Impact of E Navigation On ECDIS Developm

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Impact of E-Navigation on ECDIS Development as a

Decision Support System

Utjecaj E-navigacije na razvoj ECDIS-a kao sustava podrške
Miroslav Bistrović Domagoj Komorčec
University of Rijeka University of Rijeka
Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka
e-mail: e-mail:

DOI 10.17818/NM.1.6.2015
UDK 656.61 : 621.39
Professional paper / Stručni članak
Paper accepted / Rukopis primljen: 24. 10. 2014.

Density of sea traffic and an increasing number of ships requires the application KEY WORDS
of new technologies in vessel traffic monitoring in order to find new solutions for
existing problems. The solution is identified through application of e-navigation
concept by connecting maritime institutions on shore with ships and vessels for
safety at sea
better information sharing and integration. The implementation of e-navigation
requires adaptation of existing navigation and communication systems to this
new concept. The aim of this paper is to present the ECDIS development possibility
through requirements of e-navigation, based on end-user needs. Given the large
number of devices and systems used in navigation, ECDIS adaptation to e-navigation
requirements makes sense only through a thorough understanding of user’s needs. By
integrating all available information, organizing them into a database, and presenting
them in a specific fashion, a suitable platform for decision-making in everyday ship
navigation is created. Since the application of ECDIS onboard has become obligatory
and ship’s primary navigational device, the adaptation to e -navigation requirements
would mean also becoming a central decision support system onboard.

Gustoća prometa na moru i povećanje broja brodova zahtijeva primjenu novih KLJUČNE RIJEČI
tehnologija u nadzoru plovidbe brodova kako bi se pronašla nova rješenja za postojeće
probleme. Rješenje je prepoznato kroz primjenu koncepta e-navigacije povezujući
pomorske institucije na kopnu s brodovima i plovnim objektima u svrhu bolje integracije
sigurnost plovidbe
i razmjene informacija. Primjena e-navigacije kao preduvjet traži prilagodbu postojećih
navigacijsko-komunikacijskih sustava ovom novom konceptu. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati
mogućnost razvoja ECDIS-a kroz prilagodbu sustava zahtjevima e-navigacije temeljenih
na korisničkim potrebama. S obzirom na veliki broj uređaja i sustava kojima se koristi u
navigaciji, prilagodba ECDIS-a zahtjevima e-navigacije ima smisla jedino kroz potpuno
razumijevanje korisničkih potreba. Integriranjem dostupnih informacija, njihovom
organizacijom u baze podataka i prezentacijom informacija na određeni način stvorila
se pogodna platforma za donošenje odluka u svakodnevnoj brodskoj navigaciji. Kako
je ECDIS obveznim uvođenjem u uporabu postao primarni navigacijski uređaj na brodu,
prilagodbom zahtjevima e-navigacije postao bi i središnji sustav za podršku odlučivanju
u navigaciji broda.

Although ECDIS has existed on the market for many years and map ENC. The emergence of system with such complexity and
has been accepted by both ship owners and end users-seafarers, a wide range of possibilities, while keeping all other navigation
thru mandatory introduction by the IMO, it has become the devices and systems on board, has contributed to the greater
primary navigational system on board. The system itself is safety of navigation, better control of ship navigation and
designed as a device that integrates a variety of navigation easier voyage berth to berth planning. E-navigation definition
data and presents them as useful information on electronic by IMO can be summarized as: “harmonized collection,

