Review Article On Medicinal Plant Aloe

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Sandip Gorade, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci.

, 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 611-624 | Review


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Review Article

Review Article On Medicinal Plant Aloe

Sandip Gorade*1, Sonali Kalam2, Dr. Gajanan Sanap3

Department of Pharmacy, LBYP College Of D.Pharmacy, Pathri, India.


Received: 18 Nov 2023 The aim of this review project is to represent the concise review on the Functional and
Accepted: 20 Nov 2023 Pharmacognostic role of Aloe including their general introduction, history. Morphology
Published: 29 Nov 2023 of plant etc. Moreover, in this project we aim to give the brief information about
Keywords: Macroscopic and Microscopic characteristics of Aloe, in addition to this, their chemical
Aloe constituents, specific chemical test, traditional uses of Aloe, and marketed formulations.
DOI: However, our intention is to update the pharmacological current activity of Aloe and
10.5281/zenodo.10219050 their cosmetic application. The main objective of the present study of morphological,
functional, constitutional, Nature of Aloe. Identify the properties of Aloe. Different
marketed Preparation of Aloe, Medicinal uses of Aloe mainly used in the Cosmetics.
Herbal use of Aloe

People have been using and knowing about the
health, beauty, and skin advantages of aloe vera for
millennia. The Arabic term Aloe vera, meaning
"shining bitter substance," is derived from the
Latin vera, meaning "true." 2,000 years ago, Greek
scientists thought aloe vera was a panacea. The
Egyptians referred to aloe as "the plant of
immortality. Aloe vera is a plant that is used in One of the significant nosocomial pathogens
dermatology nowadays for a variety of treatments. causing severe infections, particularly in
hospitalized patients in burn wards, is
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa). [1].
Numerous nosocomial infections, including
urinary or wound infections, bacteremia,
endocarditis, and in some cases mortality, are
*Corresponding Author: Sandip Gorade
Address: Department of Microbiology, Ashokrao Mane Institute of Pharmacy, Ambap-416112, India.
Email :
Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of
any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


Sandip Gorade, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 611-624 | Review
brought on by this opportunistic and extremely Aloe, which has 500 species, is wide and is
resistant bacteria. Infections with P. aeruginosa are regarded as an invasive species in numerous corrid
linked to higher rates of death and morbidity in of the world. It's an evergreen imperishable that's
immunocompromised, disabled, cystic fibrosis, native to the Arabian Peninsula but thrives
and hospitalized burn patients. [1, 2]. Invasive untamed in dry, tropical, and tropical surroundings
operations are mostly attributed to the widespread each over the world.
and unselective use of antibiotics. As a result, the b. Biological sources:
rapid emergence of numerous resistances among • Aloe barbadensis miller is the botanical name
P. aeruginosa isolates in the clinical settings has for aloe.
been facilitated by the development of resistance • The dried latex of aloe vera plants is its
mechanisms. biological source.
History • Other names for it include socotrine aloe, cape
Greece, Egypt, India, Mexico, Japan, and China aloe, and curacao aloe.
are just a many of the societies that have employed • It is a member of the family Liliaceae.
aloe vera for remedial purposes formillennia. Morphological features:
Nefertiti and Cleopatra, two Egyptian queens, • It is a perennial evergreen plant that is
employed it as a regular part of their beauty rules. succulent in nature.
It was used to cure dogfaces' injuries by Alexander • It is a plant with few or no stems.
the Great and Christopher Columbus. John • It may grow to a height of 60 to 100 cm.
Goodyew's restatement of Dioscorides' medical • It has meaty, thick leaves.
book De Materia Medica in bulletin 1655 • The leaves have tiny white teeth and a
contained the first citation of aloe vera in serrated margin.
English..2 Aloe vera was already being used in • Leaves have a rosette-shaped structure.
America as a laxative by the early 1800s, but in the • A significant amount of pulp can be found in
middle of the 1930s, something changed when it the leaf parenchyma.
was successfully utilized to treat chronic and • The base's breadth is 10 cm.
severe radiation dermatitis. Around 3000 B.C., • The blossoms have a 90-cm diameter.
aloe vera is mentioned in Chinese and Sumerian • The golden, 2-3 cm long tubular corolla of
texts. Aloe vera has long been referred to as the flowers.
"flower of the desert" in Arabic culture. Aloe vera • The blossom might be white, yellow, orange,
was first sold in the Middle East by Arabs. Places or even crimson in hue.
like India, China, and Malaysia have recognized • Dry capsules are used to store seeds.
its medical value. • The calyx is absent.
• Roots spread out in the earth, not going too
• An arbuscular mycorrhiza is formed by roots.
C. Plant
Aloe barbadensis miller is the name of the factory
that produces aloe vera. It's a shrubby or
arborescent, imperishable, xerophytic, succulent,
a. Location of Aloes pea-green factory that's a member of the Liliaceae
family. Africa, Asia, Europe, and America's dry


