Week 3: 3. Mil11/12Imil-Iiia-3
Week 3: 3. Mil11/12Imil-Iiia-3
Week 3: 3. Mil11/12Imil-Iiia-3
Department of Education
Region XI
Division of Compostela Valley
Senior High School Department
Engage Learners answers the questions based on the media use logs. Learners answer’s may
- Which media provider did they spend the most time? vary to the
(Student Module pp.13)
- What roles does media play in their lives?
(Leisure, learning, communication, etc.)
Online: Learners will
access to Facebook group
and send their answer
though email
Explore Online: Learners will
send their attach photo
of their output email
Let the learners answer the following questions based on their Learner’s answers may
activity 1: vary. (Refer to Student
1. What values integrate in this illustration? Module pp.14 activity1)
2. How responsible do you use the phone all the time? -------------------------------
3. Did you experience prank call or messages that Online: Learners will
cause you utter bad words sometimes? send their attach photo
of their output email
Learners will read the module religiously(Media and
Information Literacy Module pp.15)
The learners will follow
the task given.
Watch the video:
Performance Task
Directions: Create or draw info graphics related to the
lesson: Responsible use of media and information.
Example: Learners will do the
Performance Task
Criteria: (Refer to Student Module
Content- 20pts. pp.16)
Creativity- 15pts.
Evaluate Appropriateness-15pts.
Total: 50points --------------------------------
Online: Learners will
send their attach photo
of their output email
Note: Do not steal to the work of others or do not copy from
the internet, create your own design/idea, if found subject to
failed or not validated. Remember every action you take will be
charge to plagiarism. (plagiarism act violation)
Study in advanced the Topic: Evolution of media from Learners come up an
traditional to new media shaped the values and norms of people idea to connect the
and society lesson.