•Dead loads
•Live loads
•Wind load
•Ground movements of an earthquake
•Pressure imposed by the surrounding soil mass
Classification Of Foundation Systems
Classification of foundation systems
Types of Shallow Foundations
1. Isolated footings
2. Combined footings
3. Strap footings
Selecting And Designing The Type Of Foundation System For A
Selecting And Designing The Type Of Foundation System For A Building
The Foundation Investigation
Why? - To ensure that the proper foundation is chosen based on the soil
conditions, type of structure, and other factors.
Who? - An engineer performs a foundation investigation,
What? - Drafts a foundation report and develops a log of test borings
How ? - Collecting information about the proposed construction site.
•Previously drafted foundation reports,
• Preliminary structure plans,
•As-built plans,
•Area’s historical seismicity information,
•Historical subsurface conditions
Selecting And Designing The Type Of Foundation System For A Building
•Soil investigation