Safety Shoe Examples

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IAM/Boeing Health & Safety Institute

Guidelines for Approved Safety Shoes

When purchasing & submitting a Safety Shoe Reimbursement Form, the following information serves
as primary criteria for determining if purchased shoes/boots meet reimbursement category approval.

Categories Definition Example’s Only (Mens) Additional Details

Metallic toe cap shoe Brand: Shoes For Crews Brand: CAT-Burlington Numerous models & styles
Steel-toed that meets or exceeds
Style: 8089 Style: 94043-709
available. Visit with a SHEA
Shoes ANSI compression and rep., approving manager,
impact test requirements. safety or monitor/shop steward
regarding which products best
protect in your work area.
Brand: Iron Age Brand: HYTEST
Composite Sometimes referred to as Style: 608 ID:13106
Shoes/boots of this nature
a “tech toe” lightweight, provide toe protection yet
-toed Shoes non-metallic toe cap that GORE-TEX
reduces concerns associated
meets or exceeds all six with electrical and cold
ANSI safety standards. temperature work conditions.
Brand: WORX Brand: Nautilus
Non-Skid See Non-slip, Slip Style: 5597
See Non-slip, Slip Resistant
Resistant Sole Shoes Style: S105 Sole Shoes
Sole Shoes

Footwear made of rubber, Brand: Bata Hazmax Brand: Lehigh Shoes should be resistant to
Chemical- vinyl or plastic & having Style: 145-4226 Style: 1108 chemicals commonly used in
Resistant synthetic stitching. your job or work area. Shoe
Shoes Designed to keep hazard- design must protect the entire
ous chemicals from foot for chemical resistance
penetrating the shoe/boot. beyond just the shoe’s sole.
Non-slip, slip resistant Brand: Dr. Martens Shoes can only be slip resistant
Non-Slip Industrial Series: Brand: Carolina
Slip-Resistant sole shoes. Shoes with 8836 Style: Regent
and never non-slip. Under some
Sole Shoes tread design characteristics (Slip-on) conditions slips are unavoidable.
that most effectively resist No one sole design is best for all
slippage where conditions conditions. Must be slip/skid
may exist for accidents. resistant per ANSI Standards.

Anti-Static Reduces the accumulation Brand: Red Wing Brand: Hush Puppies Designed for employees who
of excess static electricity. Style: 8662 Style: 30201
Static work with sensitive electronics
Dissipative Commonly used in or highly flammable products.
electronically sensitive Static electricity discharge can
Shoes areas. lead to dangerous situations or
damage sensitive parts.
Pro static dissipative + steel toe
Also referred to as puncture Brand: Lehigh Brand: WORX Preventing injuries from shoe
Metal Chip resistant. Corrosion Style: 1115 Style: 9245 sole punctures is most critical
+ Slip Resist.
Resistant resistant stainless steel mid + Steel Toe feature. Puncture, cut and tear
Shoes sole. Withstands punctures resistance is important for shoe
up to 270 lbs. of force. /boot upper as well.

Note: The intent of the language in Article 16.4b of the 2002 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the IAM and Boeing is to further the
longstanding commitment to individual employee safety and regulatory compliance. Appropriate personal protective equipment and safety
devices such as safety shoes in the above categories should help our joint pursuit of an injury-free workplace. Safety shoes that qualify for
reimbursement are intended to be of an industrial grade nature. In general, tennis shoes and/or casual style shoes that are not steel or
composite-toed, WILL NOT qualify as “approved” safety shoes. If such shoes are advertised by the manufacture as non-slip or non-skid or
slip/skid resistant per ANSI standards they may qualify as reimbursable. Such approvals will be made on a case-by-case basis. Neither the
Boeing Company nor the HSI is recommending or endorsing any particular brand or model of safety shoes/boots.

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