Normal Meaning of 5NT Is "Pick A Slam".: Grand Try
Normal Meaning of 5NT Is "Pick A Slam".: Grand Try
Normal Meaning of 5NT Is "Pick A Slam".: Grand Try
287 5NT
Very little in this section applies with Lynn beyond the basics
– 5NT is normally COS, but most of the rest is completely
undiscussed. We have almost no follow-ups.
Grand Try
In RKC sequences, 5NT follow-up (by 4NT bidder) says we have all
the KeyCards & asks for responder's opinion about a Grand. If
interested he shows specific Kings (Exclusion style).
• 6T = no interest in Grand.
Above applies with Lynn, but the rest of this section is
5NT in competition = Grand Try without control in opponents'
suit. 6Q = Grand Try with 1st round control
• Applies only when both 5NT and 6Q are available below 6T.
1NT-5NT is COS, NOT a Grand Try.
5NT after SuperGerber response is a Grand Try. 5NT, when
SuperGerber was available but not used, is COS, not a Grand
Try. General Rule: If we have room to do so, we must check
for Aces first before making a Grand-Try.
No agreements with Lynn about 5NT in competition (unless we’re
saving), and no agreements relating to SuperGerber sequences.
McCallum/Sanborn January 2000 5NT.287
McCallum/Sanborn January 2000 5NT.287
McCallum/Sanborn January 2000 5NT.287
Occasionally, in a complex auction, a 5NT call may still be
ambiguous. Should this occur, the following order of priority
is employed (QCGG):
1) NATURAL (but forcing)
3) COS (most frequent interpretation)
5) GSF
Section does not apply with Lynn - undiscussed.