Classy Glass Inc Policy Package Highlighted

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The Cincinnati Insurance Company

The Cincinnati Casualty Company

The Cincinnati Indemnity Company

Policy Number: ENP 055 46 29

Effective Date: 10-04-2019


For professional advice and policy questions or changes, please contact your local independent agency:


MADISON, WI 53705-4582


Dear Policyholder:
Thank you
Thank you for trusting The Cincinnati Insurance Companies with your commercial insurance coverage. We
recognize that locally based independent agents have the working knowledge to help you choose the right
insurance company for your needs. Together with your local independent insurance agency, we are committed
to providing you with the highest level of service.
Please review your enclosed policy information to verify your coverage details, as well as deductibles and
coverage amounts. Should your needs change, your agent is available to review and update your policy.
Please promptly report claims
If you experience a policy-related loss, you may report it by contacting your local professional independent
agency representing The Cincinnati Insurance Companies or by directly calling us toll-free at 877-242-2544
and providing your policy number and claim-related information.


Sean M. Givler
Senior Vice President - Commercial Lines

IA 4443 04 14
This is a notice of how an account credit will be applied to your policy or to all of the policies being billed as
single account.
Account Credits
A. If your account is comprised of a single policy and an endorsement or premium audit results in a credit
(return premium), the credit is applied to that policy. If your account does not have a future installment due
at the time the endorsement or audit is processed, the credit is refunded to the payor listed for your
account. If you do not wish for credits to be automatically applied to future unpaid installments, please
contact us to request a refund. Please note that the amount of the refund may vary based upon the date
you contact us and your billing schedule.
B. If your account is comprised of more than one policy and an endorsement or premium audit results in a
credit (return premium), the credit is applied in the following manner:
• Payments previously applied to your account are deferred.
• The credit that results from the endorsement or audit is applied to the policy generating the credit.
• The payments that were deferred are then reapplied to the account in order to satisfy the amount
• Any excess payment that results from the credit is applied proportionately to your policies with a
future payment or installment due.
• If you do not wish for credits to be automatically applied to future unpaid installments, please contact
us to request a refund. Please note that the amount of the refund may vary based upon the date you
contact us and your billing schedule.
• If your account does not have a future installment or payment due at the time the endorsement or
audit is processed, the credit is refunded to the payor listed for your account.
(Does not apply to audit return premium for payors located in New York; Does not apply to premiums due
more than 30 days from the date of processing for payors located in New Hampshire. These credits are
automatically refunded to the payor)
To request a refund, contact us at:
Mailing Address Toll free phone number Electronic mail
The Cincinnati Insurance Company 877-942-2455
PO Box 14529
Cincinnati, OH 45250-0529

IA 4407 03 13
NO COVERAGE IS PROVIDED BY THIS DISCLOSURE, nor can it be construed to replace any provision of
for complete information on the coverages provided.
Your insurance premium is being paid directly to us rather than to your insurance agency. We appreciate your
prompt payment of the premium. Please note that these fees apply only in the event your payment is late, is
returned to us for insufficient funds, or if your policy was previously canceled for nonpayment of premium and
has been reinstated at either your or your agents request. We are not required to reinstate a policy once
cancellation for nonpayment of premium has become effective. The decision to reinstate coverage is solely at
the discretion of the company.
Not all fees are applicable in all states. The types of fees are listed below. Following the description of each
fee, we list the states where the fee applies and the amount of the fee. Fees are not levied in KY, MD, MT and
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Charge: The first time a premium payment is returned due to Non-Sufficient
Funds (NSF), the premium due is the installment amount. For each succeeding return of payment while
continuously insured with The Cincinnati Insurance Companies, a charge is added to your next account
statement. The amount of the charge is determined by the fees filed with and approved by the state where the
payor of your account is located.
$10 AK, FL, NJ, RI, and SC;
$15 MA;
$20 NY; and
$25 AL, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, LA, ME, MI, MN, MS, MO, NE, NV, NH, NM,
ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WI, WV and WY.
Reinstatement Charge: The first time your account is reinstated for nonpayment of premium, the premium
due is the installment amount. For each succeeding reinstatement due to nonpayment of premium while
continuously insured with The Cincinnati Insurance Companies, a charge is added to your next account
statement. The amount of the charge is determined by the fees filed with and approved by the state where the
payor of your account is located.
$10 AK, RI, and SC;
$15 MA;
$20 NY; and
$25 AL, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, LA, ME, MI, MN, MS, MO, NE, NV, NH, NM,
ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA and WY.
Late Charge: A charge is added to your next account statement each time your payment is received and
processed after the due date as shown on the account statement. This fee will not apply to Electronic Funds
Transfer (EFT). The amount of the charge is determined by the fees filed with and approved by the state where
the payor of your account is located.
$10 AK, FL, RI, and SC;
$15 MA; and
$25 AL, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, LA, ME, MI, MN, MS, MO, NE, NV, NH, NM,
ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WI and WY.

IA 4421 03 13
The Cincinnati Insurance Company
A Stock Insurance Company

Headquarters: 6200 S. Gilmore Road, Fairfield, OH 45014-5141

Mailing address: P.O. Box 145496, Cincinnati, OH 45250-5496 n 513-870-2000


Billing Method: DIRECT BILL
(Number & Street,
Town, County,
State & Zip Code)

Previous Policy Number:

All coverages except Automobile and / or Garage
Policy number: ENP 055 46 29 FROM: 10-04-2019 TO: 10-04-2020
Automobile and / or Garage
Policy number: FROM: TO:

Legal Entity / Business Description




10-15-2019 08:07
Countersigned By
(Date) (Authorized Representative)

IA 509 01 12 Page 1 of 1
ENP 055 46 29
All Coverage Parts included in this policy are subject to the following conditions.
A. Cancellation b. Give you reports on the conditions we
find; and
1. The first Named Insured shown in the
Declarations may cancel this policy by c. Recommend changes.
mailing or delivering to us advance written
notice of cancellation. 2. We are not obligated to make any inspec-
tions, surveys, reports or recommenda-
2. We may cancel this policy by mailing or tions and any such actions we do under-
delivering to the first Named Insured writ- take relate only to insurability and the
ten notice of cancellation at least: premiums to be charged. We do not
make safety inspections. We do not un-
a. 10 days before the effective date of dertake to perform the duty of any person
cancellation if we cancel for nonpay- or organization to provide for the health or
ment of premium; or safety of workers or the public. And we
b. 30 days before the effective date of do not warrant that conditions:
cancellation if we cancel for any other a. Are safe or healthful; or
b. Comply with laws, regulations, codes
3. We will mail or deliver our notice to the or standards.
first Named Insured's last mailing address
known to us. 3. Paragraphs 1. and 2. of this condition ap-
ply not only to us, but also to any rating,
4. Notice of cancellation will state the effec- advisory, rate service or similar organiza-
tive date of cancellation. The policy pe- tion which makes insurance inspections,
riod will end on that date. surveys, reports or recommendations.
5. If this policy is cancelled, we will send the 4. Paragraph 2. of this condition does not
first Named Insured any premium refund apply to any inspections, surveys, reports
due. If we cancel, the refund will be pro or recommendations we may make rela-
rata. If the first Named Insured cancels, tive to certification, under state or munici-
the refund may be less than pro rata. The pal statutes, ordinances or regulations, of
cancellation will be effective even if we boilers, pressure vessels or elevators.
have not made or offered a refund.
E. Premiums
6. If notice is mailed, proof of mailing will be
sufficient proof of notice. The first Named Insured shown in the Declara-
B. Changes
1. Is responsible for the payment of all pre-
This policy contains all the agreements be- miums; and
tween you and us concerning the insurance af-
forded. The first Named Insured shown in the 2. Will be the payee for any return premiums
Declarations is authorized to make changes in we pay.
the terms of this policy with our consent. This
policy's terms can be amended or waived only F. Transfer of Your Rights and Duties Under
by endorsement issued by us and made a part this Policy
of this policy. Your rights and duties under this policy may
C. Examination of Your Books and Records not be transferred without our written consent
except in the case of death of an individual
We may examine and audit your books and named insured.
records as they relate to this policy at any time
during the policy period and up to three years If you die, your rights and duties will be trans-
afterward. ferred to your legal representative but only
while acting within the scope of duties as your
D. Inspections and Surveys legal representative. Until your legal represen-
tative is appointed, anyone having proper tem-
1. We have the right to: porary custody of your property will have your
a. Make inspections and surveys at any rights and duties but only with respect to that
time; property.

IL 00 17 11 98 Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1998

Attached to and forming part of
POLICY NUMBER: ENP 055 46 29 Effective Date: 10-04-2019



Commercial Property Coverage Part W/EBC $ 1,806

Commercial General Liability Coverage Part $
Commercial Auto Coverage Part $
Commercial Umbrella / Excess Liability Coverage Part $
Terrorism Coverage $ 25
Installment Charge $

First Remaining
Installment Installment(s)
Automobile Coverages, Employers Liability, Employment Practices Liability Coverage, Professional Liability
Coverage, Terrorism Coverage and / or Wrongful Acts Coverage, if included in the policy, are subject to Annual
Adjustment of rates and premium on each anniversary of the policy.
Commercial Umbrella and Excess Liability, if included in the policy, may be subject to Annual Adjustment of
premium on each anniversary. Refer to the Commercial Umbrella or Excess Liability Coverage Part
Declarations form to see if this is applicable.
IA 102 A 09 08

MADISON, WI 53703-1080

DENVER, CO 80210-2608

IA 904 04 04
Your policy may contain coverage for certain losses caused by terrorism.
In accordance with the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, we are required to notify you of the portion of the
premium, if any, attributable to the coverage for terrorist acts certified under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act.
• Refer to the SUMMARY OF PREMIUMS CHARGED or DECLARATIONS PAGE for the portion of your
premium that is attributable to coverage for terrorist acts certified under the Act.
Federal Participation:
The Act also requires us to provide disclosure of federal participation in payment of terrorism losses.
• Under your policy, any losses caused by certified acts of terrorism would be partially reimbursed by the
United States Government, Department of Treasury, under a formula established by federal law. Under
this formula, the federal share equals a percentage, as specified in the Schedule below, of that portion of
the amount of such insured losses that exceeds the applicable insurer retention. However, if aggregate
insured losses attributable to terrorist acts certified under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act exceed $100
billion in a calendar year, the Treasury shall not make any payment for any portion of the amount of such
losses that exceeds $100 billion.
• Schedule:

Federal Share of Terrorism Losses

Percentage Calendar Year
85% 2015
84% 2016
83% 2017
82% 2018
81% 2019
80% 2020
Cap on Insurer Participation:
If aggregate insured losses attributable to terrorist acts certified under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act exceed
$100 billion in a calendar year and we have met our insurer deductible under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act,
we shall not be liable for the payment of any portion of the amount of such losses that exceeds $100 billion,
and in such case insured losses up to that amount are subject to pro rata allocation in accordance with
procedures established by the Secretary of the Treasury.

IA 4236 01 15

Please be advised that in your application for insurance you disclosed information to The Cincinnati Insurance
Company, The Cincinnati Casualty Company and The Cincinnati Indemnity Company. The information dis-
closed in the application and all information subsequently collected by any of these companies may be
shared among all three.

IP 446 08 01


This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:



A. Paragraph 2. of the Cancellation Common have foreseen the change or consid-

Policy Condition is replaced by the following: ered the risk in writing the policy;
2. We may cancel this policy by mailing or c. There have been substantial breach-
delivering to the first Named Insured writ- es of contractual duties, conditions or
ten notice of cancellation at least 10 days warranties; or
before the effective date of cancellation.
d. Nonpayment of premium.
If this policy has been in effect for less
than 60 days and is not a renewal policy, If this policy has been in effect for 60 days
we may cancel for any reason. or more or is a renewal of a policy we is-
sued, the notice of cancellation will state
If this policy has been in effect for 60 days the reason for cancellation.
or more or is a renewal of a policy we is-
sued, except as provided in Paragraph 7. B. The following is added to the Cancellation
below, we may cancel this policy only for Common Policy Condition:
one or more of the following reasons: 7. Anniversary Cancellation
a. The policy was obtained by material If this policy is written for a term of more
misrepresentation; than one year, we may cancel this policy
b. There has been a substantial change for any reason by mailing or delivering to
in the risk we originally assumed, ex- the first Named Insured written notice of
cept to the extent that we should cancellation at least 60 days before the
anniversary date of the policy. Such can-

Includes copyrighted material of Insurance

IA 4112 WI 11 18 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 1 of 3
cellation will be effective on the policy's 3. If we elect to rescind this policy, we will
anniversary date. notify the first Named Insured of our inten-
tion within 60 days after acquiring
We may cancel this policy because of the knowledge of sufficient facts to constitute
termination of an insurance marketing in- grounds for rescission.
termediary's contract with us only if the
notice of cancellation contains an offer to D. The following are added and supersede any
continue the policy with us if we receive a other provisions to the contrary:
written request from the first Named In-
sured prior to the date of cancellation. 1. Nonrenewal

C. The following applies to the: a. If we elect not to renew this policy we

will mail or deliver written notice of
COMMERCIAL CRIME COVERAGE PART nonrenewal to the first Named In-
COMMERCIAL INLAND MARINE COVER- sured's last mailing address known to
AGE PART us. We may elect not to renew for
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE any reason; the notice will state the
PART reason for nonrenewal. We will mail
FARM COVERAGE PART or deliver the notice at least 60 days
(1) The expiration date of this policy;
1. We may rescind this policy because of the or
(2) The anniversary date of this poli-
a. Misrepresentation made by you or on cy, if the policy is written for a
your behalf in the negotiation for or term of more than one year.
procurement of this Coverage Part, if
the person knew or should have We need not mail or deliver the no-
known that the representation was tice if:
false; (a) You have insured else-
b. Breach of affirmative warranty made where;
by you or on your behalf in the nego- (b) You have accepted re-
tiation for or procurement of this placement coverage;
Coverage Part;
(c) You have requested or
c. Failure of a condition before a loss if agreed to nonrenewal of this
such failure exists at the time of loss; policy;
(d) This policy is renewed in an
d. Breach of a promissory warranty if affiliate in compliance with
such breach exists at the time of WIS. STAT. §631.39; or
(e) This policy is expressly des-
2. We may not rescind this policy: ignated as nonrenewable.
a. For the reasons in Paragraphs C.1.a. b. We may refuse to renew this policy
and C.1.b. unless: because of the termination of an in-
(1) We rely on the misrepresenta- surance marketing intermediary's
tion or affirmative warranty and contract with us only if the notice of
the misrepresentation or affirma- nonrenewal contains an offer to re-
tive warranty is either material or new the policy with us if we receive a
made with intent to deceive; or written request from the first Named
Insured prior to the renewal date.
(2) The facts misrepresented or
falsely warranted contribute to c. If you fail to pay the renewal or con-
the loss. tinuation premium by the premium
due date, this policy will terminate on
b. For the reasons in Paragraphs C.1.c. the policy expiration or anniversary
and C.1.d. unless such failure or date, if we have:
(1) Given you written notice of the
(1) Increases the risk at the time of renewal or continuation premium
loss; or not more than 75 days nor less
than 10 days prior to the due
(2) Contributes to the loss. date of the premium; and

Includes copyrighted material of Insurance

IA 4112 WI 11 18 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 2 of 3
(2) Stated clearly in the notice the If we notify the first Named Insured within
effect of nonpayment of premium 60 days prior to the renewal date, the new
by the due date. terms or premiums will not take effect un-
til 60 days after the notice was mailed or
2. Anniversary Alteration delivered. The notice will include a state-
If this policy is written for a term of more ment of the first Named Insured's right to
than one year, we may alter the terms or cancel. The first Named Insured may
premiums of this policy by mailing or de- elect to cancel the renewal policy at any
livering written notice of less favorable time during the 60 day period, in accord-
terms or premiums to the first Named In- ance with Paragraph 1. of the Cancella-
sured's last mailing address known to us. tion Common Policy Condition. If the first
We will mail, by first class mail, or deliver Named Insured elects to cancel the re-
this notice at least 60 days prior to the an- newal policy during the 60 day period, re-
niversary date. turn premiums or additional premium
charges will be calculated proportionately
If we notify the first Named Insured within on the basis of the old premiums.
60 days prior to the anniversary date, the
new terms or premiums will not take ef- We need not mail or deliver this notice if
fect until 60 days after the notice was the only change adverse to you is a pre-
mailed or delivered. The notice will in- mium increase that:
clude a statement of the first Named In- a. Is less than 25% and is generally ap-
sured's right to cancel. The first Named plicable to the class of business to
Insured may elect to cancel the policy at which this policy belongs; or
any time during the 60-day period, in ac-
cordance with Paragraph 1. of the Cancel- b. Results from a change based on your
lation Common Policy Condition. If the action that alters the nature or extent
first Named Insured elects to cancel the of the risk insured against, including
policy during the 60 day period, return but not limited to a change in the
premiums or additional premium charges classification or the units of exposure,
will be calculated proportionately on the or increased policy coverage.
basis of the old premiums.
E. Special Provision - Cancellation and Non-
3. Renewal with Altered Terms renewal
If we elect to renew this policy but on less With respect to insurance provided under the
favorable terms or at higher premiums, Commercial Auto Coverage Part, we will not
we will mail or deliver written notice of the cancel or refuse to renew Liability Coverage
new terms or premiums to the first Named wholly or partially because of age, sex, resi-
Insured's last mailing address known to dence, race, color, creed, religion, national
us. We will mail, by first class mail, or de- origin, ancestry, marital status or occupation of
liver this notice at least 60 days prior to anyone who is an insured.
the renewal date.

Includes copyrighted material of Insurance

IA 4112 WI 11 18 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 3 of 3


This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:

All Commercial Lines Coverage Parts, Coverage Forms, Policies and Endorsements subject to the
federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act and any amendments and extensions thereto

A. The following definition is added with respect ceeds $100 billion, and in such case insured
to the provisions of this endorsement: losses up to that amount are subject to pro ra-
ta allocation in accordance with procedures
"Certified act of terrorism" means an act that is established by the Secretary of the Treasury.
certified by the Secretary of the Treasury, in
accordance with the provisions of the federal C. Application of Other Exclusions
Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, to be an act of
terrorism pursuant to the federal Terrorism The terms and limitations of any terrorism ex-
Risk Insurance Act. The criteria contained in clusion, or the inapplicability, omission or ab-
the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act for a "certi- sence of a terrorism exclusion, does not serve
fied act of terrorism" include the following: to create coverage for any loss which would
otherwise be excluded under this Coverage
1. The act resulted in insured losses in ex- Part, Coverage Form, Policy or Endorsement
cess of $5 million in the aggregate, attrib- such as losses excluded by:
utable to all types of insurance subject to
the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act; and 1. Exclusions that address war, warlike ac-
tion, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, mil-
2. The act is a violent act or an act that is itary action, nuclear hazard, nuclear mate-
dangerous to human life, property or in- rials, nuclear reaction, radiation, or radio-
frastructure and is committed by an indi- active contamination;
vidual or individuals, as part of an effort to
coerce the civilian population of the Unit- 2. Exclusions that address pollutants, con-
ed States or to influence the policy or af- tamination, deterioration, fungi or bacteria;
fect the conduct of the United States or
Government by coercion. 3. Any other exclusion,
B. Cap On Losses from Certified Acts of Ter- regardless if the "certified act of terrorism"
rorism contributes concurrently or in any sequence to
If aggregate insured losses attributable to ter- the loss.
rorist acts certified under the Terrorism Risk D. Sunset Clause
Insurance Act exceed $100 billion in a calen-
dar year and we have met our insurer deducti- If the federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act ex-
ble under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, pires or is repealed, then this endorsement is
we shall not be liable for the payment of any null and void for any act of terrorism that takes
portion of the amount of such losses that ex- place after the expiration or repeal of the Act.

Includes copyrighted material of ISO

Properties, Inc. and American Association
IA 4238 01 15 of Insurance Services, with their permission.


This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:

The Concealment, Misrepresentation or Fraud Condition is replaced by the following:

We will not pay for any loss or damage in any case of:
1. Concealment or misrepresentation of a material fact; or
2. Fraud;
committed by you or any other insured ("insured") at any time and relating to coverage under this policy.

Includes copyrighted material of ISO

IA 4337 CO 10 08 Properties, Inc., with its permission.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this policy has been signed by our President and Secretary in the City of Fairfield,
Ohio, but this policy shall not be binding upon us unless countersigned by an authorized representative of
ours. The failure to countersign does not void coverage in Arizona, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Secretary President

The signature on any form, endorsement, policy, declarations, jacket or application other than the signature of
the President or Secretary named above is deleted and replaced by the above signatures.

IA 4338 05 11
Where it may be stated that a policy shall not be valid or effective until countersigning on the Declarations
Page by a duly authorized agent of the company, this statement is not applicable to policies issued or deliv-
ered in Wisconsin.

IA 449 WI 01 89
As required by Wisconsin law, this notice is intended to make you aware that you may pay a substantial pen-
alty if you cancel this policy prior to its expiration date. Please carefully read the Policy Conditions.

IP 406 WI 01 90
PROBLEMS WITH YOUR INSURANCE? - If you are having problems with your insurance company or agent,
do not hesitate to contact the insurance company or agent to resolve your problem.
The Cincinnati Insurance Company
P.O. Box 145496
Cincinnati, Ohio 45250-5496
Toll Free 1-888-242-8811
Telephone (513) 870-2000
The Cincinnati Casualty Company
P.O. Box 145496
Cincinnati, Ohio 45250-5496
Toll Free 1-888-242-8811
Telephone (513) 870-2000
The Cincinnati Indemnity Company
P.O. Box 145496
Cincinnati, Ohio 45250-5496
Toll Free 1-888-242-8811
Telephone (513) 870-2000
The Cincinnati Life Insurance Company
P.O. Box 145496
Cincinnati, Ohio 45250-5496
Toll Free 1-888-242-8811
Telephone (513) 870-2000

You can also contact the OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE, a state agency which enforces
Wisconsin's insurance laws, and file a complaint. You can file a complaint electronically with the OFFICE OF
THE COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE at its website at, or by contacting:
Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
Complaints Department
P.O. Box 7873
Madison, WI 53707-7873

or you can call 1-800-236-8517 outside of Madison or 266-0103 in Madison, and request a complaint form.

IP427WI (1/18)
A Stock Insurance Company
Attached to and forming part of POLICY NUMBER: ENP 055 46 29
Named Insured is the same as it appears on the Common Policy Declarations unless otherwise stated here.

Loc. (address)

COVERAGE PROVIDED Applicable only when an entry is made
Coin- Covered Business
surance Cause Of Income
Item Coverage Limits Loss Indemnity
Inflation Replace- ment Cost Agreed Monthly Maximum Extended
Guard ment Cost Incl. Stock Value Limit Period Period
(%) (x) (x) (x) (fraction) (X) (Days)







DEDUCTIBLE: $500.00 unless otherwise stated $ 1,000

Item Name and Address

FM 502 07 08 ENP 055 46 29 Page 1 of 1


Begins on Page
SECTION A. COVERAGE ............................................................................................................................3
1. Covered Property ...........................................................................................................................3
a. Building ..................................................................................................................................3
b. Outdoor Signs........................................................................................................................3
c. Outdoor Fences .....................................................................................................................3
d. Business Personal Property.................................................................................................3
2. Property Not Covered ....................................................................................................................4
a. Accounts, Deeds, Money or Securities ...............................................................................4
b. Animals...................................................................................................................................4
c. Automobiles...........................................................................................................................4
d. Contraband.............................................................................................................................4
e. Electronic Data....................................................................................................................... 4
f. Excavations, Grading & Backfilling.....................................................................................4
g. Foundations ...........................................................................................................................4
h. Land, Water or Growing Crops ............................................................................................4
i. Paved Surfaces......................................................................................................................4
j. Property While Airborne or Waterborne .............................................................................4
k. Pilings or Piers.......................................................................................................................4
l. Property More Specifically Insured .....................................................................................4
m. Retaining Walls......................................................................................................................4
n. Underground Pipes, Flues or Drains...................................................................................4
o. Valuable Papers & Records and Cost to Research............................................................5
p. Vehicles or Self-Propelled Machines...................................................................................5
q. Property While Outside of Buildings...................................................................................5
3. Covered Causes of Loss..............................................................................................................5
a. Covered Causes of Loss.......................................................................................................5
b. Exclusions..............................................................................................................................5
c. Limitations............................................................................................................................11
4. Additional Coverages.................................................................................................................13
a. Change in Temperature or Humidity .................................................................................13
b. Debris Removal....................................................................................................................13
c. Fire Department Service Charge........................................................................................14
d. Fire Protection Equipment Recharge ................................................................................14
e. Inventory or Appraisal ........................................................................................................14
f. Key and Lock Expense .......................................................................................................15
g. Ordinance or Law ................................................................................................................15
h. Pollutant Clean Up and Removal .......................................................................................16
i. Preservation of Property.....................................................................................................16
j. Rewards................................................................................................................................16

Includes copyrighted material of Insurance

FM 101 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 1 of 40

Begins on Page
5. Coverage Extensions .................................................................................................................16
a. Accounts Receivable...........................................................................................................17
b. Business Income and Extra Expense................................................................................18
c. Collapse.................................................................................................................................21
d. Electronic Data.....................................................................................................................22
e. Exhibitions, Fairs or Trade Shows.....................................................................................23
f. Fences ..................................................................................................................................23
g. Fungi, Wet Rot, Dry Rot, and Bacteria - Limited Coverage.............................................23
h. Glass .....................................................................................................................................24
i. Newly Purchased, Leased or Constructed Property........................................................25
j. Nonowned Building Damage..............................................................................................26
k. Outdoor Property.................................................................................................................26
l. Personal Effects...................................................................................................................26
m. Property Off Premises.........................................................................................................27
n. Signs .....................................................................................................................................27
o. Trailers (Nonowned Detached)...........................................................................................27
p. Transportation .....................................................................................................................27
q. Utility Services.....................................................................................................................27
r. Valuable Papers and Records ............................................................................................28
s. Water Damage, Other Liquids, Powder or Molten Material Damage ..............................29
SECTION B. LIMITS OF INSURANCE.......................................................................................................29
SECTION C. DEDUCTIBLE........................................................................................................................29
1. Deductible Examples..................................................................................................................30
2. Glass Deductible.........................................................................................................................30
SECTION D. LOSS CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................30
1. Abandonment..............................................................................................................................30
2. Appraisal......................................................................................................................................30
3. Duties in the Event of Loss or Damage ....................................................................................30
4. Loss Payment..............................................................................................................................31
5. Recovered Property....................................................................................................................34
6. Vacancy........................................................................................................................................34
a. Description of Terms...........................................................................................................34
b. Vacancy Provisions.............................................................................................................34
7. Valuation ......................................................................................................................................34
SECTION E. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS .................................................................................................35
1. Coinsurance ................................................................................................................................35
2. Mortgage Holders .......................................................................................................................36
SECTION F. OPTIONAL COVERAGES.....................................................................................................36
1. Agreed Value ...............................................................................................................................37
2. Inflation Guard ............................................................................................................................37
3. Replacement Cost.......................................................................................................................37
SECTION G. DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................................38

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Various provisions in this policy restrict coverage. (a) Additions under construction, al-
Read the entire policy carefully to determine rights, terations and repairs to a cov-
duties and what is and is not covered. ered building;
Throughout this policy the words "you" and "your" (b) Materials, equipment, supplies
refer to the Named Insured shown in the Declara- and temporary structures, on or
tions. The words "we", "us" and "our" refer to the within 1,000 feet of the "premis-
Company providing this insurance. es", used for making additions,
alterations or repairs to a cov-
Other words and phrases that appear in quotation ered building.
marks have special meaning. Refer to SECTION
G. DEFINITIONS. b. Outdoor Signs
SECTION A. COVERAGE Your outdoor signs permanently installed
and not attached to a covered building,
We will pay for direct "loss" to Covered Property at and located within 1,000 feet of the
the "premises" caused by or resulting from any "premises".
Covered Cause of Loss.
c. Outdoor Fences
1. Covered Property
Your outdoor fences.
Covered Property, as used in this Coverage
Part, means the following types of property for d. Business Personal Property
which a Limit of Insurance is shown in the
Declarations: Your Business Personal Property consists
of the following property located in or on
a. Building the building or structure described in the
Declarations or in the open (or in a vehi-
Building, means the building or structure cle or portable storage unit) within 1,000
described in the Declarations, including: feet of the building or 1,000 feet of the
(1) Completed additions; "premises", whichever distance is greater.
Your Business Personal Property consists
(2) Fixtures, including outdoor fixtures; of the following unless otherwise specified
in the Declarations or on the BUSINESS
(3) Permanently installed: PERSONAL PROPERTY - SEPARA-
(a) Machinery and equipment; TION OF COVERAGE ENDORSEMENT.

