.4 P16
Wars of the Roses rules. No.7 P40
Baking Saddles No.81 P14
The Fimo Kid Rides Again No.82 P17
DEWITT Brian Age of Frederick the Great – wargame rules for the No.178 P13
Seven Years War.
DIXON Simon ‘Hawkeye’ No.107 P20
‘DOORMOUSE’ War gaming Types No.24 P18
DORRELL Nick Fire & Furia Francesse. (Fire and Fury for the No.119 P32
European Theatre).
Fire & Fiasco No.135 P26
La Furia Francese No.136 P15
Two Kings, a Kaiser & Koniggratz. No.137 P21
Nach Paris No.140 P48
DOUGLAS John Multi-player war gaming by post No.68 P38
DOWMAN John Deliberate Fire No.118 P34
Deliberate Fire – The Sequel No.121 P42
Maps & Mayhem No.126 P30
DUCKWORTH Pete German villages for the S.Y.W. No.14 P18
Death of Quetzalcoatl No.62 P12
Grim visaged war No.64 P17
Building the Temple. No.64 P44

DUDLEY Mark The Battle of Spring Hill 1864 No.65 P35
The Battle of Antietam 1862 No.95 P37
Seven Years War Campaigns No.132 P24
DUNBAR Iain War gaming the Siege of Acre 1291 No.20 P44
DUNN P. Grand Fleet in danger No.78 P30
DUNN Phil The Second time around! – An invitation to take part No.164 P47
in a large naval game
DURSTON John Crossing the Rhine No.103 P14

EARDLY S.W. Is war gaming doomed with no hope? No.115 P50

Is war gaming doomed with no hope? Pt.2 No.116 P46
EASTWOOD Andrew Hannibal ad portas. No.23 P30
EATON Paul The Battle of South Mills No.85 P13
ECKART Charles A question of focus. No.42 P17
‘ECLAIREUR’ Brandywine. AWI 1777 No.198 P10
Hobkirk’s Hill. AWI scenario No.199 P48
EDE - BORRETT The French Campaign in Egypt 1798 - 1801 Pt.1 No.34 P30
The French Campaign in Egypt. Pt.2 No.35 P30
EDE-BORRETT The French Campaign in Egypt. Pt.3 No.36 P22
The British Army in Egypt. No.42 P38
The Nightmare of Europe. No.67 P38
Some notes on the French in Ireland, 1798. No.69 P22
Some late 16th. Century colours. No.70 P15
Battalions, Eagles and Flags Pt.1 No.72 P38
Battalions, Eagles and Flags Pt.2 No.74 P38
Battalions, Eagles and Flags Pt.3 No.75 P38
Dutch Ensigns of Foot 1572 - 1574. No.99 P20
Murphy Mania IV No.99 P39
Marlboroughs Swiss No.105 P38
EDEN Steve A Systematic Approach to Amassing Your Forces No.139 P14
EDWARDS Barry Salamanca No.7 P37
ELLIOTT Gerry The Battle of Kursk, fought at East Looe No.157 P40
The Battle of France, 1940. in Newquay 2002. N0.179 P42
The Battle for France, 1940 Pt.2 No.180 P52
The Battle for France,1940. Pt.3 No.182 P16
Back in the USSR 2003 – WW2 Mega Game No.194 P40
Back in the USSR 2003 Pt.2 No.195 P55
Back in the USSR 2003 pt.3 No.196 P36
ELLIOT Peter Cobras in Vietnam No.55 P14
ELLIOTT Paul The Malayan emergency. No.69 P23
ELLIS Richard The massacre at Talavera. No.41 P40
ELWEN John Bring and Buy. No.80 P16
ELWEN Mark Very little wars. No.41 P32
Solo Colonial. No.45 P40
1/300th. Colonial skirmish. No.76 P36
Solo Colonial II No.87 P16
Tiddly Trek No.105 P32
EMMS Mark Cannons and columns. No.67 P18

ENGLE Chris Austerlitz. No.76 P45
ERIKSON Lee Celebrate History ‘98 No.130 P33
ESLER Jim More thought on Aztec warfare. No.72 P44
Von ESSEN Michael The street gangs of 17th century Japan. Pt.1 No.103 P24
The street gangs of 17th.century Japan Pt.2 No.104 P34
EVANS Dennis The Battle of Milazzo. No.7 P33
EVANS Graham War gaming types No.24 P18
The best war games club meeting in the world. No.32 P37
War gaming types. No.37 P24
A Day in the Country: Brixcon 2003 No.192 P64
EVANS Rob Lower Cretaceous Pleasance. No.105 P36
EWEN Dallas G Eastern Front P.P.S.D. No.130 P14
Kampfgruppe Scherhorn No.130 P16

FAIRWEATHER Dean The Barbarians are coming! But where from? No.169 P12
FALLAIS Mike A Crimean War scenario No.14 P43
FAULCONBERG Two Rivers – Dalek Scenario No.145 P48
FEATHERSTONE Don Brigadier Young and Jack Scruby No.15 P36
Peter Featherstone – a memorial. No.37 P12
FERNLEAF Gallipoli – that awful muddle. No.102 P51
FIELDER Dominic Back in the USSR 2003 WW2 Mega Game No.194 P40
Back in the USSR 2003 pt.2 No.195 P55
Back in the USSR 2003 pt.3 No.196 P36
FIFE & DRUM War The Battle of the Brandywine No.37 P13
games Club
FISHER Ken The Spanish Armada – Galleons, Galleys & No.171 P54
Fast Play Armada Rules. Rules for Sixteenth No.178 P34
Century Naval Actions.
The Queen’s Ship Revenge… and its last fight No.185 P64
FISHER Ken Armada Period Costumes. No.186 P61
Ships of the Armada Period No.188 P38
Chinese River Gunboats No.190 P32
FLETCHER Jeff The Battle of St.Cast 1758 No.151 P34
The Battle of Monte Baldo No.162 P13
Writing Wargames Scenarios No.165 P26
Campaigns for Scenario Writers – The Franco- No.169 P48
Prussian War
Fort George No.170 P52
FOSS Thomas Henry Morgan and the Battle of Maracaibo Bay No.144 P38
FOSTER Greg Marche ou Creve’ No.23 P20
Butchered to make a Roman Holiday. No.199 P54
FOULSTON Steven Charlies & Claustrophobia No.152 P30
FRENCH John Mexican v Apache conflict 1870 No.107 P18
The Battle of San Jacinto 1836 No.112 P30
Flags at the Siege of Malta 1565 No.122 P16
Congo 1876 No.131 P46
Sudan Miscellany No.132 P45
Pirates in West Africa No.143 P40

FRENCH Paul A.S.W. Rules No.81 P35
Things that go bump in the night (WWII Naval night No.93 P32
Things that go bump in the night Pt.2 No.99 P42
The Battle of Jutland No.103 P28

GALLAND Wolfrik Dogged Defence – Rules for guard dogs No.171 P52
GALLEAR Mark The Top Notches 1885-1888 No.121 P38
The Top Notches 1885-1888 Pt.2 No.122 P40
Airmobile Operations in the Vietnam war No.140 P27
GARATY Bernard Off the beaten track No.59 P24
A night on the Town No.82 P30
A year in the life of a club. No.104 P46
GARBETT Adrian The World of the Greeks No.155 P13
The Huns: Scourge of God No.155 P31
The Ancient Germans No.156 P29
The Macedonians No.160 P48
GARNER Philip Algeceras 1801 Pt.1 No.13 P46
Algeceras 1801 Pt.2 No.14 P46
GEBHARDT K.S. ‘The Line has gone dead, Herr Hauptmann’ No.140 P43
GILDER Peter In The Grand Manner No.38 P25
GITTINS Andy How Horatio built the bridge. No.12 P44
GODDARD Martin It’s those damned Yankees again No.63 P45
GOLDSWORTHY The campaigns of Ostorius Scapula in Wales 47 – 52 No.116 P16
Adrian A.D.
Celtic Heroes No.128 P20
GOOD Roy Convention Report – Partizan 91 No.47 P18
GOSS Peter Flush Terrain System. Hairy Grenn Carpet Tiles – No.179 P26
and more.
GOW Ian Megablitz Units. A couple of Sample Orbats from No.179 P64
the Author’s Megablitz Rules.
GOW Tim Iron Ships & Wooden Heads – very simple Naval No.175 P25
Rules for the big gun era.
More Megablitz Units. No.181 P52
Yet more Megablitz Units No.183 P52
Even more Megablitz Unbits. No.184 P48
GRAFTON Roger New rules that hit the mark No.89 P29
GRAINGER Andy It’s down to the Triari. No.2 P13
Kirovograd Pt.1 No.14 P31
Kirovograd Pt.2 No.15 P16
GRAY Philip Jolly Irregular Fun Wargames Rules No.158 P49
GRAY Phil Terror in the Eat End. A Westwind day at Wargames No.191 P54
GRAYER Mike Sweden Triumphant. No.21 P33
Red Sun Rising Pt.1 No.25 P28
Red Sun Rising Pt.2 No.26 P29
GREEN Tim “Head West until you hit the Sunset…..” No.193 P54
Wargaming with the Rocky Mountain Tribes
On the Tabletop with a Man Called Horse No.198 P18
GRETHE Steve Evaluation of weapons and tactics of the A.C.W. No.4 P18
GRICE Chris Dad’s Army No.126 P52

A Long Range Desert War game No.130 P43
GRIFFITH Paddy Men against Fruit No.100 P19
GRITTON Peter War gaming night actions. No.1 P23
Lagers and Sagas No.8 P12
The human aspect of artillery No.9 P40
Some mistaken principle. No.22 P15
Battle of a Hundred Slain. No.24 P20
Running the Gauntlet. (Battle of the Yellow Ford No.109 P12
GUNDT Herb Castle Dreienfels in 25mm No.136 P34
Modelling North American Woodland Indian details No.145 P52
Perfect Palms No.146 P18
The Horse of Troy No.148 P56
African Acacias No.151 P64
An Egyptians House No.153 P54
Terrain Modules No.156 P18
In the footsteps of Crazy Horse No.161 P14
In the footsteps of Crazy Horse Pt.2 No.165 P29
In the footsteps of Crazy Horse Pt.3 No.166 P14
The Egyptian Bug. Building buildings of Ancient No.183 P40
Mount Olympus No.194 P52

HACKETT Martin The Wild East Country Men. No.49 P34
The Battle of Buttington 894 A.D. No.74 P42
HALES Ian Cogs, Carracks and Caravels No.2 P11
HALL James The CTV in Spain, 1936-38 No.130 P27
Ricciotti Garibaldi and the Third Battle for Dijon No.156 P14
HALSALL Guy War gamers Guide to the Vendean War Pt.1 No.4 P26
War gamers Guide to the Vendean War Pt.2 No.5 P24
War gamers guide to the Vendean War Pt.3 No.6 P18
The Great Richemont Wild Boar Chase No.47 P25
The Merovingian Franks Pt.1 No.48 P20
The Merovingian Franks Pt.2 No.51 P29
The Merovingian Franks Pt.3 No.62 P29
The Merovingian Franks Pt.4 No.63 P23
Casualties, History and the benefits of War No.64 P26
Casualties, History and the benefits of War Pt.2 No.65 P30
Death, Disease and Disability in pre-industrial No.75 P27
The Merovingian Franks Pt.4B No.81 P26
The Merovingian Franks Pt.4C No.82 P26
The Merovingian Franks Pt.5 No.96 P32
The Merovingian Franks Pt.6A No.109 P22
The Merovingian Franks Pt.6B No.110 P32
The Age of Arthur Pt.1 No.138 P30
The Age of Arthur Pt.2 No.139 P12
The Age of Arthur Pt.3 No.140 P36
The Age of Arthur Pt.4 No.142 P16
The Age of Arthur Pt.5 No.146 P41
The Age of Arthur Pt.6 No.147 P62

The Age of Arthur Pt.7 No.148 P13
The Age of Arthur Pt.8 No.149 P21
The Age of Arthur Pt.9 No.162 P22
The Age of Arthur Pt.10 No.163 P21
The Age of Arthur Pt.11 No.164 P14
How to beat the Vikings – and how not to! No.190 P28
Disguised scenario for 9th century warfare
HALSALL Trevor ‘Masters of the Millennium’ No.133 P26
HAMBLETON Paul Napoleonic Battle Statistics No.102 P16
HAMILTON Alan Dads Army. –Participation game. No.4 P26
The Night Belongs to Charlie No.12 P27
The Night Belongs to Charlie Pt.2 No.18 P22
Vietnam – an Umpires background. No.19 P32
The Boondocks and the Zoo No.22 P28
Hooches – village war. No.24 P36
Of Mines and Men, No.25 P14
HAMMOND Neil The Swiss Chess System No.10 P22
The Prince and The General. No.28 P28
HANNING Ken Operation Biting No.52 P44
What are War game Rules for? No.68 P45
‘My God, it’s the wrong beach’ No.81 P42
HARGRAVE J.A. The Battle of Schleiz. No.25 P16
HARLEY Will Panzer Attack No.132 P40
HARMAN Arthur Can we introduce Generalship into the tabletop war No.1 P19
Loose Morales = The art of the chart. No.2 P33
Battle of Logan’s Crossroads No.5 P32
Bronze Age Heroes in the Trojan War. No.8 XIV
Revolt in the West No.9 P22
Portalegre Gold Cup No.9 P42
Sahagun No.11 P22
HARMAN Arthur Action at Casal Novo No.16 P34
Battle of Balls Bluff 1861 No.18 P27
‘Tarutinsky’ or Flight to the Rear No.19 P16
On the Coast of Coromandel No.22 P32
The Battle of Bladensburg 1814 No.28 P20
Improving Matrix Games No.80 P26
Rio de la Plata No.89 P30
Exit Horatio Nelson (almost). No.100 P24
HARRIS Peter Renaissance Siege Warfare Pt.1 No.16 P46
Renaissance Siege Warfare Pt.2 No.17 P40
Renaissance Siege Warfare Pt.3 No.18 P37
HARRISON David The Road to Berlin No.11 P28
The Road to Berlin Pt.2 No.13 P27
The Iku incident. 1990’s Naval action. No.24 P25
HARRISON Graham 1471 – Wars of the Roses No.114 P25
HARRISON Steven Passage of the Lines of Barbant 1705 No.21 P38
‘Parson – for Gods sake pray’ No.68 P29
HASENAUER Rich et The Battle of Shiloh No.45 P21
HAUB Fred The Relief of Oberdorf 1914. No.59 P42
Age of Frederick the Great – wargame rules for the No.178 P13
Seven Years War
HAWKINS Matthew Franco-Prussian War gaming. No.2 P39
HAWKINS Tony Introduction to War gaming with ‘Shako’. No.121 P29
A view from the Canoe No.124 P54

HAYLES Diane A Poem for Convention Organisers. No.33 P26
HEATH Ian Imitation Foreign Devils Pt.1 No.72 P32
Imitation Foreign Devils Pt.2 No.73 P36
More Imitation Foreign Devils No.79 P35
Various and Fantastic No.83 P31
A Most Villainous Looking Cavalcade Pt.1 (Afghan No.93 P26
Army in the 19th Century).
A Most Villainous Looking Cavalcade Pt.2 No.94 P32
A Most Villainous Looking Cavalcade Pt.3 No.95 P42
A Most Villainous Looking Cavalcade Pt.4 No.96 P38
Swordsmen Dressed Up As Tigers. No.98 P44
Long Haired Rebels Pt.1 (The Taiping Army 1851- No.99 P12
Long Haired Rebels Pt.2 No.100 P20
Long Haired Rebels Pt.3 No.101 P28
Indians in the Brazilwood War No.147 P26
Unfriendlies No.149 P56
HEATH Peter Death Ride of the Battleship Yamato, Pt.1 No.9 P32
Death Ride of the Battleship Yamato Pt.2 No.10 P22
Re-fighting the Battle of Leipzig Pt.1 No.32 P40
Re-fighting the Battle of Leipzig Pt.2 No.33 P38
Rough Guide to Terrain Making. No.34 P36
Hunting Herman No.56 P26
Debacle at Kalach No.72 P15
Bastogne – the Scenarios Pt.1 No.109 P48
Bastogne – the Scenarios Pt.2 No.110 P14
HEATHCOTE Dean Unconventional Warfare Dark Ages Style. No.123 P56
HEDLEY Ian K. The Battle of Nezuet Ghirba No.46 P38
HEDGES Rolf March Divided, Fight United No.153 P34
HEDGES Rolf Wargaming in the Western Desert in WWII. British No.159 P16
Armour Organisations for Rapid Fire rules
HELM Peter Death in the Sand No.144 P12
HENDERSON Derek Operation Watch Chain No.11 P12
A Castle to Declare. No.25 P40
One Man and His Dice. No.27 P44
Dead Men Tell No Tales. No.38 P44
Things that go bump in the night – A background for No.174 P56
a Dracula skirmish
Jersey Wargames Society’s siege No.197 P45
HENDRY Phil Buildings for Napoleonic Naval War gaming. No.89 P36
HREACHMACK The story of the sternwheeler riverboat Keystone No.156 P20
HIGGINS Nigel and Days of Sorrow Days of Death Pt 2 No.150 P28
Doug Powell
HILTON Barry Why are war games ‘light’ on cavalry? No.142 P34
Backing the right Horse. No.143 P34
‘Running Away Bases’ No.147 P12
‘Waar hangen die verdomde Engelsen toch uit?’ No.150 P52
Wargaming the Glorious Revolution No.157 P16
Dedicated Followers of Fashion No.173 P52
Groundhog Day Part 1. WWII Eastern Front No.197 P25
Size is Everything No.197 P48
Groundhog Day Part 2. No.198 P25
Storming the Tartar Ditch. WWII Eastern Front No.199 P42
HOBDAY Neil Contemplating the Naval No.200 P40

HOCKLEY Graham Five Minutes with E.D.N.A. No.38 P45
Attack at Dawn No.90 P20
Attack at Dawn Pt.2 No.91 P17

HOFSCHROER Peter Napoleons Last Victory Pt.1 No.84 P36

Napoleons Last Victory Pt.2 No.85 P34

Napoleons Last Victory Pt.3 No.86 P20
How did a Napoleonic General Staff Work Pt.1 No.108 P38
How did a Napoleonic General Staff Work Pt.2 No.109 P52
HOLLAND David Two Ancient Battles for D.B.A. 1. Trebbia No.76 P21
Two Ancient Battles for D.B.A. 2. Adraianople No.77 P33
HOOPER Terry Pre-Roman Conflict in Britain No.176 P16
HOLTTUM Stuart ‘A Typical Shabby Nazi Trick’ Captain Mainwaring No.170 P46
meets Doctor Who.
HORAH Mike The State of War gaming Today. No.117 P38
HUGHES Gary The Battle of Blore Heath 1459 No.95 P24
Altered Images No.112 P34
Death on the Nile No.113 P42
Death on the Nile Pt.2 No.115 P30
Death on the Nile Pt.3 No.118 P26
Wellington in India. No.119 P24
Moritari te Salutant! No.130 P25
From Canada and the Sea No.151 P54
Far from the Mahdist Crowd No.168 P34
Rumbling Guns. – Simple rules for Victorian steam No.168 P44
powered AFVs
Mush. A snowy scenario for Back of Beyond No.196 P25
Dr. HUGHES Gavin Infantry of the B.E.F. 1914-15 No.188 P23
The Early Imperial German Army. No.189 P33
Dr. HUGHES Gavin The Early War French Army. No.190 P62
Celtic Intertribal Warfare No.191 P32
Western Front, British, French & German Infantry No.192 P32
The Battle of Braddock Down 1643 No.194 P56
The Death of Gustavus Adolphus. Lutzen 1632 No.196 P32
American Civil War No.198 P34
HUNT D.K. Strandhog (Viking Raid). No.100 P18
The Kabul Residency Siege No.100 P42
Retreat from Kabul 1842 No.102 P46
Go Bully Bhurpore No.107 P47
The Taku Race No.123 P44
Claidmhore No.125 P14
HYNDS D.J. Fire and Fury Points System. No.92 P13

INGHAM Mike Marlburian Rules No.58 P14
Warfare in the Age of Marlborough – War game No.117 P22

INGRAM Phil Erin Go Bragh. No.64 P21

IRWIN Steve Air War over Greece 1940 – 1941 Pt.1 No.106 P38
Air War over Greece Pt.2 No.107 P32
Soldering White Metal Kits. No.113 P28
The Air Campaign in the Eastern Mediterranean. No.119 P36

JACKSON Paul AK47 Republic Rules for African Warfare in the No.135 P20
‘They were not men, they were lions.’ No.137 P30
Dr.JAMES David British Napoleonic Infantry: In Defence of the Myth No.194 P18

JEFFS Stuart & Mark Operation Bastille No.21 P46

JENKINS Robin The Commotion in Norfolk (Ket’s Rebellion 1549) No.6 P42
Commotion in Norfolk Pt.2 No.7 P28
Battles along the Soar. No.31 P20
JEROME Tony Spies in Campaigns. No.26 P14
‘JERUVIAN’ On the road with D.T. No.132 P52
JOHNSON J. An AK$& Ladder Campaign No.185 P12
An Italian Wars Campaign No.185 P61
JOHNSON Jervis Warhammer Historical Battles. No.85 P42
Late Roman Army Lists. No.87 P20
Barbarian Army List No.89 P42
Barbarian Army Lists ‘cont.’ No.90 P44
A New Approach to War game Tournaments. No.99 P47
The Ancient Greeks No.131 P12
JOHNSON Mike Tactics in the Franco-Prussian War. No.84 P32
Tactics in the Franco-Prussian War Pt.2 No.85 P24
JOHNSON Mike Tactics in the Franco-Prussian War Pt.3 No.86 P17
JOLLEY Alison Sir Marmaduke Langdale. No.31 P14
JONES Chris Hannibal’s Battles 218-220BC No.153 P16
JONES Graham Resolving a Melee No.41 P14
The Principles of Concentration No.42 P14
JONES Mark Battle for Mondement, 1914. An early WWI No.188 P27
scenario for Contemptible Little Armies.
JONES Martin Samurai Warfare – Myth and Reality No.60 P35
The Changing Face of Samurai Warfare 1100 – 1575 No.66 P20
Tokugawas Triumph No.67 P32
The Rus Pt.1 No.70 P36
The Rus Pt.2 No.71 P20
The Rus Pt.3 No.72 P23
‘All is lost save honour’ No.81 P21
Review of ‘Killer Katanas’ No.128 P39
JONES Steve Marshals Elm (ECW Scenario) No.11 P42
‘Bloodybacks’ Rules for the American War of No.188 P14

The Battle of Hanging Rock,1780. No.190 P12
JOSEPHINE of Reading Revenge of the War games Widow. No.32 P20
JUSTICE D.R. Operation Tusler No.101 P17
Engagement at Todd’s Tavern No.103 P46
Taking the Guns No.143 P29

