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Apply Safety Practices: Lesson 4

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Apply Safety Practices

At the end of this Lesson, you are expected to
do the following:

LO 1. identify hazardous area;

LO 2. use personal protective clothing and devices
Definition of Terms

Ergonomic principles - a principle of handling a delicate object or task.

First aid - it implies includes all forms of remedies given immediately to
humans in order to minimize or prevent casualties or fatalities caused by
accidents or normal course of time.
Hazard - particular place, thing, or situation that is a risk or danger to the
person involved.
Health – overall condition of the body
Injury - damage or harm caused to the structure or function of the body caused
by an outside agent or force, which may be physical or chemical.
Quality standards - set of exact specifications to become patterns of actions.
Sanitize - maintain high standard of housekeeping.
Self-Discipline - refers to doing things spontaneously without being told or
Standard - any established measure; an accurate type; an authoritative model
as an example or comparison.
Symbols - generally common illustrations printed on the signs which
sometimes carry a descriptive word or few words.
Waste disposal - proper discharge of any solid waste into or in any hand
Workplace - office, premises or worksite where a worker is temporary or
habitually assigned.

OHSC – Occupational Health and Safety Commission
OHSS - Occupational Health and Safety Standards
PPE - Personal Protective Equipment actions.

Identifying Hazardous Area


1. Hazards are identified correctly in accordance with OHS procedures.

2. Safety signs and symbols are identified and adhered to in accordance with
workplace safety procedure.


a. Drawing paper
b. Pencil
c. Any coloring medium
What Do You Already Know?

Let us determine how much you already know about the identifying hazardous
area. Take this test.

Pretest LO 1

A. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. It will be used only to warn or caution against practices.

A. Caution sign B. Danger sign C. Exit sign D. Safety sign

2. This preventive sign shall be used only where an immediate hazard exists.

A. Caution sign B. Danger sign C. Exit sign D. Safety sign

3. This is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety, health and
welfare of people engaged in work or employment.

A. Occupational Safety and Health C. Occupational Labor Code

B. Department of Labor and Employment D. Department of Trade and
4. Occupational safety and health requirements may be reinforced in civil law and/or
criminal law.

A. Economic B. Labor C. Legal D. Moral

5. Take out unnecessary items and dispose.

A . Seiri B. Seiketsu C. Seiso D. Shitsuke.

6. Arrange necessary items in good order for use.

a . Seiri B. Seiketsu C. Seiso D. Seiton

7. Do things spontaneously without being told or ordered.

A . Seiri B. Seiketsu C. Seiso D. Shitsuke.

8. This type of hazards are solid, liquid, vapor or gaseous substances, dust, fume or

A . Biological B. Chemical C. Ergonomic D. Safety

9. Refers to inadequate and insufficient machine guards, unsafe workplace
conditions, unsafe work practices.

A . Biological B. Chemical C. Ergonomic D. Safety

10. This is caused by organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.

A . Biological B. Chemical C. Ergonomic D. Safety


Check if your answers are correct by comparing them with those in

the Answer Key.

If you got 90-100% of the items correct, that means you

already familiar with the lesson covered by Learning Outcome No. 3.
However you may still study the lesson to refresh your memory and learn
new concepts.

If you missed a lot of items, do all the activities again to

gain knowledge and skills required for mastery.
What Do You Need To Know?

Read the Information Sheet 1.1 very well then find out how much you can
remember and how much you learned by doing Self-check 1.1.

Information Sheet 1.1


Occupational Safety and Health is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with

protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment. As a
secondary effect, it may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers,
suppliers nearby communities, and other members of the public who are affected by the
workplace environment.

Occupational Health should aim to:

1. promote and maintain the highest degree of physical, mental and social well
being of workers in all occupations;
2. place and maintain the worker in an environment suitable to his physiological
and psychological capabilities;
3. protect workers from risk resulting from factors adverse to health; and
4. prevent workers from resignation due to health caused by poor working

The reasons for establishing good occupational safety and health standards are
frequently identified as:

• Moral – an employee should not have to risk injury at work, nor should others
associated with the work environment.
• Economic – many governments realize that poor occupation and health per result
in cost to the State (e.g. through social security payments to the incapacitated,
costs for medical treatment, and the loss of the “employability” of the worker).
Economic studies human welfare in terms of the production, distribution, and
consumption of goods and services.
• Legal – Occupational safety and health requirements may be reinforced in civil
law and/or criminal law.