Sandip Gorade, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 611-624 | Review
climates are where it primarily grows. Rajasthan, the plant's mucilage layer. Mannose-6-phosphate
Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Tamil is the most common monosaccharide, and
Nadu are among the Indian countries that have it. glucomannans, or beta-(1,4)-acetylated mannan,
d. Anatomy are the most common polysaccharides. It offers
The plant produces fleshy, triangular leaves with Acemannan, a well-known glucomannan that has
serrated edges, yellow tubular blooms, and fruits also been discovered. Aloe vera gel has recently
with numerous seeds. Each leaf is composed of been used to isolate C-glucosyl chromone, a novel
three layers: anti-inflammatory compound, and alprogen, a
1) An interior clear gel comprised of glycoprotein with antiallergic qualities.(7-8)
glucomannans, amino acids, lipids, sterols, and 5. Anthraquinones: 12 anthraquinones, phenolic
vitamins comprises 99% water. compounds with the septic and analgesic qualities,
2) The anthraquinones and glycosides found in the are present. commonly referred to as laxatives.
middle layer of latex, which is the acrid yellow Aloin and emodin have antiviral, antibacterial, and
sap. 3) The rind is the thick, outer layer of 15 to 20 analgesic properties.
cells that serves as a protective covering and 6. Fatty acids: It contains four plant steroids:
produces proteins and carbs. Vascular bundles lupeol, cholesterol, campesterol, and β-sisosterol.
located inside the rind are in charge of moving Each of these has an anti-inflammatory effect, and
materials like water (xylem) and starch (phloem). lupeol additionally has an
e. Active components with its properties: 7. Hormones: Gibberellins and auxins, which
There are seventy-five potentially active have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing
ingredients in aloe vera, including vitamins, properties.
enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, amino 4. Other: It offers seven of the eight essential
acids, and salicylic acids.4-6 amino acids and twenty of the twenty-two amino
1. Vitamins: It contains the antioxidant vitamins acids that humans need. Salicylic acid, which has
A (beta-carotene), C, and E. There's also folic acid, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, is
vitamin B12, and choline. Antioxidants derail free another ingredient in it. When added to topical
revolutionaries. preparations, the inert substance lignin improves
2. Enzymes: It contains eight different enzymes, the other ingredients' ability to penetrate the skin.
including cellulase, lipase, peroxidase, amylase, About 3% of the gel is made up of soapy
bradykinase, carboxypeptidase, catalase, and substances called saponins, which have antiseptic
aliiase. Bradykinase, when applied topically to the and cleansing qualities.
skin, helps reduce excessive inflammation while Mechanism of actions
other enzymes help break down fats and sugars. 1. Healing properties:
3. Minerals: Zinc, potassium, sodium, calcium, The fibroblast's growth factor receptors are
magnesium, selenium, copper, chromium, and contacted by the mannose-rich polysaccharide
other minerals are available. While not all of them glucomannan And the growth hormone
are antioxidants, they are all required for the gibberellin, which stimulates the fibroblast's
correct functioning of several enzyme systems. activity and proliferation. This, in turn, greatly
4. Sugars: Monosaccharides, such as glucose and boosts collagen synthesis following topical and
fructose, and polysaccharides, such as oral Aloe vera treatment.(9). Aloe gel improved
glucomannans and polymannose, are sugars. They the amount of collagen in the wound while also
are called mucopolysaccharides and come from altering its composition to include more type III