KANE James The Diamond Will Be Trumps Again. No.69 P14
KARUNANITHY The Celts of Asia. No.131 P38
KEARLEY Adrian Battle of Gallabat 1940 No.39 P24
KEARLEY Gary Destroy Mirus No.35 P14
KEEFE Matt Streetfight – A rule set for futuristic urban violence No.171 P40
Streetfight – A rule set for futuristic urban violence No.172 P20
KELLAND Matt Mayhem in Murmansk. Western intervention in No.189 P27
Northern Russia, 1918-19
Wargaming on a shoestring No.193 P58
KELSALL David Wheel to Wheel (1915-1918 trench warfare rules) No.96 P20
Eye-deep in Polystyrene No.99 P32
KEMP Chris Killing Zone No.3 P11
KEMP Richard External Support (& Interference) in at Close No.186 P40
Quarters games.
KENNERLEY G.J. Franco-Prussian War Scenarios No.75 P16
KERSEY John Age of Tyrants. A mini tournament report No.164 P46
The Spartacist rebellion 73-72BC No.167 P33
KERSEY John The Aztecs of Ancient China. The Shang Dynasty- No.180 P26
with a WAB List
El Cid Tournament Report No.180 P40
My Top Ten Battle Hymns. Music to paint to. No.182 P24
Seven Samurai. A WAB scenario No.188 P42
Dabbling in WAB. A couple of small Dark Age No.189 P40
Shogun. A themed WAB mini-tournament No.191 P28
Alexander Nevsky: The Battle on the Ice. WAB No.194 P12
‘Tis to Glory We Steer’. Napoleonic Naval small No.196 P13
scale action rules.
KING Alex Part one of a look at P.P.S.D. (Post Purchase Stress No.119 P21
Part two of a look at P.P.S.D. No.120 P36
Part Three of a look at P.P.S.D. No.121 P24
A Gask Ridge Frontier Watch Tower No.122 P20
A Spartan Polemarch Behaves Badly No.151 P38
The Indian Mutiny No.157 P24
KIPPAX Steve An Exercise in Pursuit – Myers Drift 1879. No.22 P44
KITCHER Paul New Lists for Shako No.125 P20
New Lists for Shako Pt.2 No.126 P20
New Lists for Shako Pt.3 No.128 P24
New Lists for Shako Pt.4 No.131 P40
KIZER Lance The Mountain Men Era 1825-1840 No.74 P13
The cannon and victory. No.131 P27
In the footsteps of Crazy Horse No.161 P14

In the foot steps of Crazy Horse Pt.2 No.165 P29
In the footsteps of Crazy Horse Pt.3 No.165 P14
KNIGHT Ian The Siege of Durban 1842 No.1 P36
Two Battles for Lucknow No.5 P12
The Land is Dead (Cape Frontier Wars) No.5 P36
The Land is Dead Pt.2 No, 8 P21
The Land is Dead Pt.3 No.9 P26
Giving them an Awful Hammering No.17 P16
Behold the Good and the Peaceful No.19 P30
Range War No.22 P39
The High Price of Brandy No.24 P40
The Battle of Tugela No.25 P20
Cummings’ Store No.29 P30
Night of the Assegais No.30 P44
The Road to Isandlwana No.41 P42
War gaming the Battle of Mhlatuze No.56 P13
Confessions of a Battlefield Tour Organiser No.63 P33
Culture Shock at The General Pickett Buffet No.124 P12
Everything you ever wanted to know about the Cape No.150 P34
Wars, but were afraid to ask
KNOSTAM Angus The Bear and the Baltic No.43 P32
Narva. No.53 P40
Livonia – Great Northern War Mini-campaign. No.55 P28
Peter The Great Pot Pourri No.56 P32
KNOWLES Eric Madasahatta Campaign. (1914 Colonial Campaign) No.36 P28
KOVAC Ivan The State of War games Shows. No.129 P48
FIASCO report and awards. No.131 P35
KUBIAK Stanley Tarawa’d & Feathered – Pacific WWII Air and No.172 P12
Naval Rules

LAING John Are There Too Many War game Shows in The U.K.? No.116 P26
Maps for the Wargamer No.124 P16
LAIRD N.F. Imperius Maximus. (Quick Fire Colonial Rules) No.119 P40
Imperius Maximus – revised edition No.161 P56
LAMBERT Carl There was some good bayonet work at Mahoetahi. No.103 P39
LATIMER Jon Achtung Schpitfeuer. No.84 P14
LAVELLE Ryan Ammunition Hill (Jerusalem battle site). No.118 P21
Those Little Extras No.121 P32
The South West 997 AD No.122 P43
Medieval Fantasy War gaming No.131 P37
House building for the discerning peasant. No.151 P59
LEACH Christopher A Case for Elements. No.33 P20
Zulu War Battles for Empire scenarios. Part 1, No.182 P58
Isandlwana, 22 January 1879
Battles for Empire scenarios, II. Battle of No.183 P42
Nyezane,22 January 1879.
Battles for Empire scenarios III. Battle of Intombe, No.184 P42
12 March 1879
LEESON Bill Artillery effects in the Reisswitz Kreigspiel No.8 P19
LEWIS Graham ‘Storm Regiment’ The Battle for Crete 1941. No.87 P13
The Cossacks No.95 P26

LEWIS Jeff Command, Control and a Long Nose. No.118 P15
Mythillogical. The British Army in the Peninsular. No.197 P42
LIDDLE Paul Highly Irregular D.B.A. No.97 P42
Like A Stonewall Club The Ice Slaughter No.135 P56
LILL Steve Thermopylae & Artemision. Three linked scenarios No.179 P40
for WAB
LISTER Gary Skirmish Action in the Ardennes No.85 P20
LLOYD Patrick R.A.T.’s Random Air Attacks No.117 P18
LOCKWOOD Dave The Meaning of (War gaming) Life. No.93 P14
A heavy duty war games table No.133 P29
LONG Jim Ancients Bridge! Ancients Spades! Ancients Poker! No.175 P30
The Unwritten Rules No.196 P46
LOVE David Saxon Colours of the Napoleonic Wars No.97 P14
A large Samurai Castle in 25mm. No.105 P50
El Cid: Wargaming the early Reconquista, 1050- No.163 P49
1150 AD
LOVELL Barry Use Your Initiative. (Zulu War Rules). No.39 P16
LOWELL Ian Russell Campaigns of the Chariot Era Pt.1 No.6 P36
Khe Sanh No.8 P24
The Trojan War No.9 P35
The Arkadian Cattle Raid. No.15 P22
LOZINSKI Z.A. The Cards of Fortune. No.51 P40
LUCAS Bill The Siege of Paris 885-886 A.D. No.41 P25
LUCAS Ray Computer Campaigning No.19 P28
Simplifying Morale No.19 P37
LUCAS Ray An Alternative War gamers Notebook. No.123 P55
Piggy in the Middle No.124 P43
We’re the Heckawi No.124 P56
A view from the trenches No.126 P36
A view from the trenches. No.132 P38
View from the trenches No.135 P33
A view from the trenches No.140 P54
A view from the trenches No.148 P19
The Gentle Art of the Demo.Game No.152 P25
A view from the trenches No.152 P28
A view from the trenches No.155 P50
A view from the trenches No.166 P50
A view from the trenches No.168 P48
A view from the trenches No.169 P30
A view from the trenches No.171 P48
Montcour: A DBR Scenario No.171 P50
Fornovo 1495 A DBR scenario No.175 P34
A view from the trenches No.175 P50
A view from the trenches No.178 P39
A view from the trenches No.181 P42
Coutras, 1587. A DBR Scenario. No.183 P12
Cast it Yourself. No.183 P26
A view from the trenches. No.184 P44
Wittstock 1636. A DBR scenario. No.186 P12
A view from the trenches. No.189 P31
Ceresole,1544. Another DBR scenario No.189 P44
Edgehill A DBR scenario No.195 P12
A view from the trenches No.197 P24
LUTER Bruce A. Quick Play WW1 Infantry Rules No.51 P29


MACHEN P. Bloody Morning Scout. No.92 P38

MACKAY John Custer Rides Again No.156 P52
MACKRILL A.D. Mission Impossible (Isandlwana 1879). No.108 P49
MADDER Richard Modelling a camp for the S.Y.W. No.37 P37
Scimitars Re-fight of the Battle of Chotusitz 1742 No.39 P20
MAIN James A Motte and Bailey Castle No.71 P44
Ightam Mote of Battlements No.132 P56
MANLEY David De Bellis Horribillis No.100 P14
Johnny’s Fury No.102 P36
Operation Catherine. (Britain’s plans for the Baltic No.107 P22
North of Norway, 1942 No.138 P14
Great Ships No.146 P22
‘A Forest of Masts and Smokestacks’ – Life and No.147 P31
death of CSS Arkansas
Hunt for the Lonely Queen – Operations with the No.167 P50
Tirpitz 1941
Heave Ho, Me Hearties! No.168 P22
Naval Battles in the Russo-Japanese War. Pt1 The No.178 P25
MANLEY David Naval Battles in the Russo-Japanese War. Pt.2. Fast No.180 P32
Play Rules for Pre-Dreadnoughts, 1880-1905
Naval Battles in the Russo-Japanese War. Pt.3 The No.181 P34
Mini Campaign
Plan Rubber. The USA’s 1942 invasion of Brazil. No.182 P41
The Battle of Koh Chang. A little known naval No.183 P46
action of WWII.
The Knight & “Mother Hen”. Suffren & Hughes & No.186 P50
the Naval Campaign for India.
Greek Fire and Roman Fury. Ancient Fleet action No.187 P56
Lanterna. Quick play rules for Renaissance naval No.190 P44
Heave Ho me hearties! Additional rules for Pieces No.192 P18
of Eight.
‘There’s Something Wrong with Our Bloody Fish No.195 P42
Today’ Wargaming the “Cod Wars”
Fall Ikarus. Hitler’s Iceland Expedition No.197 P18
Abandon Ship No.198 P38
MANNING Michael Steel Bonnets No.78 P12
Grand Tactical Rules for Pre-mechanised War No.89 P50
Additional and unofficial army lists for Age of No.91 P25
MARLOWE Nick The Crossing of the Belts. No.108 P22
MARSH Richard Operation Nostalgia Pt.1 No.74 P42
Operation Nostalgia Pt.2 No.75 P20
Winter War No.76 P49
After Narvik No.92 P28
Breakout – Kiev 1941 No.95 P13
Big Boats and Bigger Boats No.98 P20
Big Ships – supplemental No.101 P46

WWII Scenarios for Rapid Fire. Pt.1 Operation Greif No.104 P14
The Longest Play No.107 P39
Operation Infatuate II No.112 P24
Buffalo Soldiers No.122 P24
MARSHALL David Hilton, Colorado No.135 P44
How to Make Your Own Timber-framed Buildings No.195 P52
MARSHALL J. Eureka Stockade No.17 P28
MARSHALL MARSIN Marlburian Campaign 1704 Pt.1 No.28 P16
MARSHALL Tom Clash at Hanover 30 June 1863 No.165 P22
MARTIN A.J. The Austro-Serbian Conflict 1914 No.48 P24
MARTIN Geoff Chalk one up for Gary! No.161 P48
MARTIN John The British Army in the West Indies 1794-1802 No.102 P49
Spartacus No.155 P40
MARTIN Rob Three Wheels on my Wagon No.45 P37
MATLIA Guglielmo Notes on Seedings and the Swiss System. No.73 P46
MENGHAM John Off to fight the Zulus. No.1 P16
MERRICK David Battle at Remagen Bridge No.119 P52
MERSEY Dan Death of a Prince. No.100 P28
Battle of St, Neotts 1648. No.101 P21
Cadwalloda, King of Gwynedd. No.103 P42
Mac Beth – Warrior King of Scotland, No.106 P14
12 Battles of King Arthur. No.108 P14
MERSEY Dan Wars of the Gaedhil with the Gaill. No.112 P10
1066 – The Forgotten Battle. No.116 P30
MERVA Mike A second look at Vietnam War gaming. No.100 P56
Attack on Nau Back No.106 P20
13 Days to Glory and Runaway Scrape No.124 P32
Dillinger’s Last Ride. No.133 P22
MILLER Jerry Basing in the Grand Manner No.128 P12
MONAGHAN Jason Pawns in the game (NATO Scenario). No.11 P34
Argonauts Command and Control System No.112 P14
MORAITIS George In courage they had no equals. Sparta 430-360BC No.192 P14
MORBEY Peter Battle of Zbroski 1807 No.98 P36
MORGAN R. Some thoughts on adding background to one off No.36 P27
Big Shot No.58 P35
The Italian Fleet in East Africa 1940-41 No.67 P46
Armed Forces in the Ukraine 1940 – 1950 No.68 P20
The Italian Navy in WWII. No.70 P23
Steamer Wars No.88 P24
Steam on and Sod the sand banks. No.104 P29
The Polish Peoples Army. (Eastern Front 1941-45). No.105 P18
MORRIS James Armati & The Battle of Stoke Field No.165 P34
MORRISEY Brendan 1776 and all that… No.166 P24
MORRISON David The Earl of Denbigh No.128 P36
Action near the Nieman No.144 P24
MORRISON Peter Affray No.44 P20
Dark Age Warriors (The Greeks) Pt.1 No.49 P26
Dark Age Warriors Pt.2 No.50 P21
MULHOLLAND Commando – WWII rules and Scenario. No.3 P18
MUSTILL Dave Retreat to Waterloo No.71 P38
MYKAJ Gabriel Bavarian Dragoons 1701-1704 No.21 P18
Bavarian Cuirassier in the Spanish War of No.22 P18
Marlburian General Officers No.25 P44

MacFARLANE Ross War game Rules for Horse and Musket No.23 P34
MacKENZIE Norman Pre-battle tension for D.B.A. No.118 P18
No more bookkeeping. No.133 P34
K.I.S.S. Rommel – ‘Keep It Simple Stupid’ WWII No.175 P13
Bronzed Heroes. Small action rules for the Bronze No.181 P44
Bionic Germans & Wargame Rules. Or, Why I No.181 P54
stopped loving tanks and learn to love logistics
Lord of the Rings Mini-scenario. Sally attack at No.200 P44
Helms Deep
MacLeod Duncan Wargaming and the Internet No.193 P19
McAULEY Greg The Battle of Beersheba 31st Oct.1917 No.123 P26
McCOLM Iain A. Horrido! (Tally Ho) – Air combat rules for Rapid No.170 P12
McDONALD Bill Fire and Fury small battles. No.107 P12
McDOWELL Simon Tories Revenge (A.W.I. Scenario) No.70 P40
McGILL Patrick The Siege of Orleans 1428-1429 No.86 P46
McHUGH Don British Armies of the S.Y.W. No.70 P18
McKENZIE Norman Don’t Panic, Captain Mainwaring. Or,Mordheim No.172 P34
twins with Warmington-on-sea
McLaughlin Shaun Predator No.152 P48

NEWBOLD Michael The Last Campaign No.123 P23
NICHOL M.J. The Battle of Magnesia 190 B.C. No.50 P28
The Battle of Zenta 1697 No.57 P14
Variations on a theme. – Issus No.84 P26
NICHOL Mike Two ancient battles for D.B.A. 1.Trebbia No.76 P21
Two ancient battles for D.B.A. 2.Adrianople No.77 P33
NORMAN David Short on space – Go up a scale – An overview of No.157 P31
25mm WWII ranges
NOVAK Greg An historical look at the Alamo. No.15 P29
East of Chosin. No.23 P22
NURSEY Michael “I’m Spartacus” No.159 P54

O’BRIAN Adam Not so quiet on the Eastern Front No.115 P42

Reiterkampf – Cavalry Skirmish 1914 No.115 P43
Australian Armored Warfare. (Kelly Gang 1881) No.115 P49
The Defense of Duffers Drift No.118 P51
Climb Every Mountain No.125 P16
Spot the Boer No.128 P49
O’BRIAN David Surprise, Surprise. No.52 P20
O’HARA P.J. Toyotomi and the Turtle Ships N0.44 P14

O’LEARY R.J. Renaissance D.B.A. revisited. No.71 P33
OLLEY Phil Seven Steps to planning and executing a demo game No.158 P53
Seven steps to planning and executing a demo game. No.160 P46

Seven steps to planning and executing Demo Game No.165 P50

OLIVER R. James Fire across the Ice Part 1. No.8 P16
Relentless Pursuit No.9 P20
Fire across the Ice Part 2 No.9 P29
Mr. Mainstream No.11 P27
Fire for Effect No.71 P26
Oliver’s incomplete A-Z of WWII No.73 P24
Sin bins and Stragglers. No73 P30
Visual Display Units No.74 P35
Board games Rules O.K. No.81 P30
Multi-activity War gaming Part 1 No.82 P34
Multi-activity War gaming Part 2 No.83 P30
C3 (Command, Control, Communications) No.95 P21
Jaw gaming No.102 P32
ORTON Dave Beating the Odds. (Sgt. BOOTH V.C.) No.113 P40
OTHER A.N. Wolseley and the Fighting Kop No.126 P8
Flags of the Eighty Years War No.129 P12
Fire & Fury for Napoleonic’s. No.143 P30
Ab-OWAIN Mel Krieg am Zee. WWI Naval Warfare in the Black Sea No.191 P30
Krieg am Ostsee. First World War Naval Action No.200 P20

PADFIELD Alain The Winter Patrol No.175 P38

The End of Autumn Manoeuvres –Finns v Germans No.176 P13
Secession in San Antonio. – A Brother vs. Brother No.176 P26
ACW scenario
Fire Fights No.176 P50
Rodrigo, Alvar and Me.- An El Cid scenario No.178 P20
PAINE B. A new approach to war gaming No.19 P26
PALMER Nicky Different Charms No.98 P48
PARKINS Mark Amazing Adventures, I. An introduction to No.183 P16
skirmishes in the 1920’s & 30’s.
PARKINS Mark Amazing Adventures: The Fleece No.184 P38
Lands Choked with Adventure No.185 P14
Maida, 1806 No.186 P44
PARKIN Stuart Parkin’s Pieces – A Napoleon III command Group No.173 P36
Parkin’s Pieces – Napoleon III No.175 P54
PARSONS Paul Garibaldi in South America Part 1 No.102 P14
Garibaldi in South America Part 2 No.103 P35
The British Auxiliary Legion of the First Carlist War No.110 P18
PARTRIDGE Richard The Legion du Midi No.95 P32
PATTERSON Neil De Bellis Navalis. No.72 P27
PEARSE S.M. Ligny The Last Victory Part 1 No.25 P38

Ligny The Last Victory Part 2 No.26 P20
Ligny The Last Victory Part 3 No.27 P37
Ligny The Last Victory Part 4 No.28 P13

Ligny The Last Victory Part 5 No.29 P17

PEARSON Harry Bluejackets and Headhunters No.21 P25
Battle of Bloody Ridge 1763 No.29 P44
Vera Cruz No.159 P49
PEARSON S. Hill of Terror – Rapid fire scenario No.165 P44
PEARSON Stuart Stormtrooper – East Front scenario for Rapid Fire No.145 P20
Kampfgruppe Barenfanger – Rapid Fire Scenario No.146 P10
Exchanging spades for rifles – East front scenario No.147 P14
The Belgians and The Cossacks. No.155 P24
Hill of Terror- Rapid Fire meets Sven Hassel No.193 P46
PEERS Chris Cavalry of Imperial China 300 B.C.-1500 A.D. No.10 P36
Blood for the Drums No.20 P37
The Great Brilliance (Ming Dynasty) No.21 P20
The Great Brilliance Part 2 No.22 P26
PEERS Chris The Great Brilliance Part 3 No.23 P15
The Great Brilliance Part 4 No.24 P14
The Red Army at Yelna 1941 No.29 P20
Mans Best Enemy No.30 P34
Naval Warfare in Ancient and Medieval China No.31 P30
Chinese Reprise No.32 P46
Cheap and Nasty Indian Mutiny Skirmish Rules No.34 P16
Christians and Spices Part 1 No.38 P30
Christians and Spices Part 2 No.39 P26
Rhino! No.40 P26
Weapons and Tactics on the Western Front 1915- No.41 P34
Nunda – Eater of Men No.42 P26
The Bridge at Luting No.43 P14
An Ancient Chinese War games Day No.44 P27
Spring and Autumn No.45 P16
The Defense of Fort Souville July 1916 No.45 P45
The War of Heavenly Peace. Taiping Rebellion No.46 P20
The War of Heavenly Peace Part 2 No.47 P21
Organisation and Combat Doctrine of the Timurid No.48 P11
Cheap and Nasty WWII Skirmish Rules No.48 P44
An Introduction to the Sino-Japanese War 1933- No.53 P20
A Rule Writers Dilemma No.53 P27
A Historical Perspective on Casualty Removal No.57 P23
Artillery of the Sung Dynasty No.60 P26
The Myth of Chinese Mixed Infantry Units No.66 P18
On Casualties, the Wider Context and the Increasing No.67 P21
Lethality of War games Magazine Articles.
A Proposed Framework for the Ancient Period No.69 P30
The Mad Baron No.78 P33
Kurovitsy 30th August 1941 No.79 P21
This Foolish Game (Naval Rules 1817-73) No.79 P25
Bandeira No.82 P48
An Officer Classification System for WRG 1925- No.90 P18

The Defense of Village T. 1942 No.94 P35
Moby Dick – The War game No.99 P36
By the Sword and the Compass. (16 th Century Naval No.101 P14
Saint James and at Them. (Skirmish Rules for Brazil No.106 P18
1500 – 1700).
Its them Pesky Injuns Again Part 1. No.113 P33
A Tupi War games Army No.114 P18
Its them Pesky Injuns Again Part 2. No.114 P34
Indian Fights of Texas Part 1 No.117 P43
Indian Fights of Texas Part 2 No.118 P22
Indian Fights of Texas Part 3 No.119 P14
Indian Fights of Texas Part 4. No.121 P26
The Dagomban Civil War No.130 P38
In Darkest Africa Pt.1 No.131 P50
In Darkest Africa Pt.2 No.132 P28
PEERS Chris Warfare in the Age of Exploration No.135 P49
More ‘Darkest Africa’ scenarios. No.136 P40
Even more Darkest Africa scenarios No.137 P15
“Splendid Fellows” No.138 P37
Traders and Slavers in Nyasaland 1887-1895 No.141 P22
Traders and Slavers in Nyasaland 1887-1895 Pt.2 No.142 P22
‘An impossible Rider Haggard Romance’- Belgians No.145 P26
Vs Arabs in the Congo 1892-1894
Air Power for AK47 No.146 P20
Shadows in the Jungle – Big Game hunting scenario No.146 P46
In the Heart of Africa. Colonial Rules Pt.1 No.147 P44
In the Heart of Africa Pt.2 No.148 P28
In the Heart of Africa Pt.3 No.149 P28
In the Heart of Africa Pt.4 P150 P40
The Azande – The Zulus of the Congo No.151 P44
The Azande Pt.2 No.152 P44
A Damned Foolish Thing in the Balkans. WWI No.155 P42
Today will decide. No.159 P20
“Burned with fire and killed with steel” - simple No,160 P40
rules for Roman gladiatorial combat.
Today will decide Pt.2 No.161 P40
The Kaiser’s Offensive…… Rules and army lists for No.164 P24
wargaming the Western Front 1918
The Land of El Dorado No.164 P52
The Land of El Dorado Pt.2 No.165 P16
‘Here be Lions’ – Colonial wargaming in 16 th/17th No.166 P38
Century Africa
Modern Skirmish Games No.169 P40
The Ngoni No.172 P41
A Somali Army…… for “In the Heart of Africa” No.173 P35
Naval Brigades “In the Heart of Africa” No.174 P20
The Zanzibari Regular Army, 1877-1896 No.177 P14
The East Ablaze, 1919-1926. Some Ideas & Army No.179 P20
Lists for a Central Asia Campaign.
The Battle of Ngazia, 1886. A (fictional) ‘Darkest No.179 P30
Africa’ Scenario
Adapting Modern Skirmish Rules For Future Wars No.180 P14
The East Ablaze,Pt.2 No.180 P42