(b) Building glass, including any let- (1) Furniture;

tering and ornamentation; (2) Machinery and equipment;
(c) Signs attached to a building or (3) "Stock";
structure that is Covered Proper-
ty; (4) All other personal property owned by
you and used in your business;
(d) Awnings and canopies;
(5) The cost of labor, materials or ser-
(4) Personal property owned by you that vices furnished or arranged by you
is used to maintain or service a cov- on personal property of others;
ered building or its "premises", in-
cluding: (6) Your use interest as tenant in im-
provements and betterments. Im-
(a) Fire extinguishing equipment; provements and betterments are fix-
(b) Outdoor furniture; tures, alterations, installations or ad-
(c) Floor coverings; and
(a) Made a part of the building or
(d) Appliances used for refrigerat- structure you occupy but do not
ing, ventilating, cooking, dish- own; and
washing or laundering;
(b) You acquired or made at your
(5) If not covered by other insurance: expense but cannot legally re-

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(7) Leased personal property used in e. Electronic Data
your business for which you have a
contractual responsibility to insure. Except as provided in SECTION A.
Such leased property is not consid- COVERAGE, 5. Coverage Extensions,
ered personal property of others in d. Electronic Data, "Electronic data".
your care, custody or control; This Paragraph e. does not apply to your
"stock" of prepackaged software or to
(8) Personal Property of Others that is in "electronic data" which is integrated in
your care, custody or control or for and operates or controls the building's el-
which you are legally liable. evator, lighting, heating, ventilation, air
conditioning or security system.
(a) This does not include personal
effects owned by you, your offic- f. Excavations, Grading & Backfilling
ers, your partners, or if you are a
limited liability company, your The cost of excavations, grading, backfill-
members or your managers, or ing or filling;
your employees (including g. Foundations
leased and temporary workers),
except as provided in 5. Cover- Foundations of buildings, structures, ma-
age Extensions, l. Personal Ef- chinery or boilers, if their foundations are
fects; below:
(b) This does not include property of (1) The lowest basement floor; or
others for which you are legally
liable as: (2) The surface of the ground, if there is
no basement.
1) A carrier for hire; or
h. Land, Water or Growing Crops
2) An arranger of transporta-
tion, including car loaders, Land (including land on which the proper-
consolidators, brokers, ty is located), water, growing crops or
freight forwarders, or ship- lawns (other than lawns which are part of
ping associations; and a vegetative roof);

(9) Sales samples. i. Paved Surfaces

2. Property Not Covered Bridges, roadways, walks, patios or other

paved surfaces;
Covered Property does not include:
j. Property While Airborne or Waterborne
a. Accounts, Deeds, Money or Securities
Personal property while airborne or wa-
Except as provided in SECTION A. terborne;
COVERAGE, 5. Coverage Extensions,
a. Accounts Receivable, Accounts, bills, k. Pilings or Piers
currency, deeds, food stamps or other ev- Pilings, piers, bulkheads, wharves or
idences of debt, "money", notes or "secu- docks;
l. Property More Specifically Insured
b. Animals
Property that is covered under another
Animals, unless coverage form of this or any other policy
(1) Owned by others and boarded by in which it is more specifically described,
you; or except as provided in G. Other Insur-
(2) Owned by you and covered as CONDITIONS;
"stock" while inside of buildings;
m. Retaining Walls
and then only as provided in 3. Covered
Causes of Loss, c. Limitations. Retaining walls that are not part of any
building described in the Declarations;
c. Automobiles
n. Underground Pipes, Flues or Drains
Automobiles held for sale;
Underground pipes, flues or drains;
d. Contraband
Contraband, or property in the course of
illegal transportation or trade;

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o. Valuable Papers & Records and Cost (5) Trees, shrubs or plants (other than
to Research trees, shrubs or plants that are
"stock" or part of a vegetative roof).
Except as provided in SECTION A.
COVERAGE, 5. Coverage Extensions, 3. Covered Causes of Loss
r. Valuable Papers and Records, the
cost to research, replace or restore the in- a. Covered Causes of Loss
formation on "valuable papers and rec- Covered Causes of Loss means direct
ords", including those which exist as "loss" unless the "loss" is excluded or lim-
"electronic data". ited in this Coverage Part.
This does not apply to "valuable papers b. Exclusions
and records" held for sale by you.
(1) We will not pay for "loss" caused di-
p. Vehicles or Self-Propelled Machines rectly or indirectly by any of the fol-
Vehicles or self-propelled machines (in- lowing, unless otherwise provided.
cluding aircraft or watercraft) that: Such "loss" is excluded regardless of
any other cause or event that con-
(1) Are licensed for use on public roads; tributes concurrently or in any se-
or quence to the "loss".
(2) Are operated principally away from (a) Ordinance or Law
the "premises".
Except as provided in SECTION
This paragraph does not apply to: A. COVERAGE, 4. Additional
Coverages, g. Ordinance or
(1) Vehicles or self-propelled machines Law , the enforcement of or
or autos you manufacture, process or compliance with any ordinance
warehouse; or law:
(2) Vehicles or self-propelled machines, 1) Regulating the construction,
other than autos, you hold for sale; use or repair of any building
(3) Rowboats or canoes out of water and or structure; or
located at the "premises"; or 2) Requiring the tearing down
(4) Trailers, but only as provided in of any building or structure,
SECTION A. COVERAGE, 5. Cov- including the cost of remov-
erage Extensions, o. Trailers ing its debris.
(Nonowned Detached). This exclusion applies whether
q. Property While Outside of Buildings "loss" results from:

The following property while outside of 1) An ordinance or law that is

buildings (except as provided in SEC- enforced even if the building
TION A. COVERAGE, 5. Coverage Ex- or structure has not been
tensions): damaged; or

(1) Grain, hay, straw or other crops; 2) The increased costs in-
curred to comply with an or-
(2) Signs, except: dinance or law in the course
of construction, repair, ren-
(a) Signs attached to a covered ovation, remodeling or
building or structure; demolition of any building or
(b) Signs for which a Limit of Insur- structure, or removal of its
ance is shown in the Declara- debris, following a direct
tions. "loss" to that building or
(3) Outdoor fences, except outdoor
fences for which a Limit of Insurance (b) Earth Movement
is shown in the Declarations; 1) Earthquake, including trem-
(4) Radio antennas, television antennas ors and aftershocks and any
or satellite dishes; including their earth sinking, rising or shift-
lead-in wiring, masts, and towers; ing related to such event;
and 2) Landslide, including any
earth sinking, rising or shift-
ing related to such event;

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3) Mine subsidence, meaning act of nature or is otherwise
subsidence of a man-made caused.
mine, whether or not mining
activity has ceased; (c) Governmental Action

4) Earth sinking (other than Seizure or destruction of proper-

"sinkhole collapse"), rising ty by order of governmental au-
or shifting including soil thority. However, we will pay for
conditions which cause set- "loss" caused by or resulting
tling, cracking or other dis- from acts of destruction ordered
arrangement of foundations by governmental authority and
or other parts of realty. Soil taken at the time of a fire to pre-
conditions include contrac- vent its spread, if the fire would
tion, expansion, freezing, be covered under this Coverage
thawing, erosion, improperly Part.
compacted soil and the ac- (d) Nuclear Hazard
tion of water under the
ground surface. Nuclear reaction or radiation, or
radioactive contamination, how-
But if Earth Movement, as de- ever caused.
scribed in (b)1) through 4)
above, results in fire or explo- (e) Utility Services
sion, we will pay for the "loss"
caused by that fire or explosion. 1) Except as provided in SEC-
5) Volcanic eruption, explosion Coverage Extensions, q.
or effusion. But if volcanic Utility Services, the failure
eruption, explosion or effu- of power, communication,
sion results in fire, building water or other utility ser-
glass breakage or volcanic vices supplied to the "prem-
action, we will pay for the ises", however caused, if
"loss" caused by that fire, the failure:
building glass breakage or
volcanic action. a) Originates away from
the "premises"; or
Volcanic action means di-
rect "loss" resulting from the b) Originates at the "prem-
eruption of a volcano when ises", but only if such
the "loss" is caused by: failure involves equip-
ment used to supply
a) Airborne volcanic blast the utility service to the
or airborne shock "premises" from a
waves; source away from the
b) Ash, dust or particulate
matter; or Failure of any utility service
includes lack of sufficient
c) Lava flow. capacity and reduction in
With respect to coverage for supply. "Loss" caused by a
Volcanic Action, all volcanic surge of power is also ex-
eruptions that occur within cluded if the surge would
any 168-hour period will not have occurred but for an
constitute a single occur- event causing the failure of
rence. power.

Volcanic action does not in- However, if the failure or

clude the cost to remove surge of power, or the fail-
ash, dust or particulate mat- ure of communication, wa-
ter that does not cause di- ter, wastewater removal or
rect "loss" to the described other utility service results in
property. a Covered Cause of Loss,
we will pay for that portion
This Earth Movement exclusion of "loss" caused by that
applies regardless of whether Covered Cause of Loss.
any of the above, in paragraphs
1) through 5), is caused by an Communication services in-
clude but are not limited to
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service relating to Internet 3) Water that has entered and
access or access to any then backs up through and
electronic, cellular or satel- is discharged from a sewer,
lite network. drain, septic system, sump
pump system or related
(f) War and Military Action equipment; or
1) War, including undeclared 4) Water under the ground sur-
or civil war; face pressing on, or flowing
2) Warlike action by a military or seeping through:
force, including action in a) Foundations, walls,
hindering or defending floors or paved surfac-
against an actual or ex- es;
pected attack, by any gov-
ernment, sovereign or other b) Basements, whether
authority using military per- paved or not; or
sonnel or other agents; or
c) Doors, windows or oth-
3) Insurrection, rebellion, revo- er openings.
lution, usurped power, or
action taken by governmen- 5) Waterborne material carried
tal authority in hindering or or otherwise moved by any
defending against any of of the water referred to in
these. Paragraphs (g)1), 3) or 4),
or material carried or other-
(g) Water wise moved by mudslide or
mudflow as described in
1) Flood, meaning the partial Paragraph (g)2).
or complete inundation of
normally dry land areas due This exclusion applies regard-
to: less of whether any of the above
in Paragraphs (g)1) through
a) The unusual or rapid (g)5) is caused by an act of na-
accumulation or runoff ture or is otherwise caused. An
of rain or surface wa- example of a situation to which
ters from any source; or this exclusion applies is the situ-
b) Waves, tidal waters, ation where a dam, levee, sea-
tidal waves (including wall or other boundary or con-
tsunami); or tainment system fails in whole or
in part, for any reason, to con-
c) Water from rivers, tain the water.
ponds, lakes, streams,
or any other body of However, if any of the above, as
water that rises above, described in Paragraphs (g)1)
overflows from, or is through (g)5), results in fire, ex-
not contained within its plosion or sprinkler leakage, we
natural or man-made will pay for that portion of "loss"
boundary; caused by that fire, explosion or
sprinkler leakage (if sprinkler
and all whether driven by leakage is a Covered Cause of
wind or not, including storm Loss).
(h) "Fungi", Wet Rot, Dry Rot, and
2) Mudslides or mudflows, Bacteria
which are caused by flood-
ing as defined above in 1) Presence, growth, prolifera-
Paragraph (g)1) above. tion, spread or any activity
Mudslide or mudflow in- of "fungi", wet or dry rot or
volves a river of liquid and bacteria. But if "fungi", wet
flowing mud on the surface or dry rot or bacteria results
of normally dry land areas in a "specified cause of
as when earth is carried by loss", we will pay for the
a current of water and de- "loss" caused by that "speci-
posited along the path of fied cause of loss".
the current;

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2) This exclusion does not ap- (c) Smoke, Vapor, Gas
Smoke, vapor or gas from agri-
a) When "fungi", wet or cultural smudging or industrial
dry rot or bacteria re- operations.
sults from fire or light-
ning; or (d) Miscellaneous Causes of Loss

b) To the extent that cov- 1) Wear and tear;

erage is provided in 2) Rust or other corrosion, de-
SECTION A. COVER- cay, deterioration, hidden or
AGE, 5. Coverage Ex- latent defect or any quality
tensions, g. "Fungi", in property that causes it to
Wet Rot, Dry Rot and damage or destroy itself;
Bacteria - Limited
Coverage with respect 3) Smog;
to "loss" from a cause
of loss other than fire or 4) Settling, cracking, shrinking
lightning. or expansion;

Exclusions b.(1)(a) through b.(1)(h) 5) Nesting or infestation, or

apply whether or not the "loss" event discharge or release of
results in widespread damage or af- waste products or secre-
fects a substantial area. tions, by insects, birds, ro-
dents or other animals;
(2) We will not pay for "loss" caused by
or resulting from any of the following: 6) Mechanical breakdown, in-
cluding rupture or bursting
(a) Electrical Current caused by centrifugal force.
However, if mechanical
Artificially generated electrical, breakdown results in eleva-
magnetic or electromagnetic en- tor collision, we will pay for
ergy that damages, disturbs, dis- that portion of "loss" caused
rupts or otherwise interferes with by that elevator collision; or
7) The following causes of loss
1) Electrical or electronic wire, to personal property:
device, appliance, system
or network; or a) Marring or scratching;
2) Device, appliance, system b) Except as provided in
or network utilizing cellular SECTION A. COVER-
or satellite technology. AGE, 4. Additional
Coverages, a. Change
For the purpose of this exclu- in Temperature or
sion, electrical, magnetic or elec- Humidity and 5. Cov-
tromagnetic energy includes but erage Extensions, q.
is not limited to: Utility Services;
1) Electrical current, including i) Dampness or dry-
arcing; ness of atmos-
2) Electrical charge produced phere; and
or conducted by a magnetic ii) Changes in or ex-
or electromagnetic field; tremes of tem-
3) Pulse of electromagnetic perature.
energy; or However, if an excluded cause
4) Electromagnetic waves or of loss listed in (2)(d)1) through
microwaves. 7) results in a "specified cause
of "loss" or building glass break-
However, if fire results, we will age, we will pay for that portion
pay for "loss" caused by that fire. of "loss" caused by that "speci-
fied cause of loss" or building
(b) Delay or Loss of Use glass breakage.
Delay, loss of use or loss of

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(e) Explosion of Steam Apparatus This exclusion applies whether
or not an act occurs during the
Explosion of steam boilers, hours of operation.
steam pipes, steam engines or
steam turbines owned or leased This Dishonest or Criminal
by you, or operated under your Acts exclusion does not apply to
control. However, if explosion of acts of destruction by your em-
steam boilers, steam pipes, ployees (including leased work-
steam engines or steam turbines ers or temporary employees) or
results in fire or combustion ex- by authorized representatives;
plosion, we will pay for that por- except theft by employees (in-
tion of "loss" caused by that fire cluding leased workers or tem-
or combustion explosion. We will porary employees) is not cov-
also pay for "loss" caused by or ered.
resulting from the explosion of
gases or fuel within the furnace (i) Voluntary Parting Under False
of any fired vessel or within the Pretense
flues or passages through which Voluntary parting with any prop-
the gases of combustion pass. erty by you or anyone else to
(f) Water Seepage whom you have entrusted the
property if induced to do so by
Continuous or repeated seepage any fraudulent scheme, trick,
or leakage of water or the pres- device or false pretense.
ence or condensation of humidi-
ty, moisture, or vapor that occurs (j) Exposure to Weather
over a period of 14 days or Rain, snow, ice or sleet to per-
more. sonal property in the open.
(g) Freezing of Plumbing (k) Collapse
Water, other liquids, powder or Collapse, including any of the
molten material that leaks or following conditions of property
flows from plumbing, heating, air or any part of the property:
conditioning or other equipment
(except fire protection systems) 1) An abrupt falling down or
caused by or resulting from caving in;
freezing, unless:
2) Loss of structural integrity,
1) You did your best to main- including separation of parts
tain heat in the building or of the property or property
structure; or in danger of falling down or
caving in; or
2) You drained the equipment
and shut off the supply if the 3) Any cracking, bulging, sag-
heat was not maintained. ging, bending, leaning, set-
tling, shrinkage or expan-
(h) Dishonest or Criminal Acts sion as such condition re-
Dishonest or criminal acts (in- lates to Paragraph (k)1) or
cluding theft) by you, any of your 2) above.
partners, members (if a limited But if collapse results in a Cov-
liability company), officers, man- ered Cause of Loss at the
agers, employees (including "premises", we will pay for "loss"
leased workers or temporary caused by that Covered Cause
employees) directors, trustees, of Loss.
or authorized representatives;
whether acting alone or in collu- This exclusion Collapse does
sion with each other or with any not apply:
other party; or theft by any per-
son to whom you entrust the 1) To the extent that coverage
property for any purpose, is provided under the SEC-
whether acting alone or in collu- TION A. COVERAGE, 5.
sion with any other party. Coverage Extensions,
c. Collapse; or
2) To collapse caused by one
or more of the following:
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a) The "specified causes (3) We will not pay for "loss" caused by
of loss"; or resulting from any of the following
in Paragraphs (3)(a) through (3)(c).
b) Breakage of building However, if an excluded cause of
glass; loss that is listed in Paragraphs (3)(a)
c) Weight of rain that col- through (3)(c) results in a Covered
lects on a roof; or Cause of Loss, we will pay for that
portion of "loss" caused by that Cov-
d) Weight of people or ered Cause of Loss:
personal property.
(a) Weather Conditions
(l) Pollutants
Weather conditions, but this ex-
Discharge, dispersal, seepage, clusion only applies if weather
migration, release, escape or conditions contribute in any way
emission of "pollutants" unless with a cause or event excluded
the discharge, dispersal, seep- in SECTION A. COVERAGE, 3.
age, migration, release, escape Covered Causes of Loss, b.
or emission is itself caused by Exclusions, (1)(a) through
any of the "specified causes of (1)(h) to produce the "loss".
loss". But if the discharge, dis-
persal, seepage, migration, re- (b) Acts or Decisions
lease, escape or emission of Acts or decisions, including the
"pollutants" results in a "speci- failure to act or decide, of any
fied cause of loss", we will pay person, group, organization or
for the "loss" caused by that governmental body.
"specified cause of loss".
(c) Defects, Errors, and Omis-
This exclusion does not apply to sions
"loss" to glass caused by chemi-
cals applied to the glass. 1) An act, error, or omission
(negligent or not) relating to:
m) Loss or Damage to Product
a) Land use;
We will not pay for "loss" to
Covered Property consisting of b) Design, specifications,
merchandise, goods or other construction, workman-
product caused by or resulting ship;
from error or omission by any
person or entity (including those c) Planning, zoning, de-
velopment, surveying,
having possession under an ar-
siting, grading, com-
rangement where work or a por-
paction; or
tion of the work is outsourced) in
any stage of the development, d) Maintenance, installa-
production or use of the product, tion, renovation, repair,
including planning, testing, pro- or remodeling
cessing, packaging, installation,
maintenance or repair. This ex- of part or all of any property
clusion applies to any effect that on or off the "premises";
compromises the form, sub-
stance or quality of the product. 2) A defect, weakness, inade-
quacy, fault, or unsound-
But if such error or omission re-
sults in a Covered Cause of ness in materials used in
Loss, we will pay for "loss" construction or repair of part
or all of any property on or
caused by that Covered Cause
of Loss. off the "premises"; or

(n) Neglect 3) The cost to make good any

error in design.
Neglect of an insured to use all
reasonable means to save and
preserve property from further
damage at and after the time of

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(4) Special Exclusions or cancellation of any license,
lease or contract beyond the
The Special Exclusions apply only to "period of restoration".
erage Extensions, b. Business In- (e) Any other indirect "loss".
come and Extra Expense; and if at-
tached to this policy, the following c. Limitations
coverage forms: BUSINESS IN- The following limitations apply to all policy
COME (AND EXTRA EXPENSE) forms and endorsements shown on the
PENSE) COVERAGE FORM, and otherwise stated:
FORM. (1) Limitations - Various Types of
We will not pay for:
We will not pay for "loss" to property
(a) Any "loss" caused by or resulting as described and limited in this sec-
from: tion. In addition, we will not pay for
1) Damage or destruction of any "loss" that is a consequence of
"finished stock"; or "loss" as described and limited in this
2) The time required to repro-
duce "finished stock". (a) Steam Apparatus
This Exclusion (4)(a) does not Steam boilers, steam pipes,
apply to Extra Expense. steam engines or steam turbines
caused by or resulting from any
(b) Any "loss" caused by or resulting condition or event inside such
from damage to radio or televi- equipment. But we will pay for
sion antennas (including satellite "loss" to such equipment caused
dishes) and their lead-in wiring, by or resulting from an explosion
masts or towers. of gases or fuel within the fur-
nace of any fired vessel or within
(c) Any increase of "loss" caused by the flues or passages through
or resulting from: which the gases of combustion
1) Delay in rebuilding, repair- pass.
ing or replacing the property (b) Hot Water Boilers
or resuming "operations",
due to interference at the Hot water boilers or other water
location of the rebuilding, heating equipment caused by or
repair or replacement by resulting from any condition or
strikers or other persons; or event inside such boilers or
equipment, other than an explo-
2) Suspension, lapse or can- sion.
cellation of any license,
lease or contract. However, (c) Building Interiors
if the suspension, lapse or
cancellation is directly The interior of any building or
caused by the "suspension" structure, or to personal property
of "operations", we will cov- in the building or structure,
er such "loss" that affects caused by or resulting from rain,
your "Business Income" snow, sleet, ice, sand or dust,
during the "period of resto- whether driven by wind or not,
ration" and any extension of unless:
the "period of restoration" in 1) The building or structure
accordance with the terms first sustains damage by a
of the Extended Business Covered Cause of Loss to
Income Additional Coverage its roof or walls through
and the Extended Period of which the rain, snow, sleet,
Indemnity Optional Cover- ice, sand or dust enters; or
age or any variation of
these. 2) The "loss" is caused by or
results from thawing of
(d) Any Extra Expense caused by or
resulting from suspension, lapse
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snow, sleet or ice on the (b) Contractors equipment, machin-
building or structure. ery and tools owned by you or
entrusted to you, provided such
(d) Theft of Building Materials property is Covered Property.
Building materials and supplies However, this limitation does not
not attached as part of the build- apply:
ing or structure, caused by or
resulting from theft. 1) If the property is located on
or within 1,000 feet of the
However, this limitation does not "premises"; or
apply to:
2) To Business Income cover-
1) Building materials and sup- age or to Extra Expense
plies held for sale by you; or coverage.
2) "Business Income" cover- (3) Limitation - Personal Property
age or Extra Expense cov- Theft
This Limitation does not apply to
(e) Missing Property "Business Income" coverage or to
Property that is missing, where Extra Expense coverage. For each
the only evidence of the "loss" is category described in Paragraph
a shortage disclosed on taking c.(3)(a) through (3)(d) below, the
inventory, or other instances most we will pay for "loss" in any one
where there is no physical evi- occurrence of theft to all property in
dence to show what happened that category, regardless of the types
to the property. or number of articles for that category
that are lost or damaged in that oc-
(f) Transferred Property currence, are the following special
Property that has been trans-
ferred to a person or to a place (a) $2,500 for Furs, fur garments
outside the "premises" on the and garments trimmed with fur.
basis of unauthorized instruc-
tions. (b) $2,500 for Jewelry, watches,
watch movements, jewels,
(g) Vegetative Roofs pearls, precious and semi-
precious stones, bullion, gold,
Lawns, trees, shrubs or plants silver, platinum and other pre-
which are part of a vegetated cious alloys or metals. This limi-
roof, caused by or resulting tation does not apply to jewelry
from: and watches worth $100 or less
per item.
1) Dampness or dryness of
atmosphere or of soil sup- (c) $2,500 for Patterns, dies, molds
porting the vegetation; and forms.

2) Changes in or extremes of (d) $250 for Stamps, tickets, includ-

temperature; ing lottery tickets held for sale,
and letters of credit.
3) Disease;
These special limits are not addition-
4) Frost or hail; or al Limits of Insurance.
5) Rain, snow, ice or sleet. (4) Limitation - System or Appliance
(2) Limitations - Various Property for
Specified Causes (a) We will not pay the cost to repair
any defect to a system or appli-
We will not pay for "loss" to the fol- ance from which water, other
lowing types of property unless liquid, powder or molten material
caused by the "specified causes of escapes; and
loss" or building glass breakage:
(b) We will not pay to replace the
(a) Animals, and then only if they substance that escapes as de-
are killed or their destruction is scribed in Paragraph c.(4)(a)
deemed necessary. above.