Sandip Gorade, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 611-624 | Review
collagen and strengthening its cross-linking. As a Intestinal peristalsis, mucus secretion, and water
result, it quickened the healing process and raised content are all increased by it.1.
the scar tissue's breaking strength.(10). After oral 5. Antiviral and antitumor activity: Direct or
or topical treatment, there has been a report of indirect effects could be the cause of these actions.
increased synthesis of hyaluronic acid and The immune system's stimulation causes an
dermatan sulfate in the granulation tissue of a indirect effect, while anthraquinones have a direct
healing wound.(11) effect. Herpes simplex, varicella zoster, influenza,
2. Effects on skin exposure to UV and gamma and other enveloped viruses are rendered inactive
radiation: There have been reports that aloe vera by anthraquinone aloin.(18)Recent research has
gel protects the skin from radiation damage. demonstrated that a polysaccharide fraction
(12,13) The exact function of metallothionein, an inhibits benzopyrene's ability to bind to primary
antioxidant protein produced in the skin after aloe rat hepatocytes, thereby avoiding the formation of
vera gel administration, is unknown. It scavenges benzopyrene-DNA adducts that may initiate
hydroxyl radicals and keeps the skin's glutathione cancer. Furthermore, reports of an increase in
peroxidase and superoxide dismutase from being glutathione S-transferase and a decrease in phorbol
suppressed. It inhibits the generation and release myristic acetate's tumor-promoting properties
of immunosuppressive cytokines derived from point to the potential advantages of aloe gel in the
skin keratinocytes, including interleukin-10 (IL- chemoprevention of cancer(19,20)
10), thereby averting UV-induced suppression of 6. Moisturizing and anti-aging effect:
delayed type hypersensitivity.(14) Mucopolysaccharides aid in the skin's capability to
3. Anti-inflammatory action: retain humidity. The product of collagen and
Aloe vera lowers the synthesis of prostaglandin E2 elastin filaments by aloe stimulates fibroblast,
from arachidonic acid and inhibits the which makes the skin less wrinkled and further
cyclooxygenase pathway. C-glucosyl chromone, a elastic. also, by binding the superficially unloading
novel anti-inflammatory compound, was recently epidermal cells together, it has cohesive goods that
extracted from gel extracts.(7) soften the skin. Zinc works as an tangy to strain
4. Immune system effects: pores, and amino acids also soften hardened skin
Alprogen prevents calcium from entering mast cells. Aloe vera gel gloves have also been studied
cells, which prevents mast cell release of histamine for their moisturizing parcels in the treatment of
and leukotriene through the antigen-antibody dry skin brought on by occupational exposure; in
process.7. In a research using mice that had earlier these cases, the skin integrity, fine wrinkle
received a murine Sarcoma cells are stimulated by appearance, and erythema were each bettered.(21)
acemannan to produce and release interleukin-1 It has ananti-acne effect as well.
(IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor from 7. Antiseptic effect: Aloe vera contains 6
macrophages in mice. This triggered an immune antiseptic agents: Lupeol, salicylic acid, urea
response that led to the cancerous cells' necrosis nitrogen, cinnamonic acid, phenols and sulfur.
and regression.(15). It is also possible for a number They all have inhibitory action on fungi, bacteria
of low-molecular-weight substances to prevent and viruses.
activated human neutrophils from releasing Cultivation and Collection:
reactive oxygen free radicals.(16) It is a perennial evergreen that grows slowly to 0.8
4. Laxative effects: Latex contains m by 1 m. The plant can grow in soil with low
anthraquinones, which are strong laxatives. nutrients, but it prefers light (sandy) and medium


