The Constituents and Biological Effects of Arundo: Donax - A Review

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Vol 6 | Issue 1| 2015 | 34-40.

e - ISSN 2249-7544
Print ISSN 2229-7464



Ali Esmail Al-Snafi
Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Thi qar University, Nasiriyah, P O Box 42, Iraq .

Arundo donax is considered as one of the medicinal plants. Traditionally, the rhizome or rootstock was used for
dropsy. Root or rhizome boiled in wine with honey was used for cancer. Arundo donax was also used for condylomata and
indurations of the breast. The root infusion was considered as antigalactagogue, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic, emollient,
hypertensive, hypotensive, and sudorific. Arundo donax is also used as haemostatic, in toothache, and for the treatment of
pertussis and cystitis. It contained proteins, carbohydrates, lignin, cellulose, hemicelluloses, alkaloids, indoles, fatty acids, trace
elements and many other bioactive metabolites. The previous studies showed that the plant exerted antibacterial, antifungal,
anthelmintic, anticancer and other pharmacological effects. It also enhanced milk production and fattening performance. This
review will highlight the constituents and pharmacological effects of Arundo donax.

Keywords: Arundo donax, traditional uses, chemical constituents, pharmacology.

INTRODUCTION Subphylum: Angiospermae

Plant derivates had been employed by populations Class: Monocotyledonae
to prevent different kind of diseases for centuries. The Order: Cyperales
knowledge of plant properties was acquired by ancient Family: Poaceae
civilization that passed down from generation to Genus: Arundo
generation until today. Arundo donax contained proteins, Species: Arundo donax [2].
carbohydrates, lignin, cellulose, hemicelluloses, alkaloids ,
indoles, fatty acids, trace elements and many other Common names
bioactive metabolites. The previous studies showed that Arabic: kasab, zal, pos, ghab farsi, ghab roomi,
the plant exerted antibacterial, antifungal, anthelmintic, kasab al-reeh, qish; Australia: bamboo, Danubian reed, e-
anticancer and other pharmacological effects. It also grass, elephant grass, giant Danube grass, oboe reed;
enhanced milk production and fattening performance. Brazil: cana do brejo, cana do reino, cana-brava, canno do
reino, capim plumoso, taquara-do-reino; Chile: cañamo;
Synonyms Colombia: caña brava; Costa Rica: caña hueca; Cuba: caña
Although there are many scientific names, but de Castilla, caña de río, caña hueca, cañita de la india;
the currently accepted scientific name of giant reed is Dominican Republic: cañita; English: Giant reed, Spanish
Arundo donax L. There are several recognized varieties, reed, giant cane and giant feather-reed grass; Fiji: ngasau
including Arundo donax var. lanceolata Döll; Arundo ni vavalangi; French: canne de Provence, grand roseau;
donax var. variegata E.Vilm.; Arundo donax f. versicolor Germany: Pfahlrohr; Haiti: herbe roseau, Roseau; Hindi:
(Mill.) Beetle; Arundo donax var. angustifolia Döll; baranal, baru, doka, nal, naldura, nar, nara, narasal, narhal,
Arundo donax var. barbigera (Honda) Ohwi; Arundo narr, rajal, tinta; Italy: canna commune, canna comune,
donax var. coleotricha Hack.; Arundo donax var. canna di Provenza; Kannada: baalada kaddi, bilee laalada
versicolor (Mill.) Kunth; and Arundo donax var. kaddi, hulagilu hullu, hulugalagu, hulugila-hullu, hulugilu,
versicolor (Mill.) Stokes [1-3]. hulugilu hullu, laalada kaddi; Malayalam: ama; Marathi:
nal; Netherlands: Pijlriet; Puerto Rico: caña gigante,
Taxonomic classification
guajana; Sanskrit: dhamana, nala, potagala, sarah,
Kingdom: Plantae
sunyamadhya; South Africa: Spaanse-riet;
Phylum: Spermatophyta

Corresponding Author: Ali Esmail Al-Snafi Email:-

Vol 6 | Issue 1| 2015 | 34-40.

