Pigcrangan Integrated School: Importance of Standard Recipe
Pigcrangan Integrated School: Importance of Standard Recipe
Pigcrangan Integrated School: Importance of Standard Recipe
Grade/Section: GRADE-10
Subject: T.L.E
MELCS Lesson/Topic Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Resources/ Assessment
(SLM) (SLM) (SLM) (SLM) (SLM) References
Perform mise en Guide the learner Guide the learner Guide the learner Guide the learner Technology and Pre-test
Guiding the
place. in the activity: in the activity: in the activity: in the activity: Livelihood Post-test
learner in the Education (Home
*Identify an eggs 1. “Look in the 1. “Look for Me!” 1. “How Do I activity called 1. “Can You Fill Economics)
components and Box” Function?” “HASHTAG” Me In” Quarter 1 Module 1
its nutritive value. 2. “Find me in the Week 1
2. “Discover Me” Circle” 2. “Draw me with 2. “Do You Self Learning
*Identify and PLACE. Module
Love” Guide the learner Know Me Well?”
prepare 3. “What
3. “Can You in understanding
Name Me?” composes me?” 3. “Unlock Me!” the importance 3. “Arrange Me”
according to
standard recipe of standard
4. “Can You 4. “Can You Draw 4. “Fill me in” Assessment
Me”? recipe
Organize Me?” activity;
4. “What Can I
Offer You?”
Grade/Section: GRADE-11
Subject: Elective (cookery)
MELCS Lesson/Topic Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Resources/ Assessment
(SLM) (SLM) (SLM) (SLM) (SLM) References
Clean and *Guide the learner Technical- Pre-test
Maintain Kitchen Clean, Sanitize in analyzing the Vocational Post-test
Tools and and Store given pictures. Guide the learner Let the learner Guiding the The learner Livelihood
Premises Kitchen Tools in understanding know the methods learner in answers the Quarter 1 Module 1
*The learner the importance of of sanitizing and given Self-Check, Week 1
and Equipment performing the
identifies the equipment the factors that Activity and Post- Self-Learning
different kitchen sanitation must be given activity. Test. Module
utensils and procedures. considered.
Grade/Section: GRADE-8
Subject: MAPEH
MELCS Lesson/Topic Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Resources/ Assessment
(SLM) (SLM) (SLM) (SLM) (SLM) References
*analyzes musical elements of selected 1. Analyze to *The learner *Guide the *Guide the
*Guide the learner
songs and instrumental pieces heard and Southeast listens to the learner in the learner in the
activity entitled given activity. in understanding
performed; Asian Musical sample videos or
“Find Me!” the sexuality as an Pre-test
Elements music of the vocal The learner MAPEH -8
*identifies characteristics of arts and crafts *The learner important Post-test
and instrumental answers the Quarter 1
in specific countries in Southeast *Let the students understands component of
2. ensembles in
analyze the the
given post- Module 1
Asia:Indonesia(batik, Wayang puppetry); some of the one’s personality. test and Week 1
Malaysia (modern batik, wau, and objects elements and importance of
Characteristic Southeast Asian principle of arts. HRF. *The Learner reviews Self-
made from pewter); Thailand (silk fabrics their Learning
s of Arts and countries. answers the given
and Loi Kratong Lantern Festival); answers. Module
Crafts in *Answers the *Learners activity.
Cambodia (AngkorWat and ancient
Southeast *Answers the activity “Know perform the
temples); Singapore (Merlion), etc. given task.
Asia given activity. Me” and “Analyze
*Conducts physical activity and physical
fitness assessments of family/school peers 3. Go for
*Answers the
fitness goal. given Post-test.
*analyzes the factors that affect one’s
attitudes and practices related to sexuality 4.The marvel
and sexual behaviors. of oneself
Prepared by: Anjilly A. Ibrahim Noted by: Helen C. Torres
Teacher School Principal