An Experimental Study On Map Projection Transforma
An Experimental Study On Map Projection Transforma
An Experimental Study On Map Projection Transforma
Topographical maps with the projection of Gauss-Krüger/Transverse Mercator (GK/TM) and Universal Transverse Mercator
(UTM) are the primary inputs in many applications related to Geosciences. In these projections, each zone contains a separate
coordinate system. For this reason, two adjoining map sheets located in different zones cannot be side by side theoretically.
In such situations, map sheets must first be positioned on the same coordinate system in a geographical information system.
In this study, three different transformations were performed using AutoCAD Map 3D, QGIS, MicroStation, ArcMap,
Netcad, and Global Mapper: (1) among 3˚ adjoining GK/TM zones, (2) from 3˚ GK/TM to 6˚ UTM, and (3) from 3˚ GK/TM
to the tangent and secant Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) projection. The results were compared in terms of ellipsoidal
values, projections, and programs. There were several limitations in the programs with regards to measurement, process
precision, and deficiencies in terms of users. Since all three projections were conformal, angles were preserved. However,
lengths that were different in each projection were also different from the ellipsoidal values, with the exception of secant
LCC projection. Consequently, the appropriate method and program should be selected depending on the geographical
location of study area, objective, expected accuracy, and precision.
Keywords: Gauss-Krüger, transverse Mercator, universal transverse Mercator, Lambert conformal conic projection, zone
transformation, projection transformation.
Gauss-Krüger/Transversal Mercator (GK/TM) ve Universal Transversal Mercator (UTM) projeksiyonuna sahip topografik
haritalar, yerbilimleri ile ilgili çok sayıda uygulamada birincil girdilerdir. Bu projeksiyonlarda her dilim ayrı bir koordinat
sistemi içerir. Bu nedenle farklı dilimlerde yer alan iki komşu pafta teorik olarak yan yana gelmez. Böylesi durumlarda
öncelikle paftaların coğrafi bilgi sistemi ortamında aynı koordinat sisteminde konumlandırılması gerekir. Bu çalışmada,
AutoCAD Map 3D, QGIS, MicroStation, ArcMap, Netcad ve Global Mapper yazılımlarıyla üç ayrı dönüşüm
gerçekleştirilmiştir: (1) 3°’lik komşu GK/TM dilimleri arası dönüşüm, (2) 3°’lik GK/TM’den 6°’lik UTM’ye geçiş ve (3)
3°’lik GK/TM’den teğet ve kesen Lambert Konform Konik (LKK) projeksiyonuna dönüşüm. Uygulama sonuçları; elipsoidal
değerler, projeksiyonlar ve yazılımlar açısından karşılaştırılmıştır. Yazılımlarda ölçü ve işlem duyarlığı bakımından çeşitli
kısıtlar ve kullanıcılar açısından eksikler olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Her üç projeksiyon da konform olduğu için açılar
korunmuştur. Bununla birlikte, her bir projeksiyonda farklı olan uzunluk ölçüleri -kesen LKK projeksiyonu hariç- elipsoidal
değerlerden farklıdır. Sonuç olarak, çalışma bölgesinin coğrafi konumuna, amaca, beklenen doğruluk ve duyarlığa bağlı
olarak uygun yöntem ve yazılım seçilmelidir.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Gauss-Krüger, transversal Mercator, universal transversal Mercator, Lambert konform konik
projeksiyon, dilim dönüşümü, projeksiyon dönüşümü.
Corresponding Author/Sorumlu Yazar: e-mail/e-ileti:, tel: (212) 383 53 41
T. Gökgöz, M. Hacar, A. Memduhoğlu, / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are systems in which geometric and semantic data
are stored, related, examined, queried, and analyzed. They are commonly used in many fields,
such as engineering, defense, planning, education, medicine, etc. Geometrical data mostly depicts
the objects that are subjects of topographic maps. In other words, the main input in geographical
information systems is topographic maps. Although it differs depending on the country, large
scale (<10K) standard topographic maps are produced in the Gauss-Krüger/Transverse Mercator
(GK/TM) projection, medium and some small-scale standard topographic maps are produced in
the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection as it is in Turkey [1, 2].
