(B) Mode 3 Median - 2 Mean
(B) Mode 3 Median - 2 Mean
(B) Mode 3 Median - 2 Mean
2. Mode is the
(a) middle most frequent value
(b) least frequent value
(c) maximum frequent value
(d) none of these
3. The algebraic sum of the deviations of a frequency distribution from its mean is always,
(a) greater than zero
(b) less than zero
(c) zero
(d) a non-zero number
6. The absccissa of the point of intersection of the less than type and of the more than type
cumulative frequency curves of a grouped data gives its
(a) Mean
(b) Median
(c) Mode
(d) None of these
f 26 20 30 16 22
the upper limit of the median class is
(a) 18.5
(b) 18
(c) 17.5
(d) 17
Less than 20 4
Less than 40 12
Less than 60 25
Less than 80 56
C.I. f
65-85 4
85 – 105 5
105 – 125 13
125 – 145 20
145 – 165 14
165 – 185 7
185 – 205 4
the difference of the upper limit of the median class and the lower limit of the modal class is
(a) 38
(b) 20
(c) 19
(d) 0
f 10 15 12 20 9
the difference of the upper limit of the median class and the lower limit of the modal class is
(a) 0
(b) 5
(c) 10
(d) -5
No. of students 3 9 13 10 5
the number of students who got marks less than 30 is
(a) 13
(b) 25
(c) 10
(d) 12
13. The times, in seconds, taken by 150 atheletes to run a 100 m hurdle race are tabulated below:
C.I. f
13.8-14 3
14 – 14.2 4
14.2 – 14.4 6
14.4 – 14.6 69
14.6 – 14.8 48
14.8-15 20
The number of atheletes who completed the race in less than 14.6 seconds is
(a) 13
(b) 69
(c) 82
(d) 130
14. di is the deviation of xi from assumed mean a. If mean = x+∑fidi∑fi, then x is
(a) class size ‘
(b) number of observations
(c) assumed mean
(d) none of these
15. Mean of 100 items is 49. It was discovered that three items which should have been 60, 70,
80 were wrongly read as 40, 20, 50 respectively. The correct mean is
(a) 48
(b) 49
(c) 50
(d) 60
16. Choose the correct answer from the given four options : In the formula
for finding the mean of grouped data d1 s are deviation from a of
17. While computing mean of grouped data, we assume that the frequencies are
18. A car travels from city A to city B, 120 km apart at an average speed of 50 km/h. It then
makes a return trip at an average speed of 60 km/h. It covers another 120 km distance at an
average speed of 40 km/h. The average speed over the entire 360 km will be
ANS: b
Below 10 3
Below 20 12
Below 30 27
Below 40 57
Below 50 75
Below 60 80
the modal class is
(a) 10 – 20
(b) 20 – 30
(c) 30 – 40
(d) 50 – 60
20.Mode and mean of a data are 12k and 15A. Median of the data is
(a) 12k
(b) 14k
(c) 15k
(d) 16k
7 2
8 1
9 4
10 5
11 6
12 1
13 3
(a) 11
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 11.5
23. The mode and mean is given by 7 and 8, respectively. Then the median is:
24. The mean of the data: 4, 10, 5, 9, 12 is;
25. The median of the data 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 is:
26. If AM of a, a+3, a+6, a+9 and a+12 is 10, then a is equal to;
27. The class interval of a given observation is 10 to 15, then the classmark for this interval
will be:
28. The mean of following distribution is:
xi 11 14 17 20
fi 3 6 8 7
29. While computing mean of the grouped data, we assume that the frequencies are:
Answer: (C)
2. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
(A) Searching sources of information to locate problem.
Answer: (C)
(B) Useability
(C) Objectivity
Answer: (D)
Answer: (C)
5. A reasoning where we start with certain particular statements and conclude with a
universal statement is called
(A) Deductive Reasoning
Answer: (B)
Answer: (C)
Answer: (D)
8. In the process of conducting research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis” is followed by
(A) Statement of Objectives
Answer: (C)
Answer: (C)
10. The chapter that details the way in which the research was conducted is the _________
Literature review
Research methodology
Data analysis
Conclusion and recommendations
11. 3. Business research has an inherent value to the extent that it helps management make
better decisions. Interesting information about consumers, employees, or competitors
might be pleasant to have, but its value is limited if the information cannot be applied to a
critical decision.
12. The researcher should never report flaws in procedural design and estimate their effect on
the findings.
13. Adequate analysis of the data is the least difficult phase of research for the novice.
14. The validity and reliability of the data should be checked occasionally
15. Researchers are tempted to rely too heavily on data collected in a prior study and use it in
the interpretation of a new study
17. Greater confidence in the research is warranted if the researcher is experienced, has a
good reputation in research, and is a person of integrity
18. A complete disclosure of methods and procedures used in the research study is required.
Such openness to scrutiny has a positive effect on the quality of research. However,
competitive advantage often mitigates against methodology disclosure in business
19. Research is any organized inquiry carried out to provide information for solving
20. In deduction, the conclusion must necessarily follow from the reasons given. In inductive
argument there is no such strength of relationship between reasons and conclusions.
21. Conclusions must necessarily follow from the premises. Identify the type of arguments
that follows the above condition.
Combination of Induction and Deduction
Deduction Variables
22. Eminent scientists who claim there is no such thing as the scientific method, or if exists,
it is not revealed by what they write, caution researchers about using template like
23. One of the terms given below is defined as a bundle of meanings or characteristics
associated with certain events, objects, conditions, situations, and the like
24. This is an idea or image specifically invented for a given research and/or theory building
26. In the research process, a management dilemma triggers the need for a decision.
27. Every research proposal, regardless of length should include two basic sections. They are:
Work plan
Draft plan
All of the above
30. Non response error occurs when you cannot locate the person or could not encourage the
respondent to participate in answering.
31. Secondary data can almost always be obtained more quickly and at a lower cost than
33. Scale that indicates the relative position of two or more objects or some characteristics is
A) Ranking Scale
B) b) Ordinal Scale
C) c) Arbitrary Scale
D) d) Ratio Scale
34. Method that involves the selection of items by a panel of judges on the basis of their
relevance, the potential for ambiguity, and the level of the attitude they represent
a) Cumulative scale
b) b) Arbitrary Scale
c) Item Analysis
d) d) Consensus Scaling
35. 6) Even numbered non-verbal rating scale using single adjectives instead of bipolar
opposites is
36. called
38. 8) 7-point rating scale with end-points associated with bipolar labels that have semantic
meaning is
39. 9) Scale in which the respondent directly compares two or more objects and makes
choices among
40. them is
41. 11) Original source from which researcher directly collects the data that has not been
42. collected
43. 12) Technique in which the respondents and/or the clients communicate and/or observe
by use
45. 13) Issue to be considered for the secondary data include which of the following a)
46. Method that involves recording the behavioural pattern of people, objects and events in a
47. 15) Technique that allow several members of a hiring company to interview a job
candidate at
51. 18) In validity of measurement scales, validity can be measured through several methods
b) Greater Anonymity
d) None of these