Sandip Gorade, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 611-624 | Review
(loamy) soils that drain well. Acidic, neutral, and b. Socotrine aloe
basic (alkaline) soils are preferred by the plant. In Once prepared, it is typically poured into goatskin
the shadows, it cannot thrive. It can withstand bags, which are then packed into cases after a
drought and grows in either wet or dry soil. These month or so of spontaneous evaporation until the
plants are xerophytic. Seeds can be used to spread mixture thickens and becomes pasty. In Europe, it
it. In the spring, seeds are sown in a warm green is heated to a temperature of about 10% moisture
house. At 16°C, the seed typically germinates in 1- and dried in wooden pans.
6 months. The seedlings are moved to pots with c. Zanzibar aloe
soil that drains properly. For their first two winters, Like Socotrine aloe, this aloe is prepared similarly.
at least, they are permitted to grow in a sunny It is enclosed in the hides of meat-eating animals.
location. Typically, the offsets will be accessible Monkey skin aloe is another name for this aloe.A
in the spring. When it's warm enough to promote d. Cape aloe
new root growth and enable plant reestablishment, The plants that yield the leaves for Cape aloe are
offsets can be freely produced by the plants and chopped off close to the stem and arranged around
divided at any time of the year. Following the rainy a hole dug in the ground where a sheepskin is
season, young offsets are planted in rows 60 spread out, smooth side facing up. After the leaves
centimeters apart in the soil. Because leaves are have yielded enough juice, the juice is
spiky, the indigenous people gather leaves in the concentrated using heat in iron cauldrons and then
second year by covering their hands. To prepare poured into boxes or skins where it cools and
the aloe, the leaves are chopped close to the base, solidifies. The drug is exported in large quantities
stored in kerosene tins, and transported to a central from Mossel Bay and Cape Town.
location. Aloe vera juice is found in Characteristics of aloes
parenchymatous pericycle cells, which are a. Curacao aloe
mucilage cells. Mucilage cells press against It is typically opaque and ranges in color from rich
pericycle cells in a single incision, causing the reddish brown to black to a brilliant yellowish-ish
entire leaf juice to drain out. hue. It can occasionally be vitreous, in which case
Preparation of Aloe the tiny fragments are transparent and have a deep
a. Curacao or barbados aloe garnet-red color. After that, it is referred to as
The chopped leaves in the West Indies are "Capey Barbados" and is worth less, but keeping it
arranged with their cut surfaces facing inward on could make it more opaque and valuable. Curacoa
the sides of a V-shaped vessel that is about 1-2 Aloes have an unpleasant, overpowering smell in
meters long. The juice that flows from the leaves addition to the queasy, bitter taste that all aloes
is collected in a tin vessel that is positioned have in common. It contains 12% of moisture and
beneath the V-shaped vessel. This collected juice no more than 30% of substances that are insoluble
is then concentrated, either by boiling it until it has in water. It is almost entirely soluble in 60%
the consistency of thick honey, or by letting it alcohol. It shouldn't produce more ash than 3%.
evaporate naturally. These circumstances are There is a waxy fracture.
favorable for barbaloin crystallization, and the
aloe has barbaloin crystals in it, which causes it to
become opaque and give rise to the name "hepatic"
or "livery" aloe. After it cools, it's poured into
boxes, gourds, or other handy containers.


Sandip Gorade, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 611-624 | Review
Microscopic Characteristics
Powder [A. vera] reddish-brown, microscopically
(in almond oil) ... reddish-brown irregular, angular
more or less opaque fragments.
Source: Culbreth, D. (1917) A Manual of Materia
Media and Pharmacology, 6th ed. [5]
Chemical Constituents
1) The three Aloin isomers Barbaloin, -barboloin,
and Isobarbaloin, which make up the so-called
"crystalline" Aloin and are found in the medication
at concentrations of between 10 and 30%, are
aloes' most important constituents.Aloe-emodin,
Fig. Aleo Vera resin, amor-phous Aloin, and emodin are
b. Socotrine aloes additional components. All types include
Its unique scent is the main way it can be identified barbaloin, a crystalline glycoside that is slightly
from Curacoa Aloes. A large portion of the dry yellow in color, bitter, and water soluble.
drug is opaque, with a color ranging from yellow- 3) Isobarbaloin is a crystalline substance, present
brown to dark brown, and is characterized by the in Curacao aloe and in trace amount in Cape aloe
presence of tiny cavities in the fractured surface. and absent in Socotrine and Zanzibar aloe.
The taste is bitter and the fracture is uneven and 4) The chief constituents of Socotrine and
porous. Zanzibar aloe are Barbaloin and β-Barbaloin.
C. Zanziber aloes 5) Anthracene glycosides (11 to 43%)
In contrast to Socotrine Aloes, which are almost 6)Isobarbaloin, aloe-emodin and aloesone.
smooth and even, Zanzibar Aloes are typically 7) Aloinosides A and B (only in Cape aloes).
imported in liver-brown masses that break with a 8) Also contains Aloetic acid, homonataloin etc.
dull, waxy fracture. They also frequently resemble
Curacoa in appearance. It tastes bitter and has a
nice smell.
d. Cape aloes
It forms dark colored masses that fracture cleanly
like glass and show a yellowish, reddish-brown, or
greenish tinge in their splinters.
Macroscopic Characteristics
Plants: Perennials; stems 1.5 M. (5°) high, woody,
rough from leaf-remnants; leaves laucous-green,
often wit spots, thick, succulent, bayonet-shaped, Chemical Tests
margin with reddish spines or serratures; flowers Bring 1 gram of the drug to a boil in 100 milliliters
racemose or spicate, ellowish, orange-red; stamens of water, let it cool, then add 1 gram of kieselguhr,
6, unequal, 3 longer than corolla. stir thoroughly, and strain through filter paper.
Insippated Juice: (A. vera): Curaçao, blackish- 1. Borax Test: Add 0.5 g of borax to 10 ml of aloe
brown, opaque masses, fracture uneven, solution, heat, and watch for the production of a
waxy, resinous.


