Foundation Types and Considerations
Foundation Types and Considerations
Foundation Types and Considerations
Someone once said, “It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; it is the construction of
the foundation that will stand the test of time.” Although a building is architecturally beautiful
and structurally sound, if the foundation cannot safely support it, the building is doomed to
failure. An engineer takes many factors into consideration when designing a foundation system.
The type of foundation specified for a building depends on the loading, the size and shape of the
building, environmental conditions, the soil conditions, and the cost of construction. In this
activity you will learn about many different types of foundations and when each is used. You
will also investigate soil and environmental conditions for a site to provide information
necessary to the design of a foundation.
Commercial Foundations
1. Research the following foundation types. Document each type with a sketch and describe
the conditions under which each might be used in a table similar to the table shown.
2. Visit the FEMA Flood Map Service Center. Create a FIRMETTE for the Keystone
Library Renovation site. (Select FIRMette under What are you looking for?). Then answer the
following questions.