30 M. Bistrović et al: Impact of E-Navigation on ECDIS Development...

integration, exchange, presentation and analysis of maritime • ENC charts – for a successful application, it is necessary
information onboard and ashore using electronic technology to achieve 100% coverage of the whole globe
with the aim of improving the navigation of the ship berth to • Robust EPFS (Electronic Positioning Fixing System) –
berth and support services for safety at sea and protection of under the electronic system for determining position,
marine environment“. Such formation of definition suggests a terrestrial hyperbolic navigation system (Loran C) as
that in addition to administrative bodies, commercial and an auxiliary system and satellite navigation systems like
governmental institutions, the core of e-navigation consists GPS, GLONASS or Galileo as the main source of data on
of electronic and information technology which provides the the position should be considered
ability to manage information. Out of the development of • Communication infrastructure for communication
E-navigation and a request for a higher degree of integration between shore and ships should be established
and an exchange of information, there emerges a need for
ECDIS system adaption to the concept of e-navigation. For this Although this division includes the proposed core of
reason, it is necessary to analyze the needs and requirements e-navigation, for complete functionality of e-navigation
which should be fulfilled for ECDIS to be successfully applied as concept in all desired domains, it is necessary to add the
a central part of e-navigation concept on board. If thru rejection following segments:
of the paper charts and the introduction of e-navigation • AIS – as a basic system used for vessel identification and
attention of bridge officer is directed to ECDIS, it is necessary vessel track and information monitoring
to revise the architectural and organizational structure of ECDIS • ARPA Radar – basic system for object detection and
and to adapt the system to new applications and user needs. collision avoidance
With a brief legislation review, we will concentrate on the
technological segment of e-navigation and its interrelationship In this division, it is important to notice the need for inclusion
with the ECDIS system from which a suitable platform for of mentioned elements and their integration into a logical
decision support system is created. A new system architecture whole. As a logical solution, ECDIS system has been imposed,
model is proposed in which ECDIS system is more centralized, by which ENC charts have been already successfully integrated
thus emphasizing its role in navigation even more. But at the with satellite positioning system GNSS, ARPA radar and AIS
same time, the system will be more user-oriented allowing it system. The system further allows the integration of various
the configuration i.e. system set up according to the needs and types of navigation equipment. In the context of ECDIS systems,
desires. Specific functions, presentations of information and EPFS has been observed, just as GNSS sensor that forwards the
ways of managing information need to be standardized, which ship’s position information to the system where this information
would facilitate user transition from one type of equipment to is used to show the ship to the ENC chart, together with other
another or from a vessel to a vessel. available information.
It should be noted that although a large number of entities What should be pointed out as potentially problematic
within e-navigation concept performs various tasks, they all segment of e-navigation are ENC charts that do not yet have
share the information related to the safety of navigation. The 100% global coverage, but a possibly greater disadvantage is
information exchanged may relate to the ship itself and its deficiency of existing S-57 hydrographic standard (currently
status, conditions at sea, administrative notices, weather reports used for data presentation on nautical ENC charts) for application
and so on. By creating a database and selecting the appropriate in e -navigation. Given that the main principle of e-navigation is
presentation model, timely and reliable information in ship- information integration and exchange, the S-57 standard does
maritime environment becomes the basis for proper decision- not meet all the requirements that needs to be achieved by the
making in navigation and maritime traffic and transport introduction of e-navigation, that is this deficiency is mainly
management. The consequence of such an approach to the incapability of proper support for S-57 charts and MIO (Marine
management and control of maritime traffic is reflected in an Information Overlay) information. For better compatibility and
increased safety and reduced human errors, caused by wrong meeting the needs of e-navigation concept for ENC charts, IHO
judgment. The management of information received from has developed a new standard S-100 as a universal hydrographic
ship’s sensors and from communication with other ships and data model, which will allow usage of images from the charts,
administration on shore, assumes the existence of a central user classification of seabed, high density bathymetry, 3D data,
interface that should be developed from ECDIS system. dynamical ECDIS, online update etc.


E-NAVIGATION CONCEPT / Potrebe korisnika i potreba korisnika za implementaciju e-navigacije
zahtjevi koji se primijenjuju na ECDIS sustav koji Canadian Coast Guard [2] has conducted a research for
proizlazi iz pojma e-navigacije determining user requirements and needs for implementation
For a successful e-navigation implementation, it is necessary of e-navigation by means of questionnaire in which participating
to establish basic technological concepts which will be mariners (65%) and land users and support (35%) expressed
the foundation of practical e-navigation implementation. their opinions. Questionnaire was prepared in accordance with
According to the research[1] conducted by Polish Maritime the template developed by IMO for international research in
Academy, Gdynia, Maritime University Gdynia and Maritime the field of e-navigation in three main categories: maritime
University Szczecin, basic e-navigation elements as a basis for communications, user interface and technical / operational
further system development should be: improvements.