The Land of El Dorado. Tabletop Rules for warfare No.181 P16
in the New World, 1492-1550.
The West Coast Chiefdoms. An unusual army for No.183 P22
“Darkest Africa”.
Some suggested forces for Future Wars. No.183 P31
The Armies of German East Africa, 1888-1899. No.184 P21
Why 1/48? Or, “Not another new scale?” No.184 P40
The Armies of German East Africa, 1888-1899 Pt.2 No.185 P30
Strange Characters in the Back of Beyond No.186 P25
External Support (&Interference) in at Close No.186 P40
Quarters games
Gorilla Warfare. A real adventure scenario No.186 P56
War on the Plains. A North American Indian War No.187 P20
Supplement for ‘A Good Day to Die’
A Rule Writer’s Philosophy. No.187 P46
PEERS Chris Floating Castles. A game of naval warfare in the No.188 P56
Ironclad Age.
Floating Castles Part2: Ship Data Lists No.189 P56
In The Heart of the German East. Adapting ‘In the No.190 P18
Heart of Africa’ for 1914-18
A WWI Games Day in Evesham No.191 P44
Some suggestions for using dogs in At Close No.191 P49
Quarters modern skirmish games.
Even More Death on the Nile No.193 P22
Out of the Blue. Playable rules for WW2 fighter No.194 P25
Warfare on the Roof of the World. The Sino-Tibetan No.195 P23
Frontier in the early 20thC
‘God Sent Us the Wind’ Fast Play Rules for16th No.196 P39
Century Naval.
Out of the Blue Part 2 No.196 P47
Random Events in ‘Darkest Africa’ No.196 P50
Sideshow in Central Africa No.197 P14
PERCY Michael Assembly & Preparation of white metal vehicles and No.129 P42
PERRY Alan & The Sikh Army 1845 – 49 No.104 P40
Carry on up the Danube No.129 P36
PERRY Alan Russian Napoleonic Infantry & Foot Artillery No.158 P40
Uniforms, 1812-1815
PERRY Michael Lunch in the Crimea. No.26 P36
The Second Crusade Part 1 No.28 P36
Emperor and Army. Byzantium 900 – 1081 AD No.34 P22
Painting Landsknechts No.129 P28
PETERS Michael ‘Lion of the North’ No.127 P10
PEYTON Bob A Battle a Day in March No.102 P29
A Battle a Day in April No.103 P53
A Battle a Day in May No.104 P18
A Battle a Day in June No.105 P34
A Battle a Day in July No.106 P37
A Battle a Day in August No.107 P19
A Battle a Day in October No.109 P32
A Battle a Day in December No.111 P50
PHILLIPS Russ Banana Republics (A modern Naval quickie). No.93 P31
Red Banner (Modern Naval Rules) No.95 P18

PHIPPS John S. The Burning of Panama No.38 P20
The Battle of Pavia 1525 No.80 P38
PICKARD Matt E.C.W. D.B.A. No.110 P42

PIKE Martin Kursk 7th – 17th July 1943 Part 1 No.56 P16

Kursk 7th – 17th July 1943 Part 2 No.57 P30

Kursk 7th – 17th July 1943 Part 3. No.61 P24
PITTS Gregg Dyrrachium The Breakout. No.59 P35
PLANT Mark Size Does Matter. Ground & Figure scales No.188 P30
PLUNKETT John Air Cover No.147 P18
POOLEY Rob DBA in a Day No.121 P44
POTTER Greg Paris to Dakar (operation Menace) No33 P27
The Portuguese in Africa. No.37 P16
‘Pompous’ Kevin The State of War game Magazine Articles Today. No.118 P44
‘Pompous Maximus’ On the Northern Frontier. An Ancients Game in Old No.179 P60
POWELL Doug & Days of Sorrow, Days of Death No.149 P40
Nigel Higgins
Days of Sorrow, Days of Death Pt.2 No.150 P28
PRESTON Jeff The Value of Reconnaissance No.198 P23
PRESTON Keith Elandslaagte No.135 P16
PRICE Tim A Small Tactical Problem No.59 P29
The Germans Who Were Lost Pt.1 No.60 P31
The Germans Who Were Lost Pt.2 No.61 P28
The Germans Who Were Lost Pt.3 No.62 P23
The Germans Who Were Lost Pt.4 No.63 P28
Simple Combat Resolution Using Dice, No.64 P14
S.W.A.B. No.65 P23
Campaign Recruiting No.67 P14
Dahomey 1892 No.67 P24
Battle Cards No.70 P27
Emden Supplement No.74 P26
Skinning the Cat Pt.1 No.76 P30
Skinning the Cat Pt.2 No.77 P25
Skinning the Cat Pt.2B No.78 P21
Skinning the Cat Pt.3 No.79 P32
Peninsular Campaign No.82 P21
The Thousand Bomber Raid No.91 P40
The X-Files Matrix Game No.134 P20
PRIEST David Kambula 1879 No.33 P30
The Boer War No.43 P44
PRINGLE Chris Barbarossa on a bike No.132 P20

RANDLE Malcolm The making of Bog –a- Ten No.129 P43
RAPER P.J. Programmed Leaders for D.B.A. No.84 P16
De Bellis Oceanus No.104 P30
RAPPS G. Siege of Manilla 1762 No.59 P30
RAWSON Dale ‘Who stalks the Dancers Land?’ No.150 P48
RAYNER Michael War gaming in Schools No.49 P32
REED Tom East of Chosin No.23 P22
REIGATE War games In The Grand Manner – Waterloo. No.80 P30
REVELL Stewart Beda Fomm – Rapid Fire Scenario No.148 P18
Battle of Maleme, Crete 20 May 1941 – Rapid Fire No.150 P46
‘Bloody Ridge’ Guadalcanal 13/14 September 1940 No.151 P40
REVELL Stewart Battle of Udy, Kharkov, Russia 1943 No.153 P14
Pescopennataro, Sangro River, Italy 1943 No.154 P32
Pekartschina,Kiev, Russia 17.12.1943 No.161 P11
RICE John Seek and Identify No.57 P33
RICHES Chris Wild West Forces No.110 P36
RICHES Chris Malta Air Campaign No.129 P34
ROBERTS Mike Cross of Iron No.166 P32
Cross of Iron Pt.2 No.167 P40
ROBINSON Paul The Hadrian’s Wall Experience No.61 P31
Deeds That Thrilled The Empire. No.84 P42
ROBINSON Phil Guns of August. No.61 P38
‘A Berlin’ No.80 P32
Bursting to Shell No.86 P34
Gentleman Johnny’s War (Rules for the A.W.I.) No.116 P20
The Dyhernfurth Raid – February 1945. No.117 P40
A Cure for the Black Death No.121 P52
‘Der Tommy Kommt’ No.125 P34
‘Asia’s Last Assault will fail.’ No.140 P12
Gone for a Burton. No.140 P34
Moabit, April 1945 No.153 P22
Breakout – Rapid Fire Scenario for Berlin 1945 No.153 P46
Der Tommy Kommt 2 No.166 P22
Der Tommy Kommt 3 No.168 P41
Goin’ Underground;. Ideas for fighting in sewers No.171 P38
The Attack on Sher-Li. A 1920’s Central Asia No.198 P56
ROBINSON Rod Will God Forgive Me. No.12 P37
A Dutch War games Convention No.48 P39
Simple War-games Figure Conversion. No.49 P12
A new kind of War games Terrain. No.73 P49
ROBINSON Stephen The Anglo-Irish War 1919-1922 No.41 P22
ROCHELLE Chris Marston Moor 2nd. July 1644 No.107 P27
RODHOUSE Edward Have Cow Will Travel No.85 P13
RODDIS Robbie Refighting Quatre Bras – 6mm style. No.93 P17
Gettysburg – a re-fight No.144 P42
de ROO Carl The Emperor Strikes Back No.138 P44
The Force Publique in action No.162 P34
ROWELL Rob Deutscher Volkssturm No.129 P26
Hill of Terror! No.165 P44
Russian “Graffiti”. Russian WWII patriotic slogans No.184 P30
on AFV’s.

Hill of Terror – Rapid Fire meets Sven Hassel No.193 P46
ROWLINGS Craig The Battle of Ocracoke Inlet No.97 P26
The Battle of the Little Big Horn Part 1. No.108 P35
The Battle of the Little Big Horn Part 2. No.109 P18
Operation Oak (Mussolini Rescue). No.120 P14
A Bank too Far No.127 P36
RULE Chris Cutthroats! No.137 P40
A Piratical history of Madagascar No.153 P26
The Piratical history of Jamaica No.161 P25
RUMFORD Colin The Italian Conquest of Somaliland No.12 P42
Kreta (WWII Mini Campaign) No.20 p32
The Day Mr. Brown Didn’t Go Off To Town. No.26 p17
Enemy on Island and Issue in Doubt (Wake Island) No.36 p14
Ginsling No.55 p16
RUMFORD Colin The Capture of Bagamoyo No.72 p13
Hold Until Relieved No.81 p46
D.Day 6th June (Sword Beach & Pegasus Scenario) No.89 p14
D.Day Revisited. No.92 p36
Bridge Building for the D.I.Y. Enthusiast No.99 p40
Out of Ammunition – God Save The King. No102 p21
Rapid Fire Normandy Notes. No.116 p53
Rapid Fire Normandy Notes Part 2. No.117 p54
Alternative Indirect Fire. No.118 p14
A Bold Dash to Caen No.127 P40
David Niven for an evening No.129 P56
RUTTER Alan The Battle of Finchley No.129 P10
The Battle of Plattsburg No.133 P28
RYAN Stephen Manchester United. No.46 p44
RYAN Stephen A. Made to Measure. No.117 p16

SABIN Philip A.G. Phalanx – An Ancient Battle Game. No.87 p42

SACYE Mick Terrain on a Shoe String Budget Part 1. No.93 p36
Terrain on a Shoe String Budget Part 2 No.96 p18
Terrain on a Shoe String Budget Part 3 No.97 p18
Mini-Malaya No.144 P30
The Affair at Kisii, German East Africa 1914 No.154 P14
The Battle of Gulnabad, 1722 No.154 P49
The Affair at Nsanakang, 1914 No.155 P38
Wargaming in 6mm No,157 P32
SALEH Steve Painting Spartans and Athenian Armies No.155 P18
SALT John Mine Warfare No.15 p33
SALT John D An Army Marches on It’s Stomach No.52 p12
‘SAVAGE PEN’ Just where is the Hobby going? No.133 P54
SAYCE A. Michael Napoleon’s First Independent Command No.189 P12
Napoleon’s Campaigns in Italy, 1796-1800 2. The No.191 P22
Battle of Lodi
Napoleon’s Campaigns in Italy 1796-1800. Part3. No.192 P46
The Two Battles of Lonato.
Napoleon’s Campaign in Italy. Part 4: Battle of No.193 P30

Napoleon’s Campaign in Italy. Part 5 Battle of No.195 P16
Napoleon’s Campaign in Italy. Part 6 The Battle of No.198 P15
Rivoli 1797
Napoleon’s Campaign in Italy. Part 7 Marengo No.199 P20
SAYER C.G. Further Notes on 1/200th scale Aircraft. No.59 p27
Scase-Hughes Gerald Thoughts on Napoleonic Rules …with a simple No.171 P22
specimen set
SCOTT Christopher The Massacre of Talavera. No.41 p40
SCOTT Sam Operation Market Garden. A mega-game at Fall ‘03 No.200 P49
SCHMIDT Victor O. The Shape of Battle. No.144 P56
Simple Armies No.145 P40
SCHULDT Wendy Scenic Effects – Rivers and Roads No.145 P24
‘SEAMUS’ Cartoons No.10 p47
A Question of Intelligence. No.32 p29
SEIFRIED Duke Chariot: a Game of Ancient War No.163 P34
Chariot Pt.2 No.164 P32
SELF Alex Getting started in Warhammer Fantasy No.125 P54
Barbarians in Warhammer No.126 P38
Barbarians in Warhammer Part 2 No.129 P24
SHANN Steve A Fight in the Fog (Inkerman Scenario). No.8 p14
Battle of Magenta 1859 No.15 p43
French Colonial Troops and the Franco-Prussian No.17 p46
Battle of Medellin 1809 No.20 p14
Austro-Prussian War 1866 No.24 p30
The Battle of Lutzen No.40 p38
Spanish Gold No.54 p16
Retreat from Maiwand No.77 p42
Operation ‘Knights Move’ No.80 p14
The Mitrailleuse in the Franco-Prussian War. No.83 p18
Operation ‘Saturn’ – WWII Scenario. No.96 p26
The Italian Army of 1866. No.112 p18
SHARP Charles Painting the Red Army No.141 P12
Victorious Ivans No.142 P38
SHARPLES John Home Thoughts From Abroad Part 1. No.41 p30
Home Thoughts From Abroad Part 2 No.42 p33
Home Thoughts From Abroad Part 3. No.43 p18
The Great Paraguayan War Part 1 No.43 p22
The Greta Paraguayan War Part 2 No.45 p31
The Greta Paraguayan War Part 3 No.46 p28
The Great Paraguayan War Part 4 No.47 p38
The Great Paraguayan War Part 5 No57 p26
The Great Paraguayan War Part 6 No.58 p30
Home Thoughts From Abroad Part 4 No.61 p36
Home Thoughts From Abroad Part 5 No.62 p42
Home Thoughts From Abroad. Part 6 No.63 p38
SHEARWOOD Mark Maximillian Rules 1861-1867 No.160 P52
SHEPHERD Thomas E. E.C.W. Update (Update of 1644 rules.) No.114 p49
E.C.W. Update part 2. No.115 p22
SIDES Peter Axis and Allies 1939. No.70 p46
SIGGINS Mike War gamers Notebook No.103 p18
War gamers Notebook No.104 p42
Troops in the Landscape No.104 p38

War gamers Notebook No.105 p14
War gamers Notebook No.106 p42
War gamers Notebook No.107 p42
War gamers Notebook No.108 p18
War gamers Notebook No.109 p28
War gamers Notebook No.110 p48
War gamers Notebook No.111 p46
War gamers Notebook No.112 p46
War gamers Notebook No.114 p22
War gamers Notebook No.115 p46
SIGGINS Mike War gamers Notebook No.116 p44
War gamers Notebook No.117 p50
War gamers Notebook No.118 p50
War gamers Notebook No119 p44
War gamers Notebook No.120 p52
War gamers Notebook No.121 P45
War gamers Notebook No.122 P52
War gamers Notebook No.123 P54
War gamers Notebook No.124 P52
War gamers Notebook No.125 P52
War gamers Notebook No.126 P48
War gamers Notebook No.132 P54
War gamers Notebook No.135 P32
Wargamer’s Notebook No.136 P51
War gamers Notebook No.139 P54
War gamers Notebook No.141 P34
War gamers Notebook No.143 P53
Wargamers Notebook No.146 P56
Wargamer’s Notebook No.147 P22
Wargamer’s Notebook No.148 P68
Wargamer’s Notebook No.154 P61
Wargamer’s Notebook No.158 P47
Wargamer’s Notebook No.162 P53
Wargamer’s Notebook No.164 P40
Wargamer’s Notebook No.168 P30
Wargamer’s Notebook No.170 P58
Wargamer’s Notebook No.173 P34
Wargamer’s Notebook No.175 P48
Wargamer’s Notebook No.176 P42
Wargamer’s Notebook No.182 P22
Wargamer’s Notebook No.183 P56
Wargamer’s Notebook No.184 P46
Wargamer’s Notebook No.187 P34
Wargamer’s Notebook No.189 P46
Wargamer’s Notebook No.190 P58
Legends of Araby No.191 P58
Wargamer’s Notebook No.196 P57
SIMON Walter A look at CROSSFIRE No.123 P20
A Look at Brother Against Brother No.133 P42
Riffraff No.144 P27
SIMPSON Martyn The Battle of Abu Ageila Um Katef 1956 No.121 P34
Platoon/Section Scenario generator No.155 P20
SIMPSON Stephen The Siege of Winchester 1141 No.15 P46
Three Norman Battles Pt.1 Lincoln 1141 No.29 P14
Three Norman Battles Pt.2 Oxford 1142 No.30 P12

Three Norman Battles Pt.3 Wilton 1143 No.31 P36
Three Norman Battles 1106-1124 Pt.1 No.56 P40

Three Norman Battles Pt.2 No.57 P42

Three Norman Battles Pt.3 No.58 P32

Battle of Coleshill No.73 P17
Battle of the Standard 1138 No.74 P30
Rules for the mid-eighteenth century No.75 P13
The Battle of Hastings 1066 No.75 P35
Anarchy 1140 – 1142 No.82 P12
SIMPSON Stephen Rules for war gaming sieges in the twelfth century No.83 P23
The Battle of Lincoln 1217 No.103 P48
Writing your own wargame rules – part1 No.124 P28
Writing your own wargame rules – part2 No.125 P30
Three Battles of the ‘45 No.134 P14
Rules for World War II Naval Games No.134 P34
SKASE Gerald On to Kabul – rules for Second Afghan War No.151 P14
SKELTON Dominic (Very) Simple WWI Colonial Skirmish Rules No.74 P28
The Polish Army 1939 No.88 P38
One Brain Cell Modern War game Rules No.92 P32
Fast Attack (WWII Coastal Warfare) No.94 P38
The Allied Armies 1940 No.95 P34
7th Panzer Division 1940 No.98 P40
The Crimea D.B.A.’d No.101 P12
Arthurian Britain No.132 P12
Sci-Fi on the Rhine… No.133 P30
Troops in the Landscape 2 No.134 P44
A Burmese Army List for Warhammer Ancients No.145 P44
Automatic Fire. Late 20th.Century add-ons for rapid No.151 P31
Automatic Fire Revisited. No.177 P46
SKINNER Nick The Agent, the Ambush and the Man Who Died No.195 P36
Twice. A Wild West scenario
SLEAP Julian Kozminlui Forest 1497 No.9 P54
SMITH Andrew Some Random Thoughts from Colours ‘93 No.76 P24
SMITH Dale A. The Maple Leaf and the Boer No.168 P26
SMITH Dave Skirmish Warfare in Old California No.157 P56
SMITH David A Canadian Victorian Battles No.120 P48
The Californio Defense during the Mexican War No.124 P36
The North West Rebellion of 1885 No.163 P56
SMITH Ian Bashing the Pasha No.69 P44
SMITH John D Long Distance War gaming Part1 No.26 P42
SMITH Philip Noir – Wargaming rules for film noir type scenarios No.170 P22
SNOWDEN David The Storming of Ghazni No.3 P32
The Battle of Winchester 1862 No.19 P22
Battle of Prairie Grove 1862 No.20 P22
Return to the Valley No.52 P31
Warbands of Ancient Days. No.53 P33
S.O.D.S. Waterloo Quiz No.32 P46
SOMMERS Michael Naval Rules 1939-45 No.130 P30
Europe 1756 No.133 P16
SPEIGHT Sara The Second Crusade Part 1 No.28 P36
The Second Crusade Part 2 No.30 P14
The Age of Motte & Bailey No.33 P14

Emperor and Army in Byzantium 900 – 1081 A.D. No.34 P22
SPENCER Jerry The Battle of Mount Tabor 1799 No.37 P20

STAINROD Patrick It’s hot in them thar hills! No.144 P20

Digging around in the Dirt – Medieval skirmish No.161 P44
Arthur Adder’s Flying Circus No.169 P16
STANDISH Colin De Bellis Navalis No.143 P49
De Bellis Navalis – Pre Drednought rules No.148 P22
De Bellis Navalis scenarios No.148 P26
STANYON John Through Smoke and Fire No.49 P20
Wings Over Flanders. No.52 P26
STAVERLEY John How to be an Umpire. No.131 P20
STEVENSON Paul The Battle of Bladensburg 1814 No.28 P20
Armed Mobs (A.C.W. Armies) No.30 P14
Review of Dixon’s ACW range No.34 P14
Battle of Groveton 1862 No.39 P31
‘Glory’ – Attack on Fort Wagner No.40 P20
Battle of Ravenna 1512 No.46 P11
Little Round Top No.51 P32
Into ACW No.58 P38
My God – Maiwand No.60 P20
The Battle of Quebec 1759 No.65 P14
Orange Plank/Brock Road Intersection No.66 P13
The Seven Years War W.R.G. Style No.73 P14
The Battle of Raymond No.76 P17
Cavalry Clash at Kelly’s Ford No.83 P14
Forcing Fox’s Gap 1862 No.86 P28
Alsops (or Harris’)Farm 1864 No.98 P12
STILLMAN Nigel The Nordic Bronze Age No.115 P25
STOCK Nick “Boys, the Scoundrels have shot off my Powder No.177 P20
Horn” – skirmishes for the Texian War
STOCKDALE Alan After the Battle No.135 P30
The Raid No.136 P38
1066 – An Alternative Campaign No.149 P12
STOKES Simon Retreat from Kavnas No.77 P21
STORE Paul The Battle of Winwaed 655AD No.159 P58
SWEENEY Sean Rules with No Principles No.127 P48
1798: The Eagle has Rutlanded No.131 P30
The Seven Murphurai! No.137 P52
Introduction to the Confederate Wars in Ireland No.145 P15
Conventions – an Irish perspective No.148 P54
Fwee Bwian! Wargaming Monty Python’s Life of No.184 P34
Brian… seriously.
SWIFT Steve Lights, Camera, Action. No.102 P42


