Vtu Grade System

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3rd to 8th Semester BE Mechatronics

Scheme of Teaching and Examinations
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome
tcome Based Education (OBE)
tive from the academic year 2018 – 2019)
Scheme of Teaching and Examination 2018 – 19
Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) (Effective from the academic year 2018 – 19)

Teaching Department
Teaching Hours Examination

Sl. Course and Course Course Title


Total Marks

SEE Marks
Duration in

CIE Marks
No Code


Transform calculus, Fourier series and
1 BSC 18MAT31 Numerical techniques Mathematics 2 2 -- 03 40 60 100 3
2 PCC 18MT 32 Material science and Technology 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
3 PCC 18 MT 33 Mechanics of materials 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
4 PCC 18 MT 34 Control Systems 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 PCC 18 MT 35 Analog and Digital Electronics 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3

6 PCC 18 MT 36 Computer Organization 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3

7 PCC 18 MT L37 Machine shop and material Testing lab -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2

8 PCC 18 MT L38 Analog and digital electronics lab -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2

18KVK39/49 Vyavaharika Kannada (Kannada for
communication)/ -- 2 -- -- 100 --
9 18KAK39/49 Aadalitha Kannada (Kannada for HSMC 100 1

18CPC39/49 Constitution of India, Professional 1 -- -- 02 40 60
Ethics and Cyber Law Examination is by objective type questions
17 10 24 420 480
TOTAL OR OR 04 OR OR OR 900 24
18 12 26 360 540

Note: BSC: Basic Science, PCC: Professional Core, HSMC: Humanity and Social Science, NCMC: Non-credit mandatory course.
18KVK39 Vyavaharika Kannada (Kannada for communication) is for non-Kannada speaking, reading and writing students and 18KAK39 Aadalitha
Kannada (Kannada for Administration) is for students who speak, read and write Kannada.

Course prescribed to lateral entry Diploma holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
10 NC 18MATDIP31 Additional Mathematics - I Mathematics 02 01 -- 03 40 60 100 0
The mandatory non – credit courses Additional Mathematics I and II prescribed for III and IV semesters respectively, to the lateral entry Diploma holders
admitted to III semester of BE/B. Tech programs, shall attend the classes during the respective semesters to complete all the formalities of the course and
appear for the University examination. In case, any student fails to register for the said course/ fails to secure the minimum 40 % of the prescribed CIE
marks, he/she shall be deemed to have secured F grade. In such a case, the students have to fulfil the requirements during subsequent semester/s to appear
for SEE.
These Courses shall not be considered for vertical progression, but completion of the courses shall be mandatory for the award of degree.
Courses prescribed to lateral entry B. Sc degree holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
Lateral entrant students from B.Sc. Stream, shall clear the non-credit courses Engineering Graphics and Elements of Civil Engineering and
Mechanics of the First Year Engineering Programme. These Courses shall not be considered for vertical progression, but completion of the courses shall
be mandatory for the award of degree.
AICTE Activity Points to be earned by students admitted to BE/B. Tech/B. Plan day college programme (For more details refer to Chapter 6,AICTE
Activity Point Programme, Model Internship Guidelines):
Over and above the academic grades, every Day College regular student admitted to the 4 years Degree programme and every student entering 4 years
Degree programme through lateral entry, shall earn 100 and 75 Activity Points respectively for the award of degree through AICTE Activity Point
Programme. Students transferred from other Universities to fifth semester are required to earn 50 Activity Points from the year of entry to VTU. The
Activity Points earned shall be reflected on the student’s eighth semester Grade Card.
The activities can be spread over the years, anytime during the semester weekends and holidays, as per the liking and convenience of the student from the
year of entry to the programme. However, minimum hours’ requirement should be fulfilled. Activity Points (non-credit) have no effect on SGPA/CGPA
and shall not be considered for vertical progression.
In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points, Eighth semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning the required activity Points.
Students shall be admitted for the award of degree only after the release of the Eighth semester Grade Card.
Scheme of Teaching and Examination 2018 – 19
Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Effective from the academic year 2018 – 19)
Teaching Hours Examination
Sl. Course


Total Marks
SEE Marks

CIE Marks
No and Course




Course Title

Complex analysis, probability and
1 BSC 18MAT41 statistical methods Mathematics 2 2 -- 03 40 60 100 3
2 PCC 18MT42 Fluid mechanics and machines 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
3 PCC 18 MT 43 Microcontroller 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 3
4 PCC 18 MT 44 Manufacturing technology 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 PCC 18 MT 45 Theory of Machines 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC 18 MT 46 Instrumentation and measurements 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
7 PCC 18 MT L47 FM and pneumatic - Laboratory -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
8 PCC 18 MT L48 Microcontroller – Laboratory(BV) -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
18KVK39/49 Vyavaharika Kannada (Kannada for
communication) -- 2 -- -- 100 --
9 18KAK39/49 Aadalitha Kannada (Kannada for HSMC 100 1

18CPC39/49 Constitution of India, Professional 1 -- -- 02 40 60
Ethics and Cyber Law Examination is by objective type questions
TOTAL 17 12 24 420 480
OR OR 04 OR OR OR 900 24
18 14 26 360 540

Note: BSC: Basic Science, PCC: Professional Core, HSMC: Humanity and Social Science, NCMC: Non-credit mandatory course.
18KVK39/49 Vyavaharika Kannada (Kannada for communication) is for non-Kannada speaking, reading and writing students and 18KAK39/49
Aadalitha Kannada (Kannada for Administration) is for students who speak, read and write Kannada.

Course prescribed to lateral entry Diploma holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
10 NCMC 18MATDIP41 Additional Mathematics – II Mathematics 02 01 -- 03 40 60 100 0
((a)The mandatory non – credit courses Additional Mathematics I and II prescribed for III and IV semesters respectively, to the lateral entry Diploma
holders admitted to III semester of BE/B. Tech programs, shall attend the classes during the respective semesters to complete all the formalities of the
course and appear for the University examination. In case, any student fails to register for the said course/ fails to secure the minimum 40 % of the
prescribed CIE marks, he/she shall be deemed to have secured F grade. In such a case, the student have to Fulfill the requirements during subsequent
semester/s to appear for SEE.
(b) These Courses shall not be considered for vertical progression, but completion of the courses shall be mandatory for the award of degree.
Courses prescribed to lateral entry B. Sc degree holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
Lateral entrant students from B.Sc. Stream, shall clear the non-credit courses Engineering Graphics and Elements of Civil Engineering and Mechanics
of the First Year Engineering Programme. These Courses shall not be considered for vertical progression, but completion of the courses shall be
mandatory for the award of degree.

AICTE activity Points: In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points, Eighth semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning the
required activity Points. Students shall be admitted for the award of degree only after the release of the Eighth semester Grade Card.
Scheme of Teaching and Examination 2018 – 19
Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
(Effective from the academic year 2018 – 19)
Teaching Examination

Sl. Course Course

Total Marks
SEE Marks

CIE Marks
N and Title



o Course

Technological Innovation
1 HSMC 18ES51 Management And
3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
Design and analysis of Machine
2 PCC 18 MT52 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
3 PCC 18 MT53 Virtual Instrumentation 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
4 PCC 18 MT54 Hydraulics and Pneumatics 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
Micro and Smart Systems
5 PCC 18 MT55 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
Wireless Networks &
6 PCC 18 MT56 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
Virtual Instrumentation-
7 PCC 18 MTL57 -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
8 PCC 18 MTL58 MSST -Laboratory -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
9 HSMC 18CIV59 Environmental Studies [Paper setting:
Civil Engineering 1 -- -- 02 40 60 100 1
TOTAL 19 08 04 26 360 540 900 25

Note: PCC: Professional Core, HSMC: Humanity and Social Science.

AICTE activity Points: In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points, Eighth semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning the
required activity Points. Students shall be admitted for the award of degree only after the release of the Eighth semester Grade Card.
Scheme of Teaching and Examination 2018 – 19
Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
(Effective from the academic year 2018 – 19)
Teaching Hours /Week Examination


Total Marks
SEE Marks

CIE Marks

Sl. Course



N and Course
o Course Title


1 PCC 18 MT61 PLC & SCADA 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
2 PCC 18 MT62 Power Electronics 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
3 PCC 18 MT63 Computer Aided Machine Drawing 1 0 4 03 40 60 100 4
4 PEC 18 MT64X Professional Elective -1 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 OEC 18XX65X Open Elective –A 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC 18 MTL66 PLC and SCADA- Laboratory -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
7 PCC 18 MTL67 Power electronics - Laboratory -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
8 MP 18MTM,P68 Mini-project -- -- 2 03 40 60 100 2
9 Internship -- Internship To be carried out during the vacation/s of VI and VII semesters and /or VII
and VIII semesters.
TOTAL 13 08 10 24 320 480 800 24

Note: PCC: Professional core, PEC: Professional Elective, OE: Open Elective, MP: Mini-project.

Professional Elective -1
Course code under Course Title
18 MT641 Modeling And Simulation
18 MT642 Rapid Prototyping
18 MT643 Artificial neural network
18 MT644 Satellite Communication
18 MT645 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Open Elective –A

18 MT651 Robotics and Automation, 18 MT652 Process Instrumentation

Students can select any one of the open electives offered by other Departments except those that are offered by the parent Department (Please refer to
the list of open electives under 18XX65X).
Selection of an open elective shall not be allowed if,
 The candidate has studied the same course during the previous semesters of the program.
 The syllabus content of open elective is similar to that of the Departmental core courses or professional electives.
 A similar course, under any category, is prescribed in the higher semesters of the program
Registration to electives shall be documented under the guidance of Program Coordinator/ Advisor/Mentor.
Mini-project work:
Based on the ability/abilities of the student/s and recommendations of the mentor, a single discipline or a multidisciplinary Mini- project can be
assigned to an individual student or to a group having not more than 4 students.
CIE procedure for Mini-project:
(i) Single discipline: The CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee consisting of the Head of the concerned Department and two senior faculty
members of the Department, one of whom shall be the Guide.
The CIE marks awarded for the Mini-project work shall be based on the evaluation of project report, project presentation skill and question and answer
session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for the project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
(ii) Interdisciplinary: Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be group wise at the college level with the participation of all the guides of the college.
The CIE marks awarded for the Mini-project, shall be based on the evaluation of project report, project presentation skill and question and answer
session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for the project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
SEE for Mini-project:
(i) Single discipline: Contribution to the Mini-project and the performance of each group member shall be assessed individually in the semester end
examination (SEE) conducted at the department.
(ii) Interdisciplinary: Contribution to the Mini-project and the performance of each group member shall be assessed individually in semester end
examination (SEE) conducted separately at the departments to which the student/s belongs to.
Internship: All the students admitted to III year of BE/B. Tech shall have to undergo mandatory internship of 4 weeks during the vacation of VI and
VII semesters and /or VII and VIII semesters. A University examination shall be conducted during VIII semester and the prescribed credit shall be
included in VIII semester. Internship shall be considered as a head of passing and shall be considered for the award of degree. Those, who do not take-
up/complete the internship shall be declared fail and shall have to complete during subsequent University examination after satisfying the internship
AICTE activity Points: In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points, Eighth semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning the
required activity Points. Students shall be admitted for the award of degree only after the release of the Eighth semester Grade Card.
Scheme of Teaching and Examination 2018 – 19
Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
(Effective from the academic year 2018 – 19)
Teaching Hours /Week Examination

Sl. Course


Total Marks
SEE Marks

Duration in
No and Course

CIE Marks

Course Title


1 PCC 18MT71 Industrial Robotics 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
2 PCC 18 MT72 Thermal Engineering 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 3
3 PEC 18 MT73X Professional Elective - 2 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
4 PEC 18 MT74X Professional Elective - 3 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 OEC 18 MT75X Open Elective -B 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC 18 MTL76 Robotics Lab -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
7 PCC 18 MTL77 Thermal -Laboratory -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
8 Project 18 MTP78 Project Work Phase - 1 -- -- 2 -- 100 -- 100 1
9 Internship -- Internship (If not completed during the vacation of VI and VII semesters, it shall be
carried out during the vacation of VII and VIII semesters )
TOTAL 15 04 06 21 380 420 800 20
Note: PCC: Professional core, PEC: Professional Elective.
Professional Elective - 2
Course code under 18MT73X Course Title
18 MT731 Automation In Process Control
18 MT732 Signal Process
18 MT733 Real Time Systems
18 MT734 OOPS using C++
18 MT735 Analytical Instrumentation
Professional Electives - 3
Course code under 18MT74X Course Title
18 MT741 Finite element analysis.
18 MT742 Machine Learning
18 MT743 Artificial Intelligence
18 MT744 Digital Image Processing
18 MT745 Mechanical vibration
Open Elective –B
(i) 18 MT751 Biomedical Signal Processing
(ii) 18 MT752 Mechatronics system design
Students can select any one of the open electives offered by other Departments except those that are offered by the parent Department (Please refer to
the list of open electives under 18MT75X).
Selection of an open elective shall not be allowed if,
 The candidate has studied the same course during the previous semesters of the program.
 The syllabus content of open elective is similar to that of the Departmental core courses or professional electives.
 A similar course, under any category, is prescribed in the higher semesters of the program.
Registration to electives shall be documented under the guidance of Programme Coordinator/ Advisor/Mentor.
Project work:
Based on the ability/abilities of the student/s and recommendations of the mentor, a single discipline or a multidisciplinary project can be assigned to an
individual student or to a group having not more than 4 students. In extraordinary cases, like the funded projects requiring students from different
disciplines, the project student strength can be 5 or 6.
CIE procedure for Project Work Phase - 1:
(i) Single discipline: The CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee consisting of the Head of the concerned Department and two senior faculty
members of the Department, one of whom shall be the Guide.
The CIE marks awarded for the project work phase -1, shall be based on the evaluation of the project work phase -1 Report (covering Literature Survey,
Problem identification, Objectives and Methodology), project presentation skill and question and answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks
awarded for the Project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
(ii) Interdisciplinary: Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be group wise at the college level with the participation of all guides of the college.
Participation of external guide/s, if any, is desirable.
The CIE marks awarded for the project work phase -1, shall be based on the evaluation of project work phase -1 Report, project presentation skill and
question and answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for the project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
Internship: All the students admitted to III year of BE/B. Tech shall have to undergo mandatory internship of 4 weeks during the vacation of VI and
VII semesters and /or VII and VIII semesters. A University examination shall be conducted during VIII semester and the prescribed credit shall be
included in VIII semester. Internship shall be considered as a head of passing and shall be considered for the award of degree. Those, who do not take-
up/complete the internship shall be declared fail and shall have to complete during subsequent University examination after satisfying the internship
AICTE activity Points: In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points, Eighth semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning the
required activity Points. Students shall be admitted for the award of degree only after the release of the Eighth semester Grade Card.
Scheme of Teaching and Examination 2018 – 19
Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
(Effective from the academic year 2018 – 19)
Teaching Hours Examination
Sl. Course Course Title


N and


Total Marks


SEE Marks
Duration in

CIE Marks

o Course


1 PCC 18MT81 Automotive Electronics & 4 -- -- 03 40 60 100
Hybrid Vehicles
2 PEC 18MT82X Professional Elective - 4 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
3 Project 18MTP83 Project Work -- -- 2 03 40 60 100 8
4 Seminar 18MTS84 Technical Seminar -- -- 2 03 100 -- 100 1
Completed during the vacation/s
5 Internship 18MTI85 Internship of VI and VII semesters and /or 03 40 60 100
and VIII semesters.)
TOTAL 06 -- 04 15 260 240 500 18

Note: PCC: Professional Core, PEC: Professional Elective.

Professional Electives - 4
Course code under 18XX82X Course Title
18 MT821 Operation Research.
18 MT822 Communication system
18 MT823 Digital Control System
18 MT824 Management Information Systems
18 MT825 Radar Engineering

Project Work
CIE procedure for Project Work Phase - 2:
(i) Single discipline: The CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee consisting of the Head of the concerned Department and two senior
faculty members of the Department, one of whom shall be the Guide.
The CIE marks awarded for the project work phase -2, shall be based on the evaluation of project work phase -2 Report, project presentation skill
and question and answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for the project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
(ii) Interdisciplinary: Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be group wise at the college level with the participation of all guides of the college.
Participation of external guide/s, if any, is desirable.
The CIE marks awarded for the project work phase -2, shall be based on the evaluation of project work phase -2 Report, project presentation skill
and question and answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for the project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
SEE for Project Work Phase - 2:
(i) Single discipline: Contribution to the project and the performance of each group member shall be assessed individually in semester end
examination (SEE) conducted at the department.
(ii) Interdisciplinary: Contribution to the project and the performance of each group member shall be assessed individually in semester end
examination (SEE) conducted separately at the departments to which the student/s belongs to.
Internship: Those, who have not pursued /completed the internship, shall be declared as fail and have to complete during subsequent University
examination after satisfying the internship requirements.

AICTE activity Points: In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points, Eighth semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning
the required activity Points. Students shall be admitted for the award of degree only after the release of the Eighth semester Grade Card.
Activity points of the students who have earned the prescribed AICTE activity Points shall be sent the University along with the CIE marks of 8th
semester. In case of students who have not satisfied the AICTE activity Points at the end of eighth semester, the column under activity Points
shall be marked NSAP (Not Satisfied Activity Points).

3rd to 8th Semester BE Mechatronics

Scheme of Teaching and Examinations

Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

(Effective from the academic year 2018 – 2019)


B.E: Mechatronics Engineering

Program Outcomes (POs)

At the end of the B.E program, students are expected to have developed the following

1. Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution
of complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems rreaching
eaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs
with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural,
societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of
data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to
complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibil ities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the
knowledge of need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with
the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as
a member and leader in a team, to mana ge projects and in multidisciplinary
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability
to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

At the end of the B.E Electronics & Communication Engineering program, students are
expected to have developed the following program specific outcomes.

PSO1: Have a thorough knowledge of design, analysis and modeling of mechanical

components, concepts of fluid and thermal engineering, conventional and
advanced manufacturing technology in engineering applications.
PSO2: Be able to analyze, design and prototyping of electronics, communication and
embedded systems.
PSO3: Be able to apply domain knowledge and demonstrate technical competency in
virtual instrumentation, PLC, SCADA, smart systems, artificial intelligence to
integrate and interface electro-mechanical systems.


1. The Course Outcomes and RBT levels indicated for each course in the syllabus are
indicative/suggestive. The faculty can set them appropriately according to their lesson

2. The Question Paper format for the theory courses is as follows:

Question Paper Pattern for Theory Courses (2018 Scheme):

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper containing 10
full questions, each of 20 marks
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60


Scheme of Teaching and Examination 2018 – 19
Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) (Effective from the academic year 2018
– 19)
Teaching Hours Examination


Total Marks

Duration in

SEE Marks
CIE Marks
Sl. Course and Course Course Title


No Code

1 BSC 18MAT31 (Title as per the decision of Mathematics 2 2 -- 03 40 60 100 3
BoS in Sciences)
2 PCC 18MT 32 Material science and 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
3 PCC 18 MT 33 Mechanics of materials 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
4 PCC 18 MT 34 Control Systems 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 PCC 18 MT 35 Analog and Digital 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC 18 MT 36 Computer Organization 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
7 PCC 18 MT L37 Machine shop and material -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
Testing lab
8 PCC 18 MT L38 Analog and digital electronics -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
18KVK39/4 Vyavaharika Kannada
9 (Kannada for -- 2 -- -- 100 --
9 communication)/ HSMC 100 1
18KAK39/4 Aadalitha Kannada (Kannada
9 for
18CPC39/49 Constitution of India, 1 -- -- 03 40 60

Professional Ethics and Examination is by objective type

Cyber Law questions
17 10 24 420 480
TOTAL OR OR 04 OR OR OR 900 24
18 12 27 360 540

Note: BSC: Basic Science, PCC: Professional Core, HSMC: Humanity and Social Science, NCMC: Non-credit
mandatory course.
18KVK39 Vyavaharika Kannada (Kannada for communication) is for non-kannada speaking, reading and writing
students and 18KAK39 Aadalitha Kannada (Kannada for Administration) is for students who speak, read and write

Course prescribed to lateral entry Diploma holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
10 NC 18MATDIP31 Additional Mathematics - I Mathematics 02 01 -- 03 40 60 100 0
The mandatory non – credit courses Additional Mathematics I and II prescribed for III and IV semesters
respectively, to the lateral entry Diploma holders admitted to III semester of BE/B.Tech programs, shall attend the
classes during the respective semesters to complete all the formalities of the course and appear for the University
examination. In case, any student fails to register for the said course/ fails to secure the minimum 40 % of the
prescribed CIE marks, he/she shall be deemed to have secured F grade. In such a case, the students have to fulfill
the requirements during subsequent semester/s to appear for SEE.
These Courses shall not be considered for vertical progression, but completion of the courses shall be mandatory for
the award of degree.

Courses prescribed to lateral entry B. Sc degree holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
Lateral entrant students from B.Sc. Stream, shall clear the non-credit courses Engineering Graphics and Elements of
Civil Engineering and
Mechanics of the First Year Engineering Programme. These Courses shall not be considered for vertical
progression, but completion of the courses shall be mandatory for the award of degree.

AICTE Activity Points to be earned by students admitted to BE/B.Tech/B. Plan day college programme (For more
details refer to Chapter 6,AICTE Activity Point Programme, Model Internship Guidelines):
Over and above the academic grades, every Day College regular student admitted to the 4 years Degree programme
and every student entering 4 years Degree programme through lateral entry, shall earn 100 and 75 Activity Points
respectively for the award of degree through AICTE Activity Point Programme. Students transferred from other
Universities to fifth semester are required to earn 50 Activity Points from the year of entry to VTU. The Activity
Points earned shall be reflected on the student’s eighth semester Grade Card.
The activities can be can be spread over the years, anytime during the semester weekends and holidays, as per the
liking and convenience of the student from the year of entry to the programme. However, minimum hours’
requirement should be fulfilled. Activity Points (non-credit) have no effect on SGPA/CGPA and shall not be
considered for vertical progression.
In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points, Eighth semester Grade Card shall be issued only after
earning the required activity Points. Students shall be admitted for the award of degree only after the release of the
Eighth semester Grade Card.



[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Subject Code 18MT32 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40(8 Hours per Module)
Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:

1. gain knowledge of Mechanical behavior of metals, composite materials and smart materials
2. Understand the mechanism of metallurgical process, manufacturing process of composites
and working of smart sensors
3. Know applications of metallurgical process, production process of composites and smart
materials for various engineering solutions.

Modules RBT Level

Module – 1
Mechanical Behavior : Stress- Strain diagram showing ductile and brittle behavior of
materials, Liner and non-linear elastic behavior and properties, mechanical Properties
in plastic range, Yield strength offset yield strength, ductility, ultimate tensile strength, L1, L2, L3,
toughness plastic deformation of single crystal by slip and twinning. Atomic diffusion, L4
flick’s laws of Diffusion, Factors attaching the Diffusion
Fracture: Types, creep: Description of the phenomenon with examples, 3 stages of
creep properties, stress relaxation fatigue: types of fatigue lauding with examples,
Mechanism of fatigue, Fatigue properties, Fatigue testing and S-N diagram.

Module – 2
Heat Treating of metals: TTT curves, Continuous cooling curves, Annealing and its
types, Normalizing, Hardening, Tempering, Martempering, Austemparing, L1, L2, L3,
hardenability, Surface hardening methods like Carburizing, Cyaniding Nitriding, flame L4
hardening and induction hardening, age hardening of aluminum and copper alloys.
Ferrous and non ferrous materials: Properties composition and use of grey cush iron,
malleable iron, SG iron and steel. Copper alloys- brasses and bronzes, aluminum alloys
Al-Cu, Al-Si, Al-Zn alloys.
Module – 3
Solidification and phase diagram: Mechanism of solidification, Homogenous and
Heterogeneous nucleation. Cristal Growth, Cast metal strictures, Phase diagram. Solid L1 , L2 , L3
solutions Substitution and Interstitial solid solution, Hume rothary rule, Intermediate
phase, construction of equilibrium diagram involving complete and partial solubility,
lever rule, Gibb’s phase rule.