“Naše more” 62(1)/2015., pp. 30-39 31

Chart 1 Results of the questionnaire about the importance of meteorological and hydrological information
Karta 1. Rezultati upitnika o važnosti metoroloških i hidroloških informacija

Source: Findings of Canadian E–Navigation User Needs Survey, May–October 2009

In this paper, we will concentrate not as much on maritime status of ports, waterways, moorings, anchorages, bridges,
communications because ECDIS is the only system, as a central routes, etc. are considered important for a safe navigation,
system for presentation of different information that can meet as well as information relating to the situation in specified
user needs and requirements for e-navigation through the maritime zones or areas, and SAR information. Availability and
integration of all such information. Information relating to accessibility of this information provides excellent support for
meteorological phenomena and sea conditions are highlighted real time decision making, thus increasing the safety of vessels
as particularly important by participants, especially if these navigation while at the same time reducing a human error. If
information are displayed in real time. Information about the practical application of these requirements in ECDIS system is

Chart 2 Results of the questionnaire about the importance of traffic information

Karta 2. Rezultati upitnika o važnosti informacije o prometu

Source: Findings of Canadian E–Navigation User Needs Survey, May–October 2009

Chart 3 Results of the questionnaire about the importance of information about the area / zone
Karta 3. Rezultati upitnika o važnosti informacija o prostoru / zoni

Source: Findings of Canadian E–Navigation User Needs Survey, May–October 2009

32 M. Bistrović et al: Impact of E-Navigation on ECDIS Development...

Chart 4 Results of the questionnaire about the importance of filtering information
Karta 4. Rezultati upitnika o važnosti filtriranja informacija

Source: Findings of Canadian E–Navigation User Needs Survey, May–October 2009

achieved on a logical, unambiguous and user friendly way, the evident the biggest problems which need to be solved in future.
improvements related to the safety of navigation, better control Emphasis on the design of minimal function of S-Mode display
over ship’s navigation planning and right decision making in an needs definitely to be put on the needs and requirements of
emergency situation will be significantly increased. end users, that is those users who will be using it in their daily
Such a large amount of information also includes additional work and have most benefit from the system. The obvious
burden for deck officers on the bridge with information which problem that arises is standardization of S–Mode display and
are, for him in a given time, not so important. For this reason, logical definition of minimum functions and information that
particular attention should be paid to designing optimal model should be displayed on the screen, in order for it to fulfill its
for using available information through the possibility of primary purpose. Definitely, the trap should be avoided to load
selection and prioritization of important information over less S-Mode display with too many different information without
important. Research also has shown that information which taking into account the real needs of deck officers on the vessel.
users consider particularly important are subject to frequent Also the minimum information that should be presented on
changes, meaning that they have a dynamic characteristic display must meet the sufficient conditions for a safe navigation
which highlights the importance of time factor for information of ship and create basis for making right decisions in navigation.
availability. If all information are constantly available in the Every deck officer will not consider all available information to
system, then the officer on the bridge could decide for him be of same priority that is, what may be very important piece of
what information are needed in a particular situation and could information to one person, another one can consider it to be of
respond appropriately. The selection of required information secondary priority. Participants also noted that the introduction
would be conducted by means of additional presentation of S-Mode screen can lead to a reduction in the quality of deck
layers on ECDIS system which would represent different types officers training for relying too much on a simplified form of
of navigational data in real time. Also there is a clear need for information presentation. Defining the minimum amount of
simple data filtering switching off and restoring the system to needed information in the S-Mode display can lead to the
standard navigational mode of operation. restriction of further development and application of new
technologies, which should be also taken into consideration. For
NEED FOR S-MODE DISPLAY INTRODUCTION / this reason, planning and developing S-Mode display should be
Potrebe za uvođenjem S-Mode ekrana done with extra attention.
S–Mode display [2] is highlighted by the participants, as What has been pointed out as a positive aspect of the
particularly interesting segment of the system, but here are also introduction of S-Mode display certainly is introduction

