Age: 19 years old B Diagnosis: OCD
Clustered Cues: Nursing Diagnosis Rationale Outcome Criteria Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Anxiety related to Anxiety is a vague feeling After 4 hours nursing ▪ encourage client to ▪ used to help manage Goals partially met,
“When my books discuss the meaning and understand feelings
stress evidenced by of dread or apprehension intervention, the as evidence by:
were moved, I got (uneasiness); it is the and purpose of his of anxiety or distress
so upset and being aggressive when patient will able to: compulsive behavior ▪ Client performed
activation of the
overwhelmed, I ▪ Client develops feeling
unable to complete autonomic nervous Verbalized strategies relaxation technique
couldn’t stop ▪ Maintain a calm, of security in presence of
myself from compulsions system in response to an to address anxiety non-threatening calm staff person. like deep breathing
getting angry at external or internal stimuli manner while working
when experiencing
my mom” as that can have behavioral, with the client. ▪ Establishing trust
Client will respond to
verbalized by emotional, cognitive, and provides support and anxiety.
relaxation techniques
patient physical symptoms. In ▪respect client desire communicates that the
with a decreased ▪ Client openly share
for quit, privacy, nurse accepts client as a
contrast, fear is the feeling anxiety level and
Objective: talking or silence person with the right to his anxiety to the
of apprehension over a Reduce anxiety level.
Agitated self-determination.
specific threat or danger to nurse.
Restless ▪ establish relationship
Anger the person. through use of ▪ These skills convey ▪ “ If I may feel
Easily distracted empathy, warmth, and belief in client’s ability
anger , I will count
hen someone respect. to deal with situation and
interferes his develop a sense of descending order
orderliness of ▪Include client control competence
from 10-1 slowly to
book in shelves. and the problem
solving skills in order ease mu anxeity”
to develop ▪ Allowing client choices
individualized provides a measure of
strategies that the control and serves to ▪“ I regularly
patient can used to Increased feelings of
exercise to be active
minimized anxiety. self-worth
and reduce my stress
cause by school
works” as verbalized
by patient.