The Earth is divided into zones in both projections. While the width of zones is 6˚ in UTM as
a de facto standard, the width of zones in GK/TM depends on the purpose of the projection, e.g.
3˚ in Turkey for the production of the large scale standard topographic maps. Each zone is
projected onto different cylinders, and each zone has its separate coordinate system. For example,
approximately 80 km distance emerges between 1:1000 scale Kırklareli F20-c-25-c-3-b and
İstanbul F21-d-21-d-4-a map sheets with central meridians 27˚ and 30˚ respectively when they
are projected onto two different cylinders in accordance with the theory as presented in Figure 1.
For this reason, two adjoining map sheets located in different zones cannot theoretically be side
by side without applying proper transformation. Therefore, if the study area is located on such
two map sheets, these map sheets should be positioned at the common coordinate system using
an available tool as GIS.
Figure 1. Two adjoining map sheets positioned on two adjoining GK/TM zones without
transformation (Central Meridians: 27˚ and 30˚).
An Experimental Study on Map Projection … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
Detailed explanations and criticisms about map projection and transformation could be
obtained from the numerous books which have been produced by authors including, Maling [3],
Fiala [4], Snyder [5], Yang et al. [6], Koçak [7], Uçar et al. [8] and Hooijberg [9]. Many
commercial and open source GIS programs offer various tools for both zone transformation and
projection transformation.
In this study, zone and projection transformations were made by the use of so called program
packages, i.e. AutoCAD Map 3D, QGIS, MicroStation, ArcMap, Netcad, and Global Mapper, on
1:1000 scaled standard topographic maps of Turkey. The equations used in the program packages
are not known as they are not openly declared. This issue can only be clarified by a series of test
and comparison. It was one of the aims of this study. Measurements obtained in cartometrical
analyses(coordinates, length, bearing, and area) were compared in each resulting map to
determine the effects of methods and algorithms applied in the programs for zone and projection
transformation. In order to determine the preferable method in between zone-to-zone and
projection transformations for repositioning adjoining sheets, the above stated measurements
were compared with ellipsoidal values.
T. Gökgöz, M. Hacar, A. Memduhoğlu, / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
The GK/TM projection was first analyzed in ellipsoidal form by the famous mathematician
Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1822, and later, L. Krüger published its formulas that allow calculations
on ellipsoid in his studies in 1912 and 1919. The GK/TM is a transverse cylindrical conform
projection commonly used for large-scale standard topographic map productions. The GK/TM
conformal projection system should be limited to a region bounded by a longitudinal distance
from the central meridian (CM), which will depend on the purpose of the projection, zone system
and its grid system [9]. Each zone is projected onto different cylinders. Zones are not enumerated
and are referred by their central meridians.
As in all conformal projections, at one point, the scales in all directions are the same.
Accordingly, small terrain features and areas are shown as similar to that of Earth within an
average scale. Although the scale in all directions is the same at one point, it changes slightly
from point to point. Since at one point the scale is the same in all directions, differantial sense
angles at one point on map are equal to that of Earth. As a result of this, differantial sense
parallels and meridians are always orthogonal to each other in all conformal projections [3, 4, 9,
Gauss-Krüger Xg values are ellipsoidal x values. Conformal property of this projection is
ensured by changing the ellipsoidal y values. For this reason, Yg values are larger than they are on
the surface. In this case, a 1 km ellipsoidal length around the border (1.5˚ far from the central
meridian of a 3˚ wide zone) is 20 cm longer in the projection [11].
The UTM projection was adopted by the United States Armed Forces in 1947 for military
map production of the whole world. This projection was developed based on the Gauss-Krüger
projection. In the UTM projection system, the Earth is divided into 60 zones with 6˚ meridian
intervals starting from the 180˚ meridian. The zones are enumerated between 1 and 60, starting
from 1 and ascending to the east. The projection surface cylinder is taken tangent to the reference
surface along the zone’s central meridian. The zone’s central meridians (3˚, 9˚, 15˚, etc.) are east
and west meridians.
