Panimula: W1 Learning Area Grade Level Quarter Date I. Lesson Title Ii. Most Essential Learning Competencies (Melcs)

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Learning Area Physical Education Grade Level 10

Quarter 3rd Date

I. LESSON TITLE Active Recreation

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING • Assess physical activity, exercise and eating habits. (PE10PF-la-h-39)
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) • Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes a
day in and out of school. (PEPF-lllc-h-45)

III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT The Filipino Food Pyramid Guide

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities

The base of the pyramid includes activities that are easy, convenient, and
accessible to everyone. These activities, as part of our daily routines, when performed
habitually or daily for a minimum of 30 minutes or even 10 minutes at a time will
provide metabolic efficiency by increasing total energy expenditure. So, if you are
diabetic or obese with poor sugar control and have never engaged in any form of
exercise before, activities like walking, climbing the stairs, and doing household
chores may be a good start.
It is important to note that for beginners, the amount of cumulative activity
time is more important than the specific type and manner of activity. Aerobic
exercises like jogging, brisk walking, swimming, aerobic dancing, and recreational
activities like ballroom dancing, badminton, and tennis burn more calories per minute
per body weight and are advised for those who want to lose more weight. To get the
most benefit from the activity, it should be done 3-5 times a week for at least 30-45
minutes. These activities will also improve your cardiovascular endurance.
Leisure activities like bowling and playing golf burn approximately 0.04-0.09
kcal/min/kg BW. Though these activities are enjoyable and are associated with
energy expenditure, they are not recommended as part of our daily activities. This is
because cardiovascular benefit is achieved only if we can sustain our heart rates at
60-75% of our target heart rate.
Strengthening and flexibility exercises, on the other hand, are intended to
improve bone and muscle strength and improve resilience of our connective tissue.
Although you may do it every day, performing it 2-3 times per week may be enough
to provide you with its maximum benefits.
Activities that burn the least calories should be avoided. The top of the
pyramid refers to activities that are frequently performed by most children and adults
who are overweight. These activities are believed to be responsible for the
progressive rise in obesity and diabetes in the country.
Regular activity is no doubt beneficial to everyone. No one is too old to enjoy
the benefits of regular physical activity. To maintain health, one would need to burn
700-1000 kcal per week. For a 60 kg female walking briskly for 30 minutes (150 kcal) 5
days a week will burn 900 kcal. To lose weight, one should burn 2000-3000 kcal per
week. A 75-kg male walking briskly for 45 minutes (338 kcal) 6 days a week will burn
2,028 kcal and is expected to lose 0.5 pound a week if he keeps his food intake within
the recommended range. Being physically active can help you live a longer,
healthier, and happier life.
Adding physical activity to your day can:
• help you reach and maintain a healthy weight by burning calories
• lower your risk of having chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease,
stroke, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and colon cancer
• help control blood pressure
• lower your risk of having a heart attack
• help you feel good about yourself
• reduce stress, anxiety, and depression
• improve your fitness level
• increase muscle strength
• reduce body fat
• help build and maintain strong bones and joints
• improve flexibility and posture
• help prevent arthritis or relieve the pain from it
• reduce the risk of falling among older adults

The FILIPINO PYRAMID ACTIVITY GUIDE is intended to be a guide that should

help everyone select activity that best fits his lifestyle and health needs. Just 30
minutes of the different activities over the course of a day is healthy and rewarding!
Start getting your rewards, start your EXERCISE NOW!

B. Development Day 1 Learning Task 1: Physical Activity Assessment. Put a check mark ()on how often you
Pagpapaunlad do the following activities.
Activities Minimal Often Regular Habitual Never
(A few (2-3 times (3-5 times (Daily for
times a a week at a week at at least
month) least 30- least 30- 30- 45
45 45 minutes
minutes minutes or longer)
or longer) or longer)
1.Taking the stairs
instead of the
4.Go mall strolling
5. Sit or lie while
watching TV

Learning Task 2: Pick Me up. Identify the following. Choose the correct letter of your
answer from the box. Write your answer in a piece of paper.

a. Break dancing b. Hip-hop culture c. Hip-hop Dance

d. Krumping e. Popping

______1. It is a hip hop dance style based on the technique of quickly contracting
and relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in a dancer’s body.
______2. A dance style which primarily performed to hip-hop music and have evolved
as a part of hip-hop culture.
______3. What culture is created by Djing, rapping, breakdancing and graffiti art?
______4. It is another term for B-boying.
______5. It is a dance style to release anger.

Learning Task 3: Fill in the blanks. Supply the appropriate word in each blank to
complete the paragraph below. Choose your answer from the box. Write it in a
separate sheet of paper.

frequent overweight accessible improve activities

The physical fitness pyramid is a guide to (1) ____________________ your

physical fitness. It recommends different types of (2) ______________________ you
should be doing in a week. To stay physically fit. The closer to the pyramid base, the
more (3) _________________________ the activity. It includes activities that are easy,
convenient and (4) ________________________ to everyone. Strengthening and
flexibility exercise, on the other hand, are intended to improve bone and muscle
strength. The top of the pyramid refers to the activities that are frequently performed
by most children and adults who are (5) ________________________. Regular activity is
no doubt beneficial to everyone. Just 30 minutes of the different activities over the
course of a day is healthy and rewarding.
C. Engagement Day 2 Learning Task 4: Are you ready to dance? This 10-minute dance activity aims to let
Pakikipagpalihan you discover if you can endure dancing for a long period of time. Perform the
following movements with a step close to the right and left alternatively (moving
forward or backward) for 10 minutes having a time music.

Figures Step Pattern Repetition

Close and R and L arm in second position (ct. 1), R 32 measures
Open and L arm in first position (ct. 2)
Arm Raise Raise both arms high (cts. 1,2) 32 measures
Punch Punch R (cts. 1,2) 32 measures
Punch L (cts. 1,2)
Arm Sway Sway both arms high to the R (cts. 1,2) 32 measures
Sway both arms high to the L (cts. 1,2)

D. Assimilation Day 3 Learning Task 5: Share It! We indeed value each other’s fitness and health. So, to be
Paglalapat physically fit and healthy, now is the best time to start if you love yourself. Start getting
your rewards and start your exercise now! Take three pictures of yourself showing that
you value your fitness and health paste it in your notebook/portfolio in MAPEH.

V. ASSESSMENT Day 4 Learning Task 6: Evaluation Time. Given the different activities from the pyramid, write
(Learning Activity the corresponding letter of your answer if you do it M-minimally, O-often, R-regularly
Sheets for Enrichment, and H- habitually. Write it on the space provided before each number.
Remediation or
_____1. Basketball
Assessment to be given
on Weeks 3 and 6) _____2. Tennis
_____3. Stretching
_____4. Swimming
_____5. Baseball
_____6. Playing video games
_____7. Running
_____8. Bicycling
_____9. Yoga
_____10. Active Recreational Activities

VI. REFLECTION In your notebook, will write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts
I understand that __________________________________.
I realize that __________________________________.
I need to learn more about __________________________________.

Prepared by: Grade 10 MAPEH Teachers/ GFLMNHS Checked by: NIMFA P. MANALO

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