Module – 4
Composite materials: Definition, classification, type of matrix materials and L1, L2, L3,
reinforcements, advantages and application of composites. L4
Processing of FRP Composites: Layup and curing, fabricating process, open and
closed mould process, hand layup technique; structural laminate bag molding,
production procedures for bag molding; filament winding, pultrusion, pulforming,
thermo-forming, injection molding, blow molding.
Metal Matrix Composites: Reinforcement materials, types, characteristics and
selection, base metals selection. Need for MMC’s and its application.
Module – 5

Smart Materials: Piezoelectric Materials, Electrostrictive Materials, L1, L2, L3,

Magnetostrictive Materials, Magnetoelectric Materials. Magnetorheological Fluids, L4
Electrorheological Fluids, Shape Memory Materials, Fiber-Optic Sensors.
Smart Sensor, Actuator and Transducer Technologies: Smart Sensors:
Accelerometers; Force Sensors; Load Cells; Torque Sensors; Pressure Sensors;
Microphones; Impact Hammers

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: have knowledge of -Mechanical behavior of metals, Smart materials, composite materials,
Alloys, Heat treatment process & phase diagrams.
CO2: understand the mechanism of various Metallurgical process & manufacturing process of
composite materials & working of smart sensors,. CO3: application of metallurgical process,
production process of composite & working principle of smart sensor for various engineering
Question paper pattern:
• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20 marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:
1. Materials Science and Engineering,William D. Callister Jr., John Wiley & Sons. Inc, 5th
Edition, 2001.
2. Mechanics of Composite Materials, Second Edition, Autar K. Kaw, CRC Press, 2005.
3. Smart Materials and Structures - M. V. Gandhi and B. So Thompson - Chapman & Hall,
London; New York - 1992 (ISBN: 0412370107).
4. Materials Science and Engineering,William D. Callister Jr., John Wiley & Sons. Inc, 5th
Edition, 2001
5. Materials Science, Shackleford.,& M. K. Muralidhara, Pearson Publication – 2007.
6. “Material Science & Metallurgy For Engineers”, Dr. V.D. Kodgire& S. V. Kodgire,
Everest Publication.
7. “Mechanical Behavior & Testing Of Materials”, A. K. Bhargava, C.P. Sharma.P H I
Learning Private Ltd.
Reference Books:
1. An Introduction to Metallurgy; Alan Cottrell, Universities Press India Oriental Longman
Pvt. Ltd., 1974.
2. Engineering Materials Science, W.C.Richards, PHI, 1965
3. Physical Metallurgy; Lakhtin, Mir Publications
4. Materials Science and Engineering, V.Raghavan,PHI, 2002
5. Elements of Materials Science and Engineering, H. VanVlack, Addison- Wesley Edn., 1998
6. Materials Science and Engineering,William D. Callister Jr., John Wiley & Sons. Inc, 5th
Edition, 2001.
7. The Science and Engineering of Materials, Donald R. Askland and Pradeep.P. Phule,
Cengage Learning, 4th Ed., 2003.

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Subject Code 18MT33 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 05 SEE marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 60(12 Hours per Module)
Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives: Students will be able to
1. gain knowledge of linear elastic properties stress strain relations
2. Derive the stress strain equations in bars, beams, shafts, cylinders, columns subjected
to external load.
3. compute the stress strain for bars, beams, shafts, and column

Modules RBT Level

Module – 1
Simple Stress and Strain: Introduction, Concept of Stress and Strain, Linear
elasticity, Hooke's Law and Poisson's ratio. Extension / Shortening of a bar, bars
with varying cross sections (step and tapering circular and rectangular),
L1, L2,
Elongation due to self weight, Principle of super position, St. Venant’s Principle.
Simple shear stress and Shear strain. Volumetric strain: expression for
volumetric strain, Elastic Constants and relations. Stresses in Composite
Module – 2
Compound Stresses: Introduction, Concept of Plane stress, Stress tensor for plane
stress, stresses on inclined sections, principal stresses and maximum shear stresses,
Mohr's circle for plane stress. L1, L2,
Module – 3
Bending Moment and Shear Force in Beams: Introduction, Sign conventions,
relationship between shear force and bending moments. Shear force and bending
moment diagrams for Cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams L1 , L2
subjected to concentrated loads, uniformly distributed load (UDL), uniformly ,L3,
varying load (UVL) and couple, simple numerical.
Module – 4
Bending and Shear Stresses in Beams: Introduction, Theory of simple bending,
L1, L2,
assumptions in simple bending. General equation for bending. Moment carrying
capacity of a section. Shearing stresses in beams, shear stress across
rectangular, symmetrical I and T sections. (Composite / notched beams not
Deflection of Beams: Introduction, Differential equation for deflection. Equations
for deflection, slope and bending moment. Double integration method for
cantilever and Macaulay’s method for simply supported beams for point load,
UDL and Couple. (Simple Numericals)
Module – 5

Torsion of Circular Shafts: Introduction. Pure torsion, assumptions,

L1, L2,
derivation of torsional equations, polar modulus, torsional rigidity / stiffness of
shafts. Power transmitted by solid and hollow circular shafts.

Elastic Stability of Columns: Euler's theory for axially loaded elastic long
columns. Derivation of Euler's load for various end conditions, limitations of
Euler's theory, Rankine's formula.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Have knowledge of stress-strain relations in linear elastic members
CO2: Describe stress- strain equation for axial, bending and torsion loads.
CO3: Determine the stress & strain for simple stresses, compound stresses, beams, shafts &
Question paper pattern:
• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20 marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:
1. "Mechanics of Materials", by R.C.Hibbeler, Prentice Hall. Pearson Edu., 2011.
2. "Mechanics of materials", James.M.Gere, Thomson, Eighth edition2013.
3. "Mechanics of materials", in SI Units, Ferdinand Beer & Russell Johston, 5th
Ed., TATA McGraw Hill- 2003.
4. "Mechanics of Materials", K.V. Rao, G.C. Raju, Subhash Publication, Fourth

Reference Books:
1. "Strength of Materials", S.S. Rattan, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.
2. "Strength of Materials", S.S.Bhavikatti, Vikas publications House -1 Pvt. Ltd., 2nd
Ed., 2006.
3. "Engineering Mechanics of Solids", Egor.P. Popov, Pearson Edu. India, 2nd, Edition,
4. "Strength of Materials", W.A. Nash, 5th Ed., Schaum’s Outline Series, Fourth

B.E, III Semester, Mechatronics Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

Course 18MT34
CIE Marks 40
Teaching (3:2:0)
SEE Marks 60
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Credits – 04
Course Objectives: Students will have to

• Students will have to the knowledge of fundamental concepts of Control systems, mathematical modeling
of the system and to study
• Students will expose to the knowledge of the concept of time response and frequency response of the
system and teach the basics of stability analysis time response and frequency response of the system of the
• Will be able to study stability of System

Module – 1 RBT Level

Modelling of Systems and Block diagram: Introduction to Control Systems, Types of Control L5
Systems, with examples. Concept of mathematical modelling of physical systems- Mechanical,
Translational (Mechanical accelerometer, systems excluded), and Rotational systems, Analogous
systems based on force voltage analogy and force current analogy. Introduction to Block diagram
algebra. Numerical problems on all topics.
Module – 2
Signal Flow graph: Introduction to Signal Flow graph, Mason’s gain formula. Obtaining Transfer L3
functions for the given SFG using Mason’s gain formula.
Time response analysis: Introduction. Standard test signals, response of first order & second order
systems for unit step input. Steady state errors & Error constants. Numerical problems on all topics.
Module – 3
Concepts of stability: The Concept of stability. Necessary conditions for stability. Hurwitz stability L4
criterion. Routh stability criterion. Relative stability analysis using RH Criterion.
Frequency domain Analysis: Introduction to frequency domain analysis, Correlation between time
& frequency response
Module – 4
The Root Locus Technique: Introduction. Root locus concepts. Construction of root loci. Stability L4
analysis using Root locus Technique Numerical problems on all topics.
Frequency domain Analysis:Introduction to frequency domain analysis Bode plots
Module – 5
State space Analysis: Concept of state, state variables and state model. State diagrams and State L3
models for Linear continuous-time systems (Electrical systems): State space representation using
Physical and Phase variables. Derivation of transfer functions from the state model. Numerical
problems on all topics.
Solution of state equations: Solutions of homogeneous and Nonhomogeneous state equations.
Properties of state transition matrix, computation of state transition matrix by matrix exponential
andLaplace transform method. Numerical problems

Course outcomes:

students will:
1. Demonstrate the concepts of Control systems and its Specifications for mathematical modelling, feedback
control and stability analysis in Time and Frequency domains
2. Express and solve system equations in state-variable form (state variable models), Identify open and closed
loop control system to Solve Signal Flow graph and reduction of Block diagram
3. Apply root-locus and Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion technique to analyse and design control systems
4. Determine the time and frequency-domain responses of first and second-order systems to step and
sinusoidal (and to some extent, ramp) inputs Formulate mathematical modelling of physical
systems(Mechanical and Electrical System)
1. “Control Systems Engineering”, I.J. Nagarath and M. Gopal ,New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers,
Fifth edition – 2012.
2. “Modern Control Engineering “, K. Ogata, Pearson Education Asia/ PHI, 4th Edition, 2002.

1. “Automatic Control Systems”, Benjamin C. Kuo, John Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 8th Edition, 2008. 2.
“Feedback and Control System”, Joseph J Distefano III et al., Schaum’s Outlines, TMH, 2nd Edition 2007.

Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)



Course Code 18MT35 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:0:0) SEE Marks 60

Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course objectives: student will be able to

• Gain knowledge of Analog & Digital Electronic Circuits.

• Understand the behavior of Electronic Circuits.
• Derive the relations for Voltage Gain ,Frequency of Various Electronics Circuits
• Design Electronics Systems for various Applications.
Module-1 RBT level

Diode Applications: Positive ,negative and double ended shunt Clippers , L1,L4
Positive and negative Clampers .RC Coupled BJT Amplifier

Op-Amp active filters : Introduction, Active filters, I order low pass filter:
Design, frequency scaling, II order low pass filter: Design, I order high pass
filters: Design, II order high pass filters: Design, wide Band pass filter, Narrow
band pass filter, and Band reject filter: wide Band reject filter, Narrow band reject
filter, All pass filter.


Oscillators and Comparators: Principles, Types, Frequency Stability, phase shift L1,L4
oscillator, wein bridge oscillator.

Comparators: Basic comparators, zero crossing detector, Schmitt trigger,



555 timers and Its applications: Introduction, the 555 timer pin diagram, L1,L4
architecture of 555 timers, 555 timer as monostable multivibrator, 555 timer as
astable multivibrator, applications of astable multivibrator. Problems.


Combinational Logic: Introduction to K-Maps: 2,3 and 4 variable maps, Adders: L1,L4
Half adder and Full adder, subtractor: half subtractor and full subtractor
multiplexers: 4:1 multiplexer, quadruple 2 to 1 line multiplexer, Boolean function
implementation, demultiplexers: 1:4 demux, implementation using decoder,
encoders: Octal to binary encoder, decoders: 3 to 8 line decoder, BCD to Decimal


Sequential Logic: Introduction, Flip flops: Basic circuits, RS flip flop, D-flip- L1,L4
flop, clocked D-flip-flop, JK flip flop, clocked JK flip-flop, T-flip-flop, clocked T
flip-flop, Counters: Binary Ripple counter, BCD ripple counter, synchronous
counter: Binary up-down counter, Binary counter.

Course outcomes:

By the end of the course the student will

1. have knowledge of Analog & Digital Electronic Circuits.

2. understand the characteristics & operation of Electronic Circuits.

3. formulate the relations for Voltage Gain ,Frequency of Various Electronics Circuits.

4. design the Electronics Systems for Required Specifications


1. “Opamp and Linear Integrated Circuits”, Ramakant A Gayakwad 3 rd edition, PHI.

2. “Digital Logic and Computer Design”, M Morris Mano, 2000 edition, PHI.


1. “Digital Electronics: Principles and Integrated cir cuits”, Anil K Maini, 2008, wiley India.

2. “Linear Integrated Circuits”, D. Roy Choudhury and Shail B Jain, 2 nd edition, Reprint 2006, New Age

3. “Digital Principles and applications”, Malvino & Leach, Tata Mc. Graw Hill.



[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Scheme]

Course Code 18MT36 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week SEE
03 60

Total Number of Lecture Hours 40 (08Hours per Module) 03
Course Objectives: This course will enable students to:
• Explain the basic sub systems of a computer, their organization, structure and operation.
• Illustrate the concept of programs as sequences of machine instructions.
• Demonstrate different ways of communicating with I/O devices
• Describe memory hierarchy and concept of virtual memory.
• Illustrate organization of simple pipelined processor and other computing systems.

Module 1 RBT Level

Basic Structure of Computers: Computer Types, Functional Units, Basic Operational

Concepts, Bus Structures, Software, Performance – Processor Clock, Basic
Performance Equation (upto 1.6.2 of Chap 1 of Text).
Machine Instructions and Programs: Numbers, Arithmetic Operations and L1, L2, L3
Characters, number representations, Memory Location and Addresses, Memory
Operations, Instructions and Instruction Sequencing (upto 2.4.6 of Chap 2 of Text).

Module 2
Addressing Modes, Assembly Language, Basic Input and Output Operations, Stacks and
Queues, Subroutines, Additional Instructions (from 2.4.7 of Chap 2, except 2.9.3, 2.11 L1, L2, L3
& 2.12 of Text).

Module 3

Input/Output Organization: Accessing I/O Devices, Interrupts – Interrupt Hardware,

Enabling and Disabling Interrupts, Handling Multiple Devices, Controlling Device L1, L2, L3
Requests, Direct Memory Access (upto 4.2.4 and 4.4 except 4.4.1 of Chap 4 of

Module 4
Memory System: Basic Concepts, Semiconductor RAM Memories- Internal
organization of memory chips, Static memories, Asynchronous DRAMS, Read Only
Memories, Cash Memories, Virtual Memories, Secondary Storage-Magnetic Hard
Disks (5.1, 5.2, 5.2.1,5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.3, 5.5 (except 5.5.1 to 5.5.4), 5.7 (except L1, L2, L3
5.7.1), 5.9, 5.9.1 of Chap 5 of Text).
Module 5
Basic Processing Unit: Some Fundamental Concepts, Execution of a Complete
Instruction, Multiple Bus Organization, Hardwired Control, Micro programmed L1,L2, L3
Control (upto 7.5 except 7.5.1 to 7.5.6 of Chap 7 of Text).

Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
• Explain the basic organization of a computer system.
• Explain different ways of accessing an input / output device including interrupts.
• Illustrate the organization of different types of semiconductor and other secondary storage
• Illustrate simple processor organization based on hardwired control and micro programmed

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper containing 10 full questions,
each of 20 marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Book:
1. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky: Computer Organization, 5th Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2002.
Reference Books:
1. David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy: Computer Organization and Design – The Hardware /
Software Interface ARM Edition, 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2009.
2. William Stallings: Computer Organization & Architecture, 7th Edition, PHI, 2006.
3. Vincent P. Heuring & Harry F. Jordan: Computer Systems Design and Architecture, 2nd
Edition, Pearson Education, 2004.
Machine shop and Material Testing Lab SEMESTER – III (MT)

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Subject Code 18MTL37 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 (2T+2P) SEE marks 60

Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:

• Understand the characteristics and behavior of Engineering materials used for engineering
• To provide training to students to enrich their practical skills.

Parts RBT Level

Part A
1. Tensile, shear and compression tests of metallic specimens using Universal
Testing machine.
2. Torsion Test. L1, L2, L3
3. Bending Test on Non metallic specimens.
4. Izod and Charpy tests on M.S Specimen.
5. Brinell and rockwelll hardness test.
6. Study of Microstructure of Metal.
Part B
1. Preparation of two models on lathe involving Plain turning, Taper turning, Step
turning, Thread cutting, Facing, Knurling. L1, L2, L3

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
CO1: Understand how to conduct/operate material testing experiments. Demonstrate milling and shaper

CO2: Perform machining operations on lathe to produce the model. Taper turning calculation and gear
setting for thread cutting.

CO3: Determine the mechanical properties of given materials such as Young's modulus, rigidity modulus,
Bulks modulus, ultimate strength by conducting tensile, compression, torsion, and bending experiments.

CO4: Determine hardness and toughness of given material by conducting hardness and impact test.
Question paper pattern:
• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing two questions, each of 40marks, one is from part A another from part B. Viva voce
marks is 20.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks. CIE marks is 40,
out of which 20 marks for record and IA test each.


Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code 18MTL38 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 04 (2T+2P) SEE Marks 60

Credits 02 Exam Hours 03

Course objectives:

Students will able

1) To understand the characteristics and working of analog and digital components.

2) To design and develop analog and digital applications

Sl.NO Experiments


1. Clipper circuits and Clamper circuits using diodes.

2. Single stage RC coupled amplifier using BJT and its frequency respons.

3. Inverting Amplifier, Non Inverting Amplifier, and Voltage Follower using Op-amp.

4. Astable and Monostable multivibrator using timer 555.

5. RC phase shift Oscillator using BJT.


6. Simplification and realization of Boolean expression using logic gates/ universal gates.

7. Half adder and Full Adder using logic gates.

8. Decoder and Encoders

9. Multiplexers and demultiplexers.

10. Realization of counters.

Revised Bloom’s Understand ,Analyze ,Create

Taxonomy Level
Course outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

1. Demonstrate the operation of wave shaping networks, amplifiers& clampers.

2. Analyze the performance of 555 timer as monostable & a stable multi vibrator.

3. Design the oscillator & multi vibrator for desired frequency.

4. Construct the combinational & sequential circuits for real time applications.

Conduct of Practical Examination:

1. All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.

2. Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of answer script to be strictly
adhered by the examiners.
3. Students can pick one experiment from the questions lot prepared by the examiners.
4. Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% Marks allotted to the procedure part to be
made zero.
Scheme of Teaching and Examination 2018 – 19
Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
(Effective from the academic year 2018 – 19)
Teaching Hours /Week Examination



Total Marks


SEE Marks
Duration in

CIE Marks

Course and

Course code Course Title

1 BSC 18MAT41 (Title as per the decision of Mathematics 2 2 -- 03 40 60 100 3
BoS in Sciences)
2 PCC 18MT42 Fluid mechanics and machines 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
3 PCC 18 MT 43 Microcontroller 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 3
4 PCC Manufacturing technology -- 40 60 100 3
18 MT 44 3 0 03
5 PCC 18 MT 45 Theory of Machines 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC 18 MT 46 Instrumentation and measurements 3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
7 PCC 18 MT L47 FM and pneumatic - Laboratory -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
8 PCC 18 MT L48 Microcontroller – Laboratory(BV) -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
Vyavaharika Kannada (Kannada for
-- 2 -- -- 100 --
Aadalitha Kannada (Kannada for

9 Administration) HSMC 100 1
Constitution of India, Professional 1 -- -- 03 40 60
Ethics and Cyber Law Examination is by objective type questions
TOTAL 17 12 24 420 480
OR OR 04 OR OR OR 900 24
18 14 27 360 540

Note: BSC: Basic Science, PCC: Professional Core, HSMC: Humanity and Social Science, NCMC: Non-credit mandatory course.
18KVK39/49 Vyavaharika Kannada (Kannada for communication) is for non-kannada speaking, reading and writing students and 18KAK39/49
Aadalitha Kannada (Kannada for Administration) is for students who speak, read and write kannada.

Course prescribed to lateral entry Diploma holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
10 NCMC 18MATDIP41 Additional Mathematics – II Mathematics 02 01 -- 03 40 60 100 0
((a)The mandatory non – credit courses Additional Mathematics I and II prescribed for III and IV semesters respectively, to the lateral entry Diploma
holders admitted to III semester of BE/B.Tech programs, shall attend the classes during the respective semesters to complete all the formalities of the
course and appear for the University examination. In case, any student fails to register for the said course/ fails to secure the minimum 40 % of the
prescribed CIE marks, he/she shall be deemed to have secured F grade. In such a case, the student have to Fulfill the requirements during subsequent
semester/s to appear for SEE.
(b) These Courses shall not be considered for vertical progression, but completion of the courses shall be mandatory for the award of degree.
Courses prescribed to lateral entry B. Sc degree holders admitted to III semester of Engineering programs
Lateral entrant students from B.Sc. Stream, shall clear the non-credit courses Engineering Graphics and Elements of Civil Engineering and
Mechanics of the First Year Engineering Programme. These Courses shall not be considered for vertical progression, but completion of the courses
shall be mandatory for the award of degree.

AICTE activity Points: In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points, Eighth semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning the
required activity Points. Students shall be admitted for the award of degree only after the release of the Eighth semester Grade Card.

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Subject Code 18MT42 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 + 2 (Tutorial) SEE marks 60

Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:

• Gain fundamentals knowledge of fluid physical properties, and its measurements, fluid at rest
and motion and turbines.
• understand the concepts of Fluid statics, Fluid dynamics, Fluid kinematics, Dimensional
analysis, Hydraulic turbines & steam turbines
• Apply the techniques of fluid mechanics and machines.

Modules RBT Level

Module – 1
Physical properties of fluids: Introduction, Types of fluids, Properties of fluids,
viscosity, surface tension, vapor pressure and cavitation.
Fluid pressure and its Measurement: Intensity of pressure, Pascal’s law,
L1, L2, L3,
Hydrostatic law,atmospheric, gauge and vacuum pressures, Piezometer, U-tube
and differential manometers.
Fluid Statics: Total pressure and center of pressure on submerged plane surfaces;
horizontal, vertical and inclined plane surfaces submerged in liquid.
Module – 2
Fluid Kinematics: Types of fluid flow, continuity equation in 2D and 3D
(Cartesian Co-ordinates only), velocity and acceleration, velocity potential function
L1, L2, L3,
and stream function, problems. L4
Fluid Dynamics: Introduction, Euler’s equation of motion, Bernoulli’s equation
from first principles and also from Euler’s equation, limitations of Bernoulli’s
equation, problems.
Module – 3
Dimensional Analysis: Introduction, derived quantities, dimensions of physical
quantities, dimensional homogeneity, Rayleigh’s method, Buckingham’s π-
L1 , L2 , L3, L4
theorem, dimensionless numbers, similitude, types of similitudes.
Fluid Flow Measurements: Venturimeter, orificemeter, pitot-tube, V-Notch and
rectangular notches (Derivations Venturimeter and V-Notch only), Problems.
Module – 4
Turbomachines: Definition of a Turbomachine, parts of a Turbomachine, L1, L2, L3,
Comparison with positive displacement machine; Classification. L4
Energy transfer in turbo machine: Euler Turbine equation, alternate form of
Euler turbine equation, components of energy transfer, Degree of reaction, general
analysis of a Turbo machine – effect of blade discharge angle on energy transfer
and degree of reaction.
Module – 5

Hydraulic Turbines: Classification; Constructional features, Velocity triangles

L1, L2, L3,
and Efficiencies of Pelton Turbine, Francis Turbine and Kaplan Turbine, and
simple problems. Function of a Draft tube, types of draft tubes.

Steam Turbines: Classification, Single stage impulse turbine - Condition for

maximum blade efficiency, stage efficiency, Compounding, need for
compounding, methods of compounding. Reaction turbine - Parson’s reaction
turbine, condition for maximum blade efficiency, reaction staging, simple

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
CO1: Describe concept of turbo machines, fluid properties, fluid at statics and motion (kinematics and dynamics).

CO 2: Measurement of fluid flow through pipe and open channel. Apply momentum/energy equation to fluid flow

CO 3: Determine the properties of fluid and their effect, fluid statics and its application to monometers. Determine
the performance of hydraulic turbines & steam turbines.