Chart 5 Results of the questionnaire for need of S-Mode Display

Karta 5. Rezultati upitnika za upotrebu S-Mode ekrana

Source: Findings of Canadian E–Navigation User Needs Survey, May–October 2009

“Naše more” 62(1)/2015., pp. 30-39 33

of a certain standardization which will be helpful in vessel presentation and use of relevant information for the purposes
navigation and vessel traffic control and surveillance. Also of navigating the ship and communicating with other subjects
development of S-mode display will be a good starting point for within the concept of e-navigation.
training in e-navigation concept and its further development
and application, facilitating easier transfer between equipment STANDARDS AND ARCHITECTURE OF ECDIS
from different manufacturer. SYSTEM / Standardi i građa ECDIS sustava
Tipovi informacija unutar e-navigacije obuku i tehnička podrška
Information access, availability and timeliness are the basic According to SOLAS convention, all passenger and merchant
parameters of e-navigation concept. Such approach to system ships in international voyages under the proposed schedule will
organization gives priority to end users’ requirements, taking need to have ECDIS system installed, rule for passenger ships is
into account their real needs in correlation to a presumed need. valid from 1 July 2014, while all cargo ships need to have ECDIS
According to the characteristics and data source circulating installed as soon from 1 July 2018.
within the system information can be divided into: Mandatory dates for ECDIS system implementation - SOLAS
• Ship’s sensor information – speed, course, position, Amendment MSC 282 (86), [16]:
wind, depth, ROT, rudder angle indication… 1. July 2012: All new passenger vessels over 500gt and new
• VTS traffic information – traffic density, traffic corridors, tankers over 3,000gt
SAR information, port information, route exchange, 1. July 2013: All new cargo vessels over 10,000gt
AtoN status, logistic information 1. July 2014: All new cargo vessels over 3,000gt and existing
• Weather and atmospheric information – weather passenger vessels over 500gt
reports, current reports, ice reports, wind reports, tide 1. July 2015: Existing tankers over 3,000gt
and waves reports 1. July 2016: Existing cargo vessels over 50,000gt
• Collision and grounding avoidance information – ARPA 1. July 2017: Existing cargo vessels 20,000gt and under 50,000gt
objects, AIS information, optimal route display, vessel 1. July 2018: Existing cargo vessels 10,000gt and under 20,000gt
characteristics, protected zones and areas, archeological
sites Consequently STCW has also issued an instruction, which
entered into force on 1 January 2012, which defines the
Each piece of information by itself represent s only one of guidelines for the implementation of training related to ECDIS
the variables whose practical value will be shown only through systems. It included and defined the programs curriculum which
integration with other external or internal information. All this all deck officers have to master. Upon successful completion of
integrated information will form a set of mutually dependent this program, in order to be recognized as an ECDIS trained
and time-variable data which will allow new possibilities of users officers need to be able to:


Figure 1 ECDIS Implementation Schedule - July 2012 to July 2018

Slika1. ECDIS raspored implementacije-srpanj 2012 do srpnja 2018

34 M. Bistrović et al: Impact of E-Navigation on ECDIS Development...

Source: Authors / Izvor: Autori
Figure 2 A typical configurations of ECDIS system
Slika 2. Tipična konfiguracija ECDIS sustava

• Use ECDIS for safe navigation, transition to newer S-100 format)

• Monitor navigational information on ECDIS in a way that • Charts presentation to color and symbols specifications
contributes to safe navigation format S–52
• Use ECDIS and other navigational tools and devices as a • Support for basic navigational functions (VRM, EBL,
decision support in navigation route planning, route monitoring)
• Plan and conduct coastal navigation and determine • Support for information received from other navigational
ship’s position systems and devices
• Alarm management and generation facilities with
By means of this instruction, there has been defined warning and malfunction visual indication
necessary skills and competencies that deck officers must • Separate power supply
receive during their ECDIS training and skill demonstration • Back up support
upon finishing required curriculum and criteria for performance
evaluation of participants. This standardization of training is Although the program and learning outcomes for
important in terms of balancing education requirements for deck officers ECDIS training are well known as its technical
deck officers at the international level. Training is carried out characteristics are defined and known, because of different
through two modules of which the first is general overview systems manufacturers training should always be accompanied
in which participants learn about the ECDIS technology by specific training that relates to a particular equipment or
through theoretical and practical training, while the second individual equipment manufacturers.
part considers the type of training for specific equipment and
is carried out on the same equipment that officers will use on ECDIS AND E-NAVIGATION AS A DECISION
their ships. IMO also regulates minimum requirements that SUPPORT SYSTEM / ECDIS i e-navigacija kao
ECDIS systems must satisfy in order to be approved by the IMO sustav podrške odlučivanju
through its IMO resolution MSC.232 (82) applying for systems Although ECDIS is a powerful navigation system with its
installed after January 1. 2009. This are requirements as follows: complex software and slightly less complex hardware in typical
• Possibility of ENC usage in standard S-57 format (with configuration it is always integrated with other navigation

Source: Authors
Figure 3 ECDIS system model as a decision support system
Slika 3. ECDIS model sustava kao sustav podrške odlučivanju

