Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Background: Clinical reasoning is a process by which physiotherapists interacted with patients, their family and other health- care
professionals. It is the thinking process that professionals tend to apply in clinical practice. Given that novice as well as expert
practitioners prefer to go through some steps while they were dealing with unfamiliar cases. This process is known as hypothetico
deductive reasoning. This reasoning approach involved the generation of hypothesis based on clinical data and knowledge and
testing of hypothesis through further inquiry. We are expert in musculoskeletal physiotherapy treatment and favoring the atypical
history of patient we went through step by step from assessment to discharge
Methods: A case based study through hypothetico deductive reasoning model of clinical reasoning. The objective of the study was
to investigate the physiotherapy management strategies of an atypical ankle sprain patient through hypothetico deductive reason-
ing which comprised of cue acquisition, hypothesis generation, cue interpretation and hypothesis evaluation by implementing
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
Results: The patient responded well to treatment as patient reported that 100% swelling decreased, could bear more weight (95%)
on foot, decrease pain (1 cm on 10 cm VAS scale), improved muscle strength by manual muscle testing by grade V in ankle planter
flexors (PF) as well as dorsiflexors (DF), invertors as well as evertors and the functional status of patient was improved by 80%
according to lower extremity functional scale.
Conclusion: Clinical reasoning is an important approach in physiotherapy. It helps the practitioners in decision making and choos-
ing the best alternative options for the well being of patients. We think it is necessary for all practitioners to have sound proposition-
al and non-propositional knowledge in order to provide effective management protocol for patients focusing ICF. Even though we
have been treating patients with musculoskeletal problems on regular basis, the atypical pattern of this patient give us the impres-
sion not to use pattern recognition all time for all patients rather using hypothetico deductive reasoning (HDR) where appropriate.
Keywords: Clinical reasoning, ankle sprain, hypothetico deductive reasoning, cue acquisition, hypothesis evaluation and ICF.
Received 24th March 2016, revised 07th April 2016, accepted 17th May 2016
nization (2002) describes any injury causes not only phys- Weight bearing ability Nil
Walk 6
Running Jumping
ical impairments, but also causing limitation in activities,
restriction in participation and contextual factors which Self-reported function 30% ADL 60% ADL 80% ADL 95% ADL
have been perfectly described by ICF [11]. Conversely, ICF
Throw, Throw,
gives a standard language and framework for the descrip- Participation in sports Nil passing dribbling Full court
tion of health and health-related conditions. According drills Half court
to ICF, patient showed disease/condition as ankle sprain,
impairments as pain, muscle weakness, swelling, changes Table-I: Four weeks Treatment and Rehabilitation Flow-
in skin color, temperature, decrease range of motion and chart
kinesthetic sensation. Activity limitations were walking, CASE REPORT
schooling, playing basket ball and running. Participation Ms. X is a 15 years old girl injured her right ankle approx-
restrictions were unable to participate in social gathering, imately 3 to 4 weeks ago. She described the mechanism of
personal factors were 15 years old girl and psychological- injury as an inversion ankle sprain while playing basket
ly depressed about prognosis. Environmental factors were ball at school. She described as if she heard a pop sound
living in 4th floor and school was 20 kilometer (km) away at the time of injury. She also experienced severe pain and
from house. was unable to place any weight on the right foot. Her coach
PHYSIOTHERAPY TREATMENT advised her to take rest, apply ice, elevation and a compres-
The atypical natures of symptoms actually force us to dis- sion bandage wrap. She was also advised to walk with ax-
cuss the condition in a case conference where we set goals illary crutch while bearing as much as weight as tolerated.
for her depending on ICF. The short term aim of treatment Following two days of this approach, she was not improved.
was to minimize pain, swelling, to increase neuromobility, Patient and her mother became anxious. X was not able
to increase range of motion, to increase thoracic mobility to walk with crutch. Her uncle and aunty who were living
and to improve weight bearing ability within 2 weeks. In with her thought it might be her psychological expressions
addition, the long term to make her independent and re- of pain. Regarding these issues, her mother brought her to
turn to sports with 4 weeks. The treatment we provided ice general physician (GP) and he suggested X- ray and there
for 10- 15 minutes every 2 hourly. In addition, we advised was no evidence of fracture. Then GP diagnosed as right
her to perform 10 repetitions of knee extension exercise lateral ankle sprain. GP prescribed medication and non-
and advised her to continue it at home. After five days of weight bearing gait and advised her to perform ankle dor-
Mohammad Habibur Rahman, Md. Shofiqul Islam, Ehsanur Rahman, Samena Akter Kakuli, Shamima Islam Nipa,
Journal of Physiotherapy, 3(3), 263-266.