CO 4: Analyze kinematics and dynamics of fluid flow. Classification of fluid types, fluid flow, turbo machines,
and it's compounding. Deduce performance of turbo machines.

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:
1. Fluid Mechanics, Oijush.K.Kundu, IRAM COCHEN, ELSEVIER, 3rd Ed. 2005.
2. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines, Dr. Bansal, R.K.Lakshmi Publications, 2004.
3. Textbook of Turbo machines, M S Govinde Gowda, M M Publishers, 2011

Reference Books:
1. Fluid Mechanics and hydraulics, Dr.Jagadishlal: MetropolitanBook Co-Ltd., 1997.
2. Fluid Mechanics (SI Units), Yunus A. Cengel John M.Oimbala, 2ndEd., Tata McGraw Hill,
3. Fluid Mechanics, John F.Douglas, Janul and M.Gasiosek and john A.Swaffield, Pearson
Education Asia, 5th ed., 2006
4. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering, Kumar.D.S, Kataria and Sons., 2004
5. Fluid Mechanics -. Merle C. Potter, Elaine P.Scott. Cengage learning.
6. An Introduction to Energy Conversion, Volume III, Turbomachinery, V. Kadambi and
Manohar Prasad, New AgeInternational Publishers,reprint 2008
IV Semester (MT)
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Scheme]
Course Code 18MT43 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03+2 60
40 (8 Hours Exam
Total Number of Lecture Hours 03
per Module) Hours

Course objectives: This course will enable students to:

• Understand the difference between a Microprocessor and a Microcontroller and embedded

• Familiarize the basic architecture of 8051 microcontroller.
• Program 8051microprocessor using Assembly Level Language and C.
• Understand the interrupt system of 8051 and the use of interrupts.
• Understand the operation and use of inbuilt Timers/Counters and Serial port of 8051.
• Interface 8051 to external memory and I/O devices using its I/O ports.

Module-1 RBT Level

8051 Microcontroller: Microprocessor Vs Microcontroller, Embedded Systems,

Embedded Microcontrollers, 8051 Architecture- Registers, Pin diagram, I/O ports L1, L2
functions, Internal Memory organization. External Memory (ROM & RAM)
Module -2

8051 Instruction Set: Addressing Modes and Operations: Introduction,

Addressing modes, External data Moves, Code Memory, PUSH and POP
Opcodes, Data exchanges, Byte level logical Operations, Bit level Logical L1, L2,L3
Operations, Rotate and Swap Operations, Arithmetic Operations: Flags,
Incrementing and Decrementing, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and
Division, Decimal Arithmetic.
Jump and Call Instructions: The JUMP and CALL Program range, Jumps, calls
and Subroutines, Interrupts and Returns.

8051 programming in C and Timers: Data types and time delays in 8051C, I/O
programming, logic operations, data conversion programs, data serialization.
Timer / Counter Programming in 8051: Programming 8051 Timers, Counter L1, L2, L3

Module -4

8051 Serial Communication and Interrupts: Basics of serial Communication, L1, L2, L3
8051 connections to RS-232, 8051 Serial communication Programming, Serial
port programming in C.
Interrupts Programming 8051: Interrupts, Programming timer Interrupts and
Serial communication Interrupts, Interrupt Priority.
Module -5

Interfacing and Applications: Interfacing of 8051 to Keyboard, LCD, Stepper L1, L2, L3
motor, DC motor, ADC, DAC and temperature sensors.
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
• Describe the architecture of 8051 Microcontroller, microprocessor and internal memory
organization, types of memory architecture, Concept of Addressing modes and Assembly and
C instruction set.
• Apply various instruction set of assembly and C language programming for different software
and hardware applications.
• Calculate time delays, baud rates and analyze Timer. Counter operation and Transmission of
data serially for different modes of operation.
• Design the hardware interface between microcontroller, memories of different sizes and
external peripherals.
Question paper pattern:
• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper containing 10 full questions,
each of 20 marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.
Text Book:
• 1. “The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming & Applications”, 2e Kenneth J. Ayala
Penram International, 1996 / Thomson Learning 2005
• 2.“The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems – using assembly and C ”-, Muhammad
Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillespie Mazidi and Rollin D. McKinlay; PHI, 2006 / Pearson, 2006
Reference Books:
• “Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller” Predko ;–, TMH

• Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming, Interfacing and System Design”, Raj Kamal,

“Pearson Education, 2005
• “Microcontrollers- Theory and Applications”, Ajay V.Deshmukh; TMH,2005
• “Microcontroller and its applications”, Dr.Ramani Kalpathi and Ganesh Raja; Sanguine
Technical publishers, Bangalore-2005.

Manufacturing technology

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Subject Code 18MT44 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40(10 Hours per Module)
Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:
1. Gain fundamental knowledge of manufacturing process.
2. Understand the Techniques used in Traditional, Non Traditional Machining process, advanced
Welding Process & CNC Machines
3. know the applications of various Traditional , Non Traditional manufacturing process & CNC
Modules RBT Level
Module – 1
Introduction to Manufacturing Process: Concept of Manufacturing process, its
importance. Classification of Manufacturing processes. Casting: Introduction to Casting
process &steps involved. Various components produced by casting process, Advantages &
L1, L2, L3,
Limitations. Patterns: Definition and types.
Sand Moulding: Binders and Additives: Definition, Need and Types. Types of base sand,
requirements of base sand. Types of Sand Moulding. Cores: Definition, Need and Types.
Concept of Gating & Risers: Principle and types. Introduction to Die Casting and injection
Module – 2
Introduction to metal working: Classification of metal working processes, characteristics
of wrought products, advantages and limitations of metalworking processes.
L1, L2, L3,
Forging: Classification, Forging machines & equipment. Die-design parameters. Forging L4
defects, Residual stresses in forging, Applications of forging.
Rolling: Classification, Types of rolling mills, Defects in rolled products. Rolling variables,
Applications of Rolling.
Drawing: Drawing equipment & dies, drawing variables, Tube drawing, classification of
tube drawing, Application
Module – 3
Extrusion: Types of extrusion processes, extrusion equipment & dies, Extrusion of
seamless tubes, lubrication & defects in extrusion, Extrusion variables, Applications.
Sheet & Metal Forming: Forming methods dies & punches, progressive die, compound L1 , L2 , L3
die, combination die. Rubber forming. Open back inclinablepress (OBI press), piercing,
blanking, bending, deep drawing, defects of drawn products, stretch forming, Roll bending
& contouring, Applications.
Advanced Welding processes: Classification, Advantages & limitations of welding. Metal
Arc welding (MAW), Flux Shielded Metal Arc Welding (FSMAW), Inert Gas Welding (TIG
& MIG) Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) and Atomic Hydrogen Welding processes (AHW),
Resistance welding, Applications.
Module – 4
Non-traditional Machining Processes: Need for non-traditional machining, Principle, L1, L2, L3,
equipment & operation of Laser Beam, Plasma Arc Machining, Electro Chemical L4
Machining, Ultrasonic Machining, Abrasive Jet Machining, Water Jet Machining, Electron
Beam Machining, Electron Discharge Machining and Plasma Arc Machining.
Module – 5

Introducing to CNC machines: Basics of Turning tool Geometry, ATC, Programming

L1, L2, L3,
methods. – Manual part programming, Milling, Turning, (Simple Programs), Computer
Aided part programming (Simple problems, DNC, Types, Applications, Types of CNC
Programming Software’s, Over view CNC machining centers, Turning centre.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to

CO1: have knowledge of -Mechanical behavior of metals, Smart materials, composite materials, Alloys, Heat
treatment process & phase diagrams.

CO2: understand the mechanism of various Metallurgical process & manufacturing process of composite
materials & working of smart sensors,.

CO3: application of metallurgical process, production process of composite & working principle of smart sensor
for various engineering solutions.

Question paper pattern:

Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper containing 10
full questions, each of 20 marks.

Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.

There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.

Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.

The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:

Manufacturing Technology, Serope Kalpakjain, Steuen.R.Sechmid, Pearson Education Asia, 5th Ed. 2006.

Manufacturing Technology Vol 1&2, PN Rao, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001 NC Machine Programming and
Software Design, ChnoHwachang, Michel. A. Melkanoff, Prentice Hall, 1989

Reference Books:

1. Process and Materials of Manufacturing, Roy A Lindberg, 4th Ed. Pearson Ed. 2006.

2. Workshop technology, Hazara Choudhry, Vol-I &II, Media Promoters & Publishers Pvt Ltd. 2004.

3. Production technology, HMT, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.

4. Manufacturing Science, AmitabhGhosh and Mallik, affiliated East West press, 2003. 5. Fundamentals of
metal Machining and machine Tools, G. Boothroyd, McGraw Hill. 2000.

6. Automation Production system and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Mikell. O. Grover, PHI, New Delhi,
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code 18MT45 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03+02 SEE Marks


50 (10 Hours per

Total Number of Lecture Hours Exam Hours 03

Course objectives: This course will enable students to:
1. To gain knowledge of Kinematics and Dynamics associated with machine elements.
2. To understand the techniques for studying motions and forces of machines and their components.
3. To calculate mobility, power loss due to friction, balancing mass and its position, stability of a governor and
effect of gyroscopic couple.
4. To Construct different cam profiles.

Module-1 RBT Level

Introduction: Definitions Link or element, Kinematic pairs, Degrees of freedom, Grubler’s

criterion (without derivation), Kinematic chain, Mechanism, Structure, Mobility of Mechanisms
(with problems), Inversion, Machine. Inversion of single slider and four bar mechanisms.
Intermittent Motion - Geneva wheel mechanism and Ratchet and Pawl mechanism. Steering gear
mechanism, Ackerman steering gear
L1, L2, L3
Module -2
Gears and Gear Trains: Gear terminology, law of gearing, Path of contact Arc of contact, Contact
ratio of spur gears, simple numerical on spur gear. Simple gear trains, Compound gear trains for
large speed. Reduction, Epicyclic gear trains. Tabular methods of finding velocity ratio of epicyclic
gear trains. L1, L2, L3

Cams: Types of cams, Types of followers. Displacement, Velocity and, Acceleration time curve for
cam profiles. Disc cam with reciprocating follower having knife-edge, roller follower, Disc cam
with oscillating roller follower. Follower motions including SHM, Uniform acceleration and
L1, L2, L3
retardation and Cycloidal motion.

Module -4

Balancing of Rotating Masses: Static and dynamic balancing. Balancing of single rotating mass
by balancing masses in same plane and in different planes. Balancing of several rotating masses by L1, L2, L3
balancing masses in same plane and in different planes.
Belt Drivers: Belt Drives: Flat Belt Drives, Ratio of Belt Tensions, Centrifugal Tension, power
Transmitted and simple numerical
Module -5
Gyroscope: Vectorial Representation of Angular Motion, Gyroscopic Couple. Effect of
Gyroscopic Couple on Ship, Plane Disc, Aircraft, Stability of Two Wheelers. L1, L2, L3
Governors: Types of governors; force analysis of Porter and Hartnell governors. Controlling
force, stability, sensitiveness,
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Have fundamental knowledge of Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines.
2. Understand the geometry and the motion of the parts of a machine and forces that produces this motion.
3. Determine the mobility, power loss due to friction in various machine elements, balancing mass and its
position, stability of a governor and effect of gyroscopic couple on plane disk, Aircraft, stability of two
wheelers and ship.
4. Construction of different types of cam profiles for a given data.

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper containing 10 full questions,
each of 20 marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is

Text Book:
1. Theory of Machines: Sadhu Singh, Pearson Education, 2nd edition, 2007.
2. Theory of Machines: Rattan S.S Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2006.
3. Theory of Machines, R. S. Khurmi, J. K. Gupta, Eurasia Publishing House, 2008 Revised Edition.
Reference Books:
1. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, John Joseph Uicker, G. R. Pennock, Joseph Edward Shigley, Oxford
University Press, 2003.
2. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Amitabha Ghosh and Mallick, East West Press, 3rd Edition 2006.
3. Theory of Machines, Thomas Bevan, CBS Publication 1984.
4. Mechanism and Machine Theory, Ashok G Ambekar, Fourth printing 2012, PHI Learning Private limed, New


[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Subject Code 18MT46 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE marks 60

Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:

• Students will have to the knowledge of fundamental concepts of Measurements using various
physical instruments.
• Students will expose to the knowledge of the concept of digital instruments using for
measurements systems
• Will be able to study Various types of Transduces and display devices

Modules RBT Level

Module – 1
Classification and Functional Elements of Instrument/ measurement system: L1, L2, L3, L4
Measurement, significance of measurement, instruments and measurement systems,
mechanical, electrical and electronic instruments, Deflection & Null type
instruments and their comparison, Analog and digital modes of operation, functions
of instruments and measurement systems, applications of measurement systems,
Elements of generalized measurement system, Input-output configuration of
measuring instruments and measurement systems, methods of correction for
interfering and modifying inputs. 10 Hrs
Module – 2
Digital Instruments: Digital Voltmeters – Introduction DVM’s based on V-T, V-F
and Successive, Approximation principles, Resolution and sensitivity, General L1, L2, L3, L4
specifications, Digital Multi-meters, Digital frequency meters. Digital measurement
of time. 10Hrs.

Module – 3
Oscilloscopes: Introduction, Basic principles, CRT features, Block diagram and
working of each block. Typical CRT connections. Dual beam and dual trace CROs, L1 , L2 , L3
Electronics switch.

Special Oscilloscopes: delayed time-base oscilloscopes, Analog storage, Sampling

and Digital storage oscilloscopes.10 Hrs.

Module – 4
Measurement of resistance, induction and capacitance: Whetstone’s bridge, Kelvin
L1, L2, L3, L4
Bridge; AC bridges, Capacitance Comparison Bridge, Maxwell’s bridge, wein’s
bridge, Wagner’s earth connection.10 Hrs.

Module – 5
Transducers – I: Introduction, Electrical transducers, Selecting a transducer,
Resistive transducers, (Resistive position transducer, Resistance thermometer, L1, L2, L3, L4
Thermistor), Inductive transducer-LVDT.

Transducers – II: Piezoelectric transducer, Photoelectric transducer, Photovoltaic

transducer, Semiconductor photo devices, Temperature transducers Thermocouple.
Display Devices: Digital display system, classification of display, Display devices,
LEDs, LCD displays 10 Hrs
Course Outcomes:At the end of the course, the students will be ableto
• Apply knowledge of Instrumentation to measure Strain, Pressure, Force, Displacement, and
• Use their skill set to measure resistance, Capacitance and Inductance using various bridge
control circuits.
• Choose various transducers to measure different physical quantities.
• Analyze the Static and Dynamic Characteristics and Various Measurement instruments.

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:
1. Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation – A. K. Sawhney, 17th Edition
(Reprint 2004), DhanpatRai& Co. Pvt. Ltd., 2004. (Module 1 & 2)
2. Instrumentation: Devices and Systems- C. S. Rangan, G. R. Sarma, V. S. V. Mani, 2nd Edition
(32nd Reprint), McGraw Hill Education (India), 2014. (Module 3-Displacement measurement,
Module 4,
3. Process Measurement Instrument Engineers Handbook- Bela G. Liptak, Revised Edition, Chilton
Book Company, 1982. (Module 3 – Level measurement,)
4. “Electronics Instrumentation”, H.S. Kalsi, TMH, 2004-Module 5

Reference Books:
1. Transducers and Instrumentation – D.V.S.Murty, 2nd Edition, PHI, 2009.
2. Introduction to Measurements and Instrumentation - A. K. Ghosh, 2nd Edition, PHI, 2007.
3. Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis- B.C.Nakra and K.K.Choudhry, 3rd Edition,
McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt.Ltd. 2009.
4. Measurement Systems Application and Design- Ernest O.Doeblin and Dhanesh N Manik, 5th
Edition, McGraw Hill, 2007
Fluid Mechanics and Pneumatic Lab SEMESTER – IV (MT)

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Subject Code 18MTL47 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 (2T+2P) SEE marks 60

Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:
• To understand the flow measurement in a pipe flow.
• To measure the discharge in an open channel flow.
• To study the characteristic of turbines.
• To understand the working principle of hydraulic components & hydraulic circuit.

Parts RBT Level

Part A
1. Calibration of flow measuring devices:
a. Orifice Plate meter,
b. Venturimeter,
L1, L2, L3
c. V-notch
2. Performance testing of Turbines
a. Pelton wheel
b. Francis Turbine
c. Kaplan Turbine
Part B
1. Speed Control Circuit on Hydraulic/Pneumatic Trainer
2. Sequencing Circuit on Hydraulic/Pneumatic Trainer L1, L2, L3
3. Regenerative Circuit on Hydraulic/Pneumatic Trainer
4. Synchronizing Circuit on Hydraulic/Pneumatic Trainer

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
CO1: Apply principles of fluid mechanics, machines, and pneumatics.

CO2: Determine the coefficient of discharge of flow measuring devices and performance of turbines.

CO3: Select the type of turbine required with reference to available head of water and discharge.

CO4: Design pneumatic circuit for speed control single acting, double acting and sequencing operation.
Question paper pattern:
• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing two questions, each of 40marks, one is from part A another from part B. Viva voce
marks is 20.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks. CIE marks is 40,
out of which 20 marks for record and IA test each.

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]
Laboratory Code 18MTL48 40
Number of Lecture 04 (2T+2P) SEE
Hours/Week Marks
RBT Levels L1, L2, L3 03
Course objectives: This laboratory course enables students to

• Understand the basics of microcontroller and its applications.

• Have in-depth knowledge of 8051 assembly language programming.
• Understand controlling the devices using C programming.
• The concepts of I/O interfacing for developing real time embedded systems.

Laboratory Experiments
1. Data Transfer - Block move, Exchange, Sorting, Finding largest element in an array.
2. Arithmetic Instructions - Addition/subtraction, multiplication and division, square, Cube (16 bits
Arithmetic operations – bit addressable).
3. Counters.
4. Boolean & Logical Instructions (Bit manipulations).
5. Conditional CALL & RETURN.
6. Code conversion: BCD – ASCII; ASCII – Decimal; Decimal - ASCII; HEX - Decimal and
Decimal - HEX.
7. Programs to generate delay, Programs using serial port and on-Chip timer / counter.

1. Alphanumeric LCD panel and Hex keypad input interface to 8051.

2. External ADC and Temperature control interface to 8051.
3. Generate different waveforms Sine, Square, Triangular, Ramp etc. using DAC interface to 8051;
change the frequency and amplitude.
4. Stepper motor control interface to 8051.
5. DC motor control interface to 8051.

Course Outcomes: On the completion of this laboratory course, the students will be able to:

• Develop an interface between 8051 and external peripherals for various applications using C
and Assembly Programming.
• Design microcontroller based circuits for real time applications
• Develop a microcontroller program for industrial applications.

Conduct of Practical Examination:

• All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical
• Students are allowed to pick one experiment from the lot.
• Strictly follow the instructions as printed on the cover page of answer script for breakup of
• Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% Marks allotted to the procedure part to be
made zero.


Scheme of Teaching and Examination 2019 – 20
Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System
(CBCS) (Effective from the academic year 2019 – 20)
Hours Examination


CIE Marks


Sl Course



. and



N Course
o code L T P
Technological Innovation
1 HSMC 18ES51 Management And
3 0 -- 03 40 60 100 3
2 Design and analysis of
PCC 18 MT52 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
Machine Elements
3 PCC 18 MT53 Virtual Instrumentation 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 4
4 Hydraulics and
PCC 18 MT54 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 Micro and Smart
PCC 18 MT55 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
Systems Technology
6 Wireless Networks &
PCC 18 MT56 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
7 18 Virtual Instrumentation-
PCC -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
MTL57 Laboratory
8 18
PCC MSST -Laboratory -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
Environmental Studies [Paper
9 HSMC 18CIV59 setting: Civil 1 -- -- 02 40 60 100 1
TOTAL 19 08 4 26 360 540 900 25

Note: PCC: Professional Core, HSMC: Humanity and Social Science.

AICTE activity Points: In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points, Eighth semester Grade Card
shall be issued only after earning the
required activity Points. Students shall be admitted for the award of degree only after the release of the Eighth
semester Grade Card.
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Scheme
Course Code 18ES51 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE Marks 60
40 (08 Hours /
Total Number of Lecture Hours Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives: This course will enable students to:
• Understand basic skills of Management
• Understand the need for Entrepreneurs and their skills
• Identify the Management functions and Social responsibilities
• Understand the Ideation Process, creation of Business Model, Feasibility Study
and sources of funding
Management: Introduction - Meaning - nature and characteristics of Management, Scope
and Functional areas of management - Management as a science, art of profession -
Management & Administration - Roles of Management, Levels of Management,
Development of Management Thought- early management approaches – Modern
management approaches. Planning: Nature, importance and purpose of planning process
Objectives -Types of plans (Meaning Only) - Decision making Importance of planning -
steps in planning & planning premises - Hierarchy of plans.
Organizing and Staffing: Organization- Nature and purpose of organization Principles of
organization - Types of organization - Departmentation Committees Centralization Vs
Decentralization of authority and responsibility - Span of control - MBO and MBE
(Meaning Only) Nature and importance of staffing--Process of Selection & Recruitment (in
brief). Directing & Controlling: Meaning and nature of directing Leadership styles,
Motivation Theories, Communication - Meaning and importance - coordination, meaning
and importance and Techniques of Co Ordination. Meaning and steps in controlling -
Essentials of a sound control system - Methods of establishing control (in brief). L1,L2


SocialResponsibilitiesofBusiness:MeaningofSocialResponsibility,Social Responsibilities L1,L2

of Business towards Different Groups, Social Audit, Business Ethics and Corporate
Governance (Selected topics from Chapter 3, Text 1).
Entrepreneurship: Definition of Entrepreneur, Importance of Entrepreneurship, concepts
of Entrepreneurship, Characteristics of successful Entrepreneur, Classification of
Entrepreneurs, Myths of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Development models,
development cycle, Problems faced by Entrepreneurs and capacity building for
Entrepreneurship (Selected topics from Chapter 2, Text2).

Family Business: Role and Importance of Family Business, Contributions of Family

Business in India, Stages of Development of a Family Business, Characteristics of a
Family-owned Business in India, Various types of family businesses (Selected topics from
Chapter 4,(Page 71-75) Text 2). Idea Generation and Feasibility Analysis- Idea
Generation; Creativity and Innovation; Identification of Business Opportunities; Market
Entry Strategies; Marketing Feasibility; Financial Feasibilities; Political Feasibilities;
Economic Feasibility; Social and Legal Feasibilities; Technical Feasibilities; Managerial
Feasibility, Location and Other Utilities Feasibilities. (Selected topics from Chapter
6(Page No. 111-117)&
Chapter 7(Page No. 140-142), Text 2)
Business model – Meaning, designing, analyzing and improvising; Business Plan –
Meaning, Scope and Need; Financial, Marketing, Human Resource and Production/Service
Plan; Business plan Formats; Project report preparation and presentation; Why some
Business Plan fails? (Selected topics from Chapter 8 (Page No 159-164, Text 2)
Financing and How to start a Business? Financial opportunity identification; Banking
sources; Nonbanking Institutions and Agencies; Venture Capital – Meaning and Role in
Entrepreneurship; Government Schemes for funding business; Pre launch, Launch and Post
launch requirements; Procedure for getting License and Registration; Challenges and
Difficulties in Starting an Enterprise(Selected topics from Chapter 7(Page No 147-149),
Chapter 5(Page No 93-99) & Chapter 8(Page No. 166-172) Text 2)
Project Design and Network Analysis: Introduction, Importance of Network Analysis,
Origin of PERT and CPM, Network, Network Techniques, Need for Network Techniques,
Steps in PERT, CPM, Advantages, Limitations and Differences. (Selected topics from
Chapters 20, Text 3).
Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
CO1: Understand the fundamental concepts of Management and Entrepreneurship and opportunities in
order to setup abusiness
CO2: Describe the functions of Managers, Entrepreneurs and their social
CO3: Understand the components in developing a business plan.
Text Books:
1. Principles of Management – P.C Tripathi, P.N Reddy, McGraw Hill Education, 6th Edition,
2. Entrepreneurship Development Small Business Enterprises- Poornima M Charantimath,
Pearson Education 2008, ISBN978-81-7758-260-4.
3. Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management by Vasant Desai. HPH 2007,
4. Robert D. Hisrich, Mathew J. Manimala, Michael P Peters and Dean A. Shepherd,
“Entrepreneurship”, 8th Edition, Tata Mc-graw Hill Publishing Co.ltd.-new Delhi,2012
5. Management Fundamentals- Concepts, Application, Skill Development – Robers Lusier –
Reference Book:
1. Essentials of Management: An International, Innovation and Leadership perspective by Harold
Koontz, Heinz Weihrich McGraw Hill Education, 10th
Edition 2016. ISBN- 978-93-392-2286-4.