Sandip Gorade, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 611-624 | Review
green fluorescence that indicates the presence of Aloe vera is extensively used in the beauty,
aloe-emodin anthranol. medicinal, and food diligence, and its monthly
2. Modified Anthraquinone Test: 0.1 g of medicine request worth is estimated at$ 13 billion
is mixed with 5 ml of a 5% solution of ferric worldwide one trusted source. The thick, pointed,
chloride and 5 ml of diluted hydrochloric acid. The and meaty green leavesof aloe vera, which can
mixture is heated in a water bath for 5 to 6 minutes reach a maximum length of 12 – 19 elevation( 30
before cooling. the benzene or chloroform addition – 50 centimeters), are its most distinctive point.
and stirring of an organic solvent. Add diluted Because each splint has a muddy membrane that
ammonia to an equivalent volume of the organic holds water, the leaves are thick. The" gel" that
solvent layer. Ammoniacal layer produces consumers generally associate with aloe vera
pinkish-red hue. products is this water- filled towel. The maturity of
3. Bromine Test: Add an equal volume of bromine the factory's salutary bioactive constituents,
solution to 5 milliliters of aloe solution; a large, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and
yellow precipitate forms as a result of the presence antioxidants, are present in the gel.
of tetrabromaloin.
4. Nitrous Acid Test: Add a small amount of
sodium nitrite and a few drops of diluted acetic
acid to 5 milliliters of aloe solution; the mixture
turns pink or purplish in color.
5. Nitric Acid Test: 5 ml of aloe solution is mixed
with 2 ml of concentrated nitric acid; Curacao aloe
generates a deep reddish-brown color, Socotrine
aloe produces a pale yellowish-brown color, 1. It has antioxidant and antibacterial
Zanzibar aloe produces a yellowish-brown color, properties
and Cape aloe initially produces a brown color Antioxidants are essential to one's health. Strong
that, when left to stand, turns into green. antioxidants found in Trusted Source aloe vera gel
6. Cupraloin Test: 1ml of the solustion is diluted to come from the large family of composites known
5ml with water and to it 1 drop of copper sulphate as polyphenols. These polyphenols help prevent
solustion is added. the growth of certain bacteria that can harm human
Functions of Aloes conditions, along with a number of other
compounds found in aloe vera. The antibacterial,
antiviral, and antiseptic goods of aloe vera are
well- known. Because of this it might prop in crack
mending and the treatment of skin conditions.
2. It accelerates wound healing
Instead of being digested, aloe vera is most usually
applied externally to the skin as medicine. It has
really been used for a very long time to cure burns,
especially sunburn. As early as 1810–1820, aloe
vera preparations were described as a skin
It contains healthful plant compounds: protectant in the United States Pharmacopeia.
Aloe vera may help treat skin injuries.