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But we will pay the cost to repair or (d) Remove debris of property
replace damaged parts of fire extin- owned by or leased to the land-
guishing equipment if the damage lord of the building where your
results in discharge of any substance "premises" are located, unless
from an automatic fire protection sys- you have a contractual respon-
tem, or is directly caused by freezing. sibility to insure such property
and it is insured under this Cov-
However, this Limitation c.(4)(a) does erage Part;
not apply to "Business Income" Cov-
erage or to Extra Expense Coverage. (e) Remove any property that is
Property Not Covered, including
4. Additional Coverages property addressed under 5.
Unless stated otherwise, SECTION C. DE- Coverage Extensions, k. Out-
DUCTIBLE does not apply to Paragraph 4. door Property.
Additional Coverages. (f) Remove property of others of a
Unless stated otherwise, these Paragraph 4. type that would not be Covered
Additional Coverages apply on a per location Property under this Coverage
basis. Part;

a. Change in Temperature or Humidity (g) Remove deposits of mud or

earth from the grounds of the
We will pay for direct "loss" to your cov- "premises".
ered Business Personal Property caused
by a change in temperature or humidity or (3) Subject to the exceptions in Para-
contamination by refrigerant resulting graph b.(4) below, the following pro-
from damage by a Covered Cause of visions apply:
Loss to equipment used for refrigerating, (a) The most we will pay for the total
cooling, humidifying, dehumidifying, air of direct "loss" plus debris re-
conditioning, heating, generating or con- moval expense is the Limit of In-
verting power (including their connections surance applicable to the Cov-
and supply or transmission lines and ered Property that has sustained
pipes) when located on the "premises". "loss".
This Coverage is included within the Lim- (b) Subject to Paragraph b.(3)(a),
its of Insurance shown in the Declara- the amount we will pay for debris
tions. removal expense is limited to
b. Debris Removal 25% of the sum of the deductible
plus the amount that we pay for
(1) Subject to Paragraphs b.(2), (3) and direct "loss" to the Covered
(4) of this Additional Coverage, we Property that has sustained
will pay your expense to remove de- "loss".
bris of Covered Property and other
debris that is on the "premises", (4) We will pay up to an additional
when such debris is caused by or re- $10,000 for debris removal expense
sults from a Covered Cause of Loss for each "premises", in any one oc-
that occurs during the "coverage currence of direct "loss" to Covered
term". The expenses will be paid only Property, if one or both of the follow-
if they are reported to us in writing ing circumstances apply:
within 180 days of the date of direct (a) The total of the actual debris
"loss". removal expense plus the
(2) Debris Removal does not apply to amount we pay for direct "loss"
costs to: exceeds the Limit of Insurance
on the Covered Property that
(a) Extract "pollutants" from land or has sustained "loss".
(b) The actual debris removal ex-
(b) Remove, restore or replace pol- pense exceeds 25% of the sum
luted land or water; of the deductible plus the
amount that we pay for direct
(c) Remove debris of property of "loss" to the Covered Property
yours that is not insured under that has sustained "loss".
this Coverage Part, or property
in your possession that is not Therefore, if Paragraph b.(4)(a) and/or
Covered Property; (4)(b) apply, our total payment for direct

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"loss" and debris removal expense may pense in this example is $20,500; $9,500 of
reach but will never exceed the Limit of the debris removal expense is not covered.
Insurance on the Covered Property that
has sustained "loss", plus $10,000. c. Fire Department Service Charge

(5) Examples When the fire department is called to

save or protect Covered Property from a
The following examples assume that Covered Cause of Loss, we will pay up to
there is no coinsurance penalty. $5,000 in any one occurrence for your li-
ability, which is determined prior to the di-
Example #1 rect "loss", for fire department service
Limit of Insurance $90,000 charges:
Amount of Deductible $500 (1) Assumed by contract or agreement;
Amount of "Loss" $50,000 or
Amount of "Loss" Payable $49,500
($50,000 - $500) (2) Required by local ordinance.
Debris Removal Expense $10,000
Debris Removal Expense Such limit is the most we will pay regard-
Payable $10,000 less of the number of responding fire de-
($10,000 is 20% of $50,000) partments or fire units, and regardless of
the number or type of services performed.
The debris removal expense is less than 25% This Coverage is in addition to the Limits
of the sum of the "loss" payable plus the de- of Insurance shown in the Declarations.
ductible. The sum of the "loss" payable and
the debris removal expense ($49,500 + d. Fire Protection Equipment Recharge
$10,000 = $59,500) is less than the Limit of (1) We will pay for the expenses you in-
Insurance. Therefore, the full amount of debris cur to recharge your automatic fire
removal expense is payable in accordance suppression system or portable fire
with the terms of Paragraph (3). extinguishers when the equipment is
Example #2 discharged:

Limit of Insurance (a) To combat a covered fire to

$90,000 which this insurance applies;
Amount of Deductible $500 (b) As a result of another covered
Amount of "Loss" $80,000 Cause of Loss other than fire; or
Amount of "Loss" Payable $79,500
($80,000 - $500) (c) As a result of an accidental dis-
Debris Removal Expense $30,000 charge.
Debris Removal Expense Payable
Basic Amount $10,500 (2) We will not pay your expenses to re-
Additional Amount $10,000 charge fire protection equipment as a
result of a discharge during testing or
The basic amount payable for debris removal installation.
expense under the terms of Paragraph (3) is
calculated as follows: $80,000 ($79,500 + (3) If it is less expensive to do so, we will
$500) x .25 = $20,000; capped at $10,500. pay your costs to replace your auto-
The cap applies because the sum of the "loss" matic fire suppression system or
payable ($79,500) and the basic amount pay- portable fire extinguishers rather than
able for debris removal expense ($10,500) recharge that equipment.
cannot exceed the Limit of Insurance The most we will pay in any one occur-
($90,000). rence under this Additional Coverage is
The additional amount payable for debris re- $25,000. This Coverage is in addition to
moval expense is provided in accordance with the Limits of Insurance shown in the Dec-
the terms of Paragraph (4), because the de- larations.
bris removal expense ($30,000) exceeds 25% e. Inventory or Appraisal
of the "loss" payable plus the deductible
($30,000 is 37.5% of $80,000), and because (1) We will pay the necessary expenses
the sum of the "loss" payable and debris re- you incur to prepare claim infor-
moval expense ($79,500 + $30,000 = mation as required by this Coverage
$109,500) would exceed the Limit of Insur- Part. Expenses must result from:
ance ($90,000). The additional amount of
covered debris removal expense is $10,000, (a) Taking inventories;
the maximum payable under Paragraph (4). (b) Making appraisals; and
Thus the total payable for debris removal ex-

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(c) Preparing a statement of loss (a) Loss of Use of Undamaged
and other supporting exhibits. Parts of Buildings
(2) We will not pay for any expenses: The costs you incur to rebuild at
the same "premises" any un-
(a) Incurred to prove that "loss" is damaged portion of your building
covered; or structure caused by enforce-
(b) Incurred under SECTION D. ment of or compliance with an
LOSS CONDITIONS, 2. Ap- ordinance or law requiring
praisal; demolition of undamaged parts
of the same building or structure.
(c) Incurred for examinations under We will only pay the costs to sat-
oath; isfy the minimum requirements
of the ordinance or law. Losses
(d) Billed by and payable to inde- and costs incurred in complying
pendent or public adjusters; or with recommended actions or
(e) To prepare claims not covered standards that exceed actual re-
by this Coverage Part. quirements are not covered.

The most we will pay for any one occur- (b) Demolition Costs
rence under this Additional Coverage is The costs you incur to demolish
$10,000. This Coverage is in addition to and clear the site of undamaged
the shown in the Declarations. parts of the same building or
f. Key and Lock Expense structure as a result of Para-
graph g.(1)(a) above.
(1) If a key or master key is lost, stolen,
or damaged, we will pay for: (c) Increased Costs of Construc-
(a) The actual expense of the new
keys; and 1) For buildings or structures
to which SECTION F. OP-
(b) The adjustment of locks to ac- TIONAL COVERAGES, 3.
cept new keys; or Replacement Cost applies,
the increased costs to com-
(c) If required, new locks, including ply with the minimum
the expense of their installation; standards of an ordinance
but only for locks at buildings or or law to:
structures covered by this Coverage a) Repair or reconstruct
Part. damaged portions of
(2) This Coverage does not apply to that building or struc-
keys that were given to former em- ture; and
ployees. b) Reconstruct or remodel
The most we will pay in any one occur- undamaged portions of
rence under this Additional Coverage is that building or struc-
Limit of Insurance $1,000. This Coverage ture whether or not
is in addition to the Limit of Insurance demolition is required;
shown in the Declarations. However, this increased
g. Ordinance or Law cost of construction applies
only if the building or struc-
(1) If a covered building or structure sus- ture is repaired, recon-
tains direct "loss" from a Covered structed or remodeled and
Cause of Loss, resulting in the en- is intended for occupancy
forcement of or compliance with an similar to the building or
ordinance or law that is in force at the structure it replaces, unless
time of "loss" and regulates the dem- such occupancy is not per-
olition, construction or repair of build- mitted by zoning or land use
ings or structures, or establishes zon- ordinance or law.
ing or land use requirements at the
"premises", then subject to SECTION 2) For this Paragraph g.(1)(c)
D, LOSS CONDITIONS, 4. Loss only, the increased costs to
Payment, we will pay: repair or reconstruct the fol-

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a) The cost of excava- migration, release, escape or emission of
tions, grading, backfill- the "pollutants" is caused by or results
ing and filling; from a Covered Cause of Loss that oc-
curs during the "coverage term". The ex-
b) Foundation of the build- penses will be paid only if they are re-
ing; ported to us in writing within 180 days of
c) Pilings; the date on which the Covered Cause of
Loss occurs.
d) Underground pipes,
flues and drains. This Additional Coverage does not apply
to costs to test for, monitor or assess the
The items listed in Para- existence, concentration or effects of "pol-
graphs g.2)a) through lutants". But we will pay for testing which
g.2)d) above are deleted is performed in the course of extracting
from SECTION A. COVER- the "pollutants" from the land or water.
AGE, 2. Property Not
Covered; The most we will pay under this Additional
Coverage for each "premises" is $10,000
(2) We will not pay for: for the sum of all covered expenses aris-
ing out of Covered Causes of Loss during
(a) Enforcement of or compliance each "coverage term". This Coverage is
with any ordinance or law which in addition to the Limit of Insurance
requires the demolition, repair, shown in the Declarations.
replacement, reconstruction,
remodeling or remediation of i. Preservation of Property
property due to contamination by
"pollutants" or due to the pres- If it is necessary to move Covered Prop-
ence, growth, proliferation, erty from the "premises" to preserve it
spread or any activity of "fungi", from imminent "loss" by a Covered Cause
wet or dry rot or bacteria; or of Loss, we will pay for any direct "loss" to
that property:
(b) The costs associated with the
enforcement of or compliance (1) While it is being moved or while tem-
with any ordinance or law which porarily stored at another location;
requires any insured or others to and
test for, monitor, clean up, re- (2) Only if the "loss" occurs within 60
move, contain, treat, detoxify or days after the property is first moved.
neutralize, or in any way re-
spond to, or assess the effects This Coverage is included within Limit of
of "pollutants", "fungi", wet or dry Insurance shown in the Declarations for
rot or bacteria. such Covered Property.
(3) We will not pay for "loss" due to any j. Rewards
ordinance or law that:
We will pay to provide a reward for infor-
(a) You were required to comply mation that leads to a conviction for ar-
with before the "loss", even if the son, theft, vandalism, or burglary. The
building or structure was un- conviction must involve a covered "loss"
damaged; and caused by arson, theft, vandalism, or bur-
(b) With which you failed to comply.
The most we will pay for "loss" in any one
(4) The terms of this Additional Cover- occurrence under this Additional Cover-
age apply separately to each building age is $10,000. This Coverage is in addi-
or structure covered by this Cover- tion to the Limit of Insurance shown in the
age Part. Declarations.
The most we will pay under this Additional 5. Coverage Extensions
Coverage is $10,000 per building. This is
in addition to the Limit of Insurance Unless amended within a particular Coverage
shown in the Declarations for the building Extension, each Extension applies to property
suffering "loss". located in or on the building described in the
Declarations or in the open (or in a vehicle or
h. Pollutant Clean Up and Removal portable storage unit) within 1,000 feet of the
We will pay your expenses to extract "pol- "premises".
lutants" from land or water at the "premis-
es" if the discharge, dispersal, seepage,
Includes copyrighted material of Insurance
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The limits applicable to the Coverage Exten- (b) Away From Your Premises
sions are in addition to the Limit of Insurance
shown in the Property Declarations. Limits of The most we will pay in any one
Insurance specified in these Extensions apply occurrence is $5,000, regardless
per location unless stated otherwise. of the number of locations, for
"loss" caused by a Covered
SECTION E. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS, 1. Cause of Loss to Accounts Re-
Coinsurance, does not apply to these Cover- ceivable while they are away
age Extensions. from your "premises".
a. Accounts Receivable This Away From Premises Limit
is in addition to the Limit of In-
SECTION C. DEDUCTIBLE does not ap- surance applicable to this Cov-
ply to this Coverage Extension. erage Extension.
(1) When you sustain direct "loss" to (4) SECTION A. COVERAGE, 3. Cov-
your accounts receivable records ered Causes of Loss, b. Exclu-
caused by a Covered Cause of Loss, sions does not apply to this Cover-
we will pay: age Extension, except as follows:
(a) All amounts due from your cus- (a) Exclusion (1)(c) Governmental
tomers that you are unable to Action;
(b) Exclusion (1)(d) Nuclear Haz-
(b) Interest charges on any loan re- ard;
quired to offset amounts you are
unable to collect pending our (c) Exclusion (1)(f) War and Mili-
payment of these amounts; tary Action.
(c) Collection expenses in excess of (5) In addition to Paragraph a.(4) of this
your normal collection expenses Coverage Extension, we will not pay
that are made necessary by the for "loss" resulting from any of the fol-
"loss"; and lowing:
(d) Other reasonable expenses that (a) Dishonest or criminal acts by:
you incur to re-establish your
records of accounts receivable. 1) You, your partners, employ-
ees, directors, trustees or
(2) Coverage does not apply to: authorized representatives;
(a) Records of accounts receivable 2) A manager or a member if
in storage away from the "prem- you are a limited liability
ises"; or company;
(b) Contraband, or property in the 3) Anyone else with an interest
course of illegal transportation or in the records of accounts
trade. receivable, or their employ-
ees or authorized repre-
(3) We will extend coverage to include: sentatives; or
(a) Removal 4) Anyone else entrusted with
If you give us written notice with- the records of accounts re-
in 30 days of removal of your ceivable for any purpose.
records of accounts receivable This Paragraph a.(5)(a) applies
because of imminent danger of whether or not such persons are
direct "loss" from a Covered acting alone or in collusion with
Cause of Loss, we will pay for other persons or such act occurs
"loss" while they are: during the hours of employment.
1) At a safe place away from However, this Paragraph a.(5)(a)
your "premises"; or does not apply to dishonest acts
2) Being taken to and returned of a carrier for hire or to acts of
from that place. destruction by your employees.
However, theft by employees is
This Removal coverage is in- still not covered.
cluded within the Limit of Insur-
ance applicable to this Coverage (b) Alteration, falsification, conceal-
Extension. ment or destruction of records of

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accounts receivable done to able for the month in which
conceal the wrongful giving, tak- the direct "loss" occurred or
ing or withholding of "money", for any demonstrated vari-
"securities" or other property. ance from the average for
that month.
This exclusion applies only to
the extent of the wrongful giving, (b) The following will be deducted
taking or withholding. from the total amount of ac-
counts receivable, however that
(c) Bookkeeping, accounting or bill- amount is established:
ing errors or omissions.
1) The amount of the accounts
(d) Electrical or magnetic injury, dis- for which there is no direct
turbance or erasure of "electron- "loss"; and
ic data" that is caused by or re-
sults from: 2) The amount of the accounts
that you are able to re-
1) Programming errors or establish or collect; and
faulty machine instructions;
3) An amount to allow for
2) Faulty installation or probable bad debts that you
maintenance of data pro- are normally unable to col-
cessing equipment or com- lect; and
ponent parts;
4) All unearned interest and
3) An occurrence that took service charges.
place more than 100 feet
from your "premises"; or The most we will pay for "loss" in any one
occurrence under this Coverage Exten-
4) Interruption of electrical sion is $25,000.
power supply, power surge,
blackout or brownout if the b. Business Income and Extra Expense
cause of such occurrence
took place more than 100 SECTION C. DEDUCTIBLE does not ap-
feet from your "premises". ply to this Coverage Extension.

But we will pay for direct "loss" (1) Business Income

caused by lightning. We will pay for the actual loss of
(e) Voluntary parting with any prop- "Business Income" and "Rental Val-
erty by you or anyone entrusted ue" you sustain due to the necessary
with the property if induced to do "suspension" of your "operations"
so by any fraudulent scheme, during the "period of restoration". The
trick, device or false pretense. "suspension" must be caused by di-
rect "loss" to property at a "premises"
(f) A "loss" that requires any audit caused by or resulting from any Cov-
of records or any inventory com- ered Cause of Loss. With respect to
putation to prove its factual ex- "loss" to personal property in the
istence. open or personal property in a vehi-
cle or portable storage unit, the
(6) Determination of Receivables: "premises" include the area within
(a) If you cannot accurately estab- 1,000 feet of the building or 1,000
lish the amount of accounts re- feet of the "premises", whichever is
ceivable outstanding as of the greater.
time of direct "loss", the following With respect to the requirements of
method will be used: the preceding paragraph, if you are a
1) Determine the total of the tenant and occupy only part of the
average monthly amounts site at which the "premises" are lo-
of accounts receivable for cated, for the purpose of this Cover-
the 12 months immediately age Extension only, your "premises"
preceding the month in is the portion of the building that you
which the direct "loss" oc- rent, lease or occupy, including:
curs; and (a) Any area within the building or
2) Adjust that total for any on the site at which the "premis-
normal fluctuations in the es" are located if that area ser-
amount of accounts receiv-
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vices or is used to gain access "operations", the amount we will
to the "premises"; and pay under this Coverage will be
reduced by the salvage value of
(b) Your personal property in the that property.
open (or in a vehicle or portable
storage unit) within 1,000 feet of (d) Extra Expense does not apply to
the building or 1,000 feet of the "loss" to Covered Property as
"premises", whichever is greater. described in the BUILDING
(2) Extra Expense COVERAGE FORM.
(a) We will pay Extra Expense you (3) Civil Authority
sustain during the "period of res-
toration". Extra Expense means When a Covered Cause of Loss
necessary expenses you sustain causes damage to property other
(as described in Paragraphs than Covered Property at a "premis-
(2)(b), (c) and (d)) during the es", we will pay for the actual loss of
"period of restoration" that you "Business Income" and necessary
would not have sustained if Extra Expense you sustain caused
there had been no direct "loss" by action of civil authority that prohib-
to property caused by or result- its access to the "premises", provided
ing from a Covered Cause of that both of the following apply:
(a) Access to the area immediately
(b) If these expenses reduce the surrounding the damaged prop-
otherwise payable "Business In- erty is prohibited by civil authori-
come" "loss", we will pay ex- ty as a result of the damage; and
penses (other than the expense
to repair or replace property as (b) The action of civil authority is
described in Paragraph (2)(c)) taken in response to dangerous
to: physical conditions resulting
from the damage or continuation
1) Avoid or minimize the "sus- of the Covered Cause of Loss
pension" of business and to that caused the damage, or the
continue "operations" either: action is taken to enable a civil
authority to have unimpeded ac-
a) At the "premises"; or cess to the damaged property.
b) At replacement "prem- This Civil Authority coverage for
ises" or temporary loca- "Business Income" will begin
tions, including reloca- immediately after the time of that
tion expenses and action and will apply for a period
costs to equip and op- of up to 30 days from the date of
erate the replacement that action.
location or temporary
location; or This Civil Authority coverage for
Extra Expense will begin imme-
2) Minimize the "suspension" diately after the time of that ac-
of business if you cannot tion and will end:
continue "operations".
1) 30 consecutive days after
(c) We will also pay expenses to: the time of that action; or
1) Repair or replace property; 2) When your "Business In-
or come" coverage ends;
2) Research, replace or re- whichever is later.
store the lost information on
damaged "valuable papers (4) Alterations and New Buildings
and records";
We will pay for the actual loss of
but only to the extent this pay- "Business Income" you sustain and
ment reduces the otherwise Extra Expense you incur due to direct
payable "Business Income" "loss" at the "premises" caused by or
"loss". If any property obtained resulting from any Covered Cause of
for temporary use during the Loss to:
"period of restoration" remains
after the resumption of normal

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(a) New buildings or structures, a) The date you could re-
whether complete or under con- store your "operations",
struction; with reasonable speed,
to the level which would
(b) Alterations or additions to exist- generate the business
ing buildings or structures; and income amount that
(c) Machinery, equipment, supplies would have existed if
or building materials located on no direct "loss" had oc-
or within 1,000 feet of the "prem- curred; or
ises" and: b) 60 consecutive days af-
1) Used in the construction, al- ter the date determined
terations or additions; or in b.(6)(a)1) above.

2) Incidental to the occupancy However, Extended Business

of new buildings. Income does not apply to loss of
"Business Income" sustained or
If such direct "loss" delays the start of Extra Expense incurred as a re-
"operations", the "period of restora- sult of unfavorable business
tion" for "Business Income" Coverage conditions caused by the impact
will begin on the date "operations" of the Covered Cause of Loss in
would have begun if the direct "loss" the area where the "premises"
had not occurred. are located.
(5) Newly Purchased or Leased Loca- Loss of "Business Income" must
tions be caused by direct "loss" at the
"premises" caused by or result-
We will pay the actual loss of "Busi- ing from any Covered Cause of
ness Income" you sustain and Extra Loss.
Expense you incur due to direct
"loss" to Covered Property at any lo- (b) For "Rental Value", if the neces-
cation you purchase or lease caused sary "suspension" of your "oper-
by or resulting from a Covered Cause ations" produces a "Rental Val-
of Loss. This coverage for the Newly ue" "loss" payable under this
Purchased or Leased Locations will Coverage Part, we will pay for
end when any of the following first the actual loss of "Rental Value"
occurs: you incur during the period that:
(a) This policy expires; 1) Begins on the date property
is actually repaired, rebuilt
(b) You report values to us; or replaced and tenantability
(c) 90 days pass from the date you is restored; and
acquire or begin to construct the 2) Ends on the earlier of:
Covered Property.
a) The date you could re-
(6) Extended Business Income store tenant occupan-
(a) For "Business Income" Other cy, with reasonable
Than "Rental Value", if the nec- speed, to the level
essary "suspension" of your which would generate
"operations" produces a "Busi- the "Rental Value" that
ness Income" or Extra Expense would have existed if
"loss" payable under this Cover- no direct "loss" had oc-
age Part, we will pay for the ac- curred; or
tual loss of "Business Income" b) 60 consecutive days af-
you sustain and Extra Expense ter the date determined
you incur during the period that: in b.(6)(b)1) above.
1) Begins on the date property However, Extended
(except "finished stock") is Business Income does
actually repaired, rebuilt or not apply to loss of
replaced and "operations" "Rental Value" incurred
are resumed; and as a result of unfavora-
2) Ends on the earlier of: ble business conditions
caused by the impact of
the Covered Cause of

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Loss in the area where The most we will pay for "loss" in any one
the "premises" are lo- occurrence under this "Business Income"
cated. and Extra Expense Coverage Extension
is $25,000.
Loss of "Rental Value" must
be caused by direct "loss" at c. Collapse
the "premises" caused by or
resulting from any Covered The coverage provided under this Cover-
Cause of Loss. age Extension applies only to an abrupt
collapse as described and limited in Par-
(7) Interruption of Computer Opera- agraphs c.(1) through c.(7) below.
(1) For the purpose of this Coverage Ex-
(a) Subject to all provisions of this tension only, abrupt collapse means
Coverage Extension, you may an abrupt falling down or caving in of
extend the insurance that ap- a building or structure or any part of a
plies to "Business Income" and building or structure with the result
Extra Expense to apply to a that the building or structure or part
"suspension" of "operations" of the building or structure cannot be
caused by an interruption in occupied for its intended purpose.
computer operations due to de-
struction or corruption of "elec- (2) We will pay for direct "loss" to Cov-
tronic data" as described in ered Property, caused by abrupt col-
SECTION A. COVERAGE, 5. lapse of a building or structure or any
Coverage Extensions, d. Elec- part of a building or structure insured
tronic Data. under this Coverage Part, or that
contains Covered property insured
(b) Paragraph b.(7)(a) does not ap- under this Coverage Part, if such col-
ply to "loss" sustained or ex- lapse is caused by one or more of
pense incurred after the end of the following:
the "period of restoration", even
if the amount of insurance stated (a) Building or structure decay that
in Paragraph b.(7)(c) has not is hidden from view, unless the
been exhausted. presence of such decay is
known or should reasonably
(c) The most we will pay under Par- have been known to an insured
agraph b.(7) of this Coverage prior to collapse;
Extension is $2,500 for all "loss"
sustained and expense incurred (b) Insect or vermin damage that is
in the "coverage term", regard- hidden from view, unless the
less of the number of interrup- presence of such damage is
tions or the number of "premis- known or should reasonably
es" or computer systems in- have been known to an insured
volved. If loss payment relating prior to collapse;
to the first interruption does not (c) Use of defective material or
exhaust this amount, then the methods in construction, remod-
balance is available for subse- eling, or renovation if the abrupt
quent interruptions in that "cov- collapse occurs during the
erage term". A balance remain- course of the construction, re-
ing at the end of a "coverage modeling, or renovation.
term" does not carry over to the
next "coverage term". With re- (d) Use of defective materials or
spect to an interruption that be- methods in construction, remod-
gins in a "coverage term" and eling, or renovation if the abrupt
continues or results in additional collapse occurs after construc-
"loss" or expense in a subse- tion, remodeling, or renovation is
quent "coverage term", all "loss" complete but only if the collapse
and expense is deemed to be is caused in part by:
sustained in the "coverage term"
in which the interruption began. 1) A cause of loss listed in
Paragraph c.(2)(a) or
This $2,500 coverage for Inter- c.(2)(b) of this Coverage
ruption of Computer Operations Extension;
does not increase the Limit of
Insurance provided in this Cov- 2) One or more of the "speci-
erage Extension. fied causes of loss";

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3) Breakage of building glass; is not the result of abrupt collapse of
a building or structure, we will pay for
4) Weight of people or person- direct "loss" to Covered Property
al property; or caused by such collapse of personal
5) Weight of rain that collects property only if:
on a roof. (a) The collapse of personal proper-
(3) This Coverage Extension does not ty was caused by a Cause of
apply to: Loss listed in c.(2)(a) through
c.(2)(d) of this Coverage Exten-
(a) A building or structure or any sion;
part of a building or structure
that is in danger of falling down (b) The personal property that col-
or caving in; lapses is inside a building; and

(b) A part of a building or structure (c) The property that collapses is

that is standing, even if it has not of a kind listed in Paragraph
separated from another part of c.(4) above of this Coverage Ex-
the building or structure; or tension, regardless of whether
that kind of property is consid-
(c) A building or structure that is ered to be personal property or
standing or any part of a building real property.
or structure that is standing,
even if it shows evidence of The coverage stated in this Para-
cracking, bulging, sagging, graph c.(5) does not apply to per-
bending, leaning, settling, sonal property if marring and/or
shrinkage or expansion. scratching is the only damage to that
personal property caused by the col-
(4) With respect to the following proper- lapse.
(6) This Coverage Extension does not
(a) Outdoor radio or television an- apply to personal property that has
tennas (including satellite dish- not abruptly fallen down or caved in,
es) and their lead-in wiring, even if the personal property shows
masts or towers; evidence of cracking, bulging, sag-
ging, bending, leaning, settling,
(b) Awnings, gutters and down- shrinkage or expansion.
(7) This Coverage Extension shall not
(c) Yard fixtures; increase the Limit of Insurance pro-
(d) Outdoor swimming pools; vided in this Coverage Part.