TALBOT Lewis Roaring Twenties No.143 P1

TANNER Peter War games Shows and the Hobbies Missed No.87 P2
Opportunities 7
War games – More Signs of Decline. No.88 P2
Rules, rules and More Bloody Rules. No.94 P4
Starting War gaming? Part 1: Figures No.125 P2
Starting War gaming? Part 2: Scenery No.126 P2
Starting War gaming? Part 3: Rules No.127 P3
A Christmas Game No.147 P5
Onwards, Ever Onwards …has it really been seven No.175 P4
years? 6
TARBOX Charlie Variable Terrain Effects Pt.1 No.16 P1
Variable Terrain Effects Pt.2 No.18 P3
TEASDALE John G. Return to Corregidor No.54 P2
TESTRO Robert A Spot of Scallywagging No.42 P3
THOMAS Andrew Renaissance DBA No.61 P3
Napoleon DBA’d No.62 P2
THOMAS Andrew War game Rules for 2mm tanks and figs. No.62 P3
THOMAS Neil Warhammer early Renaissance Rules No.166 P4
Warhammer early Renaissance Army Lists Pt.2 No.167 P1
THOMPSON Robin G Maps for War gaming No.126 P2
THOMSON Rod Henry Morgan and the Battle of Maracaibo Bay No.144 P3
THORPE Andy Big Really is Beautiful No.102 P1
TINCEY John The Farnham Green coats Pt.1 No.13 P1

The Farnham Green coats Pt.2 No.14 P3
The Farnham Green coats Pt.3 No.15 P1
The Farnham Green coats Pt.4 No.16 P4
TIPPING L ‘Coup de Main’ No.128 P3
TITLEY Marc Alternative Tournament Rules No.181 P4
Small Scenarios for Little Gamers. Wargaming in No.185 P3
school. 4
TOFALAS Chris The Wembley Factor. No.68 P1
TOMCZAK Martin Notes on the Prussian Army in the S.Y.W. – The No.1 P4
Artillery 0
Notes on the Prussian Army in the SYW – The No.4 P3
Infantry 2
Notes on the Prussian Army in the SYW Pt.3 No.5 P2
Rules for the use of Prussian Artillery 1870-71 Pt.1 No.10 P1
Rules for the use of Prussian Artillery 1870 – 71 Pt.2 No.14 P1
TOTHILL Chris A Load of Gauls. (Campaign Game). No.88 P3
TRICKETT Paul Pike and Shot Rules 1600 – 1670. No.6 P1
1812 or ‘It’s a bit nippy out here.’ No.119 P1
TUCKER Anthony The Battle for Normandy Pt.1 No.4 P4
The Battle for Normandy Pt.2 No.5 P4
The Battle for Stamford Bridge No.6 P1
Air Combat over the Persian Gulf No.11 P3
The Whermachts Cossacks No.17 P3
Operation Sealion Pt.1 No.18 P4
Operation Sealion Pt.2 No.19 P4
Operation Sealion Pt.3 No.20 P1
TUCKER Anthony French Panzers No42 P2
The British SS No.45 P3
General Bradley – Man of Mediocrity No.49 P4
Saudi Arabia and Desert Storm No.61 P2
JFK and the PT 109 Incident No.86 P1

The Soviet Air War over Afghanistan No.88 P3
TUCKEY John Judging War game Demonstrations No.44 P1
A report on the Marston Magna show. No.128 P1
A report on the Marston Magna Show No.153 P4
TURCAN Peter Dreadnaughts No.44 P3
TURNER Nick War gaming Sarajevo Style No.107 P4
TYLER Gavin Dogged Defence – Rules for guard dogs No.171 P5
TYNDALL Richard The Battle of Kaahka. August 1918 – Russian Civil No.147 P5
War 0
TYRER D.J. The Thirteenth Warrior. A Campaign for WAB No.187 P3
Containment. - A Dr. Who Scenario No.195 P1
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. WAB No.196 P4
adaption. 2
Kirklees. A Robin Hood skirmish No.200 P1


UNDERWOOD Roger Decision Games No.10 P38

Decision Games Pt.2 No.11 P16
Decision Games Pt.3 No.12 P32
Decision Games Pt.4 No,14 P22
UNSWORTH Matt A day in the woods No.135 P14
VALLENCE Russell Bums, Battalions, & Buildings. No.142 P29
VERNON Paul The Vikings No.22 P46
Le VESCONTE Rob One Man and His Dice No.27 P44
MIG Alley No.54 P23
VINE Graham The Age of Vortigern No.107 P36

WALKER Tim The Bridge at Hetzau No.113 P14

Pigswill – Medieval Entertainment No.114 P37
WALLMAN Jim Zulu War Skirmish Rules No.12 P16
WALLING Phil Dwarf Wars. Westwinds new rules No.200 P30
Warlords of Loyne The Struggle for Stettin April 1945 No.88 P14
WATSON Richard Tsushima Pt.1 No.20 P48
Tsushima Pt.2 No.21 P12
The Battleship Sovyetskij Soyuz No.26 P34
Matapan Pt.1 No.29 P9
Matapan Pt.2 No.30 P31

The Great White Fleet No.35 P24
WATTS J Painting the War games Horse No.44 P25
Fire and Fury Small Battles (1 st Bull Run). No.69 P17
WATTS J F and F Small Battles – Beaver Dam Creek No.70 P21
F and F Small Battles – Jackson @ Antietam No.71 P16
F and F Small Battles – Second Day at Iuka No.72 P20
WEAVER Ralph A Savage and Romantic War No.86 P36
The Battle of Kalka. The Mongols move West. No.191 P17
WEBB Susan Miniature Women … in Wargames No.183 P20
Fancy Colours for Drab Duds. No.183 P39
Convention, Children & Chaos. No.183 P62
WEBBER Christopher The Thracians No.167 P44
WEBSTER Allan Cyrus’ Last Battle No.118 P46
WEBSTER Colin International Seeding of Players No.68 P18
Notes on Seedings & Swiss System No.73 P46
War games a Vibrant and Colourful Future. No.93 P49
WEBSTER Jim Napalm, cluster Bombs & Fuel air Explosives in No.4 P40
Xenophon and the scythed Chariot No.9 P14
Battle of Blessington 1912 No.18 P40
5 Commando 1964 No.29 P41
Hitting’em with Heavy Metal.. No.30 P20
German Artillery 1939 – 45
Truckers Hour No.36 P32
Rather Noisy on the Western Front No.38 P38
Small Boers No.47 P13
WEEKLEY Ian Vauban Gateway No.1 P18
Renaissance Defenses No.1 P46
ECW Water Mill No.2 P42
ECW Defense No.4 P42
Cast Features v Handmade No.9 P18
Middle East Houses 1/300th No.10 P46
15mm Palisade Fort No.11 P46
Greek Fortifications No.13 P42
An Islamic Fort No.17 P15
North Italian Village No.19 P46
A Spanish Windmill No.23 P46
An English Fortified Manor No.24 P16
Leuthan @ 1/300 th scale. No.27 P18
Rivers and Streams. No.29 P13
Fields and Woodland No.30 P44
Two Ancient Citadels. No.32 P44
Fences of the ACW No.33 P36
A Castle Dove Cote No.34 P20
A Chitral Watchtower No.35 P44
The ‘Basha’ Mosque No.37 P44
A Timber Norman Keep No.38 P36
Santa Anna’s Headquarters No.43 P37
The Forge No.44 P44
Naseby 1645 No.45 P28
A Russian Country Church 1812 No.48 P36
A Clocktower and Gateway for the SYW No.51 P44
Saxon Palisade Fort No.57 P12
The Market Bhowelpore No.58 P12
War games – a Visual Retrospective No.73 P21

Randolph’s Command – ACW Skirmish No.91 P30
Edgehill 1642 No.103 P32
Stamford Bridge No.108 P42
Chateau Beaumaison No.109 P42
WELFORD Stephen North of Norway,1942 No.138 P14
WHITE Ed Ceaser at the Gates of Quebec No.65 P21
WHITE Ed Rout or Retreat No.67 P16
WHITEHALL The Four Musketeers No.134 P30
WHITEHOUSE Good Grief Carruthers Part 1. Victorian SciFI No.198 P44
Good Grief Carruthers Part 2. No.199 P36
WHITEHOUSE Explorer chic. No.143 P46
WILKIN Mark An eccentric’s guide to painting No.139 P32
WILKINS Ben Command Decision Review No.34 P44
WILLIAMS M.W. Habakkuk Bergship Aircraft Carrier No.101 P22
WILLIAMS Noel Rules for Better Rules. Guidelines for Legislators No.187 P43
WILLIS Mark Confrontation (Borneo Campaign Scenario) No.73 P26
WILSON David Louis XIV’s Army, 1688-1697 No.176 P20
Louis XIV’s Army, 1688-1697 No.177 P16
WILSON Ian A.A. Man saves Marlborough at Blenheim. No.35 P20
The Battle of the River Indus 1221 AD No.38 P12
Viva Zapata No.39 P44
With Cossacks in the Ukraine No.148 P16
One Year in Germany No.158 P14
One Year in Central Germany No.159 P41
The Campaign & Battle of Salem Church 1863 No.162 P40
The Campaign & Battle of Salem Church 1863 No.163 P16
Military Holocaust, Wargaming Delight. – The No.170 P49
Poltava Campaign 1708-1709 Pt.1
Military Holocaust, Wargaming Delight – The No.171 P14
Poltava Campaign 1708-1709 pt.2
Military Nolocaust, Wargaming Delight – The No.172 P58
Poltava Campaign 1708-1709 Pt.3
Military Holocaust, Wargaming Delight – The No.173 P26
Poltava Campaign Pt iv – the rules
WIMPENNY Richard “One day nearer the German War” Part 1 Grasping No.157 P28
the trident. Naval Wargaming for WW1
“One day nearer the German War”, Part 2 No.158 P42
Battlefleet Planning.
“One day nearer the German War” Pt3 No.159 P26
“One day nearer the German War Pt.4 No.160 P21
Fischer’s Baltic Plan. Pt.1 Strike from the blue No.171 P30
Fisher’s Baltic Plan Part2: Bold audacity or No.172 P48
reckless folly.
Fisher’s Baltic Plan Part 3: Borkum to Pomerania No.173 P20
Fisher’s Baltic Plan Part 4: ‘A strip of hard sand’ No.174 P42
Fleet Action Imminent. A 1914 decisive action in No.184 P49
the North Sea, Pt.1
Fleet Action Imminent. Pt.2 No.185 P50
Fleet Action Imminent Pt.3 No.186 P14
‘Torpedo Los’ - Review of books and computer No.195 P58
games on submarine warfare
WINTER Steve ‘We gotta get outta this place!’ No.128 P52
‘Brandenburgers’ No.162 P30

WINTER Steve Kampfgruppes for Kampfgruppe. No.191 P46
Wargaming – the low fat alternative No.200 P42
De WITT Brian The Pain of Giving Orders. No.50 P17
The Odds of Victory No.88 P42
The Written Word vs. The Spoken Word. No.109 P44
DeWOLFE Robert A. Criss Cross and the defence of the Don jail. No.135 P34
WOOD Norman Colonial DBA No.68 P28
WOOD Paul Death of a Corps. No.31 P24
WRIGHT David On the road to Magnesia No.121 P20


YARROW Michael The First Bishops War No.136 P21

The Second Bishops War No.140 P22
YATES Phil An Early Medieval(Dark Ages) list for No.143 P20
Warhammer Ancient Battles.
YATES Tony ‘Exterminate! Exterminate!’ No.130 P36



It’s down to the Triari No.2 P13

Campaigns of the Chariot Era Pt.1 No.6 P36
Bronze Age Heroes in the Trojan War No.8 XIV
Khe Shanh No.8 P24
Xenophon & the Scythed Chariots No.9 P14
The Trojan War No.9 P35
How Horatius built the Bridge. No12 P44
The Arkadian cattle raid. No.15 P22
Ceasers Reconnaissance of Britain No.19 P12
Blood for the Drums.(Ancient China). No.20 P37
Hannibal ad Portas No.23 P30
The Prince & The General. No.28 P28
The Battle of the Jaxartes River No.30 P28
A question of intelligence. No.32 P29
A multi-player, many tabled, umpire – kriegspield, No.35 P49
nasty Normans bash Byzantines game.
Terror Weapons in the Ancient World No.37 P28
Battle of Hydaspes 323BC No.39 P34
Spring & Autumn. (Chariot skirmish game) No.45 P16
Dark Age Warriors Pt.1: The Greeks No.49 P26
Dark Age Warriors Pt.2: The Celts No.50 P21
The Battle of Magnesia 190BC No.50 P28
Warbands of Ancient Days. No.53 P33
Lake Trasimene – The Place of Blood No.54 P34
Dyrrachium: The Break Out No.59 P35
The myth of the Chinese Mixed Infantry Units No.66 P18
A proposed framework for the Ancient Period No.69 P34
Two Ancient Battles for DBA . 1: Trebbia No.76 P21
Two Ancient Battles for DBA. 2:Adrianople No.77 P33
Variation on a theme, DBA/DBM, re-fight of Issus No.84 P26
Late Roman Army lists (Warhammer Ancients) No.87 P20
Phalanx – An Ancient Battle Game. No.87 P42
A load of Gauls. (Campaign Game). No.88 P33
Barbarian Army lists (Warhammer Ancients) No.89 P42
Warhammer for Ancient Barbarians – lists. No.90 P44
Battle of Platae 479 BC No.91 P14
Greek Hoplite shields, No.95 P48
Greek shield designs of the 4th Century BC No.104 P20
The Twelve Battles of Arthur No.108 P42

The Nordic Bronze Age No.115 P25
The Campaigns of Ostorius Scapular in Wales No.116 P16
Greek Hoplite shield designs of the Archaic period No.116 P40
Naked War games (was Homer on the level?) No.117 P53
Pre-Battle tension for DBA No.118 P18
Cyrus’ Last Battle No.118 P46
On the road to Magnesia No.121 P20
DBA in a Day No.121 P44
Barbarians in Warhammer No.126 P38
Celtic Heroes No.128 P20
Barbarians in Warhammer Pt.2 No.129 P24
Moritari te Salutant No.130 P25
The Ancient Greeks No.131 P12
The Celts of Asia No.131 P38
Arthurian Britain (Warhammer Army Lists) No.132 P12
A day in the Woods No.135 P14
The Age of Arthur Pt.1 (Britain 400-600 AD) No.138 P30
The Age of Arthur Pt.2 No.139 P12
The Age of Arthur Pt.3 No.140 P36
The Age of Arthur Pt.4 No.142 P16
A Burmese Army List for Warhammer Ancients No.145 P44
The Age of Arthur Pt.5 No.146 P41
The Age of Arthur Pt.6 No.147 P62
The Age of Arthur Pt.7 No.148 P13
The Age of Arthur Pt.8 No.149 P21
Days of Sorrow, Days of Death – Recreating the No.149 P40
Iliad using WAB
Days of Sorrow, Days of Death Pt.2 No.150 P28
A Spartan Polemarch Behaves Badly No.151 P38
Hannibal’s Battles 218-220 BC No.153 P16
The World of the Greeks No.155 P13
The Huns: Scourge of God No.155 P31
Spartacus No.155 P40
The Ancient Germans No.156 P29
Today will decide – A game of Roman Heroic No.159 P20
“I’m Spartacus” No.159 P54
“Burned with fire and killed with steel” – Simple No.160 P40
rules for Roman gladiatorial combat.
The Macedonians No.160 48
The Battle of Granicus 334BC No.161 P21
Today will decide Pt.2 No.161 P40
The Age of Arthur Pt.9 No.162 P22
The Age of Arthur Pt.10 No.163 P21
Chariot: a Game of Ancient War No.163 P34
The Age of Arthur Pt.11 No.164 P14
Chariot Pt.2 No.164 P32
The Spartacist rebellion 73-72BC No.167 P33
The Thracians No.167 P44
The Barbarians are coming! But where from? No.169 P12
Early Libyan Armies 2800-200BC No.174 P30
Pre-Roman Conflict in Britain No.176 P16

Thermopylae & Artemision. Three Linked No.179 P40
Scenarios for WAB.
On the Northern Frontier. An Ancients Game in No.179 P60
Old Caledonia.
The Aztecs of Ancient China. The Shang Dynasty No.180 P26
– with a WAB List.
Bronzed Heroes. Small action rules for the Bronze No.181 P44
Gladiator. No.184 P64
The Shield Devices of the Celts. No.186 P18
Flaminus at the Dog’s Head. The Battle of No.187 P60
Cyconscephalae (197BC) as a Vis Bellica
The Roman Custer. Valens & the Battle of No.190 P15
Adrainople, 378AD
Celtic Intertribal Warfare No.191 P32
In courage they had no equals. Sparta 430-360BC No.192 P14
Butchered to make a Roman Holiday. No.199 P54


The Battle of Stamford Bridge No.6 P14

Lagers & Sagas – Norse skirmish rules No.8 P12
The Vikings No.22 P46
A Dark Age Campaign No.36 P24
The Siege of Paris 885-886 AD No.41 P25
The Merovingian Franks Pt.1 No.48 P20
The Merovingian Franks Pt.2 No.51 P20
The Merovingian Franks Pt.3 No.62 P29
The Merovingian Franks No.63 P23
Valhalla – Skirmish rules for Vikings v Saxons No.69 P38
The Rus – thunderbolt from Heaven Pt.1 No.70 P36
The Rus Pt.2 No.71 P20
The Rus Pt.3 No.72 P23
Battle of Buttington 894AD No.75 P42
The Merovingian Franks Pt.4B No.81 P26
The Merovingian Franks Pt.4C No.82 P26
Hastings in the Dining Room No.94 P14
The Merovingian Franks Pt.5 No.96 P32
Strandhogg – Viking Raid Scenario No.100 P18
Cadwallon – King of Gwynedd No.103 P42
Sigurds Last Stand No.105 P26
MacBeth – Warrior King of Scotland No.106 P14
The Age of Vortigern No.107 P36
Stamford Bridge No.108 P42
The Merovingians Pt.6A No.109 P22
The Merovingians Pt.6B No.110 P32
Wars of the Gaedhil with the Gaill No.112 P10
The Last Saxon Hero. No.113 P24
1066 – The forgotten Battle No.116 P30

The South West 997 AD No.122 P43
Unconventional Warfare, Dark Ages style No.123 P56
After the Battle (Scenario and rules) No.135 P30
The Raid No.136 P38
An early Medieval (Dark Ages) list for No.143 P20
Warhammer Ancient Battles.
1066 an Alternative Campaign No.149 P12
The Autumn of ’69 (or: Rescuing Ragnar) No.155 P34
Jomsvikings No.157 P14
Fyrisvold No.159 P46
The Battle of Winwaed 655 AD No.159 P58
Viking Flags No.160 P34
El Cid: Wargaming the early Reconquista 1050- No.163 P49
Berserkers No.168 P20
Photo feature – Normans & Saxons No.171 P20
Saint Olaf & The Battle of London No.176 P46
1066 – A matrix game No.177 P50
The Thirteenth Warrior. A Campaign for WAB. No.187 P30
Dabbling in WAB.A couple of small Dark Age No.189 P40
How to beat Vikings – and how not to! Disguised No.190 P28
scenario for 9th century warfare.

MEDIEVAL. (1067-1499)

1499 a mini-campaign No.4 P22

Wars of the Roses rules. No.7 P40
Kozminleri Forest 1497 No.9 P50
Cavalry of Imperial China No.10 P36
Siege of Winchester 1141 No.15 P46
Palm Sunday 1461 No.19 P34
War gaming the Siege of Acre 1291 No.20 P44
The Great Brilliance (Ming Dynasty) Pt.1 No.21 P20
The Great Brilliance Pt.2 No.22 P26
The Great Brilliance Pt.3 No.23 P15
The Great Brilliance Pt.4 No.24 P14
The Second Crusade Pt.1 No.28 P36
Three Norman Battles Pt.1 Lincoln 1141 No.29 P14
The Second Crusade Pt.2 No.29 P35
Three Norman Battles Pt.2 Oxford 1142 No.30 P12
Three Norman Battles Pt.3 Wilton 1143 No.31 P36
The Age of Motte & Bailey No.33 P14
Emperor and Army in Byzantium 900-1081AD No.38 P12
Affray – Medieval Skirmish Rules No.44 P20
The Battle of Braxton Cross No.46 P15
Organisation & Combat Doctrine of the Timurid No.48 P11
Ordain Them Jackets of My Livery. Pt.1 No.50 P34
Ordain Them Jackets of My Livery Pt.2 No.51 P26

Stratagems and Circumstances. (Tactics for Wars No.56 P21
of the Roses Commanders).
Three Norman Battles. 1: Tinchebray 1106 No.56 P40
Three Norman Battles. 2: Bremule 1119 No.57 P42
John Hawkwood – The English Condottiere No.58 P20
Three Norman Battles. 3: Bourgtheroulde 1119 No.58 P32
Artillery of the Sung Dynasty No.60 P26
Rules for the Wars of the Roses No.61 P31
Samurai Warfare – Myth or reality? No.60 P35
Grim Visaged War (Late Medieval Rules) No.64 P17
The changing face of Samurai Warfare 1100 – No.66 P20
Three Norman Battles Pt.1: Battle of Coleshill No.73 P17
Three Norman Battles Pt.2: Battle of the Standard No.74 P30
Three Norman Battles Pt.3 Battle of Hastings No.75 P35
Medieval Skirmish Games No.78 P17
Revenge, gold and other things (Medieval No.79 P49
Anarchy 1140-1142 No.82 P12
Rules for war gaming sieges in the Twelfth No.83 P23
The Siege of Orleans 1428-1429 No.86 P46
The Battle of Blore Heath 1459 No.95 P24
Death of a Prince. – Llewelyn ap Griffyd’s No.100 P28
struggle for Welsh Independence 1272-1282
The Battle of Lincoln 1217 No.103 P48
Chevauchee No.111 P20
1471 No.114 P25
Pigswill No.114 P37
Long live Richard IV No.121 P30
A ride in the Country No.126 P56
The Ice Slaughter No.135 P57
The First Battle of St. Albans No.136 P12
Battle of Towton No.137 P12
Battle of Wakefield No.138 P12
The Battle of Barnet, 1471 No.142 P12
Action near Nieman No.144 P24
Medieval Livery Flags No.147 P60
Man-at-Arms No.150 P12
Man-at-Arms Pt.2 No.151 P20
Man-at-Arms Pt.3 No.152 P54
Digging around in the Dirt – medieval skirmish No.161 P44
Armati & The Battle of Stoke Field No.165 P34
Belesovre c.1140 No.173 P42
Fornovo, 1495 – A DBR Scenario No.175 P34
Henry the Fourth, Part one No.175 P41
The ‘Martyrdom’ of St. Gospodel No.177 P42
Rodrigo, Alvar and Me. An El Cid Scenario No.178 P20
El Cid Tournament Report No.180 P40

The Way Trough the Woods. A Medieval No.180 P48
Alternative Tournament Rules. Break a lance & No.181 P48
gain a Lady’s favour – twice knightly
Strongbow’s Eldorado. Gaming the Normans in No.184 P14
The Battle of Kalka. The Mongols move West No.191 P17
‘Bashing the Bishop’ – Medieval Skirmish No.193 P16
Another Fine Mess –Battle of Bosworth for Vis No.193 P20
Alexander Nevsky: The Battle on the Ice. WAB No.194 P12
Kirklees. A Robin Hood WAB skirmish No.200 P11

RENAISSANCE (1500 – 1599)

