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NCP For Obsessions in NCM 117 (Anxiety)

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Cues Need Nursing Objective of Care Nursing Intervention Expected

Diagnosis Outcome/Evaluation

Subjective cues: P Ineffective Coping After 72 hours of Independent: After 72 hours of nursing
“ Were are the S related to nursing intervention ⮚ Assess client’s level of anxiety. Investigate the types of intervention the patient
green pills why Y insufficient sense of the patient will be able situations that increase anxiety and result in ritualistic was able to:
does I haven’t C control as to: behaviors.
receive one while H evidenced by R. Helping the client recognize the precipitating factors is the first ⮚ Understand and
the other does O obsession to drugs. ⮚ Client will step in teaching the client to interrupt the escalating anxiety. demostrate the
have” as L decrease ⮚ Initially meet the client’s dependency needs as necessary. importance of coping
verbalized Beth. O R. Anxiety participation in R. Sudden and complete elimination of avenues for abilities to interrupt
G disorders comprise ritualistic dependency would create anxiety and will burden the client more. obsessive thoughts
(Beth was I a group of behavior. ⮚ Encourage independence and give positive reinforcement for and refrain from
abusing C conditions that ⮚ Client will independent behaviors. ritualistic
tranquilizers or NEED share a key feature demonstrate R. Positive reinforcement enhances self-esteem and encourages behaviors.
commonly of excessive anxiety ability to cope repetition of desired behaviors. ⮚ Verbalized signs
known as “green Safety and with ensuing effectively. ⮚ During the beginning of treatment, allow plenty of time for and symptoms of
pills” since she security behavioral, ⮚ Client will rituals. Do not be judgmental or verbalize disapproval of the increasing anxiety
was still nine emotional, verbalize signs behavior. and intervene to
years old in Maslow's cognitive, and and symptoms of R. To deny client this activity can precipitate panic level of maintain anxiety at
Methuen hierarchy of physiologic increasing anxiety anxiety. manageable level.
Homes.) needs responses. People and intervene to ⮚ Support and encourage client’s efforts to explore the meaning ⮚ Decreased
suffering from maintain anxiety and purpose of the behavior. participation in
Objective cues: anxiety disorders at manageable R. Client may be unaware of the relationship between emotional ritualistic behavior.
⮚ Obsession to can demonstrate level. problems and compulsive behaviors. Recognition and acceptance of
drugs unusual behaviors ⮚ Client will problems is important before change can occur.
⮚ Compulsion such as panic demonstrate ⮚ Gradually limit the amount of time allotted for ritualistic
⮚ Emotional without reason, ability to interrupt behavior as client becomes more involved in unit activities.
distress unwarranted fear of obsessive thoughts R. Anxiety is minimized when client is able to replace ritualistic
⮚ Anxiety objects, or and refrain from behaviors with more adaptive ones.
Over unexplainable or ritualistic ⮚ Encourage the recognition of situations that provoke
Recurrence unwavering worry. behaviors. obsessive thoughts or ritualistic behaviors.
⮚ Constant They experience R. Recognition of precipitating factors is the first step in teaching
restlessness, significant distress client to interrupt escalation of anxiety.
irritation, over time, and the ⮚ Provide positive reinforcement for nonritualistic behaviors.
edginess, or disorder R. Positive reinforcement enhances self-esteem and
a feeling of significantly encourages repetition of desired behaviors.
being impairs their daily
without routines, social
control. lives, and REF: Nurseslabs, 2019
Anxiety disorders
are diagnosed when
anxiety no longer
function as a signal
of danger or a
motivation for
needed change but
becomes chronic
and permeates
major portions of
the person’s life,
resulting in
behaviors and

-Nurseslabs 2019
(Matt Vera,
BSN, R.N.,

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