Sandip Gorade, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 611-624 | Review
It is a good topical burn treatment for first- and Aloin, also known as barbaloin, is the main
second-degree burns, according to research. For laxative component that causes this effect. But
instance, when compared to normal care, a review with frequent use, some have voiced worries about
of experimental research revealed that aloe vera safety. Because of this, aloe latex has not been
could cut the time it took for burns to heal by sold as an over-the-counter drug in the United
around 9 days. Additionally, it helped to prevent States. In contrast to common perception, aloe
infections, itching, and redness. The research vera doesn't seem to work well for other digestive
shows that aloe vera can cure a variety of wounds, disorders including inflammatory bowel disease or
despite conflicting knowledge to the contrary. irritable bowel syndrome.
3.It reduces dental plaque 6. It might prevent wrinkles and enhance skin.
Health problems including tooth decay and gum Topical aloe vera gel appears to have some
disease are fairly common. One of the greatest potential benefits in delaying skin aging. Over the
ways to prevent the emergence of these conditions course of 90 days, oral aloe vera gel
is to reduce the amount of plaque or bacterial supplementation enhanced collagen formation and
biofilms that build on the teeth. In a mouthwash improved skin suppleness in a 2009 study (Trusted
trial of 300 healthy persons, researchers compared Source) involving 30 females over 45. Aloe vera
chlorhexidine, a popular ingredient in mouthwash, may also help the skin retain moisture and
with 100% pure aloe vera juice. After 4 days of strengthen its integrity, which may aid with
use, the aloe vera mouthwash seems to be just as dry skin issues, according to Reviews Trusted
effective at removing teeth plaque as Source.
chlorhexidine. Read more about aloe vera‘s effects on the skin
4.It helps treat canker sores here:
Canker sores, also known as mouth ulcers, are a • aloe vera for acne
common occurrence throughout people's lifetimes. • aloe vera for psoriasis
These typically appear inside the mouth and • aloe vera for eczema
beneath the lip, lasting roughly a week.Reliable 7. It lowers blood sugar levels:
Source. Research has indicated that using aloe vera Aloe vera is occasionally used as a diabetes
therapy helps hasten the healing process of oral treatment. This is due to the possibility that it will
ulcers. For instance, an aloe vera patch applied to increase blood sugar regulation and insulin
the affected area for seven days helped reduce sensitivity. For instance, due to its effects on
The size of 180 people's recurrent mouth ulcers glycemic management, aloe vera may be
(Trusted Source). It did not, however, perform any beneficial for those with type 2 diabetes or
better than corticosteroids, the standard treatment prediabetes, according to a review Trusted Source
for ulcers. Aloe vera gel lessened the pain that of eight studies. Nevertheless, due to the subpar
accompanied oral ulcers in addition to hastening quality of the already available research, scientists
their healing. do not now advise utilizing aloe vera for this
5. It reduces constipation reason.
Constipation may also be relieved with aloe vera. 8. Risks:
This time, the advantages come from the latex With few known adverse effects, aloe vera is a safe
rather than the gel. The yellow, sticky substance remedy. Topical use is probably safe, according to
that lies just beneath the leaf's skin is called latex. the National Center for Complementary and
Integrative Health (NCCIH)Trusted Source.


Sandip Gorade, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 611-624 | Review
However, because of its laxative properties, taking isolated from
aloe vera orally can result in diarrhea or cramping A. vera increased epithelial cell migration and
in the stomach. Additionally, there have been improved the healing process of wounds.
some reports (Trusted Source) linking long-term a. Anti-Fungal: Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory,
use of aloe vera supplements to liver damage. Non anti-arthritic, antibacterial, and hypoglycemic
decolorized whole leaf extract of aloe vera appears qualities, according to in vitro and animal research
to be linked to a higher risk of cancer in rats, using whole leaf extract. The antifungal qualities
according to the NCCIH Trusted Source as well. of aloe vera extract have been demonstrated by
Pharmacological Activity numerous studies.
The most well-known use of aloe vera is for b. Anti Inflammatory: The results of the
treating burns and other wounds. By encouraging chemical tests for anthraquinones and sterols type
cell proliferation, aloe vera applied topically to a delta 5 in the chloroform extract were positive.
wound promotes both the rate of closure and the These findings revealed the anti-inflammatory
tensile strength of the wound (Fig. 5). It properties of aloe vera gel extracts and implied
accomplishes this by quickening the blood flow to their cyclooxygenase-mediated inhibition of the
the injured area. The best wound dressing that has arachidonic acid pathway.
ever been found is aloe. The following mechanism c. Anti- Microbial: Using the cup plate diffusion
explains this acceleration: Aloe vera gel promotes method, the antimicrobial activity of aloe vera
increased collagen cross-linking and content in the extract was evaluated against pathogenic bacteria
wound, which leads to improved scar tissue such as Staphylococcus aureus, Klebisella
breakage and wound contraction. Chithra et al. pneumonia, and E. coli, as well as fungi like
also documented an increase in hyaluronic acid Aspergillus niger and Candida at doses of 1:20
and dermatan sulphate content in the granulating mg/ml and 2:40 mg/ml.
tissue of wounds that were healing. In human Marketed Preparation From Aloes
keratinocyte monolayers, kDa glycoprotein
Chemical Name Brand Name Image of product