(e) Fences; (8) The term Covered Cause of Loss in-

cludes Collapse as described and
(f) Piers, wharves and docks; limited in Paragraphs c.(1) through
(g) Beach or diving platforms; in-
cluding their appurtenances; d. Electronic Data
(h) Retaining walls; and (1) This Coverage Extension does not
apply to your "stock" of prepackaged
(i) Walks, roadways and other software, or to "electronic data"
paved surfaces; which is integrated in and operates or
if an abrupt collapse is caused by a controls the building's elevator, light-
cause of loss listed in Paragraph ing, heating, ventilation, air condition-
c.(2)(a) through c.(2)(d), we will pay ing or security system.
for "loss" to that property only if: (2) We will pay for the cost to replace or
(a) Such "loss" is a direct result of restore "electronic data" which has
the abrupt collapse of a building been destroyed or corrupted by a
or structure insured under this Covered Cause of Loss that applies
Coverage Part; and to SECTION A. COVERAGE, 1.
Covered Property, d. Business
(b) The property is Covered Proper- Personal Property. To the extent
ty under this Coverage Part. that "electronic data" is not replaced
or restored, the "loss" will be valued
(5) If personal property abruptly falls at the cost of replacement of the me-
down or caves in and such collapse
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dia on which the "electronic data" f. Fences
was stored with blank media of sub-
stantially identical type. We will pay for direct "loss" caused by a
Covered Cause of Loss to your outdoor
(3) For the purposes of this Coverage fences that are located within 1,000 feet
Extension only, Covered Causes of of the "premises" and not otherwise in-
Loss include a virus, harmful code or sured as Covered Property in this Cover-
similar instruction introduced into or age Part.
enacted on a computer system (in-
cluding "electronic data") or a net- The most we will pay for "loss" in any one
work to which it is connected, that is occurrence under this Coverage Exten-
designed to damage or destroy any sion is $5,000.
part of the system or disrupt its nor- g. Fungi, Wet Rot, Dry Rot, and Bacteria -
mal operation. However, there is no Limited Coverage
coverage for "loss" caused by or re-
sulting from manipulation of a com- (1) The coverage described in Para-
puter system (including "electronic graphs g.(2) and g.(3) of this Cover-
data") by any employee, including a age Extension only apply when the
temporary or leased employee, or by "fungi", wet or dry rot or bacteria is
an entity retained by you or for you to the result of a Covered Cause of
inspect, design, install, modify, main- Loss that occurs during the "cover-
tain, repair or replace that system or age term" and only if all reasonable
"electronic data". means were used to save and pre-
serve the property from further dam-
(4) The most we will pay for all direct age at the time of and after that oc-
"loss" under this Coverage Exten- currence.
sion, regardless of the number of
"premises" or computer systems in- (2) We will pay for "loss" by "fungi", wet
volved, is $2,500. This limit is the or dry rot or bacteria. As used in this
most we will pay for the total of all di- Coverage Extension, the term "loss"
rect "loss" arising out of all occur- means:
rences that take place in the "cover-
age term". If loss payment on the first (a) Direct "loss" to Covered Property
occurrence does not exhaust this caused by "fungi", wet or dry rot
amount, then the balance is available or bacteria, including the cost of
for subsequent "loss" sustained in removal of the "fungi", wet or dry
the "coverage term". A balance re- rot or bacteria;
maining in a "coverage term" does (b) The cost to tear out and replace
not carry over to the next "coverage any part of the building or other
term". With respect to an occurrence property as needed to gain ac-
which begins in the "coverage term" cess to the "fungi", wet or dry rot
and continues or results in additional or bacteria; and
"loss" in a subsequent "coverage
term", all "loss" is deemed to be sus- (c) The cost of testing performed af-
tained in the "coverage term" in ter removal, repair, replacement
which the occurrence began. or restoration of the damaged
property is completed, provided
e. Exhibitions, Fairs or Trade Shows there is a reason to believe that
We will pay for direct "loss" caused by a "fungi", wet or dry rot or bacteria
Covered Cause of Loss to your Covered are present.
Property, including covered property of (3) For the coverage described under
others, while it is located at exhibitions, Paragraph g.(2) of this Coverage Ex-
fairs or trade shows. This Coverage Ex- tension, the most we will pay for
tension does not apply while Covered "loss", regardless of the number of
Property is in transit to or from the exhibi- claims, is $15,000. This limit is the
tion, fair or trade show. most we will pay for the total of all
The most we will pay for "loss" in any one "loss" arising out of all occurrences
occurrence is $10,000. that take place in the "coverage
term". With respect to a particular
The Limit of Insurance provided under occurrence of "loss" which results in
this Coverage Extension does not apply "fungi", wet or dry rot or bacteria, we
per location. will not pay more than a total of
$15,000 even if the "fungi", wet or dry
rot or bacteria continues to be pre-

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FM 101 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 23 of 40
sent or active, or recurs, in a subse- tion of "fungi", wet or dry rot or
quent "coverage term". bacteria prolongs the "period of
restoration", we will pay for
(4) The coverage provided under this "loss" and/or expense sustained
Coverage Extension does not in- during the delay (regardless of
crease the applicable Limit of Insur- when such a delay occurs during
ance on any Covered Property. If a the "period of restoration"), but
particular occurrence results in "loss" such coverage is limited to 30
by "fungi", wet or dry rot or bacteria, days. The days need not be
and other "loss", we will not pay consecutive.
more, for the total of all "loss" than
the applicable Limit of Insurance on (7) This Coverage Extension does not
the affected Covered Property. apply to lawns, trees, plants or
shrubs that are part of any vegetative
If there is covered "loss" to Covered roof.
Property, not caused by "fungi", wet
or dry rot or bacteria, loss payment h. Glass
will not be limited by the terms of this
Coverage Extension, except to the (1) If a Covered Cause of Loss occurs to
extent that "fungi", wet or dry rot or building glass that is Covered Prop-
bacteria causes an increase in the erty, we will also pay necessary ex-
"loss". Any such increase in the penses you incur to:
"loss" will be subject to the terms of (a) Put up temporary plates or
this Coverage Extension. board up openings if repair or
(5) The terms of this Coverage Exten- replacement of damaged glass
sion do not increase or reduce the is delayed;
coverage provided under: (b) Repair or replace encasing
(a) SECTION A. COVERAGE, 5. frames;
Coverage Extensions, c. Col- (c) Remove or replace obstructions
lapse; (except expenses to remove or
(b) SECTION A. COVERAGE, 5. replace window displays); and
Coverage Extensions, s. Wa- (d) Repair or replace alarm tapes.
ter, Other Liquids, Powder or
Molten Material Damage (2) If you are a tenant at a covered
"premises" and:
(6) The following (6)(a) or (6)(b) apply
only if "Business Income", "Rental (a) The building you occupy is not
Value", or Extra Expense Coverage Covered Property; and
applies to the "premises" and only if
the "suspension" of "operations" sat- (b) You are legally liable for direct
isfies all terms and conditions of the "loss" to the building glass in that
applicable "Business Income", building;
"Rental Value", or Extra Expense such building glass, for the purposes
Coverage. of this Paragraph h.(2), is Covered
(a) If the "loss" which resulted in Property. The most we will pay for
"fungi", wet or dry rot or bacteria "loss" in any one occurrence is
does not in itself necessitate a $5,000. This building glass is subject
"suspension" of "operations", but to the building deductible as de-
such "suspension" is necessary scribed in SECTION C. DEDUCTI-
due to "loss" to property caused BLE.
by "fungi", wet or dry rot or bac- (3) For the purposes of this Coverage
teria, then our payment under Extension only, SECTION A. COV-
"Business Income" and/or Extra ERAGE, 3. Covered Causes of
Expense is limited to the amount Loss, b. Exclusions does not apply
of "loss" and/or expense sus- except as follows:
tained in a period of not more
than 30 days. The days need not (a) Exclusion (1)(b) Earth Move-
be consecutive. ment;
(b) If a covered "suspension" of (b) Exclusion (1)(c) Governmental
"operations" was caused by Action;
"loss" other than "fungi", wet or
dry rot or bacteria but remedia-
Includes copyrighted material of Insurance
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(c) Exclusion (1)(d) Nuclear Haz- (b) Paragraph a.(2)(a) of this Cov-
ard; erage Extension does not apply
(d) Exclusion (1)(f) War and Mili-
tary Action; 1) Any business personal
property covered under
(e) Exclusion (2)(d)1) Wear and BUILDING AND PERSON-
(f) As listed in Exclusion (2)(d)2): AGE FORM, SECTION A.
Rust or other corrosion, hidden COVERAGE, 5. Coverage
or latent defect or any quality in Extensions, e. Exhibi-
property that causes it to dam- tions, Fairs, or Trade
age or destroy itself. Shows or m. Property Off
i. Newly Purchased, Leased or Con-
structed Property 2) Any business personal
property that is covered un-
(1) Buildings der BUILDING AND PER-
If buildings are Covered Property in ERAGE FORM, SECTION
this Coverage Part, we will pay for di- A. COVERAGE, 5. Cover-
rect "loss" caused by a Covered age Extensions, p. Trans-
Cause of Loss to: portation or is otherwise
(a) Your new buildings or additions considered to be in-transit
while being built on the "premis- to or from a "premises".
es"; 3) Business personal property
(b) Buildings you newly purchase or of others that is temporarily
become newly required to insure in your possession in the
by written contract that are: course of installing or per-
forming work on such prop-
1) Intended for use by you as erty, or temporarily in your
a warehouse; or possession in the course of
your manufacturing or
2) Similarly used by you as wholesaling activities.
buildings insured under this
Coverage Part. The most we will pay for "loss" in any
one occurrence to your Business
The most we will pay for "loss" in any Personal Property under this Cover-
one occurrence to a building under age Extension is $500,000 at each
this Coverage Extension is 1,000,000 building.
for each building.
(3) Period of Coverage
(2) Business Personal Property
Coverage provided under this Cover-
(a) If business personal property is age Extension will end when any of
Covered Property in this Cover- the following first occurs:
age Part, we will pay for direct
"loss" caused by a Covered (a) This policy expires,
Cause of Loss to business per-
sonal property you newly pur- (b) For buildings described in Para-
chase or are required to insure graph (1)(a) of this Coverage
by written contract: Extension, 90 days pass from
the date you begin construction
1) While located at buildings on that part of the building that
described in Paragraph would qualify as Covered Prop-
a.(1) of this Coverage Ex- erty;
tension; or
(c) For business property described
2) While located in a leased in Paragraph (1)(b) and Para-
building or space therein graph (2)(a)1), 90 days after
that you are not required to your purchase or lease;
insure. Such lease must be
for a period of 12 consecu- (d) For business personal property
tive months or longer. described in Paragraph (2)(a)2),
90 days from the effective date

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of the lease of the building but only if caused by or resulting from any
space in the building; or of the following causes of loss if they are
included as Covered Causes of Loss un-
(e) You report values to us. der this Coverage Part:
We will charge you additional premium for (1) Fire;
values reported from the date you lease
or purchase the property, or begin con- (2) Lightning;
struction on that part of the building that
would qualify as Covered Property. (3) Explosion;

j. Nonowned Building Damage (4) Riot or Civil Commotion;

If you are a tenant at a covered "premis- (5) Aircraft; or
es" and: (6) Falling objects.
(1) The building you occupy is not Cov- We will pay for the debris removal ex-
ered Property; and penses of the above type property that
(2) You are legally liable for direct "loss" are not your Covered Property if such de-
to that building; bris is on your "premises" due to the Cov-
ered Causes of Loss described in this
We will pay for direct "loss" to that build- Coverage Extension. If you are a tenant,
ing caused by burglary, robbery, theft or we do not pay debris removal expenses
attempted theft. for trees, plants or shrubs owned by the
landlord or owner of the building you oc-
This Coverage Extension does not apply cupy.
No other coverage for debris removal ex-
(1) Glass, including lettering and orna- penses provided in this Coverage Part
mentation, and also necessary: applies to this Outdoor Property Cover-
(a) Repair or replacement of encas- age Extension.
ing frames or alarm tapes; and The most we will pay for "loss" in any one
(b) Expenses incurred to board up occurrence under this Coverage Exten-
openings or remove or replace sion is $5,000, but not more than $1,000
obstruction. for any one tree, shrub or plant.

(2) Building materials and equipment l. Personal Effects

removed from the "premises". If business personal property is Covered
This Coverage Extension does not apply Property in this Coverage Part, we will
if you have purchased other insurance in pay for direct "loss" caused by a Covered
your name on the building you occupy as Cause of Loss to personal effects owned
required by the lease. by:

The most we will pay for "loss" in any one (1) You, your officers, or your partners,
occurrence under this Coverage Exten- or if you are a limited liability compa-
sion is $25,000. ny, your members or your managers;
k. Outdoor Property
(2) Your employees (including temporary
We will pay for direct "loss" caused by a and leased employees), including
Covered Cause of Loss to the following tools owned by your employees that
types of your Covered Property: are used in your business. However,
employee tools are not covered for
(1) Radio antennas, television antennas theft.
or satellite dishes (including their
lead-in wiring, masts and towers); This Coverage Extension does not apply
to "money" or "securities".
(2) Trees, shrubs or plants (other than
trees, shrubs or plants which are If theft is included as a Covered Cause of
"stock" or part of a vegetative roof), Loss under this Coverage Part, then this
including debris removal ; and Coverage Extension has a $500 per oc-
currence limitation for direct "loss" by
(3) If you are a tenant, to your awnings theft.
that are attached to a building you

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The most we will pay for "loss" in any one (a) While the trailer is attached to
occurrence under this Coverage Exten- any motor vehicle or motorized
sion is $10,000. conveyance, whether or not the
motor vehicle or motorized con-
m. Property Off Premises veyance is in motion;
(1) We will pay for direct "loss" caused (b) During hitching or unhitching
by a Covered Cause of Loss to your operations, or when a trailer be-
Covered Property, including covered comes accidentally unhitched
personal property of others, while it is from a motor vehicle or motor-
away from the "premises", if it is: ized conveyance.
(a) Temporarily at a location you do (3) This insurance is excess over the
not own, lease or operate; or amount due, whether you can collect
(b) In storage at a location you on it or not, from any other insurance
lease, provided the lease was covering such property.
executed for the first time after (4) This Coverage Extension does not
the beginning of the current apply to any property inside or on the
"coverage term". trailer.
(2) This Coverage Extension does not The most we will pay for "loss" in any one
apply to Covered Property at exhibi- occurrence under this Coverage Exten-
tions, fairs, trade show, or in transit. sion is $5,000.
The most we will pay for "loss" in any one p. Transportation
occurrence under this Coverage Exten-
sion is $10,000. We will pay for direct "loss" caused by a
Covered Cause of Loss to your Covered
The Limit of Insurance provided by this Property, including covered personal
Coverage Extension does not apply per property of others while it is in or on a ve-
location. hicle, including loading and unloading of
n. Signs the property.

We will pay for direct "loss" caused by a The most we will pay for "loss" in any one
Covered Cause of Loss, including debris occurrence is $10,000.
removal expense, to signs not otherwise The Limit of Insurance provided by this
insured by this Coverage Part. Coverage Extension does not apply per
The most we will pay for "loss" in any one location.
occurrence under this Coverage Exten- q. Utility Services
sion is $5,000.
We will pay for:
The Limit of Insurance provided by this
Coverage Extension does not apply per (1) Direct "loss" to Covered Property at
location. your "premises" except for direct
"loss" resulting from the partial or
o. Trailers (Nonowned Detached) complete failure of Wastewater Re-
(1) If business personal property is Cov- moval Services; and
ered Property in this Coverage Part, (2) Loss of "Business Income" you sus-
we will pay for direct "loss" caused by tain and Extra Expenses you incur as
a Covered Cause of Loss to trailers provided in SECTION A. COVER-
that you do not own, provided that: AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions, b.
(a) The trailer is used in your busi- Business Income and Extra Ex-
ness; pense;

(b) The trailer is temporarily in your caused by or resulting from the partial or
care, custody or control at the complete failure of utility services to the
"premises"; and "premises".

(c) You have a contractual respon- The partial or complete failure of the utility
sibility to pay for "loss" to the services listed below must be caused by
trailer. direct "loss" caused by a Covered Cause
of Loss to the following property:
(2) We will not pay for any direct "loss"
that occurs: (1) Power Supply Property, meaning the
following types of property supplying

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FM 101 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 27 of 40
electricity, steam or natural gas to the r. Valuable Papers and Records
(a) Utility generating plants; ply to this Coverage Extension.
(b) Switching stations; (1) Subject to Paragraph r.(3) of this
Coverage Extension, we will pay
(c) Substations; necessary costs you incur to re-
(d) Transformers; and search, replace or restore lost or
damaged information on "valuable
(e) Transmission, distribution, ser- papers and records" that are your
vice, or similar lines, excluding property or the property of others in
all such overhead lines of any your care, custody or control; result-
type. ing from direct "loss" caused by a
Covered Cause of Loss.
(2) Water Supply Property, meaning the
following types of property supplying (2) Coverage does not apply to:
water to the "premises":
(a) Property that cannot be replaced
(a) Pumping stations; and with other property of like kind
and quality;
(b) Water mains.
(b) Property held as samples or for
(3) Wastewater Removal Property, delivery after sale;
meaning a utility system for removing
wastewater and sewage from the (c) Property in storage away from
"premises", other than a system de- the "premises", except as pro-
signed primarily for draining storm vided in Paragraph r.(4)(b) of
water. The utility property includes this Coverage Extension;
sewer mains, pumping stations and
similar equipment for moving the ef- (d) Contraband, or property in the
fluent to a holding, treatment or dis- course of illegal transportation or
posal facility, and includes such facili- trade;
ties. Coverage under this Coverage (e) "Valuable papers and records" in
Extension does not apply to interrup- the form of "electronic data", in-
tion in service caused by or resulting cluding the materials on which
from a discharge of water or sewage the "electronic data" is recorded.
due to heavy rainfall or flooding.
(3) The most we will pay for "loss" is the
(4) Communication Supply Property, least of the following amounts:
meaning property supplying commu-
nication services, including service (a) The cost of reasonably restoring
relating to Internet access or access the damaged property to its
to any electronic, cellular or satellite condition immediately before the
network; telephone, radio, microwave "loss";
or television services to the "premis-
es", such as: (b) The cost of replacing the dam-
aged property with substantially
(a) Communication transmission, identical property; or
distribution, service or similar
lines, including fiber optic lines, (c) The actual cash value of the
excluding all such overhead damaged property at the time of
lines of any type; "loss".

(b) Coaxial cables; and However, we will not pay for "loss"
unless or until the damaged property
(c) Microwave radio relays, exclud- is actually replaced or restored; and
ing satellites. then only if such replacement or res-
toration occurs within 36 months from
This Coverage Extension does not apply the date of direct "loss".
to "loss" to "electronic data", including de-
struction or corruption of "electronic data". (4) We will extend coverage to include:
The most we will pay for all direct "loss" (a) Removal
and loss of "Business Income" and Extra
Expense in any one occurrence is If you give us written notice with-
$25,000. in 30 days of removal of your
"valuable papers and records"

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because of imminent danger of This Paragraph r.(6)(a) applies
direct "loss" from a Covered whether or not such persons are
Cause of Loss, we will pay for acting alone or in collusion with
direct "loss" while they are: other persons or such act occurs
during the hours of employment.
1) At a safe place away from
your "premises"; or However, this Paragraph r.(6)(a)
does not apply to dishonest acts
2) Being taken to and returned of a carrier for hire or to acts of
from that place. destruction by your employees.
This Removal coverage is in- However, theft by employees is
cluded within the Limits of Insur- still not covered.
ance applicable to this Coverage (b) Errors or omissions in pro-
Extension. cessing or copying. However,
(b) Away From Your Premises we will pay for that portion of di-
rect "loss" caused by resulting
We will pay up to $5,000 in any fire or explosion if these causes
one occurrence, regardless of of loss would be covered by this
the number of locations, for di- Coverage Part.
rect "loss" caused by a Covered
Cause of Loss to "valuable pa- (c) Electrical or magnetic injury, dis-
pers and records" while they are turbance or erasure of electronic
away from your "premises". recordings. But we will pay for
direct "loss" caused by lightning.
This Away From Premises limit
is in addition to the Limit of In- (d) Voluntary parting with any prop-
surance applicable to this Cov- erty by you or anyone entrusted
erage Extension. with the property if induced to do
so by any fraudulent scheme,
(5) SECTION A. COVERAGE, 3. Cov- trick, device or false pretense.
ered Causes of Loss, b. Exclu-
sions does not apply to this Cover- The most we will pay for "loss" in any one
age Extension except as follows: occurrence is $25,000.

(a) Exclusion (1)(c) Governmental s. Water Damage, Other Liquids, Powder

Action; or Molten Material Damage

(b) Exclusion (1)(d) Nuclear Haz- If a covered direct "loss" to which this in-
ard; and surance applies was caused by or result-
ed from water or other liquid, powder or
(c) Exclusion (1)(f) War and Mili- molten material damage, we will also pay
tary Action. the cost to tear out and replace any oth-
erwise undamaged part of the building or
(6) In addition to Paragraph r.(5) of this structure to repair damage to the system
Coverage Extension, we will not pay or appliance from which the water or oth-
for direct "loss" resulting from any of er substance escapes.
the following:
(a) Dishonest or criminal acts by:
The most we will pay for "loss" in any one occur-
1) You, your partners, employ- rence is the applicable Limit of Insurance shown in
ees, directors, trustees or the Declarations, except as amended in SECTION
authorized representatives; A. COVERAGE, 3. Covered Causes of Loss, c.
2) A manager or a member if Limitations, 4. Additional Coverages, and 5.
you are a limited liability Coverage Extensions.
3) Anyone else with an interest Except as otherwise provided; in any one occur-
in the records of accounts rence of direct "loss" we will first reduce the
receivable, or their employ- amount of "loss" if required by SECTION E. ADDI-
ees or authorized repre- TIONAL CONDITIONS, 1. Coinsurance or SEC-
sentatives; or TION F. OPTIONAL COVERAGES, 1. Agreed
4) Anyone else entrusted with Value. If the adjusted amount of direct "loss" is
the records of accounts re- less than or equal to the Deductible, we will not
ceivable for any purpose. pay for that direct "loss". If the adjusted amount of
direct "loss" exceeds the Deductible, we will then
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subtract the Deductible from the adjusted amount 2. Glass Deductible
of direct "loss", and will pay the resulting amount or
the Limit of Insurance, whichever is less. When direct "loss" to the building you occupy
only involves building glass, the Deductible for
When the occurrence involves direct "loss" to more that "loss" will be the lesser of:
than one item of Covered Property and separate
Limits of Insurance apply, the losses will not be a. $500; or
combined in determining application of the Deduct- b. The Deductible shown in the Declarations
ible. But the Deductible will be applied only once for that Covered Property.
per occurrence.
1. Deductible Examples
The following conditions apply in addition to the
(This example assumes there is no coinsur- MERCIAL PROPERTY CONDITIONS.
ance penalty as outlined in SECTION E. AD-
1. Abandonment
There can be no abandonment of any property
Deductible: $250
to us.
Limit of Insurance - Bldg. 1: $60,000
Limit of Insurance - Bldg. 2: $80,000 2. Appraisal

"Loss" to Bldg. 1: $60,100 If we and you disagree on the value of the

property, the amount of Net Income and oper-
"Loss" to Bldg. 2: $90,000
ating expense, or the amount of "loss", either
The amount of "loss" to Bldg. 1 ($60,100) is may make written demand for an appraisal of
less than the sum ($60,250) of the Limit of In- the "loss". In this event, each party will select
surance applicable to Bldg. 1 plus the Deduct- a competent and impartial appraiser. The two
ible. appraisers will select an umpire. If they cannot
agree, either may request that selection be
The Deductible will be subtracted from the made by a judge of a court having jurisdiction.
amount of "loss" in calculating the "loss" pay- The appraisers will state separately the value
able for Bldg. 1: of the property, the amount of Net Income and
$60,100 - $250 = $59,850 "Loss" Payable - operating expense, and amount of "loss". If
Bldg. 1 they fail to agree, they will submit their differ-
ences to the umpire. A decision agreed to by
The Deductible applies once per occurrence any two will be binding. Each party will:
and therefore is not subtracted in determining
the amount of "loss" payable for Bldg. 2. a. Pay its chosen appraiser; and
"Loss" payable for Bldg. 2 is the Limit of In- b. Bear the other expenses of the appraisal
surance of $80,000. and umpire equally.
Total amount of "loss" payable: $59,850 + If there is an appraisal, we still retain our right
80,000 = $139,850. to deny the claim.
Example No. 2: 3. Duties in the Event of Loss or Damage
(This example also assumes there is no coin- a. In the event of "loss" to Covered Property,
surance penalty). you must see that the following are done
The Deductible and Limits of Insurance are in order for coverage to apply:
the same as those in Example No. 1: (1) Notify the police if a law may have
"Loss" to Bldg. 1: $70,000 (Exceeds Limit of been broken.
Insurance plus Deductible) (2) Give us prompt notice of the "loss".
"Loss" to Bldg. 2: $90,000 (Exceeds Limit of Include a description of the property
Insurance plus Deductible) involved.