Safety Standards are standards designed to ensure the safety of products, activities
or processes and others.
OSHC Workplace Regulations

1. The place and all equipment and furnishings are maintained in thoroughly
safe, clean and hygienic condition and in good repair.
2. Keep the place free from rodents, cockroaches and other vermin.
3. Provide adequate facilities for hand washing, cleaning and disposing of
4. Establish proper procedures for infection control.
5. Keep the floor area and free from waste, water and grease.
6. Keep cabinets dry, clean and close tightly.

How Much Have You Learned?

Self-Check 1.1


Directions: Identify the following terms below. Use a separate sheet of paper for

1. The standards designed to ensure the safety of products, activities

or processes and others.

2. An employee should not have to risk injury at work, nor should

others associated with the work environment.

3. Occupational safety and health requirements may be reinforced in

civil law and/or criminal law.

4. A cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety,

and welfare of people engaged in work or employment.

5. It refers to human welfare in terms of the production, distribution, and

consumption of goods and services.

Refer to the Answer Key. What is your score?

What Do You Need To Know?

Read the Information Sheet 1.2 very well then find out how much you can
remember and how much you learned by doing Self-check 1.2.

Information Sheet 1.2

One of the principal means of promoting efficiency in drafting is orderliness

and neatness. Efficiency in turn will produce accuracy in drawing. The drawing area should
be kept clear of equipment not in direct use.

Procedure in Setting up Drawing Tools, Materials and Equipment and

Standard Procedure

In preparation for a required task in Mechanical Drafting, student should plan,

prepare, and select tools and materials for a particular drawing activity. This is to ensure the
correct setting of standard procedure and accuracy of drawings.

The drawing tools, materials and equipment are very expensive items;
however these are important in all drafting tasks. Considering its cost and value in drafting
activity, it is also important to take care and maintain its usability.

With this, the following considerations are strictly emphasized as Standard Operating
Procedure during and after the utilization of the drafting tools, materials and equipment:

a. Before the start of drafting activity:

1. Select the tools, materials and equipment needed in the assigned task.
2. Properly set up the required tools and materials in a place convenient for you
to move and execute your work.
3. Clean the table and tools, see to it that these are free from dust and other
elements that would cause damage to your work.
4. Wash your hands with clean water.



b. Activity proper:
1. Perform the activity by following the standard operating procedure per job
2. Properly manipulate all the tools and equipment that are used in the activity.
3. In case errors or mistakes along the way (for instance misprinting of lines,
letters, and other forms of mistakes) use appropriate eraser.


c. After the activity:

1. Submit your output to your teacher for checking

2. Check all the tools and materials to ensure that nothing is lost.
3. Return the tools and materials to the tool keeper.
4. Withdraw your borrower’s card from the tool keeper and signed out that you
have returned the borrowed tools and materials.
5. Clean your work station before leaving.




Other important Practices that must be observed in the work station or work place

There are important practices that must be observed in the work setting.

The following are:

1. Observe safety precautions:

a. Never smoke inside the work station.

b. Never use any tools and equipment without having it clean first.
c. Avoid talking with your co-students during working period.
d. Always turn off the lights, air condition, ceiling fan, computer units, and other
equipment before leaving the work station.
e. Maintain cleanliness in the work station.
f. Use tools and equipment properly.

2. Observe punctuality of attendance.

3. Avoid quarreling with your co-students.
4. Observe and practice the value of respect.
5. Return the borrowed tools and equipment on time.
6. Observe and practice proper disposal of waste.
How Much Have You Learned?
NAME:___________________________________________________GRADE & SECTION: _____________

Self-Check 1.2

Directions: List down some of the pointers and considerations done before, during and after
the activity in preparation for a required task in Mechanical Drafting. Use separate sheet of
paper.(Dito na po isusulat ang sagot!!!)

A. Before the start of drafting activity:

B. During the drafting activity:

C. After the activity proper:

LO1. Identify hazardous area PRE-TEST
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. A


1. Safety Standards
2. Moral
3. Legal
4. Occupational Safety and Health
5. Economic

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