Review Article On Medicinal Plant Aloe
Review Article On Medicinal Plant Aloe
Review Article On Medicinal Plant Aloe
Review Article
People have been using and knowing about the
health, beauty, and skin advantages of aloe vera for
millennia. The Arabic term Aloe vera, meaning
"shining bitter substance," is derived from the
Latin vera, meaning "true." 2,000 years ago, Greek
scientists thought aloe vera was a panacea. The
Egyptians referred to aloe as "the plant of
immortality. Aloe vera is a plant that is used in One of the significant nosocomial pathogens
dermatology nowadays for a variety of treatments. causing severe infections, particularly in
hospitalized patients in burn wards, is
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa). [1].
Numerous nosocomial infections, including
urinary or wound infections, bacteremia,
endocarditis, and in some cases mortality, are
*Corresponding Author: Sandip Gorade
Address: Department of Microbiology, Ashokrao Mane Institute of Pharmacy, Ambap-416112, India.
Email :
Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of
any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Uses And Side Effects • Skin wounds are treated with it.
• It is used to treat painful inflammatory • It lessens warts, rosacea, and psoriasis.
manifestations and possesses purgative • It also lessens wrinkles and signs of aging.
properties. • It also lessens dermatitis.
• Friar's balsam, or compound tincture of • It facilitates increased flexibility.
benzoin, is made with it as an ingredient. • It also possesses the ability to regenerate body
• Aloe gel is applied topically to radiation burns cells.
to relieve pain and itching right away. • It encourages bowel movement in those who
• Usually used in conjunction with are constipated.
carminatives. • Aids in the healing of fungal infections,
• It can be found in some desserts, yogurt, rashes, sores, and insect bite
lotions, and drinks.