To avoid the negative ordinates of points on the left of the zone’s central meridian (abscissas
(X) axis of the rectangular coordinate system), 500 000 m is added to Yg values reduced with an
m0 scale factor (~0.9996). The zone’s number is written at the beginning of the ordinate to
introduce in which zone the ordinate is located. Since Xg values are positive on the northern
hemisphere, adding a constant value is not necessary, and they are only reduced by m0. In
contrast, in the south hemisphere, 10 000 000 m is added to Xg values reduced by m0. Therefore,
the obtained coordinate values are known as easting and northing values.
The easting and northing values are used only for drawing. As a result, distance, direction,
and area cannot be calculated using projection coordinates. It is necessary to go back from the
easting and northing values to find the Yg and Xg values for the aforementioned points and to
make calculations using these values [7].
The UTM projection system is used in the production of medium and some small-scale
standard topographic maps. 1 km ellipsoidal length around the border (3˚ far from the central
meridian of a 6˚ wide zone) is 84 cm longer in the projection [11].
An Experimental Study on Map Projection … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
The LCC projection was developed in 1772 by J. H. Lambert. In this projection, a cone can
be placed on the reference surface (sphere or ellipsoid) as tangent along a parallel or as secant
along two parallels. These parallels are known as standard parallels. In the LCC projection, the
meridians are straight lines (converging at the pole), and the parallels are concentric circular arcs.
In the projection with one standard parallel, deformations increase towards to north and south
from the standard parallel, while length is preserved along the standard parallel. The projection
method with two standard parallels was developed to reduce the deformations that take place in
projections with one standard parallel. In this method, the distance along the meridian between
two standard parallels is 2/3rds of the distance along the meridian (north-south) between the
latitude borders of the study area and 1/6th of the distance along the parallel (east-west) between
the meridian borders of the study area [12]. On the other hand, to specify the standard parallels,
the following equations suggested by Kavraisky may also be used [3]:
( N S ) ( N S )
1 S 2 N (1)
N and S indicate the northeast and southeast latitudes of the area, respectively.
For an area:
with a small extent in latitude but large extent in longitude, K=7,
with a rectangular outline with a longer axis north to south, K=5,
with a circular or elliptical outline, K=4, and
with a square outline, K=3.
In the secant LCC projections, the lengths of the standard parallels are preserved; the
particular scale along the standard parallels is equal to one. While the particular scale between
standard parallels is less than one, it is more than one beyond standard parallels.
In this study, two 1:1000 scaled standard topographic maps (Kırklareli F20-c-25-c-3-b and
İstanbul F21-d-21-d-4-a) in the MicroStation SS3 DGN format, placed within the provincial
borders of İstanbul were used. The stated maps were produced by the İstanbul Metropolitan
Municipality using colored aerial images. Note that Kırklareli F20-c-25-c-3-b and İstanbul F21-
d-21-d-4-a are referred to as Sheet-1 and Sheet-2 hereafter, respectively. The coordinates and
map sheet designation of the maps were organized in 2005.0 epoch connected to the last updated
Turkish National Fundamental GPS Network, GRS80 ellipsoid, and Transverse Mercator (TM)
projection. Although these maps are in two different zones (CMs: 27˚ and 30˚), they are two
adjoining sheets. As the experimental testing following test were applied: The cartometrical
analyses (coordinate, length, bearing, and area measurements) were also applied in order to
introduce the effects of methods and algorithms applied in the programs for zone and projection
transformation. In this context, four buildings located at the corners of the maps were selected as
reference geometries to be considered in cartometrical analyses as presented in Figure 4. The
building corner points were enumerated from one to four starting from the northwest corner.
Three different experimental tests were performed: transformation (1) among GK/TM zones,
(2) from GK/TM to UTM, and (3) from GK/TM to LCC. AutoCad Map 3D 2014, QGIS 2.2.0,
MicroStation SS3, ArcMap 10.0, Netcad 5.0, and Global Mapper 15 were used as indicated in the
outline of the study presented in Figure 5.
