275 Grand Slam Force: Mccallum/Shuman April 11, 1994 Gsf.275

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McCallum/Shuman April 11, 1994 GSF.



GSF is rarely used since RKC solves most trump problems.

Useful rules about 5NT bids (GSF vs COS vs GRAND TRY):

1) Most jumps to 5NT are COS.

2) After 4NT BW, 5NT is Grand Try and 6♣ is usually COS. There
is no GSF after we've entered RKC.
3) 5NT is usually COS in high level competition (See Section
4) 5NT is Kx of unbid suit when obvious and logical. (See
Section 287 - 5NT)
5) If we have one and only one cleary AGREED trump suit, in an
auction where we have not used RKC, 5NT is GSF.
6) 5NT does not have to be a jump to be GSF, but it usually is.

There is no GSF after we've entered RKC.

There is no GSF by a weak hand nor by a limited hand. Therefore,
a bid which is defined as GSF should be interpreted as COS
if made by a PH or otherwise weak or limited hand.
It's possible to use GSF even when it's known that responder to
GSF can have at most one honor. Responses are simply scaled
down to what responder can hold.
2♣-2♦; 2♠-2NT; 3♣-3♠; 5N: GSF. But, by virtue of the 2♦
response, and second negative, responder cannot have more
than the Spade Queen, and probably not that.
2♣-2♦; 2♠-3♠; 5N: GSF. Responder can't have better than the
King (and or Queen).
2♣-2♥; 2♠-3♠; 5N: Similar, but might have Ace (and or Queen).
Can't hold AK by virtue of 2♥ response.

Responding to GSF
The more you bid the more you have.
Bidding past 6T always shows two of the top three honors. Bid
higher than 6T, in a suit other than the agreed trump suit,
is presumably natural and forcing (COS). 6NT response
suggests 7NT (Accepts Grand-Try, therefore presumed
7♣ response to GSF is artificial, showing best holding possible,
and allowing GSF bidder to choose the grand he wishes to
McCallum/Shuman April 11, 1994 GSF.275

play. Normally don't bid past 7♣. If we do, meaning should

be "if we can run this suit we can play 7NT".

If ♣ are trump: 6♣=No.
If ♦ are trump: 6♣=None. 6♦=1 (A,K,Q).
If ♥ are trump: 6♣=None. 6♦=1. 6♥=A or K with extra length.
If ♠ are trump: 6♣=None. 6♦=Q. 6♥=A or K. 6♠=A or K with extra

If responder to GSF has bid his own suit three times, or shown a
ONE-LOSER suit, GSF asks for solidity opposite a small
singleton. If he has shown SOLID suit, GSF asks for
solidity opposite a void.

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