Design and analysis of Machine


[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Subject Code 18MT52 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 05 SEE marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 50(10 Hours per Module)
Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:
1. gain knowledge of theories of failures, stress concentration and machine elements.
2. understand the techniques in machine elements
3. Determine the parameters of machine elements subjected to various load condition.
4. design of various machine elements

Modules RBT Level

Module – 1
Introduction: Machine design, classification of machine design, design
consideration, Tri axial stresses, Stress Tensor. Codes and Standards.
Factor of Safety, design procedure for simple and combined stresses (No
L1, L2,
Numerical). Introduction to Stress Concentration, Stress concentration
Factor and its effects (Simple problems).
Introduction to Theories of failure: Maximum Normal Stress Theory,
Maximum Shear Stress Theory, Distortion Energy Theory.
Module – 2
Design for Fatigue Loads: Endurance limit, S-N Diagram, Low cycle fatigue, High
cycle fatigue, modifying factors: size effect, surface effect. Stress concentration
effects, Notch sensitivity, fluctuating stresses, Goodman and Soderberg L1, L2,
relationship, stresses due to combined loading, cumulative fatigue damage. L3, L4
Module – 3
Power Screws: Stresses in Power Screws, Efficiency and Self-locking, torque
requirement for lifting and lowering the load, Design of Power Screws,(No
problems on screw jack). L1 , L2
Design of springs: Types of springs - stresses in Helical coil springs of ,L3,L4
circular cross sections. Tension and compression springs only, numerical on
helical coil springs only (No concentric springs).
Module – 4
Design of Spur Gears: Beam strength of spur gear, Stresses in gear teeth
L1, L2,
(Lewis equation), dynamic tooth load, design for wear
L3, L4
Design of helical gears: Beam strength of helical gear, Stresses in gear
teeth (Lewis equation), dynamic tooth load, and design for wear.
Module – 5

Introduction to Finite element analysis : Need for use of FEM,

L1, L2,
Advantages and disadvantages of FEM, Engineering Applications of FEM,
L3, L4
Steps involved in FEM, Discretization process – types of elements
(1D,2D,3D), size of the elements, location of nodes, node numbering
scheme, Derivation of stiffness matrix for bar elements and Problems on
bar and stepped bars (only point load)

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
1. Have knowledge of theories of failures, stress concentration, shafts, keys, couplings,
gears, bearings and springs, Finite element analysis, elements and nodes.
2. Understand the technique of theories of failure, stress concentration, fatigue strength
3. Calculate the stresses; parameters of machine elements subjected to various loads also
make proper assumptions with respect to material, FOS for various machine
4. Design machine elements like, gears, power screws, springs and other simple machine
Question paper pattern:
• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20 marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:
1. Mechanical Engineering Design, Joseph E Shigley and Charles R. Mischke.
McGraw Hill International edition, 6thEdition 2009.
2. Design of Machine Elements, V.B. Bhandari, Tata McGrawHill Publishing
Company Ltd., New Delhi, 3rdEdition 2010. 3. Machine Design, by Dr. P C
Sharma and Dr. D K Aggarwal, S. K. Kataria& Sons, 11th Edition 2009.
3. Chandrupatla T. R., Finite Elements in engineering, 2nd Edition, PHI, 2013.
4. Rao, S. S., Finite element method in engineering, 5th Edition, Pergaman Int.
Library of Science, 2010.
1. Data Hand Book, K. Mahadevan and Balaveera Reddy, CBSPublication.
2. Design Data Hand Book, K. Lingaiah, McGraw Hill, 2ndEdition.
3. Design Data Hand Book, H.G. Patil, I. K. International Publisher, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. Machine Design, Robert L. Norton, Pearson Education Asia, 2001.
2. Design of Machine Elements, M. F. Spotts, T. E. Shoup, L. E. Hornberger, S. R.
Jayram and C. V. Venkatesh, Pearson Education,2006.
3. Machine Design, Hall, Holowenko, Laughlin (Schaum’s Outlines series) Adapted by
S.K. Somani, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, Special Indian
Edition, 2008
4. J.N.Reddy, “Finite Element Method”- McGraw -Hill International Edition.Bathe K. J.
Finite Elements Procedures, PHI.


Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)



Course Code 18MT53 CIE Marks 40

(3:2:0) SEE
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 60

Credits 04 Exam

Course objectives:

• Gain knowledge to learn the concepts of developing basic skills necessary for importance Virtual
Instrumentation and Lab View
• Understand the basic programming concepts and various Operation using DAQ Devices used in Virtual
Instrumentation and Lab View.
• Diagnosis the problem related types of I/O module, Data Acquisition System and Communication
Networks (Bus Systems) using Standard Protocol.


CONCEPT OF VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION – Concepts of Instrumentation and

Measurements Historical perspective – Need of VI – Advantages of VI – Define VI – Block
diagram & Architecture of VI – Data flow techniques – Graphical programming in data flow –
Comparison with conventional programming. PC based data acquisition – Typical on board DAQ
card – Resolution and Sampling , Sampling Theorem sampling frequency - Multiplexing of
analog inputs – Single-ended and differential inputs – Different strategies for sampling of multi-
channel analog inputs. Concept of universal DAQ card


DATA ACQUISITION BASICS: Introduction to data acquisition on PC, Sampling L3

fundamentals, Input/Output techniques and buses. ADC, DAC, Digital I/O, counters and timers,
DMA, Software and hardware installation, Calibration, Resolution Data acquisition interface



Concepts of graphical programming – Lab-view software – Concept of VIs and sub VI ,Loops(
While Loop and For Loop) , Structures( Case, Formula node, and sequence structures) Arrays
Operations, Strings Operations, and file I/O. Examples on each.

Module-4 L4


Interfacing of external instruments to a PC – RS232, RS 422, RS 485 and USB standards - IEEE
488 standard – ISO-OSI model for serial bus – Introduction to bus protocols of MOD bus and
CAN bus.



spectrum - Correlation – Windowing and filtering tools – Simple temperature indicator –
ON/OFF controller – P-I-D controller - CRO emulation - Simulation of a simple second order
system – Generation of HTML page.

Course outcomes:

1. Understand the structured LabVIEW programming concepts in developing Virtual Instrumentation.

2. Build applications employed in various debugging techniques, simulating and analyzing the data and use
general purpose interface bus and Serial communication Interface.
3. Create applications that uses plug in DAQ boards and built in analysis functions to process the data.
4 .Design and analyse various applications on Real time monitoring using DAQ boards


1. “Virtual Instrumentation using LabVIEW” Jovitha Jerome, PHI publication

2 Virtual Instrumentation, LABVIEW", Sanjay Gupta, TMH,NewDelhi,2003


1 PC Interfacing for Data Acquisition and Process Control & S.Gupta and JP Gupta

2. Kevin James, PC Interfacing and Data Acquisition: Techniques for Measurement, Instrumentation and
Control, Newnes, 2000.



[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Subject Code 18MT54 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE marks 60
Total number of hours 40(08 hours/module)
Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:

• Gain knowledge of basics of hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

• understanding the working principles of hydraulics and pneumatics components
• Engineering application of hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

Modules RBT Level

Module – 1
Introduction to Hydraulic Power: Definition of hydraulic system, advantages,
limitations, applications, Pascal's law, structure of hydraulic control system, problems
on Pascal's law. L1, L2, L3,
The source of Hydraulic Power: Pumps Classification of pumps, Pumping theory
of positive displacement pumps, construction and working of Gear pumps, Vane
pumps, Piston pumps, fixed and variable displacement pumps, Pump performance
characteristics, pump Selection factors, problems on pumps.
Module – 2
Hydraulic Actuators and Motors: Classification cylinder and hydraulic motors,
Linear Hydraulic Actuators [cylinders], single and double acting cylinder, Mechanics of L1, L2, L3,
Hydraulic Cylinder Loading, mounting arrangements, cushioning, special types of L4
cylinders, problems on cylinders, construction and working of rotary actuators such as
gear, vane, piston motors, Hydraulic Motor Theoretical Torque, Power and Flow Rate,
Hydraulic Motor Performance, problems, symbolic representation of hydraulic
actuators (cylinders and motors).

Control Components in Hydraulic Systems: Classification of control valves,

Directional Control Valves- Symbolic representation, constructional features of poppet,
sliding spool, rotary type valves solenoid and pilot operated DCV, shuttle valve, check
valves, Pressure control valves - types, direct operated types and pilot operated types.
Flow Control Valves -compensated and non-compensated FCV, needle valve,
temperature compensated, pressure compensated, pressure and temperature
compensated FCV, symbolic representation.
Module – 3
Hydraulic Circuit Design And Analysis: Control of Single and Double -Acting
Hydraulic Cylinder, Regenerative circuit, Pump Unloading Circuit, Double Pump L1 , L2 , L3, L4
Hydraulic System, Counter balance Valve Application, Hydraulic Cylinder
Sequencing Circuits, Automatic cylinder reciprocating system, Locked Cylinder using
Pilot check Valve, Cylinder synchronizing circuit using different methods, factors
affecting synchronization, Speed Control of Hydraulic Cylinder, Speed Control of
Hydraulic Motors, Safety circuit, Accumulators, types, construction and applications
with circuits.
Maintenance of Hydraulic System: Hydraulic Oils - Desirable properties, general
type of Fluids, Sealing Devices, Reservoir System, Filters and Strainers, wear of
Moving Parts due to solid - particle Contamination, temperature control (heat
exchangers), Pressure switches, trouble shooting.
Module – 4
Introduction to Pneumatic Control: Definition of pneumatic system, advantages, L1, L2, L3,
limitations, applications, Choice of working medium. Characteristic of compressed air. L4
Structure of Pneumatic control System,fluid conditioners and FRL unit. Pneumatic
Actuators: Linear cylinder - Types, Conventional type of cylinder- working, End
position cushioning, seals, mounting arrangements- Applications. Rod - Less cylinders
types, working, advantages, Rotary cylinders- types construction and application,
Pneumatic Control Valves: DCV such as poppet, spool, suspended seat type slide
valve, pressure control valves, flow control valves, types and construction, use of
memory valve, Quick exhaust valve, time delay valve, shuttle valve, twin pressure
valve, symbols. Simple Pneumatic Control: Direct and indirect actuation pneumatic
cylinders, speed control of cylinders - supply air throttling and Exhaust air throttling
and Exhaust air throttling.
Module – 5

Signal Processing Elements: Use of Logic gates - OR and AND gates in L1, L2, L3,
pneumatic applications. Practical Examples involving the use of logic gates, Pressure L4
dependant controls- types - construction - practical applications, Time dependent
controls principle, Construction, practical applications.
Multi- Cylinder Application: Coordinated and sequential motion control, Motion
and control diagrams. Signal elimination methods, Cascading method- principle,
Practical application examples (up to two cylinders) usingcascading method (using
reversing valves).
Electro- Pneumatic Control: Principles - signal input and output, pilot assisted
solenoid control of directional control valves, Use of relay and contactors. Control
circuitry for simple signal cylinder application.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
CO1: Have knowledge of hydraulic and pneumatic system and its components.

CO2: Understand the working principle of various hydraulic and pneumatic components.

CO3: Apply working principles of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems for various applications.

CO4: Determine cause for hydraulic and pneumatic system break down and performance of hydraulic
pumps, motors.

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:
1. “Fluid Power with Applications”, Anthony Esposito, Sixth edition, Pearson Education, Inc, 2000. 2.
'Pneumatics and Hydraulics', Andrew Parr, Jaico Publishing Co
Reference Books:
1. 'Oil Hydraulic systems', Principles and Maintenance S. R. Majurr, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Ltd. - 2001
2. 'Industrial Hydraulics', Pippenger, Hicks" McGraw Hill, New York
3. 'Hydraulic & Pneumatic Power for Production', HarryL. Stewart
4. 'Pneumatic Systems', S. R. Majumdar, Tata McGraw Hill Publish 1995
5. 'Hydraulic & Pneumatics' CMTI Data Book.

Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)



Course Code 18MT55 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:0:0) SEE Marks 60

Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course objectives: student will be able to

1. Gain knowledge of Smart Materials, Sensors & Actuators, Microsystems.

2. Understand the Operation of Smart Devices & Systems, Electronic Circuits & Control for MEMS,
Methodology of Micro-manufacturing.

Module-1 RBT level

Introduction to Micro and Smart systems :Miniaturization, Microsystems versus L1,L3

MEMS, Micro-fabrication, Smart Materials, Structures & Systems,
IntegratedMicrosystems ,Application of Smart Materials & Microsystems.


Micro and Smart Devices and Systems: Principles and Materials: Definitions and L1,L3
salient features of sensors, actuators, and systems. Sensors: silicon capacitive
accelerometer, piezo resistive pressure sensor, Portable blood analyzer, conduct
metric gas sensor. Actuators: Micro mirror Array for Video Projection,
Piezoelectric based inkjet print head, electrostatic comb-drive, and Magnetic micro


Micromachining Technologies: Silicon as a Material for Micromachining, Silicon L1,L3

wafer preparation, thin-film deposition techniques, Lithography, Etching,
Siliconmicromachining:surface micromachining, bulk micromachining.
Specialized Materials for Microsystems.

Electronics Circuits for Micro and Smart Systems.Semiconductor devices: L1,L3

Diode, Schottky diode,Tunnel diode,BJT ,MOSFET,CMOS circuits ,Electronics
Amplifiers ,Op-Amp based circuits .


Implementation of Controllers for MEMS & Case Studies of Integrated L1,L3

Microsystems. Design Methodology, PID controller, Circuit Implementation,
Digital controller, Microcontroller & PLC. Case Studies of Integrated
Microsystems: BEL pressure sensor, design considerations, performance
parameters, and Smart Structure in vibration control.

Course outcomes:

By the end of the course the student will

1. Have knowledge of Smart Materials, Sensors &Actuators ,Microsystems.

2. Understand the Working Methodology of Smart Devices & Systems, Electronic Circuits & Control

for MEMS, Methodology of Micro-manufacturing


1. Micro and Smart Systems: G.K.Ananthasuresh, K.J.Vinoy, S.Gopalakrishnan, K.N.Bhat,

V.K.Aatre,Wiley India 2010.


1. Design and Development Methodogies, Smart Material Systems and MEMS: V. Varadan, K. J. Vinoy,
S. Goplakrishnan, Wiley.

2. MEMS- Nitaigour Premchand Mahalik, TMH 2007.

MEMS & Microsystems: Design and Manufacture, Tai-Ran Hsu, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill.
V Semester (MT)

[As per Choice Based credit System (CBCS) Scheme}

Course Code 18MT56 IA Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 Exam Marks 60

40 (08 Hours per
Total Number of Lecture Hours Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives:
• Analyze the concepts of Different wireless communication systems , wireless networks and
• Explain the working principles of WBAN, LAN,WPAN,WMAN,WWAN and different wireless
• Illustrate the concepts of adhoc networks, mobile adhocs, Vanets and Mesh networks.
• Explain Different issues in designing various Wireless networks and wireless communication.
Module 1
Review of fundamentals of wireless communication and networks: Wireless
communications, Wireless communication channel specifications, wireless communication
problems, wireless networks, switching technology, wireless network issues and standard.

Module 2
Wireless body area networks (WBAN), :Properties, network architecture,
components, technologies, design issues, protocols Wireless personal area networks:
components, requirements, technologies and protocols, Bluetooth and Zig bee L1,L2

Module 3
Wireless modulation: Wireless modulation techniques and hardware, characteristics of air
interface, path loss models, wireless coding techniques, digital modulation techniques,
Diversity techniques, GSM hardware. L1,L2

Module 4
Wireless LANs, WMAN, WWAN: WLAN architecture, components, requirement,
WLAN protocols, Applications WMAN, architecture, components, requirement, WMAN
protocols, Applications WWAN, architecture, components, requirement, WMAN protocols, L1,L2

Module 5
Wireless adhoc networks: Mobile adhoc networks, Sensor Networks, Mesh networks,

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper containing 10 full questions,
each of 20marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 subquestions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
• Thetotalmarkswillbeproportionallyreducedto60marksasSEEmarksis

Text Book:
1. SS Manvi, MS Kakkasageri, “Wireless and Mobile Network concepts and protocols”.Willy, first
2. Wireless Telecom systems and networks, Mullet: Thomson Learning 2006.

1. P Kavesh, Krishnamurthy, “Principals of wireless networks: A unified approach’, PHI, 2006.
2. Iti Saha Mishra, “Wireless communication and networks 3G and beyond”, MGH, 2009.
3. Mullet, “Introduction to wireless telecommunication systems and networks”,cengage, 2009.
4. DP Agarwal, Qing An Zeng, “Introduction to wireless and mobile systems”, Cengage,2008.
5. Ivan Stojmenovic, “Handbook of wireless networks and mobile computing’, Willy,2009.


Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code 18MTL57 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (2:2:0) SEE Marks 60

Credits 02 Exam Hours 03

Course objectives:

• To introduce the fundamental concepts of Scientific Programming using Lab View

Analog and digital measurements principles
• Data Acquisition operation - basics skills and Creating Virtual Instruments for practical works

Sl. Experiments

1 Creating Virtual Instrumentation for simple applications- Invert The State Of Boolean Indicator
Twice A See Until Program Is Stopped By User.
2 Programming exercises for loops-Continuous Monitoring of Temperature (Generated using
Random no 0<t<100). for every 250 ms.
3 Programming exercises for graphs- Display Random Number Into 3 different CHARTS (STRIP,
4 Programming Exercises on case and sequence structures:-Design the simple Calculator.

5 Programming Exercises on Arrays

6 Programming Exercises on File Input output System.

7 Real time temperature control using Virtual Instrumentation.

8 Developing voltmeter using DAQ cards

9 Developing Signal Generator using DAQ Card

10 Data acquisition through Virtual Instrumentation.

11 Design and Development of Filter Analysis using DAQ card

12 Real time sequential control of any batch process

RBT LEVEL Design , Create , Apply

Course outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

1. Develop LabVIEW programming which employs simulating and analyzing the data for real
time automation
2. Engage in designing, implementing, analyzing and demonstrating an application using tools in
available in LabVIEW through an open ended experiment.
3. Design applications that uses plug in DAQ boards and built in analysis functions to process
the data.
Conduct of Practical Examination:

1. All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.

2. Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of answer script to be strictly
adhered by the examiners.

3. Students can pick one experiment from the questions lot prepared by the examiners.

4. Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% Marks allotted to the procedure part to be
made zero.


Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code 18MTL58 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (2:2:0) SEE Marks 60

Credits 02 Exam Hours 03

Course objectives:

• Analyse the behaviour of Mechanical Components for various kinds of loads.

• Analyse the behaviour of Pressure Sensor for various kinds of Pressures applied



1. Static structural analysis

a) 2 D Mechanical Components.

b) 3 D Mechanical Components.

2. Piezoelectric analysis: cantilever beam


1. Pressure sensor experiment

2. a) Raw pressure sensor
3. b) compensated pressure sensor

RBT LEVEL Design , Create , Apply

Course outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

4. Understand, Analyze & gain ability to choose Materials for desired applications.
5. Understand, Analyze & gain ability to choose Sensors for desired applications.
Conduct of Practical Examination:

1. All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.

2. Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of answer script to be strictly
adhered by the examiners.

3. Students can pick one experiment from the questions lot prepared by the examiners.

4. Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% Marks allotted to the procedure part to be
made zero.
Scheme of Teaching and Examination 2018– 19
Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
(Effective from the academic year 2018 – 19)
Teaching Hours /Week Examination



Total Marks


SEE Marks
Duration in

CIE Marks

Sl. Course and

Course Title
No Course code

1 PCC 18 MT61 PLC & SCADA 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100
2 PCC 18 MT62 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100
Power Electronics 4

3 PCC 18 MT63 Computer Aided Machine Drawing

1 0 4 03 40 60 100 4
4 PEC 18 MT64X Professional Elective -1 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 OEC 18XX65X Open Elective –A 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC 18 MTL66 PLC and SCADA- Laboratory -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
7 PCC 18 MTL67 Power electronics - Laboratory -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
8 MP 18MTM,P68 Mini-project -- -- 2 03 40 60 100 2
To be carried out during the vacation/s of VI and VII semesters and /or VII
9 Internship -- Internship
and VIII semesters.
TOTAL 13 08 10 24 320 480 800 24

Note: PCC: Professional core, PEC: Professional Elective, OE: Open Elective, MP: Mini-project.

Professional Elective -1
Course code under Course Title
18 MT641 Modeling And Simulation
18 MT642 Rapid Prototyping
18 MT643 Artificial neural network
18 MT644 Satellite Communication
18 MT645 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Open Elective –A

18 MT651 Robotics and Automation, 18 MT652 Process Instrumentation

Students can select any one of the open electives offered by other Departments except those that are offered by the parent Department (Please refer to
the list of open electives under 18XX65X).
Selection of an open elective shall not be allowed if,
• The candidate has studied the same course during the previous semesters of the program.
• The syllabus content of open elective is similar to that of the Departmental core courses or professional electives.
• A similar course, under any category, is prescribed in the higher semesters of the program
Registration to electives shall be documented under the guidance of Program Coordinator/ Advisor/Mentor.
Mini-project work:
Based on the ability/abilities of the student/s and recommendations of the mentor, a single discipline or a multidisciplinary Mini- project can be
assigned to an individual student or to a group having not more than 4 students.
CIE procedure for Mini-project:
(i) Single discipline: The CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee consisting of the Head of the concerned Department and two senior faculty
members of the Department, one of whom shall be the Guide.
The CIE marks awarded for the Mini-project work, shall be based on the evaluation of project report, project presentation skill and question and answer
session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for the project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
(ii) Interdisciplinary: Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be group wise at the college level with the participation of all the guides of the college.
The CIE marks awarded for the Mini-project, shall be based on the evaluation of project report, project presentation skill and question and answer
session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for the project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
SEE for Mini-project:
(i) Single discipline: Contribution to the Mini-project and the performance of each group member shall be assessed individually in the semester end
examination (SEE) conducted at the department.
(ii) Interdisciplinary: Contribution to the Mini-project and the performance of each group member shall be assessed individually in semester end
examination (SEE) conducted separately at the departments to which the student/s belong to.
Internship: All the students admitted to III year of BE/B.Tech shall have to undergo mandatory internship of 4 weeks during the vacation of VI and
VII semesters and /or VII and VIII semesters. A University examination shall be conducted during VIII semester and the prescribed credit shall be
included in VIII semester. Internship shall be considered as a head of passing and shall be considered for the award of degree. Those, who do not take-
up/complete the internship shall be declared fail and shall have to complete during subsequent University examination after satisfying the internship
AICTE activity Points: In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points, Eighth semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning the
required activity Points. Students shall be admitted for the award of degree only after the release of the Eighth semester Grade Card.
Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)



Course Code 18MT61 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:2:0) SEE Marks 60

Credits 04 Exam Hours 03

Course objectives:

• Gain knowledge to learn the concepts of developing basic skills necessary for importance
• Understand the basic programming concepts and various Operation using RELAY LOGIC
Devices used in PLC and SCADA
• Diagnosis the problem related types of I/O module, Data Acquisition System and
Communication Networks (Bus Systems) using Standard Protocol.