Spain: falso bamboo, gallipato alcublano, junco gigante; to 5,000 B.C where the Egyptians used Arundo donax
Tamil: caravanam, koraikkuccu, korukachi, korukkai, leaves as lining for underground grain storage. It has been
kuruvi-p-pul, velam; Telugu: adavikikasa-gaddi, stated that mummies were wrapped with Arundo donax
adavikikkasagadi, kaki veduru, paatuveduru, patu veduru, leaves. In the 4th Century A.D. However, in more recent
peepalu; Tonga: kaho, kaho folalahi; Uruguay: caña times Arundo donax has been commercially cultivated for
musical [2-5]. the production of reeds for musical instruments. This type
of commercial cultivation has been traced back for nearly
Description 5,000 years. Not only has Arundo donax been used for
Arundo donax is a tall, erect, perennial cane- or musical instruments it has been cultivated for horticultural
reed-like grass. It was one of the largest herbaceous purposes, such as garden fences and trellises [15].
grasses, it can grow to 2-10 m tall. Its root structure is very Medicinally, the rhizome or rootstock was used for dropsy.
strong, with the fleshy, almost bulbous, creeping rootstocks Root or rhizome boiled in wine with honey and used for
(rhizomes) forming compact bundles from which grow the cancer. Arundo donax was also used for condylomata and
fibrous roots, penetrating deep into the soil. The horizontal indurations of the breast. The root infusion was used as
rhizomes give rise to many-stemmed, hollow, cane-like antigalactagogue, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic,
clumps allowing it to form large colonies many meters emollient, hypertensive and sudorific [16-20]. Arundo
across. These tough, individual stems or culms are divided donax is also used as haemostatic, in toothache [19] and for
by partitions at the nodes like in bamboo, each node 12-30 the treatment of pertussis and cystitis [20].
cm in length and can reach diameters of 1-4 cm with walls
2-7 mm thick. They commonly branch during the second Part used: rhizome, root leaves and stem were used
year of growth, rarely multiple, just single lateral branches medicinally
from nodes. The outer tissue of the stem is of a silicaceous
nature, hard and brittle with a smooth glossy surface that Physicochemical properties
turns pale yellow when the culm is fully mature. The pale, Ash: 2.39%, extractives, cold water: 6.15%, hot
blue-green leaves clasp the stem broadly with a heart- water: 8.01%, sodium hydroxide 1%, alcohol-benzene:
shaped, hairy-tufted base, 2-6 cm wide at the base and 1.29%, dichloromethane: nodes 13.04% and
tapering to a fine tip, up to 70 cm or more in length. The internodes11.16%, ethanol: nodes 5.88% and internodes
leaves are arranged alternately throughout the culm and 4.18% [21-22] .
very distinctly two-ranked, in a single plane. The culms
can remain green throughout the year but often fade with Chemical constituents
semi-dormancy during the winter or in droughts. The Per 100 g, the green roughage is reported to
flowers are borne in large plume-like panicles, 30-65 cm, contain on a zero moisture basis, 6.9 g protein, 1.3 g fat,
at the upper tips of stems between March and September 82.6 g total carbohydrate and 37.5 g fiber. The
and are closely packed in a cream to brown-coloured carbohydrates of Arundo donax consisted of: rhamnose
cluster. The spikelets, flowering units comprised of one or 0.15 %, mannose 0.35 %, arabinose 2.00 %, galactose 0.84
more florets enclosed by two bracts or glumes, are several %, xylose 33.88 %, glucose 62.13 %, 4-O-methyl
flowered, approximately 12 mm long with florets glucuronic acid 0.65% [23]. Arundo donax showed an
becoming successively smaller. The segmented central axis average of 22% lignin [21], 42% α-cellulose and 27%
of the spikelet, the rachilla, is glabrous and dis-articulates hemicelluloses. However, Shatalov et al., observed that the
above the glumes and between the florets. The more or less levels of monosaccharides in the nodes and internodes (%
unequal glumes are 3-nerved membranous, narrow, respectively) were: arabinose 3.22 and 35.91, xylose 0.16
slender, pointed and as long as the spikelets. Lemmas, the and 1.17, mannose 59.54 and 2.47, galactose 30.92 and
larger, outer, bract which, along with the palea, serves to 0.88 and glucose 0.83 and 64.91 [22]. It was also contained
contain the florets held within, are thin, 3-nerved and calcium 0.30–0.67%, P 0.08–0.15g, K 2.04–3.19%, and
covered with fine, soft hair. They are narrowed upwards Mg 0.20–0.30%. The alkaloids especially gramine were
with the nerves ending in slender teeth [3,6-9]. isolated from the plant. Reed of Chinese origin contains
50.3% cellulose and 15.7% lignin [24-25].
Distribution The plant contained alkaloids including
It was native to the Mediterranean area, tryptamine, bufotenidine, gramine and arundamine
introduced to many subtropical and warm temperate [22,26]. Some studies have found that this plant was rich
regions, where it was grown as an ornamental and was in active tryptamine compounds, Dutta and Ghosal were
often found as a stray from cultivation [9-11]. It has been recovered 20 mg of DMT from 200 grams of the dry
cultivated throughout Asia, southern Europe, northern whole plant. It was accompanied by 520 mg of gramine,
Africa and the Middle East for thousands of years. In North 128 mg of bufotenine and traces of 5-MeO-DMT, as well
America, it was intentionally introduced from the as unidentified indoles. Five indole-3-alkylamine bases,
Mediterranean to the Los Angeles area in the early 1800s N,N-dimethyl-tryptamine, 5-methoxy-N-
[12-14]. methyltryptamine, bufotenine, dehydro-bufotenine, and
bufotenidine were isolated from the rhizomes of Arundo
Traditional uses donax L [27-31].
The uses of Arundo donax have been dated back