"Loss" Payable - Bldg. 1: $60,000 (Limit of (3) As soon as possible, give us a de-
Insurance) scription of how, when and where the
"loss" occurred.
"Loss" Payable - Bldg. 2: $80,000 (Limit of
Insurance) (4) Take all reasonable steps to protect
the Covered Property from further
Total amount of "loss" payable: $140,000. damage. If feasible, set the damaged
property aside and in the best possi-
ble order for examination. Keep a

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record of your expenses necessary We will determine the value of lost or
to protect the Covered Property for damaged property, or the cost of its repair
consideration in the settlement of the or replacement, in accordance with the
claim. This will not increase your limit applicable terms of SECTION D. LOSS
of insurance. However, in no event CONDITIONS, 7. Valuation or any appli-
will we pay for any subsequent "loss" cable provision that amends or super-
resulting from a cause of loss that is cedes this valuation condition.
not a Covered Cause of Loss.
b. The cost of repair or replacement does
(5) At our request, give us complete in- not include the increased cost attributable
ventories of the damaged and un- to enforcement of or compliance with any
damaged property. Include quanti- ordinance or law regulating the construc-
ties, costs, values and amount of tion, use or repair of any property, except
"loss" claimed. as provided in SECTION A. COVERAGE,
4. Additional Coverages, g. Ordinance
(6) As often as may be reasonably re- or Law.
quired, permit us to inspect the prop-
erty proving the "loss" and examine c. We will give notice of our intentions within
your books and records. 30 days after we receive the sworn proof
of loss.
Also permit us to take samples of
damaged and undamaged property d. We will not pay you more than your finan-
for inspection, testing and analysis cial interest in the Covered Property.
and permit us to make copies from
your books and records. e. We may adjust "losses" with the owners
of lost or damaged property if other than
(7) Submit a signed sworn proof of loss you. If we pay the owners, such payments
containing the information we request will satisfy your claims against us for the
to investigate the claim. You must do owners' property. We will not pay the
this within 60 days after our request. owners more than their financial interest
We will supply you with the neces- in the Covered Property.
sary forms.
f. Our payment for "loss" to personal prop-
(8) Cooperate with us in the investigation erty of others and personal effects will on-
or settlement of the claim. ly be for the account of the owner of the
(9) If you intend to continue your busi-
ness, you must resume all or part of g. We may elect to defend you against suits
your "operations" as quickly as pos- arising from claims of owners of property.
sible. We will do this at our expense.
b. We may examine any insured under oath, h. We will pay for insured "loss" within 30
while not in the presence of any other in- days after we receive the sworn proof of
sured and at such times as may be rea- loss if you have complied with all of the
sonably required about any matter relat- terms of this Coverage Part; and
ing to this insurance or the claim, includ-
ing an insured's books and records. In the (1) We have reached agreement with
event of an examination, an insured's an- you on the amount of "loss"; or
swers must be signed. (2) An appraisal award has been made.
4. Loss Payment i. Loss Payment - Ordinance or Law.
a. In the event of "loss" insured by this Cov- With respect to SECTION A. COVER-
erage Part, at our option, we will either: AGE, 4. Additional Coverages, g. Ordi-
(1) Pay the value of lost or damaged nance or Law:
property; (1) Loss of Use of Undamaged Parts
(2) Pay the cost of repairing or replacing of Building
the lost or damaged property; When there is a loss in value of an
(3) Take all or any part of the property at undamaged portion of a building or
an agreed or appraised value; or structure to which this coverage ap-
plies, the loss payment for that build-
(4) Repair, rebuild or replace the proper- ing, including damaged and undam-
ty with other property of like kind and aged portions, will be determined as
quality. follows:

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(a) If BUILDING AND PERSONAL (b) The limit of insurance indicated
FORM, SECTION F. OPTIONAL Additional Coverages, g. Or-
COVERAGES, 3. Replacement dinance or Law for Demolition
Cost applies and the property is Costs for the building that has
repaired or replaced, on the suffered "loss".
same "premises" or another
"premises"; we will not pay more (3) Increased Costs of Construction
than the lesser of: Loss payment for Increased Costs
1) The amount you actually of Construction will be determined
spend to repair, rebuild or as follows:
reconstruct the building, but (a) We will not pay for the increased
not for more than the cost of construction until the
amount it would cost to re- property is actually repaired or
store the building on the replaced, at the same "premis-
same "premises" and to the es" or another location and un-
same height, floor area, less the repairs or replacement
style and comparable quali- are made as soon as reasonably
ty of the original property in- possible after the direct "loss",
sured; or not to exceed two years. We
2) The limit of insurance indi- may extend this period in writing
cated in SECTION A. during the two years.
COVERAGE, 4. Additional (b) If the building is repaired or re-
Coverages g. Ordinance placed at the same "premises",
or Law for Loss of Use of or if you elect to rebuild at an-
Undamaged Parts of other "premises", the most we
Building for the building will pay for the Increased cost
that has suffered "loss". of construction is the lesser of:
(b) If BUILDING AND PERSONAL 1) The increased cost of con-
PROPERTY COVERAGE struction at the same "prem-
COVERAGES, 3. Replacement
Cost applies and the property is 2) The limit of insurance indi-
not repaired or replaced, or if the cated in SECTION A.
Replacement Cost Coverage COVERAGE, 4. Additional
Option does not apply, we will Coverages, g. Ordinance
not pay more than the lesser of: or Law for Increased
Costs of Construction for
1) The "actual cash value" of the building that has suf-
the building at the time of fered "loss".
"loss"; or
(c) If the ordinance or law requires
2) The limit of insurance indi- relocation to another location the
cated in SECTION A. most we will pay for the in-
COVERAGE, 4. Additional creased cost of construction is
Coverages, g. Ordinance the lesser of:
or Law for Loss of Use of
Undamaged Parts of 1) The increased cost of con-
Building for the building struction at the new loca-
that has suffered "loss". tion; or
(2) Demolition Costs 2) The limit of insurance indi-
cated in SECTION A.
Loss payment for Demolition Costs COVERAGE, 4. Additional
will be determined as follows: Coverages, g. Ordinance
We will not pay more than the lesser or Law for Increased
of the following: Costs of Construction for
the building that has suf-
(a) The amount you actually spend fered "loss".
to demolish and clear the site of
the "premises"; or (4) Proportional Payments
If the building or structure sustains
both direct "loss" that is covered un-
Includes copyrighted material of Insurance
FM 101 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 32 of 40
der this Coverage Part and direct had occurred. We will deduct
"loss" that is not covered under this from the total of such expenses:
Coverage Part; and as a result of the
direct "loss" in its entirety you are re- 1) The salvage value that re-
quired to comply with the ordinance mains of any property
or law, we will not pay the full amount bought for temporary use
of direct "loss" otherwise payable un- during the "period of resto-
der the terms of SECTION A. COV- ration", once "operations"
ERAGE, 4. Additional Coverages, are resumed; and
g. Ordinance or Law. Instead, we 2) Any Extra Expense that is
will pay a proportion of such direct paid for by other insurance,
"loss"; meaning the proportion that except for insurance that is
the covered direct "loss" bears to the written subject to the same
total direct "loss". plan, terms, conditions and
j. Loss Determination - Business Income provisions as this insurance;
and Extra Expense and

With respect to SECTION A. COVER- (b) Necessary expenses that reduce

AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions, b. Busi- the "Business Income" and
ness Income and Extra Expense, "Rental Value" "loss" that other-
wise would have been incurred.
(1) The amount of "Business Income"
and "Rental Value" "loss" will be de- (3) Resumption of Operations
termined based on: We will reduce the amount of your:
(a) The Net Income of the business (a) "Business Income" and "Rental
before the direct "loss" occurred; Value" "loss", other than Extra
(b) The likely Net Income of the Expense, to the extent you can
business if no direct "loss" had resume your "operations", in
occurred, but not including any whole or in part, by using dam-
Net Income that would likely aged or undamaged property
have been earned as a result of (including merchandise or
an increase in the volume of "stock") at the "premises" or
business due to favorable busi- elsewhere.
ness conditions caused by the (b) Extra Expense "loss" to the ex-
impact of the Covered Cause of tent you can return "operations"
Loss on customers or on other to normal and discontinue such
businesses; Extra Expense.
(c) The operating expenses, includ- (4) If you do not resume "operations", or
ing payroll expenses, necessary do not resume "operations" as quick-
to resume "operations" with the ly as possible, we will pay based on
same quality of service that ex- the length of time it would have taken
isted just before the direct "loss"; to resume "operations" as quickly as
and possible.
(d) Other relevant sources of infor- k. Party Walls
mation, including;
A party wall is a wall that separates and is
1) Your financial records and common to adjoining buildings that are
accounting procedures; owned by different parties. In settling
2) Bills, invoices and other covered losses involving a party wall, we
vouchers; and will pay a proportion of the "loss" to the
party wall based on your interest in the
3) Deeds, liens or contracts. wall in proportion to the interest of the
owner of the adjoining building. However,
(2) The amount of Extra Expense will be if you elect to repair or replace your build-
determined based on: ing and the owner of the adjoining build-
(a) All expenses that exceed the ing elects not to repair or replace that
normal operating expenses that building, we will pay you the full value of
would have been incurred by the "loss" to the party wall, subject to all
"operations" during the "period applicable policy provisions all other pro-
of restoration" if no direct "loss" visions of this SECTION D. LOSS CON-
DITIONS, 4. Loss Payment including:

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(1) Limit of Insurance shown in the Dec- (2) Buildings under construction or reno-
larations; vation are not considered vacant.
(2) SECTION D. LOSS CONDITIONS, b. Vacancy Provisions
7. Valuation; and
If the building where direct "loss" occurs
(3) SECTION E. ADDITIONAL CONDI- has been vacant for more than 60 con-
TIONS, 1. Coinsurance. secutive days before that "loss", we will:
Our payment under the provisions of this (1) Not pay for any "loss" caused by any
paragraph does not alter any right of sub- of the following, even if they are
rogation we may have against any entity, Covered Causes of Loss:
including the owner or insurer of the ad-
joining building, and does not alter the (a) Vandalism;
terms of COMMERCIAL PROPERTY (b) Sprinkler leakage, unless you
CONDITIONS, I. Transfer Of Rights Of have protected the system
Recovery Against Others To Us in this against freezing;
Coverage Part.
(c) Building glass breakage;
5. Recovered Property
(d) Water damage;
If either you or we recover any property after
loss settlement, that party must give the other (e) Theft; or
prompt notice. At your option, the property will
be returned to you. You must then return to us (f) Attempted theft.
the amount we paid to you for the property. (2) Reduce the amount we would other-
We will pay recovery expenses and the ex- wise pay for the "loss" by 15% with
penses to repair the recovered property, sub- respect to Covered Causes of Loss
ject to the Limit of Insurance. other than those listed in b.(1)(a)
6. Vacancy through b.(1)(f) of this Loss Condi-
a. Description of Terms
7. Valuation
(1) As used in this Vacancy Condition,
the term building and the term vacant We will determine the value of Covered Prop-
have the meanings set forth in (1)(a) erty in the event of direct "loss" as follows:
and (1)(b) below: a. At "Actual Cash Value" as of the time of
(a) When this Coverage Part is is- direct "loss", except as provided in b., c.,
sued to a tenant, and with re- d., and e. below.
spect to that tenant's interest in b. If the Limit of Insurance for Building satis-
Covered Property, building fies SECTION E. ADDITIONAL CONDI-
means the unit or suite rented or TIONS, 1. Coinsurance, and the cost to
leased to the tenant. Such build- repair or replace the damaged building
ing is vacant when it does not property is $2,500 or less, we will pay the
contain enough business per- cost of building repairs or replacement.
sonal property to conduct cus-
tomary operations. The cost of building repairs or replace-
ment does not include the increased cost
(b) When this Coverage Part is is- attributable to enforcement of or compli-
sued to the owner or general ance with any ordinance or law regulating
lessee of a building, building the construction, use or repair of any
means the entire building. Such property. However, the following property
building is vacant unless at least will be valued at actual cash value even
31% of its total square footage when attached to the building:
(1) Awnings or floor coverings;
1) Rented to a lessee or sub-
lessee and used by them to (2) Appliances for refrigerating, ventilat-
conduct their customary op- ing, cooking, dishwashing or launder-
erations; or ing; or
2) Used by the building owner (3) Outdoor equipment or furniture.
to conduct customary oper-
ations. c. "Stock" you have sold but not delivered at
the selling price less discounts and ex-
penses you otherwise would have had.

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d. Glass at the cost of replacement with (3) Multiply to the total amount of "loss",
safety glazing material if required by law. before the application of any deducti-
ble, by the figure determined in step
e. Tenant's Improvements and Betterments (2); and
(4) Subtract the deductible from the fig-
(1) Replacement Cost of the lost or ure determined in step (3).
damaged property if you make re-
pairs promptly. We will pay the amount determined in
step (4) or the Limit of Insurance, which-
(2) A proportion of your original cost if ever is less. For the remainder, you will
you do not make repairs promptly. either have to rely on other insurance or
We will determine the proportionate absorb the "loss" yourself.
value as follows:
Example No. 1 (Underinsurance):
(a) Multiply the original cost by the
number of days from the "loss" The value of the property is: $250,000
or damage to the expiration of The coinsurance percentage is: 80%
the lease; and The Limit of Insurance is: $100,000
The Deductible is: $250
(b) Divide the amount determined in The amount of "loss" is: $40,000
(a) above by the number of days
from the installation of improve- Step (1):
ments to the expiration of the
lease. $250,000 X 80% = $200,000 (the
minimum amount of insurance to
If your lease contains a renewal op- meet your Coinsurance require-
tion, the expiration of the renewal op- ments)
tion period will replace the expiration
of the lease in this procedure. Step (2):

(3) Nothing if others pay for repairs or $100,000 divided by $200,000 = .50
replacement. Step (3):
(4) For the purposes of valuation, ten- $40,000 X .50 = $20,000
ants' improvements and betterments
are not considered to be the personal Step (4):
property of others.
$20,000 - $250 = $19,750.
SECTION E. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS We will pay no more than $19,750. The
The following conditions apply in addition to the remaining $20,250 is not covered.
COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS and the COM- Example No. 2 (Adequate Insurance):
The value of the property is: $250,000
1. Coinsurance The coinsurance percentage is: 80%
The Limit of Insurance is: $200,000
If a Coinsurance percentage is shown in the
The Deductible is: $250
Declarations, the following condition applies.
The amount of "loss" is: $40,000
a. We will not pay the full amount of any
"loss" if the value of Covered Property at Step (1):
the time of direct "loss" times the Coin- $250,000 X 80% = $200,000 (the
surance percentage shown for it in the minimum amount of insurance to
Declarations is greater than the Limit of meet your Coinsurance require-
Insurance for the property. ments)
Instead, we will determine the most we Step (2):
will pay using the following steps:
$200,000 : $200,000 = 1.00
(1) Multiply the value of Covered Proper-
ty at the time of direct "loss" by the Step (3):
Coinsurance percentage; $40,000 X 1.00 = $40,000
(2) Divide the Limit of Insurance of the Step (4):
property by the figure determined in
step (1); $40,000 - $250 = $39,750.

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We will pay no more than $39,750 "loss" with the terms of this Coverage Part, the
in excess of the Deductible. No penalty mortgage holder will still have the right to
applies. receive loss payment if the mortgage
b. If one Limit of Insurance applies to two or
more separate items, this condition will (1) Pays any premium due under this
apply to the total of all property to which Coverage Part at our request if you
the limit applies. have failed to do so;
Example No. 3: (2) Submits a signed, sworn statement
of loss within 60 days after receiving
The values of the property are: notice from us of your failure to do
Bldg. at Location No. 1: $75,000 so; and
Bldg. at Location No. 2: $100,000
(3) Has notified us of any change in
Personal Property at ownership, occupancy or substantial
Location No. 2: $75,000 change in risk known to the mortgage
All of the terms of this Coverage Part will
The coinsurance percentage is: 90% then apply directly to the mortgage hold-
The Limit of Insurance for er.
Buildings and Personal
e. If we pay the mortgage holder for any
Property at Location "loss" and deny payment to you because
Nos. 1 and 2 is: $180,000 of your acts or because you have failed to
The Deductible is: $1,000 comply with the terms of this Coverage
The amount of "loss" is: Part:
Bldg. at Location No. 2: $30,000
Personal Property at (1) The mortgage holder's rights under
Location No. 2: $20,000 the mortgage will be transferred to us
$50,000 to the extent of the amount we pay;
Step (1): and
$250,000 X 90% = $225,000 (2) The mortgage holder's right to recov-
(the minimum amount of insurance to er the full amount of the mortgage
meet your Coinsurance requirements holder's claim will not be impaired.
and to avoid the penalty shown be-
At our option, we may pay to the mort-
gage holder the whole principal on the
Step (2): mortgage plus any accrued interest. In
$180,000 : $225,000 = .80 this event, your mortgage and note will be
transferred to us and you will pay your
Step (3): remaining mortgage debt to us.
$50,000 X .80 = $40,000
Step (4): f. If we cancel this policy, we will give writ-
ten notice to the mortgage holder at least:
$40,000 - $1,000 = $39,000.
(1) 10 days before the effective date of
We will pay no more than $39,000. The cancellation if we cancel for your
remaining $11,000 is not covered. nonpayment of premium; or
2. Mortgage Holders (2) 30 days before the effective date of
cancellation if we cancel for any oth-
a. The term "mortgage holder" includes trus- er reason.
g. If we elect not to renew this policy, we will
b. We will pay for covered "loss" to buildings give written notice to the mortgage holder
or structures to each mortgage holder at least ten days before the expiration
shown in the Declarations in their order of date of this policy.
precedence, as interests may appear.
c. The mortgage holder has the right to re- SECTION F. OPTIONAL COVERAGES
ceive loss payment even if the mortgage If shown as applicable in the Declarations, the fol-
holder has started foreclosure or similar lowing Optional Coverages apply separately to
action on the building or structure.
each item.
d. If we deny your claim because of your
acts or because you have failed to comply

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1. Agreed Value The number of days since the
beginning of the policy year (or
a. The Additional Condition, Coinsurance, last policy change) is: 146
does not apply to Covered Property to
which this Optional Coverage applies. We The amount of increase is
will pay no more for direct "loss" to that $100,000 X .08 X (146/365) =
property than the proportion that the Limit $3,200
of Insurance under this Coverage Part for
the property bears to the Limit of Insur- 3. Replacement Cost
ance indicated in the most current State- a. Replacement Cost (without deduction for
ment of Values that applies to this Cover- depreciation) replaces "Actual Cash Val-
b. If the Agreed Value Optional Coverage is 7. Valuation of this BUILDING AND
deleted from the policy, the Additional PERSONAL PROPERTY COVERAGE
Condition, Coinsurance, is reinstated and FORM.
this Optional Coverage does not apply. b. This Optional Coverage does not apply
c. The terms of this Optional Coverage ap- to:
ply only to "loss" that occurs: (1) Personal Property of others, except
(1) On or after the effective date of this leased personal property as de-
Optional Coverage; and scribed in SECTION A. COVERAGE,
1. Covered Property, d.(7). The val-
(2) Before the policy expiration date. uation of such leased personal prop-
erty will be based on the amount for
d. This Agreed Value Optional Coverage which you are liable under the lease,
does not apply to SECTION A. COVER- but not to exceed the replacement
AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions, b. Busi- cost of the leased item.
ness Income and Extra Expense.
(2) Personal effects;
2. Inflation Guard
(3) Contents of a residence;
a. The Limit of Insurance for property to
which this Optional Coverage applies will (4) Manuscripts;
automatically increase by the annual per-
centage shown in the Declarations. (5) Works of art, antiques or rare arti-
cles, including etchings, pictures,
b. The amount of increase will be: statuary, marbles, bronzes, porce-
lains and bric-a-brac;
(1) The Limit of Insurance that applied
on the beginning of the current "cov- (6) "Stock" unless the Replacement Cost
erage term" or any other Coverage including "Stock" option is shown in
Part change amending the Limit of the Declarations; or
Insurance, multiplied by
(7) Property, that at the time of "loss":
(2) The percentage of annual increase
shown in the Declarations, expressed (a) Is outdated, or obsolete and is
as a decimal (example: 8% is .08), stored or not being used; or
multiplied by (b) Has no practical value to you.
(3) The number of days since the begin- c. You may make a claim for "loss" covered
ning of the current "coverage term" or by this insurance on an "Actual Cash Val-
the effective date of the most recent ue" basis instead of on a replacement
policy change amending the Limit of cost basis. In the event you elect to have
Insurance, divided by 365. In the "loss" settled on an "Actual Cash Value"
event of "loss", this number of days basis, you may still make a claim for the
ends at the original date of "loss". additional coverage this Optional Cover-
Example: age provides if you notify us of your intent
to do so within 180 days after the "loss".
If: The applicable Limit of Insur-
ance is: $100,000 d. We will not pay on a replacement cost
basis for any "loss":
The Annual percentage increase
is: 8% (1) Until the lost or damaged property is
actually repaired or replaced with
other property of generally the same
construction and used for the same

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FM 101 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 37 of 40
purpose as the lost or damaged any period is for a period of less than 12
property; and months, constitute individual "coverage
terms". The last "coverage term" ends at
(2) Unless the repairs or replacement 12:00 A.M. standard time at your mailing
have been completed or at least un- address shown in the Declarations on the
derway within 2 years following the earlier of:
date of "loss".
(1) The day the policy period shown in
e. We will not pay more for "loss" on a re- the Declarations ends; or
placement cost basis than the least of:
(2) The day the policy to which this Cov-
(1) The Limit of Insurance applicable to erage Part is attached is terminated
the lost or damaged property; or cancelled.
(2) The cost to replace, on the same b. However, if after the issuance of this
"premises", the lost or damaged Coverage Part, any "coverage term" is
property with other property: extended for an additional period of less
(a) Of comparable material and than 12 months, that additional period of
quality; and time will be deemed to be part of the last
preceding "coverage term".
(b) Used for the same purpose; or
5. "Electronic data" means information, facts or
(3) The amount you actually spend that "computer programs" stored as or on, created
is necessary to repair or replace the or used on, or transmitted to or from computer
lost or damaged property. software (including systems and applications
software), on hard or floppy disks, CD-ROMs,
f. The cost of repair or replacement does tapes, drives, cells, data processing devices
not include the increased cost attributable or any other repositories of computer software
to enforcement of or compliance with any which are used with electronically controlled
ordinance or law regulating the construc- equipment.
tion, use, or repair of any building or
structure except as provided in SECTION 6. "Finished stock" means stock you have manu-
A. COVERAGE, 4. Additional Coverag- factured, except "stock" you have manufac-
es, g. Ordinance or Law. tured that is held for sale on the "premises" of
any retail outlet insured under this Coverage
1. "Actual cash value" means replacement cost 7. "Fungi" means any type or form of fungus, and
less a deduction that reflects depreciation, includes, but is not limited to, any form or type
age, condition and obsolescence. of mold, mushroom or mildew and any myco-
2. "Business Income" means the: toxins, spores, scents or byproducts produced
or released by fungi.
a. Net Income (net profit or loss before in-
come taxes) that would have been earned 8. "Loss" means accidental physical loss or acci-
or incurred; and dental physical damage.

b. Continuing normal operating expenses 9. "Money" means:

sustained, including payroll. a. Currency, coins and bank notes whether
3. "Computer programs" means a set of related or not in current use; and
electronic instructions which direct the opera- b. Travelers checks, registered checks and
tions and functions of a computer or device money orders held for sale to the public.
connected to it, which enable the computer or
device to receive, process, store, retrieve or 10. "Operations" means:
send data.
a. Your business activities occurring at the
4. "Coverage term" means the following individ- "premises"; and
ual increment, or if a multi-year policy period,
increments, of time, which comprise the policy b. The tenantability of the "premises", if cov-
period of this Coverage Part: erage for "Business Income" including
"Rental Value" or "Rental Value" applies.
a. The year commencing on the Effective
Date of this Coverage Part at 12:01 A.M. 11. "Period of restoration" means the period of
standard time at your mailing address time that:
shown in the Declarations, and if a multi- a. Begins at the time of direct "loss".
year policy period, each consecutive an-
nual period thereafter, or portion thereof if b. Ends on the earlier of:

Includes copyrighted material of Insurance

FM 101 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 38 of 40
(1) The date when the property at the (2) The amount of charges, which are
"premises" should be repaired, rebuilt the legal obligation of the tenant(s)
or replaced with reasonable speed but would otherwise be your obliga-
and similar quality; or tions.
(2) The date when business is resumed 15. "Securities" means negotiable and non-
at a new permanent location. negotiable instruments or contracts represent-
ing either "money" or other property and in-
c. "Period of restoration" does not include cludes:
any increased period required due to the
enforcement of or compliance with any a. Tokens, tickets, revenue and other
ordinance or law that: stamps whether or not in current use; and
(1) Regulates the construction, use or b. Evidences of debt issued in connection
repair, or requires the tearing down with credit or charge cards, which are not
of any property; or of your own issue; but does not include
"money". Lottery tickets held for sale are
(2) Requires any insured or others to not "securities" or evidences of debt.
test for, monitor, clean up, remove,
contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, 16. "Sinkhole collapse" means the sudden settle-
or in any way respond to or assess ment or collapse of earth supporting the Cov-
the effects of "pollutants". ered Property into subterranean voids created
by the action of water on a limestone or similar
d. The expiration date of the policy will not rock formation. This does not include:
cut short the "period of restoration".
a. The cost of filling sinkholes;
12. "Pollutants" means any solid, liquid, gaseous
or thermal irritant or contaminant, including b. Sinking or collapse of land into man-made
smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, as- subterranean cavities; or
bestos, chemicals, petroleum, petroleum
products and petroleum by-products, and c. The value of the land.
waste. Waste includes materials to be recy- 17. "Specified causes of loss" means fire; light-
cled, reconditioned or reclaimed. "Pollutants" ning; explosion; windstorm or hail; smoke; air-
include but are not limited to substances craft or vehicles; riot or civil commotion; van-
which are generally recognized in industry or dalism; leakage from fire extinguishing equip-
government to be harmful or toxic to persons, ment; "sinkhole collapse"; volcanic action; fall-
property, or the environment regardless of ing objects; weight of snow, ice or sleet; and
whether injury or damage is caused directly or water damage.
indirectly by the "pollutants" and whether:
a. Falling objects does not include "loss" to:
a. You are regularly or otherwise engaged in
activities which taint or degrade the envi- (1) Personal property in the open; or
ronment; or
(2) The interior of a building or structure,
b. You use, generate or produce the "pollu- or property inside a building or struc-
tant". ture, unless the roof or an outside
wall of the building or structure is first
13. "Premises" means the Locations and Build- damaged by a falling object.
ings described in the Declarations.
b. Water damage means:
14. "Rental Value" means "Business Income" that
consists of : (1) Accidental discharge or leakage of
water or steam as the direct result of
a. Net Income (Net Profit or Loss before in- the breaking apart or cracking of any
come taxes) that would have been earned part of a system or appliance (other
or incurred as rental income from tenant than a sump system including its re-
occupancy of the "premises" described in lated equipment and parts) contain-
the Declarations as furnished and ing water or steam; and
equipped by you, including fair rental val-
ue of any portion of the "premises" which (2) Accidental discharge or leakage of
is occupied by you; and water or waterborne material as the
direct result of the breaking apart or
b. Continuing normal operating expenses cracking of a water or sewer pipe that
incurred in connection with that "premis- is located off the "premises" and is
es", including: part of a municipal potable water
(1) Payroll; and supply system or municipal sanitary
sewer system, if the breakage or
cracking is caused by wear and tear.
Includes copyrighted material of Insurance
FM 101 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 39 of 40
But water damage does not include "loss" water is not subject to the provisions of
otherwise excluded under the terms of Exclusion (g) Water.
PROPERTY, SECTION A. COVERAGE, 18. "Stock" means merchandise held in storage or
3. Covered Causes of Loss, (g) Water. for sale, raw materials and in-process or fin-
Therefore, for example, there is no cover- ished goods, including supplies used in their
age under this Coverage Part in the situa- packing or shipping.
tion in which discharge or leakage of wa- 19. "Suspension" means:
ter results from the breaking apart or
cracking of a pipe which was caused by a. The slowdown or cessation of your busi-
or related to weather-induced flooding, ness activities; and
even if wear and tear contributed to the
breakage or cracking. As another exam- b. That a part or all of the "premises" is ren-
ple, and also in accordance with the dered untenantable.
terms of the Exclusion (g) Water, there is 20. "Valuable papers and records" means in-
no coverage for "loss" caused by or relat- scribed, printed or written documents, manu-
ed to weather-induced flooding which fol- scripts or records, including abstracts, books,
lows or is exacerbated by pipe breakage card index systems, deeds, drawings, films,
or cracking attributable to wear and tear. maps, mortgages, or proprietary information.
To the extent that accidental discharge or But "valuable papers and records" does not
leakage of water falls within the criteria mean "money" or "securities" or "electronic
set forth in 18.b.(1) or 18.b.(2) of this def- data", including the materials on which the
inition of "Specified causes of loss", such "electronic data" is recorded.

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FM 101 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 40 of 40


This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:
(Enter number of months to activate coverage)
REFER TO FM502 consecutive months

A. This endorsement applies to the following D. For the purposes of this endorsement only,
Coverage Forms: SECTION F. DEFINITIONS, 7. "Period of
Restoration", b. is deleted in its entirety and
BUSINESS INCOME (AND EXTRA EX- replaced by the following:
b. Ends on the earlier of:
PENSE) COVERAGE FORM (1) The date when the property at the
"premises" should be repaired, rebuilt
B. For the purposes of this endorsement only, or replaced with reasonable speed
SECTION A. COVERAGE, Additional Cov- and similar quality;
erages, Extended Business Income, (1), (b),
(ii) is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the (2) The date when business is resumed
following, and (iii) is added: at a new permanent location; or
(ii) 60 consecutive days after the date deter- (3) The number of consecutive months
mined in (1)(a) above; or after the date of direct physical "loss"
indicated in the Schedule of this en-
(iii) The number of consecutive months after dorsement.
the date of direct physical "loss" indicated
in the Schedule of this endorsement. E. When 12 or 18 months ALS (an acronym of
Actual Loss Sustained) is shown in the Decla-
C. For the purposes of this endorsement only, rations as the Limit of Insurance for Business
SECTION A. COVERAGE, Additional Cov- Income for a specific item, SECTION B. LIM-
erages, Extended Business Income, (2), (b), ITS OF INSURANCE is deleted in its entirety
(ii) is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the for that item.
following, and (iii) is added:
F. If the policy to which this endorsement is at-
(ii) 60 consecutive days after the date deter- tached has been issued for a period of more
mined in (2)(a) above; or than one year, then this business income cov-
(iii) The number of consecutive months after erage is subject to annual rerating.
the date of direct physical "loss" indicated
in the Schedule of this endorsement.