Module-1 RBT LEVEL

L1, L2, L3

what is A PLC, Technical Definition of PLC, What are its advantages,

characteristics functions of A PLC, Chronological Evolution of PLC, Types of
PLC, Unitary PLC, Modular PLC, Small PLC, Medium PLC, Large PLC, Block
Diagram of PLC: Input/output (I/O) section, Processor Section, Power supply,
Memory central Processing Unit: Processor Software / Executive Software, Multi
asking, Languages, Ladder Language. 10 Hrs.

Bit Logic Instructions: introduction: Input and Output contact program symbols, L1, L2, L3
Numbering system of inputs and outputs, Program format, introduction to logic:
Equivalent Ladder diagram of AND gate, Equivalent ladder diagram of or Gate,
equivalents Ladder Diagram of NOT gate, equivalent ladder diagram of XOR
gate, equivalent ladder diagram of NAND gate, equivalent ladder diagram of
NOR gate, equivalent ladder diagram to demonstrate De Morgan theorem. Ladder
design. Examples: Training Stopping, Multiplexer, DE multiplexers

PLC Timers and Counters: On Delay and OFF delay timers, Timer-on Delay, L1, L2, L3
Timer off delay, Retentive and non-retentive timers. Format of a timer instruction.
PLC Counter: Operation of PLC Counter, Counter Parameters, Counters
Instructions Overview Count up (CTU) Countdown (CTD).Advanced
instructions: Introduction: Comparison instructions, discussions on comparison
instructions, “EQUAL” or “EQU” instruction, “NOT EQUAL” or “NEQ”
instruction, “LESS THAN” or “LESS” instruction, “LESS THANOR EQUAL’ or
“LEQ” instruction, GREATER THAN” OR “GRT” instruction, “GREATER
FOR EQUAL” or “MEQ” instruction, “LIMIT TEST” or “LIM” instruction.

PLC input output (I/O) modules and power supply: Introduction: Classification of L1, L2, L3
I/O, I/O system overview, practical I/O system and its mapping addressing local
and expansion I/O, input-output systems, direct I/O, parallel I/O systems serial I/O
systems. Sinking and sourcing. Discrete input module. Rectifier with filter,
threshold detection, Isolation, logic section, specifications of discrete input
module, types of analog input module, special input modules, analog output
module, I/O modules in hazardous locations power supply requirements, power
supply configuration, filters. 10 Hrs.


Introduction, definition and history of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, L1, L2, L3
typical SCADA System Architecture, Communication Requirements, Desirable
properties of SCADA system, Features, advantages, disadvantages and
applications of SCADA. SCADA Architecture( First generation-Monolithic,
Second Generation-Distributed, Third generation-Networked Architecture),
SCADA systems in operation and control of interconnected power system, Power
System Automation, Petroleum Refining Process, Water Purification System,

Course outcomes:

1. Demonstrate the concepts of basic programming skills of PLC using logical instructions
2. Apply the architecture process involved in programmable logic controller and basic
programming skills of PLC using logical instructions
3. Examine the various operation involved in the PLC input/output module and SCADA system
4. Construct the ladder diagram for PLC using logical instructions, timer and counters, Data
Handling instructions and Build the SCADA System for Real time industrial process.


1. “PLC and Industrial application”, Madhuchhandan Gupts and SamarjitSen Gupta,

pernram international pub. (Indian) Pvt. Ltd., 2011.

2.Ronald L Krutz, “Securing SCADA System”, Wiley Publication


1.1.GaryDunning,”Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers”, Thomson,2 nd Edition.

2.John W Webb, Ronald A Reis,”Programmable Logic Controllers: Principles and Application”, PHI
Learning, Newdelhi, 5 th Edition

3.Stuart A Boyer, “SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acqusition”, ISA, 4 th Revised edition

Question paper pattern:

• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.

Power Electronics
B.E, VI Semester, Mechatronics Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme 2018-2019]
Subject Code 18MT62 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 SEE marks 60
Exam Hours 03

Course Objectives:
1. Gain the knowledge of various conversion techniques of electrical energy using
power electronic components.
2. Understand the link between efficient usage of power and conservation of energy
resources of the world
3. use various power electronic converters for different applications in industry
Modules RBT Level
Module – 1
Introduction, Power semiconductor Devices: Applications of Power
Electronics, Power semiconductor devices, Control Characteristics, Types
of power electronics circuits, Peripheral effects. Power MOSFETs –
switching characteristics, gate drive, IGBTs, di/dt and dv/dt limitations, L1, L2, L3
Isolation of gate and base drives, Simple design of gate and base drives.

Module – 2
Thyristors: Introduction, characteristics, Two Transistor Model. Turn-on
and turn-off, di/dt and dv/dt protection, Thyristor types, Thyristors firing
circuits, Simple design of firing circuits using UJT. L1, L2, L3
Commutation Techniques: Introduction. Natural Communication, Forced
commutation: self-commutation, impulse commutation, resonant pulse
commutation and complementary commutations.
Module – 3
AC Voltage Controllers: Introduction. Principle of ON-OFF and phase
control. Single-phase bidirectional controllers with resistive and inductive
loads. Controlled L1 , L2 , L3
Rectifiers: Introduction. Principle of phase controlled converter operation.
Single phase semi-converters. Full converters. Three-phase half-wave
converters. Three-phase full-wave converters.
Module – 4
DC Choppers: Introduction. Principle of step-down and step-up chopper L1, L2, L3
with R-L load. Performance parameters. Choppers classification. Analysis
of impulse commutated thyristor chopper (only qualitative analysis)
Module – 5

Inverters: Introduction, Principle of operation. Performance parameters.

Single-phase bridge inverters. Three phase inverters. Voltage control of L1, L2, L3
single-phase Inverters single pulse width, multiple pulse width, and
sinusoidal pulse width modulation.
Course outcomes: On completion of the course student will
• CO1: have knowledge of power semiconductor devices, thyristors, AC voltage controllers,
choppers and inverters.
• CO2: understand the characteristics and working principle of thyristors, AC voltage
controllers, choppers and inverters.
• CO3: apply control techniques to meet desired switching objectives.
Question paper pattern:
• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 subquestions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is
1. “Power electronics”, m h. Rashid 2nd edition, p. H.i/pearson, new delhi, 2002.
Reference Books:
1. “Power Electronics – converters, Application and Design”, Net Mohan, Tore M.
2. Undeland, and William P. Robins, Third Edition, John Wiley and Sons.
3. “Thyristorised Power Controllers”, G. K. Dubey, S. R. Doradla, A. Joshi and R M K.
4. Sinha, New Age International Publishers.
5. “Power Electronics”, M. D. Singh and Khanchandani K.B. T.M.H., 2001.
6. “Power Electronics”, Cyril Lander, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill.
7. “Power Electronics: Principles and Applications”, J.M. Jacob, Thomson-
VikasPublicaions. “Power Electronics: A Simplified Approach”, R.S. Ananda Murthy and V.
Nattarasu, Sanguine Technical Publisher.

Computer Aided Machine


[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Subject Code 18MT63 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 2+4(Practical) SEE marks 60

Total Number of Lecture Hours 50(10 Hours per Exam Hours 03

Course objectives: This course will enable students to:

1. To acquire the knowledge of CAD software and its features.

2. To inculcate understanding of the theory of projection and make drawings using orthographic
projections and sectional views
3. To familiarize the students with Indian Standardson drawing practices.
4. To impart knowledge of thread forms, fasteners, keys, joints and couplings.
5. To make the students understand and interpret drawings of machine components so as to
prepare assembly drawings either manually and using CAD packages.
6. To acquire the knowledge of limits, tolerances and fits pertaining to machine drawings.
Modules RBT Level
Sections of Solids: Sections of Pyramids, Prisms, Cones and resting only on
their bases (No problems on axis inclinations, spheres and hollow solids). True
shape of sections.
L1, L2,
Orthographic Views: Conversion of pictorial views into orthographic
L3, L4
projections of simple machine parts without sections. (Bureau of Indian
Standards conventions are to be followed for the drawings).
Thread Forms: Thread terminology, sectional views of threads. ISO Metric
(Internal & External) square, Acme
Fasteners: Hexagonal headed bolt and nut with washer (assembly).
Keys & Joints :
Parallel key, Taper key, Feather key, Gib head key and Woodruff key (Only
L1, L2,
Practice) L3, L4
Cotter joint, knuckle joint for two rods.
Couplings: Protected type flanged coupling, flexible coupling
Assembly Drawings (Part drawings should be given)
1. Plummer block (Pedestal Bearing)
2. Screw jack (Bottle type) L1 , L2 ,
3. Connecting rod of an IC Engine. L3

Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerances (Not for Exam): Types of Geometric

tolerances, terminology for geometrical deviations, representation of geometrical
tolerance on a drawing, dimensional tolerances, terminology for dimensional
tolerances, selection of tolerances, representation of dimensional tolerances on a

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
1. Sections of pyramids, prisms, cubes, cones and cylinders resting on their bases in 2D
2. Orthographic views of machine parts with and without sectioning in 2D.
3. Sectional views for threads with terminologies of ISO Metric, square and acme, threads in 2D.
4. Hexagonal headed bolt and nut with washer, assemblies in 2D
5. Parallel key, Taper key, and Woodruff Key as per the ISO standards in 2D
6. Sketch split muff, protected type flanged, pin type flexible assemblies from the part drawings
with limits ,fits and tolerance given for Plummer block, Screw Jack, Tailstock of lathe, in 2D
and 3D
Question paper pattern:
• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20 marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:
1. ‘A Primer on Computer Aided Machine Drawing-2007’, Published by VTU, Belgaum.
2. ‘Machine Drawing’, N.D.Bhat&V.M.Panchal, Published by Charotar Publishing House, 1999.
3. ‘Machine Drawing’, N.Siddeshwar, P.Kannaih, V.V.S. Sastri, published by Tata Mc.Grawhill,

Reference Books:
1. “A Text Book of Computer Aided Machine Drawing”, S. Trymbakaa Murthy, CBS Publishers,
New Delhi, 2007.
2. ‘Machine Drawing’, K.R. Gopala Krishna, Subhash publication. Machine Design, Hall,

Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)



Course Code 18MTL66 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (2:2:0) SEE Marks 60

Credits 02 Exam Hours 03

Course objectives:

• To introduce the fundamental concepts of Scientific Programming using PLC & SCADA
Analog and digital measurements principles
• Data Acquisition operation - basics skills and Creating Industrial application for practical
Sl. Experiments

1 Study of various logic Execution in ladder diagram.

2 Interfacing of Lamp & button with PLC for ON&OFF Operation. Verify all logic gates.

3 PLC based thermal ON/OFF Controller.

4 Develop ladder logic to develop MUX and DE-MUX

5 Combination of counter &timer for lamp ON/OFF Operation.

6 Study& implement ON delay timer in PLC

7 Study& implement OFF delay timer in PLC

8 To study & implement of counter in PLC programming.(counter-up)

9 To study& implement of counter in PLC programming.(counter-down)

10 PLC based temperature sensing using RTD

11 Parameter reading of PLC in SCADA

12 Temperature sensing using SCADA

Revised Bloom’s Design , Create , Apply
Taxonomy Level
Course outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

1. Develop the logical instructions involved in Development of programmable logic controller

for various operations
2. Construct the Ladder Logic for various operation using PLC and SCADA for industrial
3. Design the SCADA System for industrial Environment.

Conduct of Practical Examination:

1. All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.

2. Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of answer script to be strictly adhered by
the examiners.

3. Students can pick one experiment from the questions lot prepared by the examiners.

4. Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% Marks allotted to the procedure part to be made zero.


B.E, VI Semester, Mechatronics Engineering

Subject Code 18MTL67 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 ( 1 Hour SEE marks 60
Instruction+ 2 Hours
RBT Levels
Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: Students will be able to
• verify the characteristics of different power electronic devices.
• understand the usage of power devices to control the operation of electronic systems.

List of Experiments

1. Static characteristics of SCR and DIAC.

2. Static characteristics of MOSFET and IGBT
3. Controlled HWR and FWR using RC triggering circuit.
4. SCR turn off using i) LC circuit and ii) Auxiliary Commutation
5. SCR turn-on circuit using synchronized UJT relaxation oscillator.
6. SCR Digital triggering circuit for a single-phase controlled rectifier
7. Single-phase full-wave rectifier with R and R-L loads.
8. A.C. voltage controller using TRIAC and DIAC combination connected to R and R-L loads.
9. Speed control of a separately excited D.C motor using an IGBT or MOSFET chopper.
10. MOSFET OR IGBT based single-phase full-bridge inverter connected to R load.
Course outcomes: On the completion of the course students will
• understand and verify the characteristics of different power electronic devices.
• use the power devices to control the operation of electronic systems.
Scheme for Examination:
One Question from Part A - 40Marks (10 Write up +30)
One Question from Part B - 40 Marks (10 Write up +30)
Viva-Voce - 20 Marks
Total 100 Marks



B.E, VI Semester, Mechatronics Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme 2018-2019]
Course Code 18MT641 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40( 8 Hours per Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours Module)
Credits – 03
Course Objectives: Students will be able to
3. gain Knowledge of basics concepts and methodologies of modeling and simulation
4. understand the concepts of discrete event simulation, random number generation, test for
random numbers & random varieties used in simulation study.
5. develop simulation model by simulation package for queuing system, production system
and maintenance system
Module - 1
System and system environment: Component of a system – Continuous
and discrets systems – Types of model; Steps in Simulation study;
simulation of an event occurrence using random number table – Single
server queue- two server queue- inventory systems.
Discrets Event Simulation: Concepts in discreet event simulation, manual
simulation using event scheduling, single channel queue, two server queue,
and simulation of inventory problem.
Module - 2
Random number generations: Properties of random numbers –
Generation of Pseudo – Random numbers – techniques of generating
pseudo random numbers; Test for random number; the Chisquare test-the
kolmogrov smimov test – Runs test – Gap test – poker test. FCV, symbolic
Module - 3
Random – Viriate Generation: Inverse transform technique for
Exponential, Uniform. Triangular, weibull, empirical, uniform and discrete
distribution. Acceptance rejection method for Poisson and gamma
distribution; Direct Transformation for normal distribution.
Module - 4
Analysis of simulated Data: Data collection, identifying the distribution,
parameter estimations, and goodness of fit tests, verification and validation
of simulation models.
Module - 5
Comparison and selection of GPSS, SIMSCRIPT, SLAM: Arena
simulation languages: development of simulation models using arena
simulation package for queuing system, Productions systems, maintenance
1. Discrete, Event system Simulation, Banks J., Carson J.S. and Nelson B.L., 3rd
Edition, Pearson education, Inc 2004 (ISBN 81-7808-505-4).
2. System Simulation, Geoffrey Gorden, Prentice Hall of India, 2003.


1. System Simulations, Geoffery Gorden, Prentice Hall of India, 2003.

2. System Simulations and Modeling,. Narsingh deo., Prentice Hall of India 2003.
3. Computer simulations and Modeling, Francis Neelamkovil, , john Wiley & Sons,
4. Simulation Modeling with Pascal, Rath M.Davis & Robert M O Keefe, Prentice
Hall Inc.1989.

B.E, VI Semester, Mechatronics Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme 2018-2019]
Course Code 18MT642 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40( 8 Hours per Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours Module)
Credits – 03
Course Objectives: Students will be able to
1. gain knowledge of Selective Laser Sintering , Fusion Deposition Modeling Solid
Ground Curing, 3D Printers,
2. understand the working Principles of various Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing process,
3. know the applications of RP Technology
Module – 1
Introduction: Need for the compression in product development, history of RP systems,
Growth of RP industry, and classification of RP systems. Stereo Lithography Systems:
Principle, Process parameter, data files and machine details, Application.

Module - 2
Fusion Deposition Modelling: Principle, Process parameter, Path generation,
Solid Ground Curing: Principle of operation, Machine details, Applications. Laminated
Object Manufacturing: LOM materials. application.
Module - 3
Selective Laser Sintering: Type of machine, Principle of operation, process parameters,
Data preparation for SLS, Applications. Thermal jet printer,3-D printer
Module - 4
Rapid Tooling: Indirect Rapid tooling, Silicon rubber tooling, Aluminium filled epoxy
tooling, Spray metal tooling, 3Q keltool, etc. Direct Rapid Tooling, Quick cast process,
Sand casting tooling, Laminate tooling soft Tooling vs. Hard tooling.
Module - 5
Software for RP: STL files, Overview of Solid view, magics, imics, magic-
communicator, etc. Internet based software Rapid Manufacturing Process Optimization:
factors influencing accuracy. Data preparation errors, Part building errors, Error in
finishing. .

Course outcomes: On completion of course students will

CO 1: Have fundamental knowledge of Rapid Prototyping process, Selective Laser
Sintering, Fusion Deposition Modelling, Solid Ground Curing, 3D
Printers, Rapid Tooling, Software and Errors.
CO 2: understand the working Principles of Selective Laser Sintering, Fusion Deposition
Modelling Solid Ground Curing, 3D Printers,.
CO 3: Know the applications of Selective Laser Sintering, Fusion Deposition Modelling,
Solid Ground Curing, 3D Printers, also software tools like Magic,

1. Stereo Lithography and other RP & M Technologies, Paul F.Jacobs: SME, NY 1996.
2. Rapid Manufacturing, Fulham D.T & Dinjoy S.S Verlog London2001.
1. Rapid Prototyping, Terry Wohlers Wohler's Report 2000"Wohler's Association 2000.
2. Rapid Prototyping Materials, Gurumurthi, IISc Bangalore.
3. Rapid Automated, Lament wood. Indus press New York

B.E, VII Semester, Mechatronics Engineering

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme 2018-19]

Subject Code 18MT643 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE marks 60

Total Number of Lecture Hours 40(8 Hours per Module)

Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
• To provide adequate knowledge about architecture of different Artificial Neural Networks.
• To describe the different learning algorithms of neural networks.
• To find the solutions for non-linear separability, noise cancelling, image classification, vector
quantization etc., by applying neural networks

Modules RBT
Module – 1
Introduction: Biological Neuron – Artificial Neural Model - Types of activation
functions – Architecture: Feed forward and Feedback, Convex Sets, Convex Hull and
Linear Separability, Non-Linear Separable Problem. XOR Problem, Multilayer L1, L2,
Networks. Learning: Learning Algorithms, Error correction and Gradient Descent L3
Rules, Learning objective of TLNs, Perception Learning Algorithm, perception
Convergence Theorem.

Module – 2
Supervised Learning: Perception learning and Non Separable sets,α-Least Mean
Square Learning, MSE Error surface, Steepest Descent Search, µ-LMS approximate to L1, L2,
gradient descent, Application of LMS to Noise Cancelling, Multi-layered Network
Architecture, Back propagation Learning Algorithm, Practical consideration of BP

Module – 3
Support Vector Machines and Radial Basis Function: Learning from Examples,
Statistical Learning Theory,Support Vector Machines, SVM application to Image L1 , L2 , L3
Classification, Radial Basis Function Regularization theory, Generalized RBF Networks,
Learning in RBFNs, RBF application to face recognition.

Module – 4
Attractor Neural Networks: Associative Learning Attractor Associative Memory,
L1, L2,
Linear Associative memory, Hopfield Network, application of Hopfield Network, Brain L3
State in a Box neural Network, Simulated Annealing, Boltzmann Machine, Bidirectional
Associative Memory
Module – 5
Self-organization Feature Map: Maximal Eigenvector Filtering, Extracting Principal
Components, Generalized Learning Laws, Vector Quantization, Self-organization L1, L2,
Feature Maps, Application of SOM, Growing Neural Gas. L3,

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
• Demonstrate the artificial neural network architecture, illustrate its learning methods
• Describe the different learning algorithms of neural networks.
• Apply ANN algorithms for classification, function approximation and time series prediction

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:
1. Neural Networks A Classroom Approach– Satish Kumar, McGraw Hill Education (India)
Pvt. Ltd, Second Edition.

Reference Books:
2. Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems-J.M. Zurada, Jaico Publications 1994.
3. Artificial Neural Networks-B. Yegnanarayana, PHI, New Delhi 1998.

B.E, VI Semester, Mechatronics Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme 2018-2019]
Course Code 18MT644 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40( 8 Hours per Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours Module)
Credits – 03
Course Objectives: Students will be able to
1. gain Knowledge of various kinds of Satellites, Satellite Subsystems & Orbits,
Trajectory, Multiple Access Techniques .
2. understand the Operation of Satellites in space for various applications.
Module - 1 RBT level
Principles, Orbital parameters, Injection velocity and satellite
trajectories, Types of Satellite orbits.

Module - 2
SATELLITE SUBSYSTEM: Power supply subsystem, Attitude L1,L2,L4
and Orbit control, Tracking, Telemetry and command subsystem,
Payload. Earth Station: Types of earth station, Architecture, Design
Module - 3
NAVIGATION SATELLITES: Introduction, Development of L1,L2,L4
Satellite Navigation Systems, Global Positioning System, Working
Principle of GPS, GLONASS Satellite System, Applications.
Module - 4
COMMUNICATION SATELLITES: Introduction, Related L1,L2,L4
Applications, Frequency Bands, Payloads, Satellite Vs. Terrestrial
Networks, Satellite Telephony, Satellite Television, Satellite radio,
Module - 5
REMOTE SENSING SATELLITES: Introduction, Classification L1,L2,L4
of remote sensing systems, orbits, Payloads, Types of images: Image
Classification, Interpretation, Applications.
Course outcomes:
On completion of course students will
CO 1: have Knowledge of various kinds of Satellites, Satellite Subsystems & Orbits,
CO 2: understand the Operation of Satellites in space for various applications

1. Anil K. Maini, Varsha Agrawal, Satellite Communications, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2015,
ISBN: 978-81-265-2071-8.

1. Dennis Roddy, Satellite Communications, 4th Edition, McGraw- Hill
International edition, 2006
2. Timothy Pratt, Charles Bostian, Jeremy Allnutt, Satellite Communications, 2nd
Edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd , 2017, ISBN: 978-81-265-0833-4

Computer Integrated Manufacturing

B.E, VI Semester, Mechatronics Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme 2018-2019]
Course Code 18MT645 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40( 8 Hours per Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours Module)
Credits – 03
Course Objectives: Students will be able to
1. gain Knowledge of basics concepts of CIM
2. understand the concepts of high volume production, flow line analysis and line balancing,
automated. assembly system, computerized manufacturing planning & CNC centers .
3. apply CIM technology for providing manufacturing solutions.
Module - 1
Introduction, Automation definition, Types of automation, CIM, processing in
manufacturing, Production concepts, Mathematical Models-Manufacturing lead time,
production rate, components of operation time, capacity, Utilization and availability, Work-
in-process, WIP ratio, TIP ratio, High Volume Production Introduction Automated flow
line-symbols, objectives, Work part transport-continuous, Intermittent, synchronous, Pallet
fixtures, Transfer Mechanism-Linear-Walking beam, roller chain drive, Rotary-rack and
pinion, Rachet & Pawl, Geneva wheel, Buffer storage, control functions-sequence, safety,
Quality, Automation for machining operation.
Module - 2
Analysis Of Automated Flow Line & Line Balancing Properties General terminology and
analysis, Analysis of Transfer Line without storage upper bound approach, lower bound
approach and problems, Analysis of Transfer lines with storage buffer, Effect of storage,
buffer capacity with simple problem, Partial automation with numerical problems, flow lines
with more than two stages, Manual Assembly lines, Minimum Rational Work Element
Work station process time, Cycle time, precedence constraints. Precedence diagram,
Balance delay methods of line balancing-largest Candidate rule, Kilbridge and Westers
method, Ranked positional weight method
Module - 3
Automated Assembly Systems Design for automated assembly systems, types of automated
assembly system, Parts feeding devices-elements of parts delivery system-hopper, part
feeder, Selectors, feedback, escapement and placement analysis of Multistation Assembly
Machine analysis of single station assembly. Automated Guided Vehicle System:
Introduction, Vehicle guidance and routing, System management, Quantitative analysis
ofAGV\'s with numerical problems and application.
Module - 4
Computerized Manufacturing Planning System Introduction, Computer Aided Process
Planning, Retrieval types of process planning, Generative type of process planning, Material
requirement planning, Fundamental concepts of MRP inputs to MRP, Capacity planning.
Module – 5
CNC Machining Centers:Introduction to CNC, elements of CNC, CNC machining centers,
part programming, fundamental steps involved in development of part programming for
milling and turning.
Course outcomes: On completion of the course student will
CO 1: have fundamental knowledge of CIM
CO 2: understand the concepts of high volume production, flow line analysis and line
balancing, automated, assembly system, computerized manufacturing planning & CNC
CO 3: apply CIM technology for providing manufacturing solutions

1. Automation, Production system & Computer Integrated manufacturing, M. P. Groover
Person India, 2007 2nd edition.
2. Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, S. Kant Vajpayee, Prentice Hall India.
1. Computer Integrated Manufacturing, J. A. Rehg & Henry. W. Kraebber.
2. CAD CAM by Zeid, Tata McGraw Hill.