Commotion in Norfolk (Ket’s Rebellion 1549) No.6 P42

Commotion in Norfolk Pt.2 No.7 P28
Renaissance Siege Warfare Pt.1 No.16 P46
Renaissance Siege Warfare Pt.2 No.17 P40
Renaissance Siege Warfare Pt.2 ‘cont’ No.18 P37
A Renaissance in Renaissance No.37 P42
Christians and Spices No.38 P42
Christians and Spices No.39 P26
The Battle of Ravenna 1512 No.46 P11
Renaissance DBA No.61 P34
The Death of Quetzalcoatl No.62 P12
The Nightmare of Europe. (The Yeni Cheri in the No.67 P38
16th/17th Centuries)
The Treasure of Burromore (15th Cent. Skirmish) No.69 P41
Some late 16th Century colours. No.70 P15
Renaissance DBA re-visited No.71 P33
More thoughts on Aztec Warfare. No.72 P44
Steel Bonnets No.78 P12
The Battle of Pavia 1525 No.80 P38
‘All is lost save honour’ –Battle of Pavia 1525 No.81 P21
Bandeira (Warfare on Brazilian frontier 16 th/18th No.82 P48
Dracula No.89 P26
Dutch Ensigns of Foot 1572 – 1574 No.99 P20
Running the Gauntlet. (Battle of the Yellow Ford No.109 P12
Flags at the siege of Malta, 1565 No.121 P16
The Emperor Strikes Back. (The battle of No.138 P44
Renaissance Flags No.146 P36
Indians in the Brazilwood War No.147 P26
Mori Motonari – Founding of a Samurai dynasty No.147 P53

Renaissance Flags II No.148 P20
Mori Motonari Pt.2 No.148 P34
With Cossacks in the Ukraine No.149 P16
The Land of El Dorado No.164 P52
The Land of El Dorado Pt.2 No.165 P16
‘Here be Lions’ - Colonial wargaming in 16th/17th No.166 P38
Century Africa
Warhammer Early Renaissance Rules No.166 P44
Warhammer Early Renaissance Army Lists Pt.2 No.167 P12
The Battle of Xochimilico – Cortes vs the Aztecs No.170 P42
Montcour: A DBR Scenario No.171 P50
The Land of El Dorado. Tabletop rules for No.181 P16
warfare in the New World 1492-1550
Coutras, 1587. A DBR scenario No.183 P12
An Italian Wars Campaign. No.185 P61
Armada Period Costumes. No.186 P61
The Seven Samurai. A WAB scenario. No.188 P42
Ceresole,1544. Another DBR scenario. No.189 P44
Shogun. A themed WAB mini-tournament No.191 P28


A Monmouth No.2 P19

Pike and Shot Rules 1600 – 1670 No.6 P11
Revolt in the West No.9 P22
Marshals Elm (ECW Scenario) No.11 P42
The Farnham Green Coats Pt.1 No.13 P17
The Farnham Green Coats Pt.2 No.14 P37
Americas First No.14 P42
The Farnham Green Coats Pt.3 No.15 P12
The Farnham Green Coats Pt.4 No.16 P42
Sweden Triumphant ( Battle of Janhow) No.21 P33
The Battle of the Boyne. No.22 P22
The War of the Grand Alliance No.27 P16
Rowton Heath 1645 No.29 P24
The Campaigns of the Cornish Royalist Army No.30 P38
Sir Marmaduke Rawdon No.31 P14
Battles along the Soar No.31 P20
War of the Grand Alliance Pt.2 No.32 P14
Campaigns of the Cornish Royalist Army Pt.2 No.32 P24
War of the Grand Alliance Pt.3 No.36 P40
The Burning of Panama No.38 P20
War of the Grand Alliance Pt.4 No.41 P16
Toyotomi and the Turtle Ships. No.44 P14
Naseby 1645 No.45 P28
Manchester United No.46 P44

War of the Grand Alliance Pt.5 No.49 P14
War of the Grand Alliance Pt.6 No.51 P15
War of the Grand Alliance Pt.7 No.52 P14
War of the Grand Alliance Pt.8 (The Irish) No.54 P38
The Battle of Zenta 1697 No.57 P14
War of the Grand Alliance Pt.9 No.59 P14
War of the Grand Alliance Pt.10 No.61 P14
The Army of Louis XIV during the War of the No.66 P36
Grand Alliance and Spanish Succession.
Tokugawa Triumph. (Osaka Castle campaigns No.67 P38
1614 –1615)
The Army of Louis XIV during the War of the No.68 P14
Grand Alliance and Spanish Succession Pt.2
English Civil War Siege. – ‘Bolingbroke – never No.76 P12
heard of it.’
The Army of Louis XIV Pt.3 No.77 P14
An English Civil War Campaign. No.90 P26
The Battle of St.Neots 1648. No.101 P21
The Street Gangs of Seventeenth Century Japan. No.103 P24
Edgehill 1642. – A visit to the Battlefield. No.103 P32
The Street gangs of Seventeenth Century Japan. No.104 P34
Marston Moor 2nd July 1644 No.107 P27
The Crossing of the Belts. No.108 P22
E.C.W. D.B.A. No.110 P42
E.C.W. update. – Rules ‘add ons’ for 1644 No.114 P49
E.C.W. update. – Rules ‘add ons’ for 1644 Pt.2 No.115 P22
The British Army 1660-1702 No.123 P16
Claidmhore No.125 P14
The British Army 1660 – 1702 Pt.2 No.125 P44
The British Army 1660 –1702 No.126 P12
Lion of the North No.127 P10
The Armies of James II and William III No.127 P42
The Earl of Denbigh No.128 P36
The Armies of James II and William III (Flags) No.128 P44
Flags of the 80 Years War No.129 P12
1672: The year of Disasters No.130 P20
Rescue the Cardinals Lady No.130 P26
The Four Musketeers No.134 P30
The First Bishop’s War No.136 P21
Cut-Throats – Pirate of Tortuga Pt.1 No.137 P40
Hoist the Black Flag No.137 P46
Hoist more Black Flags No.138 P46
William III’s Dutch Guards No.139 P44
The Second Bishop’s War No.140 P22
Pirates in West Africa No.143 P40
Henry Morgan and the Battle of Maracaibo Bay No.144 P38
Introduction to the Confederate Wars in Ireland No.145 P15
1641 – 1653
‘Waar hangen die verdomde Engelsen toch uit?’ No.150 P52
A Piratical History of Madagascar No.153 P26
Wargaming the Glorious Revolution No.157 P16

Breitenfeld re-visited No.159 P12
The Piratical History of Jamaica No.161 P25
Heave Ho, Me Hearties No.168 P22
The Dutch Infantry in the Reign of William III No.170 P34
The Dutch Cavalry in the Reign of William III No.173 P14
The Dutch Dragoons and Artillery in the Reign of No.174 P34
William III
The Dutch Cavalry in the Reign of William III. No.174 P38
The Dutch Army of William III Part IV Allies & No.175 P16
Louis XIV’s Army, 1688-1697 No.176 P20
Louis XIV’s Army, 1688-1697 pt 2 No.177 P16
Building a Wargames Army for the Thirty Years No.182 P30
War. Military Dress 1618-1648
Wittstock, 1636. A DBR scenario. No.186 P12
The Battle of Braddock Down, 1643. No.194 P56
Edgehill – A DBR scenario No.195 P12
The Death of Gustavus Adolphus. Lutzen 1632 No.196 P32
Something About Pirates. No.199 P52



Notes on the Prussian Army in the SYW. Pt.1 The No.1 P40
This Savage Way of Fighting. No.3 P22
War gamers Guide to the Vendean War Pt. 1. No.4 P36
Notes on the Prussian Army in the SYW. Pt.2 The No.4 P32
Notes on the Prussian Army in the SYW Pt.3 The No.5 P27
Infantry continued.
War gamers Guide to the Vendean War Pt.2 No.5 P24
War gamers Guide to the Vendean War. Pt.3 No.6 P18

The Piedmontese Army 170-1712 No.10 P22
The Swedish Army 1700-1721 No.11 P36
The Battle of Fraustadt 1706 No.13 P36

Mini-Marlburian Rules. 1700-1720 No.17 P32

Eugene’s Eastern Victories No.18 P19
Bavarian Dragoons 1701-1704 No.21 P18
Passage of the Lines of Brabant 1705 No.21 P38
Bavarian Cuirassier in the Spanish Succession No.23 P18
The Battle of Poltava 1709. No.23 P40
Marlburian General Officers No.25 P49
Marlburian 1704 Campaign Pt.1 No.28 P16
Battle of Sanderhausen No.35 P46
Scimitars re-fight Chotusitz No.39 P20
The Kalibalikat at Bender No.46 P33
Battle of Narva 1700 No.47 P34
Goudhurst – The Last Battle on English soil. No.49 P34
Narva – the Russian side of the parapet No.53 P40
Livonia – a Great Northern War mini-campaign No.55 P28
Peter the Great Pot-Pourri No.56 P32
Marlburian Wargame Rules No.58 P14
Earl of Peterborough’s Campaign in Spain 1705- No.59 P22
Erin Go Bragh. (French invasion of Ireland 1798) No.64 P21
French Infantry of the War of the Spanish No.62 P14
Succession Pt.1
French Infantry of the War of the Spanish No.64 P37
Succession Pt.2
French Infantry of the War of the Spanish No.65 P38
Succession Pt.3
Some notes on the French in Ireland 1798. No.69 P22
British Armies of the SYW No.70 P18
The Seven Years War WRG style. No.73 P14
De-bugging Marlborough WAR amendments. No.96 P14
Marlborough’s Swiss No.105 P38
The Dutch Brigade in English Service 1749-1802 No.117 P20
Warfare in the Age of Marlborough. (Rules used No.117 P22
at the War games Holiday Centre).
The Battle of Finchley ( An alternative’45) No.129 P10
Brandenburg Fortresses on the West African Coast No.129 P20
1798:The Eagle has Rutlanded No.131 P30
Seven Years War Campaigns No.132 P24
Europe 1756 No.133 P16
Three battles of the ‘45 No.134 P14
Bold measures are the safest. (Taking of No.142 P48
The Battle of St.Cast, 1758 No.151 P34
One Year in Germany – 18th Century Campaign No.158 P14
One Year in Germany Pt.2 No.159 P41
Dead simple Marlburian Rules No.159 P60
Military Holocaust, Waragaming Delight. – The No.170 P49

Poltava Campaign 1708-1709 Pt.1
Military Holocaust, Wargaming Delight – The No.171 P14
Poltava Campaign 1708-1709 Pt.2
Military Holocaust, Wargaming Delight - The No.172 P58
Poltava Campaign 1708-1709 Pt.3
Military Holocaust, Wargaming Delight – The No.173 P26
Poltava Campaign Pt. iv – the rules
Age of Frederick the Great. Wargame Rules for No.178 P13
the Seven Years War.
“The Steep Atlantick Stream”. Amphibious action No.182 P53
at Cadiz,1702


Loose files and American scramble. No.1 P26

The Battle of Bloody Ridge 1763 No.29 P44
The Battle of Brandywine No.37 P13
Fire on the Lake. No.49 P31
Loose file and American scramble re-visited. No.48 P17
Surprise! Surprise! – Green Springs 1781 No.52 P20
The Battle of Quebec 1759 No.65 P14
Ceaser at the Gates of Quebec. (DBA adaptions No.65 P21
for the French & Indian Wars).
Cowpens – Genius or at least progress No.68 P33
Tories Revenge (AWI Scenario). No.70 P40
Loose files and American scramble No.74 P20
Bloody Morning Scout (French & Indian War No.92 P38
The Battle of Ticonderoga Pt.1 No.93 P20
The Battle of Ticonderoga Pt.2 No.94 P29
The fighting for the Benjamin Chew House during No.113 P21
the Battle of Germantown
The fighting over Chadd’s Ford at the Battle of No.115 P38
Brandywine 1777
Gentleman Johnny’s War No.116 P20
Battle of the Guildford Court House. No.116 P23
‘King George and the Broadsword’ – Battle at No.122 P12
Moore’s Creek Bridge 1776
‘Shout like hell and fight like devils’ – The Battle No.123 P12
of King’s Mountain 1780
Criss Cross and the defence of the Don Jail No.135 P34
Battle of Cowpens, 1781 No.140 P18
The Battle of New Garden Meetinghouse No.149 P48
Is there a third force in Wargaming? Battle of No.165 P42
Trenton re-fight
1776 and all that….. No.166 P24
Fort George No.170 P52
‘Bloodybacks’. Rules for the American War of No.188 P14
The Battle of Hanging Rock, 1780 No.190 P12
Brandywine. AWI 1777 No.198 P10
Hobkirk’s Hill. AWI scenario No.199 P48


Global Conflict Pt.1 No.15 P38

Global Conflict Pt.2 No.16 P19
Global Conflict Pt.3 No.17 P22
On the Coast of Coromandel No.22 P32
Global Conflict by Land and Sea. No.25 P33
The Battle of Pinipot 1761 No.32 P32
Siege of Manilla 1762 No.59 P30
Rules for the mid-Eighteenth Century No.75 P13
Additional and unofficial army lists for Age of No.91 P25
The British Army in the West Indies 1794-1802 No.102 P49
On the wilder fringes. No.111 P26
Hors and Musket Skirmish Rules Pt.1 No.111 P32
Horse and Musket Skirmish Rules Pt.2 No.112 P40
Horse and Musket Skirmish Rules Pt.3 No.113 P18
Back to Basics Horse and Musket Rules. No.114 P52
Wellington in India No.119 P24
The Battle of Gulnabad, 1722 No154 P49



Missed chance of Brienne 1814 No.3 P14

Salamanca No.7 P37
Blauwberg No.8 P25
Sahagun No.11 P22
Action at Casal Novo No.16 P34
Battle of Medellin 1809 No20 P14
Some Mistaken Principle (Peninsular War mini- No.22 P15
The Battle of Schleiz No.25 P16
Ligny – The Last Victory Pt.1 No.25 P38
Ligny – The Last Victory Pt.2 No.26 P20
Ligny – The Last Victory Pt.3 No.27 P37

Napoleonic Wargaming in 54mm. No.27 P40
Ligny – The Last Victory Pt.4 No.28 P13
Battle of Bladensburg.1814 No.28 P20

Ligny – The Last Victory Pt.5 No.29 P17

Blauwberg Revisited No.31 P16
Refighting Leipzig Pt.2 No.33 P38
The French Campaign in Egypt 1798 –1801 Pt.1 No.34 P30
The French Campaign in Egypt Pt.2 No.35 P30
The French Campaign in Egypt Pt.3 No.36 P22
The Battle of Mount Tabor 1799 No.37 P20
The Battle of Lutzen No.40 P38
The Massacre of Talavera No.41 P40
The British Army in Egypt No.42 P38
Leopards and Eagles No.44 P38
Through Smoke and Fire (Napoleonic Rules) No.49 P20
Lundy’s Lane 1814 No.51 P10
Spanish Gold. No.54 P16
Big Shot (Spanish Peninsular War Game and No.58 P35
Napoleon DBA’d No.62 P20
Cannons and Columns. Napoleonic DBA No.67 P18
Retreat to Waterloo No.71 P38
Battalions, Eagles and Flags. Organisation and No.72 P38
colours of the French Infantry 1808 – 1814 Pt.1
Battalions, Eagles and Flags Pt.2 No.74 P38
Battalions, Eagles and Flags Pt.3 No.75 P38
Austerlitz – Campaign Matrix Game. No.76 P45
In the Grand Manner – Waterloo No.80 P30
Peninsular Campaigns No.82 P21
Napoleons Last Victory (Battle of Ligny) Pt.1 No.84 P36
Napoleons Last Victory Pt.2 No.85 P34
Napoleons Last Victory Pt.3 No.86 P20
Rio de la Plata – Matrix Game. No.89 P30
Refighting the Battle of Quatre Bras 6mm Style. No.93 P17
The Legion du Midi No.95 P32
Saxon Colours of the Napoleonic Wars. No.97 P14
The Battle of Zbroski 1807 No.98 P36
Napoleonic Battle Statistics No.102 P16
How did a Napoleonic General Staff work? No.108 P38
How did a Napoleonic General Staff work Pt.2 No.109 P52
Befreiungskrieg – Wargamers Guide to the Spring No.110 P24
Campaign 1813 Pt.1
Wargamers Guide to the Spring Campaign 1813 No.111 P38
Wargamers Guide to the Spring Campaign 1813 No.112 P36
The Bridge at Hetzau No.113 P14
Death on the Nile (Egypt Campaign 1798-1799) No.113 P42
Death on the Nile Pt.2 No.115 P30
Command Control and a long nose No.118 P15
Death on the Nile Pt.3 No.118 P26

1812 – or ‘It’s a bit nippy out here’ No.119 P12
Introduction to wargaming with Shako. No.121 P29
The Last Campaign No.123 P23
New lists for Shako. Pt.1 No.125 P20
New lists for Shako Pt.2 No.126 P20
Barossa, 1811 No.127 P14
New lists for Shako Pt.3 No.128 P24
New lists for Shako Pt.4 No.131 P40
Eating people is wrong No.133 P20
The Battle of Elchingen, 1809 No.134 P37
Green Jackets – Skirmish Rules No.140 P40
Napoleonic Rules No.141 P36
Storming the Grand Redoubt at Borodino No.142 P30
Fire and Fury for Napoleonic’s No.143 P30
Re-fight Rolica No.144 P54
‘Who stalks the Dancer’s land?’ No.150 P48
The Battle of Eggmuhl, 1809 No.153 P36
The Battle of Auerstadt, 1806 No.158 P22
Russian Napoleonic Flags No.158 P38
Russian Napoleonic Infantry and Foot Artillery No.158 P40
Uniforms, 1812-1815
Rearguard at Quatre Bras, 19th June 1815 No.161 P50
The Battle of Dolitz & Probstheyda 1813 No.162 P16
‘Stalingrad’ 1808-09 No.162 P44
Ney’s Cavalry Charges at Waterloo No.169 P34
Thoughts on Napoleonic Rules …with a simple No.171 P22
specimen set
The Black Brunswickers No.174 P13
Napoleonic Cavalry in Wargames No.180 P12
Skirmishers in Napoleonic Wargaming No.182 P50
Waterloo. The refight at the National Army No.185 P46
Maida, 1806 No.186 P44
“Push on, the York Volunteers.” The Battle of No.187 P26
Queenston Heights,13 October 1812
Napoleons’ First Independent Command. The No.189 P12
Battle of Montenotte,1796.
Napoeon’s Campaigns in Italy, 1796-1800. Part2. No.191 P22
The Battle of Lodi
Napoleonic Wargaming Myths No.192 P44
Napoleon’s Campaign in Italy. Part 3 The two No.192 P46
Battles at Lonato.
Napoleon’s Campaign in Italy. Part 4: Battle of No.193 P30
The Assault on Arinez Hill. A Battle of Vittoria No.193 P40
scenario for GdeB
British Napoleonic Infantry: In Defence of the No.194 P18
The Battle of Stoney Creek 1813 No.194 P22
Napoleon’s Campaigns in Italy. Part 5 Battle of No.195 P16
The Battle of Thames River, 1813 No.195 P20
‘They Came on in a Very Gallant Style’ The No.196 P18

Battle of Crysler’s Farm 1813
Mythillogical. The British Army in the Peninsula No.197 P42
Napoleon’s Campaign in Italy. Pt.6 Battle of No.198 P15
A War of 1812 Mini-Campaign No.198 P40
Napoleon’s Campaign in Italy. Pt.7 Marengo. No.199 P20
Salamanca 2003 No.200 P34

Europe 1816 – 1899.

Franco-Prussian Wargaming. No.2 P39

Reflections on firepower in the Franco-Prussian No.4 P16
The Russo-Turkish War 1877 No.5 P16
Schlachtenbummler (rules for the Russo-Turkish No.5 P20
The Crimean War No.6 P24
Crimean Small Actions Pt.1 No.7 P22
The Battle of Milazio No.7 P33
A fight in the fog (Inkerman) No.8 P14
Crimean Small Actions Pt.2 No.9 P12
Crimean Small Actions Pt.3 No.10 P11
Rules for the use of Prussian Artillery Pt.1 No.10 P14
‘Will God Forgive me?’ (Crimea) No.12 P37
Crimean Small Actions Pt.4 No.13 P12
Rules for the use of Prussian Artillery Pt.2 No.14 P14
A Crimean War Skirmish No.14 P43
Battle of Magenta 1859 No.15 P43
French Colonial troops and the Franco-Prussian No.17 P46
Tarutinsky or ‘flight to the rear’ (Crimea) No.19 P16
The Austro-Prussian War 1866 No.24 P30
Lunch in the Crimea No.26 P36
Red Shirts ( Rules for Garibaldi’s War in 6mm) No.59 P38
St. Jerome (Franco-Prussian battle by phone) No.63 P16
They Died for Glory (Review and trial game of No.65 P32
FPW Rules
Franco-Prussian War Scenarios. No.75 P13
‘A Berlin’ – Rules for fighting the Franco- No.80 P32
Prussian War.
The Mitrailleuse No.83 P18
1866 and all that. No.83 P26
Tactics in the Franco-Prussian War Pt.1 No.84 P32
Tactics in the Franco-Prussian War Pt.2 No.85 P24
A Savage and Romantic War (Carlist War 1833- No.85 P26
1840) Pt.1
Tactics in the Franco-Prussian War Pt.3 No.86 P17
A Savage and Romantic War Pt.2 No.86 P36
1866 and all that Pt.2 – Dermbach No.87 P38
1866 and all that Pt.3 – Bad Kissingen No.89 P18

A Savage and Romantic War Pt.3 No.89 P20
A Savage and Romantic War Pt.3B. No.90 P32
1866 and all that Pt.4 – Frohnhofen No.91 P34
1866 and all that Pt.5 – Aschaffenburg No92 P17
A Savage and Romantic War Pt.4 No.96 P42
A Savage and Romantic War Pt.5 No.99 P24
The Crimea DBA’d No.101 P12
Wargaming the Crimean War Pt.1 – The Alma No.101 P24
Wargaming the Crimean War Pt.2 – Balaclava No.102 P24
Wargaming the Crimean War Pt.3 – Inkerman No.103 P21
Von Boltenstern and the Principles of War. No.106 P23
The British Auxilary Legion of the First Carlist No.110 P18
The Italian Army of 1866 No.112 P18
Fire and Furia Francese (Fire and Fury for the No.119 P32
European theatre).
Soor, 1866 No.123 P40
Fire and Fiasco (Fire and Fury for the Crimea) No.135 P26
La Furia Francese (Fire and Fury for the Franco- No.136 P15
Austrian War)
Two Kings, a Kaiser and Koniggratz No.137 P21
Nach Paris No.140 P48
The Risorgimento – Unification of Italy 1815- No.152 P16
Ricciotti Garibaldi and the third battle for Dijon No.156 P14
Campaigns for Scenario Writers – The Franco- No.169 P48
Prussian War
The Battle of Volturno, 1860. One of Garibaldi’s No.178 P50
Dodging the ‘Whistling Dicks’. A small Crimean No.181 P28
War scenario



