Recreation: Pass College

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Quezon Avenue, Alaminos City, Pangasinan

NSTP II Subject
Module 4/Week 4
2nd Semester A.Y 20202-2021

There are various young athlete’s bill of rights. They are as follows:
1. The right to have the opportunity to participate in sports regardless of one’s ability
2. The right to participate at a level commensurate with child’s development level.
3. The right to have qualified adult leadership.
4. The right to participate in a safe and healthy environment.
5. The right of each child to share leadership and decision-making.
6. The right to play as a child and no as an adult.
7. The right to proper preparation for participation in sports.
8. The right to equal opportunity to strive for success.
9. The right to be treated with dignity by all involved.
10. The right to have fun through sport.
 LARONG PINOY is more than a game, it is a great vehicle to instill patriotism, pave
ways for family bonding, and a great way enliven neighborhood communities. Larong
Pinoy will teach the youth to love our country, to take pride in being Filipinos. The
lessons they learn through play will be a part of their lives for always. Filipinos are
inherent of being fond of recreation. They seemed to be playful yet very productive.
There are over forty known challenging and competitive Filipino traditional games. To
cite a few, Laro ng Lahi includes the following:
are five members in each group. The “it “of each
member of the group stands on the water lines. The
perpendicular line in that the parallel line intersects,
thus increasing the chances of the runners to be
trapped even only one member of a group is tagged
the whole group will be the “it”.


preso is also known as presohan is a
popular Filipino street game and is
commonly seen in most Filipino movies
and TV series. Members take the
following rules: one as the “taya”,
someone who takes the rule of a player at
stake and holds the responsibility of the
Lata (tin can), and two others as the players striking. The game is performed by having
players a “pamato” (which is one’s own slipper) used for striking the tin that is held
beside the taya. As to how the game cycles, the taya, is obliged to catch another player to
take over in position of running after the tin that keeps from throwing away by the strikes

Quezon Avenue, Alaminos City, Pangasinan
NSTP II Subject
Module 4/Week 4
2nd Semester A.Y 20202-2021

of the players. Nevertheless, the taya is only privileged to do so only if the player is
holding on his way a pamato and when the tin is on its upright position. Hence, running
after another player is keeping an eye to the tin can’s position. As for the players, they
have their whole time striking the tin can and running away from the taya keeping
themselves safe with their pamato since making the tin fell down helps another player
from recovering. Instance like having everyone had their turn over is one big climax of
the game that leads them to panic since case is that taya has all his rights to capture
whether the player have a hold of their pamato or not.
COW- is a popular variation of Luksong Tinik.
One player crouches while the other players
jump over him/her. The crouching player
gradually stands up as the game progresses,
making it harder for the other players to jump
over him/her. Then he/she will be the taya if he
dangled if the baka. It will repeat again and
again until the players declare the player or
until the players decide to stop the game.
THE THORNS- two players serve as the base of the
tinik by putting their right or left feet together (soles
touching gradually building the tinik). A starting point
is set by all the players, giving enough runway for the
players to achieve a higher jump, so as not to hit the
tinik. Players of the other team start jumping over the
tinik, followed by the other team members.
E. PIKO- is the Philippine variation of the game
hopscotch. The players stand behind the edge of a box
and each should throw their cue ball. The first to play is determined depending on the
player’s agreement. Whoever succeeds in throwing the cue ball nearest to the place they
have agreed upon will play first. The next nearest is second, and so on.
F. LUKSONG LUBID – is being done
by two people hold both ends of a
stretched garter horizontally while the
others attempt to cross over it.The
goal is to cross without having tripped
on the garter. With each round, the

garter’s height is made higher than the previous

round. The higher rounds demand dexterity, and the
players generally leap with their feet first in the air,
so their feet cross over the garter, and they end up
landing on the other side. Also, with the higher

Quezon Avenue, Alaminos City, Pangasinan
NSTP II Subject
Module 4/Week 4
2nd Semester A.Y 20202-2021

levels, doing cartwheels to “cross” the garter is allowed.

G. PALO-SEBO- this is called as greased bamboo pole climbing. This game involves a
greased bamboo pole that players attempt
to climb. This games usually played
during town fiestas, particularly in the
provinces. The objective of the
participants is to be the first person to
reach the prize (a small bag) located at
the top of the bamboo pole. The small
bag usually contains money or toys.
H. SAWSAW-SUKA- the name literally
translates to dip into vinegar.
The “it” has his palm open while the other players touch this with their index fingers,
singing “sawsaw sika mahuli taya!” which translates to “dip into the vinegar, the last one
(or the caught one) becomes the “it”. And indeed, the “it” tries to catch any player’s
finger at the end of the song.
I. SIPA or GAME OF KICK- the object being used
to play the game is also called sipa. It is made of a
washer with colorful threads, usually plastic straw,
attached to it. The sipa is then thrown upwards for the
player toss using his/her feet. The player must not
allow the sipa to touch the ground by hitting it several
times with his/her foot, and sometimes the part just
above the knee. The player must count the number of
times he/she was able to kick the sipa. The one with
most number of kicks wins the game.
A. SWIMMING- it a unique sport that has advantages. It provides optional
cardiovascular and control benefits without risk of leg injury. It is the perfect
substitute activity for otherwise land-bound athletes recovering from hip, knee and
ankle problems. Breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly and freestyle are the acceptable
swimming strokes for the Progression Program. Proper swimming technique is a must
for fitness development as well as sport enjoyment.
B. VOLLEYBALL- this competitive sport improves the cardio-respiratory endurance
and strength of the students. This enhances the value of fair play, team work,
cooperation, unity and solidarity. Skills like serving, receiving, setting up, spiking,
and blocking develop proficiency, timing and precision. Through participation to this,
it vehemently hones the skills of the students. This Holyoke, Massachusetts
originated sport that was developed by Sir William Morgan builds and tones up the
muscles that will lead to a sound body.
C. BADMINTON- this individual and dual sport originated in India which was first
known as poona. This is an excellent exercise activity that offers cardiovascular
stimulus for those who are in good condition.


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