FA 242 10 12
This is a summary of the Coverages and the Limits of Insurance provided by the Commercial Property Ex-
panded Coverage (XC™ ) Plus Endorsement, FA 250, in combination with the Commercial Property Coverage
Form, FM101, which is included in this policy. No coverage is provided by this summary. Refer to en-
dorsement FA 250 and the Commercial Property Coverage Form, FM 101, to determine the scope of your
insurance protection.

Blanket Coverages: Blanket Coverage Limit: Page No.

(FA 250):
$ 150,000 in total for all loss arising
from all Blanket Coverages arising from a
single occurrence, except as noted
otherwise in the form.
Accounts Receivable 1
Debris Removal 8
Electronic Data Processing Property (EDP): 3
Duplicate and Backup Electronic Data $2,000 Outside of the Blanket Coverage 3
Newly Acquired EDP $10,000 Outside of the Blanket Coverage 4
In Transit or Away From Premises $10,000 Outside of the Blanket Coverage 4
Worldwide Laptop Coverage 4
Ordinance or Law (Increased Construction 6
Costs and Demolition)
Peak Season 8
Personal Property of Others 8
Tenant Move Back Expenses 7
Valuable Papers and Records 6

Other Coverages Limit of Insurance: Page No.

(FA 250):
(not subject to Blanket Coverage Limit):
Brands and Labels $25,000 11
Business Income and Extra Expense: $100,000 1
Business Income From Dependent Properties $5,000 (sub-limit, subject to a 24 hour de- 1
Interruption of Computer Operations $25,000 (sub-limit, subject to a 24 hour de- 2

FA 4053 04 06 Page 1 of 2
Other Coverages Limit of Insurance: Page No.
(FA 250):
(not subject to Blanket Coverage Limit):
Fine Arts $25,000 5
Fire Department Service Charge $25,000 7
Fire Protection Equipment Recharge $50,000 8
Inflation Guard 4% on all Building Property referenced in the 11
Non-Owned Building Damage: 10
Loss caused by theft, burglary or robbery Up to the Business Personal Property (BPP) 10
Limit of Insurance
Loss by any other Covered Cause of Loss $25,000 or the BPP Limit of Insurance 10
(whichever is less)
Ordinance or Law (other than Increased Con- Subject to the Building Limit of Insurance 6
struction Costs and Demolition)
Outdoor Property $25,000 ($1,000 for any one tree, shrub or 7
Paved Surfaces $20,000 9
Personal Effects $25,000 ($1,000 for loss by theft) 7
Pollutant Clean Up and Removal $25,000 6
Signs $10,000 7
Temperature Change $5,000 9
Underground Property Subject to the Building Limit of Insurance 6
Water Backup from Sewers, Drains or Sumps $10,000 7

FA 4053 04 06 Page 2 of 2

This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:

A. Section A. Concealment, Misrepresentation MORTGAGE INTEREST COVERAGE

or Fraud of the COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM is deleted.
CONDITIONS is replaced by the following:
C. The following is added to Section I. Transfer
A. Concealment, Misrepresentation or of Rights of Recovery Against Others to Us
1. No misrepresentation and no breach
of affirmative warranty made by you We will be entitled to a recovery only after you
or on your behalf in the negotiation have been fully compensated for damages.
for or procurement of this Coverage
Part affects our obligations unless, if D. The following are added:
a misrepresentation, the person knew 1. Knowledge and Acts of Agents
or should have known that the repre-
sentation was false, and unless: a. If any of our agents knows any fact
that breaches a condition of this poli-
a. We rely on the misrepresenta- cy, we will be considered to know it
tion or affirmative warranty and also if that fact:
the misrepresentation or affirma-
tive warranty is either material or (1) Is known to the agent at the time
made with intent to deceive; or the policy is issued or an applica-
tion made; or
b. The facts misrepresented or
falsely warranted contribute to (2) Later becomes known to the
the "loss". agent in the course of his or her
dealings as an agent with you.
2. No failure of a condition before a
"loss" and no breach of a promissory b. Any fact that breaches a condition of
warranty affects our obligation under this policy and is known to the agent
this Coverage Part unless such fail- before the "loss" will not:
ure or breach exists at the time of
"loss" and either: (1) Void this policy; or

a. Increases the risk at the time of (2) Prevent a recovery in the event
"loss"; or of "loss".

b. Contributes to the "loss". 2. Exclusion (1)(a) Ordinance or Law of

B. Legal Action Against Us Causes of Loss, b. Exclusions of the
1. Section D. Legal Action Against Us of PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM does
the COMMERCIAL PROPERTY not apply to dwelling properties occupied
CONDITIONS is replaced by the follow- as a residence by you.
3. Conformity to Statute or Rule
D. Legal Action Against Us
Any provision of this Coverage Part (in-
No one may bring a legal action cluding endorsements which modify the
against us under this Coverage Part Coverage Part) that is in conflict with a
unless the action is brought within 2 Wisconsin statute or rule is hereby
years after the date on which the di- amended to conform to that statute or
rect physical "loss" occurred. rule.
2. Section D. Conditions Applicable to The term rule means a valid rule promul-
COVERAGE C. MORTGAGE HOLDER’S gated by the Commissioner of Insurance
LIABILITY, 2. Legal Action Against Us - in accordance with the rule-making au-
COVERAGE C., Paragraph b. in the thority conferred under Wis. Stat. Ann. s.

Includes copyrighted material of ISO Commercial

FA 436 WI 11 18 Risk Services, Inc., with its permission. Page 1 of 2
227.11(2) and published in the Wisconsin and the property is wholly destroyed, we
Administrative Code. will pay the limit of insurance that applies
to such property, subject to the exceptions
E. The following is added to the Loss Payment and conditions in Paragraphs F.2. and
Loss Condition in the COMMERCIAL F.3. below.
2. Builders Risk policies of insurance cover-
If a municipality, which is a first class city, has ing property in the process of being con-
elected to apply the provisions of Wis. Stat. structed shall be valued and settled ac-
Ann. Secs. 632.10 through 632.104, a part of cording to the actual value of that portion
our payment for fire or explosion "loss" to your of the construction completed at the time
covered real property in that municipality will of the loss. The Limit of Insurance on a
be withheld if the "loss" is subject to these pro- Builders Risk policy represents the value
visions. of the building when it is completed.
1. The withheld amount will be paid in ac- 3. The Valued Policy Provision, Paragraph
cordance with the law, to the following: F.1. above, does not apply to any claim
(a) The municipality where the covered for "loss" to any building which is insured
property is located; under a blanket form or endorsement with
one Limit of Insurance applicable to two or
(b) You and other interest named in the more buildings. When a building, owned
Declarations; or and occupied by you primarily as a dwell-
ing, is wholly destroyed, the "loss" will be
(c) The mortgageholder, if any. settled at the value stated in the most re-
However, we will not pay more than the cent Statement of Values on file with us.
amount of "loss" payable under this policy. G. Exclusion (1)(d) Nuclear Hazard in SECTION
2. Within 10 days after withholding the re- A. COVERAGE, 3. Covered Causes of Loss,
quired amount, we will give written notice b. Exclusions of the BUILDING AND
of the withholding to the following: PERSONAL PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM
(a) The building inspection official of the is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the
municipality where the covered prop- following:
erty is located;
(1)(d) Nuclear Hazard
(b) You;
Nuclear reaction or radiation, or radioac-
(c) Any mortgageholder and any other tive contamination, however caused.
lienholder who has an existing lien However, if nuclear reaction or radiation,
against the property and is named in or radioactive contamination, results in
the Declarations; and fire, we will pay for the "loss" caused by
that fire.
(d) The court in which judgment was en-
tered if the final settlement was de- H. Exclusion 2.e. Nuclear Hazard in SECTION I.
3. We will not be liable in any cause of ac- COVERAGE FORM is deleted in its entirety
tion, nor may any liability be imposed on and replaced by the following:
us, arising from the payment, withholding
or transferring of all or any portion of a fi- 2. e. Nuclear Hazard
nal settlement in accordance with Wis.
Stat. Ann. Secs. 632.10 through 632.104. Nuclear reaction or radiation, or radioac-
tive contamination, however caused.
F. The following is added to the Valuation Loss However, if nuclear reaction or radiation,
Condition: or radioactive contamination, results in
fire, we will pay for the "loss" caused by
1. When this Coverage Part insures real that fire.
property in Wisconsin which is owned and
occupied by you primarily as a dwelling,

Includes copyrighted material of ISO Commercial

FA 436 WI 11 18 Risk Services, Inc., with its permission. Page 2 of 2
This Coverage Part is subject to the following conditions, the Common Policy Conditions and applicable Loss
Conditions and Additional Conditions in Commercial Property Coverage Forms.

A. Concealment, Misrepresentation or Fraud F. No Benefit to Bailee

This Coverage Part is void in any case of No person or organization, other than you,
fraud by you as it relates to this Coverage Part having custody of Covered Property will bene-
at any time. It is also void if you or any other fit from this insurance.
insured, at any time, intentionally conceal or
misrepresent a material fact concerning: G. Other Insurance

1. This Coverage Part; 1. You may have other insurance subject to

the same plan, terms, conditions and pro-
2. The Covered Property; visions as the insurance under this Cov-
erage Part. If you do, we will pay our
3. Your interest in the Covered Property; or share of the covered "loss". Our share is
4. A claim under this Coverage Part. the proportion that the applicable Limit of
Insurance under this Coverage Part bears
B. Control of Property to the Limits of Insurance of all insurance
covering on the same basis.
Any act or neglect of any person other than
you beyond your direction or control will not 2. If there is other insurance covering the
affect this insurance. same "loss", other than that described in
1. above, we will pay only for the amount
The breach of any condition of this Coverage of covered "loss" in excess of the amount
Part at any one or more locations will not af- due from that other insurance, whether
fect coverage at any location where, at the you can collect on it or not. However, we
time of direct "loss", the breach of condition will not reimburse any deductible or
does not exist. difference between Actual Cash Value
C. Insurance Under Two or More Coverages and Replacement Cost valuations. We
will not pay more than the applicable Limit
If two or more of this policy's coverages apply of Insurance.
to the same "loss", we will not pay more than
the actual amount of the "loss". H. Policy Period, Coverage Territory

D. Legal Action Against Us Under this Coverage Part:

No one may bring a legal action against us 1. We cover "loss" commencing:

under this Coverage Part unless: a. During the policy period shown in the
1. There has been full compliance with all of Declarations; and
the terms of this Coverage Part; and b. Within the coverage territory.
2. The action is brought within 2 years after 2. The coverage territory:
the date on which the direct "loss" oc-
curred. a. The United States of America (includ-
ing its territories and possessions);
E. Liberalization
b. Puerto Rico; and
If, within 60 days prior to the beginning of this
Coverage Part or during the policy period, we c. Canada.
make any changes to any forms or endorse-
ments of this Coverage Part for which there is I. Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against
currently no separate premium charge, and Others to Us
that change provides more coverage than this If any person or organization to or for whom
Coverage Part, the change will be considered we make payment under this Coverage Part
as included until the end of the current policy has rights to recover damages from another,
period. We will make no additional premium those rights are transferred to us to the extent
charge for this additional coverage during the of our payment. That person or organization
interim. must do everything necessary to secure our
rights and must do nothing after direct "loss"
to impair them. But you may waive your rights
against another party in writing:

Includes copyrighted material of Insurance

FA 450 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 1 of 2
1. Prior to a direct "loss" to your Covered b. A business firm:
Property or Covered Income.
(1) Owned or controlled by you; or
2. After a direct "loss" to your Covered
Property or Covered Income only if, at (2) That owns or controls you; or
time of direct "loss", that party is one of c. Your tenant.
the following:
This will not restrict your insurance.
a. Someone insured by this insurance;

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FA 450 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 2 of 2


This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:
"Period of Restoration" Waiting Period

X 24 hours 48 hours 72 hours

A. Applicable Coverage Forms caused by or resulting from any Covered

Cause of Loss at the "premises"; and
This endorsement applies to the following Cov-
erage Forms: b. Ends on the earlier of:
1. BUSINESS INCOME (AND EXTRA EX- (1) The date when the property at the
PENSE) COVERAGE FORM, and "premises" should be repaired, re-
built or replaced with reasonable
2. BUSINESS INCOME (WITHOUT EXTRA speed and similar quality; or
(2) The date when business is re-
B. SECTION F. DEFINITIONS, 7. "Period of Res- sumed at a new permanent loca-
toration", is deleted in its entirety and replaced tion.
with the following:
"Period of restoration" does not include
7. "Period of Restoration" means the period any increased period required due to
of time that: the enforcement of any ordinance or
a. Begins: law that:

(1) After the number of hours selected (1) Regulates the construction, use or
and shown in the Schedule have repair, or requires the tearing
passed from the time of direct down of any property; or
physical "loss" for Business In- (2) Requires any insured or others to
come coverage; or test for, monitor, clean up, remove,
(2) Immediately after the time of direct contain, treat, detoxify or neutral-
physical "loss" for Extra Expense ize, or in any way respond to, or
coverage; assess the effects of "pollutants".
The expiration date of this policy will
not cut short the "period of restoration".

Includes copyrighted material of ISO Commercial

FA 458 04 04 Risk Services, Inc., with its permission.

This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:


The insurance coverage and Limits of Insurance provided by this endorsement are excess of, and ap-
ply in addition to, any similar or identical coverage provided by any other endorsement attached to
this Coverage Part, or by any other Coverage Part forming a part of the policy of insurance of which
this Coverage Part forms a component.


Blanket Coverage Limit $150,000

Applicable only to those coverages subject to the Blanket Coverage
Limit, as indicated in this endorsement

A. Accounts Receivable AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions, b. Business

Income and Extra Expense is modified as fol-
For the purposes of this endorsement only: lows:
1. In BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROP- 1. Business Income From Dependent
COVERAGE, 5. Coverage Extensions,
a. Accounts Receivable, the second par- a. For Business Income from De-
agraph in (3)(b) Away From Your Prem- pendent Properties only, Paragraph
ises is deleted in its entirety and replaced b.(1) is deleted in its entirety and re-
by the following: placed by the following:
This limit of insurance for Away From Your (1) Business Income From De-
Premises coverage is not included within pendent Properties
the Blanket Coverage Limit and is sepa-
rate and in addition to the Blanket Cover- We will pay for the actual loss of
age Limit. "Business Income" you sustain
due to the necessary "suspen-
2. In BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROP- sion" of your "operations" during
ERTY COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. the "period of restoration". The
COVERAGE, 5. Coverage Extensions, "suspension" must be caused by
a. Accounts Receivable, the last para- direct "loss" to "dependent prop-
graph is deleted in its entirety and re- erty" caused by or resulting from
placed by the following: any Covered Cause of Loss.
The most we will pay for loss in any one However, coverage under this
occurrence under this Accounts Receiva- endorsement does not apply
ble Coverage Extension is the Blanket when the only "loss" to "depend-
Coverage Limit as provided in Section X of ent property" is "loss" to "elec-
this endorsement. tronic data", including destruction
or corruption of "electronic data".
B. Business Income and Extra Expense If the "dependent property" sus-
For the purposes of this endorsement only, in tains "loss" to "electronic data"
BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY and other property, coverage un-
COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. COVER- der this endorsement will not

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continue once the other property (b) Accept your products or ser-
is repaired, rebuilt, or replaced. vices;
b. Limit of Insurance for Dependent (c) Manufacture products for de-
Properties livery to your customers un-
der contract of sale; or
The most we will pay for loss in one
occurrence under Business Income (d) Attract customers to your
From Dependent Properties is business.
$5,000. This Limit of Insurance is in-
cluded within, and is not in addition to, (2) The "Period of restoration" Defini-
the Limit of Insurance for the "Busi- tion, with respect to "dependent
ness Income" and Extra Expense property", is replaced by the fol-
Coverage Extension. lowing:

c. Loss Determination for Dependent "Period of restoration" means the

Properties period of time that:

For Business Income from De- (a) Begins 24 hours after the
pendent Properties only, the follow- time of direct "loss" caused
ing is added: by or resulting from any
Covered Cause of Loss at
Resumption of Operations the "premises" of the "de-
pendent property"; and
We will reduce the amount of your:
(b) Ends on the date when the
(1) "Business Income" loss, other property at the "premises" of
than Extra Expense, to the extent the "dependent property"
you can resume "operations", in should be repaired, rebuilt or
whole or in part, by using any replaced with reasonable
other available speed and similar quality.
(a) Source of materials; or "Period of restoration" does not
(b) Outlet for your products. include any increased period re-
quired due to the enforcement of
(2) Extra Expense loss to the extent any ordinance or law that:
you can return "operations" to
normal and discontinue such Ex- (a) Regulates the construction,
tra Expense. use or repair, or requires the
tearing down of any proper-
d. Definitions ty; or
SECTION G. DEFINITIONS is (b) Requires any insured or oth-
amended to include the following def- ers to test for, monitor, clean
initions: up, remove, contain, treat,
detoxify or neutralize, or in
(1) "Dependent property" means any way respond to, or as-
property operated by others sess the effects of "pollu-
whom you depend on to: tants".
(a) Deliver materials or services The expiration date of this Cov-
to you, or to others for your erage Part will not cut short the
account (Contributing Loca- "period of restoration".
tions). But any property
which delivers the following The most we will pay is the Business In-
services is not a Contributing come From Dependent Properties sub-
Location with respect to limit of insurance. This Limit of Insurance
such services: is included within, and is not in addition to,
the Limit of Insurance for the "Business
1) Water Supply services; Income" and Extra Expense Coverage Ex-
2) Power Supply services; tension.
or 2. Interruption of Computer Operations
3) Communication supply a. For Interruption of Computer Oper-
services, including ser- ations only, all references to $2,500
vices relating to internet in b. Business Income and Extra
access or access to any
electronic network;
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Expense, Paragraph (7)(c) are delet- compact discs used in processing
ed and replaced by $25,000. units; and
b. BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROP- (f) Property of others in your care, cus-
ERTY COVERAGE FORM, SECTION tody or control that is similar to prop-
G. DEFINITIONS is amended as fol- erty described in (1)(a) through (e)
lows: above.
With respect to a "suspension" of (2) Property Not Covered
"operations" caused only by an inter-
ruption in computer operations due to This Coverage Extension does not apply
the destruction or corruption of "elec- to:
tronic data" as described in SECTION (a) Accounts, records, documents and
A. COVERAGE, 5. Coverage Exten- other "valuable papers and records"
sions, d. Electronic Data, Paragraph unless they are programming docu-
a. of Definition 11. "Period of restora- mentation or instruction manuals.
tion" is deleted and replaced by the
following: However, we will cover these items
once they are converted to "electronic
a. Begins 24 hours after the time of data" form.
direct "loss".
(b) "Electronic data" or media that cannot
3. Business Income and Extra Expense be replaced with similar property of
Revised Limits of Insurance equal quality.
The last paragraph is deleted in its entirety (c) Your property that you have rented or
and replaced by the following: leased to someone else and that
The most we will pay for loss in any one property is not at your "premises".
occurrence under this "Business Income" (d) Any machine or apparatus that is
and Extra Expense Coverage Extension is used for research, medical, diagnos-
$100,000. tic, surgical, dental or pathological
C. Electronic Data Processing Property purposes.

For the purposes of this endorsement only, (e) "Production equipment".

AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions is amended by (a) BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROP-
adding the following: ERTY COVERAGE FORM, SECTION
A. COVERAGE, 3. Covered Causes
Electronic Data Processing Property of Loss, b. Exclusions does not ap-
(1) Covered Property ply except as follows:

You may extend the Coverage provided 1) Exclusion (1)(c) Governmental

by this Coverage Part to apply to direct Action;
"loss" to Covered Property consisting of 2) Exclusion (1)(d) Nuclear Haz-
your: ard;
(a) Data processing equipment; 3) Exclusion (1)(f) War and Mili-
(b) Air conditioning and other electrical tary Action;
equipment, used exclusively with your 4) Exclusion (2)(b) Delay or Loss
data processing equipment; of Use;
(c) Programming documentation and in- 5) Exclusion (2)(d) Miscellaneous
struction manuals; Causes of Loss, 1) Wear and
(d) "Electronic data", but only as excess tear;
over what is valid and collectible un- 6) Exclusion (2)(h) Dishonest or
der SECTION A. COVERAGE, 5. Criminal Acts;
Coverage Extensions, d. Electronic
Data; 7) Exclusion (3)(b) Acts or Deci-
sions; and
(e) Media, meaning materials on which
"electronic data" is recorded, such as 8) Exclusion (3)(c) Defects, Er-
magnetic tapes, disc packs, paper rors and Omissions.
tapes and cards, floppy discs and

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(b) In addition to Paragraph (3)(a) of this ance is in addition to the other limits pro-
Coverage Extension, we will not pay vided by this Coverage Extension.
for the following:
(6) In Transit or Away From Premises
Hidden or latent defect, gradual dete-
rioration, and depreciation. However, SECTION A. COVERAGE, 5. Coverage
if direct "loss" by a Covered Cause of Extensions, e. Exhibitions, Fairs or
Loss results, we will pay for that re- Trade shows, m. Property Off Premises
sulting "loss". and p. Transportation are deleted in their
entirety and replaced by the following:
(4) Duplicate and Backup "Electronic Da-
ta" (a) You may extend the insurance pro-
vided by this Coverage Extension to
We will pay for direct "loss" resulting from apply to Covered Property as de-
any of the Covered Causes of Loss to du- scribed in Paragraph (1):
plicate and backup "electronic data" that
you store at a "premises" not described in 1) While in or on a vehicle, including
the Declarations providing such "electronic loading and unloading; or
data" is not covered by another policy. 2) While at a location that is not
The most we will pay for loss in any one your "premises".
occurrence is $2,000. This Limit of Insur-
ance is in addition to the other limits pro- (b) This In Transit or Away From Prem-
vided by this Coverage Extension. ises coverage does not apply per lo-
(5) Newly Purchased Electronic Data Pro-
cessing Property The most we will pay for loss in any one
occurrence is $10,000. This Limit of Insur-
BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ance is not in addition to the other limits
COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. COV- provided by this Coverage Extension.
ERAGE, 5. Coverage Extensions, i.
Newly Purchased, Leased or Con- (7) Worldwide Laptop Coverage
structed Property is deleted in its entirety
and replaced by the following: (a) You may extend the insurance pro-
vided by this Coverage Extension to
(a) We will pay for direct "loss" from a apply to your laptops, notebooks and
Covered Cause of Loss to newly pur- similar highly portable personal com-
chased or leased Covered Property puters, including their peripherals and
described in Paragraph (1) of this accessories, while such specific Cov-
Coverage Extension while at: ered Property is:
1) Locations that are newly pur- 1) In your or your employee's care,
chased or leased; custody and control;
2) Your newly constructed buildings 2) Not located at a "premises" you
or additions at a "premises"; or own or lease; and
3) Any "premises" described in the 3) Not located in the coverage terri-
Declarations. tory stated in Paragraph 2. of the
Commercial Property Condition
(b) Insurance under this Coverage Ex- H. Policy Period, Coverage
tension for such newly acquired prop- Territory, provided that location
erty, or Covered Property already in- is not under a United States De-
sured by this Coverage Extension partment of State trade or travel
which is moved to a newly acquired restriction at the time of "loss".
location, will end when any of the fol-
lowing first occurs: (b) This Worldwide Laptop Coverage
does not apply per location.
1) This Coverage Part expires;
(8) Electronic Data Processing Property
2) 90 days pass from the date you Deductible
acquire your new property or
move Covered Property to a SECTION C. DEDUCTIBLE is amended
newly acquired location; or to include the following:
3) You report values to us. We will not pay for direct "loss" in any one
occurrence unless the amount of "loss"
The most we will pay for loss in any one exceeds the Deductible shown in the Dec-
occurrence is $10,000. This Limit of Insur- larations. We will then pay the amount of

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"loss" in excess of the Deductible, up to (d) The Limit of Insurance
the Limit of Insurance provided by this applicable to the proper-
Coverage Extension. ty.
However, direct "loss" caused by or result- (2) If you do not repair or re-
ing from any of the following Causes of place this property within a
Loss will have the greater of the Deducti- reasonable time following a
ble shown in the Declarations or $1,000 as direct "loss", the most we will
the applicable deductible: pay will be the least of the
a. "Loss" caused by faulty construction,
error in design or processing, or ser- (a) "Actual cash value" of
vice or work upon the data processing the property;
(b) "Actual cash value" of
b. "Loss" resulting in mechanical break- repairs with material of
down, short circuiting, blowout, or oth- like kind and quality; or
er electrical damage, unless caused
by lightning; or (c) The Limit of Insurance
applicable to the proper-
c. "Loss" caused by or resulting from in- ty.
terruption of power supply, power
surge, blackout or brownout. We reserve the right to re-
pair or replace the property
(9) Electronic Data Processing Property or to pay for the property in
Valuation money.
SECTION D. LOSS CONDITIONS, 7. In the event of "loss", the
Valuation is deleted in its entirety and re- value of property will be de-
placed by the following: termined at the time of direct
7. Valuation of Electronic Data Pro-
cessing Property b. For "electronic data":
In the event of direct "loss", we will We will not pay more than the ac-
determine the value of Covered Prop- tual reproduction costs of your
erty as described in Paragraph (1) of "electronic data". If you do not
this Coverage Extension as follows: replace or reproduce your "elec-
tronic data" following the "loss",
a. Except for "electronic data": the most we will pay is the cost of
(1) If you repair or replace this blank media as described in Par-
Electronic Data Processing agraph C.(1)(e) of this Coverage
property within a reasonable Extension.
time following the direct (10) Electronic Data Processing Property
"loss", the property will be Additional Definition
valued at the full cost of re-
pair or replacement. The following definition is added to SEC-
However, the most we will AND PERSONAL PROPERTY COVER-
pay is the least of the follow- AGE FORM:
"Production equipment" means any ma-
(a) The actual cost to repair chinery and related components, including
or restore the property any integrated or dedicated computer sys-
with materials of like tem, which is used, or can be used, to
kind and quality; produce or process other tangible proper-
(b) The cost of replacing ty.
that property with prop- The most we will pay in total for all loss in any
erty of similar quality one occurrence for coverages described in
and function; Paragraphs C.(1), (6), and (7) is the Blanket
(c) The amount you actual- Coverage Limit as provided in Section X of this
ly and necessarily endorsement.
spend to repair or re- D. Fine Arts
place the property; or
For the purposes of this endorsement only,
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COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. COVER- Covered Causes of Loss during each "cover-
AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions is amended to age term". This is in addition to the Limits of
include the following: Insurance shown in the COMMERCIAL
Fine Arts TIONS.
(1) We will pay for direct "loss" to paintings,
etchings, pictures, tapestries, art glass G. Underground Property
windows, and other bona fide works of art For the purposes of this endorsement only,
of rarity, historical value, or artistic merit.
The direct "loss" must be caused by or re-
sult from a Covered Cause of Loss.
AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions is amended to
(2) SECTION D. LOSS CONDITIONS, 7. include the following:
Valuation is deleted in its entirety and re- Underground Property
placed by the following:
(1) We will pay for direct "loss" resulting from
We will determine the value of Covered any of the Covered Causes of Loss to:
Property in the event of direct "loss" at the
market value at the time of "loss". (a) Foundations of covered buildings,
structures, machinery or boilers, if
The most we will pay for loss in any one occur- their foundations are below the lowest
rence under this Coverage Extension is
basement floor or the surface of the
$25,000. ground if there is no basement; and
E. Ordinance or Law (b) Underground pipes, flues or drains if
For the purposes of this endorsement only, they are attached to Covered Proper-
AGE, 4. Additional Coverages, g. Ordinance Not Covered, g. Foundations is deleted
or Law, the last paragraph is deleted in its en- in its entirety and replaced by the follow-
tirety and replaced by the following: ing:
The most we will pay for loss in any one occur- g. Foundations
rence under Paragraph (a) Loss of Use of
Undamaged Parts of the Building is the Limit Foundations of buildings, structures,
of Insurance shown in the COMMERCIAL machinery or boilers, if their founda-
TIONS as applicable to the covered building or
structure sustaining direct "loss". This Cover- (1) The lowest basement floor; or
age is included within, and not in addition to, (2) The surface of the ground, if
that applicable Limit of Insurance. there is no basement;
The most we will pay for all loss in any one oc- except as provided in SECTION A.
currence under Paragraph (b) Demolition COVERAGE, 5. Coverage Exten-
Costs and Paragraph (c) Increased Costs of sions.
Construction is the Blanket Coverage Limit as
provided in Section X of this endorsement per (3) SECTION A. COVERAGE, 2. Property
building or structure sustaining direct "loss". Not Covered, n. Underground Pipes,
This is an additional Limit of Insurance appli- Flues or Drains is deleted in its entirety
cable to the building or structure sustaining and replaced by the following:
n. Underground Pipes, Flues or
F. Pollutant Clean Up and Removal Drains
For the purposes of this endorsement only, in Underground pipes, flues or drains,
AGE, 4. Additional Coverages, h. Pollutant sions.
Clean Up and Removal, the last paragraph is
deleted in its entirety and replaced by the fol- The most we will pay for loss in any one occur-
lowing: rence is the Limit of Insurance shown in the
The most we will pay for each "premises" un- PART DECLARATIONS as applicable to the
der this Pollutant Clean Up and Removal Cov- covered building or structure incurring direct
erage Extension is $25,000. This limit includes "loss". This Coverage is included within, and
the sum of all covered expenses arising out of