Sam’s night out. No.3 P42

Evaluation of weapons and tactics of the ACW No.4 P18
The Battle of Logans Cross roads. No.5 P32
The Wall that stopped an Army No.12 P22
The Battle of Balls Bluff 1861 No.18 P27
The Battle of Winchester 1862 No.19 P22
The Battle of Prairie Grove 1862 No.20 P22
Armed Mobs No.30 P14
Death of a Corps No.31 P24
Allatoona Pass No.33 P33
The Battle of Pea Ridge or Elkhorn Tavern 1862 No.37 P34
In the Grand Manner – Gettysburg Pt.1 No.38 P25

Battle of Groveton 1862 No.39 P31
Glory (Attacks on Fort Wagner) No.40 P20
Battle of Shiloh No.45 P21

The pain of giving orders. No.50 P17

Little Round Top. (Scenario and rules) No.51 P32
Return to the Valley (Sheridan’s Valley No.52 P31
Into ACW No.58 P38
It’s those damned Yankees again. (DBA rules) No.63 P45
The Battle of Spring Hill 1864 (Fire & Fury) No.65 P35
Orange Plank/Brock Road Intersection. (Battle of No.66 P13
the Wilderness 1864)
‘Parson – for Gods sake prey’ No.68 P29
First Bull Run (Fire & Fury) No.69 P17
Beaver Dam Creek (Fire & Fury) No.70 P21
Jackson @ Antietam (Fire & Fury) No.71 P16
Second day at Iuka (Fire & Fury) No.72 P20
The Battle of Raymond 1863 No.76 P17
If it’s Monday it must be Manassas No.77 P36
Sherman’s North Carolina Campaign. No.78 P37
‘It was our first real fight’ No.79 P14
‘The enemy made a great mistake in not taking No.80 P21
possession of the sounds’ (Coastal ops. 1861-62)
A living, flashing sheet of flame. – Cloyds No.81 P37
Mountain 1864
Attack and defence of Little Round Top No.82 P37
Cavalry clash at Kelly’s Ford. No.83 P14
The attack and defence of Fort Stedman No.84 P21
The Battle of South Mills No.85 P13
Forcing Fox’s Gap 1862 No.86 P28
Winter War – ACW snowball fights. No.87 P33
‘Providence blessed our arms with victory’. No.88 P21
The Battle of New Market 1864 No.90 P38
Randolph’s Command. – ACW skirmish No.91 P30
Fire and Fury Points System. No.92 P13
‘It is settled, the Negro will fight’ No.94 P21
The Battle of Antietam 1862 No.95 P37
‘The fight will be necessarily desperate’. (Oxhill No.97 P20
Alsop’s or Harris’s Farm 1864 No.98 P12
If it’s Monday …..the return. No.100 P50
Johnny’s Fury ( Johnny Reb and Fire & Fury) No.102 P36
Engagement at Todd’s Tavern No.103 P46
Fort Fisher, Gibraltar of the South Pt.1 No.104 P24
Fort Fisher, Gibraltar of the South Pt.2 No.106 P32
Fire and Fury small battles. No.107 P12
Surprising Harry Heth No.112 P21
Another stripe or a coffin No.115 P16
The Drums of Champion Hill No.120 P20
The fighting at Brawner’s Farm No.121 P14
‘It’s all in the cards’ – random events for the No.123 P30

The March to the Sea – PBM matrix game No.127 P54
The March to the Sea Pt.2 No.128 P14
The March to the Sea Pt.3 No.129 P38
The March to the Sea Pt.4 No.130 P48
The March to the Sea Pt.5 No.131 P22
The battle of Plattsburg No.133 P28
Taking the Guns (ACW Scenario) No.143 P29
Riffraff – Skirmish Rules. No.144 P27
Gettysburg – a re-fight in 6mm No.144 P42
We will hold this ground or go to Heaven from it. No.152 P13
– The defence of Horseshoe Ridge,
The Battle of Wauhatchie, 1863 No.154 P41
The Campaign & Battle of Salem Church,1863 No.162 P40
The Campaign & Battle of Salem Church 1863 No.163 P16
Clash at Hanover 30 June 1863 No.165 P22
Secession in San Antonio - A Brother vs Brother No.176 P26
“Stand up and fight like men.” The Battle for No.185 P40
Logan’s Crossroads, 1862.
The Forlorn Hope. The 1st Maine Heavy Artillery No.186 P34
at Petersburg
“In a much bearded army, he was the hairiest No.192 P57
General I ever saw.” Brigadier General John
Cleveland Robinson and the action on Oak Ridge,
Gettysburg, 1 July 1863.
American Civil War No.198 34


The Missouri Outlaws Pt.1 No.6 P30

The Missouri Outlaws Pt.2 No.7 P18
The Missouri Outlaws Pt.3 No.8 P27
An historical look at the Alamo No.15 P29
Range War No.22 P39
Battle of a Hundred Slain. No.24 P20
The Mexican-American War 1846 No.25 P23
The Mexican- American War 1846 Pt.2 No.26 P23
The Mountain Man Era 1825-1840 No.74 P13
Buffalo Running No.98 P16
The Rules With No Name. No.105 P21
The Rules With No Name Pt.2 No.106 P34
Mexican Vs Apache Conflict 1870 No.107 P18
The Battle of the Little Big Horn Pt.1 No.108 P35
The Battle of the Little Big Horn Pt.2 No.109 P18
Wild West Forces No.110 P36
The Battle of San Jacinto 1836 No.112 P30

It’s them pesky Injuns again No.113 P33
Painting the Plains red. No.113 P38
Mystic Warrior No.114 P28
It’s them pesky Injuns again Pt.2 No.114 P34
Painting the Plains again No.116 P14
Indian Fights of Texas Pt.1 No.117 P43
Indian Fights of Texas Pt.2 No.118 P22
Indian Fights of TexasPt.3 No.119 P14
Indian Fights of Texas Pt.4 No.121 P26
US Cavalry,1870’s No.121 P28
The Top Notches 1885-1888 No.121 P38
Range War No.122 P36
The Top Notches Pt.2 No.122 P40
’13 Days to Glory and Runaway Scrape’ – Texas No.124 P32
War of Independence 1835-36
The Californio Defense during the Mexican War No.124 P36
A Bank too Far – Coffeyville, 1892 No.127 P36
‘Rules with no Principles’ No.127 P48
Skirmishing Wild West movies Pt.1 No.129 P30
Skirmishing Wild West Movies Pt.2 No.131 P15
The cannon and victory. – Battle of Concepcion No.131 P27
Dillinger’s Last Ride No.133 P22
Skirmishing Wild West Movies Pt.3 No.134 P40
Viva the Bull! Kill the Bull! No.136 P25
Viva the Bull! Kill the Bull! Pt.2 No.137 P24
‘They were not men, they were lions’. Egyptians No.137 P30
in Mexico
Skirmishing Wild West Movies Pt.4 No.137 P36
Viva the Bull! Kill the Bull! Pt.3 No.138 P22
Mirleton and Warpaint No.139 P22
Viva the Bull! Kill the Bull! No.139 P37
Mirleton and Warpaint Pt.2 No.140 P14
‘It’s hot in them thar hills!’ No.144 P20
Skirmishing Wild West Movies Pt.5 No.148 P45
Battle for the Rio Grande. A US-Mexican War No.150 P20
Skirmish Warfare in old California No.157 P56
Maximillian Rules 1861-1867 No.160 P52
In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse No.161 P14
In the footsteps of Crazy Horse Pt.2 No.165 P29
In the footsteps of Crazy Horse Pt.3 No.166 P14
Introducing the Mountain Men No.169 P24
Introducing the Mountain Men Pt.2 No.170 P16
Introducing the Mountain Men Pt.3 No.171 P24
“Boys, the Scoundrels have shot off my powder No.177 P20
horn!” –skirmishes for the Texian War
Hour of the Gun. A Western Gunfight Mini- No.178 P42
Skirmish Scenarios for the Mexican War, 1861- No.180 P20
The American Plains Indian in Wargames. ADBR No.187 P14
War on the Plains. A North American Indian War No.187 P20

supplement for ’A Good Day To Die.’
“Head West until you meet the Sunset…… No.193 P54
Wargaming the Rocky Mountain Tribes
The Agent, the Ambush and the Man Who Died No.195 P36
Twice. A Wild West scenario
Death on Pirate Island. A Texas-Mexican Border No.197 P35
1839 scenario
On the Tabletop with a Man Called Horse No.198 P18
Run of the Arrow No.198 P20
Red Rag’s Raid. Western Gunfight. No.200 P25


The Great Paraguayan War Pt.1 No.43 P22

The Great Paraguayan War Pt.2 No.45 P31
The Great Paraguayan War Pt.3 No.46 P28
The Great Paraguayan War Pt.4 No47 P38
The Great Paraguayan War Pt.5 No57 P26
The Great Paraguayan War Pt.6 No.58 P30
Garibaldi in South America Pt.1 No.102 P14
Garibaldi in South America Pt.2 No.103 P35
Vera Cruz No.159 P49


Off to fight the Zulu No.1 P16

The Siege of Durban 1842 No.1 P36
The storming of Ghazni No.3 P32
Two battles for Lucknow No.5 P12
The Land is Dead ( Cape Frontier Wars )Pt.1 No.5 P36
Besieged by the Mahdi No.7 P12
The Land is Dead Pt.2 No.8 P21
The Land is Dead Pt.3 No.9 P26
The Devils Wind No.10 P18
Zulu War skirmish rules No.12 P16
‘Scotty Smith’ (South Africa’s Robin Hood) No.13 P32
‘Giving them an awful hammering.’ No.17 P16
The Khalsa – Sikh Army 1840 No.18 P13
‘Behold the Good and Peaceful’ (Maori War) No.19 P30
Blue Jackets and Headhunters (Borneo) No.21 P25
An exercise in pursuit (Myers Drift 1879) No.22 P44
Battle of Tugela 1838 No.25 P20
Butcher and Bolt (N.West Frontier) No.27 P14
55 minutes in Peking. No.27 P20
The Irresistible Force and the Immoveable Object No.28 P32
Cummings’ Store (Matabele Rorke’s Drift) No.29 P30
Night of the Assegais No.30 P24
Kambula 1879 No.33 P30
Cheap and nasty Indian Mutiny skirmish rules. No.34 P16
‘We are the boys from Isandlwana’ No.35 P34

Use your initiative ( Zulu Wargames) No.39 P16
The Road to Isandlwana No.41 P42
‘We had a night of it.’ ( Rules for Rorke’s Drift) No.41 P48
Solo Colonial No.45 P40
The War of Heavenly Peace ( Taiping Rebellion No.46 P20
Small Boers (Rules for 6mm) No.47 P13
The War of Heavenly Peace Pt.2 No.47 P21
John Company’s’ clash with the Khaba (Anglo- No.47 P30
Sikh Wars 1845- 1849)
A Wargamers guide to Indian Mutiny Uniforms. No.48 P32
Evicting the Pandies No.50 P38
The Gentlemen in Khaki No.53 P12
A useful piece of rascality. No.55 P20
Wargaming the Battle of Mhlatuze No.56 P13
‘My God, Maiwand.’ No.60 P20
Te Rivi Pakeha (Maori War Rules) No.63 P20
The 48 Hour War (Gwalior Campaign) No.66 P24
Dahomey 1892 No.67 P24
Colonial DBA No.68 P28
Imitation Foreign Devils (The Ever Victorious No.72 P32
Army 1860-1864)
Imitation Foreign Devils Pt.2 No.73 P36
1/300th Colonial Skirmish Rules. No.76 P36
Retreat from Maiwand No.77 P42
‘Save Gordon.’ No.77 P46
More Imitation Foreign Devils. No.79 P35
Various and Fantastic (19th Century Chinese Arms No.83 P31
and Armour).
Solo Colonial II No.87 P16
A most villainous looking cavalcade Pt.1 (The No.93 P26
Afghan Regular Army).
A most villainous looking cavalcade Pt.2 No.94 P32
A most Villainous looking cavalcade Pt.3 No.95 P42
A most villainous looking cavalcade Pt,4 No.96 P42
Swordsmen dressed as Tigers No.98 P44
Long Haired Rebels. The Taiping Army 1851-66 No.99 P12
Long Haired Rebels Pt.2 No.100 P20
The Kabul Residency Siege No.100 P42
Long Haired Rebels Pt.3 No.101 P28
Retreat from Kabul No.102 P46
‘There was some good bayonet work at No.103 P39
The Sikh Army 1845-49 No.104 P40
Go bully Bhutpore No.107 P47
Mission Impossible (Wargaming Isandlwana) No.108 P49
Beating the odds – Sgt. Booth V.C. No.113 P40
Australian Armoured Warfare (Kelly Gang) No.115 P49
The Defence of Duffers Drift No.118 P51
Imperius Maximus – Quick Fire competition No.119 P40
Canadian Victorian Battles. No.120 P48

The Taku Race No.123 P44
Wolseley and the Fighting Kop No.126 P8
Spot the Boer No.128 P49
Congo,1876 No.131 P46
In Darkest Africa Pt.1 No.131 P50
In Darkest Africa Pt.2 No.132 P28
Sudan Miscellany No.132 P45
Elandslaagte No.135 P16
Warfare in the Age of Exploration No.135 P49
More ‘Darkest Africa’ Scenarios No.136 P40
Even more ‘Darkest Africa’ Scenarios No.137 P15
“Splendid Fellows” Masai Army No.138 P37
Masai No.139 P53
‘Gone for a Burton’ No.140 P34
Traders and Slavers in Nyasaland No.141 P22
Bayonet & Bundok (Colonial Rules) No.141 P40
Traders and Slavers in Nyasaland Pt.2 No.142 P22
Explorer Chic. No.143 P46
Death in the Sand No.144 P12
Victoria Regina Imperatrix or After Mrs. Brown No.144 P47
‘An Impossible Rider Haggard Romance’ – No.145 P26
Belgians Vs Arabs in the Congo 1892 – 1894
In the Heart of Africa –Colonial Rules Pt.1 No.147 P44
In the Heart of Africa Pt.2 No.148 P28
Dahomey 1892 No.148 P49
In the Heart of Africa Pt.3 No.149 P28
‘Unfriendlies’ – The Abors of India’s North-East No.149 P56
Everything you ever wanted to know about the No.150 P34
Cape Wars, but were afraid to ask!
In the Heart of Africa Pt.4 No.150 P40
On to Kabul – Rules for the Second Afghan War No.151 P14
The Azande – The Zulus of the Congo No.151 P44
The Azande Pt.2 No.152 P44
The Indian Mutiny No.157 P24
Imperius Maximus – revised edition No.161 P56
The Force Publique in action No.162 P34
The North West Rebellion of 1885. Canada’s No.163 P56
Little War
The Second Afghan War No.168 P14
The Maple Leaf and the Boer No.168 P26
Far from the Mahdist Crowd No.168 P34
“Assemble the Army, beat the drum” Wargaming No.172 P28
19th Century Abyssinia after Napier
The Ngoni No.172 P41
A Somali Army ….. for “In the Heart of Africa” No.173 P35
The Naval Brigade “In the Heart of Africa” No.174 P20
The Zanzibari Regular Army 1877-1896 No.177 P14
The Battle of Ngazia, 1886. A (fictional) ‘Darkest No.179 P30
Africa’ scenario.
Zulu War Battles for Empire scenarios. No.182 P58
Isandlwana, 22 January 1879
The Western Chiefdoms. An unusual army for No.183 P22

“Darkest Africa”
Battles for Empire scenarios, II. Battle of No.183 P42
Nyezane, 22 January 1879.
The Armies of German East Africa, 1888-1899 No.184 P21
Battle for Empire scenarios, III. Battle of No.184 P42
Intombe, 12 March 1879.
The Armies of German East Africa, 1888-1899 No.185 P30
Big Scale. Colonial scenario in 54mm based on No.189 P20
The Lion & The Wind.
The Battle of Tu Loong Pass. Rules and scenario No.192 P22
Even More Death on the Nile No.193 P22
Random Events in ‘Darkest Africa’ No.196 P50
Sideshow in Central Africa No.197 P14


Pre – World War II 1900 – 1938.

Spanish Civil Wargame Rules No.13 P22

Battle of Blessington 1912 No.18 P40
The Russian Civil War Pt.1 No.20 P26
The Russian Civil War Pt.2 No.21 P30
The Russian Civil War Pt.3 No.22 P36
The Russian Civil War Pt.4 No.23 P12
Red Sun Rising Pt.1 No.25 P28
Red Sun Rising Pt.2 No.26 P29
Madasahatti Campaign (1914 Colonial) No.36 P28
O Cangaceiro (Bandit King of Brazil) Pt.1 No.37 P46
O Cangaceiro Pt.2 No.38 P14
Rather noisy on the Western Front No.38 P38
O Cangaceiro Pt.3 No.39 P14
No Pasaran (Wargaming SCW) No.40 P12
O Cangaceiro Pt.4 No.40 P45
The Anglo-Irish War 1912-1922. No41 P16
Weapons and Tactics on the Western Front 1915- No.41 P34
Crossing the Ebro No.42 P34
The Bridge at Luting (Chinese Civil War) No.43 P14
The Second English Civil War No.43 P42
The Defence of Fort Souville July 1916 No.45 P45
The Austro-Serbian conflict 1914 No.48 P24
The Great War on the Eastern Front Pt.1 No.49 P40
Quick Play WWI Infantry rules. No.51 P29

The Great War on the Eastern Front Pt.2 No.53 P16
An introduction to the Sino – Japanese War. No.53 P20
The Great War on the Eastern Front Pt.3 No.54 P14
The Great War on the Eastern Front Pt.4 No.55 P38
The Relief of Oberdorf. – East Prussia 1914 No.59 P42
The Germans who never lost Pt.1 (East African No.60 P31
adventures during the Great War).
The Germans who never lost Pt.2 No.61 P28
Guns of August No.61 P38
The Germans who never lost Pt.3 No.62 P23
The Germans who never lost. Pt.4 No.63 P28
The Balkan League No.66 P30
The Battle of Gheluvelt 1914 No.67 P27
No one under 6’ tall (Battle of Nonne Bosschen No.68 P24
‘None of that knee to knee stuff.’ Cavalry tactics No.70 P12
‘The chief thing is to keep the guns going’ (Light No.71 P30
Battery Royal Horse Artillery at Nevy 1914)
The capture of Bagamoyo 1915 No.72 P13
‘It was terrible confusion’ (4th Guards Brigade at No.73 P33
Villers-Cotterers 1914)
Very simple WWI Colonial skirmish rules No.74 P28
‘There were only handfuls of them’ ( London- No.74 P32
Scottish at Messines 1914)
‘My right hand got tired’ ( The Indian Corps in No.75 P32
The Balkan Wars No.78 P25
The Mad Baron ( Mongolian campaign 1920-21) No.78 P33
Deeds that thrilled the Empire. ( The Senussi No.84 P42
revolt 1916)
An Officer classification system for WRG 1925- No.90 P18
God created hell, added flies and called it No.92 P20
Wheel to wheel. – Rules 1915-1918 No.96 P20
Viva La Muerta (Spanish Civil War Matrix game) No.98 P26
The Battle of Beersheba, 31.Oct.1917 No.123 P26
`Jeish-el-Arabi (Rules for the Palestine Campaign No.124 P20
St. Valentines Day, 1929. No.125 P28
Orders of Battle and the Organisation of the No.126 P14
Volunteer Army 1917 – 1920.
Uniforms and Equipment of the Russian Civil War No.127 P20
The CTV in Spain 1936 –1938 No.130 P27
Roaring Twenties – Gangster Rules. No.143 P16
The Dillinger super gang. (Scenario) No.144 P16
The Battle of Kaahka – August 1918 No.147 P50
‘The Savage Division 1914-1917 No.151 P26
From Canada and the Sea – America’s Plan Red No.151 P54
The Affair at Kisii, German East Africa 1914 No.154 P14
The Drozdovsky under fire No.154 P24
The Affair at Nsanakang 1914 No.155 P38

A Damned Foolish Thing in the Balkans WWI No.155 P42
The Great Pacific War(-Game) No.156 P41
The Great Pacific War(-Game) No.162 P46
The Kaiser’s Offensive…. Rules and army lists for No.164 P24
wargaming the Western Front 1918
The Red Verdun No.167 P26
The Ice March – Grim heroism in the Russian No.170 P25
Civil War
The East Ablaze, 1919 –1926. Some Ideas & No.179 P20
Army Lists for a Central Asia Campaign.
The East Ablaze Pt.2 No.180 P42
S.N.A.S. (Special Naval Air Service). A fun game No.181 P12
of armoured car raiding in WWI
Amazing Adventures, I. An introduction to No.183 P16
skirmishes in the 1920’s & 30’s.
Amazing Adventure: The Fleece. No.184 P38
Lands Choked With Adventure. No.185 P14
Strange Characters in the Back of Beyond. No.186 P25
Infantry of the B.E.F. 1914-15 No.188 P23
Battle for Mondement,1914. An early WWI No.188 P27
scenario for Contemptible Little Armies.
Mayhem in Murmansk. Western intervention in No.189 P27
Northern Russia,1981-19.
The Early Imperial German Army. No.189 P33
In the Heart of German East. Adapting ‘In the No.190 P18
Heart of Africa’ for 1914-18
The Early War French Army No.190 P62
A WWI Games Day in Evesham No.191 P44
Western Front, British, French & German Infantry No.192 P32
Warfare on the Roof of the World. The Sino- No.195 P23
Tibetan Frontier
The Attack on Sher-li. A 1920’s Central Asia No.198 P56

World War II. 1939-1945.

