Laporan Unit 4
Laporan Unit 4
Laporan Unit 4
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Responsibility lecturer
Determine the Equilibrium Constant of the reaction for the formation of
Triodide Ions.
Physical chemistry is a field in chemistry that studies the physical aspects
of matter and energy and their mechanisms of change. Physical chemistry is
generally divided into the fields of thermodynamics, kinetics and quantum.
Chemical thermodynamics studies matter and the energy that accompanies it,
which in essence studies the basic laws of thermodynamics, while kinetics is a
field that studies aspects of the process of changing a material in a reaction or
other interaction. In kinetics, several techniques to determine the mechanism of a
reaction are also studied (Fatimah, 2015: 2).
Chemical equilibrium is achieved when the rates of the forward and
reverse reactions are equal and the concentrations of the reactants and products
remain constant. Chemical equilibrium is a dynamic process. As such, it can be
likened to the movement of skiers at a busy ski resort, where the number of skiers
carried up the mountain on the chair lift is equal to the number coming down the
slopes. Although there is a constant transfer of skiers, the number of people at the
top and the number at the bottom of the slope do not change. Note that chemical
equilibrium involves different substances as reactants and products. Equilibrium
between two phases of the same substance is called physical equilibrium because
the changes that occur are physical processes. The vaporization of water in a
closed container at a given temperature is an example of physical equilibrium. In
this instance, the number of H2O molecules leaving and the number returning to
the liquid phase are equal:
H2O(l) ΔH2O(g)
(Chang, 2010: 616)
Chemical reactions tend to move towards a dynamic equilibrium in which
both reactants and products are present but have no further tendency to undergo
net change. In some cases, the concentration of products in the equilibrium
mixture is so much greater than that of the unchanged reactants that for all
practical purposes the reaction is ‘complete’. However, in many important cases
the equilibrium mixture has significant concentrations of both reactants and
products. In this chapter we see how to use thermodynamics to predict the
equilibrium composition under any reaction conditions. Because many reactions
of ions involve the transfer of electrons, they can be studied (and utilized)
by allowing them to take place in an electrochemical cell. Measurements
like those described in this chapter provide data that are very useful for
discussing the characteristics of electrolyte solutions and of ionic equilibrium in
solution (Atkins, 2006 : 200).
The process of a solute dissolved in one solvent being pulled out, or
“extracted” into a new solvent actually involves an equilibrium process. At the
time of initial contact, the solute will move from the original solvent to the
extracting solvent at a particular rate, but, after a time, it will begin to move back
to the original solvent at a particular rate. When the two rates are equal, we have
equilibrium (Kenkel, 2003: 304).
By extraction is meant the process of removing from a mixture, usually an
aqueous solution, one or more substances by shaking with a liquid in which the
substances to be removed are soluble. Aniline, for example, is somewhat soluble
in water; when the solution is shaken with ether a large part of the aniline is
removed from the water and passes into solution in the ether. As aniline can be
recovered much more readily from an ethereal solution than from an aqueous
solution, extraction, of such solutions is made use of in the preparation of the
compound. The liquid used for extracting must be immiscible with the solution to
be extract. In extracting a solution it is shaken in a separatory funnel with a liquid
in which the substance to be extracted is readily soluble. The substances
commonly used for this purpose are ether, chloroform, benzene, petroleum ether
or ligroin, and carbon disulphide. Ether is generally used as it is an excellent
solvent for many organic compounds, and, on account of its low boiling-point, it
can be readily removed. The disadvantages connected with the use of ether are its
great inflammability and the fact that it is somewhat soluble in water and
dissolves appreciable quantities of water (Norris, 1924:21).
The applications of redox titrations include the determination of metals,
with two well-defined oxidation states, which are present in metallurgical samples
and ores. In order to dissolve the material, it may be necessary to use oxidative
conditions, for example, concentrated nitric acid. This will convert the majority of
the ions into their higher oxidation state, and in order to titrate them they must
first be reduced quantitatively. This may be done by passing the acidified
solution through a Jones reductor, which contains a zinc-mercury amalgam.
The effluent may then be titrated using a suitable oxidant. Some organic
compounds, such as phenols, may be determined by bromination with a
bromate/bromide mixture, followed by back titration of the excess using
thiosulfate (Kealey, 2003:94).
