AOI Drift Indicator System

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Drift Indicator
Accurate, dependable
drift indicator assures
vertical holes TIMING DEVICE

For accurate measurement of deviation

from vertical in wellbores, the AOI Drift
Indicator System is the most reliable
and easy-to-use drift indicator available.
This essential tool enables the driller
to maintain a controlled, absolutely
vertical drill path.
The system consists of a Double Recorder
that records hole inclination; a Go-Devil that
protects the Double Recorder from shock,
pressure, and fluid; Double Recorder
maintenance tools; and a variety of equipment
options. The Double Recorder includes two main
parts: an angle indicator and a timing device.


Easy to operate – Any member of the crew


can read measurement data.

Completely mechanical system –
Requires no liquid or electrical equipment.
Reliable, accurate measurement – Helps prevent
costly deviations from the vertical path.

The AOI Advantage

Years of real-world experience working AOI has a proven track record of delivering
on rigs in the oil and gas drilling industry products and services worldwide – backed
means AOI personnel understand the by the integrity and commitment to provide
tough, demanding requirements of your the individual attention necessary to meet
drilling operations and your critical need your specific requirements.
for the best, most dependable tools.
Drift Indicator System

Drift Indicator System/Running Method Overview Rotary Drill Running Methods

Ten sets of Drift Indicator System equipment are Method # Description
available for use in specific drilling conditions and with 1 Go-devil is run into the drillpipe and
specific running methods. Each set is referred to as an pulled out on a line.
Operating Unit. Refer to the following table to determine 2 Enables a record to be taken when the bit
the best system to use for each running method. is at the bottom of the hole.
3 Go-devil is free-dropped into the drillpipe
Running Method Capability and recovered when the string is removed
Operating Operating Rotary Drill Cable Tool Go-Devil from the hole.
Unit # Unit P/N 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 O.D., I.D. 4 Go-devil is attached to standard core
barrel retrieval equipment and run into
1 ASU 0691 x x x x 1-5/8, 1-1/4
the drillpipe when the core barrel is
3 ASU 0693 x x 1-5/16, 1
4 ASU 0694 x x 1-5/16, 1
5 A sand line is used to run the go-devil into
5 ASU 0695 x x x x 1-5/8, 1
and out of the drillpipe.
6 ASU 0696 x x x x 1-5/8, 1-1/4
6 For large diameter holes. Go-devil is
7 ASU 0697 x x x x x 1-5/8, 1
run into and out of the drillpipe on a
12 ASU 0612 x x 1-5/16, 1
1/4- to 5/8-inch wire line.
13 ASU 0613 x x 1-5/16, 1
14 ASU 0614 x 1-3/8, 1 Cable Tool Running Methods
15 ASU 0615-101 x 1-5/8, 1-1/4 Method # Description
15 ASU 0615-102 x 1-5/8, 1 1 Go-devil is inside a pipe welded to the
bailer, and the bailer and go-devil are
Equipment for Rotary Drill Running Method 1 lowered into the hole.
2 Go-devil is attached below the sinker
Equipment part numbers for each Operating Unit weight or swab iron assembly, with a sand
Operating Unit numbers line rope swivel between the sand line
Equipment 1 4 5 12 14
rope socket and the sinker weight.
Go-devil ASG 9999 ASG 1111 ASG 9911 ASG 9900 ASG 9010
Outer dimension (inches) 1-5/8 1-5/16 1-5/8 1-5/16 1-3/8
Double recorder ASR 2999 ASR 1999 ASR 1999 ASR 1994 ASR 1999
Measuring line swivel ASS 1299 ASA 1299 ASA 1299 ASA 1299 N/A
Upper retrievable finger stabilizer N/A N/A N/A N/A ASF 1299
assembly (part of go-devil)
Sinker weight (optional, 3 max.)
1-5/8 x 20-inch or ASL 2199 ASW 2199 ASL 2199 ASW 2199 N/A
1-5/16 x 18-inch
Length and Weight

92.31 91.01 83.6

Total length (inches) 92.31 96.71
31.62 22.03 11.0
Total weight (pounds) 38.62 24.23
1 Without sinker weights. Add 16.3 inches for each sinker weight.
2 Without sinker weights. Add 10.3 pounds for each sinker weight.
3 Without sinker weights. Add 6.8 pounds for each sinker weight.

Equipment for Rotary Drill Running Method 2

Equipment part numbers for each Operating Unit
Operating Unit numbers
Equipment 3 6 7 13
Go-devil ASG 1111 ASG 9999 ASG 9911 ASG 9900
Outer dimension (inches) 1-5/16 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/16
Double recorder ASR 1999 ASR 2999 ASR 1999 ASR 1994
Sand line rope socket ASL 2029 ASS 2029 ASS 2029 ASL 2029
Measuring line swivel assembly1 ASA 1299 ASA 2299 ASA 2299 ASA 1299
Sinker weight (72-inch) ASW 2009 ASW 4008 ASW 4008 ASW 2009
Core barrel overshot ASO 5099 ASO 5199 ASO 5199 ASO 5099
Upper core barrel connection ASC 1199 ASC 2299 ASC 2299 ASC 1199
6-finger stabilizer N/A ASA 3499 ASA 3499 N/A
3-finger stabilizer ASB 3499 N/A N/A ASB 3499