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not in addition to, that applicable Limit of Insur- material carried or otherwise moved
ance. by any of the water referred to in Par-
agraph 1), 3) or 4), or material carried
H. Valuable Papers and Records or otherwise moved by mudslide or
For the purposes of this endorsement only: mudflow as described in Paragraph
COVERAGE, 5. Coverage Extensions, r. COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. COV-
Valuable Papers and Records, the sec- ERAGE, 5. Coverage Extensions is
ond paragraph in (4)(b) Away From Your amended to include the following:
Premises is deleted in its entirety and re- Water Backup Discharged From Sew-
placed by the following: ers, Drains, Septic or Sump Pump Sys-
This limit of insurance for Away From tems
Your Premises coverage is not included We will pay for "loss" caused by or result-
within the Blanket Coverage Limit and is ing from water or waterborne material that
separate and in addition to the Blanket has entered and then backs up through
Coverage Limit. and is discharged from a sewer, drain (in-
2. In BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROP- cluding roof drains and related fixtures),
ERTY COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. septic system, sump pump system or re-
COVERAGE, 5. Coverage Extensions, r. lated equipment.
Valuable Papers and Records, the last (4) SECTION C. DEDUCTIBLE is amended
paragraph is deleted in its entirety and re- by adding the following:
placed by the following:
Water Backup Deductible
The most we will pay for loss in any one
occurrence under this Valuable Papers We will not pay for "loss" in any one occur-
and Records Coverage Extension is the rence caused by or resulting from water or
Blanket Coverage Limit as provided in waterborne material which backs up
Section X of this endorsement. through and is discharged from a sewer,
drain, septic system, sump pump system
I. Water Backup Discharged from Sewers, or related equipment, until the amount of
Drains, Septic or Sump Pump Systems "loss" exceeds the Deductible shown in
For the purposes of this endorsement only: the Declarations, or $1,000, whichever is
greater. We will then pay the amount of
(1) BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY "loss" in excess of that deductible, up to
COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. COV- the applicable limit indicated in Paragraph
ERAGE, 3. Covered Causes of Loss, b. (5) of this Coverage Extension.
Exclusions, (1)(g) Water, Paragraph 3) is
deleted in its entirety and replaced by the (5) The most we will pay for loss in any one
following: occurrence under this Water Backup Dis-
charged from Sewers, Drains, Septic or
3) Except as provided in SECTION A. Sump Pump Systems Coverage Extension
COVERAGE, 5. Coverage Exten- is $10,000, including any "Business In-
sions, Water Backup Discharged come", "Rental Value" and Extra Expense
from Sewers, Drains, Septic or loss.
Sump Pump Systems, water that
has entered and then backs up J. Fire Department Service Charge
through and is discharged from a For the purposes of this endorsement only,
sewer, drain, septic system, sump BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY
pump system or related equipment; or COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. COVER-
(2) BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AGE, 4. Additional Coverages, c. Fire De-
COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. COV- partment Service Charge is deleted in its en-
ERAGE, 3. Covered Causes of Loss, b. tirety and replaced by the following:
Exclusions, (1)(g) Water, Paragraph 5) is When the fire department is called to save or
deleted in its entirety and replaced by the protect Covered Property from a Covered
following: Cause of Loss, we will pay up to $25,000 in
5) Except as provided in SECTION A. any one occurrence for Fire Department Ser-
COVERAGE, 5. Coverage Exten- vice Charge for your liability, which is deter-
sions, Water Backup Discharged mined prior to direct "loss", for fire department
from Sewers, Drains, Septic or service charges:
Sump Pump Systems, waterborne (1) Assumed by contract or agreement; or
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(2) Required by local ordinance. tenants who temporarily vacate a portion
of the building at a "premises". The va-
This Coverage is in addition to the Limits of In- cancy must have occurred while the por-
surance shown in the COMMERCIAL PROP- tion of the building rented by your tenant
ERTY COVERAGE PART DECLARATIONS could not be occupied due to direct "loss"
and applies per location. Such limit is the most to your Covered Property caused by or re-
we will pay regardless of the number of re- sulting from a Covered Cause of Loss dur-
sponding fire departments or fire units, and re- ing the "coverage term". The move back
gardless of the number or type of services per- must be completed within 60 calendar
formed. days after the portion of the building rent-
K. Signs ed by your tenant has been repaired or
rebuilt and is ready for occupancy.
For the purposes of this endorsement only, in
BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY (2) Covered Move Back Costs means only
COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. COVER- documented, reasonable and necessary
AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions, n. Signs, the costs of:
second paragraph is deleted in its entirety and (a) Packing, insuring and transporting
replaced by the following: business personal property;
The most we will pay for loss in any one occur- (b) Re-establishing electric utility and
rence under this Sign Coverage Extension is communication services, less refunds
$10,000. from discontinued services;
L. Outdoor Property (c) Assembling and setting up fixtures
For the purposes of this endorsement only, in and equipment; or
BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY (d) Unpacking and re-shelving stock and
AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions, k. Outdoor
Property, the last paragraph is deleted in its (3) If your tenants have valid and collectible
entirety and replaced by the following: insurance for Covered Move Back Costs,
we will pay only for the amount of Covered
The most we will pay for loss in any one occur- Move Back Costs in excess of the amount
rence under this Outdoor Property Coverage payable from such other insurance.
Extension is $25,000, but not more than
$1,000 for any one tree, shrub, or plant. The most we will pay for loss in any one
occurrence under this Tenant Move Back
M. Personal Effects Expenses Coverage Extension is the
For the purposes of this endorsement only, in Blanket Coverage Limit as provided in
BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY Section X of this endorsement.
AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions, l. Personal
Effects, the last two paragraphs are deleted in For the purposes of this endorsement only,
their entirety and replaced by the following: BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY
If theft is included as a Covered Cause of Loss AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions is amended to
under this Coverage Part, then this Personal include the following:
Effects Coverage Extension has a $1,000 per
occurrence limitation for direct "loss" by theft. Peak Season
The most we will pay for loss in any one occur- 1. In the event that the limit of insurance
rence under this Personal Effects Coverage stated in the Declarations for Business
Extension is $25,000. Personal Property is insufficient to fully in-
sure a covered "loss" due to a Peak Sea-
N. Tenant Move Back Expenses son Demand for your inventory, we will
For the purposes of this endorsement only, pay up to the Blanket Coverage Limit as
provided in Section X of this endorsement.
COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. COVER- 2. Peak Season Demand means a temporary
AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions is amended to (90 consecutive days or less) increase in
include the following: your inventory to meet a seasonal demand
as verified by:
Tenant Move Back Expenses
a. Your previous inventory records for
(1) We will reimburse you for expenses you that historical period of time; and
pay for Covered Move Back Costs of your
b. Custom and practice in your industry.
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P. Personal Property of Others ways, walks, patios or other paved surfac-
For the purposes of this endorsement only,
AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions is amended to ERAGE, 4. Additional Coverages is
include the following: amended to include the following:
Personal Property of Others Paved Surfaces
In the event that the limit of insurance stated in We will pay for direct "loss" resulting from
the COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE any of the Covered Causes of Loss to
PART DECLARATIONS for Business Person- bridges, roadways, walks, patios or other
al Property is insufficient to fully insure a cov- paved surfaces.
ered "loss" to both your Covered Personal
Property and property described in Paragraph The most we will pay for loss in any one
(8) of SECTION A. COVERAGE, 1. Covered occurrence under this Paved Surfaces
Property, d. Business Personal Property, Coverage Extension is $25,000.
we will pay up to the Blanket Coverage Limit in T. Temperature Change
any one occurrence as provided in Section X
of this endorsement for such property. For the purposes of this endorsement only,
For the purposes of this endorsement only, AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions is amended to
AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions is amended to
include the following: (1) Coverage
In the event that the limits of insurance stated (a) BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROP-
AGE, 4. Additional Coverages, b. Debris ty is deleted in its entirety and re-
Removal are insufficient to fully cover a "loss" placed by the following:
insured thereunder, we will pay up to the Blan-
ket Coverage Limit in any one occurrence as Covered Property means "perishable
provided in Section X of this endorsement. stock" located in a building at a
R. Fire Protection Equipment Recharge
For the purposes of this endorsement only, ERTY COVERAGE FORM, SECTION
COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. COVER- Covered is deleted in its entirety and
AGE, 4. Additional Coverages, d. Fire Pro- replaced by the following:
tection Equipment Recharge, the last para-
graph is deleted and replaced by the following: Covered Property does not include:

The most we will pay for loss in any one occur- "Perishable Stock" Not in Build-
rence under this Fire Protection Equipment ings
Recharge Coverage Extension is $50,000. "Perishable stock" located on build-
This Coverage is in addition to the Limits of In- ings, in or on vehicles, or otherwise in
surance shown in the COMMERCIAL PROP- the open.
(2) Covered Causes of Loss
S. Paved Surfaces
For the purposes of this endorsement only: COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. COV-
1. BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ERAGE, 3. Covered Causes of Loss, a.
COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. COV- Covered Causes of Loss is deleted in its
ERAGE, 2. Property Not Covered, i. entirety and replaced by the following:
Paved Surfaces is deleted in its entirety a. Covered Causes of Loss
and replaced by the following:
Covered Causes of Loss means di-
Except as provided in 4. Additional Cov- rect "loss" from "temperature change"
erages, Paved Surfaces, bridges, road- to Covered Property unless "loss" is

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FA 250 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 9 of 11
excluded or limited in this Coverage OF INSURANCE is deleted in its entirety
Part. and replaced by the following:
(3) Excluded Causes of Loss SECTION B. LIMITS OF INSURANCE
(a) BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROP- a. The most we will pay for all direct
ERTY COVERAGE FORM SECTION "loss" in any one occurrence under
A. COVERAGE, 3. Covered Causes this Temperature Change Coverage
of Loss, b. Exclusions does not ap- Extension is $5,000, including any
ply to this Coverage Extension, ex- "Business Income", "Rental Value",
cept as follows: and Extra Expense loss.
(1) Exclusion (1)(b) Earth Move- b. The Limit of Insurance for Tempera-
ment; ture Change is not an additional
amount of insurance and will not in-
(2) Exclusion (1)(c) Governmental crease the Limit of Insurance shown
Action; in the Declarations for Business Per-
(3) Exclusion (1)(d) Nuclear Haz- sonal Property or "stock".
ard; (5) Duties in the Event of Loss
(4) Exclusion (1)(f) War and Mili- BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY
(5) Exclusion (1)(g) Water; or CONDITIONS, 3. Duties in the Event of
Loss or Damage, a.(2) is deleted in its
(6) Exclusion (1)(h) "Fungi", Wet entirety and replaced by the following:
Rot, Dry Rot, and Bacteria.
(2) All claims under this Temperature
(b) In addition to Paragraph (3)(a) of this Change Coverage Extension should
Coverage Extension, we will not pay be reported immediately upon occur-
for direct "loss" caused by or resulting rence. Include a description of the
from any of the following: damaged "perishable stock". All dam-
aged "perishable stock" must be
1) The disconnecting of any heat- available for inspection and verifica-
ing, refrigerating, cooling or hu- tion.
midity control system from the
source of its power; (6) Coinsurance
2) The deactivation of electrical BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY
power caused by the manipula- COVERAGE FORM, SECTION E. ADDI-
tion of any switch or other device TIONAL CONDITIONS, 1. Coinsurance
(on "premises") used to control does not apply to the coverage provided
the flow of electrical power or by this endorsement.
(7) Definitions
3) The inability of an Electrical Utili-
ty Company or other power BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY
source to provide sufficient pow- COVERAGE FORM, SECTION G. DEFI-
er due to: NITIONS is amended to include the follow-
ing definitions:
a) Lack of fuel; or
"Perishable stock" means personal prop-
b) Governmental order; erty:
4) The inability of a power source at a. Preserved and maintained under con-
the "premises" to provide suffi- trolled conditions; and
cient power due to the lack of
generating capacity to meet de- b. Susceptible to "loss" if the controlled
mand; or conditions change.

5) Breaking of any glass that is a "Temperature change" means:

permanent part of any heating, a. The fluctuation or total interruption of
refrigeration, cooling or humidity electrical power, either on or off
control unit. "premises", resulting from conditions
(4) Limits of Insurance beyond your control.

BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY b. Mechanical breakdown or mechanical

COVERAGE FORM, SECTION B. LIMITS failure of any refrigerating or cooling

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FA 250 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 10 of 11
apparatus or equipment (on "premis- other Covered Cause of Loss, not refer-
es") including the blowing of any fuse, enced in Paragraph U.(1) above.
fuses, or circuit breakers, only while
such equipment is at the "premises". V. Inflation Guard

c. Contamination by refrigerant. For the purposes of this endorsement only, the

d. Damage due to the freezing of "per- PART DECLARATIONS is amended to show
ishable stock" that is not meant to be 4% for Inflation Guard in the OPTIONAL COV-
frozen resulting from the faulty opera- ERAGES - Inflation Guard column for each
tion of any stationary heating plant, scheduled Building Property. If an Inflation
when such "perishable stock" is con- Guard percentage is already indicated on the
tained within a building at the "prem- COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE
ises". PART DECLARATIONS for that Building
property, this percentage is excess of that In-
U. Nonowned Building Damage flation Guard percentage for that Building
For the purposes of this endorsement only, property.
AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions, j. Nonowned For the purposes of this endorsement only,
Building Damage is deleted in its entirety and BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY
replaced by the following: COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. COVER-
AGE, 5. Coverage Extensions is amended to
If you are a tenant, you may extend the insur- include the following:
ance provided by this Coverage Part for Busi-
ness Personal Property to direct "loss" that oc- Brands and Labels
curs to the building at a "premises" you occupy
but do not own. If branded or labeled merchandise that is Cov-
ered Property is damaged by a Covered Cause
This Coverage Extension applies only if your of Loss, we may take all or any part of the
lease makes you legally responsible for that property at an agreed or appraised value. If so,
part of the building sustaining "loss". you may:
This Coverage Extension does not apply to: (1) Stamp "salvage" on the merchandise or its
containers, if the stamp will not physically
(1) Glass, including lettering and ornamenta- damage the merchandise; or
tion, and also necessary:
(2) Remove the brands or labels, if doing so
(a) Repair or replacement of encasing will not physically damage the merchan-
frames or alarm tapes; and dise. You must re-label the merchandise
(b) Expenses incurred to board up open- or its containers to comply with the law.
ings or remove or replace obstruction. The most we will pay for loss in any one occur-
(2) Building materials and equipment re- rence under this Brands and Labels Coverage
moved from the "premises". Extension is $25,000.

The most we will pay for loss in any one occur- X. Blanket Coverage Limit
rence under this Nonowned Building Damage We will pay up to the Limit of Insurance stated
Coverage Extension is: in the Schedule of this endorsement in total in
(1) The actual "loss" sustained up to the ap- any one occurrence for the sum of all "loss" in-
plicable Limit of Insurance for Business sured under coverages provided in this en-
Personal Property for direct "loss" caused dorsement which are subject to the Blanket
by theft, burglary or robbery, or the at- Coverage Limit. You may apportion this Limit
tempt of the foregoing; or among these coverages as you choose.

(2) The applicable Limit of Insurance for Busi-

ness Personal Property or $25,000;
whichever is less, for "loss" caused by any

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(Including Production Machinery)

This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following:

apply. These limits apply to direct
A. COVERAGE damage only.
1. BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROP- (1) Ammonia Contamination Limi-
COVERAGE is amended by adding the
following: If Covered Property is contami-
nated by ammonia as a result of
We will pay for direct damage to Covered an "accident" to Covered Prop-
Property caused by or resulting from an erty at the "premises", the most
"accident" at the "premises". we will pay for this kind of dam-
2. BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROP- age, including salvage expense,
ERTY COVERAGE FORM, SECTION A. is $50,000 per location.
COVERAGE, 3. Covered Causes of (2) Data, Media and Software Res-
Loss, b. Exclusions is amended by: toration
a. Adding the following to (1)(e) Utility If "electronic data" is destroyed
Services, (1)(g) Water 1), (2)(a) or corrupted as a result of an
Electrical Current, (2)(d) Miscella- "accident" to covered equipment,
neous Causes of Loss, (2)(j) Expo- the most we will pay for the ex-
sure to Weather, (3)(a) Weather penses incurred by you for the
Conditions, (3)(b) Acts or Deci- restoration of that "electronic
sions, and (3)(c) Defects, Errors, data" is $50,000 for all loss sus-
and Omissions: tained in the "coverage term",
However, this exclusion does not ap- regardless of the number of "ac-
ply if these causes of loss are caused cidents" or the number of "prem-
by, or result from, an "accident" to ises" involved.
Covered Property at the "premises". (3) "Hazardous Substance" Limi-
b. Deleting in its entirety (2)(e) Explo- tation
sion of Steam Apparatus. The following applies despite the
3. BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROP- operation of the Ordinance or
Law Exclusion.
COVERAGE, 3. Covered Causes of If Covered Property is damaged,
Loss, c. Limitations is amended: contaminated or polluted by a
"hazardous substance" as a re-
a. By deleting in its entirety:
sult of an "accident" to Covered
(1) (1)(a) Steam Apparatus; and Property at the "premises", the
most we will pay for any addi-
(2) (1)(b) Hot Water Boilers, tional expenses incurred by you
for clean up, repair, replacement
b. And by adding the following:
or disposal of that property is
The following limitations apply only to $50,000. As used here, addi-
"loss" covered by this endorsement. tional expenses mean expenses
The sublimits provided in Paragraphs incurred beyond those for which
(1), (2) and (3) below are included we would be liable if no "hazard-
within, and are not in addition to, the ous substance" had been in-
Limit of Insurance shown in the Dec- volved.
larations as applicable to the Covered
Property. These limits, or the appli- B. Additional Coverages
cable Limit of Insurance shown in the For the purposes of the coverages in this en-
Declarations as applicable to the dorsement only, BUILDING AND PERSONAL
Covered Property, whichever is less, PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM, SECTION
FA 245 05 11 Page 1 of 3
A. COVERAGE, 4. Additional Coverages is to the lost or damaged Covered Property,
amended as follows: whichever is greater.
1. The first paragraph is deleted in its en- D. Conditions
tirety and replaced with the following:
For the purposes of the coverages in this en-
All other terms and conditions of this Cov- dorsement only, BUILDING AND PERSONAL
erage Part, including Limits of Insurance PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM, SECTION
and deductibles, apply to these Additional E. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS is amended by
Coverages. adding the following:
2. The following is added: 1. Suspension
a. Drying Out Whenever any covered equipment is
found to be in, or exposed to, a danger-
If electrical equipment included in
ous condition, any of our representatives
Covered Property requires "drying may immediately suspend the insurance
out" as a result of a "flood", the rea-
against "loss" from an "accident" to that
sonable expense incurred for the covered equipment. This can be done by
"drying out" will be covered. This Ad- delivering or mailing a written notice of
ditional Coverage is included within
suspension to:
the Limit of Insurance shown in the
Declarations as applicable to the a. Your last known address; or
Covered Property.
b. The address where the covered
b. Expediting Expenses equipment is located.
With respect to "loss" covered by this Once suspended in this way, your insur-
endorsement, and with respect to ance can be reinstated only by written no-
your damaged Covered Property, we tice from us.
will pay the reasonable extra cost to:
If we suspend your insurance, you will get
(1) Make temporary repairs; a pro rata refund of premium for that cov-
ered equipment. However, the suspension
(2) Expedite permanent repairs; and will be effective even if we have not yet
(3) Expedite permanent replace- made or offered a refund.
2. Inspection
c. Non-Owned Utility Service Equip- If any Covered Property requires inspec-
ment tion to comply with state or municipal
We will pay for indirect loss resulting boiler and pressure vessel regulations, we
from an "accident" to non-owned util- agree to perform such inspection on your
ity equipment described in E. Defini- behalf.
tions, 1.a.(6) but we will not pay for E. Definitions
any expense to repair or replace di-
rect damage to non-owned utility For the purposes of the coverages in this en-
equipment that: dorsement only, BUILDING AND PERSONAL
(1) You do not own, lease or rent, or G. DEFINITIONS is amended by adding the
(2) That is not in your care custody following:
and control.
1. a."Accident" means a sudden and acci-
This Additional Coverage is included dental breakdown of the following covered
within the Limit of Insurance shown in the equipment:
Declarations as applicable to the Covered
(1) Any boiler;
(2) Any fired or unfired pressure vessel
C. Deductible subject to vacuum or internal pres-
For the purposes of the coverages in this en- sure other than the static pressure of
dorsement only, BUILDING AND PERSONAL its contents;
PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM, SECTION (3) Any piping and its accessory equip-
C. DEDUCTIBLE is amended by adding the ment;
(4) Any refrigeration or air conditioning
The deductible applicable to "loss" covered by
system; or
this endorsement is $500, or the deductible in-
dicated in the Declarations as being applicable

FA 245 05 11 Page 2 of 3
(5) Any mechanical or electrical machine moval of excess moisture from that equipment
or apparatus used for the generation, including:
transmission or utilization of me-
chanical or electrical power. a. Application of heat or controlled electrical
current, circulation of air, or use of dehu-
(6) Equipment of a type described in midification equipment, after rinsing the
definition a.(1) through (5) above electrical equipment with clean fresh wa-
which you do not own, lease or rent ter if necessary to flush away "flood" de-
and is not in your care, custody or bris;
control that is on or within one mile of
a covered "location", and is supplying b. "Drying out" can be done in place or
you with electricity, gas, water, equipment can be disconnected and re-
steam, heat, refrigeration, air condi- moved to a repair facility for drying if nec-
tioning or communication services. essary.

