AOI Drift Indicator System
AOI Drift Indicator System
AOI Drift Indicator System
Drift Indicator
Accurate, dependable
drift indicator assures
vertical holes TIMING DEVICE
Years of real-world experience working AOI has a proven track record of delivering
on rigs in the oil and gas drilling industry products and services worldwide – backed
means AOI personnel understand the by the integrity and commitment to provide
tough, demanding requirements of your the individual attention necessary to meet
drilling operations and your critical need your specific requirements.
for the best, most dependable tools.
Drift Indicator System
1 Optional, for use instead of sand line rope socket. 2 Not including sinker.
Drift Indicator System
Drift Indicator System
Ten different sets of Drift Indicator
System equipment are available for use
in specific drilling conditions and with
specific running methods Components
Instruments and charts available in Double Recorder – Measures and records hole inclination.
0-7˚, 8˚, 14˚, and 16˚ values Consists of two main assemblies enclosed in a stainless
steel case:
Go-Devil available in 1-5/16 and
⋅ Angle Indicator – Perforates a circular chart to indicate
1-5/8-inch outer diameter
the drill angle.
Variety of Go-Devil assemblies available ⋅ Timing Device – Determines the time at which the
for various methods of running the tool, reading will be made.
including free-dropping, sand-lines, and Go-Devil – Protects the double recorder from shock,
core barrel adapters pressure and fluid.
Standard unit operates in wellbores Various other tools and components, such as rope sockets
up to 350˚ F (93˚ C) and Go-Devil sinker weights and stabilizers.
Hot Well unit operates in wellbores Tools for maintaining the Double Recorder.
up to 500˚ F (260˚ C)
AOI Instrumentation Toll Free Phone (in the U.S. only): 800.972.1676
105 Bonin Road Phone: 337.837.1676
Lafayette, Louisiana 70508 USA
Fax: 337.837.6599
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