T. Gökgöz, M. Hacar, A. Memduhoğlu, / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
First, ellipsoidal and original projection values were measured in all the programs and
compared. As presented in Table 1 and Table 2, the differences ranging from 2 to 7 mm emerged
between the ellipsoidal and projection values of Building-3 and Building-4's frontages. A
An Experimental Study on Map Projection … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
difference of 116 mm was identified between the ellipsoidal and projection values of the distance
from Building-3 to Building-4 as indicated in Table 3.
Table 3. Distance between northeast corner of Building-3 and southwest corner of Building-4
Ellipsoidal Value 592.7488
Sheet-2 (CM: 30˚) 592.8645
Difference 0.116
In this test, the zone transformation process of two adjoining sheets (two adjoining zones
with 27˚ and 30˚ central meridians in the GK/TM projection) was analyzed. The map sheet that
was placed in a zone with a central meridian of 30˚ was carried to the zone with a central
meridian of 27˚ (Figure 5). The results obtained from the analysis are listed below:
a. Analysis in terms of Programs
1. With regard to building corner angle, bearing, building frontage, and distance between
buildings, the same values were measured in all the programs.
2. In Global Mapper, measurement values can be obtained with the different precision. For
example, distances up to 5 meters can be measured with the precision of 1/1000th of millimeter.
Distances between 5 and 50 meters can be measured with the precision of 1/100 th of millimeter.
Distances between 50 and 500 meters can be measured with the precision of 1/10th of a
millimeter. Finally, distances longer than 500 meters can be measured with a millimeter or lower
precision. However, coordinate values are generally given with a millimeter precision. This is a
weakness of this program, and in this study, this weakness occurred in coordinate and area
measurements. For example, Table 4 shows the differences between Building-4's northeast corner
coordinate values obtained using Global Mapper and other programs. While coordinate values are
the same in a millimetric level, coordinate differences are the same in a millimetric level with
only one exception. Table 5 shows area values and differences obtained using Global Mapper and
the other programs regarding Building-4. Both area values and differences obtained with Global
Mapper are different in the square centimeter level from the other programs.
T. Gökgöz, M. Hacar, A. Memduhoğlu, / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
MicroStation ArcMap
Easting Northing Easting Northing
374307.1343 4542411.5089 374307.1343 4542411.5089
(CM: 30˚)
Sheet-2 (Trans. to
626690.5515 4542428.6511 626690.5515 4542428.6511
CM: 27˚)
Difference 252383.417 17.142 252383.417 17.142
Netcad GlobalMapper
Easting Northing Easting Northing
374307.1343 4542411.5089 374307.1340 4542411.5090
(CM: 30˚)
Sheet-2 (Trans. to
626690.5515 4542428.6511 626690.5520 4542428.6510
CM: 27˚)
Difference 252383.417 17.142 252383.418 17.142
3. Building corner angles can be directly measured with all the programs except Global
Mapper. In Global Mapper, building corner angles can be measured as the difference of bearings.
b. Analysis in terms of Projections
1. When the coordinate values in the transformed map were examined, it was seen that the
easting values changed more when compared to the northing values. In other words, while the
points changed place both in the west and north, the change was less pronounced in the north.
2. The corner angles of Building-3 and Building-4 were measured in both the original and
transformed map sheets, and it was seen that the post-transformation angles were preserved in a
second level.
3. The bearings were measured both in the original and transformed maps, and the bearings
of Building-3 and Building-4 changed in degree (approximately 2˚) (Table 6).
An Experimental Study on Map Projection … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
Table 6. Bearing between the northeast corner of Building-3 and the southwest corner of
Building-4 [º].
AutoCAD Micro Global
QGIS ArcMap Netcad
Map 3D Station Mapper
129.6481 129.6481 129.6481 129.6481 129.6481 129.6481
(CM: 30˚)
Sheet-2 (Trans.