Vol 6 | Issue 1| 2015 | 34-40.

The results of general chemical analysis Pentadecanoic acid 1.8, n-Hexadecanoic acid 276.3, n-
evidenced the different relative abundance of Heptadecanoic acid 10.0, 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid 30.0,
holocellulose, lignin, proteins, extractives and ashes in 9-Octadecanoic acid 55.7, n-Octadecanoic acid 73.6, n-
internodes, nodes and foliage, at different stages of Nonadecanoic acid 3.1, n-Eicosanoic acid 50.0, n-
maturity. In internodes, nodes and foliage about 70–80% of Heneicosanoic acid 3.3, n-Docosanoic acid 35.7, n-
hemicelluloses were easily extracted with 5% KOH Tricosanoic acid 25.3, n-Tetracosanoic acid 55.7, n-
aqueous solutions. The analysis of hemicelluloses indicated Pentacosanoic acid 33.5, n-Hexacosanoic acid 144.1, n-
that they were consisted mainly from arabino- Heptacosanoic acid 14.3, n-Octacosanoic acid 134.9 , n-
glucuronoxylans with a xylose, (arabinose: uronic acid Nonacosanoic acid 53.9, n-Triacontanoic acid 7 109.9, n-
ratio of 91–93:5–7:2 for internodes). The high content of Hentriacontanoic acid 6.2, n-Dotriacontanoic acid 16.9.
xylose was found in Arundo donax stem. The easy Fatty alcohols 194.3: n-Hexacosanol 33.4, n-Octacosanol
extraction of hemicelluloses opens new perspectives for the 54.9, n-Triacontanol 57.7, n-Dotriacontano 48.3.
use of the reed as a source of pentosans. The results Aldehydes 81.6: n-Hexacosanal 10.4, n-Octacosanal 22.9,
obtained by the permanganate oxidation method indicated n-Triacontanal 48.3. Sterols/triterpenols 528.1,
that Arundo donax lignins were essentially H-G-type with Campesterol 90.6, Stigmasterol 46.4, B-Sitosterol 281.0,
approximate H:G:S proportions of (32–36):(59–61):(5–8) Stigmastanol 71.9, 7-oxo-Sitosterol 428 6.5, β-Amyrin
in internodes. The H units are constituted mainly by 426 8.2, α-Amyrin 23.5. Tocopherol 17.7: β-Tocopherol
esterified p-coumaric acid [32-34]. 6.8, α-Tocopherol 10.9. Triterpenoid and steroid ketones
Milled wood lignin and dioxane lignin from different 43.9: B-Amyrenone 10.2, α-Amyrenone 5.9,
morphological regions (nodes and internodes) of Arundo Cycloartenone 14.2, Stigmasta-3,5-dien-7-one 3.2,
donax reed were subjected to a comprehensive structural Stigmast-4-en-3-one 4.6, Stigmast-4-en-3,6-dione 3.6,
characterization. Both node and internode lignins are HGS- Stigmastane-3,6-dione 2.5. Steryl/triterpenyl esters 68.1:
type lignins, with a significant amount of H units Sitosteryl ester 16.1, B-Amyrinyl ester14.0, a-Amyrinyl
(including p-coumaric acid type structures). The S/G ratio ester 38.0. Steryl glucosides 151.6: Campesteryl 3-β-d-
was (1.13−1.32), the weight-average molecular weight was glucopyranoside 30.6, Stigmasteryl 3-β-d-glucopyranoside
(20400−24500), the methoxyl group content was 8.0, Sitosteryl 3-B-d-glucopyranoside 113.0.
(0.90−0.98), the phenolic hydroxyl group content was Monoglyceride 367.5: 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl tetradecanoate
(0.23−0.27), and the aliphatic hydroxyl group content was 5.5, 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl hexadecanoate 94.2, 2,3-
(1.00−1.09). However, some structural differences between Dihydroxypropyl octadecanoate 86.6, 2,3-