B.E, VI Semester, Mechatronics Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme 2018-2019]

Course Code 18MT651 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40( 8 Hours per Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours Module)
Credits – 03
Course Objectives: Students will be able to
1. gain fundamental knowledge of Robotics and Automation
2. describe Control system, different motions of robots and Material handling system

Module - 1
Basic Concepts:
Definition and origin of robotics – different types of robotics – various generations of robots
– degrees of freedom – Asimov’s laws of robotics – dynamic stabilization of robots.

Module - 2
Power Sources And Sensors:
Hydraulic, pneumatic and electric drives – determination of HP of motor and gearing ratio –
variable speed arrangements – path determination – micro machines in robotics – machine
vision – ranging – laser – acoustic – magnetic, fiber optic and tactile sensors.

Module - 3
Manipulators, Actuators And Grippers:
Construction of manipulators – manipulator dynamics and force control – electronic and
pneumatic manipulator control circuits – end effectors – U various types of grippers –
design considerations.
Module - 4
Industrial Automation:
• List basic Devices in Automated Systems • Distinguish Different Controllers Employed In
Automated Systems.
Identify Safety in Industrial Automation
Module - 5
Material handling and Identification Technologies:
Overview of Material Handling Systems, Principles and Design Consideration, Material
Transport Systems, Storage Systems, Overview of Automatic
Identification Methods.

Course outcomes: On completion of course students will

CO1: have the knowledge of Joints, Links, Sensors, Control units, Actuators. and elements
of Automation
CO2: describe motions and control system of Robots.

1. Mikell P. Weiss G.M., Nagel R.N., Odraj N.G., Industrial Robotics, McGraw-Hill
Singapore, 1996.
3. Ghosh, Control in Robotics and Automation: Sensor Based Integration, Allied
4. Publishers, Chennai, 1998.

1. Deb.S.R., Robotics technology and flexible Automation, John Wiley, USA 1992.
2. Asfahl C.R., Robots and manufacturing Automation, John Wiley, USA 1992.
3. Klafter R.D., Chimielewski T.A., Negin M., Robotic Engineering – An integrated
approach, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1994.
4. Mc Kerrow P.J. Introduction to Robotics, Addison Wesley, USA, 1991.
5. Issac Asimov I Robot, Ballantine Books, New York, 1986.

Process Instrumentation
B.E, VI Semester, Mechatronics Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme 2018-2019]
Course Code 18MT652 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of 40 Exam Hours 03
Lecture Hours ( 8 Hours per
Credits – 03
Course Objectives:
1. Gain the Knowledge of basic principles of transducers systems.
2. Understand the significant material on important specific areas such as pressure,
temperature, measurement, Heat-flux sensors, flow meters etc.
3. Use the Instrumentation & Controls for various industrial applications.

Module – 1
Generalized Configuration, Functional Description & Performance Characteristics Of
Measuring Instruments: Functional elements of an instrument: analog & digital modes of
operation: null & deflection methods: I/O configuration of measuring instruments &
instrument system- methods of correction for interfering & modifying inputs. Measurement
Of Displacement: Principle of measurement of displacement, resistive potentiometers,
variable inductance & variable reluctance pickups, LVDT, capacitance pickup.
Module – 2
Measurement Of Force, Torque & Shaft Power: Principle of measurement of Force,
Torque, Shaft power standards and calibration: basic methods of force measurement;
characteristics of elastic force transducer- Bonded strain gauge, differential transformer,
piezo electric transducer, variable reluctance/ FM- Oscillator digital systems, loading effects;
torque measurement on rotating shafts, shaft power measurement (dynamometers).
Module – 3
Temperature Measurement: Standards & calibration: thermal expansion methods-
bimetallic thermometers, liquid-in-glass thermometers, pressure thermometers;
thermoelectric sensor (thermocouple)- common Thermocouples, reference junction
consideration, special materials, configuration & techniques; electrical resistance sensors-
conductive sensor (resistance thermometers), bulk semiconductors sensors (thermistors);
junction semiconductor sensors; digital thermometers.
Module – 4
Pressure Measurement: Standards & calibration: basic methods of pressure measurement;
dead weight gauges & manometer, manometer dynamics; elastic transducers, high pressure
measurement; low pressure (vacuum) measurement- McLeod gauge, Knudsen gauge,
momentum-transfer (viscosity) gauges, thermal conductivity gauges, ionization gauges, dual
gauge technique.
Module - 5
Flow Measurement: Local flow velocity, magnitude and direction. Flow visualization.
Velocity magnitude from pitot static tube. Velocity direction from yaw tube, pivoted vane,
served sphere, dynamic wind vector indicator. Hot wire and hot film anemometer. Hot film
shock-tube velocity sensors.

Course outcomes: On completion of the course students will

CO1: have the knowledge of design instruments with good precision and Calibrate the
designed instruments.
CO2: understand measurement as applied to research & development operations & also to
monitoring & control of industrial & military systems & processors.
CO3: illustrate the various applications in the field of DCS & SCADA.

1. Measurement systems application and design- ERNEST O DOEBELIN, 5th Edition Tata McGraw Hill.

1. Instrumentation Devices & Systems- Rangan, Mani and Sharma 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Process Instruments & Controls Hand Book Considine- D.M. Mc Graw Hill.
3. Transducers & Instrumentation- DVS Murthy, Prentice Hall of India.
4. Instrumentation & Process Measurements- W.Bolton,Universities Press.
Scheme of Teaching and Examination 2018 – 19
Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System
(CBCS) (Effective from the academic year 2018– 19)
Teaching Hours Examination

Sl. Cours


Total Marks

SEE Marks
CIE Marks
No e and


Duration in

Cours Title

e code

Industrial Robotics
1 PCC 18MT71 3 -- -- 40 60 100 3
2 PCC 18 MT72 Thermal Engineering 3 2 -- 03 40 60 100 3
3 PEC Professional Elective - 2 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
4 PEC Professional Elective - 3 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
5 OEC Open Elective -B 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC Robotics Lab -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
7 PCC Thermal -Laboratory -- 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
8 Project Project Work Phase - 1 -- -- 2 -- 100 -- 100 1
(If not completed during the vacation of VI and VII
9 Internshi -- Internship semesters, it shall be
p carried out during the vacation of VII and VIII semesters )
TOTAL 15 4 6 21 380 420 800 20
Note: PCC: Professional core, PEC: Professional Elective.
Professional Elective - 2
Course code
under Course Title
18 MT731 Automation In Process Control

18 MT732 Signal Process

18 MT733 Real Time Systems

OOPS using C++

18 MT734

18 MT735 Analytical Instrumentation

Professional Electives - 3
Course code
under Course Title
18 MT741 Finite element analysis.
18 MT742 Machine Learning

18 MT743 Artificial Intelligence

18 MT744 Digital Image Processing

18 MT745 Mechanical vibration

Open Elective –B

(i) 18 MT751 Biomedical Signal Processing

(ii) 18 MT752 Mechatronics system design

Students can select any one of the open electives offered by other Departments except those that are offered by
the parent Department (Please refer to the list of open electives under 18MT75X).
Selection of an open elective shall not be allowed if,
• The candidate has studied the same course during the previous semesters of the program.
• The syllabus content of open elective is similar to that of the Departmental core courses or professional
• A similar course, under any category, is prescribed in the higher semesters of the program.
Registration to electives shall be documented under the guidance of Programme Coordinator/ Advisor/Mentor.
Project work:
Based on the ability/abilities of the student/s and recommendations of the mentor, a single discipline or a
multidisciplinary project can be assigned to an individual student or to a group having not more than 4 students.
In extraordinary cases, like the funded projects requiring students from different disciplines, the project student
strength can be 5 or 6.
CIE procedure for Project Work Phase - 1:
(i) Single discipline: The CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee consisting of the Head of the
concerned Department and two senior faculty members of the Department, one of whom shall be the Guide.
The CIE marks awarded for the project work phase -1, shall be based on the evaluation of the project work phase
-1 Report (covering Literature Survey, Problem identification, Objectives and Methodology), project presentation
skill and question and answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for the Project report shall be the
same for all the batch mates.
(ii) Interdisciplinary: Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be group wise at the college level with the
participation of all guides of the college. Participation of external guide/s, if any, is desirable.
The CIE marks awarded for the project work phase -1, shall be based on the evaluation of project work phase -1
Report, project presentation skill and question and answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for
the project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
Internship: All the students admitted to III year of BE/B.Tech shall have to undergo mandatory internship of 4
weeks during the vacation of VI and VII semesters and /or VII and VIII semesters. A University examination
shall be conducted during VIII semester and the prescribed credit shall be included in VIII semester. Internship
shall be considered as a head of passing and shall be considered for the award of degree. Those, who do not take-
up/complete the internship shall be declared fail and shall have to complete during subsequent University
examination after satisfying the internship
AICTE activity Points: In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points, Eighth semester Grade Card
shall be issued only after earning the required activity Points. Students shall be admitted for the award of degree
only after the release of the Eighth semester Grade Card.

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Subject Code 18MT71 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE marks 60

Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: student will be able to

1. Gain knowledge of Robotics and automation.

2. Understand the working methodology of robotics and automation.

3. Write the program for robot for various applications

Modules RBT Level

Module – 1
Fundamentals of Automation: Automation and robotics, Robotics in Science L1, L2, L4
Fiction , Brief history of robotics, robotics market and the future prospects.10Hours

Module – 2
Fundamentals of Robotics: robot anatomy, work volume, robot drive systems,
control systems, precision of movement, end effectors, robotic sensors, robot L1, L2, L4
programming and work cell control, robot applications.10Hours

Module – 3
Basic control systems and components: Basic control systems concepts and
models, Controllers, control system analysis, L1 , L2 , L4

robot sensors :Position& Velocity Sensors ,Actuators: Pneumatic & Hydraulic

Actuators, Electric Motors, Stepper Motors& AC Servomotors.10Hours

Module – 4
Sensors in Robotics: Transducers and sensors, sensors in robotics, tactile sensors,
L1, L2, L4
proximity and range sensors, uses of sensors in robotics.

Machine Vision :Introduction to machine vision, sensing and digitizing function in

machine vision, robotic applications.10Hours

Module – 5
Robot Programming: Methods of robot programming, lead -through programming
methods,a robot program as a path in space, motion interpolation, wait, signal and L1, L2, L3,
delay commands,branching, capabilities and limitations of lead-through L4
Course outcomes:

By the end of the course the student will

CO1: have knowledge of Robotics, automation, robotics motion, sensors and control, machine vision,
robotic programming and roles of robots in industry.

CO2: understand the working methodology of robotics and automation, motion and control, machine
vision and programming, application of robots in industry.

CO3: write the program for robot for various applications.

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 subquestions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from eachmodule.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:
1. Mikell P. Groover, Mitchel Weiss, Roger N. Nagel, Nicholas G. Odrey and Ashish Dutta, “Industrial
Robotics: Technology, Programming and Applications”, 2 nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.

2. Roland Siegwart, Illah R. Nourbakhsh, an d Davide Scaramuzza, “Introduction to Autonomous

Mobile Robots”, 2 nd Edition, PHI, 2011

Thermal Engineering


[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Subject Code 18MT72 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 + 2 (Tutorial) SEE marks 60

Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:
• Gain fundamental knowledge of thermodynamics, and heat transfer.
• Understand the laws of thermodynamics and heat transfer.
• Formulate and determine thermodynamic and heat transfer parameters.
Modules RBT Level
Module – 1
Thermodynamics - Fundamental Concepts & Definitions:
Thermodynamics: definition and scope, Microscopic and Macroscopic
approaches. Engineering thermodynamics: definition, some practical applications L1, L2, L3
of engineering thermodynamic. System (Closed system) and Control Volume
(open system): Characteristics of system boundary and control surface, examples.
Thermodynamic properties; definition and units, intensive and extensive
properties. Thermodynamic state, state point, state diagram, path and process,
quasi-static process, cyclic and non-cyclic presses; Thermodynamic equilibrium;
definition, mechanical equilibrium; diathermic wall, thermal equilibrium,
chemical equilibrium. Statement of Zeroth law of thermodynamics. (No
Work and Heat: Thermodynamic definition of work; examples, sign
convention. Displacement work: at part of a system boundary, at whole of a
system boundary, expressions for displacement work in various processes through
p-v diagrams. Shaft work, Electrical work. Other types of work, Heat; definition,
units and sign convention, simple problems.
Module – 2
First Law of Thermodynamics: Statement of the First law of thermodynamics,
extension of the First law to non-cyclic process, energy as a property, modes of L1, L2, L3,
energy, pure substance; definition, two-property rule, Specific heat at constant L4
volume, enthalpy, specific heat constant pressure. Extension of the First law to
control volume; steady state-steady flow energy equation, important applications,
simple problems.
Second Law of Thermodynamics: Thermal Reservoir, Concepts of Heat Engine,
Heat Pump, coefficients of performance. Keivin – Planck statement of the Second
law of Thermodynamics; PMM II and PMM I, Claussius statement of second law
of Thermodynamics, equivalence of the two statements; reversible hat engines,
Carnot cycle, Carnot principles. Thermodynamic temperature scale, simple
Module – 3
Air Standard cycles: Carnot, Otto, Diesel, Dual and Stirling cycles, P-V and T-S
diagrams, description, efficiencies and mean effective pressures, Comparison of L1 , L2 , L3, L4
Otto, Diesel and dual cycles, simple problems.
Heat Transfer - Introductory Concepts and Definitions: Modes of heat
transfer: Basic laws governing conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer;
Thermal conductivity; convective heat transfer coefficient; radiation heat transfer;
combined heat transfer mechanics. Boundary conditions of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Kind,
simple problems.
Module – 4
Conduction: Derivation of general three dimensional conduction equations in L1, L2, L3,
Cartesian coordinate, special cases, discussion on 3-D conduction in cylindrical and L4
spherical coordinate systems (No derivation). One dimensional conduction
equations in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates for plane and
composite walls. Overall heat transfer coefficient. Thermal contact resistance,
Simple problems.
Free or Natural Convection: Application of dimensional analysis for free
convection- physical significance or Grashoff number; use of correlations of free
convection in vertical, horizontal and inclined flat plates, vertical and horizontal
cylinders and spheres, Simpleproblems.
Module – 5

Forced Convections: Applications of dimensional analysis for forced L1, L2, L3,
convection. Physical significance of Reynolds, Prandtl, Nusselt and Stanton L4
numbers, Simple problems.

Radiation Heat Transfer: Thermal radiation; definitions of various terms used

in radiation heat transfer, Stefan-Boltzman law, Kircoff’s law. Planck’s law and
Wein’s displacement law. Radiation heat exchange between two parallel infinite
black surface, between two parallel infinite gray surfaces; effect of radiation
shield; intensity of radiation and solid angle, Simple problems.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
• CO1: Understand the concepts of system, properties, energy interaction, laws of thermodynamics,
and heat transfer, and boundary conditions.
• CO2: Apply laws of thermodynamics and laws of heat transfer to engineering system. Define the
thermodynamic process and cycle. Determine the energy interaction.
• CO3: Develop heat conduction and temperature distribution equation and describe thermal
resistance concept. Determine the rate of heat transfer and temperature at any point in the heat
transfer domain.
• CO4: Dimensional analysis of heat transfer and use of dimensional number. Study the effect of
contact resistance and addition of insulation.
Question paper pattern:
• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:
1. Basic and applied Thermodynamics, P. K. Nag, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. 2002.
2. Heat & Mass transfer, Tirumaleshwar, Pearson education 2006.
Reference Books:
1. Engineering Thermodynamics, J. B. Jones and G. A. Hawkins, John Wiley and Sons.
2. Basic Engineering Thermodynamicsdata hand book by B. T. Nijaguna. (To be supplied in the
3. Thermodynamics, An Engineering approach, Yunus a. Cenegal and Michael a.Boles, Tata
McGraw Hill publications, 2002.
4. Heat transfer-A basic approach, Ozisik, Tata McGraw Hill 2002.
5. Heat transfer, P. K. Nag, Tata Mc Graw Hill 2002.
6. Heat transfer, a practical approach, Yunus a- Cengel Tata Mc Graw Hill.


Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code 18MTL76 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (2:2:0) SEE Marks 60

Credits 02 Exam Hours 03

Course objectives:

1. Understand the Importance & Applications of Robots in Virtual Environment.

2: Design the Robots system for Real-time Applications.



1. Design the Robot programming for Point to Point using two Cubes.

2. Design the Robot programming for Drilling Operation using Cube and Cylinder.

3. Design the Robot programming using Smart Components.

4. Design the Robot programming for Multimove Operation.

5. Design the Robot programming for Conveyor Tracking System.

6. Design the Robot programming for Continuous Path Operation on Cylinder


1. Design a Robot System for Pick and Place Operation.

2. Design a Robot System for Point to Point operation.[ Cube]

3. Design a Robot System for Continuous Path Operation.

4. Design a Robot System for Circle Path Operation.

5. Design a Robot System for Drilling Operation of Cube.

6. Design a Robot System for Continuous Path Operation for any 3 Objects [ Cube, Box, Circle]

Revised Bloom’s L1,L2,L3,L4,L5

Taxonomy Level

Course outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

CO1: Analyse the design parameters of Robot for Industrial applications on Robo studio.

CO2: Develop Robotics Model & workbench prototype for required specifications on Robo studio.

CO3: Develop & Implement the programs on Industrial Robot for various Real time applications.

CO4: Evaluate the performance of industrial robot for various application programs.

Conduct of Practical Examination:

1. All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.

2. Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of answer script to be strictly
adhered by the examiners.

3. Students can pick one experiment from the questions lot prepared by the examiners.

4. Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% Marks allotted to the procedure part to be
made zero.


[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Subject Code 18MTL77 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE marks 60

Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:

• The primary objective of this course is to provide the fundamental knowledge necessary to
understand the behavior of thermal systems.
• This course provides a detailed experimental analysis, including the application and heat transfer
through solids, fluids, and vacuum. Convection, conduction, and radiation heat transfer in one
and two dimensional steady and unsteady systems are examined.
Parts RBT Level
Part A
1. Determination of Thermal Conductivity of a Metal Rod.
2. Determination of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient of a Composite wall.
3. Determination of Effectiveness on a Metallic fin. L1, L2, L3
4. Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficient in a free Convection on a vertical
5. Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficient in a Forced Convention Flow
through a Pipe.
Part B
1. Determination of Emissivity of a Surface.
2. Determination of Steffan Boltzman Constant. L1, L2, L3
3. Determination of LMDT and Effectiveness in a Parallel Flow Heat Exchangers
4. Determination of LMDT and Effectiveness in a Counter Flow Heat Exchangers

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
CO1: Perform experiments to determine the thermal conductivity of a metal rod.

CO2: Conduct experiments to determine convective heat transfer coefficient for free and forced convection
and correlate with theoretical values.

CO3: Estimate the effective thermal resistance in composite slabs and efficiency in pin-fin

CO4: Determine surface emissivity of a test plate

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing two questions, each of 40marks, one is from part A another from part B. Viva voce
marks is 20.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks. CIE marks is 40,
out of which 20 marks for record and IA test each.


[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 18MT731 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture
03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture
40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Credits – 03

Course Objectives: This Course will enable students to:

• gain knowledge of developing basic skills necessary for importance Process controller ( Digital and
Analog Controller) Using in Various Industry.

• understand the concepts and various Operation using Automation Process System by using various
Process Control System.

• determine and Diagnosis the Principles of Various Digital and Analog Controller and ADC, DAC.

INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS CONTROL: process control block diagram, control
system evolution. Final control: introduction to finalcontrol operation, signal conversions,
actuators, control elements. Alarm and annunciators, control drawing: P & ID symbols L1, L2
and diagrams, flow sheet symbols, inter logic symbols, graphic symbols.

Introduction, process characteristics, control system parameters, discontinuous control
modes, continuouscontrol modes, and composite control modes
L1, L2
DISCRETE-STATE PROCESS CONTROL: Introduction, definition and
characteristics of discrete state process control. Control-loopcharacteristics: Introduction,
control system configuration, multivariable control systems, control system quality, L1,L2, L3
stability, and process loop tuning.
ANALOG CONTROLLERS: Introduction, general features, electronic controllers,
pneumatic controllers, designs considerations L1, L2

DIGITAL–TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS: V-F, and F-V converters, performance L1, L2, L3

specifications, D-A conversion techniques (R-2R & binary weighted) multiplying

A-D conversion techniques (flash, successive approximation, single slope, dual slope), over
sampling converters.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students should be able to:

• have a knowledge of Process Control System on various Process Parameter ( P,PI,PID) and Converter.
• understanding the concepts of Automation in Process Control Involved in Measurement System and
Controller used in Industry.
• Application of Digital and Analog Controller used in various Automated Application based on
Controller Parameters

Text Book:
Process Control Instrumentation Technology-C D Johnson

Reference Books:
1. Design with operational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits-3rd Edition, SERGIO FRANCO,
Tata McGraw Hill.


[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Subject Code 18MT732 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE marks 60

Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:

• gain knowledge of signal, system, transformation and filter.

• understand time domain, frequency domain signals, analog and digital systems.
• operate on signals and systems to bring out its characteristics and desired information.
• design analog and digital filers and implement discrete time systems.
Modules RBT Level
Module – 1
Introduction: Definitions of a signal and a system, classification of signals, basic L1, L2, L3,
Operations on signals, Basic elementary signals, properties of systems. L4

Module – 2
Time-domain representations for LTI systems: Convolution, impulse response
representation, Convolution Sum and Convolution Integral. Properties of impulse L1, L2, L3,
response representation. L4

Module – 3
Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT):Introduction to DFT, multiplication of two
DFTs- the circular convolution, use of DFT in linear filtering, overlap-save and L1 , L2 , L3
overlap-add method. Fast-Fourier-Transform (FFT) algorithms: Direct computation
of DFT, need for efficient computation of the DFT (FFT algorithms). Radix-2
FFT algorithm for the computation of DFT and IDFT–decimation-in-time and
Decimation-in-frequency algorithms.
Module – 4
FIR filter design: Characteristics of commonly used analog filters – Butterworth L1, L2, L3,
and Chebyshev filters, analog to analog frequency transformations. Design of IIR L4
filters from analog filters (Butterworth and Chebyshev) - impulse invariance
method. Mapping of transfer functions: Approximation of derivative (bilinear
transformation) method,
Module – 5
FIR filter design: Introduction to FIR filters, design of FIR filters using -
Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning. L1, L2, L3,
Implementation of discrete-time systems: Structures for IIR systems-direct form I L4
and direct form II, cascade, lattice and parallel realization and FIR systems- direct
from, linear phase, cascade and lattice.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
1. Have knowledge of signal, system, transformation, and filter design.
2. Apply the knowledge to extract the information form signals and systems.
3. Transform the signals from one domain to other domain using transformation techniques.
4. design analog and digital filters for specific applications

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:
1. Digital signal processing – Principles Algorithms & Applications, Proakis&Monalakis,
Pearson education, 4th Edition, New Delhi, 2007.
2. “Signals and Systems”, Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen John Wiley & Sons, 2001.

