Postpartum Nutrition Guide: Health and Nutrition Guidelines

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Postpartum Nutrition Guide

Health and Nutrition Guidelines

The first six months after your baby is born is known as the postpartum period. It will take a
while to regain your strength after a pregnancy and birth.
It is recommended that you continue your prenatal vitamin for six weeks after the birth of your
baby then switch to a multivitamin with folic acid for the rest of your childbearing years.
A balanced and healthy diet is important throughout your life. To learn more about healthy
eating go to Here you will find the tools to stay healthy after having the
Switch to skim or 1% milk
Both have the same amount of calcium and
other essential vitamins and nutrients as whole
milk, with less fat and calories.
Make at least half of your grains choices
whole grain
Choose 100% whole-grain cereals, breads,

Vary your protein food choices

Choose lean meats, poultry, fish and other
protein sources such as dried beans, nuts,

Make half your plate fruits and vegetables

Choose from fresh, frozen, canned, or dried
fruits and vegetables.

Physical Activity Weight Management Rest

 Check with your doctor before  You can manage your weight  Getting enough rest
starting an exercise program. after the delivery by eating a helps you take care of
 Daily physical activity can help balanced diet and through yourself and your baby.
restore muscle strength and physical activity.  When possible, sleep
firm up your body.  Setting reasonable goals is when your baby is
 Physical activity can raise your key to weight management. sleeping.
energy level and improve your  Cutting 500 calories a day  The support of family
mood. promotes a weight loss of 1 and friends may be
 If you had a cesarean birth pound per week. helpful in allowing you
or complications, talk to your  A healthy weight loss is no to get enough rest.
doctor about when you can more than two pounds per
start exercising. week.

You and Your Baby’s Health

 It is important to see your doctor for a 6 week postpartum check-up.
 Talk to your doctor about birth control options and before taking any over-the-counter or
prescription medication.
 Avoid tobacco, alcohol and drugs. They are harmful to you and your baby.
Postpartum Nutrition Guide — Foods to Enjoy Page 2
Water Grains
6 to 8 cups daily 6 to 10 ounces daily
 Drink enough water to satisfy your Make half your grain choices whole grains.
thirst and prevent dehydration. Grains supply B-vitamins, iron, fiber and
 If you drink juice, choose 100% energy! Look for 2 or more grams of fiber
juice and limit to 6 ounces a day. per serving.
 If you drink caffeinated beverages A one ounce serving is:
such as soft drinks, tea or coffee,  1 cup ready-to-eat cereal
limit to 16 ounces or less a day.  1 slice whole wheat bread or roll
 Sugar sweetened beverages and  ½ cup cooked cereal (oatmeal)
soft drinks can make weight loss  ½ cup cooked brown rice
more difficult.  ½ cup cooked pasta
 ½ hot dog or hamburger bun

Fruits and Vegetables Meats and Beans

2½ to 3½ cups of vegetables daily 5 to 7 ounces daily
2 to 2½ cups of fruits daily Meats and beans supply iron and
Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables daily. protein.
A one ounce serving is:
Good sources of vitamin C Good sources of vitamin A
 1 egg
include: include:
 2 tablespoons peanut butter
 broccoli  sweet potatoes
 ¼ cup cooked dry beans, peas
 green pepper  butternut squash
or lentils
 orange or grapefruit juice  cantaloupe
 1 tablespoon nuts or seeds
 oranges  carrots
 1 ounce of lean beef, pork,
 strawberries  greens
chicken, turkey or fish
 broccoli

Eating fruits and veggies

every day is important for
good health!

3 to 4 servings daily
Non-Dairy Calcium Sources
One serving is:
Dairy foods provide protein
 ¼ cup whole almonds
and calcium for strong bones.
 ½ cup turnip greens
One serving is:
 ½ cup calcium fortified
 6 to 8 ounces yogurt
fruit juice
 1½ ounces natural cheese
 1 to 3 ounces canned
 8 ounces milk
fish with edible bones

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