Length and Weight

Total length (inches)2 99.1 111.0 111.0 104.8

Total weight (pounds)2 27.4 31.1 46.1 26.9

1 Optional, for use instead of sand line rope socket. 2 Not including sinker.

Drift Indicator System

Equipment for Rotary Drill Running Method 3

Equipment part numbers for each Operating Unit
Operating Unit numbers
Equipment 1 4 5 12
Go-devil ASG 9999 ASG 1111 ASG 9999 ASG 9900
O.D. (inches) 1-5/8 1-5/16 1-5/8 1-5/16
Double recorder ASR 2999 ASR 1999 ASR 1999 ASR 1994
3-finger stabilizer ASA 4200 ASA 3100 ASA 4200 ASA 3100
Sinker weight ASL 2199 ASW 2199 ASL 2199 ASW 2199
(optional, 3 max.)
Length and Weight

Total length (inches)* 92.8 94.4 92.8 97.1

Total weight (pounds)* 31.3 22.0 38.3 24.2
* Without sinker weights. For Operating Units 1 and 5, add 16.3 inches and 10.3 pounds for each sinker weight.
Without sinker weights. For Operating Units 4 and 12, add 16.3 inches and 6.8 pounds for each sinker weight.

Equipment for Rotary Drill Running Method 4

Equipment Equipment part numbers for Operating Unit 7
Go-devil ASG 9911
Double recorder ASR 1999
6-finger stabilizer ASA 3499
Optional equipment: ASC 1199
Core barrel upper connection –
PAA reed ASC 2299
Core barrel upper connection –
PCC or PDD reed ASO 5099
Overshot PAA ASO 5199
Overshot PCC ASO 5299
Overshot PDD
Length and Weight

Total length (inches) 110.9

Total weight (pounds) 57.5

Equipment for Rotary Drill Running Method 5

Equipment part numbers for each Operating Unit
Operating Unit numbers
Equipment 3 6 7 13
Go-devil ASG 1111 ASG 9999 ASG 9911 ASG 9900 Equipment for Rotary Drill Running Method 6
O.D. (inches) 1-5/16 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/16 Equipment part numbers
Double recorder ASR 1999 ASR 2999 ASR 1999 ASR 1994 for Operating Unit 15
Sand line rope socket ASL 2029 ASS 2029 ASS 2029 ASL 2029 Equipment ASU 0615-101 ASU 0615-102
Sand line swivel ASL 2020 ASA 2019 ASA 2019 ASL 2020 Go-devil ASG 9999 ASG 9911
Measuring line swivel ASA 1299 ASA 2299 ASA 2299 ASA 1299 Double recorder ASR 2999 ASR 1999
assembly* Sand line socket ASS 2029 ASS 2029
6-finger stabilizer N/A ASA 3499 ASA 3499 N/A Sand line swivel ASA 2019 ASA 2019
3-finger stabilizer ASB 3499 N/A N/A ASB 3499 Retrievable centralizer1 ASA 3362 ASA 3362
72-inch sinker weight ASW 2009 ASW 4008 ASW 4008 ASW 2009
72-inch sinker weight ASW 4008 ASW 4008
(optional, 2 max.)
Length and Weight
Length and Weight
Total length (inches)2 316.0 (26-1/3 ft.) 316.0 (26-1/3 ft.)
Total length with 1 sinker 181.41 193.61 193.61 187.21 Total weight with 1 sinker 184.0 191.0
weight unit (inches) weight unit (pounds)2
Total weight with 1 sinker 54.52 86.33 93.333 56.62 Expansion dimensions 15 max., 8 min. 15 max., 8 min.
weight unit (pounds) (inches)
* Optional, for use instead of sand line rope socket and sand line swivel. 1 For each additional centralizer, add 34.7 inches and 31.0 pounds.
1 With a second sinker weight, add 70.3 inches. 2 For each additional sinker weight, add 70.3 inches and 42.0 pounds.
2 With a second sinker weight, add 26.5 pounds.
3 With a second sinker weight, add 42.0 pounds.

Drift Indicator System

The AOI Drift Indicator System

records tiny changes in the drill
angle – as small as fractions of
a degree – so the drill path can
be quickly and efficiently
corrected back to vertical.

Ten different sets of Drift Indicator
System equipment are available for use
in specific drilling conditions and with
specific running methods Components
Instruments and charts available in Double Recorder – Measures and records hole inclination.
0-7˚, 8˚, 14˚, and 16˚ values Consists of two main assemblies enclosed in a stainless
steel case:
Go-Devil available in 1-5/16 and
⋅ Angle Indicator – Perforates a circular chart to indicate
1-5/8-inch outer diameter
the drill angle.
Variety of Go-Devil assemblies available ⋅ Timing Device – Determines the time at which the
for various methods of running the tool, reading will be made.
including free-dropping, sand-lines, and Go-Devil – Protects the double recorder from shock,
core barrel adapters pressure and fluid.
Standard unit operates in wellbores Various other tools and components, such as rope sockets
up to 350˚ F (93˚ C) and Go-Devil sinker weights and stabilizers.
Hot Well unit operates in wellbores Tools for maintaining the Double Recorder.
up to 500˚ F (260˚ C)

AOI Instrumentation Toll Free Phone (in the U.S. only): 800.972.1676
105 Bonin Road Phone: 337.837.1676
Lafayette, Louisiana 70508 USA
Fax: 337.837.6599
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AOI Instrumentation is a registered trademark of and the AOI logo is a trademark of Acadiana Oilfield Instruments, Inc. All other brand names and product names are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright © 2003 Acadiana Oilfield Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved. p/n DS-511 04/03

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