127.6793 127.6793 127.6793 127.6793 127.6793 127.6793
to CM: 27˚)
Difference 1.9688 1.9688 1.9688 1.9688 1.9688 1.9688
4. Frontages of Building-3 and Building-4 were measured both in the original and
transformed maps. The frontages were preserved in millimetric level.
5. Table 7 shows the values of the distance between Building-3 and Building-4 both in the
original and transformed maps. There is a one millimeter difference between the two values.
Table 7. Distance between the northeast corner of Building-3 and the southwest corner of
Building-4 [m].
AutoCAD Micro Global
QGIS ArcMap Netcad
Map 3D Station Mapper
592.8645 592.8645 592.8645 592.8645 592.8645 592.8645
(CM: 30˚)
Sheet-2 (Trans. to
592.8654 592.8654 592.8654 592.8654 592.8654 592.8654
CM: 27˚)
Difference 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
6. The area of Building-3 in the transformed map did not change, and the area of Building-4
changed in terms of 30 square centimeters (Table 5).
c. Analysis in terms of Ellipsoidal Values
1. The value of the distance between Building-3 and Building-4 both in the ellipsoidal and
transformed map sheets was measured and compared in all the programs. As seen in Table 8,
there is a 177 mm difference between the ellipsoidal value and the value in transformed map
Table 8. Distance between the northeast corner of Building-3 and the southwest corner of
Building-4 [m].
Ellipsoidal Value 592.7488
Sheet-2 (Trans. to CM: 27˚) 592.8654
Difference 0.117
2. The ellipsoidal value of the distance between Building-2 and Building-4 was measured in
all the programs. In addition, the projection value of the distance between Building-2 in original
map sheet and Building-3 in the transformed map sheet was measured in all the programs.
Measurement values and differences are given in Table 9. The difference between the ellipsoidal
value and the projection value of the distance between Building-2 and Building-3 is 56 mm.
T. Gökgöz, M. Hacar, A. Memduhoğlu, / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
Table 9. Distance between the northeast corner of Building-2 and the northwest corner of
Building-3 [m].
Ellipsoidal Value 286.767
Sheet-1 (CM: 27˚) & Sheet-2 (Trans. to CM: 27˚) 286.823
Difference 0.056
In this application, the adjoining sheets located in zones with 27˚ and 30˚ central meridians in
a GK/TM projection are transformed into 6˚ wide UTM projection. For the results obtained to be
analyzed independently from datum and ellipsoid parameters (ITRF, GRS80), they have been
selected using the same method as with the original map sheets. The results obtained from the
analysis are listed below:
a. Analysis in terms of Programs
1. With regard to building corner angle, bearing, building frontage, and distance between
buildings, the same values were measured in all the programs.
2. While in area measurements all the programs except Global Mapper gave the same result
at the 3rd position after the decimal point, different results were identified at 2 nd and 1st levels of
precision (Table 10). Because of the precision weakness of Global Mapper mentioned above (see
the section 3.1-a.2.), Building-4’s area was measured with a 7 cm2 difference (Table 10), and
some corner coordinates of the building were measured with a 1 millimeter difference (Table 11).
An Experimental Study on Map Projection … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
MicroStation ArcMap
Easting Northing Easting Northing
Sheet-2 (Trans. to
626639.875 4540611.680 626639.875 4540611.680
Sheet-2 (Trans. to
626690.552 4542428.651 626690.552 4542428.651
CM: 27˚)
Difference -50.676 -1816.971 -50.676 -1816.971
Netcad GlobalMapper
Easting Northing Easting Northing
Sheet-2 (Trans. to
626639.875 4540611.680 626639.875 4540611.680
Sheet-2 (Trans. to
626690.552 4542428.651 626690.552 4542428.651
CM: 27˚)
Difference -50.676 -1816.971 -50.677 -1816.971
3. Although in the first test all measurements (frontages, distances between buildings,
building areas) were obtained directly with programs, they were not obtained directly in the test.