Reference Books:
1. Discrete Time Signal Processing, Oppenheim & Schaffer, PHI, 2003.
2. Digital Signal Processing, S. K. Mitra, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2004.
3. Digital Signal Processing, Lee Tan: Elsivier publications, 2007
4. Alan V Oppenheim, Alan S, Willsky and A Hamid Nawab, “Signals and Systems” Pearson
Education Asia / PHI, 2nd edition, 1997. Indian Reprint 2002
5. H. P Hsu, R. Ranjan, “Signals and Systems”, Scham’s outlines, TMH, 2006
6. B. P. Lathi, “Linear Systems and Signals”, Oxford University Press, 2005.
7. Ganesh Rao and SatishTunga, “Signals and Systems”, Sanguine Technical Publishers, 2004.



[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Course Code 18MT733 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture
03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture
40 (08 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Credits – 03

Course Objectives: This Course will enable students to:

• Understand the fundamentals of Real-time systems and its classifications.

• Describe the concepts of computer control and hardware components for Real-
Time Application.
• Discuss the languages to develop software for Real-Time Applications.
• Explain the concepts of operating system and RTS development methodologies.
Introduction to Real-Time Systems: Historical background, Elements of
a Computer Control System, RTS- Definition, Classification of Real-time
Systems, Time Constraints, Classification of Programs.
L1, L2
Concepts of Computer Control: Introduction, Sequence Control, Loop
Control, Supervisory Control, Centralized Computer Control, Hierarchical
Systems. (Text: 1.1 to 1.6 and 2.1 to 2.6)
Computer Hardware Requirements for Real-Time Applications:
Introduction, General Purpose Computer, Single Chip Microcomputers
and Microcontrollers, Specialized Processors, Process-Related Interfaces, L1, L2
Data Transfer Techniques, Communications, Standard Interface.
(Text: 3.1 to 3.8).
Languages for Real-Time Applications: Introduction, Syntax Layout and
Readability, Declaration and Initialization of Variables and Constants,
Cutlass, Modularity and Variables, Compilation of Modular Programs, L1,L2, L3
Data types, Control Structures, Exception Handling, Low-level facilities,
Co-routines, Interrupts and Device Handling, Concurrency, Real-Time
Support, Overview of Real-Time Languages. (Text: 5.1 to 5.14).
Operating Systems: Introduction, Real-Time Multi-Tasking OS,
Scheduling Strategies, Priority Structures, Task Management, Scheduler
and Real-Time Clock Interrupt Handler, Memory Management, Code L1, L2
Sharing, Resource Control, Task Co-Operation and Communication,
Mutual Exclusion.(Text: 6.1 to 6.11).

Design of RTS – General Introduction: Introduction, Specification L1, L2, L3

Document, Preliminary Design, Single-Program Approach,

Foreground/Background System.
RTS Development Methodologies: Introduction, Yourdon Methodology,
Ward and Mellor Method, Hately and Pirbhai Method.
(Text: 7.1 to 7.5 and 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 8.5).
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students should be able to:

• Explain the fundamentals of Real time systems and its classifications.

• Understand the concepts of computer control and the suitable computer
hardware requirements for real-time applications.
• Describe the operating system concepts and techniques required for real time
• Develop the software algorithms using suitable languages to meet Real time
• Apply suitable methodologies to design and develop Real-Time Systems.
Text Book:
Real-Time Computer Control, by Stuart Bennet, 2nd Edn. Pearson Education.
Reference Books:
2. C.M. Krishna, Kang G. Shin, “Real –Time Systems”, McGraw –Hill International
3. Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis, Phillip. A. Laplante, second edition,
4. Embedded Systems, Raj Kamal, Tata McGraw Hill, India, third edition,2005.

Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)



Course Code 18MT734 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (3:0:0) SEE Marks 60

Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course objectives: student will be able to

• Gain Knowledge of fundamentals of C++, classes, objects, constructors & destructors, function
prototypes, private and public accessand class implementations with inheritance and polymorphism.

• Understand the C++ Programming using classes, objects, constructors & destructors, function
prototypes, private and public accessand class implementations with inheritance and polymorphism.

Module-1 RBT

Beginning with C++ and its features: What is C++, Applications and structure of C++ L2 ,L4
program, Different Data types, Variables, Different Operators, expressions, operator
overloading and control structures in C++ (Topics from Chapter’s -2,3 of Text)10Hours


Functions, classes and Objects: Functions, Inline function, function overloading, friend L2,L4
and virtual functions, Specifying a class, C++ program with a class, arrays within a class,
memory allocation to objects, array of objects, members, pointers to members and member
functions (Selected Topics from Chap-4,5 of Text).10Hours


Constructors, Destructors and Operator overloading: Constructors, Multiple L2,L4

constructors in a class, Copy constructor, Dynamic constructor, Destructors, Defining
operator overloading, Overloading Unary and binary operators, Manipulation of strings
using operators (Selected topics from Chap-6, 7 of Text).10Hours


Inheritance, Pointers, Virtual Functions, Polymorphism: Derived Classes, Single, L2,L4

multilevel, multiple inheritance, Pointers to objects and derived classes, this pointer,
Virtual and pure virtual functions (Selected 6 topics from Chap-8, 9 of Text).10Hours

Streams and Working with files: C++ streams and stream classes, formatted and L2,L4
unformatted I/O operations, Output with manipulators, Classes for

file stream operations, opening and closing a file, EOF (Selected topics from Chap-10, 11
of Text)

Course outcomes:

By the end of the course the student will

CO1: have Knowledge of fundamentals of C++, classes, objects, constructors &

destructors, function prototypes, private And public access and class
implementations with inheritance and polymorphism.

CO2: understand the C++ Programming using classes, objects, constructors &
destructors, function prototypes, private and public access and class
implementations with inheritance and polymorphism

Text Books:

1. Object Oriented Programming with C++, E.Balaguru swamy, TMH, 6th Edition,

Reference Books:
1.Object Oriented Programming using C++, Robert Lafore, Galgotia publication

Question paper pattern:

• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
B.E, VII Semester, Mechatronics Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme 2017-18]

Course Code 18MT735 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture 40( 8Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Credits –03
Course objectives: Students will be able to
• gain knowledge of developing basic skills necessary for importance Analytical Instrumentation
• understand the basic concepts and various Operation using Analytical Devices used in Biomedical
Module - 1 RBT LEVEL
Visible ultraviolet spectrophotometers: Electromagnetic radiation, Beer L1 , L2
Lambert law, absorption instruments, colorimeters, spectrophotometers,
infrared spectroscopy theory, instrument and its types.
Module - 2
Chromatography: Gas chromatograph- basic concepts, parts of gas L1 , L2
chromatograph. Method of peak areas, liquid chromatography- basic concepts,
types if liquid chromatography, the liquid chromatograph.
Module - 3
Mass spectrometer & NMR spectrometer: Basic concept, types of mass L1 , L2
spectrometer, components of mass spectrometer, resolution and applications.
Principle of NMR, constructional details, sensitivity enhancement for
analytical NMR spectroscopy. Use of computers with NMR spectrometers.
Module - 4
Fluorimeters & phosphorimeters: Principle of fluotrscence, measurement of L1 , L2
fluotrscence, spectro fluotrscence, microprocessor based spectro fluotrscence,
Measurement of Phosphorescence
Module - 5
Blood gas analyzer: Principle of pH measurement, electrode of pH L1 , L2
measurement, Blood pH measurement, measurement of Blood pCO2,
measurement of Blood pO2, complete Blood gas analyzer, commercially
available Blood gas analyzers..

Course outcomes: On completion of the course the student will

CO 1: have knowledge of Analytical Instrumentation on various Biomedical Module and Different Types of
Measurement Meters and Measurement System
CO 2: understanding the basic concepts of Analytical Instrumentation and various Measurement Meters
and Measurement System used in Biomedical Industry.

Text Books:
1. Hand book of analytical Instruments by R. S. Khandpur, TMH Publications 1st Ed 1989, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Instrumental methods of analysis by H. H. Willard, L. L. Merritt & J. A. Dean, CBS Publications 7th Ed
2. Principles of Instrumental analysis by S. J. Holler & T. A. Nilman Saunders college Publications 5st Ed



[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme]

Subject Code 18MT741 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 04 SEE marks 60
Total number of Hours 40 (8 Hours per Module)
Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:

• To learn basic principles of finite element analysis procedure.

• To learn the theory and characteristics of finite elements that represent engineering structures.
• To learn and apply finite element solutions to structural, thermal problem to develop the knowledge and
skills needed to effectively evaluate finite element analyses.
Modules RBT Level
Module – 1
Introduction: Equilibrium equations in elasticity subjected to
body force, traction forces, and stress-strain relations for plane
stress and plane strains. General description of Finite Element
L1, L2, L3,
Method, Application and limitations. Types of elements based on
geometry. Node numbering, Half band width.

Module – 2
Basic Procedure: Euler - Lagrange equation for bar, beam
(cantilever / simply supported fixed) Principle of virtual work,
L1, L2, L3,
principle of minimum potential energy, Raleigh’s Ritz method. Direct L4
approach for stiffness matrix formulation of bar element. Galerkin’s
Module – 3
Solution of 1-D Bars: Solutions of bars and stepped bars for
displacements, reactions and stresses by using penalty approach
and elimination approach. Guass-elimination technique. L1 , L2 , L3,
Module – 4
Higher Order Elements: Langrange’s interpolation, Higher order L1, L2, L3
one dimensional elements-Quadratic and cubic element and their
shape functions. Shape function of 2-D quadrilateral element-linear,
quadric element Isoparametric, Sub parametric and Super
parametric elements. numerical integration : 1, 2 and 3 gauge point
for 1D and 2D cases.
Module – 5

Heat Transfer: Steady state heat transfer, 1D heat conduction

L1, L2, L3,
governing equations. Functional approach for heat conduction.
Galerkin’s approach for heat conduction. 1D heat transfer in thin
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to,
CO1: Understand the concepts behind formulation methods in FEM.
CO2:Identify the application and characteristics of FEA elements such as bars, beams, plane and iso-
parametric elements.
CO3:Develop element characteristic equation and generation of global equation.
CO4: Able to apply suitable boundary conditions to a global equation for bars, beams, heat transfer, axi
symmetric problems and solve them displacements, stress and strains induced.
Question paper pattern:
• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question
from each module.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is
Text Books:
1. Logan, D. L., A first course in the finite element method,6th Edition, Cengage Learning,
2. Rao, S. S., Finite element method in engineering, 5th Edition, Pergaman Int. Library of
Science, 2010.
3. Chandrupatla T. R., Finite Elements in engineering, 2nd Edition, PHI, 2013.
Reference Books:
1. J.N.Reddy, “Finite Element Method”- McGraw -Hill International Edition.Bathe K.
J. Finite Elements Procedures, PHI.
2. Cook R. D., et al. “Conceptsand Application of Finite Elements Analysis”- 4th
Edition, Wiley & Sons, 2003.
3. “Finite Element Methods for Engineers” U.S. Dixit, Cengage Learning, 2009
4. Finite Element Methods, Daryl. L. Logon, Thomson Learning 3rd edition, 2001.


B.E, VII Semester, Mechatronics Engineering

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme 2018-19]

Subject Code 18MT742 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE marks 60

Total Number of Lecture Hours 40

(8 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
• To gain Knowledge of Machine Learning, Decision Tree Learning, Artificial Neural Networks,
Bayesian Learning, Evaluating Hypothesis.
• To understand the working methodology of Machine Learning, Decision Tree Learning,
Artificial Neural Networks, Bayesian Learning, evaluating Hypothesis

Modules RBT
Module – 1
Introduction: Well posed learning problems, Designing a Learning system, Perspective L1, L2, L3
and Issues in Machine Learning. Concept Learning: Concept learning task, Concept
learning as search, Find-S algorithm, Version space.

Module – 2
Plasticity effects: Irwin plastic zone correction. Dugdale’s approach. The shape of the
plastic zone for plane stress and plane strain cases. T \he plate thickness effect, numerical L1, L2,
problems. Determination of Stress intensity factors and plane strain fracture toughness:
Introduction ,estimation of stress intensity factors. Experimental method- Plane strain
fracture toughness test, The Standard test,sizerequirements,etc.

Module – 3
Artificial Neural Networks: Introduction, Neural Network representation, Appropriate
problems, Perceptrons, Backpropagation algorithm.
L1 , L2 , L3

Module – 4
Bayesian Learning: Introduction, Bayes theorem, Bayes theorem and concept learning,
L1, L2,
ML and LS error hypothesis, ML for predicting probabilities, MDL principle, Naive L3
Bayes classifier.

Module – 5
Evaluating Hypothesis: Motivation, Estimating hypothesis accuracy, basics of sampling L1, L2,
theorem, General approach for deriving confidence intervals, Difference in error of two L3,
hypothesis, Comparing learning algorithms.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
• Have Knowledge of Machine Learning, Decision Tree Learning, Artificial Neural Networks,
Bayesian Learning, Evaluating Hypothesis.
• Understand the working methodology of Machine Learning, Decision Tree Learning , Artificial
Neural Networks, Bayesian Learning, Evaluating Hypothesis.

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:
1. Tom M. Mitchell, Machine Learning, India Edition 2013, McGraw Hill Education.

Reference Books:
1. Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning, 2nd
edition, springer series in statistics.
2. EthemAlpaydın, Introduction to machine learning, second edition, MIT press.

B.E, VII Semester, Mechatronics Engineering

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme 2018-19]

Subject Code 18MT743 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE marks 60

Total Number of Lecture Hours 40

(8 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
• To gain Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence, Production Rules, Search algorithms, Expert
System & its architectures, Machine Learning.
• To understand the working methodology of Search Algorithms, Expert System & Machine

Modules RBT
Module – 1
Artificial Intelligence: Introduction, History of AI, defining, Importance of AI, Early L1, L2, L3
Work in AI, Scope of AI, AI and Related fields, AI Techniques, Alan Turing Machine,
Intelligent Agents

Module – 2
Space Representation: Defining the Problem, Production Rules for water jug problem,
Breadth-First Search Algorithm, Depth-First Search Algorithm, Generate & Test L1, L2,
Algorithm, Hill Climbing Algorithms: Simple Hill Climbing Algorithm, Steepest-Ascent
Hill Climbing Algorithm.

Module – 3
Expert Systems: Introduction, Characteristics of Expert System, Need of an Expert
System, Expert System Architecture, Steps to develop an Expert System ,case studies:

Neural Nets: Introduction, Network Structures, Application of Neural Nets.

Module – 4
Expert Systems Architectures: Introduction ,Rule-Based System Architectures ,Non-
L1, L2,
Production system Architectures: Semantic Network Architectures, Frame Architectures L3
,Decision Tree Architectures, Blackboard System Architectures, Analogical Reasoning
Architectures, Neural Network Architectures.

Module – 5
Introduction to Machine Learning: Introduction, Perceptrons, Perceptron Learning L1, L2,
Algorithm, Checkers Playing Examples, Learning automata: Automaton model, L3,
Temperature Control Model, CLA representation of NIM game, Genetic Algorithms,
Intelligent editors.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
• Have Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence, Production Rules, Search Algorithms, Expert System
& its architectures, Machine Learning.
• Understand the working methodology of Search Algorithms, Expert System & Machine

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:
1. Artificial Intelligence, Elaine Rich & Kevin Knight, M/H 2004.
2. Introduction to AI & ES, Dan W. Patterson, Prentice Hall of India, 2012.
3. Artificial Intelligence A Practical Approach, Er.Rajiv Chopra, S.Chand& Company
Ltd,2012.Tom M. Mitchell, Machine Learning, India Edition 2013, McGraw Hill Education.
Reference Books:
1. Principles of Artificial intelligence, Springer Vertag, Berlin, 1981.
2. Artificial intelligence in business, Science & Industry, Wendy B, Ranch
3. A guide to Expert systems, Waterman, D. A. Addison – Wesley inc. 1986.
4. Building Expert Systems, Hayes, Roth, Waterman, D. A. Addison Wesley, 1983.


B.E, VII Semester, Mechatronics Engineering

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme 2018-19]

Subject Code 18MT744 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE marks 60

Total Number of Lecture Hours 40

(8 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
• To gain knowledge of image, sampling, quantization, enhancement, and restoration of image.
• To understand different methods of image enhancement and restoration.
• To transform image using different transformations.

Modules RBT
Module – 1
Digital image fundamentals: What is Digital image processing? Fundamental steps in L1, L2, L3
digital image processing, components of an imageprocessing system, elements of Visual

Module – 2
Images sensing and Acquisition: images sampling and Quantization’s, Some Basic L1, L2,
Relationships between Pixels, Linear and Nonlinear Operations. L3

Module – 3
Image Transforms: Two-dimensional orthogonal & unitary transforms, properties of
unitary transforms, two dimensional discrete Fourier transform. Discrete cosine
transform, Hadamard transform, Haar transform. L1 , L2 , L3

Module – 4
Image Enhancement: Image Enhancement in Spatial domain, Some Basic Gray Level
L1, L2,
Transformations, Histogram Processing, Enhancement using Arithmetic/Logic L3
Operations. Basics of Spatial Filtering Image enhancement in the Frequency Domain
filters, Smoothing Frequency Domain filters, Sharpening Domain filters, homo morphic

Module – 5
Model of image degrading/restoration process: noise models, Restoration in the L1, L2,
Present of Noise, Linear Position-Invariant Degradations, inverse filtering, minimum L3,
mean square error (Weiner) filtering. Color Fundamentals. Color Models, Pseudo color.
Image Processing., processing basics of full color image processing

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
• have knowledge of different images, enhancement and restoration.
• understand how images are formed, sampled, quantized and represented digitally.
• process the images by applying different operations and transformation.

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:
1 “Digital Image Processing”, Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard e. Woods, Pearson Education,
2001, 2nd edition.
Reference Books:
1. “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, Anil K, Jain, Pearson Edun, 20010
2. “Digital Image Processing and Analysis”, B. Chanda and D. Dutta Majumdar, PHI, 2003

Mechanical Vibrations
B.E, VI Semester, Mechatronics Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme 2018-2019]
Course Code 18MT745 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE Marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40( 8 Hours per Exam Hours 03
Credits – 03
Course Objectives: Students will be able to
1. gain knowledge of different vibrations, degrees of freedom, damping systems.
2. understand the mobility of different vibration systems.
3. determine the mobility of single, double and multi degree vibrations using different methods
Module - 1
Introduction: Types of vibrations, Definitions, Simple Harmonic Motion (S.H.M.), Work done by harmonic
force, Principle of super position applied to SHM, Beats. Un damped Free Vibrations (Single DOF):
Derivations for spring mass systems, Methods of Analysis, Natural frequencies of simple systems, Springs in
series and parallel, simple problems.
Module - 2
Damped free vibrations (Single DOF): Types of damping, Analysis with viscous damping - Derivations for
over, critical and under damped systems, Logarithmic decrement, simple problems.

Module - 3
Forced Vibrations (Single DOF): Introduction, Analysis of forced vibration with constant harmonic excitation
- magnification factor, rotating and reciprocating unbalances, excitation of support (relative and absolute
amplitudes), force and motion transmissibility, Energy dissipated due to damping, simple problems.

Module - 4
Systems with two DOF: Principle modes of vibrations, Normal mode and natural frequencies of systems
(without damping) – Simple spring mass systems, masses on tightly stretched strings, Problems.

Module – 5
Numerical Methods for Multi DOF systems: Introduction, Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem,
influencecoefficients, Rayleigh’s method, Dunkerley’s method, Stodola method, method of matrix iteration (up
totwo iterations) and Problems.
Course outcomes: On completion of course students will
CO1: have knowledge of different vibrations, degrees of freedom, damping systems, magnification factor and
transmissibility etc.
CO2: understand the mobility of different vibration systems.
CO3: determine the mobility of single, double and multi degree vibrations using different methods.

1. Mechanical Vibrations, S. S. Rao, Pearson Education Inc, 4th edition, 2003.
2. Mechanical Vibrations, G. K. Grover, Nemchand and Bros, 6th edition, 1996.
3. Mechanical Vibrations, V. P. Singh, Dhanpat Rai & Company, 3d edition, 2006.
1. Theory of Vibration with Applications, W. T. Thomson, M. D. Dahleh and C. Padmanabhan, Pearson
Education Inc, 5th edition, 2008.
2. Mechanical Vibrations: S. Graham Kelly, Schaum’s outline Series, Tata McGraw Hill, Special Indian
Edition, 2007.
3. Theory and Practice Mechanical Vibrations: J. S. Rao & K. Gupta, New Age International Publications,
New Delhi, 2001.
4. Mechanical Vibrations: Dr. A. R. K Swamy & Prof. Y. Krishna Murthy, 1st edition 2009.



B.E, VII Semester, Mechatronics Engineering

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme 2018-19]

Subject Code 18MT751 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE marks 60

Total Number of Lecture Hours 40

(8 Hours per Module) Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
• To gain Knowledge of Biomedical Signals, ECG, Signal Conversion & Averaging, Adaptive
Noise Cancellation, Data Compression Techniques, Cardiological signal processing,
Neurological signal processing.
• To understand the operation of Biomedical Signal Processing ,ECG Signal Conversion &
Averaging ,Adaptive Noise Cancellation, Data Compression Techniques, Cardiological signal &
Neurological signal processing

Modules RBT
Module – 1
Introduction to Biomedical Signals: The nature of Biomedical Signals, Examples of
Biomedical Signals, Objectives and difficulties in Biomedical analysis.

Electrocardiography: Basic electrocardiography, ECG lead systems, ECG signal L1, L2,
characteristics. L3

Signal Conversion: Simple signal conversion systems, Conversion requirements for

biomedical signals, Signal

conversion circuits (Text-1)

Module – 2
Signal Averaging: Basics of signal averaging, signal averaging as a digital filter, a
typical averager, software for signal averaging, limitations of signal averaging. Adaptive L1, L2,
Noise Cancelling: Principal noise canceller model, 60-Hz adaptive cancelling using a
sine wave model, other applications of adaptive filtering.(Text-1)

Module – 3
Data Compression Techniques: Turning point algorithm, AZTEC algorithm, Fan
algorithm, Huffman coding, data reduction algorithms The
L1 , L2 , L3
Fourier transform, Correlation, Convolution, Power spectrum estimation, Frequency
domain analysis of the ECG (Text-1)

Module – 4
Cardiological signal processing: Basic Electrocardiography, ECG data acquisition,
L1, L2,
ECG lead system, ECG signal characteristics (parameters and their estimation), Analog L3
filters, ECG amplifier, and QRS detector, Power spectrum of the ECG, Band pass
filtering techniques, Differentiation techniques, Template matching techniques, A QRS
detection algorithm, Realtime ECG processing algorithm, ECG interpretation, ST
segment analyzer, Portable arrhythmia monitor. (Text -2).

Module – 5
Neurological signal processing: The brain and its potentials, The electrophysiological
origin of brain waves, The EEG signal and its characteristics (EEG rhythms, waves, and L1, L2,
transients), Correlation. Analysis of EEG channels: Detection of EEG rhythms, Template L3,
matchingfor EEG, spike and wave detection (Text-2).

Course Outcomes :At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
• Have Knowledge of Biomedical Signals, ECG, Signal Conversion & Averaging, Adaptive Noise
Cancellation, Data Compression Techniques, Cardiological signal processing, Neurological
signal processing.
• Understand the operation of Biomedical Signal Processing ,ECG Signal Conversion &
Averaging ,Adaptive Noise Cancellation, Data Compression Techniques, Cardiological signal &
Neurological signal processing.

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper
containing 10 full questions, each of 20marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.