Commando (World War II rules and scenario) No.3 P18

Dads Army – a participation game. No.4 P26
The Battle for Normandy Pt.1 No.4 P43
The Battle for Normandy Pt.2 No.5 P42
Fire across the Ice Pt.1 No.8 P16
Fire across the Ice Pt.2 No.9 P29
The Road to Berlin Pt.1 No.11 P28
Italian conquest of Somaliland No.12 P42
The Road to Berlin Pt.2 No.13 P27
Kirovograd Pt.1 No.14 P31

Kirovograd Pt.2 No.15 P16
The Whermachts Cossacks No.17 P36
Operation Sea Lion Pt.1 No.18 P43
Operation Sea Lion Pt.2 No.19 P40
Operation Sea Lion Pt.3 No.20 P18
Kreta – WWII mini-campaign No.20 P32
The Day Mr. Brown didn’t go off to War. No.26 P17
The Red Army at Yela 1941 No.29 P20
‘Hitting ‘em hard with heavy metal. (German No.30 P20
Artillery 1939-45)
The Battle of Nijmegen 1944 No.31 P40
Paris to Dakar. – Operation Menace. No.33 P27
Destroy Mirus. No.35 P14
‘Enemy on Island. Issue in doubt. (Wake Island) No.36 P14
Battle of Gallubat-Metemma 1940 No.39 P24
French Panzers No.42 P22
A spot of ‘Scallywagging’. No.42 P34
The British SS No.45 P34
The battle of Nezuet Ghirba 1940 No.46 P38
Cheap and nasty WWII skirmish rules. No.48 P44
General Bradley – Man of Mediocrity No.49 P44
Operation Biting No.52 P44
Return to Corregidor No.54 P20
‘Ginsling’ – WWII Far Eastern skirmish No.55 P16
Kursk 7th – 17th July 1943 Pt.1 No.56 P16
Kursk Pt.2 No.57 P30
Off the beaten track – WWII scenario No.58 P24
Kursk Pt.3 No61 P24
Debacle at Kalach. No.72 P15
Oliver’s incomplete A-Z of WWII. No.73 P24
1st Airborne Division at Arnhem No.73 P42
Operation Nostalgia (Aegean amphibious No.74 P42
Operation Nostalgia Pt.2 No.75 P20
Skinning the Cat. Pt.1 (The attack on Eben No.76 P30
Sand, flies and desert sores. ( Rules for Western No.76 P42
Winter War. – Russian Front 1942 No.76 P49
Retreat from Kaunas No.77 P21
Skinning the Cat Pt.2 No.77 P25
Skinning the Cat Pt.2B No.78 P21
Kurovitsy – August 1941 No.79 P21
Skinning the Cat Pt.3 No.79 P32
Operation Knights Move. – Tito’s H.Q. 1944 No.80 P14
‘My God, it’s the wrong beach.’ No.81 P42
‘Hold until relieved.’ – Pegasus Bridge. No.81 P46
‘A night on the town’ No.82 P30
D.Day – a small skirmish. No.83 P36
Skirmish action in the Ardennes No.85 P20
‘Storm Regiment’ – The Battle for Crete 1941 No.87 P13
The struggle for Stettin. April 1945 No.88 P14

The Polish Army 1939 No.88 P38
D.Day 6th June 1944 No.89 P14
Death from the Skies. (German invasion of Malta) No.90 P13

D.Day re-visited. ( A weekend at the Wargamers No.92 P36

He defence of village ‘T’. 1942 No.94 P35
Breakout – Kiev pocket 1941. No.95 P13
The Allied Armies 1940. No.95 P34
Operation Saturn No.96 P26
A Djebel too far. No.97 P33
7th Panzer Division 1940 No.98 P40
Bridge Building for the DIY enthusiast (Rapid No.99 P40
Fire supplement)
Operation Tusler (1944 skirmish) No.101 P17
‘Out of ammunition – God Save the King’ No.102 P21
(Arnhem demo).
Crossing the Rhine 1945. – Demo game. No.103 P14
WWII scenarios for Rapid Fire – 1. Operation No.104 P14
The Polish Peoples Army 1941-45 No.105 P18
Bastogne – the scenarios No.109 P48
Bastogne Pt.2 No.110 P14
The Invasion of Tarawa 1943 No.110 P20
Operation Infatuate II No.112 P24
The encirclement of Nancy September 1944 No.114 P15
Not so quiet on the Eastern Front. (Special Unit No.115 P42
Rapid Fire Normandy notes. No.116 P53
The Dyhernfurth Raid. – February 1945 No.117 P40
Rapid Fire Normandy notes Pt.2 No.117 P54
Alternative Indirect Fire. (Rules for Rapid Fire) No.118 P14
Deliberate Fire ( Expanded Armour rules for No.118 P34
Rapid Fire)
Napoleon didn’t have machine guns. (WWII Anti- No.119 P52
tank fire.)
‘Operation Oak’ – The Mussolini rescue. No.120 P14
Deliberate Fire – the sequel No.121 P42
Buffalo Soldiers No.122 P24
A look at ‘Crossfire’- review No.123 P20
Climb Every Mountain. (Yugoslavia 1943) No.125 P16
‘Der Tommy Kommt’ (Dieppe 1942) No.125 P34
Maps and Mayhem ( WWII campaign system) No.126 P30
Dads Army – story of a display game No.126 P52
A Bold Dash to Caen No.127 P40
‘Coup de Main’ No.128 P34
Into the Blue! No.129 P14
Deutscher Volkssturm No.129 P26
Kampfgruppe Scherhorn No.130 P16
A Long Range Desert Wargame No.130 P43
Barbarossa on a bike. No.132 P20
Panzer Attack (WWII rules) No.132 P40

Counter – Attack No.133 P36
Hollow Victories 1: Tarakan No.134 P24
Ins Blaue, Zu! No.137 P34

American Armoured Combat Commands No.137 P50

‘Asia’s Last Assault will fail!’ No.140 P12
The Line has gone dead, Herr Hauptmann No.140 P43
Painting the Red Army No.141 P12
Breakout No.141 P30
Victorious Ivans. No.142 P38
Hollow victories :2 Balikpapan No.142 P50
Mini-Malaya, 1941. (Scenarios) No.144 P30
Stormtrooper – Eastern Front Scenario for Rapid No.145 P20
Kampfgruppe Barenfanger – Rapid Fire scenario No.146 P10
Exchanging spades for rifles. No.147 P14
Beda Fomm – Rapid Fire scenario No.148 P18
Battle of Maleme, Crete 20 May 1941 No.150 P46
‘Bloody Ridge’, Guadalcanal, 13/14 September No.151 P40
Stalingrad No.152 P40
Battle of Udy, Kharkov, Russia 1943 No.153 P14
Moabit, April 1945 No.153 P22
March Divided, fight United. The Chindits in No.153 P34
Breakout – rapid Fire Scenario, Berlin 1945 No.153 P46
Pescopennataro, Sangro River, Italy 1943 No.154 P32
Platoon/Section Scenario generator No.155 P20
The Belgians and the Cossacks- Rapid Fire No.155 P24
Wargaming the Western Desert in WWII- British No.159 P16
Armour Organisation for Rapid Fire rules
Pekartschina, Kiev, Russia 17.12.1943. – A rapid No.161 P11
fire scenario
The Battle of Monte Baldo No.162 P13
‘Brandenburgers’ No.162 P30
The Battle of Villers Bocage, 13 th June 1944 No.163 P30
Wittman II – the sequel No.164 P50
The Battle of Claremont No.165 P40
Hill of Terror! – Rapid Fire scenario No.165 P44
Der Tommy Kommt 2 – rapid fire scenario No.166 P22
Cross of Iron No.166 P32
Re-fighting the Battle for the Nijmegan Bridges No.167 P20
Cross of Iron Pt.2 No.167 P40
Der Tommy Kommt 3 No.168 P41
Dogged Defence – Rules for guard dogs No.171 P52
Don’t Panic, Captain Mainwaring – or Mordheim No.172 P34
twins with Warmington-on-sea
K.I.S.S. Rommel – ‘Keep It Simple Stupid’ WWII No.175 P13
The End of Autumn Manoeuvres. – Finns vs No.176 P13
Germans in WWII

Bag the Hun. – A 1940 WWII Scenario No.177 P25
The Battle of France, 1940. in Newquay 2002. No.179 P42
Megablitz Units. A couple of Sample Orbats for No.179 P64
the Megablitz Rules.
The Battle for France, 1940. Pt.2 No.180 P52
More Megablitz Units No.181 P52
Bionic Germans & Wargame Rules. Or ,Why I No.181 P54
stopped loving tanks and learnt to love
The Battle for France,1940. Pt.3 No.182 P16
…Ham and Jam… Pegasus Bridge scenarios. No.182 P25
Plan Rubber. The USA’s 1942 invasion of Brazil No.182 P41
“firing from the hip and throwing grenades, we No.183 P34
went forward to the guns.” The assault
on the Merville Battery: a Rapid Fire
Yet more Megablitz Units. No.183 P52
Tanks from the Skies. Operation Mallard,1944 No.184 P18
Operation Martlet: The Fight for Fontenay. A No.184 P28
Panzer Marsch scenario
Russian “Graffiti”. Russian WWII patriotic No.184 P30
slogans on AFV’s
Even more Megablitz Units. No.184 P48
Operation Comet. A 1944 Rapid Fire scenario. No.185 P28
Calais, 1940. Part 1.”This Little Action.” No.187 P49
Calais,1940.Part2: The Defence of Bastion 9. No.189 P49
Calais, 1940. Part3: Allied Solidarity No.190 P47
Hunts Gap; Tunisia 1943 No.191 P40
Kampfgruppes for Kampfgruppe No.191 P46
A Gloucestershire Blitzkrieg No.191 P50
Some Rapid Fire Units. US & Japanese Units. No.191 P56
Calais, 1940. Part 4. No.192 P40
Hill of Terror – Rapid Fire meets Sven Hassel No.193 P46
Back in the USSR 2003 – WW2 mega game No.194 P40
Back in the USSR 2003 pt.2 No.195 P55
Hondeghem,1940 No.196 P21
Back in the USSR 2003 pt.3 No.196 P36
Groundhog Day Part 1. WWII Eastern Front No.197 P25
Groundhog Day Part 2. No.198 P25
Blitzkrieg in reverse. A 1940 scenario No.199 P26
Storming of the Tartar Ditch. Eastern Front No.199 P42
Stavelot, 1944 No.200 P14
Operation Market Garden 2003 No.200 P49,

Post WWII. 1946 to present day.

Killing Zone – a modern scenario No.3 P11

Napalm, Cluster bombs and fuel air explosions in No.4 P40

Operation ‘Watch Chain.’ No.11 P12
Pawns in the game. (NATO vs. Warsaw Pact) No.11 P34
The night belongs to Charlie. No.12 P27
Mine Warfare No.15 P33
The night belongs to Charlie Pt.2 No.18 P22
Vietnam – Umpires background. No.19 P32
Operation ‘ Bostik’ No.21 P46
Boondocks and the Zoo. No.22 P28
East of Chosin No.23 P22
Hooches – Village War No.24 P36
Of Mines and Men. – Vietnam scenario. No.25 P14
5 Commando 1964 No.29 P41
The Portuguese in Africa No.37 P16
The Border War. ( Sth. Africa and SWAPO in the No.43 P44
70’s and 80’s)
Cobras in Vietnam No.55 P14
Seek and identify – Reconnaissance in the Cold No.57 P33
Modern Musketeers No.60 P13
Saudi Arabia and Desert Storm No.61 P20
Armed forces of the Ukraine 1940 –1950 No.68 P20
The Malayan Emergency No.69 P23
Confrontation ( Borneo 1963-66) No.73 P26
Book + Rules = Action No.76 P26
Battle of Latakia 1973. No.76 P33
SAS – Daring to Win. (Battle of Mirbat 1972) No.77 P18
One Brain Cell modern wargame rules. No.92 P32
Imjin Ridge 1951 No.95 P29
The Battle of Abu-Agheila 1967 No.98 P46
A second look at Vietnam Wargaming. No.100 P56
The battle of Abu Ageila Um Katef 1956 No.121 P34
The Army of Oman, 1988-1993 No.123 P36
‘We’re the Heckawi’ – visibility in Modern games No.124 P56
The Dagomban Civil War No.130 P38
The Army of Oman 1995 to date No.133 P38
AK47 Republic Rules for African Warfare in the No.135 P20
Airmobile Operations in the Vietnam War No.140 P27
Air Power for Ak47 No.146 P20
Airport 1999:Africa AK47 scenario No.146 P52
Automatic Fire – add-ons to Rapid Fire. No.151 P31
Charlies & Claustrophobia No.152 p30
Merlin’s Magic No.156 P26
The Japanese army of the early 1990’s No.156 P47
Modern Skirmish Games No.169 P40
The Pah’Doc Patrols No.174 P24
Vietnam! A painting guide No.174 P54
The Failure of Phatt Ghutt. (another Vietnam No.176 P22
Automatic Fire Revisited. No.177 P46
The Pah’Doc Massacre. No.178 P32
An AK47 Ladder Campaign. No.185 P12

External Support (& Interference) in at Close No.186 P40
Quarters games.
Lost, but not forgotten! Vietnam skirmish scenario No.191 P26
Some suggestions for using dogs in At Close No.191 P49
Quarters modern skirmish games.
By Air to Battle. Vietnam No.197 P39
The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions. No.199 P14
Vietnam scenario


Air combat over the Persian Gulf. No.11 P31

Wings of Flanders. No.52 P26
Snoopy vs. the Red Baron No.52 P28
MIG Alley (Rules for the air war over Korea) No.54 P23
Hurting Herman (Battle of Britain scenario) No.56 P26
Further notes on 1/200th scale aircraft No.59 P27
Knights of the Air (Great War air war) No.71 P13
Memphis Belle No.81 P50
Achtung Schpitfeuer No.84 P14
The Soviet Air War over Afghanistan No.88 P30
The Thousand Bomber Raid No.91 P40
The air war over Greece No.106 P38
The air war over Greece Pt.2 No.107 P32
R.A.T.’s – Random Air attacks No.117 P18
The air campaign in the Eastern Mediterranean No.119 P36
Malta Air Campaign No.129 P34
Beware the Hun in the Sun. (WWII air rule) No.141 P14
Fighter Files 1: Jasta V : The Greentails No.142 P12
Fighter Files 2. Jasta II ‘ Boelcke’s Own” No.145 P12
Air Cover No.147 P18
Arthur Adder’s Flying Circus No.169 P16
Horrido! (Tally Ho!) Air combat for Rapid Fire No.170 P12
Tarawa’d and Feathered. Pacific WWII Air No.172 P12
Combat rules
Out of the Blue. Playable rules for WW2 fighter No.194 P25
Out of the Blue Part 2. No.196 P47


The Byng Touch, No.2 P23

An untoward event No.3 P38
Death ride of the Battleship Yamato Pt.1 No.9 P32
Death ride of the Battleship Yamato Pt.2 No.10 P22
Algeciras 1801 No.13 P46

Algeciras Pt.2 No14 P46
Tsushima Pt.1 No.20 P48
Tsushima Pt.2 No.21 P12

The Iku Incident – 1990’s conflict No.24 P25

The Battleship Sovyetskij Soyuz No.26 P34
Water warfare in Vietnam No.28 P42
Matapan Pt.1 No.29 P9
Matapan Pt.2 No.30 P31
Naval warfare in Ancient and Medieval China No.31 P30
Scenario for ancient galley wargaming No.32 P22
Chinese reprise No.32 P46
Large scale sea battles in the Peloponnesian War. No.33 P22
The Great White Fleet. No.35 P24
The Bear and the Baltic No.43 P32
S.W.A.B. (The Scuppers Were Awash with No.65 P23
The Italian Fleet in East Africa 1940-41 No.67 P46
U Boat.- Rules for Atlantic ‘Wolf Pack’ warfare No.69 P26
The Italian Navy in WWII No.70 P23
De Bellis Navalis No.72 P27
Emden Supplement No.74 P26
Grand Fleet in danger – Jutland 1915 scenario No.78 P30
This foolish game. ( Simple rules for Anglo- No.79 P25
French battles 1867-1873)
Franco-Prussian War naval lists No.80 P30
S.W.A.B. 2 No.81 P18
A.S.W. rules No.81 P35
J.F.K. and PT 109 incident. No.86 P13
Steamer Wars No.88 P24
Attack at Dawn – First battle of Narvik Pt.1 No.90 P18
Attack at Dawn Pt.2 No.91 P17
After Narvik – The hunt for the British evacuation No.92 P28
Banana Republics (Modern naval quickie) No.93 P31
Things that go bump in the night. (WWII Naval No.93 P32
night fighting scenarios)
Fast Attack No.94 P38
Red Banner No.95 P18
The Battle of Ocracoke Inlet. No.97 P26
Things that go bump in the night Pt.2 No.99 P42
By the Sword and the Compass (16th century No.101 P14
Habakkuk – Bergship Aircraft Carrier No.101 P22
‘The ram is burned, her wreck is in sight’ – Life No.101 P30
and death of C.S.S. Neuse.
The Battle of Jutland – Demo game. No.103 P28
‘Steam on and sod the sandbanks. (ACW river No.104 P29
De Bellis Oceanus. No.104 P30
Operation Catherine No.107 P22
Medieval Naval Warfare rules. No.120 P26.

The Battle of the Northern Marshall Is. No.128 P50
Naval Rules 1939-45 No.130 P30
Rules for WWII Naval Games No.134 P34
North of Norway, 1942 No.138 P14
De Bellis Navalis (Pre-Dreadnaught Rules) No.143 P49
Great Ships No.146 P22
‘A Forest of Masts and Smokestacks’ No.147 P31
De Bellis Navalis – Pre Dreadnought rules No.148 P22
De Bellis Navalis scenarios No.148 P26
“One day nearer the German war” - Part 1: No.157 P28
Grasping the trident, Naval Wargaming for WWI
“One day nearer the German War” – Part 2 No.158 P42
Battlefleet Planning
“One day nearer the German War” Pt.3 No.159 P26
“One day nearer the German War” Pt.4 No.160 P21
The Second time around! No.164 P47
Hunt for the Lonely Queen – Operations with the No.167 P50
Tirpitz 1941
Fishers’ Baltic Plan Part 1: Strike from the Blue No.171 P30
The Spanish Armada No.171 P54
Fisher’s Baltic Plan Part 2: Bold audacity or No.172 P48
reckless folly
Fisher’s Baltic Plan Part 3: Borkum to Pomerania No.173 P20
Fisher’s Baltic Plan Part 4: ‘A strip of hard sand’ No.174 P42
Iron Ships and Wooden Heads. – Very simple No.175 P25
naval rules for the Big Gun era
Naval Battles in the Russo-Japanese War. Pt.1 No.178 P25
The History
Fast Play Armada Rules. No.178 P34
Naval Battles in the Russo-Japanese War, Pt.2 No.180 P32
Fast Play Rules for the Pre-Dreadnoughts, 1880-
Naval Battles in the Russo-Japanese War, Pt.3 No.181 P34
The Mini Campaign.
The Battle of Koh Chang. A little known Naval No.183 P46
action of WWII.
Fleet Action Imminent. A 1914 decisive action in No.184 P49
the North Sea Pt.1
Fleet Action Imminent. Pt.2 No.185 P50
The Queen’s Ship Revenge and its last fight. No.185 P64
Fleet Action Imminent Pt.3 No.186 P14
The Knight & “Mother Hen”. Suffren & Hughes No.186 P50
& the Naval Campaign for India.
Greek Fire & Roman Fury. Ancient Fleet Action No.187 P56
Ships of the Armada Period. No.188 P38
Floating Castles. A game of naval warfare in the No.188 P56
Ironclad Age.
Floating Castles. Part2:Ship Data List. No.189 P56
Chinese River Gunboats No.190 P32
Lanterna. Quick play rules for Renaissance naval No.190 P44
Krieg am Zee. WWI Naval warfare in the Black No.191 P30

‘Torpedo Los’ – Review of books and computer No.195 P58
games on submarine warfare.
‘Tis to Glory We Steer’ Napoleonic Naval Small No.196 P13
Scale Action Rules
‘God Sent Us the Wind’ Fast Play Rules for 16th No.196 P39
Century Naval
Fall Ikarus. Hitler’s Iceland Campaign No.197 P18
Abandon Ship No.198 P38
Krieg am Ostsee. First World War Naval Actions. No.200 P20
Contemplating the Naval No.200 P40

A Vauban Gateway No.1 P18
Renaissance defences No.1 P46
Cogs, Carracks and Caravels. No.2 P11
ECW water mill. No.2 P42
ECW defence No.4 P42
Painting techniques for beginners No.8 Iv
Cast features vs. hand made. No.9 P18
Middle East house in 1/300th No.10 P46
15mm palisade fort. No.11 P46
Greek Fortifications No.13 P42
German villages for the SYW No.14 P18
An Islamic fort No.17 P15
Lurching towards Mont St.Jean No.18 P46
North Italian village. No.19 P46
A Spanish windmill No.23 P46
An English fortified manor. No.24 P16
Designing and painting Napoleonic armies. No.24 P44
Paint for Wargamers No.26 P44
Leuthen at 1/300th No.27 P12
Rivers and streams No.29 P13
Fields and woodland. No.30 P44
Barbed wire. No.31 P13
Two Ancient citadels No.32 P44
Fences for the ACW No.33 P36
A castle dovecote No.34 P20
A rough guide to terrain making No.34 P36
A Chitral watch tower. No.35 P44
A camp of the SYW No37 P37
The ‘Basha’ Mosque No.37 P44
A timber Norman keep. No.38 P36
Santa Anna’s H.Q. No.43 P37
Painting the Wargames horse. No.44 P25
The Forge No.44 P44
Russian Country Church 1812 No.48 P36
Simple figure conversion No.49 P12
A clock tower and gateway for the SYW No.51 P44

Half timbered, stone-worked ‘Brownies’ No.52 P38
A small castle in 25mm No.55 P40
Saxon palisade fort. No.57 P12
The market at Bhowelpore No.58 P12
Building the Temple. No.64 P44
A motte and bailey castle No.71 P44
A new type of Wargames terrain No.73 P49
Baking saddles No81 P14
The Fimo Kid rides again No.82 P17
I.T.M.A. (Interchangeable Terrain with Multiple No.83 P21
Bursting to shell No.86 P34
Buildings for Napoleonic naval wargaming No.89 P36
Terrain on a shoe-string budget Pt.1 No.93 P36
Terrain on a shoe-string budget Pt.2 No.96 P18
Terrain on a shoe-string budget Pt.3 No.97 P18
Big boats and bigger boats No.98 P20
Spaghetti Westerns No.100 P46
Big ships supplemental No.101 P46
A large Samurai castle in 25mm No.105 P50
Chateau Beaumaison No.109 P42
Soldering white metal kits. No.113 P28
Those little extras No.121 P32
A cure for the Black Death? No121 P52
A Gask Ridge Frontier Watch Tower No.122 P20
Basing in the Grand Manner No.128 P12
Painting Landsknechts No.129 P28
Assembly and Preparation of white metal vehicles No.129 P42
and guns
Eastern Front PPSD – Painting guide. No.130 P14
Ightam Mote of Battlements. No.132 P56
Hilton, Colorado No.135 P44
Castle Dreienfels in 25mm No.136 P34
‘It’s cutlasses now men’ No.138 P47
An eccentric’s guide to painting No.139 P32
Up the Creek without a Paddle No.141 P47
Scenic Effects – Rivers and Roads No.145 P24
Modelling North American Woodland Indian No.145 P52
Perfect Palms No.146 P18
Adobe Architecture No.146 P28
Pirate Personalities No.147 P23
The Horse of Troy No.148 P56
A Spanish Church No.148 P61
House building for the discerning peasant No.151 P59
African Acacias No.151 P64
An Egyptians House No.153 P54
Any Port in a storm No.154 P16
Painting Spartan and Athenian Armies No.155 P18
I Can’t Possibly Paint Anything So Small…. No.155 P47
Terrain Modules No.156 P18
The story of the sternwheeler riverboat Keystone No.156 P20

Painting the Ancient Germans No.159 P40
A fist full of balsa- wooden buildings No.160 P12
Parkin’s Pieces – A Napoleon III Command No.173 P36