“Naše more” 62(1)/2015., pp. 30-39 35

systems and devices on bridge. The usual configuration of possibilities of its use are the key to a successful application
ECDIS systems on newer ships consists of the main and auxiliary of e-navigation in practice. The combination of various data
processor module (Figure 1), input from ship’s sensors, software obtained from several mutually independent sources, selecting
support, ENC charts and display screen for collected and and implementing appropriate model that is algorithm, and
presented information (and UPS as an uninterruptible power presentation power can make ECDIS system suitable for decision
supply for the entire system). support making. Each decision support system consists of
Processor layer usually consists of computer adapted for certain data organized into a database, a suitable description
marine usage, which serves as a storage location for ENC charts, model for data analysis using data from database and user
and using input - output module receives information from interface which helps the user to monitor and control system.
the ship’s sensors and presents them on display screen. Both This organizational structure creates excellent base for decision
processing modules can independently perform complete making in any probable situation. From the perspective of
function of ECDIS system in case of failure of either one of them. maritime environment, ships decision support systems model
In case of simultaneous operation together, they operate on can be presented as in Figure 2. that is a model which uses
server - client basis and at any given time the status of server ECDIS resources to perform desired functions.
processing module can be switched from one module to In addition to the data from ship’s environment (primarily
another processing module. The part of the sensor layer can be information from ship’s sensors) ECDIS in his databases uses
any navigation device or system such as GNSS, echo sounder, also static data, which from time aspect is not an optimal
anemometer, AIS, speed log etc, which provides information on solution. Taking into account the time as an important factor
different parameters or for example autopilot, which in this case that affects the whole range of different parameters, from an
acts as an actuator. external environment of a ship, a possibility appears to create
All these data coming from the ship’s sensors are processed real-time information that will provide a significant impact
in the processing module. They primarily serve as a source of on deck officers operations in navigation. A large quantity of
useful information giving thus a significant contribution to the data acquired by the system will not only serve as mere data
safety of navigation. But the whole system should be seen as accumulation, but the aim is to integrate all available data in
a tool that is subject to certain deviations and errors which meaningful real time information which will be the basis for
can have different characteristics, and therefore must not be taking appropriate action in different navigational situations.
ignored, since correct decision making process depends on its By gathering all available information in the ship’s environment,
reliability. available from external and internal sources, integrating them
If we take into account the available information that system into database and new types of useful data, analysis and
provides, and interacts with it in the right way, then it is possible presentation of these data as new useful information opens the
to use ECDIS as a decision support system in all phases of ship possibility for creation of decision support systems based on
voyage, starting from basic reading of available information, up e-navigation concept. This approach seeks to provide mariner
to the automatic track control of ship on any given route. The with quality information, instead of piling up a whole range of
basic principles of e-navigation are sharing, analysing, collecting data which is sometimes of secondary importance, in order to
and storing of data and we can say that the information and the make proper reaction in potentially dangerous situations.

Figure 4 Concept of Ariadna system
Slika 4. Koncept sustava Ariadna

36 M. Bistrović et al: Impact of E-Navigation on ECDIS Development...

Figure 5 Maritime cloud data distribution
Slika 5. Raspored podataka pomorskog oblaka

An example of such management method of navigational ECDIS SYSTEM ADAPTATION TO E-NAVIGATION