The equilibrium constant, then, is defined by a quotient, the numerator of
which is obtained by multiplying together the equilibrium concentrations of the
products, each raised to a power equal to its stoichiometric coeffi cient in the
balanced equation. Applying the same procedure to the equilibrium concentrations
of reactants gives the denominator. The magnitude of the equilibrium constant
tells us whether an equilibrium reaction favors the products or reactants. If K is
much greater than 1 (that is, K > 1), the equilibrium will lie to the right and favors
the products. Conversely, if the equilibrium constant is much smaller than 1 (that
is, K < 1), the equilibrium will lie to the left and favor the reactants. In this
context, any number greater than 10 is considered to be much greater than 1, and
any number less than 0.1 is much less than 1. Although the use of the words
“reactants” and “products” may seem confusing because any substance serving
as a reactant in the forward reaction also is a product of the reverse
reaction, it is in keeping with the convention of referring to substances on the
left of the equilibrium arrows as “reactants” and those on the right as
“products.” (Chang, 2010: 618)
The equilibrium constant of oxidation-reduction reactions is, in turn,
strongly related to the differences in the standard oxidation-reduction potential
involved. The proper explanation of this correlation needs a good working
knowledge of chemical thermodynamics. In the following factual treatment this
assumed for a more detailed understanding the reader should consult textbook of
physical chemistry (Svehla,1979: 128).
In aqueous solutions, reactions that involve ions are generally fast and
equilibrium is usually assumed; recall acid–base and complex-ion equilibrium
calculations done in general and analytical chemistry. Equilibrium analysis is
important in environmental chemistry studies of the composition of water systems
such as lakes and in dealing with air pollution. shows that significant amounts of
NO are present in heated air at equilibrium. The formation of NO in automobile
engines and in industrial burning of coal and oil in power plants pollutes the
atmosphere. is not quantitatively applicable to automobile engines because the
combustion of the fuel depletes the air of oxygen and because there is not enough
time for equilibrium to be reached, so NO formation must be analyzed
kinetically. The existence of a standard equilibrium constant K° P that depends
only on T is a rigorous deduction from the laws of thermodynamics. The only
assumption is that we have an ideal gas mixture. Our results are a good
approximation for real gas mixtures at low densities (Levine, 2009 : 175-179).
The Gibbs free energy change, ∆ G °, is the fundamental criterion of
spontaneity, reaction occur spontaneously at a given temperature if ∆ G ° is a
negative quantity. The free energy of the absorption reaction, considering the
adsoption equilibrium constant, K, is given by:
∆ G ° = -RT ln K.
The equilibrium constant “K” as defined mathematically is given in:
(Igberase, 2017: 674)
Iodine, I2, is slightly soluble in water but dissolves in water containing I-
ions, for example in KI solution. I2 and I- in aqueous solution will form triodide
ions, I3- and the reaction is an equilibrium reaction, namely:
I2 + I- ¿ I3-
This equilibrium takes place in aqueous solution, so it is necessary to calculate the
relevant concentrations in water. From the experiment to determine the
distribution constant, the Kd value can be calculated, then with the formula:
[ I 2 ] H2 O
Kd =
[ I2 ] CCl4
Can be calculated the concentration of [I2] H2O with the equation
[I2] H2O = Kd [I2] CCl4 and then can be calculated [I3-] H2O and
[I-] H2O (Tim Penyusun, 2021: 21)
The observed and predictedlog Kd values were compared and
the consistency between these two sets of log Kd indicated that the
adsorption models developed in this study could predict the distribution
coefficients (Tang, 2019: 1304)
In the experiment Iod free was titrated with sodium thiosulfate using
starch indicator until the blue color disappeared. Starch solution serves as an
indicator to determine the end point of the titration. Starch solution must be stored
in a cool place because this solution is easily damaged. Sodium thiosulfate must
be standardized first so that the concentration of the solution is always stable so
that there is no error in determining the peroxide number (Fitriani, 2018: 71-72).
Sodium Thiosulfate Solution is the standard solution used in most
iodometric processes. This solution is usually prepared from the pentahydrate salt
(Na2S2O3.5H2O). This salt has an equivalent weight of the molecular weight
(248.17), so in terms of weighing accuracy, this is advantageous. This solution
needs to be standardized because it is unstable in ordinary conditions (at the time
of weighing). The stability of the solution is easily affected by low pH, sunlight
and the presence of bacteria that utilize sulfur. The stability of the Na 2S2O3
solution in storage is the best if it has a pH between 9-10. Light can affect this
solution, therefore this solution must be stored in a dark bottle and tightly closed
so that light cannot penetrate the bottle and the stability of the solution is not
disturbed due to the presence of oxygen in the air (silviana, 2020: 143).