Painting with the Foundry Paint System – A No.174 P69

Spartan Hoplite
Parkin’s Pieces – Napoleon III No.175 P54
Making Wheat Fields No.176 P32
A Viridian Pyramid No.177 P32
Flush Terrain System. Hairy Green Carpet Tiles. No.179 P26
The Dun of Fergus the Red. Modelling a Dark No.179 P32
Age Fort.
Painting with the Foundry Paint System – A No.181 P69
Viking warrior.
Painting with the Foundry Paint System – A No.182 P12
Roman Legionary.
Catch Them When You Can. Designs for No.183 P24
Victorian Ladies & Gentlemen.
Cast it yourself. No.183 P26
The Egyptian Bug. Building buildings for Ancient No.183 P40
Concerning Hobbits. Painting Masterclass No.193 P44
Hobbits II No.194 P16
Mount Olympus No.194 P56
Concerning Hobbits II – Part 2 No.195 P48
How to Make Your Own Timber Framed No.195 P52
Meddle Not in the Affair of Wizards – Painting in No.196 P30
the LotR Universe
Meddle not again in the affairs of Wizards No.197 P32


Can we introduce Generalship into the Tabletop No.1 P19

Wargaming night actions No.1 P23
Loose morale’s – the art of the chart. No.2 P33
The convention scene No.6 P38
Artillery after the Reisswitz Kriegspiel No.8 P19
Relentless pursuit No.9 P20
Human aspects of artillery No.9 P40
Portalegre Gold Cup No.9 P44
Decision Games Pt.1 No.10 P38
The convention scene No.10 P44
The Swiss Chess system No.10 P50
Decision Games Pt.2 No.11 P16
Mr. Mainstream No.11 P27
The convention scene No.11 P40
Scenarios No.12 P12

Decision Games Pt.3 No.12 P32
Decision Games Pt.4 No.14 P22
Variable terrain effects Pt.1 No.16 P14
Getting it right No.17 P13
Variable terrain effects Pt.2 No.18 P31
A new approach to wargaming No.19 P26
Computer campaigning No.19 P28
Simplifying morale No.19 P37
Wargame Rules for Horse and Musket No.23 P34
The high price of Brandy No.24 P40
Spies in campaigns No.26 P14
Re-ordering orders No.26 P38
Long distance wargaming No.26 P42
One man and his Dice No.27 P44
A case for ‘elements’ No.33 P20
Some thoughts on adding background to ‘one off’ No.36 P27
Truckers Hour No.36 P32
Last of the Great White Rhino No.36 P36
Wargaming types No.37 P24
Dead men tell no tales. No.38 P44
Five minutes with E.D.N.A. No.38 P45
Viva Zapata No.39 P44
Rhino No.40 P26
Resolving a melee No.41 P14
Very Little Wars No.41 P32
The principles of concentration No.42 P14
A question of focus No.42 P17
Nunda, Eater of Men No.42 P20
Now you see them, now you don’t No.42 P48
Three wheels on my wagon No.45 P37
The great Richemont Wild Boar chase No.47 P25
The cards of fortune No.51 P40
Rule writers dilemma No.53 P27
Scenarios for Wargamers No.57 P21
Back to basics – Wargames terrain for beginners No.57 P48
Back to basics Pt.2 No.58 P26
A small tactical problem No.59 P29
Back to basics . Pt.3 No.60 P17
Back to basics Pt.4 No.61 P42
Wargame rules for 2mm scale tanks and figures. No.62 P38
Back to basics Pt.5 No.63 P14
‘Oh! What a lovely boar’ No.63 P41
S.C.R.U.D. No.64 P14
Matrix games No.64 P32
Progeny of DBA No.64 P34
Back to basics Pt.6 No.65 P42
Campaign recruiting No.67 P14
Rout or Retreat? No.67 P16
Back to basics Pt.7 No.69 P30
Battle cards No.70 P27
Back to basics Pt.8 No.70 P33

Fire for effect No.71 P26
Wargames a visual retrospective No.73 P21

Sin bins and stragglers No.73 P30

Building a Wargames army Pt.1 No.74 P16

Visual display units No.74 P35
Building a Wargames army Pt.2 No.79 P42
Improving matrix games No.80 P26
Boardgames Rule O.K. No.81 P30
Fast play made faster No.81 P33
Multi-activity Wargaming No.82 P34
Building a Wargames army Pt.3 No82 P42
Multi-activity wargaming Pt.2 No.83 P30
Building a Wargames army for the thirty years No.83 P42
Programmed Leaders for DBA campaigns. No.84 P16
Have cow – will travel No.85 P13
Grand tactical rules for pre-mechanised No.89 P50
C3 No.95 P21
DBA hint cards No.95 P47
Highly Irregular DBA No.97 P42
Different charms No.98 P48
Moby Dick – the wargame No.99 P36
De Bellis Horribillis – WWI a la DBA No.100 P14
Exit Horatio Nelson (almost) pursued by a bear No.100 P24
Building a Wargames army Pt.5 No.101 P38
Big really is beautiful (54mm gaming) No.102 P18
Alternative die roll methods for wargaming No.102 P27
Jawgaming No.102 P32
Wargamers Notebook No.103 P18
Troops in the landscape No.104 P38
Wargamers Notebook No.104 P42
Wargamers Notebook No.105 P14
St.James and at them No106 P18
Wargamers Notebook No.106 P42
An American Notebook No.106 P49
Hawkeye No.107 P20
The Longest Play. No.107 P39
Wargamers Notebook No.107 P42
American Notebook No.107 P49
Wargamers Notebook No.108 P18
Wargamer Notebook No.109 P28
Wargamers Notebook No.110 P48
Wargamers Notebook No.111 P46
Argonauts Command and Control system No.112 P14
Altered Images No.112 P34
Wargamers Notebook No.112 P46
Wargamers Notebook No.114 P22
Wargamers Notebook No.115 P46
Wargamers Notebook No.116 P44
Wargamers Notebook No.117 P50

Wargamers Notebook No.118 P50
Wargamers Notebook No.119 P44

Wargamers Notebook No.120 P52

Wargamers Notebook No.121 P45
Wargamers Notebook No.122 P52
Wargamers Notebook No.123 [54
An Alternative Wargamers Notebook No.123 P55
Maps for Wargamers No.124 P16
Photo feature – Redcar Rebels Ironclad No.124 P18
Writing your own wargame rules Pt.1 No.124 P28
Piggy in the Middle. (umpiring) No.124 P43
Photo-feature – ‘Biblical’ collection No.124 P46
Wargamers Notebook No.124 P52
‘A view from the Canoe’ No.124 P54
Photo feature – Russian Civil War No.125 P18
Photo-feature – Napoleonic No.125 P22
Starting wargaming? Pt.1 Figures No.125 P26
Writing your own wargame rules Pt.2 No.125 P30
Wargamers Notebook No.125 P52
Photo-feature – Romans V Celts No.126 P18
Starting Wargaming? Pt.2 Scenery No.126 P24
Maps for Wargaming No.126 P26
A view from the trenches. No.126 P36
Wargamers Notebook No.126 P48
Photo-feature – Kadesh No.127 P18
A review of ‘Piquet’ No.127 P28
Starting wargaming Pt.3 – Rules No.127 P30
Starting wargaming Pt.4 – Scenarios No.128 P26
Wargamers Notebook No.128 P55
The Armchair Strategist No.129 P16
How to be an Umpire No.131 P20
Photo-feature Partizan ‘98 No.132 P18
View from the trenches. No.132 P38
Wargamers Notebook No.132 P54
Photo-feature N.O.W.’98 No.133 P18
D.I.Y. Heavy duty Wargames table. No.133 P29
Photo-feature Partizan II No.133 P32
No more book keeping – DBA/Hordes campaign No.133 P34
A look at Brother against Brother No.133 P42
Photo – feature , Blenheim No.133 P46
Troops in the Landscape No.134 P44
Wargamer’s Notebook No.135 P32
View from the Trenches No.135 P33
Photo-feature – Welsh Wars of Edward I No.136 P18
Photo-feature – The Great Northern War No.136 P46
Wargamers Notebook No.136 P51
Christmas Time – A chariot race game No.136 P54
‘The Seven Murphurai’ No.137 P52
Photo-feature – Ancients No.138 P18
A systematic approach to amassing your forces No.139 P14

Photo-feature – Sikh Wars No.139 P18
Wargamers Notebook No.139 P54

Photo-feature – First Sikh Wars revisited No.140 P32

Photo-feature – Retreat from Moscow, 1812 No.140 P46
A view from the trenches No.140 P54
Photo-feature – Burgundians. No.141 P32
Wargamers Notebook No.141 P34
Bums, Battalions and Buildings No.142 P29
Why are Wargames ‘Light’ on cavalry? No.142 P34
Backing the right Horse.( Cavalry in Wargames) No.143 P34
Photo-feature – ACW game No.144 P36
Photo-feature – Kevin Dallimore’s painting No.144 P58
Simple Armies No.145 P40
Shadows in the Jungle No.146 P46
Wargamer’s Notebook No.146 P56
‘Running away bases’ No.147 P12
Photo Feature – Bill Gaskin’s Peninsula No.147 P19
Wargamer’s Notebook No.147 P22
A Christmas Game No.147 P58
A view from the trenches No.148 P19
Wargamer’s Notebook No.148 P68
Photo Feature Mike Johnson & Bruno Allanson’s No.149 P36
Napoleonic Game
Photo Feature Peter Morbey & Dale Rawson’s No.150 P16
Napoleonic Peninsular game
Photo feature- The Derby Wargames Club’s 1859 No.152 P18
A view from the trenches No.152 P28
Photo feature – Mister Bickley & Mister No.152 P36
Robinson’s African game
Photo feature – Paul Trickett & Dean No.153 P18
Whitehouse’s Romans & Carthaginians
Photo feature- Duke Seifried’s Aztec game Pt.1 No.154 P36
Wargamers Notebook No.154 P61
Photo feature Duke Seifried’s Aztec City Pt.2 No.155 P36
A view from the trenches No.155 P50
Photo feature – B & B Miniatures Battle of No.155 P54
Germantown Game.
Photo feature – Duke Seifried’s Pirate Game No.156 P36
Custer Rides Again No.156 P52
Short on space – Go up a scale! No.157 P31
Wargaming in 6mm No.157 P32
The Battle of Kursk, fought at East Looe January No.157 P40
2000 – Report of a mega-game
Wargamers Notebook No.158 P47
Jolly Irregular Fun Wargames Rules No.158 P49
Photo-feature 15mm Battle of Auerstadt No.159 P34
Photo-feature League of Augsburg No.161 P34
Wargamer’s Notebook No.162 P53
Wargamer’s Notebook No.164 P40
Writing Wargames Scenarios No.165 P26

A view from the trenches No.166 P50
Wargamer’s Notebook No.168 P30
A view from the trenches No.168 P48

A view from the trenches No.169 P30

Noir – Wargaming rules for film noir type No.170 P22
Wargamer’s Notebook No.170 P58
Goin’ Underground – Ideas for fighting in sewers No.171 P38
A view from the trenches No.171 P48
Photo feature. Derby Waragames club renaissance No.172 P16
I Love the Smell of Kriegspiel in the Morning No.172 P44
Photo feature – HG Walls models No.172 P56
Wargamer’s Notebook No.173 P34
Ancients Bridge! Ancients Spades! Ancients No.175 P30
Photo feature – Gabriel Mykaj’s Waterloo No.175 P36
Wargamer’s Notebook No.175 P48
A View from the Trenches No.175 P50
Photo feature – Gabriel Mykaj’s Waterloo No.176 P18
Collection revisited.
Photo feature- Andrew Warner’s El Cid No.176 P40
Wargamer’s Notebook No.176 P42
Fire Fights No.176 P50
Photo feature- League of Augsburg Ancients N0.177 P38
Photo feature – Chris Flowers 1940 WWII No.177 P40
Photo feature – Mike Johnson and Bruno Allanson No.177 P54
Photo feature – Duke Seifried French & Indian No.178 P18
Photo feature – Steve Dyer sundry figures. No.178 P24
A view from the trenches. No.178 P39
Photo feature- David Marshall ACW. No.179 P58
Photo feature – David Marshall French & Indian No.180 P18
A view from the Trenches No.181 P42
Wargamer’s Notebook No.182 P22
Photo feature – Gabriel Mykaj, Waterloo No.182 P38
Photo feature – Gabriel Mykaj, more Waterloo. No.183 P18
Wargamer’s Notebook No.183 P56
Photo feature – Arthurians No.184 P33
Fwee Bwian. Wargaming Monty Python’s Life of No.184 P34
Brian … seriously.
A view from the trenches. No.184 P44
Photo feature – League of Augsburg More No.184 P45
Wargamer’s Notebook. No.184 P46
Vis Bellica – Writing a set of Wargames Rules. No.185 P20
Small Scenarios for Little Gamers. Wargaming in No.185 P34

Gorilla Warfare. A Real Adventure Scenario. No.186 P56
Wargamer’s Notebook No.187 P34

Photo feature – Steve Jones’ A.W.I. No.188 P18

Photo feature Stuart Parkin’s Command Groups. No.189 P38
A view from the trenches. No.189 P31
Wargamer’s Notebook No.189 P46
Photo feature DZ Miniatures Vietnam No.189 P54
Photo feature – League of Augsberg ACW No.190 P52
Wargamer’s Notebook. No.190 P58
Vehicles to Die-cast for. Wheels for The Back of No.191 P16
Legends of Araby No.191 P58
Heave Ho me hearties! Additional rules for Pieces No.192 P18
of Eight
The Battle of Epping Forest No.193 P26
Photo Feature – North Star WW2 Eastern Front No.193 P46
Photo Feature – Paul Cook’s Landsknechts No.193 P52
Photo Feature – French Napoleonic Hussars No.193 P65
Photo Feature – Derby Wargames Club’s No.195 P14
Napoleonics in the Caribean
Photo Feature – Kevin Dallimore Sundry figures No.195 P30
and vignettes.
‘There’s Something Wrong with Our Bloody Fish No.195 P42
Today’ Wargaming the “Cod Wars”
Mush. A snowy scenario for Back of Beyond. No.196 P25
Wargamer’s Notebook No.196 P57
Playing with the Big Boys. 54mm wargaming No.197 P12
A view from the Trenches No.197 P24
Playing with the Big Boys. Pt2 No.198 P50


Brigadier Young and Jack Scruby No.15 P36

Self Indulgence No.16 P26
Marche Ou Creve No.23 P20
Wargaming Types No.24 P18
A castle to declare No.25 P40
Mans best enemy No.30 P34
Revenge of the Wargames Widow No.32 P20
The best Wargames club meeting in the world. No.32 P37
A poem for convention organizers No.33 P26
From tabletops to reality No.33 P44
Review of Dixons Miniatures ACW No.34 P14
Command Decision – a review No.34 P44
From tabletop to reality Pt.2 No.34 P40
A.A. man saves Marlborough @ Blenheim No.35 P20
From tabletop to reality Pt.3 No.35 P40

Peter Featherstone - a memorial No.37 P12
Convention goers profile No.37 P32
‘I’ve bought the figures, now what?’ No.39 P46
Home thoughts from abroad Pt.1 No41 P30
Home thoughts from abroad Pt.2 No.42 P33
Butcher the Light Brigade more No.42 P36
Problems in Phonology and Entymology in No.42 P46
Ancient Norsk
Home thoughts from abroad Pt.3 No.43 P18
Judging Wargame demonstrations No.44 P10
An ancient Chinese Wargames Day No.44 P27
A small games competition No.45 P14
It’ll be alright on the day No.45 P26
No yellow carrier bag – no comment No.48 P38
Wargaming in schools No.49 P32
Some thoughts on promoting the hobby No.50 P13
All American convention No.50 P45
An army marches on its stomach No.52 P12
A stomach full of wargaming No.54 P46
A historical perspective on casualty removal No.57 P23
The Hadrian’s Wall experience No.61 P31
Home thoughts from abroad Pt.4 No.61 P36
Home thoughts from abroad Pt.5 No.62 P42
Confessions of a battlefield tour operator No.63 P33
Home thoughts from abroad Pt.6 No.63 P38
Casualties, History on the benefits of War Pt.1 No.64 P26
Casualties, History on the benefits of War Pt.2 No.65 P30
On casualties, the wider context and the No.67 P21
increasing lethality of Wargames magazine
International seeding of Players No.68 P18
The Wembley Factor No.68 P18
Multi-Player wargaming by post No.68 P38
What are wargame rules for No.68 P45
Axis and Allies 1939 – variant opening for the No.70 P46
Third Time Lucky No.72 P29
Notes on seedings and the Swiss system No.73 P46
Death, disease and disability in pre-industrial No.75 P27
Some random thoughts from colours ‘93 No.76 P24
Bring and Buy No.80 P16
Wargames shows and the hobbies missed No.87 P27
Wargames – more sign of decline No.88 P28
The odds of victory No.88 P42
The Wargames Show – Organisers view. No.89 P38
The meaning of (wargaming ) life No.93 P14
Wargames a vibrant and colourful future No.93 P49
A visit to Bucharest military museum No.94 P27
Rules, rules and more bloody rules! No.94 P45
The Cossacks No.95 P26

Hail to the Duke No.96 P16
Steve’s Tsushima ships. (Photo feature) No.99 P44
A new approach to wargame tournaments. No.99 P47
‘Stand To’ 1994 No.100 P16

Men against fruit No.100 P19

A battle a day – March No.102 P29
Lights, camera, action. ( A weekend at the No.102 P42
Gallipoli – that awful muddle. (A Wargames trip No.102 P52
to Turkey)
A battle a day – April No.103 P53
A battle a day – May No.104 P18
A year in the life of a Club No.104 P46
A battle a day – June No.105 P34
Lower Cretaceous Pleasance No.105 P36
A quick and dirty guide to magazine games. No.105 P42
A battle a day – July No.106 P37
A battle a day – August No.107 P19
Wargaming Sarajevo style No.107 P46
A battle a day – October No.109 P32
Wargaming in Malaysia No.111 P43
‘Tally Ho’ A weekend at the ‘Bunker’ No.111 P48
A battle a day – December No.111 P50
Moscow – the great advance No.114 P42
Is wargaming doomed with no hope of salvation? No.115 P50
Are there too many Wargames Shows in the UK No.116 P26
Is wargaming doomed with no hope of salvation? No.116 P46
Made to Measure No.117 P16
The state of wargaming today No.117 P38
Ammunition Hill (Visit to Jerusalem battle site) No.118 P18
The state of wargame magazine articles today No.118 P44
Part one of a look at P.P.S.D. (Post Purchase No.119 P21
Stress Disorder)
Part two of a look at PPSD No.120 P36
Part three of a look at PPSD No.121 P24
Culture shock at The General Pickett Buffet No.124 P12
Bruce Forsyth & the Republican Militias No.124 P44
A cat among the pig-iron No.126 P34
A report on Marston Magna No.128 P18
‘Carry on up the Danube’ No.129 P36
The making of Bog – a – Ten No.129 P43
The State of Wargames Shows. No.129 P48
Of cavemen, seagulls and Napoleon Bonaparte No.129 P54
David Niven for an evening No.129 P56
On the road with D.T. No.132 P52
Masters of the Millennium No.133 P26
Just where is the hobby going? No.133 P54
Photo-feature – N.O.W. convention No.135 P18
Photo-feature – Napoleonic ‘In the Grand Manner’ No.137 P32

Three go to the Ukraine No.142 P41
The shape of battle No.144 P56
Conventions: an Irish perspective No.148 P54
The Development and current state of U.S. No.151 P50
The Gentle Art of the Demo.Game No.152 P25
Wargames Shows: it’s time to modernize No.152 P50
Report on the Marston Magna Show No.153 P48
Report on the Cold Wars Show No.153 P50
The New Sheffield Triples. No.155 P60
Seven steps to planning and executing a demo No.158 P53
game. Pt.1
Seven steps to planning and executing a demo No.160 P46
game Pt.2
Chalk one up for Gary! No.161 P48
Designers Notes No.162 P44
Age of Tyrants. A mini tournament report No.164 P46
Seven steps to planning and executing a demo No.165 P50
game Pt.3
The Convention Scene No.166 P54
Dedicated Followers of Fashion No.173 P52
Warhammer World No.175 P40
Onwards, Ever Onwards … has it really been No.175 P46
seven years.
My Top Ten Battle Hymns. Music to paint by. No.182 P24
Miniature Woman … in Wargames No.183 P20
Fancy Colours for Drab Duds. No.183 P39
Conventions, Children & Chaos. No.183 P62.
Why 1/48? Or, “Not another new scale.” No.184 P40
An interview with Ian Newbold. No.185 P38
Rules for Better Rules. No.187 P43
A Rule Writer’s Philosophy. No.187 P46
Size Does Matter No.188 P30
Photo feature – North Star 1/48 th WWII No.188 P34
Painting Competitions No.188 P50
Photo feature-John Ruddle’s Wargames Garden No.191 P38
Terror in the East End. A Westwind day at No.191 P54
Wargames World
Photo feature- A few shots from Historicon 2003 No.192 P38
A Day in the Country: Brixcon 2003 No.192 P64
Wargaming and the Internet No.193 P19
Wargaming on a shoestring No.193 P58
The Unwritten Rules No.196 P46
Jersey Wargames Society’s Siege No.197 P45
Behind the Lines at Britannia Miniatures No.197 P46
Size is Everything No.197 P48
The Value of Reconnaissance No.198 P23
Wargaming- the low fat alternative No.200 P42


‘Tiddly Trek No.105 P32

Getting started in Warhammer Fantasy No.125 P54
‘We gotta get outta this place’ No.128 P52
‘Exterminate! Exterminate!’ No.130 P36
Medieval Fantasy Gaming No.131 P37
Sci-Fi on the Rhine No.133 P30
The X-Files Matrix game No.134 P20
Two Rivers – A Dalek Scenario for Dr.Who. No.145 P48
Predator No.152 P48
Three Dinosaur Hunting Scenarios No.154 P52
Rumbling Guns – Simple rules for Victorian No.168 P44
steam driven AFVs
‘A Typical Shabby Nazi Trick’ – Captain No.170 P46
Mainwaring meets Doctor Who.
Streetfight – A rule set for futuristic urban No.171 P40
Streetfight Part 2. No.172 P20
Things that go bump in the night… A background No.174 P56
for a Dracula skirmish
The Winter Patrol No.175 P38
Assault on Icthyos Beta – A Void scenario No.176 P54
The Realms of Goria. Background to the Celtos No.178 P66
Adapting Modern Skirmish Rules For Future No.180 P14
Some suggested forces for Future Wars. No.183 P31
On the trail of Living Fossils. Two more scenarios No.190 P54
for ‘Saurian Safari’
Projekt X: Zombie Krieg Ost. No.192 P52
Containment – A Dr. Who scenario No.195 P10
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. WAB No.196 P42
Good Grief Carruthers. Pt1. Victorian SciFi No.198 P44
Good Grief Carruthers Pt.2 No.199 P36
Dwarf Wars. A Closer look at Westwind’s new No.200 P30
Lord of the Rings Mini-scenario. Sally attack at No.200 P44
Helm’s Deep Gate.


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