At the time the breakdown occurs, it must c. "Drying out" does not include or apply to:
become apparent by physical damage (1) Replacement or repair of any electri-
that requires repair or replacement of the cal equipment or parts thereof; or
covered equipment or part thereof.
(2) Any expense related to deconstruc-
b. None of the following is an "accident": tion, demolition, or reconstruction of
(1) Depletion, deterioration, corrosion or any building component, structure or
erosion, wear and tear; part thereof to gain access to electri-
cal equipment.
(2) Leakage at any valve, fitting, shaft
seal, gland packing, joint or connec- 3. "Flood" means a general and temporary con-
tion; dition of partial or complete inundation of nor-
mally dry land areas due to:
(3) The functioning of any safety or pro-
tective device; or a. The overflow of inland or tidal waters;

(4) The breakdown of any structure or b. The unusual or rapid accumulation or

foundation. runoff of surface waters from any source;
c. None of the following are covered equip-
ment: c. Mudslides or mudflows, which are caused
by flooding as defined above in Paragraph
(1) Any sewer piping, underground gas 3.b. For the purpose of this Covered
piping, or piping forming a part of a Cause of Loss, a mudslide or mudflow in-
sprinkler system; volves a river of liquid and flowing mud on
the surface of normally dry land areas as
(2) Water piping other than boiler feed when earth is carried by a current of water
water piping, boiler condensate return and deposited along the path of the cur-
piping or water piping forming a part rent.
of a refrigeration or air conditioning
system; All flooding in a continuous or protracted
event will constitute a single "flood".
(3) Insulating or refractory material;
4. "Hazardous Substance" means a substance
(4) Vehicle, elevator, escalator, con- declared to be hazardous to health by a gov-
veyor, hoist or crane; or ernmental agency.
(5) Felt, wire, screen, die, extrusion 5. "Production Machinery" means:
plate, swing hammer, grinding disc,
cutting blade, non-electrical cable, a. Production or process machine or appara-
chain, belt, rope, clutch plate, brake tus that processes, forms, cuts, shapes
pad, nonmetallic part, or any part or grinds or conveys raw material, material in
tool subject to periodic replacement. process or finished products, and the
computers and their peripherals that con-
d. If a strike, riot, civil commotion, act of trol or operate such a machine or appara-
sabotage or vandalism results in an "acci- tus.
dent", this insurance applies. However,
the War and Military Action Exclusion and b. Machine or apparatus used for research,
the conditions of this Coverage Part still medical, diagnostic, surgical, dental or
apply. pathological purposes, and computers
and their peripherals that control or oper-
2. "Drying out" means restoration of electrical ate such a machine or apparatus.
equipment to service following a "flood" by re-

FA 245 05 11 Page 3 of 3
Various provisions in this policy restrict coverage. Read the entire policy carefully to determine rights, duties
and what is and is not covered.
Throughout this policy the words "you" and "your" refer to the Named Insured shown in the Declarations. The
words "we", "us" and "our" refer to the Company providing this insurance.
Other words and phrases that appear in quotation marks have special meaning. Refer to SECTION F. DEFI-

SECTION A. COVERAGE cated if that area services or is used

to gain access to the described
Coverage is provided as described and limited be- "premises".
low for one or more of the following options for
which a Limit of Insurance is shown in the Declara- (2) Your personal property in the open
tions: (or in a vehicle or portable storage
unit) within 1,000 feet of the building
a. "Business Income" including "Rental Value". or 1,000 feet of the "premises",
b. "Business Income" other than "Rental Value". whichever distance is greater.

c. "Rental Value". 2. Extra Expense

If option a. above is selected, the term "Business
Income" will include "Rental Value". If option c. a. Extra Expense coverage is provided at
the "premises" described in the Declara-
above is selected, the term "Business Income" will
tions only if the Declarations show that
mean "Rental Value" only.
"Business Income" coverage applies at
If Limits of Insurance are shown under more than that "premises".
one of the above options, the provisions of this
Coverage Part apply separately to each. b. Extra Expense means necessary ex-
penses you sustain (as described in Par-
1. Business Income agraphs 2.c., d. and e.) during the "period
of restoration" that you would not have
a. We will pay for the actual loss of "Busi- sustained if there had been no direct
ness Income" you sustain due to the nec- "loss" to property caused by or resulting
essary "suspension" of your "operations" from a Covered Cause of Loss.
during the "period of restoration". The
"suspension" must be caused by direct c. If these expenses reduce the otherwise
"loss" to property at "premises" which are payable "Business Income" "loss", we will
described in the Declarations and for pay expenses (other than the expense to
which a "Business Income" Limit of Insur- repair or replace property as described in
ance is shown in the Declarations. The Paragraph 2.d.) to:
"loss" must be caused by or result from a
Covered Cause of Loss. With respect to (1) Avoid or minimize the "suspension"
"loss" to personal property in the open (or of business and to continue "opera-
tions" either:
personal property in a vehicle or portable
storage unit), the "premises" include the (a) At the "premises"; or
area within 1,000 feet of the building or
1,000 feet of the "premises", whichever (b) At replacement "premises" or
distance is greater. temporary locations, including
relocation expenses and costs to
b. With respect to the requirements set forth equip and operate the replace-
in the preceding paragraph, if you are a ment location or temporary loca-
tenant and occupy only part of the site at tion; or
which the "premises" are located, for the
purposes of this Coverage Part only, your (2) Minimize the "suspension" of busi-
"premises" is the portion of the building ness if you cannot continue "opera-
which you rent, lease or occupy, includ- tions".
d. We will also pay expenses to:
(1) Any area within the building or on the
site at which the "premises" are lo- (1) Repair or replace property; or

Includes copyrighted material of Insurance

FA 213 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 1 of 9
(2) Research, replace or restore the lost sulting from any Covered Cause of Loss
information on damaged "valuable to:
papers and records";
(1) New buildings or structures, whether
but only to the extent this payment reduc- complete or under construction;
es the otherwise payable "Business In-
come" "loss". If any property obtained for (2) Alterations or additions to existing
temporary use during the "period of resto- buildings or structures; and
ration" remains after the resumption of (3) Machinery, equipment, supplies or
normal "operations", the amount we will building materials located on or with-
pay under this Coverage Form will be re- in 1,000 feet of the "premises" and:
duced by the salvage value of that prop-
erty. (a) Used in the construction, altera-
tions or additions; or
e. Extra Expense as described in Para-
graphs 2.a. thru 2.d. does not apply to (b) Incidental to the occupancy of
"loss" to Covered Property as described new buildings.
PROPERTY COVERAGE FORM. If such direct "loss" delays the start of
"operations", the "period of restoration"
3. Covered Causes of Loss for "Business Income" coverage will begin
on the date "operations" would have be-
See BUILDING AND PERSONAL PROPER- gun if the direct "loss" had not occurred.
ERAGE, 3. Covered Causes of Loss. b. Civil Authority
When a Covered Cause of Loss causes
4. Limitation for Electronic Data
direct damage to property other than
a. Coverage for "Business Income" does not Covered Property at the "premises", we
apply when a "suspension" of "opera- will pay for the actual loss of "Business
tions" is caused by destruction or corrup- Income" you sustain and necessary Extra
tion of "electronic data", or any "loss" to Expense you sustain caused by action of
"electronic data", except as provided un- civil authority that prohibits access to the
der SECTION A. COVERAGE, 5. Addi- "premises", provided that both of the fol-
tional Coverages, d. Interruption of lowing apply:
Computer Operations.
(1) Access to the area immediately sur-
b. Coverage for Extra Expense does not ap- rounding the damaged property is
ply when action is taken to avoid or mini- prohibited by civil authority as a re-
mize a "suspension" of "operations" sult of the damage; and
caused by destruction or corruption of
"electronic data", or any "loss" to "elec- (2) The action of civil authority is taken in
response to dangerous physical con-
tronic data", except as provided under
ditions resulting from the damage or
SECTION A. COVERAGE, 5. Additional
continuation of the Covered Cause of
Coverages, d. Interruption of Comput-
Loss that caused the damage, or the
er Operations.
action is taken to enable a civil au-
c. This Limitation does not apply when thority to have unimpeded access to
"loss" to "electronic data" involves only the damaged property.
"electronic data" which is integrated in
Civil Authority coverage for "Business In-
and operates or controls a building's ele-
vator, lighting, heating, ventilation, air come" will begin immediately after the
conditioning or security system. time of the first action of civil authority that
prohibits access to the "premises" and will
apply for a period of up to 30 consecutive
5. Additional Coverages days from the date on which such cover-
The Additional Coverages in Paragraphs 5.a. age began.
through 5.e. are included within and not addi-
Civil Authority coverage for Extra Ex-
tional "Business Income" and Extra Expense pense will begin immediately after the
Limits of Insurance. time of the first action of civil authority that
prohibits access to the "premises" and will
a. Alterations and New Buildings end 30 consecutive days after the date of
We will pay for the actual loss of "Busi- that action; or when your Civil Authority
ness Income" you sustain and necessary coverage for "Business income" coverage
Extra Expense you sustain due to direct ends, whichever is later.
"loss" at the "premises" caused by or re-
Includes copyrighted material of Insurance
FA 213 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 2 of 9
c. Extended Business Income (ii) 60 consecutive days after
the date determined in
(1) "Business Income" Other Than c.(2)(a) above.
"Rental Value"
However, Extended Business Income
If the necessary "suspension" of your does not apply to loss of "Rental Value"
"operations" produces a "Business sustained as a result of unfavorable busi-
Income" "loss" payable under this ness conditions caused by the impact of
Coverage Part, we will pay for the ac- the Covered Cause of Loss in the area
tual loss of "Business Income" you where the "premises" are located.
sustain during the period that:
Loss of "Rental Value" must be caused by
(a) Begins on the date property (ex- direct "loss" at the described "premises"
cept "finished stock") is actually caused by or resulting from any Covered
repaired, rebuilt or replaced and Cause of Loss.
"operations" are resumed; and
d. Interruption of Computer Operations
(b) Ends on the earlier of:
(1) Subject to all provisions of this Addi-
(i) The date you could restore tional Coverage - Interruption of
your "operations", with rea- Computer Operations, you may ex-
sonable speed, to the level tend the insurance that applies to
which would generate the "Business Income" and Extra Ex-
"Business Income" amount pense to apply to a "suspension" of
that would have existed if no "operations" caused by an interrup-
direct "loss" had occurred; or tion in computer operations due to
(ii) 60 consecutive days after destruction or corruption of "electron-
the date determined in ic data" due to a Covered Cause of
c.(1)(a) above. Loss. This Additional Coverage - In-
terruption of Computer Operations
However, Extended Business Income does not apply when "loss" to "elec-
does not apply to loss of "Business tronic data" only involves "loss" to
Income" sustained as a result of un- "electronic data" which is integrated
favorable business conditions caused in and operates or controls a build-
by the impact of the Covered Cause ing's elevator, lighting, heating, venti-
of Loss in the area where the "prem- lation, air conditioning or security
ises" are located. system.
Loss of "Business Income" must be (2) The Covered Causes of Loss include
caused by direct "loss" at the "prem- a virus, harmful code or similar in-
ises" caused by or resulting from any struction introduced into or enacted
Covered Cause of Loss. on a computer system (including
"electronic data") or a network to
(2) "Rental Value" which it is connected, designed to
If the necessary "suspension" of your damage or destroy any part of the
"operations" produces a "Rental Val- system or disrupt its normal opera-
ue" loss payable under this Coverage tion. But there is no coverage for an
Part, we will pay for the actual loss of interruption related to manipulation of
"Rental Value" you sustain during the a computer system (including "elec-
period that: tronic data") by any employee, in-
cluding a temporary or leased em-
(a) Begins on the date property is ployee, or by an entity retained by
actually repaired, rebuilt or re- you or for you to inspect, design, in-
placed and tenantability is re- stall, maintain, repair or replace that
stored; and system.
(b) Ends on the earlier of: (3) The most we will pay under this Addi-
tional Coverage - Interruption of
(i) The date you could restore Computer Operations is $2,500 for
tenant occupancy, with rea- all "loss" sustained and expense sus-
sonable speed, to the level tained in any "coverage term", re-
which would generate the gardless of the number of interrup-
"Rental Value" that would tions or the number of "premises", lo-
have existed if no direct cations or computer systems in-
"loss" had occurred; or volved. If loss payment relating to the
first interruption does not exhaust this

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amount, then the balance is available (2) Buildings you newly purchase or be-
for "loss" or expense sustained as a come required to insure by written
result of subsequent interruptions in contract; or
that "coverage term". A balance re-
maining at the end of a "coverage (3) Leased buildings or space therein
term" does not increase the amount that you are not required to insure.
of insurance in the next "coverage Such lease must be for a period of 12
term". With respect to any interrup- consecutive months or longer.
tion which begins in one "coverage This does not apply to property situated at
term" and continues or results in ad- trade shows, fairs or exhibitions.
ditional "loss" or expense in that sub-
sequent "coverage term", all "loss" b. The most we will pay in total for "Business
and expense is deemed to be sus- Income" and Extra Expense "loss" under
tained in the "coverage term" in this Coverage Extension is $100,000 at
which the interruption began. each location described in Paragraph 6.a.
(4) This Additional Coverage - Interrup- c. Insurance under this Coverage Extension
tion in Computer Operations does will end when any of the following first oc-
not apply to "loss" sustained or ex- curs:
pense sustained after the end of the
"period of restoration", even if the (1) This policy expires;
amount of insurance stated in Para- (2) 90 days pass from the date you
graph d.(3) of this Additional Cover- begin construction on that part of the
age has not been exhausted. building that would qualify as Cov-
e. Ingress and Egress ered Property;

We will pay for the actual loss of "Busi- (3) 90 days pass from the date you pur-
ness Income" you sustain and necessary chase, lease, or become contractual-
Extra Expense you sustain caused by the ly required to insure property de-
prevention of existing ingress or egress at scribed in Paragraphs 6.a.(2) and (3);
a "premises" shown in the Declarations or
due to direct "loss" by a Covered Cause (4) You report values to us when you
of Loss at a location contiguous to such acquire your new building or busi-
"premises". However, coverage does not ness personal property.
apply if ingress or egress from the "prem-
ises" is prohibited by civil authority. We will charge you additional premium for
values reported from the date you purchase or
Ingress and egress coverage for "Busi- lease the property or begin construction on
ness Income" will begin immediately after that part of the building that would qualify as
the time of the direct "loss" and will con- Covered Property.
tinue for a period up to 30 consecutive
Ingress and egress coverage for Extra The most we will pay for "loss" in any one occur-
Expense will begin at time of the direct rence is the applicable Limit of Insurance shown in
"loss" and will continue for 30 consecutive the Declarations.
days or whenever your Ingress and
Egress "business income" coverage SECTION C. LOSS CONDITIONS
ends, whichever occurs first. The following conditions apply in addition to the
6. Coverage Extension COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS and the COM-
The limit applicable to the Coverage Extension
is in addition to the Limit of Insurance. SEC- 1. Appraisal
TION D. ADDITIONAL CONDITION, 1. Coin- If we and you disagree on the amount of
surance does not apply to this Coverage Ex- "Business Income" or Extra Expense "loss",
tension. either may make written demand for an ap-
Newly Purchased or Leased Locations praisal of the "loss". In this event, each party
will select a competent and impartial apprais-
a. You may extend your "Business Income" er.
and Extra Expense coverages to apply to
property located at: The two appraisers will select an umpire. If
they cannot agree, either may request that se-
(1) New buildings or additions while be- lection be made by a judge of a court having
ing built on a "premises"; jurisdiction. The appraisers will state separate-

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FA 213 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 4 of 9
ly the amount of "Business Income" or Extra your "operations" as quickly as pos-
Expense "loss". If they fail to agree, they will sible.
submit their differences to the umpire. A deci-
sion agreed to by any two will be binding. b. We may examine any insured under oath,
Each party will: while not in the presence of any other in-
sured and at such times as may be rea-
a. Pay its chosen appraiser; and sonably required, about any matter relat-
ing to this insurance or the claim, includ-
b. Bear the other expenses of the appraisal ing an insured's books and records. In the
and umpire equally. event of an examination, an insured's an-
If there is an appraisal, we will still retain our swers must be signed.
right to deny the claim. 3. Loss Determination
2. Duties in the Event of Loss a. The amount of "Business Income" "loss"
a. You must see that the following are done will be determined based on:
in the event you have a "Business In- (1) The Net Income of the business be-
come" or Extra Expense "loss": fore the direct "loss" occurred;
(1) Notify the police if a law may have (2) The likely Net Income of the business
been broken. if no direct "loss" had occurred, but
(2) Give us prompt notice of the direct not including any Net Income that
"loss". Include a description of the would likely have been earned as a
property involved. result of an increase in the volume of
business due to favorable business
(3) As soon as possible, give us a de- conditions caused by the impact of
scription of how, when, and where the Covered Cause of Loss on cus-
the direct "loss" occurred. tomers or on other businesses;
(4) Take all reasonable steps to protect (3) The operating expenses, including
the Covered Property from further payroll expenses, necessary to re-
damage, and keep a record of your sume "operations" with the same
expenses necessary to protect the quality of service that existed just be-
Covered Property, for consideration fore the direct "loss"; and
in the settlement of the claim. This
will not increase the Limit of Insur- (4) Other relevant sources of infor-
ance. However, we will not pay for mation, including:
any subsequent "loss" resulting from (a) Your financial records and ac-
a cause of loss that is not a Covered counting procedures;
Cause of Loss. Also, if feasible, set
the damaged property aside and in (b) Bills, invoices and other vouch-
the best possible order for examina- ers; and
(c) Deeds, liens or contracts.
(5) As often as may be reasonably re-
quired, permit us to inspect the prop- b. The amount of Extra Expense will be de-
erty proving the "loss" and examine termined based on:
your books and records. (1) All expenses that exceed the normal
Also permit us to take samples of operating expenses that would have
damaged and undamaged property been sustained by "operations" dur-
for inspection, testing and analysis, ing the "period of restoration" if no di-
and permit us to make copies from rect "loss" had occurred. We will de-
your books and records. duct from the total of such expenses:

(6) Send us a signed, sworn proof of (a) The salvage value that remains
loss containing the information we of any property bought for tem-
request to investigate the claim. You porary use during the "period of
must do this within 60 days after our restoration", once "operations"
request. We will supply you with the are resumed; and
necessary forms. (b) Any Extra Expense that is paid
(7) Cooperate with us in the investigation for by other insurance, except
or settlement of the claim. for insurance that is written sub-
ject to the same plan, terms,
(8) If you intend to continue your busi- conditions and provisions as this
ness, you must resume all or part of insurance; and
Includes copyrighted material of Insurance
FA 213 05 16 Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 5 of 9
(2) Necessary expenses that reduce the Instead, we will determine the most we will
"Business Income" "loss" that other- pay using the following steps:
wise would have been incurred.
1. Multiply the Net Income and operating
c. Resumption of Operations expense for the 12 months following the
inception, or last previous anniversary
We will reduce the amount of your: date, of this Coverage Part by the Coin-
(1) "Business Income" "loss", other than surance percentage;
Extra Expense to the extent you can 2. Divide the Limit of Insurance for the de-
resume your "operations", in whole or scribed "premises" by the figure deter-
in part, by using damaged or undam- mined in Step 1.; and
aged property (including merchan-
dise or stock) at the "premises" or 3. Multiply the total amount of "loss" by the
elsewhere. figure determined in Step 2.
(2) Extra Expense "loss" to the extent We will pay the amount determined in Step 3.
you can return "operations" to normal or the limit of insurance, whichever is less. For
and discontinue such Extra Expense. the remainder, you will either have to rely on
other insurance or absorb the loss yourself.
d. If you do not resume "operations", or do
not resume "operations" as quickly as In determining operating expenses for the
possible, we will pay based on the length purpose of applying the Coinsurance condi-
of time it would have taken to resume tion, the following expenses, if applicable,
"operations" as quickly as possible. shall be deducted from the total of all operat-
ing expenses:
4. Loss Payment
1. Prepaid freight - outgoing;
We will pay for insured "loss" within 30 days
after we receive the sworn proof of loss, if you 2. Returns and allowances;
have complied with all of the terms of this
Coverage Part and: 3. Discounts;

a. We have reached agreement with you on 4. Bad debts;

the amount of "loss"; or 5. Collection expenses;
b. An appraisal award has been made. 6. Cost of raw stock and factory supplies
SECTION D. ADDITIONAL CONDITION consumed (including transportation
1. Coinsurance
7. Cost of merchandise sold (including
If a Coinsurance percentage is shown in the transportation charges);
Declarations, the following condition applies in
addition to the COMMON POLICY CONDI- 8. Cost of other supplies consumed (includ-
TIONS and the COMMERCIAL PROPERTY ing transportation charges);
CONDITIONS. 9. Cost of services purchased from outsid-
We will not pay the full amount of any "Busi- ers (not employees) to resell, that do not
ness Income" "loss" if the Limit of Insurance continue under contract;
for "Business Income" is less than: 10. Power, heat and refrigeration expenses
a. The Coinsurance percentage shown for that do not continue under contract (if
"Business Income" in the Declarations; Form CP 15 11 is attached);
times 11. All payroll expenses or the amount of
b. The sum of: payroll expense excluded (if Form FA 465
is attached); and
(1) The Net Income (Net Profit or Loss
before income taxes), and 12. Special deductions for mining properties
(royalties unless specifically included in
(2) Operating expenses, including pay- coverage; actual depletion commonly
roll expenses, known as unit or cost depletion - not per-
centage depletion; welfare and retirement
that would have been earned or incurred fund charges based on tonnage; hired
(had no direct "loss" occurred) by your trucks).
"operations" at the "premises" for the 12 Example No. 1 (Underinsurance):
months following the inception, or last
previous anniversary date, of this Cover- When: The Net Income and operating
age Part (whichever is later). expenses for the 12 months follow-

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ing the inception, or last previous (2) The Limit of Insurance shown in the
anniversary date of this Coverage Declarations.
Part at "premises" would have
been $400,000. 2. Monthly Limit of Indemnity
The Coinsurance percentage is 50% a. SECTION D. ADDITIONAL CONDI-
TIONS, 1. Coinsurance does not apply
The Limit of Insurance Is $150,000 to this Coverage Part at the "premises" to
"Business Income" "loss" is $80,000 which this Optional Coverage applies.

Step 1: $400,000 X 50% = $200,000 b. The most we will pay for "Business In-
(the minimum amount of insurance come" "loss" in each period of 30 consec-
to meet your Coinsurance re- utive days after the beginning of the "pe-
quirements) riod of restoration" is:

Step 2: $150,000 ÷ $200,000 = .75 (1) The Limit of Insurance; multiplied by

Step 3: $ 80,000 X .75 = $60,000 (2) The fraction shown in the Declara-
tions for this Optional Coverage.
We will pay no more than $60,000. The re-
maining $20,000 is not covered. Example:
Example No. 2 (Adequate Insurance): When: The "Business Income" Limit of In-
surance is $120,000
When: The Net Income and operating ex-
penses for the 12 months following The fraction shown in the Declara-
the inception, or last previous anni- tions for this Optional Coverage is
versary date of this Coverage Part at 1/4
the "premises" would have been
The most we will pay for "loss" in
each period of 30 consecutive days
The Coinsurance percentage is 50% is: $120,000 X 1/4 = $30,000.
The Limit of Insurance Is $200,000 If, in this example, the actual amount of "Busi-
ness Income" "loss" is:
"Business Income" "loss" is $80,000
Days 1-30 $40,000
The minimum amount of insurance to meet Days 31-60 20,000
your Coinsurance requirement is $200,000 Days 61-90 30,000
($400,000 x 50%). Therefore, the Limit of In- $90,000
surance in this example is adequate and no
penalty applies. We will pay no more than We will pay:
$80,000 (amount of "loss"). Days 1-30 $30,000
This condition does not apply to Extra Ex- Days 31-60 20,000
pense. Days 61-90 30,000
The remaining $10,000 is not covered.
If shown as applicable in the Declarations, the fol-
lowing Optional Coverages apply separately to 3. Business Income Agreed Value
each item. a. To activate this Optional Coverage:
1. Maximum Period of Indemnity (1) A Business Income Report/Work
Sheet must be on file with the Com-
pany and must show financial data
TIONS, 1. Coinsurance does not apply
for your "operations":
to this Coverage Part at the "premises" to
which this Optional Coverage applies. (a) During the 12 months prior to
the date of the Work Sheet; and
b. The most we will pay in total for "Business
Income" and Extra Expense "loss" is the (b) Estimated for the 12 months
lesser of: immediately following the incep-
tion of this Optional Coverage.
(1) The amount of "Business Income"
and Extra Expense "loss" sustained (2) The Declarations must indicate that
during the 120 days immediately fol- the Business Income Agreed Value
lowing the beginning of the "period of Optional Coverage applies. The
restoration"; or "Business Income" Limit of Insurance
indicated on the Declarations should

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be at least equal to the Agreed Val- b. Continuing normal operating expenses
ue, which is determined by: sustained, including payroll.
(a) The Coinsurance percentage
2. "Computer programs" means a set of related
shown in the Declarations; mul- electronic instructions which direct the opera-
tiplied by
tions and functions of a computer or device
(b) The amount of Net Income and connected to it, which enable the computer or
Operating Expenses for the fol- device to receive, process, store, retrieve or
lowing 12 months you report on send data.
the Work Sheet.
3. "Coverage term" means the following individ-
b. Except as noted in c. below, the ADDI- ual increment, or if a multi-year policy period,
TIONAL CONDITION Coinsurance is increments, of time, which comprise the policy
suspended until the expiration date of this period of this Coverage Part:
Coverage Part.
a. The year commencing on the Effective
c. We will reinstate the ADDITIONAL CON- Date of this Coverage Part at 12:01 A.M.
DITION Coinsurance automatically if you standard time at your mailing address
do not submit a new Work Sheet and shown in the Declarations, and if a multi-
Agreed Value: year policy period, each consecutive an-
nual period thereafter, or portion thereof if
(1) When you request a change in your
any period is for a period of less than 12
"Business Income" Limit of Insur-
ance; or months, constitute individual "coverage
terms". The last "coverage term" ends at
(2) When you request the coinsurance 12:00 A.M. standard time at your mailing
percentage be changed on the Work address shown in the Declarations on the
Sheet. earlier of:

d. If the "Business Income" Limit of Insur- (1) The day the policy period shown in
ance is less than the Agreed Value, we the Declarations ends; or
will not pay more of any loss than the
amount of loss multiplied by: (2) The day the policy to which this Cov-
erage Part is attached is terminated
(1) The "Business Income" Limit of In- or cancelled.
surance; divided by
b. However, if after the issuance of this
(2) The Agreed Value. Coverage Part, any "coverage term" is
extended for an additional period of less
Example: than 12 months, that additional period of
When: The Limit of Insurance is $100,000 time will be deemed to be part of the last
preceding "coverage term".
The Agreed Value is $200,000
4. "Electronic data" means information, facts or
"Business Income" "loss" is $80,000 "computer programs" stored as or on, created
Step (a): $100,000 ÷ $200,000 = .50 or used on, or transmitted to or from computer
software (including systems and applications
Step (b): .50 X $80,000 = $40,000 software), on hard or floppy disks, CD-ROMs,
We will pay $40,000. The remaining $40,000 tapes, drives, cells, data processing devices
is not covered. or any other repositories of computer software
which are used with electronically controlled
4. Extended Period of Indemnity
In SECTION A. COVERAGE, 5. Additional 5. "Finished stock" means stock you have
Coverages, c. Extended Business Income, manufactured.
the number "60" in Subparagraphs (1)(b) and
(2)(b) is replaced by the number shown in the "Finished stock" also includes whiskey and al-
Declarations for this Optional Coverage. coholic products being aged, unless there is a
coinsurance percentage shown for "Business
SECTION F. DEFINITIONS Income" in the Declarations.
1. "Business Income" means the: "Finished stock" does not include stock you
have manufactured that is held for sale on the
a. Net income (Net Profit or Loss before in- "premises" of any retail outlet insured under
come taxes) that would have been this Coverage Part.
earned or incurred; and

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6 "Loss" means accidental physical loss or acci- property, or the environment regardless of
dental physical damage. whether injury or damage is caused directly or
indirectly by the "pollutants" and whether:
7. "Operations" means:
a. You are regularly or otherwise engaged in
a. Your business activities occurring at the activities which taint or degrade the envi-
"premises"; and ronment; or
b. The tenantability of the "premises", if cov- b. You use, generate or produce the "pollu-
erage for "Business Income" including tant".
"Rental Value" or "Rental Value" applies.
10. "Premises" means the Locations and Build-
8. "Period of restoration" means the period of ings described in the Declarations.
time that:
11. "Rental Value" means "Business Income" that
a. Begins at the time of direct "loss". consists of:
b. Ends on the earlier of: a. Net income (Net Profit or Loss before in-
(1) The date when the property at the come taxes) that would have been earned
"premises" should be repaired, rebuilt or incurred as rental income from tenant
or replaced with reasonable speed occupancy of the "premises" described in
and similar quality; or the Declarations as furnished and
equipped by you, including fair rental val-
(2) The date when business is resumed ue of any portion of the "premises" which
at a new permanent location. is occupied by you; and
c. "Period of restoration" does not include b. Continuing normal operating expenses
any increased period required due to the incurred in connection with that "premis-
enforcement of or compliance with any es", including:
ordinance or law that:
(1) Payroll; and
(1) Regulates the construction, use or
repair, or requires the tearing down (2) The amount of charges, which are
of any property; or the legal obligation of the tenant(s)
but would otherwise be your obliga-
(2) Requires any insured or others to tions.
test for, monitor, clean up, remove,
contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, 12. "Suspension" means:
or in any way respond to or assess a. The slowdown or cessation of your busi-
the effects of "pollutants". ness activities; and
d. The expiration date of the Coverage Part b. That a part or all of the "premises" is ren-
will not cut short the "period of restora- dered untenantable if coverage for "Busi-
tion". ness Income" including "Rental Value" or
9. "Pollutants" means any solid, liquid, gaseous "Rental Value" applies.
or thermal irritant or contaminant, including 13. "Valuable papers and records" means in-
smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, as- scribed, printed or written documents, manu-
bestos, chemicals, petroleum, petroleum scripts or records, including abstracts, books,
products and petroleum by-products, and card index systems, deeds, drawings, films,
waste. Waste includes materials to be recy- maps, mortgages, or proprietary information.
cled, reconditioned or reclaimed. "Pollutants" But "valuable papers and records" does not
include but are not limited to substances mean "money" or "securities" or "electronic
which are generally recognized in industry or data", including the materials on which the
government to be harmful or toxic to persons, "electronic data" is recorded.

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