Text Books:
1. Biomedical Digital Signal Processing- Willis J. Tompkins, PHI 2001.
2. Biomedical Signal Processing Principles and Techniques- D C Reddy, McGrawHill
publications 2005
Reference Books:
1. Biomedical Signal Analysis-RangarajM. Rangayyan, John Wiley & Sons2002
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code 18MT752 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE Marks


40 ( 8 Hours per
Total Number of Lecture Hours Exam Hours 03

Course objectives: This course will enable students to:
1. gain knowledge of basics of Mechatronics system design .
2. understanding various techniques of Mechatronics system design for solving engineering
3. determination of optimization solutions, effective decision making, Convert the data in
real time interfacing

Module-1 RBT Level

Mechatronics System Design: Mechatronics Definition, integrated design

issues in Mechatronics, the Mechatronics design process, the key elements, L1, L2, L3
Application of Mechatronics.

Module -2
Modeling and Simulation of Physical Elements: Operator notation and
transfer functions, Block diagrams, manipulations and simulation, block
diagram modeling- Direct method and analogy approach, Electrical L1, L2, L3
systems, Mechanical systems (Rotational and Translational), electrical-
Mechanical Coupling, Fluid systems

Actuating Devices, Signals, Systems: Direct Current Motors, Permanent
magnet stepper motor, Fluid power actuation, Fluid power design elements,
Piezoelectric Actuators L1, L2, L3
Introduction to signals, systems and Controls, Laplace transform solution
of ordinary differential equations, System representation, Linearization of
Non-linear systems, Time Delays
Module -4
Signal Conditioning and Real time Interfacing: Introduction, elements of
Data Acquisition and Control System, Transducers and Signal L1, L2, L3
Conditioning, Devices for data conversion, Data conversion process,
Application software.
Module -5
Case Studies: Comprehensive and Data acquisition case studies, data
acquisition and control case studies. L1, L2, L3
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Discuss about modeling of Mechatronics System .
2. Explain the actuating devices and signals involved in Mechatronics.
3. Select the sensor and Actuator for a Mechatronics application.
4. Convert the data in real time interfacing.

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper containing 10
full questions, each of 20 marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from
each module.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is
Text Book:
1. Mechatronics System Design by Devdas Shetty and Richard A Kolk, Second edition,
Thomson Learning Publishing Company, Vikas publishing house, 2001.

Reference Books:
1. Bishop, Robert H, "Mechatronics Hand book", CRC Press, 2002.
2. Kenji Uchino and Jayne R. Giniewicz, “Mechatronics" publication: Marcel Dekker,
3. A. Smaili and F. Mrad, “Applied Mechatronics”, OXFORD university publication April
Scheme of Teaching and Examination 2018 – 19
Outcome Based Education(OBE) and Choice Based Credit System
(CBCS) (Effective from the academic year 2018 – 19)
Teaching Hours /Week Examination



Total Marks

SEE Marks

Duration in
Course and

CIE Marks


Course code Course Title

1 PCC 18MT81 Automotive Electronics & 4 -- -- 03 40 60 100
Hybrid Vehicles 3
2 PEC 18MT82X Professional Elective - 4 3 -- -- 03 40 60 100 3
3 Project 18MTP83 Project Work -- -- 2 03 40 60 100 8
4 Seminar 18MTS84 Technical Seminar -- -- 2 03 100 -- 100 1
Completed during the vacation/s
5 Internship 18MTI85 Internship of VI and VII semesters and /or 03 40 60 100
and VIII semesters.)
24 18
TOTAL 06 -- 4 15 260 500

Note: PCC: Professional Core, PEC: Professional Elective.

Professional Electives - 4
Course code Course Title
under 18XX82X
18 MT821 Operation Research.

18 MT822 Communication system

18 MT823 Digital Control System

18 MT824 Management Information Systems

18 MT825 Radar Engineering

Project Work
CIE procedure for Project Work Phase - 2:
(i) Single discipline: The CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee consisting of the Head of the concerned Department and two senior
faculty members of the Department, one of whom shall be the Guide.
The CIE marks awarded for the project work phase -2, shall be based on the evaluation of project work phase -2 Report, project presentation skill
and question and answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for the project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
(ii) Interdisciplinary: Continuous Internal Evaluation shall be group wise at the college level with the participation of all guides of the college.
Participation of external guide/s, if any, is desirable.
The CIE marks awarded for the project work phase -2, shall be based on the evaluation of project work phase -2 Report, project presentation skill
and question and answer session in the ratio 50:25:25.The marks awarded for the project report shall be the same for all the batch mates.
SEE for Project Work Phase - 2:
(i) Single discipline: Contribution to the project and the performance of each group member shall be assessed individually in semester end
examination (SEE) conducted at the department.
(ii) Interdisciplinary: Contribution to the project and the performance of each group member shall be assessed individually in semester end
examination (SEE) conducted separately at the departments to which the student/s belong to.
Internship: Those, who have not pursued /completed the internship shall be declared as fail and have to complete during subsequent University
examination after satisfying the internship requirements.

AICTE activity Points: In case students fail to earn the prescribed activity Points, Eighth semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning
the required activity Points. Students shall be admitted for the award of degree only after the release of the Eighth semester Grade Card.
Activity points of the students who have earned the prescribed AICTE activity Points shall be sent the University along with the CIE marks of 8th
semester. In case of students who have not satisfied the AICTE activity Points at the end of eighth semester, the column under activity Points
shall be marked NSAP (Not Satisfied Activity Points).
th th th th
Internship / Professional Practice: To be carried out between 6 & 7 semester vacation or 7 & 8 semester



Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)



Course Code 18MT81 CIE Marks 40

Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) (4:0:0) SEE Marks 60

Credits 04 Exam Hours 03

Course objectives:

• Gain knowledge to learn the concepts of developing basic skills necessary for
importance Automotive Electronics in Automobile
• Understand the basic concepts and various Operation using Sensor and Actuators
• Diagnosis the problem related types of, Data Acquisition System and Communication
Networks (Bus Systems) Control system using Standard Technology.
Module-1 RBT

Automotive Fundamentals Overview: Four Stroke Cycle, Engine Control, Ignition LI,L2,L3,
System, Spark plug, Spark pulse generation, Ignition Timing, Drive Train, L4
Transmission, Brakes, Steering System, Battery, Starting System.Air/Fuel Systems Fuel
Handling, Air Intake System, Air/ Fuel Management



Sensors – Oxygen (02/EGO) Sensors, Throttle Position Sensor (TPS), Engine
Crankshaft Angular Position (CKP)Sensors, Hall effect Position Sensor, Shielded Field
Sensor, Optical Crankshaft Position Sensor, Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor
– Strain gauge and Capacitor capsule, Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor,
Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor, Knock Sensor, Airflow rate sensor, Throttle
angle Sensor. Actuators: Fuel Metering Actuator, Fuel Injector, Ignition Actuator.
Exhaust After-Treatment Systems – AIR, Catalytic Converter, Exhaust Gas
Recirculation (EGR), Evaporative Emission Systems.


Automotive Instrumentation and Communication: Sampling, Measurement & Signal LI,L2,L3,

Conversion of various parameters (Speed, fuel, pressure). Serial Data, Communication
Systems, Protection, Body and Chassis is Electrical Systems, Remote Keyless Entry,


Vehicle Motion Control: Cruise control, Chassis, Power Brakes, Antilock Brake System LI,L2,L3,
(ABS), Electronic Steering Control, Power Steering, Traction Control, Electronically L4
controlled suspension. Automotive Diagnostics –Timing Light, Engine Analyzer, On-
board diagnostics, Off-board diagnostics, Expert Systems. Future Automotive
Electronics Systems: Alternative Fuel Engines, Collision Avoidance Radar warning
Systems, Low tire pressure warning system, Radio navigation, Advance Driver
Information System.


Introduction to Alternative Vehicles: Electric Vehicle, Hybrid Electric vehicle, Electric LI,L2,L3,
Hybrid Vehicle, Vehicle components, Electric and Hybrid history EV/CEV L4
Comparison. Alternative Vehicle Architecture: Electric Vehicles, Hybrid Electric
Vehicles, Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Power Train component Sizing, Mass
Analysis & Packaging, Vehicle Simulation

Course outcomes:

1. Understanding of Engine Parameters and a critical awareness of current problems within the
automotive electronics domain using Various Measurement Technology.
2. Apply the fundamental Concepts of automotive electronics on various Engine parts, Sensor,
Actuator, Communication and Measurement System.
3. Determine the extent and nature of electronic circuitry in automotive systems including
monitoring and control circuits for engines, transmissions, brakes, steering, suspension
4. Analyze climate control, instrumentation and radios and accessories involved in Automotive
Question paper pattern:
• The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
• Each full question will be for 20 marks.
• There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub- questions) from each module.
• Each full question will have sub- question covering all the topics under a module.
• The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each
1.Willliam B. Ribbens: Understanding Automotive Electronics, 6th Edition, SAMS/Elsevier
PublishingIqbal Husain “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design fundamentals”. CRC Press,

1. Robert Bosch GmbH: Automotive Electronics Systems and Components 5 Edition,
John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2007
2. James Laminie and John Lowry. “Electric Vehicle Technology – Explained’, CRC Press
Society of Automobile Engineers, “Hybrid Electric vehicles”, CRC Press, 2011.

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Course Code 18MT821 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE Marks


40 ( 8 Hours per
Total Number of Lecture Hours Exam Hours 03

Course objectives: This course will enable students to:
1. gain knowledge of basics of operation research.
2. understanding various techniques of operation research for solving business decision and
engineering problems.
3. determination of optimization solutions, effective decision making, model formulation and

Module-1 RBT Level

Introduction: Evolution of OR, definition of OR, scope of OR, application

areas of OR, steps (phases) in OR study, characteristics and limitations of
OR, models used in OR, linear programming (LP) problem-formulation and
solution by graphical method.
Solution Of Linear Programming Problems: The simplex method canonical L1, L2, L3
and standard form of an LP problem
Module -2
Transportation Problem: Formulation of transportation problem, types,
initial basic feasible solution using different methods, optimal solution by
MODI method, degeneracy in transportation problems, application of L1, L2, L3
transportation problem concept for maximization cases.

Pert-CPM Techniques: Introduction, network construction - rules,
Fulkerson’s rule for numbering the events, AON and AOA diagrams;
Critical path method to find the expected completion time of a project, L1, L2, L3
floats; PERT for finding expected duration of an activity and project,
determining the probability of completing a project, predicting the
completion time of project; crashing of simple projects.
Module -4
Queuing Theory: Queuing systems and their characteristics, Pure-birth
and Pure-death models (only equations), empirical queuing models –
M/M/1 and M/M/C models and their steady state performance analysis. L1, L2,
Module -5
Game Theory: Formulation of games, types, solution of games with
saddle point, graphical method of solving mixed strategy games, L1, L2, L3
dominance rule for solving mixed strategy games.
Sequencing: Basic assumptions, sequencing ‘n’ jobs on single machine
using priority rules, sequencing using Johnson’s rule-‘n’ jobs on 2
machines, ‘n’ jobs on 3 machines, ‘n’ jobs on ‘m’ machines. Sequencing 2
jobs on ‘m’ machines using graphical method.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. have knowledge of linear programming, Transportation, PERT-CPM,
Sequencing, Queuing Theory, and Game theory.
2. understanding the techniques of linear programming, Transportation, PERT-
CPM, Sequencing, Queuing Theory, and Game theory for various engineering
3. determination of optimization of solutions, effective decision making model
formulation and applications that are used in solving business decision
Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper containing 10
full questions, each of 20 marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from
each module.
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is
Text Book:
1. Operations Research, P K Gupta and D S Hira, Chand Publications, New Delhi – 2007
2. Operations Research, Taha H A, Pearson Education.
3. Operations Research S.D. Sharma, Ledarnath Ramanath& Co, 002
Reference Books:
1. Operations Research, A P Verma, S K Kataria&Sons, 2008
2. Operations Research, Paneerselvan, PHI
3. Operations Research, A M Natarajan, P Balasubramani, Pearson Education, 2005
4. Introduction to Operations Research, Hillier and Liberman,8th Ed., McGraw Hill
5. Operations Research, S Kalavathy, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 2002
VIII Semester, MT

[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Scheme]

Course Code 18MT822 CIE Marks 40
Number of Lecture Hours/Week 3 SEE Marks 60
40 (08 Hours
Total Number of Lecture Hours Exam Hours 03
/ Module)
Course Objectives: This course will enable students to:
• Determine the performance of amplitude modulation schemes in time and frequency domains
and sampling process.
• Characterize the performance of modulation and generation and detection of modulated
analog signals.
• Characterize analog signals in time domain as random processes and in frequency domain
using Fourier transforms.
• Determine the performance of different coding techniques for different modulation types and
• Understand the characteristics of communication systems, pulse amplitude modulation, pulse
code modulation systems, digital multiplexers, spread spectrum modulation and its


Introduction To Communication Systems:Information, Transmitter, chanel-noise,

Receiver, modulation, need for modulation, band width requirements, sine wave and L1, L2
Fourier series review, frequency spectra of non sinusoidal waves. Basic signal
processing operations in digital communication. Sampling Principles: Sampling
Amplitude Modulation: Introduction AM Time-Domain description, Frequency –
Domain description. Generation of AM wave: square law modulator, switching
modulator. Detection of AM waves: square law detector, envelop detector. Double
side band suppressed carrier modulation (DSBSC): Time-Domain description, L1,L2
Frequency-Domain representation, Generation of DSBSC waves: balanced modulator,
ring modulator. Coherent detection of DSBSC modulated waves. Costas loop...
Angle Modulation & Demodulation: Basic definitions, FM, narrow band FM, wide
band FM, transmission bandwidth of FM waves, generation of FM waves: indirect FM L1,L2
and direct FM, Demodulation of FM waves, FM stereo multiplexing, Phase-locked
loop, Nonlinear model of the phase – locked loop, Linear model of the phase – locked
loop, Nonlinear effects in FM systems.
Waveform Coding Techniques: PAM, TDM. Waveform Coding Techniques, PCM,
Quantization noise and SNR, robust quantization. DPCM, DM, applications. Line L1,L2
Codes : Unipolar RZ& NRZ, Polar RZ& NRZ, Bi-Polar RZ & NRZ ,Manchester.
Spread Spectrum Modulation: Pseudo noise sequences, notion of spread
spectrum, direct sequence spread spectrum, coherent binary PSK, frequency hop L1, L2
spread spectrum, applications. Digital Multiplexers: FDM ,TDM ,Classification of
Multiplexers ,T1 Carrier System

Course Outcomes: After studying this course, students will :

• Able to determine the performance of amplitude modulation schemes in time and
frequency domains and sampling process.
• Able to characterize the performance of modulation and generation and detection of
modulated analog signals.
• Able to Characterize analog signals in time domain as random processes and in frequency
domain using Fourier transforms.
• Able to Determine the performance of different coding techniques for different modulation
types and multiplexers
• Able to Understand the characteristics of communication systems, pulse amplitude
modulation, pulse code modulation systems, digital multiplexers, spread spectrum
modulation and its applications.

Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper containing 10 full
questions, each of 20marks.
• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.
• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.
• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each
• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is60.
Text Book:
• Communication Systems, Simon Haykins, 3rd Edition, John Willey,
• An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communication, Simon Haykins,
John Wiley, 2003.
• Digital communications, Simon Haykin, John Wiley, 2003.
Reference Books:
• Modern digital and analog Communication systems B. P. Lathi, 3rd ed 2005 Oxford
University press.
• Communication Systems, Harold P.E, Stern Samy and A Mahmond, Pearson Edn, 2004.
• Communication Systems: Singh and Sapre: Analog and
• Digital and analog communication systems & An introduction to Analog and Digital
Communication, K. Sam Shanmugam, John Wiley, 1996. 2.Simon Haykin, John Wiley,
B.E, VIII Semester, Mechatronics Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme-2018-2019]

Subject Code 18MT823 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40( 8 Hours per
module) Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives: Students will be able to
• gain knowledge to learn the concepts of developing State model , Linear and Non
Linear Control System.
• understand the concepts Linear and Non Linear Digital Control System for
observing the Controllability of the system
• determine and diagnosis the problem related Lead and Lag Networks using Plots.
Modules RBT Level
Module – 1
representation of systems, solving the time invariant state equations,
transfer matrix, linear time invariant systems, state space representation
of discrete time systems and solving discrete time state equation. L1, L2, L3
Module – 2
POLE PLACEMENT: Controllability, Observability for continuous time
systems, pole placement design and state observers. Problems on Each
L1, L2, L3
Module – 3
based on quadratic performance index, adaptive control system..
L1, L2, L3
Module – 4
SYSTEMS: Introduction to nonlinear systems, describing function
analysis of nonlinear control systems, stability of nonlinear control system
Module – 5

COMPENSATION TECHNIQUES: Lead, lag, lead lag network and

compensator design using Bode/Root locus techniques. L1, L2, L3
Course outcomes: On completion of the course the student will
CO1: have knowledge of State model, Linear and Non Linear Control System, Controllability
and Observe viability.
CO2: understanding the concepts State model, Linear and Non Linear Control System,
Controllability and Observe ability used in Digital Control System.
CO3: determine the extent and nature of Lead Lag Circuitry by Plot.
Text Books:
1. Modern Control Engineering-K. Ogata, Prentice 3rd Edition, Hall of India publication.
2. Discrete time Control Systems-K.Ogata, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India publication.

Reference Books:

1. Digital control and state variable methods-Madan Gopal, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of
2.Modern Control Engineering-Roy Choudhury, Prentice Hall of India.

Management Information Systems

B.E, VIII Semester, Mechatronics Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme-2018-2019]

Subject Code 18MT824 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40( 8 Hours per
module) Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives: Students will be able to
• gain the importance of information in business.
• understand the technologies and methods used for effective decision making in an

Modules RBT Level

Module – 1
INTRODUCTION: Data, Information, Intelligence, Information
Technology, Information System, evolution, types based on functions and
hierarchy, System development methodologies, Functional Information
Systems, DSS, EIS, KMS, GIS, International Information System. L1, L2
Module – 2
SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: Case tools - System flow chart,
Decision table, Data flow Diagram (DFD), Entity Relationship (ER), Object
Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), UML diagram. L1, L2
Module – 3
RDBMS, OODBMS, Query Processing, SQL, Concurrency Management,
Data warehousing and Data Mart. L1 , L2
Module – 4
SECURITY, CONTROL AND REPORTING: Security, Testing, Error L1, L2
detection, Controls, IS Vulnerability, Disaster Management, Computer
Crimes, Securing the Web, Intranets and Wireless Networks, Software
Audit, Ethics in IT, User Interface and reporting.
Module – 5

NEW IT INITIATIVES: Role of information management in ERP, e-

business, e-governance, Data Mining, Business Intelligence, Pervasive L1, L2
Computing, Cloud computing, CMM.

Course outcomes: On completion of course students will

CO1: have knowledge on effective applications of information systems in business.
CO2: understand the technologies and methods used for effective decision making in an

Text Books:
1. Management Information Systems – The Managers View, Robert Schultheis and Mary
Summer, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
2. Management Information Systems – Managing the digital firm, Kenneth C. Laudon and
Jane Price Laudon, PHI Learning / Pearson Education, PHI, Asia, 2012.

Reference Books:
1. MIS in Business, Government and Society, Rahul de, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2012
2. Management Information System: Conceptual Foundations, Structure and
Development, Gordon Davis, Tata McGraw Hill, 21st Reprint 2008.
3. Management Information Systems for the Information Age, Haag, Cummings and Mc
Cubbrey, McGraw Hill, 2005. 9th edition, 2013.
4. Information Technology for Management – Transforming Organisations in the Digital
Economy, Turban, McLean and Wetherbe, John Wiley, 6th Edition, 2008.
5. Management Information Systems, Raymond McLeod and Jr. George P. Schell, Pearson
Education, 2007.
6. Management Information Systems – Managing Information Technology in the E-
business enterprise, James O Brien, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004. 22 .
7. Information Systems, Raplh Stair and George Reynolds, Cengage Learning, 10th
Edition, 2012
8. Information Assurance for the Enterprise – A Roadmap to Information Security, Corey
Schou and Dan Shoemaker, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
9. Information Technology Control and Audit, Frederick Gallegor, Sandra Senft, Daniel P.
Manson and Carol Gonzales, Auerbach Publications, 4th Edition, 2013.
B.E, VIII Semester, Mechatronics Engineering
[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme-2018-2019]

Subject Code 18MT825 CIE Marks 40

Number of Lecture Hours/Week 03 SEE marks 60
Total Number of Lecture Hours 40( 8 Hours per
module) Exam Hours 03
Course Objectives: Students will be able to
• gain Knowledge of Radars , The Radar Equation, MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar,
Tracking Radar & The Radar Antenna.
• understand the operation of Radars , MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar, Tracking
Radar & the Radar Antenna.

Modules RBT Level

Module – 1
Basics of Radar: Introduction, Maximum Unambiguous Range, Radar
Waveforms, Definitions w.r.t Pulse waveform - PRF, PRI, Duty Cycle, Peak
Transmitter Power, Average transmitter Power. Simple form of the Radar
Equation, Radar Block Diagram and Operation, Radar Frequencies, L1, L2
Applications of Radar, The Origins of Radar, Illustrative Problems.
(Chapter 1 of Text)
Module – 2
The Radar Equation: Prediction of Range Performance, Detection of signal
in Noise, Minimum Detectable Signal, Receiver Noise, SNR, Modified Radar
Range Equation, Envelope Detector — False Alarm Time and Probability, L1, L2
Probability of Detection, Radar Cross Section of Targets: simple targets –
sphere, cone-sphere, Transmitter Power, PRF and Range Ambiguities,
System Losses (Qualitative treatment), Illustrative Problems. (Chapter 2,
except 2.4, 2.6 2.8 & 2.11 of Text)
Module – 3
MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar: Introduction, Principle, Doppler
Frequency Shift, Simple CW Radar, Sweep to Sweep subtraction and Delay
Line Canceler, MTI Radar with – Power Amplifier Transmitter, Delay Line L1 , L2
Cancelers — Frequency Response of Single Delay- Line Canceler, Blind
Speeds, Clutter Attenuation, MTI Improvement Factor, N- Pulse Delay-Line
Canceler, Digital MTI Processing – Blind phases, I and Q Channels, Digital
MTI Doppler signal processor, Moving Target Detector- Original MTD.
(Chapter 3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6 of Text)
Module – 4
Tracking Radar: Tracking with Radar- Types of Tracking Radar Systems, L1, L2
Monopulse TrackingAmplitude Comparison Monopulse (one-and two-
coordinates), Phase Comparison Monopulse. Sequential Lobing, Conical
Scan Tracking, Block Diagram of Conical Scan Tracking Radar, Tracking
in Range, Comparison of Trackers. (Chapter 4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 of Text)
Module – 5
The Radar Antenna: Functions of The Radar Antenna, Antenna
Parameters, Reflector Antennas and Electronically Steered Phased array L1, L2
Antennas. (Chapter 9: 9.1, 9.2 9.4, 9.5 of Text) Radar Receiver: The
Radar Receiver, Receiver Noise Figure, Super Heterodyne Receiver,
Duplexers and Receivers Protectors, Radar Displays. (Chapter 11 of
Course outcomes: On completion of course students will
CO1: have knowledge of Radars, the Radar Equation, MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar,
Tracking Radar and the Radar Antenna.
CO2: understand the operation of Radars, MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar, Tracking Radar &
the Radar Antenna.
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Radar Systems-Merrill I Skolnik ,3e,TMH, 2001
Reference Books:
1. Radar Principles, Technology. Applications — Byron Edde, Pearson Education, 2004.
2. Radar Principles – Peebles. Jr, P.Z. Wiley. New York, 1998.
3. Principles of Modem Radar: Basic Principles – Mark A. Rkhards, James A. Scheer,
William A. HoIm. Yesdee, 2013

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