node and internode lignins were observed. The former has Dihydroxypropyl eicosanoate 35.1, 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl
much more phenolic acids (p-coumaric and ferulic), 8.8% docosanoate 43.0, 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl tetracosanoate
in node versus 1.2% in internode and less β-O-4 (0.32 and 46.9, 2,3-Dihydroxypropyl hexacosanoate 56.2.
0.49 per aromatic unit) in node and internode, respectively) Diglycerides 47.6: Dipalmitin, 1,2-(P2) 7.8 , Dipalmitin,
[35-36]. 1,3-(P2) 12.1, Palmitoylstearin (PS) 16.8, Distearin, 1,2-
Giant reed was low in protein but has a and 1,3-(S2) 10.9 [39].
comparatively high concentration of phosphorus in the
upper portions even when grown on soils with an PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECTS
extremely low concentration of this mineral. Mineral Antibacterial and antifungal effects
contents (percentages of oven-dry weight) included: Aqueous extract of the stem nodes of Arundo
calcium in the old plant, in the upper half 0.52 and in the donax exerted antibacterial activity against methicillin
lower half 0.67, in young plant in the upper half 0.30 and resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in a
in the lower half 0.43; Magnesium in the old plant , in the concentration of 128 µg/ml. The aqueous extracts of the
upper half 0.25 and in the lower half 0.32, in young plant reed nodes (which contain the white hemicellulose
in the upper half 0.12 and in the lower half 0.19; membrane) demonstrated a marked dose-dependent anti-
Potassium in the old plant, in the upper half 2.04 and in biofilm activity, in preventing MRSA biofilm formation
the lower half 2.42, in young plant in the upper half 3.09 and disrupting established biofilms. These results may
and in the lower half 3.19. Carbohydrates in the old plant, suggest that the traditional application of the reed
in the upper half 23.2 and in the lower half 21.7, in young membrane to fresh lacerations may be useful as a
plant in the lower half 20.0 and in the lower half 20.7 prophylactic for biofilm-related infection [40].
[37-38]. The antimicrobial effects of methanolic extracts of
Chemical composition of lipophilic extractives in 14 medicinal plants species were examined comparing to
Arundo donax reed (mg/kg) included: n-Alkanes 77.9: n- conventional therapeutic antibiotics against standard
Docosane 0.5, n-Tricosane 0.2, n-Tetracosane 0.6, n- bacterial strains (Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus
Pentacosane 6.3, n-Hexacosane 3.9, n-Heptacosane 15.8, luteus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Escherichia coli and
n-Octacosane 6.7, n-Nonacosane 37.0, n-Triacontane 0.8, Pseudomonas aeroginosa). Arundo donax extract showed
n-Hentriacontane 5.4, n-Dotriacontane 0.3, n- the maximum effect against Escherichia coli and
Tritriacontane 0.4. Steroid hydrocarbons 127.4: Pseudomonas aeroginosa among the examined fourteen
Ergostatriene 14.5, Ergostadiene 9.3, Estigmastadiene 8.4, medicinal plants species. The antimicrobial effects of 4%
Estigmasta-3,5,22-triene 49.2, Estigmasta-3,5-diene 46.0. methanolic extracts of Arundo donax were comparable to
Fatty acids 1137.7: n-Tetradecanoic acid 3.5, n- Cephalotin (30mcg), Piperacilin (30mcg) and Amikacin