Aloevera Gel Oriflame

Jeevani Tablets Aadar


Sandip Gorade, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 611-624 | Review

Aloeberry Nectar Forever

Aloe plus Herbalife

Wound Healing Cream Element

Piles Away IMC

Uses And Side Effects • Skin wounds are treated with it.
• It is used to treat painful inflammatory • It lessens warts, rosacea, and psoriasis.
manifestations and possesses purgative • It also lessens wrinkles and signs of aging.
properties. • It also lessens dermatitis.
• Friar's balsam, or compound tincture of • It facilitates increased flexibility.
benzoin, is made with it as an ingredient. • It also possesses the ability to regenerate body
• Aloe gel is applied topically to radiation burns cells.
to relieve pain and itching right away. • It encourages bowel movement in those who
• Usually used in conjunction with are constipated.
carminatives. • Aids in the healing of fungal infections,
• It can be found in some desserts, yogurt, rashes, sores, and insect bite
lotions, and drinks.


Sandip Gorade, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 611-624 | Review
Clinical uses: The clinical use of aloe vera is of colorectal cancer. Electrolyte imbalances could
supported substantially by anecdotal data. Though be caused by low potassium levels as a result of a
utmost of these uses are intriguing, controlled laxative effect.
trials are essential to determine its effectiveness in c. Contraindication: Contraindicated in cases of
all the following conditions.22,23 known allergy to plants in the Liliaceae family.
a. Uses based on scientific evidence: These uses d. Pregnancy and breastfeeding: It is not
have been tested in humans or creatures. Safety recommended to take oral aloe during pregnancy
and effectiveness haven't always been proven. due to the possibility that it may cause uterine
Conditions: Seborrheic dermatitis,24 psoriasis contractions. Furthermore, it can sometimes result
vulgaris,25,26 genital herpes,27,28 skin in gastrointestinal distress in the nursing child of
burns,5,29 diabetes (type 2),30 HIV infection,31 the mother.
cancer prevention,32,33 ulcerative colitis34 e. Interactions:
wound healing (results of aloe on wound healing Aloe vera applied topically can enhance the skin's
are mixed with some studies reporting positive absorption of steroid creams, such as
results35 and others showing no benefit36 or hydrocortisone. Digoxin's effectiveness is reduced
potential worsening37,38 ), pressure and its side effects may worsen due to its
ulcers,36 mucositis,39 radiation dermatitis,40 potassium-lowering effect. Combining aloe vera
acne vulgaris,41 lichen planus,42 frostbite,43 with furosemide may raise the risk of potassium
aphthous stomatitis,44 and constipation.17 depletion. It may interact with insulin and oral
b. Uses based on tradition or theory: The uses hypoglycemic medications because it lowers
listed below are derived from scientific theories or blood sugar. Because of this, some of the many
customs. Their safety and efficacy haven't always uses and benefits of aloe vera may just be folklore
been established, and they haven't always been and some may actually be magic. Eventually,
extensively tested on humans. controlled studies will be required to prove aloe
Conditions include tic douloureux, systemic lupus vera's effectiveness in a variety of circumstances.
erythematosus, alopecia, bacterial and fungal skin 10. Current Information Of Aloes
infections, chronic leg wounds, and parasitic In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO)
infections. reported that medicinal plants are used globally,
c. Adulteration: Glycerin, glucose, sucrose, and and that the laws governing their appropriate use
maltodextrin are frequently used as adulterants in such as those pertaining to the concentration and
aloe vera. Malic acid is another adulterant in it. purity of necessary chemical compounds—are
Side effects widely accepted. Over the past three decades, the
a. Topical: It can cause burning, stinging, redness, use of herbal medicine products has grown
and in rare instances, generalized dermatitis in significantly, and at least 80% of people
sensitive individuals. The majority of allergic worldwide now rely on them for some aspect of
reactions are brought on by anthraquinones, such their primary healthcare (Martins Ekor, 2013). As
as aloin and barbaloin. It is best to apply it to a quality and improvement analysis, as well as
small area first to check for any potential allergic advantages in clinical research, demonstrate the
reactions. usefulness of herbal medicine in both treating and
b. Oral: Constipation getting worse, diarrhea, red preventing illness, it is becoming more widely
urine, hepatitis, abdominal pain, and cramping. accepted (K. P. Sampath Kumar, Debjit Bhowmik,
Long-term use has been linked to an increased risk 2010). One of the most frequent emergencies is


