Foreign Literature
Foreign Literature
Foreign Literature
According to the article of Chen, et. al., 2005 In the context of education system, one possible purpose of
a test is to assess whether a learner has attained an educational goal. The outcome of such a test can help
instructors analyze problems with his method(s) of instruction and to better understand the learner’s
strengths and weaknesses in a given subject. Test can be used to fine-tune the instruction environment or
method based on the analytical results to improve the instructor’s teaching performance. The traditional
method of using paper and pencil tests, including the creation of test items, the grading of students’ test
sheets, and the analysis of learner’s responses for each test item, which is considered to be tedious; and
Computer-Based Tests, an electronic examination, allows test activities to be carried out using different
electronic platform/environment. Basically, the electronic examination (e Examination) system involves
the conduction of examinations using various electronic 32 devices (mobile phones, computers etc)
connected to the testing system via the Internet or the Intranet. The process is predominantly automated,
which means the administration, grading, reviewing of the examination is of little effort. Usually the
examination is in form of multiple-choice test.
According to the article of Ayo, et. al. (2007) as a system that involves the conduct of
examinations through the web or the intranet. They proposed a model for e-Examination in
Nigeria where all applicants are subjected to online entrance examination as a way of curbing the
irregularities as proposed by the Joint Admissions Matriculation Board (JAMB), a body saddled
with the responsibility of conducting entrance examinations into all the Nigerian universities.
This model was designed and tested in Covenant University, one of the private universities in
Nigeria. Their findings revealed that the system has the potentials to eliminate some of the
problems that are associated with the traditional methods of examination such as impersonation
and other forms of examination malpractices Zhenming, et. al. (2003) proposed a web-based
operational skills examination and evaluation system for computer courses. In another research
work by Rashad, et. al (2010), a web-based online examination system was proposed. The
system carries out the examination and auto-grading for student’s examinations. The system
facilitates conducting examinations, collection of answers, auto marking the submissions and
production of reports for the test. It supports many kinds of questions. It was used via Internet
and is invariably suitable for both local and remote examination. The system could help
lecturers, instructors, teachers and others who are willing to create new examinations or edit
existing ones as well as students participating in the examinations. The system was built using
various open source technologies. AJAX, PHP, HTML and MYSQL database are used in this
system. An auto-grading module was generalized to enable different examination and question
types. The system was tested in the Mansoura University Quality Assurance Centre. The test
proved the validity of using this kind of web based systems for evaluating students in the
institutions with high rate of students.
Foreign Literature
According to the Ivey Business School, the experience of adopting the full suite of Telerik
products has been one of progressive improvement in developer productivity, both at the team
and individual developer levels. “We were first introduced to Telerik, like many I’m sure,
through the RadGrid,” says Chris Gagne, formerly Software Development Manager at the Ivey
Business School. “From there we decided to try out the rest of the RadControls, immediately
gaining benefit in both productivity and presentation. We then moved to the DevCraft Complete
collection to make use of other control suites, reporting tools and code quality/refactoring tools.
But we weren’t quite finished yet! Lastly we upgraded to DevCraft Ultimate to get our hands on
the mocking framework.”
Local Studies
According to Studies Cainta Catholic College says that schools are giving entrance examination
to all incoming freshmen in order to test the mental capabilities of every student. In Manual
System, the processing of transactions bf the guidance counselor may take time consuming in
recording, checking and retrieving files of students. If the students did not meet the cut off score
in the examination, the student will repeatedly take the exam until the student will pass. If the
examination is end and the student never meet the cut off score in the examination, the student
will not be qualified to enroll in the school. Entrance examination is also known as the aptitude
test in many universities, and the proponents agreed to it. An examination is an assessment
Intended to measure the examiners knowledge, skilis aptitude physical fitness, or classification in
many other topics. A test may be administered orally, on paper on a computer or in a confined .