information has already been successfully implemented in REQUIREMENTS / ECDIS sustav adaptacije na
project “Maritime Volumetric Navigation System - ARIADNA”. It zahtjeve e-navigacije
is a system that uses navigation data, GNSS data, characteristics The presentation requires a significant adjustment to
of the vessel, sea conditions, meteorological data, volume E-navigation concept, since it will be a central user interface
data and integrates all of these information with the “fourth for data exchange and communication between vessels and
dimension” in this case time. Although primarily designed as a shore institutions. ECDIS support presentation of data through
system for inland navigation, it can be used anywhere where three basic data layers (basic, standard and full layer) allows
the density of traffic is high and there is a potential high risk user option to choose different data layers according to users’
of collision. Using this data and placing them in an appropriate preferences ranging from the basic to the presentation of all
analytical model, the system calculates volumetric envelope of available data and information. The integration of information
the vessel which is represented as a 3D safety zone in real time. that the system receives from the external sources includes the
Vessels dimensional layer changes depending on variations in creation of additional layers of data, which will be used to access
vessels speed and position, current depth of the sea, weather meteorological, situational, navigational and other information,
conditions, tides, currents, waves, traffic density, parameters of such as information that system receives such as MSI,
other vessels and current navigational situation at sea. Layer information from VTS and port authorities, information from
provides enough space and enough time to take an appropriate logistical support, display of volume zones, 3D presentation
action for object avoidance at sea as well ashore, and given that and more. Current capabilities which ECDIS supports are
the vessel’s volume varies in response to external and internal needed for advanced features, required to meet the needs of
changes in current parameters of the vessel and changes in E-navigation. They are limited with S-57 data presentation
vessels environment, the system provides an excellent ship’s model. The proposed model to be used for overcoming these
maneuverability at all times. limitations is S-100 hydrographic data model, with advanced
Another good example for E-navigation implementation display capabilities, usage and data exchange.
is MONALISA project which seeks to introduce improvements The use of S-100 data presentation model allows the
in information exchange relevant for safe navigation. System is user to keep all layer functions that exist in classical ECDIS
designed as a navigational user interface in which deck officer on configuration, with the support of the functions that would be
watch at the arrival to his shift logs in the system via smartcard. serving E-navigation for example:
The system identifies officers using a database containing • Control over integrated navigational system and vessels
all relevant information about the officer, his qualifications, central alarm system
competences and skills, thus ensuring that the qualifications • Control over vessel traffic and current situation at sea
of the person in charge who operates vessel remains at a high • Monitoring of navigational, meteorological, and
level of proficiency. Deck officer during his shift communicates hydrographical sensor information
by satellite or terrestrial link with the coastal services sharing • Route creating and berth to berth route planning
mutual information relating mainly to the selection of optimal • Communication with port authorities, logistical support,
routes for the safe navigation of the vessel and any other SAR authorities, other vessels, service providers etc.
relevant information that can benefit to the mariner in his every • Real time data exchange between users (vessels, coastal
day navigation. institutions etc.)

“Naše more” 62(1)/2015., pp. 30-39 37

• Automatic reports generation regarding vessel and for now is still a big problem because there is no consensus on
vessels systems status what information is crucial and how do declare priority among
• Online update of ENC charts and other upgradable them. For solving this problem, it is also necessary to keep in
navigational systems mind the specific needs of end users, taking into account the
• Internet access and internet services access potential situations that may occur during different navigational
Significant progress needs to be made in terms of linking Integrating information by using ECDIS which user receives
ECDIS system with internet support and communication with from the support from the mainland, other vessels and those
support from coastal institutions and other vessels in the obtained from their ship’s sensors into useful information and
area. Since the need to transmit large data packets in both its presentation, preconditions are created for proper decision
communication directions must comply with the requirement making in the daily voyage of the vessel. Such integration of
for the bit rate over 1 Mbps and to cover a range greater than information opens up new possibilities for the use of ECDIS
25nm for a successful use in maritime industry. The obvious system for example volumetric navigation system is one of the
advantage of terrestrial communication systems in reference to possible ways of using ECDIS as decision support system. Given
satellite systems is still the price which is for satellite systems the fact that the e-navigation concept tries to encompass all
still significantly higher, compared to common terrestrial users and participants in maritime transport it is easy to reach
communication system. In this segment, the integration of the conclusion that some standardization would be required
ECDIS system with communications systems, either terrestrial or and, in addition to the equipment, also in training for users of
satellite, It is still necessary to conduct further research to find ECDIS. The adaptation of ECDIS system to the requirements
the most acceptable or optimal solutions for communication and needs of e-navigation is resulting in a direct impact on the
and information exchange. increased maritime traffic safety that will be revealed through
One proposed concept emerges from “Maritime Cloud”, a the avoidance of maritime accidents, avoidance of vessels
type of communication strategy to be used by e-navigation. This strandings, prevention of environmental incidents and ease of
strategy [19] will encompass standards, technical infrastructure information exchange between vessels, SAR services and the
and governance that facilitate secure interoperable information support from mainland.
exchange between all participants in maritime environment
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[14] Bronk K.; Wireless Broadband Networks for E-navigation – Towards the
which the vessel is in interaction or has tendency to interact. future, E–navigation Underway, Copenhagen, 2013.
However, it should be noted that a number of predefined [15]
and standardized information must always be visible or easily
accessible with one click, bearing in mind that such information [18]
is sufficient to give insight into the current situation at sea. The [19]
minimum information which deck officer will be loaded with,

38 M. Bistrović et al: Impact of E-Navigation on ECDIS Development...

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