The reason is that calculations cannot be completed using UTM projection coordinates (easting
and northing values), while the calculations can be completed directly with the GK projection
coordinates. Furthermore, programs always do the calculations and the measurements with the
projection coordinates, regardless of the projection. Therefore, after the UTM projection
coordinates were transformed into GK projection coordinates, the measurements in this test were
obtained using calculations.
b. Analysis in terms of Projections
1. After the UTM projection coordinates were transformed into GK projection coordinates,
the obtained results (length, angle, and area) were the same as the results obtained in the first test.
2. For example, the measured distance between Building-1 and Building-2 in the UTM
projection is shorter than the measured distance in GK/TM projection (Table 12).
Table 12. Distance between northeast corner of Building-1 and northwest corner of Building-2
Sheet-1 (Trans. to UTM) 508.177
Sheet-1 (CM: 27˚) 508.380
T. Gökgöz, M. Hacar, A. Memduhoğlu, / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
3. For example, the measured area of the Building-1 in UTM projection is smaller than the
measured area in the GK/TM projection (Table 13).
c. Analysis in terms of Ellipsoidal Values: In this test, since the UTM projection
coordinates were transformed into GK projection coordinates, the results obtained were the same
as in the first test (Section 3.1).
In this test, the original map sheets in GK/TM projection were transformed into tangent and
secant LCC projections. The standard parallels chosen were 39˚ for tangent LCC and 37˚ and 41˚
for secant LCC. The central meridian chosen was 35˚ for both. Equation (1) was used to select
the standard parallels. To ensure that the results obtained were analyzed independently from
datum and ellipsoid parameters (ITRF, GRS80), the datum and ellipsoid parameters were chosen
as the same with the original map sheets. The results obtained from the analysis are listed below:
a. Analysis in terms of Programs
1. With regard to building corner angle, bearing, building frontage, and distance between
buildings, the same values were measured in all the programs.
2. While in area measurements all programs except QGIS and Global Mapper gave the same
result with square centimeter precision, different results were seen in higher precisions (Table
Table 15. Frontage differences between tangent and secant LCC [m].
Frontage 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-1
Bulding-1 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007
Bulding-2 0.006 0.003 0.006 0.003
Bulding-3 0.005 0.007 0.005 0.007
Bulding-4 0.009 0.023 0.009 0.023
An Experimental Study on Map Projection … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
2. When the distance between Building-3 and Building-4 measured in tangent LCC and
secant LCC were compared, a difference of 363 millimeters was identified (Table 16).
Table 16. Distance between the northeast corner of Building-3 and the southwest corner of
Building-4 [m].
AutoCAD Micro Global
QGIS ArcMap Netcad
Map 3D Station Mapper
Sheet-2 (Trans. to
593.115 593.115 593.115 593.115 593.115 593.115
Tangent LCC)
Sheet-2 (Trans. to
592.752 592.752 592.752 592.752 592.752 592.752
Secant LCC)
Difference 0.363 0.363 0.363 0.363 0.363 0.363
3. When the bearings between Building-3 and Building-4 measured in tangent LCC and
secant LCC were compared, a difference of 8ʺ was identified (Table 17).
Table 17. Bearing between the northeast corner of Building-3 and the southwest corner of
Building-4 [º].
AutoCAD Micro Global
QGIS ArcMap Netcad
Map 3D Station Mapper
Sheet-2 (Trans. to
132.7544 132.7544 132.7544 132.7544 132.7544 132.7544
Tangent LCC)
Sheet-2 (Trans. to
132.7552 132.7552 132.7552 132.7552 132.7552 132.7552
Secant LCC)
Difference -0.0008 -0.0008 -0.0008 -0.0008 -0.0008 -0.0008
4. The areas of all buildings measured in the GK/TM projection were smaller than the areas
measured in tangent LCC but bigger than the areas measured in secant LCC (Table 18).
5. When the areas of all buildings measured in tangent and secant LCC projections were
compared, a 0.0651-0.6714 m2 difference was identified (Table 19).
T. Gökgöz, M. Hacar, A. Memduhoğlu, / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
2. Both ellipsoidal and tangent LCC projection values of the distance between Building-3
and Building-4 were measured and compared in all the programs. As seen in Table 22, there is a
366 mm difference between the ellipsoidal value and projection value.