1. 10 mL of I2 in CHCl3 saturated solution was pipetted and puted in
Erlenmeyer flask with its closing.
2. The solution of I2 in CHCl3 was reacted with 100 mL of KI 0.1 M and
mixed during 15 minutes.
3. The solution was silenced.
4. After silenced, the solution was entered into separation funnel and
separated the upper layer and bottom layer.
5. For every layer was pipetted 2,5 mL and entered into Erlenmeyer flask.
6. For every layer was titrated with Na2S2O3 0.02 M solution.
7. The volume of Na2S2O3 solution which use in titration was noted.
8. The data of experiments was noted in observation table.
. Activity Result
1. Unsaturated solution I2 in CHCl3 10
Orange solution
mL, determined by measuring cu +
(formed 2 layer)
100 mL KI solution
2. Shaked + Chilled Formed 2 layer + 2 minutes
(bottom layer = dark purple)
(top layer = orange)
3. I2 in CHCl3 2 mL is titrated Titration 1 = 2 mL
Titration 2 = 2,4 mL
Titration 3 = 2,6 mL
4. I2 in H2O 2 ml is titrated Titration 1 = 1 mL
Titration 2 = 1 mL
Titration 3 = 1 mL
M Na2S2O3 = 0.02 M
V I2 in CHCl3sulution = 2 mL = 2 x 10-3 L
VI2 in H2O solution = 2 mL = 2 x 10-3 L
V Na2S2O3 to titration I2 in CHCl3
Titration I = 2 mL
Titration II = 2,4 mL
Titration III = 2,6 mL
V Na2S2O3 to titration I2 in H2O
Titration I = 1 mL
Titration II = 1 mL
Titration III = 1 mL
Asked: K = …?
The reaction: Na2S2O3(aq) → 2Na+(aq) + S2O 2−¿¿
3 (aq)
Kesetimbangan kimia adalah suatu keadaan dimana konsentrasi seluruh
zat tidak lagi mengalami perubahan, sebab zat-zat diruas kanan terbentuk dan
terurai lagi dengan kecepatan yang sama. Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan
tetapan kesetimbangan adalah hasil kali konsentrasi setimbang zat diruas kanan
dibagi hasil kali konsentrasi setimbang zat diruas kiri., masing-masing konsentrasi
dipangkatkan dengan koefisien reaksinya. Sehingga dengan tetapan
kesetimbangan ini dapat diketahui ketuntasan suatu reaksi serta arah suatu reaksi
Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk menentukan tetapan kesetimbangan ion
triodida, dengan prinsip dasar percobaan ini yaitu terdistribusinya zat terlarut
diantara 2 pelarut yang tidak saling bercampur. Percobaan ini larutan I 2 jenuh
dalam CHCl3 sebanyak 10 mL direaksikan dengan KI 0,1 M 100 mL, lalu
mengocoknya selama 15 menit. Digunakan larutan KI untuk menyediakan ion
iodida. I- hasil ionisasi dari KI yang nantinya akan membentuk I 3- hasil ionisasi
dari KI yang nantinya akan membentuk I3-.kemudian dikocok dalam corong pisah
untuk mendistribusi iod kedalam pelarut kloroform dan air.
Reaksinya adalah :
KI(aq) K+(aq) + I-(aq)
I-(aq) + I2(aq) I3-(aq)
Kedua lapisan tersebut kemudian dipisahkan dan masing-masing diambil
2,5 ml untuk dititrasi melalui metode titrasi iodometri yaitu titrasi redoks dengan
larutan standar yang melibatkan I-.
Gambar 3 : kedua lapisan dipisahkan dan dimasukkan kedalam masing-
masing 3 erlenmeyer
Chemical equilibrium is a state in which the concentration of all
substances no longer changes, because substances in the right side are formed and
decompose again at the same rate. Meanwhile, what is meant by the equilibrium
constant is the product of the equilibrium concentration of the substance in the
right side divided by the product of the equilibrium concentration of the substance
in the left side, each concentration is raised by its reaction coefficient. So that with
this equilibrium constant it can be seen the completeness of a reaction and the
direction of a reaction.
Based on the experiments that have been carried out, it can be concluded
that the equilibrium constant of the reaction for the formation of triodide ions is
4,2 x 10-1 M-1
It is hoped that the next practitioner, when shaking the mixture, is really
shaken vigorously and in the direction of the iodine so that it is perfectly