Vol 6 | Issue 1| 2015 | 34-40.

(30mcg) against Escherichia coli and Piperacilin (30mcg) independent of divalent cations, but it was decreased by
and Amikacin (30mcg) against Pseudomonas aeroginosa denaturating and reducing agents. Arundo donax lectin
[41]. displayed cytotoxic effect on Dysdercus peruvianus and
Arundo donax also exerted antifungal activity nematicide activity against Meloidogyne incognita. ADL
against four Basidiomycetes (Trametes versicolor CTB decreases the germinability and delayed the mean time for
863A , Coniophora puteana BAM Ebw.15, Gloephyllum germinability of Lactuca sativa L. diasphores, and also
trabeum BAM Ebw. 109, and Postia placenta FPRL 280) showed significant mitogenic and chemotactic effect. The
[21]. lectin induced toxicity in mice when administered
intraperitoneally with dose of 300 mg/kg and 800 mg/kg, it
Anthelmintic effects caused 100 % death of the animals 30 h after its
Crude aqueous-methanol extracts of the leaves of administration. Seven isoforms of ADL were separated.
Arundo donax and its chloroform, petroleum spirit and ADL-III is rich in Glu/Gln, Gly and Asp/Asn and Cys
ethyle acetate fraction were tested against H. contortus. residues, and its N-terminal a and b chains contain
Arundo donax (25-50 mg/ ml) exerted anthelmintic effects tryptophan residues. ADL-III showed significant mitogenic
(P ≥ 0.05). 56.7% mortality of H. contortus was recorded activity. ADL was able to bind to transformed cells from
by 10 hours post-exposure with crude aqueous methanol T-47D, HT-29 and T-24 lines in vitro.
extracts of Arundo donax 50 mg/ ml. There was 100% Immunohistochemical techniques showed that ADL was
mortality of worms in Levamisole treatment (used as a localized in the fiber cell walls and in some few cortical
reference drug) within 2 hours post-exposure. However, parenchyma cells of the rhizome [47].
the anthelmintic effects of the plant was dose and time
dependent. The ranking of efficacy of the Arundo donax Effect on milk production and fattening performance
fractions against H. contortus were ethyl acetate, Due to its high fiber and low protein content,
chloroform aqueous followed by petroleum spirit fraction. Arundo donax foliage is poorly digested. The reported
Dose and time dependent ovicidal effects were recorded for digestibility values were about 47 to 52% for DM
these plant extracts. In egg hatch test, Arundo donax digestibility and about 54-56% for OM digestibility [48-
exhibited ovicidal activity with LC50 of 200.1 μg/ ml; 51]. A commercial bolus made of a mixture of several
whereas, crude powder of Arundo donax resulted in 50.5% powdered plants including Arundo donax L improved milk
reduction in fecal egg count in sheep naturally infected yield in dairy cows, which was attributed to the presence of
with gastrointestinal nematodes [42]. components reported to be galactogogues [48-49].
Arundo donax extracts had anthelmintic properties However a higher DM digestibility of 69% was reported in
(around 55% efficacy) against gastrointestinal parasites an early study [52]. In lambs, fresh giant reed forage gave
(Ascaris sp., Oesophagostomum sp. and Paramphistomum better fattening performance than giant reed hay [53].
sp.) of cattle [43]. Fresh giant reed forage and giant reed silage (ensiled 3%
molasses on fresh basis) were better digested by Rahmani
Antifeedant activity sheep than giant reed hay or berseem hay [51].
Arundo donax revieled significant antifeedant
activity against the boll weevil, Anthonomus grand [31]. Central nervous effect
Bioassays indicated that while sterols showed limited anti- The rhizome of Arundo donax contained at least
feedant activity, significant activity was shown by the five tryptamines, including N,N-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and
isolates tricontanol, tricin, and tetramethyl-N, N-bis-2,6 bufotenine. It was reported that they produced no
dimethylphenyl cyclobutane-1, 3-diimine [16,44]. psychoactive effects [54], 50 mg of rhizome extract did
not produce psychedelic effects [55], but instead, it caused
Antiproliferative effect mild but long lasting allergic reactions, which include
Arundo donax was used incombination with blurred vision, watery and swollen eyes, conjunctivitis, and
Spartium junceum L. and Cynodon dactylon L. for the hives [54].
treatment of tumors (without specifying which kind of
tumour) [45]. Effects on smooth muscles
A lectin with antiproliferative activity towards human A defatted ethanolic extract of the rhizomes
cancer cell lines and mitogenic towards human peripheral produced hypotensive and antispasmodic effects against
blood mononuclear cells was purified from the rhizomes of histamine-, serotonine- and acetylecholine- induced
Arundo donax (Linn.). The molecular mass of native lectin spasms. Bufotenidine showed three main pharmacological
was 32 kDa as determined by gel filtration actions, antiacetylecholine effect, histamine release and
chromatography. The Arundo donax lectin (ADL) was uterine stimulant effects [56]. The alkaloid gramine was
thermostable upto 55 °C and showed optimum activity in said to be a vasopressor, raising the blood pressure in dogs
the range of pH 7.0–9.0 and comprised of 2.1% after small doses and causing a fall in larger doses
carbohydrate content [46]. [24,31,37,57-58].
A lectin (ADL) isolated and purified from
Arundo donax rhizomes agglutinated native rabbit, pig Other pharmacological effects
erythrocytes and with lower intensity rat and human A, B Bufotenidine isolated from Arundo donax showed
and AB erythrocytes, and its hemagglutinating activity is neuromuscular blocking activity [59]. Arundo donax L.,

Vol 6 | Issue 1| 2015 | 34-40.

was used as part of herbal preparation as herbal CONCLUSION

expectorant. Arundo donax exerted many pharmacological
effects. There is a great promise for development of novel
Dosage drugs from Arundo donax to treat human diseases.
Root 50-100 ml decoction [57].

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