Table 22. Distance between the northeast corner of Building-3 and the southwest corner of
Building-4 [m].
Ellipsoidal Value 592.749
Sheet-2 (Trans. to Tangent LCC) 593.115
Difference -0.366
3. Both ellipsoidal and secant LCC projection values of the building frontages of Building-3
and Building-4 were measured in all the programs. The ellipsoidal and projection values were the
4. Both ellipsoidal and secant LCC projection values of the distance between Building-3
and Building-4 were measured and compared in all the programs. As seen in Table 23, there is a
3 mm difference between the ellipsoidal value and projection value.
Table 23. Distance between the northeast corner of Building-3 and the southwest corner of
Building-4 [m].
Ellipsoidal Value 592.749
Sheet-2 (Trans. to Tangent LCC) 593.115
Difference -0.366
To compare the projections in addition to the ellipsoidal values in terms of frontages, corner
angles, areas, and bearings, the tables below were designed.
An Experimental Study on Map Projection … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
There are differences between the distance values measured in GK/TM, as well as in tangent
LCC and ellipsoidal values in a decimeter level. The distance values measured in tangent LCC
differ from the ellipsoidal values more than the values measured in GK/TM (nearly three times)
(Table 28 and 29).
T. Gökgöz, M. Hacar, A. Memduhoğlu, / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
Table 28. Distance difference between the northeast corner of Building-3 and the southwest
corner of Building-4 [m].
Ellipsoidal Value 592.749
Sheet-2 (Trans. to Tangent LCC) 593.115
Difference -0.366
Table 29. Distance difference between the northeast corner of Building-3 and the southwest
corner of Building-4 [m].
Ellipsoidal Value 592.749
Sheet-2 (CM: 30) 592.8645
Difference -0.116
The frontages measured in secant LCC are the same as the ellipsoidal values. Besides, the
distance values measured in the secant LCC are closer to the ellipsoidal values than both the
values measured in GK/TM and the tangent LCC (Table 30).
Table 30. Distance difference between the northeast corner of Building-3 and the southwest
corner of Building-4 [m].
Ellipsoidal Value 592.749
Sheet-2 (Trans. to Secant LCC) 592.752
Difference -0.003
This study concluded that though measurements with a precision higher than a millimeter can
be obtained using AutoCAD Map 3D, QGIS, MicroStation SS3, ArcMap, and Netcad, only
values up to the millimeter precision should be taken in the case that these have been measured
using Global Mapper; this level of caution should be taken primarily because of Global Mapper’s
limited precision.
While the GK/TM to UTM transformations of all programs gave the same result with
millimeter precision, in the zone-to-zone and GK/TM to LCC transformations, there were
differences with values of a millimeter or higher. As is known, calculations cannot be done with
easting and northing values in UTM projection because of the existing scale factor (~0.9996).
However, all commercial software do the calculations with these values. In this sense, it would be
useful to improve the software capabilities (a) in a way such that, when the projection
information is defined as UTM by the user, the measurement and calculations are automatically
completed using the Gauss-Krüger coordinates or (b) by providing a new tool to the user that has
this function (e.g., "Measure in UTM"). Otherwise, the values obtained by the user would be
Since the study area is far from the standard parallel specified for the tangent LCC, the
tangent LCC is not a good alternative for the GK/TM. On the other hand, the secant LCC is a
good alternative for both the GK/TM and the tangent LCC because the study area is too close to
the area of the standard parallels specified for the secant LCC. It will be also investigated what
values the differences will reach as moved away from the standard parallels. Nevertheless, it is
obvious that this projection can easily be used along the standard parallels.
When such a problem is encountered, there is no single solution or tool. The appropriate
method and program should be selected depending on the geographical location of the study area,
the objective, the expected accuracy, and precision. However, the values collected in the field
An Experimental Study on Map Projection … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 35 (1), 101-117, 2017
should be used to obtain the coordinates, distances, angles and areas in an engineering project,
because projections are not useful for precise measurement and are generally only used for
representation of topography on a map.
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