VR-Vs V8 Distributor Remove-Replace
VR-Vs V8 Distributor Remove-Replace
VR-Vs V8 Distributor Remove-Replace
1. Depressurise fuel system, refer to
MANAGEMENT, in the VS Series
Service Manual.
2. Disconnect battery earth lead.
3. Remove bolts securing engine trim covers to inlet
manifold, remove covers.
Figure 6D2-3-8
Figure 6D2-3-9
5. Disconnect spark plug leads from spark plugs and
rocker cover retainers.
Open spark plug lead harness retainers at end of
each cylinder head.
Figure 6D2-3-10
Figure 6D2-3-11
7. Remove high tension lead from coil terminal.
8. Disconnect wiring harness connector from
9. Push back distributor cap retaining clips, remove
distributor cap and leads.
Figure 6D2-3-12
Figure 6D2-3-13
Figure 6D2-3-14
Reinstallation of the distributor, cap and
leads is the reverse of removal procedures,
noting the following points:
1. The timing mark on torsional damper
should be at T.D.C. position, and both
valves on number one cylinder should be
closed. If necessary, rotate crankshaft to
achieve correct timing.
2. Install rotor button and align with number one
cylinder reference mark. Rotate rotor button counter
clockwise approximately 42 degrees until drive gear
roll pin is aligned with oil drain hole in distributor
body, refer Fig 6D2-3-12.
3. Remove rotor button, maintaining alignment
described in step 2.
4. Install distributor into cylinder block.
NOTE: The distributor shaft will rotate during installation
as the helical gears mesh.
5. Install distributor clamp, retainer and securing bolt.
Leave bolt finger tight.
6. Check to ensure that rotor button is pointing to
number one reference mark and tighten clamp
securing bolt.
7. Ensure that engine harness connector is correctly
installed into distributor connector.
Figure 6D2-3-15
NOTE: Perform the distributor hall effect sensor test with
the distributor assembled.
1. Rotate the distributor shaft until a trigger vane of
toothed disc is outside the Hall effect sensor air gap.
2. Connect the positive side of a regulated 12 volt
power source to an ammeter, then connect the
ammeter to the '+' terminal on the distributor
3. Connect the negative side of the power source to a
voltmeter, then connect the positive side of the
voltmeter to the '0' terminal on the distributor
4. Connect a 1.5 K ohm resistor between the positive
side of the voltmeter and the ammeter (refer Fig.
5. Connect the '-' distributor terminal to the negative
side of the power source.
6. The voltmeter should indicate 0.4 volts (400 mV), or
less, and the ammeter should read less than 20 mA
(at 24 degrees C.).
7. Rotate the distributor shaft until any trigger vane is Figure 6D2-3-16
within the Hall effect sensor air gap.
8. With the trigger vane within the air gap the
voltmeter should indicate 11.0 volts and the
ammeter should read less than 20 mA (at 24
degrees C.).
9. Replace any Hall effect sensor assemblies
damaged or out of specification.
1. Remove distributor cap.
2. Remove the distributor rotor button.
3. Remove connector housing retainer clip,
using a small screwdriver as a lever,
then separate the housing from terminal
4. Remove two screws securing the Hall
effect sensor plate.
5. Support the drive gear in a wooden 'V'
block, then drive out the roll pin, using a
suitable pin punch and hammer. Remove
the drive gear and thrust washer set.
6. Push shaft from housing by applying a
light force at drive shaft end.
7. Remove circlips from shaft, using circlip
8. Remove the plastic bush and Hall effect
sensor plate from shaft.
9. Drive the toothed disc from the shaft,
using a suitable sleeve and a hammer.
NOTE: Do not misplace the drive key when
removing the disc (refer Fig. 6D2-3-14).
10. Press the bushes from the housing using
a suitable press, if replacement is
Figure 6D2-3-17
Reassembly is the reverse of
DISASSEMBLE procedure, note the
following points;
1. Align the toothed disc drive slot and
shaft keyway, and install drive key.
2. Support the distributor in a soft jaw vice,
and lightly tap the toothed disc into
position using a suitable sleeve and
NOTE: Check to ensure that there is no
foreign debris trapped within the Hall effect
sensor air gap.