Sandip Gorade, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 611-624 | Review
ethanol ingestion with alcoholic intoxication, Three (60%) of the five rats who were given 0.4
which is often followed by alcohol withdrawal milliliters twice a day showed signs of severe
syndrome in chronic alcoholics who come to the nephrotoxicity, or kidney injury, which was
Accordingly, Aloe Vera (Aloebarbadensis) is the characterized by widespread glomerular and
most widely used medicinal plant in the world and interstitial fibrosis, tubular necrosis, and tubule
the oldest known medicinal plant. According to hyalinization. Of the rats, 2 (or 40%) exhibited no
Joe Leech (2017), the leaves of this plant are signs of nephrotoxicity. Two (40%) of the five rats
covered in a gel-like substance that is packed full who received 0.8 milliliters twice a day had
of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino tubular necrosis and chronic inflammatory cell
acids, among other beneficial compounds.Another infiltration, which were indicators of
study looked into the hepatoprotective properties nephrotoxicity. (20)
of aloe vera polysaccharides against chronic Aloe extract inhibits porcine epidemic diarrhea
alcohol-induced liver damage in mice. According virus in vitro and in vivo:
to this study, AVGP (A. vera polysaccharides) has In vitro inhibition of viral infection test After
a strong protective effect against long-term alcohol inoculating confluent Vero or IPEC-J2 cell
use. monolayers in 12-well plates with varying
11. Effects of Oral Administration of Aloe Vera concentrations of Ae (4–16 mg/mL) or the control
Plus on the Heart and Kidney: normal DMEM for one hour, the cells were
Subacute Toxicity Study in Rat Models: infected with PEDV at a MOI of 0.2–0.4 for an
After receiving 0.2 ml of Aloe vera plus twice additional hour. The viral inoculums were then
daily for 14 days, 3 out of 5 rats (60%) showed removed, and new maintenance medium
signs of nephrotoxicity, as evidenced by persistent containing various concentrations of Ae was
inflammatory cell infiltration of the tubules and added. Cells were fixed for the indirect
interstitium. Three (60%) and two (40%) of the immunofluorescent experiment, as explained
five rats who received 0.4 milliliters twice a day below, twenty-four hours later. Cells were
showed signs of nephrotoxicity. Two of the three harvested at the designated 12-, 24-, and 48-hour
rats that showed toxic consequences had chronic intervals. Cell lysates were then made and
infiltration of inflammatory cells, and the third subjected to Western Blot analysis, as detailed
experienced tubule collapse, tubular injury, and below, or TCID50 analysis was used to quantify
parenchymal hemorrhage. Three of the five rats the viral titers in the cell lysates in order to
that received 0.8 ml twice a day showed signs of compute PFU, as previously mentioned. (21)
nephrotoxicity on histology, including tubular CONCLUSION
necrosis, collapse, hyalinization, and intra- Aloe vera and its compounds have qualities that
parenchymal hemorrhage in one animal and make them useful for preserving the integrity and
chronic inflammatory cell infiltration in another. moisture of the skin as well as preventing ulcers.
Following 28 days of Aloe vera plus treatment, 3 Aloe vera seems to have the potential to enhance
out of 5 rats (or 60%) who got 0.2 ml twice daily wound healing and advance societal health when
experienced nephrotoxicity, with 1 exhibiting used in conjunction with other therapeutic
interstitial fibrosis and the other 2 showing approaches.
thickening of the renal vascular wall and chronic REFERENCES
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Aloe barbadensis miller (Aloe vera”). J


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